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With almost 300 individual stories posted, another 35 plus in development at various stages, at least a dozen finished but not posted, two books published, and a wicked, naughty imagination, I still didn't see it coming.

What if in real life the least possible, least plausible thing happened?

The story is real, the situation is real, the consequences are real, and the only thing changed is the names, places and details where necessary. This just happened, is still happening, and if I don't lose everything, I just might gain something. No matter the result, I will share every detail. Just know, this is not one of my high speed, chaos and mayhem filled stories. This will take time to tell, you already know that sex and cheating is involved, but it wasn't a snap decision. Neither was the strange, odd, very weird relationship that resulted from the choices I made. Simply put, there is nothing fake about any of this and will not go like you expect because I'm writing about it, not writing it.

Sometimes when we get what we want, it's not what we need.

But what we needed was right there all along.

Any people, places, names, products or events mentioned are done so without permission or endorsement, this is a work of fiction based on real events. Names and places have been changed in order to protect me, the people involved, and for the safety and sanity of all of us. Thank you for reading.

You know who I am. If you've read my work, you know who I am. Jeff, Joe, Jason, John... Let's call me Joe, say I'm 45 years old with short graying black hair, stand about 5' 10" with hazel eyes and a could use more exercise dad bod. I could definitely use more exercise! I work for a retail store that sells things and the truth is, at any age it's hard to find a good job. Multiply that exponentially for someone 45 years old, not in the best shape, with no vehicle and not much hope from life. The upside is while people everywhere complain they can't get hours, can't get a raise, can't get this, that or the other thing, my employer pays well, allows overtime, we get bonuses and incentives. The downside is we're always short staffed, doing double and triple work, and the days seem longer than they are. Honestly, sometimes I forget what day it is, and if it wasn't for WWE I might.

‘RAW' on Monday's, ‘NXT' on Tuesdays and ‘SMACKDOWN' on Fridays.

Plus they just added ‘EVOLVE' on Wednesdays and ‘LFG' on Sunday.

Since you asked.

So I have worked for GREEN FAMILY LUMBER sometimes referred to as ‘GREEN's' or ‘GFL' for almost 5 years. During that time I recovered from a brutal separation and divorce, then a crappy rebound relationship where I got bled dry financially. The end result was my car being repossessed and my credit tanking. I lost my apartment, most of my possessions, my car, and my dignity. I found out my ‘friends' weren't my friends, we all know the story.

The thing is, I actually lived it.

So I worked hard, struggled with life and depression, and eventually got back on track. Of course During that struggle, that rebuild, I had a couple more crappy relationships, got fucked over by a friend that I should never been a roommate with, failed more than I tried, had ups and downs with online and app dating, and just wished for happiness.

Then with no warning whatsoever, I met Julie.

I was standing there doing my job when she came in. I didn't have the details then, so don't be confused when I give them to you now. 34 years young, 5' 10" with shoulder length black hair, crisp, ice blue eyes, a mostly fit, just had a baby body, and that smile. Her name is... let's call her Julie because it's my favorite female name. She was carrying a newborn baby in a car seat and looking at something we sold. I don't know what it was that alerted me to her, what caused me to look, glance away, then look again because she was stunning. I write all kinds of romance and erotica, describing both real and imaginary women. In my life I have dated plain girls, hot girls, cute girls, fit girls, curvy girls, tall girls and short girls. All colors of hair, all shapes and sizes, and between my imagination and memory, I was still captivated.

Maybe it was because I'm single, alone and lonely? Maybe it was because it was Tuesday? Maybe I was horny? Maybe it was because unlike the women I imagine and describe in my stories, this was real life, she was beautiful, attractive, and in good shape for obviously having just had a baby? Her jeans seemed to have tears, shredded I think they're called? I could see most of her surprisingly flat stomach because of a half or three quarter top she had on, and she just had this happy smile as she looked at the item she was interested in. The oddest feeling came over me as I stocked products near my counter... the last time I had these thoughts, these feelings from just seeing a woman, I married her and we had three children. This isn't the case, but for what it's worth, something kept me from just looking at a pretty girl then going about my business. Even as I worked and waited on customers, I stole glances and I stared. She really was very pretty and looked great. Yeah, maybe I was lonely and horny.

Still, there was something about her.

Poise? Confidence?

When she decided to buy the item, carrying her tiny newborn in the car seat, she came up to my counter and greeted me with a smile. Just as she was talking to me about the item she wanted to buy, I interrupted her. It was unprofessional, but you had to be there and see what I saw. I asked her to back up, to let me see her jeans. She laughed, blushed, stepped back, and when I couldn't stop my gasp, she laughed "You like?" Even to describe it doesn't do it justice. Her jeans had multiple lines or rows of shredded holes or areas, from the pocket/crotch area down her thighs to below her knees. The best part besides ALL the tan skin I saw peeking out from both upper thighs and lacy pink from what had to be panties. Her mostly flat stomach was exposed to just below her full chest, and she just stood there smiling even as I had to have stared way too long. I normally am super composed, very professional, and usually shy. At that moment I found myself and said "You don't look like you just had a baby." Even as she asked "I don't?", I added "You're beautiful."

I sold her what she wanted, we flirted back and forth, it wasn't my imagination or a writer making the main character sound good. To be completely honest, as I was giving her a receipt, I honestly don't remember what it was, but something I said caused her to reply that she wished her boyfriend felt that way. I can tell you this, in my 30 or so years of dating, knowing women, and being around humans, I know that a good majority of couples get into a rut and don't appreciate what they have.

My separation and divorce are proof of that.

Still, no one is as lucky as my characters so I smiled and called for a carry out. Of course they were busy. She made a joke about always having to wait and I decided to break a rule and do it myself. No lie, no exaggeration, maybe it was because I had complimented her and she would probably never see me again, but it seemed like she was still flirting. Nothing overt, no invitations for an affair, but flirting nevertheless. I loaded the item into her NEW huge, oversized, clearly owned by a guy compensating truck and she touched my arm and thanked me.

In a world where everyone is afraid of intimacy, it was nice.

I thanked her, she said "No, thank you. You made me feel special. It was nice." I went inside and then someone came for the carryout, a friend and coworker named Jack, and when I told him about the hottie, he asked "Oh yeah? Where?" I pointed, he looked and could see her in the truck, and he said "Damn dude. Usually don't see girls like that around here."

Wasn't that exactly my point?

She waved as she pulled out.

Just being friendly, right?

That night I went home alone, ate alone, watched WWE wrestling alone, ‘NXT' if it matters, and went to bed alone. It is what it is. At least I didn't have anyone complaining about everything or telling me what to do, how to do it, and what I couldn't do. So yeah.

The next morning, shortly after we opened, maybe around 10am, I was stocking drinks and there she was. No baby or carrier this time, and smiling in a cute, light blue and white, flirty knee length skirt, a tight sheer, short sleeve white three quarter shirt with a blue bra showing through. Her hair was wavy, she was smiling, and she said "So hi." I think random, mumbled words came out, I might have drooled, and she just stood there proving God existed. I blinked, she was still there, and she blushed as she stepped a bit closer and said "I would pay good money for what you do for free." I was having trouble breathing as she inched slightly closer and asked "Is it okay to give you a tip?" I blinked and she added "For yesterday?" I couldn't think so I said "I didn't do anything." She shook her head, her hair danced slightly, she smiled, and then she said "I don't agree" as she put a small gift card sized envelope in my hand, blushed, then asked "Wait until I go?"

I stared into her eyes, found courage I forgot I had, and asked "Do you have any idea how..." She touched my lips with a finger, shook her head, then asked "When you read it? Think about what I'm asking." She started to leave, stopped, glanced around, then leaned close and whispered "No matter what you decide, thank you for making me feel special." Then she just smiled and left. Dear God. I have created some of the hottest imaginary fictional women I could think of and here was walking, talking reality.

All of my favorite cliches and in this moment, none were created by me.

Younger, with someone, a hottie, seemingly interested in me, I was beside myself. I had to wait on two customers and answer the phone, but finally I slipped down an aisle and opened the envelope. Inside it was another envelope and a small folded note that said "If you're interested, open the envelope and you'll know what to do. No matter what, thank you for making me feel seen and making me feel special." A red heart and it was signed "Julie." Inside the second envelope were two small folded pieces of paper. One with her phone number, another red heart, and again her name "Julie." The other was a short note that said "If you read this, text me and I'll come take you to lunch so we can talk. Julie." No red heart, but I was fine.

And that's where the reality set in.

This wasn't one of my stories.

I had been cheated on in the past and it devastated me.

My three great loves were Nicole, Linda and Jennifer. Nicole cheated on me and dumped me, a one two punch that hurt so much that weeks later my mom, brother and I moved to Florida. That's where I met Linda, spent 7 years with her, asked her to marry me, and she cheated on me and dumped me. I'll never forget the pain and all the questions like why, what did I do wrong, etc. As for Jennifer, if you read my stories and pay attention, you know what she did to me and that it took years to get past. Also unlike my stories, this young woman was exactly that. Early to mid thirties, I would find out later she was 34, and I was closer to 50 than I wanted to admit. More importantly, I was in less than average shape, not particularly good looking, and had a decent but dead end job. The excitement that she might be interested was tempered by cold hard reality. I just didn't see what I could possibly have to offer her. Still, curiosity won and I got coverage, lied that I had to call my pharmacy, and went outside to call Julie.

She answered on the second ring with a question "Hello?" I said "Hey, it's Joe" and she gasped "Oh my God, I'm so nervous. I didn't think you would actually call me." I was quiet until she asked "When can you take lunch?" I shrugged even though she couldn't see me and said "Any time. Now I guess." Julie had me smiling, sounded excited, and she asked "Ten minutes?" I said "Sure" and she said "Bye" and hung up.

The look on Jack's face when Julie pulled up in the huge new truck and I got in was priceless. Julie was still in the cute, short skirt outfit and she blushed when she caught me staring at her legs. Instead of making things awkward, Julie touched my hand then said "It's okay. I'll tell you a secret. We dress this way so you'll look. Anyone who tells you anything else is lying."


I didn't care where we were going for lunch, I was staring at her legs and said "You really don't look like you just had a baby." Julie said "Well, uhmm... so truth time. I don't have any kids." I blinked rapidly and asked "But I thought..." Julie parked at a fast food place and said "So my sister had some appointments and I was watching my niece and when you thought it was my baby I just went with it because it's easier than explaining that I'm out of shape and need to start exercising again."

Wow. Again with wow.

The writer in me came out and I said "If this is you out of shape, I worry what you look like when you're in shape." Julie stared at me intently, her chest rose and fell with every deep breath, and then she asked "You really mean all these compliments, don't you?" I had nothing to lose so I said "Let me put it this way. Someone who looks like you usually doesn't notice or speak to someone who looks like me." Julie inhaled slowly and deeply then said "Well, I think that would be their loss, but you didn't answer my question."

I smiled and asked "Are you sure?"

Julie got out of the truck, waited for me, then oddly took my hand, slipped her fingers into mine, and said "Let's see what you think after we talk." It was nice, holding hands, and she did something no one I had ever dated had ever done. After I paid, standing there waiting for our food, we faced each other, I was leaning against a railing and she moved to stand between my legs facing me, put her hands on my waist, and sighed "Hi."

Anyone who knows me, knows that I would trade all the sex in the world for intimacy and attention. I prefer love and romance over sex and lust. It comes out in my stories, it's just who I am and what I like. No bullshit, no drama, no writing. 100 percent truth.

It turned into a hug, an embrace, and it was nice until our food was ready and she sighed as we got our drinks and sat down. Then we talked. I had nothing to lose, and there was a very real spark between us, a connection I would have never expected or imagined. Right out of the gate, Julie asked "Why you, right?" I nodded and she said "Shortest possible version is he ignores me, insults me, cheats on me, and I'm not happy. I wasn't looking, he had me convinced that I was stuck. Quite simply you were excited to see me, bold enough to flirt, and all of it seemed genuine."

I sipped my soda then said "It is. I never expected to actually get your attention. I just carry on what my father taught me. There's not enough kindness and love in this world. Why not thank someone, help someone, compliment someone?" Julie smiled then flirted "Right, because you were just being nice to me. No ulterior motives?" I stared at the young, beautiful woman, exhaled, then said "What if I said yes to both?" Julie blinked, blushed and looked away, then asked "So you just flirt with everyone?" I shook my head vehemently and said "No. I'm usually so shy that I wouldn't know if someone was hitting on me if they wrote it down."

Julie laughed, held my hand on the tabletop, then asked "So what was different about me?" I shrugged, slipped my hand free to eat, she smiled and did the same, and then I said "Well, do you want me to be honest?" Julie leaned closer and said quietly "Yes. Please. I think we both know we wouldn't be here if we weren't interested in whatever might happen."

Unlike my stories, even my reali-fake stories and my mostly true stories, this was real life, she was 20 years younger than me, had a boyfriend, and all cliches aside, was not just out of my league, she was in a completely different one. So I took a chance and told her the truth. I told her about my stories, how I wish women were honest, loving and loyal, how I prefer a clingy, attentive woman over any other type, and then I went for broke and told Julie that her poise, her carefree confidence, her flirty nature, and her stunning good looks combined with her real woman body... she captivated me. Julie wasn't a 10. 10's aren't real. I sighed and told her to me she was an 8 and that should be a compliment since my wife was an 8, and in my dating history I usually got lucky to have 6's and 7's.

Julie had a look I rarely describe.

It was a combination of interest and consideration.

It hit me like a ton of bricks.

She was listening to me.

She was listening to me and cared about what I had to say. That was worth more than gold to me. Julie sighed then said "I have to go do something, but I would like to see you, talk some more..." She held my hands atop the table and said "I want to see you before I talk myself out of it. Please say yes?" I did and she sighed, smiled, gripped my hands, then asked "What time do you get off work?" I said "Six" and she said "So here's the thing and I'm not trying to push you. Once you find out who he is, who my boyfriend is, it might change everything." I blinked. Julie gripped my hands again, closed her eyes, was breathing slow and deep, then said quietly "You know who he is. Everyone there does, but you know him, you like him, and he talks about you." Wow. I racked my brain, but to be honest, it's not like our customers bring their girlfriends and wives in when they buy stuff, or just shop.

Julie said "I'm sure a dozen people have called or texted him between the time I picked you up until this moment right now." I inhaled, stared at Julie, she stared back and said "So you have to be all in and be ready to accept me, because we can't... we won't be able to sneak around. I will have to leave him to be with you."


I blinked rapidly as Julie squeezed my hands and said "Breathe. Breathe Joe. Regardless of the risk, I want to come get you after work, go back to your place, do something we both want, and then talk. Talk about whether it was something risky and fun, say goodbye, and never talk again, or do we go all in." I laughed "You know that I write stuff like this?" Julie said "I don't know it, but you said it and I have no reason to doubt you." I said "That's fair. My point is, of all the stories I have written, I never wrote a situation like this because who would ever consider it?" Julie sighed "Consider what? Us meeting, the spark, the potential sex, and the cost of that sex, or me being willing to leave a one sided, verbally and mentally abusive relationship for someone who seems to see me, hear me, and actually want me. Not as a prize or a trophy or a fuck, but as a friend, potential lover, and hopefully more?"

It was so crazy it just might be for real.

I said "You know what Julie? I can only die once and from what I see and know, you are worth it. My answer is yes." Julie was brewing. If I was right, she wanted to touch me, hold me, kiss me, maybe more. I lit the match and pushed her further by saying "I changed my mind. You're not an 8. After careful consideration you're a 9, and with some love and care, there's no doubt in my mind you will become a 10." Julie seemed to flashover, she closed her eyes, inhaled deeply, exhaled, then whispered "I'm a good girl. I'm kind, caring and loyal." She inhaled again, stared into my soul, then breathed "But I'm not dead. I have needs, I have wants, and you like to push."

It was my turn to inhale as Julie gripped my hands again, exhaled, then said quietly "Any concern, second thoughts or hesitation to fuck you vanished when you pushed my buttons just now. I need you to go back to work, have the best afternoon ever, and know what you have coming when I pick you up and take you back to your place." I sighed "Well, I brought this on myself" and Julie laughed, then her eyes got sad as she asked "If I can figure something out and come up with a good lie, can I stay with you tonight?"

I nodded then said "I'm all in, no matter the cost or what it might mean." Julie sighed "After you pay your bill for the buttons you pushed, we can talk, but the bill is pretty high, just so you know." I grinned and said "I might be 45, but I can still..." Julie interrupted me "You're 45?" I blinked, nodded, and she gasped "No way." I let go of her hands but she hurriedly got up, sat crowded beside me in the small booth, glanced around, seemed nervous, then whispered "Screw it" and we kissed. It was a warm, wet, frantic and anxious kiss, but I liked it. I held her, she gripped me, then she eased back panting "We should go." I nodded but Julie touched her head to mine, stared into my eyes, and whispered "You know we're gonna do it. Just know I haven't been this excited since high school. Just by being you, treating me well, and flirting, you made me feel excited again. Thank you." I kissed Julie and she put her lips to my ear and asked "Any chance you can leave early today?" I blinked, inhaled, then nodded "I think so. When? What time?"

Julie didn't answer. She gathered up our trash, handed me my half full cup of soda, threw our trash away, then walked ahead of me to her vehicle. She was quiet the short way back to the store, parked right out front, then said "I need an hour to run him something on his jobsite. I'm going to lie to him and say I'm going to my mother's for the weekend."

I blinked.

Today was Wednesday.

Julie said "So yeah, that means we could have 4, maybe 5 days together." I said "Do it. I want you." Julie blushed but I touched her face and said "Both ways Julie. People jump into relationships all the time, no one is perfect, everyone has quirks and I don't care. I'm willing to do this, especially if I get you in the deal." Julie kissed me furiously, right there in public in front of the store. When she eased back, nervous, she said "Okay. Okay, we're doing this. I'll see you in an hour or so. I'll come inside and find you when I get back." I said "Thank you" but Julie asked "This is more than just sex and fun, right?" I said "I sure hope so." Julie sighed "Me too" then kissed me again.

I got out of her truck, she waved, drove off, and one of the outside guys named Riley hurried up to me saying "Dude. Was that Mike Parker's girlfriend?"

Oh shit.

Mike Parker?

Fuck me.

I looked at Riley, blinked, went inside to clock in, then went right upstairs to HR and asked to leave early. Sally asked "Are you okay?" I stared at her then said "Something came up. Something personal. Can I possibly use some of my leave?" Sally did something on her computer, talked about how I always came in early, stayed late, covered shifts, then said "You had this weekend off. I can cover you tomorrow and Friday and use some of your leave to do it." I said "Thank you" and started to leave, but Sally said "None of my business, but Mike Parker has called four times to talk to you. He said it's important. Any correlation to you being seen in his truck and having lunch with his girlfriend?" I stared at Sally and asked "Am I fired?" She shook her head and said "He's an ass who thinks we're here to serve him, and you didn't hear that from me. Just be careful. Someone always knows someone. Clock out like normal when you leave and come in your usual time Monday."

I waited on a couple of customers, mixed some paint, took a phone call, then signed for a delivery. Larry, one of the owners, walked past me, stared hard, then stopped and asked "Can I see you for a minute?" I sagged, exhaled, nodded, and followed Larry outside and into the lumber section. He said "Mike Parker" and I said "I can explain." Larry asked "Explain what? He called and said from now on he wants you to have all his business and that we should promote you. Something about a huge favor you did for him?"

What in the actual fuck?

Larry said "I'll have to talk to my sister, but you were due a raise anyways. I understand you just suddenly took some time off for personal reasons? Are the two matters related?" I said "I think everything will make sense in a few days. Either that or you'll be saying nice things at my funeral." Larry laughed and walked away. What was so funny? I didn't tell a joke. Sigh. I went inside, had about 25 minutes until Julie would be back, so I went up front to check on the cashiers.

Three minutes later Mike walked up to me and said "Let's talk."


Hold on, I was confused.

Julie said she was taking something to him at a jobsite?

Mike and I walked to an empty aisle, he picked up a box of nails, looked at it, put it back, then said "Relax. If I was here to confront you, we would be in the parking lot." I blinked and he asked "Do you want to play games and gamble who knows what, or can we have a candid conversation?" I was honest when I told Julie I could only die once and she seemed worth it. I exhaled then said in a low voice "She wants to leave you." Mike smiled "That's her version huh?" I stared at Mike who asked "Did she tell you why?" What was I supposed to say, that she claimed he was abusive? I was still thinking when Mike said "I got tired of her complaining about everything and started ignoring her. She's gorgeous but never stops talking, complains about everything, and sometimes I just want some quiet."

Did not see that coming.

Mike gripped my shoulder and said "I like you and I respect you." I inhaled but he let go of my shoulder, chuckled, then said "I started seeing someone a few weeks ago, so she's not lying when she says I started ignoring her. We haven't slept together in a couple weeks."


Mike said "We've been arguing about everything lately, and to be honest, I was hoping she would pick a fight and leave, so I could be with Beth." Was this the fucking twilight zone or some kind of alternate universe? Mike said "You have no reason to believe me aside from the fact that I have never lied to you, always treated you with respect, and recognize your loyalty and dedication. So ask yourself this... how is it possible someone who looks like her could be single or have someone leave her?" I blinked then Mike said "If you can deal with all the talking and griping, she's hotter than a campfire, a pretty good cook, and cleans up around the house like it's her job. The problem is, she never stops talking and trust me when I tell you this, with talking comes complaining."

I inhaled because if anyone knew that truth it was me.

Jennifer complained like it was her job and she was hoping for a promotion.

All while people outside our house thought she was a sweet, pretty, perfect wife. Hmmm. I stared at Mike, conflicted and overthinking, and he asked "How about this? If I'm wrong... if she doesn't start complaining and picking at things sometime today... I will personally help you move her things." I narrowed my eyes as Mike smiled an evil smile "But, when she does start complaining... and she will... you're stuck with her until she finds her next victim."

I've said it a couple of times... this isn't one of my stories.

I sucked up all the courage I could summon, exhaled, then said "I have no idea who is right, who is wrong, but I never intended to get into your business." Mike said "Again, if this were THAT discussion, we would be having it in the parking lot." I blinked then he said "Don't lie to me and we're good. She's not mine to give away, but for lack of better phrasing, she's yours with no bullshit." I exhaled then Mike said "The truth is, she's sweet, loyal and adorable, but she's never happy and she just won't stop talking."

Then Mike slapped my arm and walked away.

I was still standing there, possibly minutes later, when Julie walked up to me with an angry expression and tears on her face. She came right up to me, held me in a firm embrace, and just started crying. It took some effort with her wrapped around me, but I moved us to the end of the aisle, brushed her hair with my fingers and asked "What happened?" Julie said "Not here" and I continued to hold her. I wasn't sure why, and it didn't really matter, but Julie had changed from her cute skirt into black leggings, a simple white blouse, and sneakers.

Julie looked into my eyes, hers were red and wet, and she asked "Can you leave? Can we go?" I can repeat myself over and over that this isn't one of my stories and I can't determine the outcome, positive or negative. I was seriously conflicted and uncertain, especially since Mike hit all my concerns with women, relationships, and lies. He could be lying, probably was exaggerating, however, maybe Julie was a complainer? I exhaled and said "Yeah. We can go." With a deep sniffle then a cough, Julie smiled a sad smile at me, held my hand, and we walked to the nearest computer so I could clock out. Janet, Larry's sister and the other owner, walked up and asked "Can I have a minute before you head out?" Julie gripped my hand, I looked at Janet and asked "Is it private?" Janet smiled at me, gave Julie a nice smile, then said "That's up to you. I think you know what it's about." We went outside, over to staff parking, and Julie asked me "Are we okay?" She said ‘we' not ‘you', ‘me' or ‘I'. Hmmm.

I didn't answer because I wasn't sure.

Janet smiled at Julie again then said "I refuse to meddle in your personal business, so let me ask. Rumors be damned, the fact that Mike Parker's girlfriend is here with you, holding your hand, says everything and nothing. My question is why is Mike calling Larry and myself, insisting we promote you, give you a raise, shift all his business to you, and then you're riding around with her in his truck, having lunch with her, and then this... whatever this is?" Julie said "We broke up because he's mean and not the nice guy you think he is." Janet exhaled, blinked, looked at me, then asked me "Tell me you know what you're doing?" I said "I don't." Julie inhaled and let go of my hand as I continued "I met Julie, we had some mutual chemistry so she took me to lunch to talk about it. During that lunch she told me some things and then while I was processing everything she said, Mike showed up and tried to get me promoted, a raise, and gave Julie to me." Janet inhaled.

Julie asked "He did what?"

I said "Before words get twisted and anyone reacts, Julie and I are going to spend some time together and Mike gave me his word that he wanted to break up with Julie and if she and I get along, he would personally help me move her stuff." Julie gasped and just walked away while Janet shook her head and said "Wow. You can't just tiptoe through the minefield? You just have to drive a bulldozer straight through it." I laughed because that was good enough to add to my repertoire.

As you can see, I just did.

Janet said "I talked to Larry, you are getting a raise because you deserve it, you've earned it, and we will talk Monday about your promotion. Just so we're clear, Mike was the final push for a decision that Larry and I have been discussing, but he did not coerce or influence our decision." I sighed then Janet asked "Are you aware who Julie's family is? She has money, so she wasn't with that idiot Mike Parker for his money, whatever that means to you." Janet shook her head, said "Be careful and try to make better decisions" then walked back to the store. For every glossed over, heroic thing I have ever had my characters say or do in my stories, I just stood there unsure... wondering...

Wondering many things.

Julie had driven off, left, whatever. I checked my phone. No call or text from Julie or anyone else. Damn. I went back to the store, waited on a customer, called a vendor, and ended up working for about an hour before I finally texted Julie, but got no response. Damn. Well now what? I stood at the time clock computer for a good couple of minutes, before I thought ‘screw it' and went outside to call Julie. Twice she sent me to her voicemail, but I was determined to know if I needed to go back upstairs to HR and revoke my time off request. The third time I called her she answered "WHAT?" I exhaled and said "I didn't want to believe Mike when he said you were a complainer, that you become a bitch when you don't get what you want." Julie asked "How dare you?" There was silence as I watched cars and customers come and go, then Julie asked "Do you even know why I'm mad?" I said "No. I just met you." Julie was quiet so I asked "Why don't you come back and get me so we can go somewhere and talk?" Julie huffed "You mean come get you so we can go to your place and fuck?" Since she was being a bitch I said "Sure since you basically promised. I'll wait out front for you" then hung up on her.

Either I would never hear from her again, or we were about to have angry sex.

Even as I stood outside after clocking out, I realized the odds of us having angry sex was closer to zero than reality. It made for a great sentence though. I was playing EPIC SEVEN on my phone when Julie pulled up in a sporty Toyota car, flashed me a quick fake smile, then stared at her steering wheel. The upside was she was young, hot and beautiful. The downside, including Mike Parker, was that she seemed to have a temper and maybe the story Mike told me about Julie's attitude might have some basis. I got into her car, she didn't even look at me or acknowledge me, just backed out and drove to my apartment building. She turned off the car and asked "If I decide to stay, will I need a pass?" I said "Yes. Let's go to the office and get one." Julie huffed and made a point of keeping space between us. To be honest, writing this story aside, I didn't see what I had done wrong. I'm sure someone reading this is bored and just wants me to get to the sex, but this is NOT that story. In the leasing office, the agent was friendly and asked "How long will she be staying?" Julie turned her back to the window, glared at me, and huffed, so just to be an asshole, I said "Through Monday to start."

Julie narrowed her eyes at me but I kept a smile on my face until I had the pass and then the agent said "She's very pretty." I smiled a sincere smile and said "I know. I'm really lucky." Julie was blinking at me when I held out my hand. She stared at it, took it, then we walked back to her car. With the pass on her dashboard, she said "I'm still not happy with you, but grab my bag and I'll carry the other one." At my door, before I unlocked it, I asked "Deep breath and a real conversation?" Julie exhaled and said "Fine" and we went inside.

To be completely honest, despite all my writing, all my fictional, created ‘situations', I never saw it coming. Truthfully, to say I never saw it coming is an understatement as Julie dropped her bag, pushed me against a wall, and kissed me furiously. I was gasping "What?" and she said "Shut up", so I dropped her other bag and grabbed her firm ass as we kissed hungrily. We kissed for several minutes and suddenly I realized we were against a wall in my living room. I separated from Julie who was visibly aroused, emptied my pockets, held out my hands, and she gave me her keys and phone. I looked towards my bedroom, she said "Don't talk", so I nodded and led her to the bed.

There was no striptease, no romance or foreplay, we just got undressed. Julie had an amazing body, better than any I have made up and described. Her skin was smooth, she was closer to fit than not, had firm round breasts, stiff nipples, a shaved pussy with wet pink lips, and she grasped my hard cock as she got onto the bed and pulled me between her legs. Despite the last couple of hours filled with emotion and confusion, I wanted her and I wanted this. I pressed the tip of my cock against her wet lips, her scorching entrance, and she looked at me with crazy eyes and said "I'm yours now."

After everything I have written, someone said those words to me.

I pushed into Julie's tight pussy, thankfully she was wet and clearly excited. No slight on Mike who is younger, fitter and better looking than me, but either his cock is smaller than mine, or there was truth that he had not been sleeping with Julie for a while. Despite all my swapping, sharing, open sex and relationship stories, I won't sleep with a woman unless I know she's clean, hasn't been around, and especially not recently. Julie throwing herself at me was an exception and I sure hoped she wasn't sharing more than her body with me.

Even my real life one shots and sudden quickies had been gambles.

Luckily I never caught anything, and only Linda and Jennifer got pregnant.

Recently, I have been open and honest with my readers, some who may ignore the opening paragraphs to my stories. I struggle to describe sex, prefer to tell the story itself, the romance, the humor, the conversation. In this case, with Julie, all of it was real, even the less than glossy parts. As we fucked, and with the mood Julie was in, there was no making love on the schedule. The surprise of her throwing herself at me had passed, I was pounding her like a nail, and hopefully fucking the bitch out of her, a joke that I use occasionally and feel like my readers miss or ignore.

Now here I was, deep in a situation I didn't create, pardon the pun.

Julie was writhing and thrashing beneath me, we were atop the covers and not even on the bed in the traditional horizontal, head on the pillows way. It didn't matter, aside from my shortened honeymoon night with Jennifer where she barely got her clothes off and I fucked her in her white lingerie, I cannot recall being so incensed, so fucking horny. I was plowing Julie when she stopped moving and thrashing, her body trembled, she gripped my sides, stared deep into my eyes, then screamed through an orgasm that shook her body as if she were possessed.

I struggled to concentrate, to hold back, to resist the urge to cum, but Julie was composed now as I fucked her hard and fast. She stared at me with crazy eyes and said "Fuck me like a real man because I belong to you now." I saw red, nearly blacked out, and had an epic climax the likes of which I describe for my characters and finally experienced. I exploded deep inside Julie, fought the looming darkness, thrust and pumped everything I had into her, then collapsed atop her with a deep sigh.

We lay there, me still inside her, she slowly rubbing my back, and neither of us said a word. After a few minutes, her mood soft and sweet, Julie sighed "Kiss me?" I did, it was a warm, romantic kiss, then she asked "Can we take a shower, come back here, lie down together, and air things out? If I promise not to be a bitch will you promise not to be rude?" I nodded then said "First though, that was the best sex I have ever had and once you know me, you'll realize I mean it." Julie stared at me for a moment, then sighed "You know what? For that, I'm gonna say something I would never say to anyone, especially Mike. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for putting myself first and assuming you would go along to get what you wanted."


What the fuck?

I gasped "I don't know what to say. That was way more honest than I expected."

Julie sighed "Something tells me years of you getting used and me using people led us to this moment." I laughed but Julie said "I can't promise not to bitch or complain, I think it's in my DNA, but I do give you my word that I won't leave if we have a disagreement as long as you don't insult me." I laughed "The jokes on you Julie. I don't have anything, so you couldn't use me if you tried." Julie's face flashed anger, then hurt, and finally after a long sigh she said "I can use you. For attention, compliments and love." I said "I will give you those freely" and Julie shocked me when she said "Then I will give you the one thing I have. My looks and body. Consider them both yours as long as we're together."

We got into the shower, neither of us discussed anything deep, we washed up, kissed some, then got back onto the bed where Julie kept at me until I was rock hard and she purred "I forgot to mention, I will definitely use you for this" as she guided me to and into her wet, warm pussy. I sighed as I sank onto Julie and this time, we made love.

After we lay there cuddling, Julie said "It burned me the way he thinks he gave me to you like some kind of prize or gift." I was grinning and Julie exhaled "Now what?" I said "In my defense, looking at you, your beautiful face, your near perfect body, the entire package, why wouldn't I want a gift like you?"

Julie blinked, considered it, softened then smiled "You consider me a gift?"

As I moved atop Julie, hard again, got into position and she held me with a sigh, I smiled as I slid slowly into her snug, warm pussy and said "The way I see it Jules, you're the gift that keeps on giving."

Julie smiled "Shut up and fuck me."


Thank you for reading.

More if readers like this and want more, especially since my relationship and adventures with Julie are just beginning.

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The author of this story: jwdoney

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