Back then in late 2001 and early 2002, I didn't have the knowledge, technology or skill that I have now. Or decent editing. Thank you Dennis! Also life, love, lust and porn have evolved since then. Teasing up to the line of actual stepdaughter sex back in 2002 was scorching and forbidden, at least in my mind. Now, in 2025, between porn, erotica, e-books and even movies and TV, it's almost accepted and for sure is a hot and exciting genre. After heavily editing, changing and removing a couple of things, I am updating the original (short) six parts into one new one. A new story with a clever cliffhanger that will make sense when ‘part 2' arrives with all new story and more trouble from Sierra than Mike ever dreamed of. Make sure you remember that I said ‘dreamed of'. I plan to revive Sierra and her naughty antics with fun, fresh, exciting, sexy situations and hopefully go several chapters or parts.
What follows is the original six parts condensed, edited, altered in certain places, then posted as the beginning to an all new, original story, just like I did with STEP KIM a few years ago. Thank you for reading, I look forward to your feedback.
Any people, places, names, products or events mentioned are done so without permission or endorsement, this is a work of fiction.
In the first few parts of this story, the stepdaughter is just days away from turning 18, so be warned if the potential of forbidden sex offends you.
Any person, place or thing I mention is done so without permission or endorsement, purely coincidental, and/or meant as a tribute. Thanks for reading, it's a new story and new idea/theme (at least for me) and I hope you enjoy it. Unlike any of my other stories, this one is entirely fictional with NO basis in my own reality, and is meant only as what I hope is good tease.
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Just to get the boring stuff out of the way right off, I have been married to my wife for 5 years now, we have no children between us, but she does have a daughter about to turn 18 and graduate high school next week. I have seen my stepdaughter grow up from a cute little 11 year old, (I knew my wife and dated her for 2 years before we got married), go through puberty, and blossom into the nubile, attractive young lady she has become.
Sierra is 5',10" and could best be described as a pre-Playboy Jenny McCarthy or possibly even Kirsten Dunst (from BRING IT ON). She is mid to large chested, thin, well toned and has long, straight blonde hair. Blue eyes, and small but full lips. Ah, heck with it, just think of Jenny McCarthy, it works for me.
Life with Sierra has been a roller coaster ride for me as I have had to put up with (and pay for) 5 years of Cheerleading camps, trips and so on, not to mention all the sleepovers and parties, and........... Whew. Anyways, my wife Shannon and I have been very happy, successful and more importantly, very sexually active, and despite my career as a Police officer conflicting with my wife's career as a smuggler... Just kidding, she's a vice president at a major bank, and I am a Police Lieutenant in the robbery/homicide division. My career, as well as that of my wife, will have little to do with this story overall, but it is important that you remember what we do for a living.
Ok, I need to make very clear one time only, unlike some of the other stories you read about stepfathers/stepdaughters, I am not a skulking pervert who sniffs my innocent stepdaughter's panties, peeks at her in the shower, or secretly videotapes her sleepovers. For the most part, everything I am about to tell you, happened accidentally or innocently, at least until things spiraled out of control. Just a little more background, At this point in the story, a week before Sierra's graduation, and 3 days before she turns 18, I am 37 and my wife is 39, but we do not look it, and that is the truth, especially since my wife could be a model and I work out, besides chasing bad guys. Sierra is not only a cheerleader, and an award winning one at that, but she has done gymnastics, soccer, softball, and she loves aerobics. Her dynamic, shapely body merely parlays the hours she spends each week working out, jogging and exercising. Finally, she is very proud of the fact that she has the equivalent of a 4.0 average and is a member of the honor role.
Sierra has always been very friendly and loving towards me, many times asking if she could call me dad, despite Shannon's objections so as to not offend her ex-husband Brian. He doesn't figure into this story, so why bore you, just know he exists in another state. The other thing about Sierra is her unbelievable body, and her openness with it. She is very nonchalant about what she wears, or doesn't wear, and I have to admit I have had to leave the room and take a cold shower or something. I have seen Sierra in nearly every type of lingerie you could name, as well as multiple swimsuits and bikinis, short skirts, tight pants, wet towels, and so on. None of this has even begun to lead anywhere until this past month, leaving no doubt in my mind, or her mother's, that she has finally become sexually active.
What used to be completely innocent now seems to be intentional teasing, as she finds reasons to come talk to me in my computer den with so little clothing on, I feel like arresting myself. Shannon is fully aware of the increased attention that Sierra pays to me, and she just laughs it off and tells me to make her go get dressed whenever she parades around scantily clothed. I tried to remember that as Sierra walked into my study and stood in the doorway, asking if she could come in for a minute. I almost fell out of my chair when I saw that she was only wearing tiny white panties that fit her so snugly it seemed they were sprayed on her smooth skin. Her white, half t-shirt barely covered her erect nipples, allowing me to see the full roundness of the bottom half of her breasts, as well as her smooth, flat stomach. I forgot the right thing, in fact I forgot anything as I sat there with my mouth open and my cock beginning to stir. She grinned and slowly walked over, her braless breasts teasing me as they came so close to full exposure with every step she took.
With Shannon at a conference, I had no one in the house with me except my nearly naked stepdaughter, and I knew that wasn't good. 17, I told myself as I slammed my gaping jaw shut, still 17. Funny how at the time I didn't think that she was the only daughter of my loving and trusting wife, just her age. Sierra stopped just a couple of feet away from me, standing above my chair and no doubt purposely offering me the generous view up her tiny shirt from below. I could not tear my eyes away from the swell of her boobs or just how close her stiff nipples were to freedom. I finally mustered enough strength to shake off my stupor and ask her what she wanted as I closed the case file that I had been reviewing on my desk. My cock was tenting my shorts,and my eyes kept drifting back to her mostly revealed breasts, but so far she hadn't seemed to notice. Sierra smiled her million-dollar smile and asked if she could use my computer as hers was downloading "a bunch of MP3's" and stuff. I asked her why she was walking around the house dressed like she was, and she said she put it on since I was home.
I nearly gasped, not at all sure what that meant, but hoping she meant she had been undressed, and had put something on since I was home. No, wait, I didn't mean I hoped she was naked, just that... Sigh, anyways, she just asked me again to use my computer, seemingly intent to do so regardless of whatever my decision might be. Then she turned to reach for something and I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw the tiny panties were actually a thong and it was snug in her gorgeous ass cheeks. Quickly adjusting my erection, I stood and ordered her to get dressed, telling her she couldn't parade around like that anymore, but she just turned around and frowned at me. She smiled again, and asked if I could stop acting so old, and quit worrying about what she wears, that she knew how to behave. What the hell was that supposed to mean? Sierra pushed by me then, purposely brushing her body against mine as she took my seat and began to turn on my computer, apparently not caring about our brief discussion. I sighed and left the room, needing to be away from her and her intentional display.
I called Shannon from the other room and after listening quietly; she laughed and said it had to be my active imagination, since Sierra had never acted that way before. She hung up after laughing some more and telling me to behave, and now I was even more frustrated. I had just had a shower, so taking a cold one was pointless, and instead I went down to the basement and began to lift weights. First of all, Sierra never came down here, at least that I could ever remember, and secondly, she would be chatting with her Internet friends for the next couple of hours anyways. I used the ski machine, rowed for a while, then did pull-ups, and after a half hour or so, I still could not get the vision of her teasing body out of my head. I had been hard or semi-hard for more than a half hour straight and besides the ache it caused, it was also very distracting. Knowing I was alone, I peeled off my too tight shorts and walked naked to the washer and dryer, stunned to find both empty for the first time ever.
I stood there fully erect and stark naked for a moment, fairly sure I would be alone, but debating whether to keep looking for my sweatpants or something. I knew there would be hell to pay if Shannon found me naked and hard in the house alone with Sierra, even if we were on separate floors, so I headed into the small bathroom to look in the hamper. With the light on, the vent runs, and I pushed the door shut to look in the hamper, never hearing Sierra calling to me as she had actually come down looking for me. I found nothing worth wearing, not even a pair of underwear, so I exited the bathroom and decided to put my tight shorts back on, only to see they were not where I had left them. I frantically looked around, my hard cock slapping against my stomach, but they were gone somehow. I heard the door open and I rushed to get behind the small bar we have down there, praying it wasn't my wife. It was worse.
Sierra came into view, and while it had to be my imagination, it was as if her shirt had shrunk and become tighter and smaller, covering even less of her full breasts. I think her tiny, yellow bikini she sometimes wears might have covered more than her thong and torn up tee did right now. She asked what I was doing, saying she had come down to get my help but had only found my shorts. I gulped and she said she had taken them up to my bedroom, and left them there, at that point not sure where I was. I asked her to go get me some clothes to put on, but she just grinned and started walking closer. I had nowhere to go, no way to hide my naked cock as she got closer, and just when I thought for sure she would see me naked, she stopped dead in her tracks. No explanation, no reasoning, she just turned and quickly left the room, leaving me with another view of her naked ass. Puzzled, I crept from behind the bar, and hurried over to a side table with magazines on it, grabbing a couple and holding them in front of me as I climbed the stairs.
Peeking out, I saw no one and hurried down the hallway, stealing up the stairs until I was on the second floor. I nearly made it past Sierra's cracked doorway until her crying stopped me, causing me to forget about my nakedness and stand there listening. She seemed to be genuinely upset, and stupid me. Instead of dressing and then coming back, I poked my head in while I held a magazine in front of my 9 inch cock. Sierra saw me in the doorway in her mirror and amazingly her crying slowed as she asked me to come in. I stood there, poised with the biggest decision of my marriage, naked and hard except for the flimsy magazine, while my mostly naked stepdaughter begged me to come into her dimly lit room.
There I was faced with the most difficult decision of my most recent memory, and it felt like my brain was filled with mud, my feet filled with lead, and my cock filled with blood. Sierra had more or less stopped crying, and while she was still sobbing and sniffling, she had sat up and was now staring at my bare body. With nothing except the magazine in front of my thick erection, I wavered still as I forced myself to slowly back out of the room and leave. 17 damnit, I screamed inwardly, she is just 17. She was calling to me to wait as I finally turned and rushed down the hallway with my throbbing cock once again slapping against my stomach. I quickly entered my bedroom, intending to hurry into my bathroom and end my private misery. Instead I tripped over the stupid clothes basket and fell hard over it, landing with clean clothes all over me and the floor. Sierra burst into the room and fell over the now overturned basket, landing hard atop me and somehow driving her elbow into my ribs.
For the moment I was not at all worried about my naked body, her lack of proper attire, or the compromising position we were currently in. It was much more important to get some air into my aching lungs as I tried to push Sierra's limp body off of my own. I rolled her over and her head lolled, her arms limp, apparently she had fainted or knocked herself out in the fall. She was still breathing, and I noticed her shirt had exposed her ample breasts and stiff nipples to me in the fall. I was about to reposition her tiny blouse when I realized where my cock was and I froze, not willing to make even the slightest movement. Having rolled her limp body over, and then leapt basically atop her, sort of straddling her legs, my steel hard cock was now poking against her wet pussy, only separated by her thin, moist thong and my fading willpower. I slowly moved my legs, then shoved myself to my feet, pausing to let the blood redistribute somewhat as well as fighting back the impending release. I hastily repositioned Sierra's blouse, then darted to my bathroom to find something to cover up with, never wondering about the shorts Sierra had taken from me and supposedly put in this very room.
I was only in the bathroom for a moment, and I had fought to struggle on a skintight pair of spandex shorts that literally outlined the shaft of my cock. When I re-entered my bedroom, Sierra was gone, having made no noise upon her departure and I was mystified as to how she could "come to" and exit so quickly and quietly. With my blood still pounding, I picked up and sorted the strewn clothes, folding them back into the basket. I snuck quietly down the hallway, past Sierra's slightly cracked door, recognizing M.Y.O.B. from Deborah Gibson, and hummed with the music as I crept by. I thought about how much I myself liked Deborah Gibson, formerly Debbie Gibson, until I reached the living room and found my wife looking through her briefcase at the dining room table. I froze in midstep. How long had she been home, why was she home so early, and how would I explain my completely undisguisable erection and lack of proper attire? Shannon turned and smiled, then seeing me in just my tight spandex and already hard, she really smiled. We met and she kissed me passionately, while her fingers immediately found and caressed my stiff cock.
I think we might have made it right there, but seconds after Deborah Gibson stopped playing in the background, Sierra's door slammed and she came out into the main room. Unfortunately for us, my wife, her mother, was trying to stuff my hard cock back into the confines of the tight spandex. Sierra was strangely dressed in a long sleeve, loose fitting sweater, and loose slacks, almost as if making my claims of her teasing me seem false. She said goodbye, making prolonged eye contact with me as she informed us she would be back late, then she was out the door. Shannon forgot about my ready condition for the moment, instead going back to her briefcase and continuing her perusal of the contents. She asked me to bring her a cold drink from the kitchen, making it apparent that for now, the fun was on hold, and my cock just begged me for release. I decided to tease Shannon back and got a cold bottle of water as part of my plan, returning to find she had removed her blazer and shoes.
I offered her the drink, held it just out of reach, and then purposely fumbled it so she spilled most of it all over herself when she grabbed it. Her light blue blouse soaked through in seconds, molding to her skin and revealing her black, lacy bra and firm tits. Shannon began to peel off her blouse and I pretended to be sorry, helping her remove her wet skirt and blouse, before she could figure out my scheme. Now just wearing her wet bra and panties, and looking so great in what little they did manage to cover, my wife smiled and pulled at my spandex, struggling them down and exposing my swollen cock. I peeled off her wet bra, kissing and sucking her wet breasts as I slipped her wet panties down her hips. Now with both of us naked, we stumbled and tripped our naked way to our bedroom, ending up on the bed and then I parted her legs and eased myself deep inside my beautiful wife. I slowly increased my rhythm as the pressure built, and I knew I had no chance of holding back for long. Just as I crested that line and pleasure swept over me, my eyes caught on something just at the edge of my peripheral vision.
I moaned "Oh my GOD" just as I blew my pent up load into my wife, not because of the intense pleasure she had just helped me experience, but because there hung my shorts from earlier with a block lettered note hanging from them, written in red lipstick. "LOSE SOMETHING?" was what it said, and my mind raced as my dick continued to spurt inside Shannon's hot pussy. I forced myself to focus as Shannon began to climax much sooner than she usually did, and after she slumped back on the bed, I slipped out, kissed her lips and padded to the bathroom. My mind was spinning. What could that note mean, was Sierra purposely teasing me? If not, then what was going on? My maid Anna was off that day, and I had not seen her at all the entire day, so who left me the message? I peeked back out, looked past my naked wife, who lay there staring at the ceiling, and sure enough, there were my shorts with the attached note, hanging from the dresser top lampshade. I casually walked out of the bathroom, around the bed and yanked the shorts off the clothespin holding them to the shade.
Shannon looked at me and asked what I was doing, and I just pretended to be looking for clothes to put on. After stuffing the shorts with the note still attached under the bed, I joined my wife in the shower, and tried to forget all about the entire day. After dinner, a whole lot of teasing each other on the couch, and more hot sex in bed, Shannon and I fell asleep, both of us having early shifts the next day. Neither one of us heard or knew what time Sierra finally came in, but she was there in bed the next morning as we left for work. That morning, after requalifying my Smith & Wesson 10mm on the precinct armory range, my captain assigned me to a shoplifting ring at the inner city mall, asking me to take 3 members of my undercover team with me to catch them. I had Rob and Guy head out to survey the situation while I briefed Holly about the initial plan. Holly was a complete knockout, and at 23 she had the most beautiful long, dark brown hair you could look at.
Holly looked like a model and could shoot with the best of the men, so she had been on the undercover unit for more than a year now. The problem with Holly was that she liked sex, and I hate to say it, but she seemed to put her "needs" before anything else. Internal affairs had just cleared her for a shooting that she had been too late to stop as she had been undressed in the back of the van with her now suspended former partner. I had just finished briefing Holly on the specifics, since she would be posing as an employee of the main store complaining of shoplifting, when there was a knock at the conference room door. The door slowly opened to reveal my stepdaughter Sierra who peeked in and, after spotting me, smiled and stepped inside. Holly took her entrance as her cue to pack up her notes and leave, and Sierra just kept staring at her shoes as if they fascinated her today. Never at a loss for words with my wife's daughter, I stood staring at the girl who would become a woman in just 2 days, but all I could think about was yesterday, and how close I had been to slipping my hard cock inside her wet pussy. If not for her thin thong, who knows what would have happened, but I just choked back the thoughts and asked her why she had stopped by.
She said I hadn't answered her pages or textmails, and looked at my pager expectantly. I pulled it out of its little holster, flipped it open and noticed it was turned off, something I had not remembered doing. Pushing it on, the pager flickered to life, found service, then displayed that I had 8 emails in my inbox, all from Sierra. She met my eyes and for a moment we stared into the depths of each other, then she asked If I could take her downstate, the day after her birthday, so she could pick up her awards, and scholarship info. I agreed, asking why her mother would not take her, and she told me Shannon had to be in conferences all day, and had offered me up as transportation. I was momentarily puzzled as to why she did not just drive her own Saturn down there, but she interrupted me by adding we would have to stay the night at the hotel the State Cheerleading Awards were being held at, since she was scheduled to speak the morning following the evening she accepted her awards/scholarship. She hugged me, longer than normal, then pecked my cheek and hurried out of the room, leaving me to gather my things and my wits.
Great, so now I get to spend a night in a hotel with my soon to be adult stepdaughter, while questioning my own morals and intentions towards her and the body she suddenly seemed to find no shame flaunting in front of me. My wife had suggested the trip, I told myself as I drove to the mall to meet Holly, Rob and Guy, so she knew it would all be fine. I kept telling myself that, but somehow I could just feel that I was slowly sinking into a pit that I had no hope of getting out of intact. The worst part was, I just kept thinking about how it might have felt to just slip the thin fabric aside, and slip my cock inside the seemingly wet, inviting pussy of my stepdaughter. What was I going to do, was what I kept asking myself as I drove, oblivious to the fact that I was rock hard just from thinking about the whole thing.
It had been a week, a long, stressful week and it was only the beginning for me as I packed the car for the trip I did not really want to make. My shoplifting case was stalled in undercover work at the mall, and my wife had been so busy lately that we had not had sex in the last three days. None of this held a candle though to the constantly increasing teasing of my wife's daughter, especially now that she was 18. Sierra's birthday had been a nightmare because I had been stuck alone in the house with 10 or 12 of her teenage friends as they listened to Britney Spears, Willa Ford and some new group called Dream. Just give me Aerosmith, Creed or even Sting, but that's not the point. Having to suffer through half dressed teenagers with bodies that made me think things that no man should think, was only made worse by my wife coming home extremely late, in a bad mood, and not at all interested in sex.
I promised myself that we would get to the city the Cheerleading Awards were in, check into the hotel, and I would get a nice drink and sit by the pool. Looking at women my age would make me feel less guilty about suppressing forbidden thoughts about my stepdaughter, I was sure of it. The drive was as painful as I feared as I not only had to listen to New Kids On The Block and the Backstreet Boys, but Sierra seemed to ignore the fact that her short, thin miniskirt was hiked way up her thighs. The harder I tried not to look, the more I wanted to, and I fought the slow rise of my cock. After hours of stress, we arrived at the hotel and I went to check in while Sierra hurried off at the sight of some of her fellow cheerleaders. It's a good thing my gun was packed in with the luggage or I might have been tempted to use it on the desk clerk who insisted I had changed my reservation from a suite to a regular room with one bed. Almost as if scripted by a softcore writer or something, I sighed as I signed the forms and charge slip, dreading having to be in the same room with Sierra, let alone possibly having to share one bed.
The manager finally promised to notify me if anything opened up, but only after he assured me someone had indeed called to downgrade my reservation. I looked around for Sierra, trying to decide what to tell her about the mix-up, when I spotted her with some of her friends. I chided myself for being aroused at the sight of the young girls hugging and clinging onto each other, as well as how little most of them seemed to be wearing. I tried to get Sierra's attention and wave her over, but she stubbornly insisted that I come over and meet her friends, some of whom I already knew. After several hugs that felt like they were leading me to divorce court, I managed to drag Sierra away and towards the elevator. Muttering that I had to tell her something, I almost dropped our luggage when she told me the ceremony and awards had been extended to the entire weekend and that she had to be there for it. Suddenly one night in a hotel with her had become three nights and I wasn't even worried about my wife or my job at that point. Nope, just how I could cope with the situation I was now in the middle of.
I told her about the reservation mix-up, and not only was she not at all concerned, but I was sure I had seen a smile pass over her lips briefly. We had barely entered the room when Sierra tore off into the bathroom while I looked at the meager surroundings. The bed seemed damningly small, and the card on the tv desk said all cots were in use. I heard the shower running as the man arrived with our bags, grinning as he held out his hand for a tip. Intending to make a point, I let my badge show as I pulled out a bill for him and he blinked as he stared at it. The bellman licked his dry lips and snapped the money out of my hand in his hurry to leave, slamming the door behind him. I moved to put the bags out of the way when Sierra rushed out of the bathroom clad in a soaked towel, her body dripping from the shower. She stumbled over the bags, lost her towel, and landed face first on the floor in front of me, naked as could be.
I could only stare, this being the first time I had ever seen her naked, even though I could only see her back, ass and legs. Sierra made her way to her feet slowly, saying she thought I had left her, but I couldn't stop myself from staring as I saw her beautiful breasts with their rock hard nipples right there in front of me. As my eyes slowly traced their way down Sierra's wet, naked skin, Sierra shrugged and bent to retrieve her towel. I had now seen my stepdaughter completely naked, and soaking wet to boot, and she had been in no rush to cover or conceal herself. The worst part was, I had made no attempt to cover her up or to stop looking either. Finally wrapped in the towel again, Sierra said she would just finish her shower and bounced off oblivious to the rock hard erection she had just left me with. I reached down to adjust myself when I realized the front of my slacks were all wet and I had to change them at that point.
I peeled off my sweaty shirt and slipped off my wet pants, listening for any sign that the shower would stop. I was there in just my tight briefs with my rock hard cock straining them when I remembered my new swim trunks, sure they would help conceal this and any other erections I got today. I tore through both of my bags until I found them and set them on the edge of the bed to change into. Listening again and still hearing the shower running, I slipped off my underwear and felt my knees buckle as the material whisked past my rock hard, pent up cock. I stepped out of my underwear, completely naked for a moment as I reached for my trunks but missed them as my fingertips only brushed them. I stretched to reach them and had just snagged them when I slipped on something and flew backwards, tumbled over one of the bags and crashed into the nightstand. My trunks fell or flew somewhere and I couldn't see them as the water suddenly cut off and again Sierra rushed out clutching a towel in front of her lithe body.
I cupped my hands in front of my huge cock and asked her to get me something to cover up with, but she just came over to see if I was ok. With me laying there buck naked and trying to cover my hard dick with my bare hands, my stepdaughter hovered over me dripping wet, stark naked and clutching a towel to her. Then the door burst open and a man wearing a suit asked if we were ok. Before I could move, speak or act, Sierra turned around 180 and straddled my naked body with her own naked and wet one, draping the towel in front of her large chest. My cock was only inches from her pussy and I struggled to remain focused on our unexpected visitor. He said he was from security and had been about to knock when he heard my crash, so then he let himself in with a passkey. Sierra asked him to leave us alone so we could finish making love and with that she inched backwards on me until the length of my cock was wedged beneath her hot pussy lips.
I should have thrown her off me, protested to the security man and then shown him my badge, but all I could do was gasp at how close to heaven I was at that moment. I whispered a question to Sierra, and she silently asked me to trust her, at the same time that she adjusted her weight and inched her pussy closer to the swollen tip of my hard dick. The man said he would expect me in the lobby security office in one hour and to bring any firearms I might have. He apologized as he shook his head at the obvious age difference and backed out of the room, shutting the door behind him. I remained motionless as Sierra had inched herself so that the tip of my cock was just a flex away from entering her moist hole, and I knew she had to feel that. Then Sierra stood straight up, causing the cool air to hit my cock as she headed back for the bathroom.
I struggled with every last bit of my energy not to cum but it was too late as I erupted all over myself. Several explosive jets of my sperm splashed against my stomach and chest as I managed to grasp my cock and stroke the rest of my cum out. Sierra did not seem to notice the reaction she had caused as she had gone into the bathroom without looking back and I could hear a hairdryer going. I stumbled to my sweaty shirt and mopped up my thick cum with it, now feeling fully ashamed at again how close I had come to fucking my teenage stepdaughter. I slipped on my swim trunks and headed into the bathroom, intending to tell her I would be at the pool. I saw Sierra slumped on the floor, the towel barely covering her body and her face and skin was flushed. She smiled and said she would like a few minutes alone and she stood, her towel slipping off in the process, and ignored me standing there. I hurried out of there and stood in the center of the room, feeling dizzy, aroused and confused. My emotions were conflicting with my ethics and if I wasn't careful, my emotions were going to win.
There was just no way I was going to survive this long weekend without getting into trouble, I just knew it.
I was at my limit with everything, and I had to blow off some steam and it was that don't mess with me attitude that caused my latest problem. Having just been pushed to the limit barely half an hour ago, I had just seen my 18 year old stepdaughter completely naked for the first time. After we ended up jumbled and naked on the floor with her wet pussy hovering scant inches above my raging erection, a hotel security officer had rushed in claiming he had heard commotion. As soon as he had ordered me to report to the lobby security office and shut the door behind him, Sierra had slipped off to the bathroom without realizing my predicament. That was when I lost control and blew my pent up load all over myself while half worrying she might come back out and catch me doing it. I had quickly wiped up and slipped on my swim trunks, then I peeked into the quiet bathroom to find Sierra slumped on the floor with a towel barely draped over her body.
I stumbled back out into the main room while my conflicting emotions swirled within me and then I heard Sierra's soft moans coming from behind me. I slowly crept back to the doorway and peered around the doorjam to see the towel now discarded as my stepdaughter caressed and fondled her own body. If it had been anyone else, married man or not, I would have stripped off my shorts and hurried in there to experience every bit of joy that nubile young body offered, but instead I tore myself away. With the image of one small hand cupping her round, firm breasts and the other rubbing the fleshy pink lips of her pussy, I already had another erection as I paced around the hotel room and tried to control my desires. I pulled on a t-shirt and grabbed my credentials as I hurried out of the room and into the elevator. I felt like anything but a Police Officer dressed in leather sandals, t-shirt and swim trunks and the obvious bulge in the front of them was not helping my appearance any.
I flashed my badge and was granted immediate access to the security director, and within a minute the man who had barged in came in and sat down with a cross look. I sat quietly as they gave what must have been a rehearsed speech about law enforcement officials staying in the hotel and then they started a separate speech about firearms. I startled them both when I stood and told them enough was enough and I pulled out my ID, explained I was a detective with Robbery/Homicide and told them to worry about other guests, not me. I shoved my chair aside and stomped out of the office, not caring what, if anything, either of them might have to say. I was rounding the counter and entering the main lobby when I spotted Sierra coming out of an elevator with 3 of her teammates and they were dressed in their Cheer uniforms complete with hair done and make up. I assumed they must have had an event or appearance and waved back when they spotted me and waved. Sierra held eye contact with me for several seconds and seemed to be smiling as she smoothed out her uniform blouse.
They disappeared around a corner and I was fairly certain I had a couple hours to unpack and relax, as well as call my wife Shannon, Sierra's mom, to see how her day was going. In the room, I managed to put all the clothes into the drawers of the two spacious dressers, but for some reason I could not find any of my boxer shorts or sweatpants that I know I had packed. After a second, much more thorough search, I finally convinced myself that either I had not packed them, or else a bag had been lost somewhere. I also noticed that aside from Sierra's "away" Cheerleading Uniform and a few changes of clothes, she had no sleep clothes packed that I could see, not even a t-shirt or shorts. Normally I do not believe in coincidences, especially considering my chosen profession, but there was no way I could believe both of our sleep clothes could just not be here. I made a mental note to hit a local store before dinner. I lay on the bed with RAINBOW 6, my favorite Tom Clancy novel, and before I knew it I was asleep.
I awoke in near darkness and the first thing I noticed was I was rock hard and tenting my swim shorts. The second, and more important thing was Sierra was beside me, still in her "home" Cheerleading attire, her hair askew and her arm draped over my chest. I stirred slowly, hoping to get her to move, but instead her hand slipped down to my shorts and came to rest on my thick cock. I jumped up out of bed and realized it had been a dream, and after a glance around the room, I had fallen asleep for at least 3 hours. Sierra looked up from the movie she was watching with a friend and I noticed she was talking on my cell phone instead of her own. Shaking off the post nap fog, I told Sierra to get ready for dinner and she finished her phone call, hugged her departing friend and then shut off the TV. I showered and quickly dressed and I came out to find Sierra in one hell of a sexy, skin tight, way too short pink miniskirt. I was speechless at not only how unbelievably gorgeous it looked on her, but also at how she had her hair done and make-up on as if our dinner was a date.
To that moment, every incident, every accident, all of the glimpses and teases, even the full look at her naked body I had experienced earlier that day, all the close calls and such, I had controlled myself. I had stopped before taking a step down a road from which there was no return. At that moment though, I forgot I was married, I forgot this nubile young cheerleader was my wife's daughter. All I could think of was holding her, kissing her full lips, touching her silky hair and of course parting her soft thighs and entering her tight pussy. It only took seconds for me to experience those thoughts and I realized she was asking what I thought of her dress. I blinked and was about to respond when she said she had gotten it just for tonight and hoped I would love it. I was too far gone by then, something told me my stepdaughter had been manipulating me and slowly seducing me, but I couldn't think anything close to straight thoughts. I found myself burning as her fingers took my arm and led me into the hallway, her tight dress shifting with every movement she made.
I did manage to make it through dinner and thanks to her mentioning Shannon, I was able to pull back within myself and try to ignore her charms. After dinner, we watched a rival school practice a routine and I laughed as two different guys got turned down when they attempted to get a date with Sierra. We were in the elevator and I was trying to focus as Sierra insisted on crowding me, brushing her tight body all against me. We entered the room and the door had barely shut when she suggested we go to bed, not caring at all at the way she had said it. I reassured myself that we would just get a good night's sleep and tomorrow she would have her ceremony. I realized we had no sleep clothes and was about to tell Sierra when she came into the room in just a bulging, straining bra and a skintight thong. All together she might as well have been naked, as I tried so hard not to stare as she looked through drawers for something. She boldly asked me to get undressed so we could get in bed and I almost screamed until I realized she had slammed the drawer shut and was staring at me.
It was almost amusing to see her standing there practically naked with her hands on her hips as she frowned at me, finally asking me where her nightgown had gone. I quickly explained the missing clothes and she shrugged it off, saying we could just sleep in our underwear for tonight. She winked at me just then and said that it shouldn't be a problem since we had already seen each other naked anyways. Sierra climbed into bed and sat there with her upper half exposed and her bra still managing to look too small, too tight and ready to burst. I sighed and said she would have to be sure to not tell her mother about us not only sharing a bed, but also doing so almost naked. She grinned and said there was so much she couldn't tell her mom and the weekend wasn't even over. I froze as she laughed about that and then she insisted I hurry so we could shut off the light, reminding me she had to cheer tomorrow. I took off my shirt, shoes and socks, then sighed and slipped off my slacks and hung them over the back of a chair. Sierra sighed as my tight briefs merely accented the bulge of my half erect cock and I hurried to get into bed.
With the lights off, it was still fairly lit inside the room and Sierra lay facing me as she innocently talked about the next day's events. I felt like I was on fire and I began to sweat, all the while my cock rose to attention and tented my tight shorts. Without thinking about it I told her that her mother and I normally slept naked and she was silent for a while. Afraid that I had offended her, I began to turn over when she lightly touched my arm and whispered it was ok. It was my turn to be silent then as she spoke barely above a whisper and said she had herself been trying to find a way to suggest it. Panicking, I was unsure what she was now suggesting until she said we should sleep naked to be comfortable and for me to not worry as she normally slept nude at home. At the same time this was both too good to be true and absolutely petrifying and I know I must have shown it on my face. Sierra asked me if my tight underwear would truly be comfortable all night, then she said she was going to undress and if it bothered me she would just be sure to stay covered. I lay still beside her as she worked to slip off her thong then sat up and unclasped her tight bra, releasing her large chest with a flourish. I got a quick glimpse before she covered back up and turned to look at me, asking me to be fair to not only her but myself.
Knowing it was wrong and could only lead to trouble I didn't need, I peeled off my underwear and tossed them aside, leaving both of us naked in bed, our bodies close enough to touch. I felt like I was going to burst, and I could somehow sense that fear or worry were far from Sierra's mind. Nothing happened despite our naked bodies being inches apart as Sierra patted my arm, whispered goodnight and fell asleep. I lay there with a raging erection and knew how easy it would be to send my fingers exploring not only my own body but hers as well. After a while, maybe an hour or so, with me beginning to concentrate so as to not spurt all over beside my stepdaughter, Sierra suddenly sat straight up, tore back the covers and practically ripped them from the bed. Her actions exposed both of our naked bodies as well as my swollen, enraged cock and she seemed to think there was a bug in the bed. I was slowly slipping down that slope of orgasm and the view of her naked body combined with the cool air had me right on the cusp of climax. Sierra stopped moving and thrashing suddenly and stared at me, then my cock, then back at me and so on, asking what was wrong.
I gave up all pretense then, not caring what she thought or about the consequences and told her I was about to cum and that I wasn't sure I could hold back much longer. She got a blank expression and moved closer, nearly causing me to erupt as she asked if she was the cause of my excitement. I gasped, gulped and nodded, admitting that she made me burn with forbidden desire and I knew it was wrong. With me on the edge of climax virtually unable to hold back, my naked stepdaughter mounted me and slipped my aching pole into her tight but wet pussy. I came instantly with an explosive jolt that caused her eyes to widen as she kissed me deeply for the first forbidden time. I spurted load after load inside her as my hands explored her body after years of repression and I heard her calling my name.
I jerked awake suddenly and realized it had been a vivid dream and although we were indeed naked in bed and Sierra had drifted off to sleep, the rest had just been a forbidden fantasy. Again I realized my stepdaughter's arm was draped over me as we lay facing each other, our bodies not only close enough to kiss or touch, but the heat was emanating from her body. I started to wriggle away from her, trying to keep my thick cock from touching her but Sierra snuggled close just then. I froze all movement as not only were her large breasts touching my chest, but my cock was trapped between our bodies and pressing against her lower waist and thatch. Half asleep, Sierra moaned softly and whispered for me to not tease her and then her fingers found my aching shaft and slowly led it to her hot entrance. I was paralyzed with shock as she positioned my stiff cock at her pussy lips and then whispered that it was ok. What? What was ok? Was she asking me to make love to her or just moving the thick member to a different position? Obviously I wasn't thinking clearly especially with my cock positioned at the wet lips of this hot young lady.
Then, it happened suddenly as the phone on Sierra's bedside rang and she twisted her upper body to answer it. Her movement not only dropped the sheet to again reveal her magnificent breasts, but also shifted her lower body so that my cock poked her lips and then slipped right in just as she said hello. So there I was with my stiff cock finally inside my sexy stepdaughter and before I could move any further in or slip back out, Sierra said "Oh, hi mom" and I just thought I would die.
It took every bit of focus and all of my effort not to move. With my cock having finally slipped inside Sierra, albeit accidentally, the last thing I wanted to do was cum, especially inside her pussy. The fact that she was talking to her mom, my wife, on the phone while my cock was halfway inside her just made it all seem surreal. Even though it had seemed like minutes, hours, days even, it had only been perhaps 10 seconds since she had shifted half asleep to answer the phone. While she discussed her activities from earlier that day with her mother, Sierra did her best to remain motionless while staring at me wide eyed in what was either shock or disbelief. I knew the whole situation was wrong but I remained motionless not only because of how close to erupting I was at that point, but also because she muffled the phone and whimpered for me to not move. Even though less than a minute had passed yet, it felt like my aching cock was going to burst inside her warm hole even though she only held half the length of my throbbing erection. Sierra muffled the phone for a second and drew close to whisper that I had to remain still until she got off the phone because any slight movement from me would trigger an orgasm.
So I wasn't the only one fighting back a climax but all I could do was hope she ended the phone call quickly while trying to hold it back. It took every ounce of my fading concentration to hold back just then as Sierra lifted her body slightly to move. Gritting her teeth, she eased her body slowly to slip off my cock until just the swollen tip remained inside her warm canal. Sierra looked straight into my eyes as she spoke to her mother and I could see she was sweating from the strain of holding back. There was a sharp knock on the door just then that startled us both, so much so that both of us jumped enough for my cock to slide deeply into my stepdaughter's tight, hot pussy up to the hilt. Sierra gasped and quickly tried to cover it with a fake yawn, and then said she had to go so she could get the door. Just as she hung up the phone and dropped it, she slipped her body off my pulsing cock and just stared at me, at my throbbing erection, then back at me again, before she said those four fateful words no man wants to hear.
"We have to talk."
While that washed over me and I tried to clear the fog surrounding my brain, there was a second, louder knock on the door and Sierra hurried over to the door and peeked out, then without warning she plowed into me, grabbed the bedcovers, and hurried into the spacious walk in closet and closed the door. I was stranded in the middle of the room naked, extremely erect, and quite literally ready to explode all over the room when the door buzzed and then opened to reveal Darcy Anderson, the chaperone for some of the girls. In the split second it took for me to realize who it was and accept that she had somehow gotten my locked door open, I grabbed the only thing nearby and held it in front of my huge dick. She had definitely seen me naked for the few seconds it had taken me to turn, grab the magazine and then position it in front of most of my extreme erection. Oddly enough, the magazine was a copy of Cheer Illustrated and it was almost ironic that it was the issue with Sierra and her team in an article in it.
Darcy hurried into the room but she didn't even ask why I was so obviously naked, and we both just stared at each other even as the door clicked shut behind her, sounding very loud amid the utter silence. Darcy didn't ask where Sierra was, she just kept looking between the magazine and back up at me, acting as if she was confused in some way. Darcy never did say why she had come to our room, or how she had managed to buzz the electronic door lock open, but at that moment I really didn't care. Let's put it this way, I was so wound up, horny and so on and to make matters worse, Darcy had on one of the flimsiest, most transparent, and shortest nightgowns I had ever seen. I have been close to cumming before, and there have been times when my wife and I would actually experiment to see how close we could get me to eruption while still being able to wait then tease me to the edge again. I think that the only reason I had somehow struggled to hold back was fear of this entire situation, but that all changed in less than 60 seconds.
For whatever reason, Darcy just continued to stand there more or less exposed under her sheer nightie, and she did not even try to disguise her attempts to peek at my stiff dick. I felt the crest coming and panicked as I tried to shove the half naked chaperone out of my room, still keeping the magazine in front of my enraged cock, all while trying to hold my eruption back just a little longer. Darcy kept spinning back around to face me every time I turned her towards the door and I realized I had dropped the magazine somewhere. I gritted my teeth as my cock began to twitch and after one final push Darcy was out the door and in the hallway. Without a word I slammed the door and locked it, but by then it was too late as my thick cock bobbed and the first blast of cum spurted almost straight up and splattered the back of the barely closed door.
I struggled to just control my orgasm and a second powerful blast shot straight out and splashed the defenseless door a second time as I grasped my pulsing cock. Suddenly I turned and realized Sierra was behind me, and I gasped and stroked off another shot as I stared at her firm round breasts and her stiff nipples that were poking straight out. Sierra got wide eyed as she tore her eyes away from my spurting dick and looked at the cum splashed on her stomach. I stroked off a couple smaller jets while my stepdaughter just opened and closed her mouth as if trying to say something and finally I stumbled over to the bed and sat down on the edge of it. I figured that despite any of Sierra's teasing or any of our ‘accidents', there was no way I was going to be able to explain any of this to my wife. I was sure Sierra would tell her and I looked up at her and the last thing I expected my naked stepdaughter to be doing was smiling. Then she further surprised me and sat down next to me and started talking.
She talked about her whole plan to slowly seduce me to get me to buy her an SUV for college. She talked about how she had racked her brain for months trying to create scenarios that would seem innocent and that if caught, she could explain to her mother easily enough. I was the one wide eyed now, and so much for my so called police investigative skills as she detailed the various times she would wear less and less clothes in hopes of driving crazy with desire. As she laid out her story, despite the stunning nature of it, I stopped her and asked her why she didn't just ask for her mother and I to just buy her a car for college, especially considering she knew we could afford it. Everything to that point, especially the events of the last few weeks suddenly came into focus as she smiled and simply said......... "It's not so much about the money or the SUV, but just that my friends didn't think I could do it."
There is no way to describe how I felt when I woke up, no description for the thick haze that hung over me, and since I had not drank anything, it just didn't make sense. Slowly looking around while my head pounded, the only thing I could make out for sure was that this was not the hotel room. It wasn't my bedroom at home either. In fact, squinting my eyes to focus them and receiving a sharp pain in return, I was able to conclude it was no room I had ever been in. The last thought I had before passing out was that the TV hanging from the wall sure seemed like a Hospital TV.
However much time had passed, I had no idea, but when I opened my eyes this time the room was full of people that were surrounding my bed and looking at me strangely. My head still hurt, especially when I would lift it, move or turn it. It was a Hospital room, there was no doubt, but before I could puzzle over how or why I was in it, a much more pressing issue developed. Standing next to each other on my left side were my wife Shannon, her daughter Sierra, my stepdaughter, and strangely enough, Darcy, the Cheerleading Chaperone from the trip to the Awards banquet. At the end of the bed was a boy I did not know and 3 of Sierra's teammates all still dressed in their cute cheer uniforms, and on the right was my partner Holly and Rob, one of the detectives from my unit. I didn't see Guy, Rob's partner, but that thought drifted away. Suffering through knifing pain that I still did not understand, I stared at Rob's bandaged arm held up in a sling, and then realized Holly's jacket had a bloodstain on it. Right about then was when I lost focus and passed out again.
The next time I regained consciousness, I felt a little stronger and this time although it still hurt, my head felt lighter, as if something had been removed or unwrapped from it. Holly was asleep in a nearby chair and I stared at my beautiful partner, stopping when I saw the dark bruise on her cheek and eye. She stirred and peeked at me, then realizing I was awake she stood stiffly and came over to take my hand. After a little small talk, she filled me in and if I had not been in the bed, I am sure I would have fainted. Leaving the precinct to go to the mall and stake out the shoplifters, I had been distracted with thoughts of Sierra and making a trip to downstate. Because of that fact, I had walked right into the sting operation and startled the already paranoid crooks. From what Holly had said, I had shot one and Guy handcuffed him and stopped the bleeding from his chest. Holly had been too slow to avoid the punch that knocked her back into a clothes rack, also spoiling Rob's aim at the perp. That crook had managed to fire three shots, one hitting Rob in the shoulder, before Guy had hit him from behind with the butt of his gun.
Holly took a deep breath and broke eye contact, obviously not wanting to tell me something, but I squeezed her hand and she faced me again with tears already flowing. A third assailant, a female, had surprised all of us, and fired four or five shots before Holly put two into her and killed her. One of the shots had hit me in the head, luckily just grazing me but also knocking me out and bleeding profusely. I sort of felt what was coming next, and I gripped Holly's hand tighter as she told me two bullets had hit Guy, one in the chest and lung, and the other in the neck, killing him before the EMT's could get there. I gasped and choked, the loss of a good man tearing at me like the bullet I wished I had taken, but then I froze. Holly stared and asked me what was wrong. I could hear her voice and see her talking to me, but it felt like she was at the other end of a long tunnel. Despite the horrible loss and severe injuries, my mind was on something else, and it worried me terribly.
None of the trip to the Awards and the incidents in the hotel had taken place. None of them were real, despite how vivid they had seemed, how lifelike and realistic they had felt. None of the exposures had happened, mine or Sierra's, no intimate contact had taken place, yet it had seemed like it was so real. Holly was still talking and wondering if I needed more pain medicine, but I just could not get past how real it had seemed to be lying in bed naked with my stepdaughter, and by accident, slip my rock hard cock inside her wet pussy. I let Holly hug me and leave and lay there staring at the ceiling, making idle small talk with the nurses as they would come in to check on me, but all I could think about was Sierra. If she had not been seducing me, and I had dreamed up the entire long and realistic fantasy, then it could only mean I was deeply attracted to her. I had problems, far beyond the review board, IA or anything work related.
I drifted through the next few days, getting released and going home. My wife did not seem to be acting any different, but every time Sierra would come near me, her 18 year old body seemed to radiate heat that burned me and her smile set my blood boiling. My wife thought my undisguisable erection was meant for her and smiled, promising plenty of fun as soon as I felt better. I avoided Sierra as much as possible without alerting Shannon or her to my change in behavior, and when my Captain offered me a few weeks paid time to recuperate, I took it. Cleared of the shooting, we all attended the sad funeral of a great man, and it seemed like Holly was paying a lot of attention to me. Not realizing what she was thinking or feeling, I asked her to stop by later to talk, and she smiled and kissed my cheek, something she had never done. Shrugging it off, I tried not to stare at Sierra and her seemingly much too tight black dress. It had to be my wild imagination, but it seemed now that anything she wore was too short, too skimpy, too tight or just somehow too revealing.
That night, I had taken a shower and stood drying myself off, when I heard a noise and turned to see Holly standing there, staring directly at my semi-hard cock. Then I had to do a double take to be sure she really was naked, and sure enough, her fabulous body was completely revealed to me including her seriously stiff nipples. I tried to talk, even as my cock quickly hardened at the exciting prospect of my naked partner, but she shushed me and said it would help us both relax. I looked at the door, wondering not only where my wife was, but how Holly had gotten past her and had time to strip. Seeing where I was looking, she smiled and said Shannon had been suddenly called into work, and then we were kissing. My confusion, lust and excitement all combined at that point and my good judgment was shelved as the young, sexy woman gave herself to me. Without regard to anyone possibly being home or any consequences of getting caught, I led Holly to my bed and began to greedily devour her flesh. Gasping, Holly just begged me to fuck her, saying another time could be spent on foreplay, and I slipped my body atop hers and slowly slid my dick into her waiting hole.
Easing the tip in, I elicited a gasp from my partner as I slowly squeezed more and more inside, eventually having at least six inches inside her and beginning to stroke slowly. Holly was an expert lover, the department rumors actually true for once, and she kissed and sucked my neck, shoulder and anything else she could reach. It wasn't long before I tensed and she opened her eyes wide and said "already?", causing me to grin then grit my teeth to hold back. Holly kissed me deeply then whispered for me to let it go, promising more chances at it, and despite my faithful marriage, the thought of having her again was enough for me to cum deeply inside her. Thrusting far inside her pussy, I stroked off several long blasts and then her legs wrapped tightly around me as her own climax arrived. We writhed in ecstasy until both of us were spent, and then I slipped out and off of her, lying beside her as if it were perfectly natural. She rolled onto her side, and looked at me, her intense bruise almost completely gone.
Finally deciding what to say, she said there would be no commitments, but if I wanted to be with her, she would see no one else. I had to say something, and many things swirled into focus, but she touched her fingertip to my lips and assured me that both our partnership and my marriage would not be affected, as long as I trusted her. I sighed as my life had just become even more complicated, but the last straw had not been revealed, yet. Smiling, Holly mounted me and her firm breasts swayed teasingly in front of me, her erect nipples pointing at me as if in offering. Still smiling, she said I would have to do one thing, and she made me wait what seemed like minutes before she told me what it was.
In my feverish state in the Hospital, besides dreaming and fantasizing about Sierra, I guess I must have moaned her name or called out to her, because Holly now told me I would have to come to terms with my stepdaughter and my feelings for her, before my wife figured things out. I froze. What was there to figure out? I hadn't done anything yet, and fantasies could not be grounds for divorce, could they? With all that, Holly told me one last thing. Loyal partner and all, she honestly had not intended to stay with me nearly all night and day, but it was when she had heard me call out to her and say I had always wanted her, she realized she had also harbored some feelings. Without further explanation, Holly kissed my lips, rolled off me, and the bed and gathered her clothes and took them into the bathroom. My mind spinning, and my head beginning to throb, I passed out, never hearing or seeing Holly leave. I also slept through the arrival of my wife, who never knew about my first ever affair, because Holly had covered me up and turned off the lights, leaving a note that I needed to rest.
I awoke late that next day, feeling not only refreshed, but much more settled as to some things. Sierra would not be home for a few hours, and Shannon was at work, so I would have some time to think things over and hopefully make some decisions. After hot coffee and some toast in my robe, I took a long, hot shower and dried myself off, startling myself to turn and see if Holly was there, but glad to see I was still alone. I had just brushed my teeth when the phone rang and I answered the bedroom cordless, listening as my wife described the information she needed from a paper in the kitchen. I looked at my towel on the floor of the bathroom and told her to give me a minute to put something on, that I had been in the shower. She urgently cut me off and said she had to have the info now, she was in a meeting as we spoke. Noticing my hesitance as I crept to the bathroom anyways, she raised her voice and told me to just go get the paper, since no one was home anyways. Agreeing, I headed out to the kitchen while telling her it would be her fault if Sierra caught me like this, and she laughed and said that if her daughter were to catch me naked in the kitchen, she bet it would only take me 5 seconds to get hard.
I dropped the phone. I was so stunned by what I hoped was just a joke, and I could hear her yelling to me. Picking it up, Shannon urged me to get the info and when I did and read it to her, she blew me a kiss and dared me to be naked in the kitchen when she got home. I just stared at the dial tone when she hung up, wondering what was going on not only in my home but more importantly in my sex life. On the other end of the house from my bedroom and any clothes to put on, wouldn't you know I heard the door open, then slam shut. I crouched immediately and silently prayed Sierra would go to her room, go to the basement, heck to any room except the kitchen. She called out to me as well as her mother several times, and apparently she was certain I was not home as she called again to her mom and asked her to look at something. I heard a rustling of clothes and a couple of store bags and crossed my fingers that she would go to her room, almost willing her to do so. My cock was at full strength and standing straight up from the thrill of getting caught naked, and I frantically looked around for anything besides the dishtowels to cover up with.
The house was silent and I quietly moved to the doorway and peeked down the hallway, glad to see it was clear. Naked and all I dashed down the long hallway and stopped at the side of Sierra's doorway, then I carefully peeked around and almost came. Standing in the middle of her room and looking at herself in the mirror, Sierra was completely naked and looking at the tiny tattoo near her belly button. I drank in every luscious curve of her body as the mirror gave me the front view while I could definitely see all of her from behind. Everything that happened next seemed to be in slow motion despite how quickly it truly occurred. Sierra took her hands and cupped her own full breasts, lifting them and then letting go, she headed into her bathroom without a look back. Behind me the front door opened and like always, my sister let herself in, the noise that followed telling me that my niece was with her. She immediately headed down the hallway, her heels echoing loudly, and I was trapped with only one place to go, into Sierra's room, naked or not.
In a span of seconds, I stole inside her dimly lit room, looked quickly around for the best concealment and then time ran out as Sierra was coming out of the bathroom. The only place to hide was behind the door and I just got behind it when Sierra came into the center of the room. She was still naked and so hot looking, my naughty thoughts overpowering any semi parental feelings I might still have had as I looked at her in another of her mirrors. Then my Sister came to the doorway and gasped to see Sierra naked, and it was as she was apologizing that it all fell apart because automatically Sierra hurried over and slammed the door shut. My hiding place gone, my naked body just there on display, it took her several seconds to realize that I was in the room, and a full two or three more seconds to process my nudity. Wide eyed, Sierra glanced at me and then focused on my extremely hard, very large cock and I whispered that I could explain.
Blinking, Sierra just stood there and stared, not trying to cover herself, until Joanne knocked on the door and asked her if she knew where I was. Grinning, she said yes, and then as her eyes went wide again, she opened the door slightly and I almost cried, afraid of getting caught with no believable explanation. Peeking around the door, she said I would be busy for a few minutes, but that she could fix something to eat while she waited. Joanne thanked her and then asked why she was running around naked in the middle of the day, and Sierra smiled and said she had been applying a temporary tattoo, then shut the door. I was trapped inside with her, rock hard, horny as hell, and all I could think about was how close her naked body was to mine. Blowing me away, she asked me how long I had wanted her, and then without waiting for an answer she said her mom could never find out.
So there it was, guilty or not, the offer was there, and before I could take her up on it, my eager dick aching for the chance, she led me into her walk-in closet and shut the door. The closeness of our bodies was overwhelming and I began to sweat, knowing that wrong or not, it was what I wanted, and just hoping that she really was ok with it. Sierra smiled, looked down at my swollen cock and asked how much more I could take, obviously hinting that she knew I loved to be teased. Then there was a knock and her bedroom door opened, and Sierra turned quickly to face out her closet and peek through the crack. The positioning also placed my rock hard dick right behind her and it bobbed scant inches from her moist lips. It took every ounce of strength I had in reserve to not just impale her from behind, despite how enticing it was and how willing she seemed. Then fate took over for us as she moved to see out the crack in the door, backed her slit into the tip of my cock, and the rest was history.
As soon as her body folded itself around the sensitive tip of my enraged cock, we both gave up all pretense as she sighed and moved to allow me better access while I took her hips and slowly forced my way into her tight canal. Gasping, Sierra said not to worry that I was not her first, but all I cared about was how much better than I had imagined it felt. No dreams, no fantasies, no accidents or close calls, we screwed like ravenous bunnies that were behind schedule. I made no effort to prolong or hold back and she had a hand over her own mouth to stifle her screams. My stepdaughter was a screamer, flashed through my brain as I exploded inside her 18 year old body, my cock pulsing with energy. It took several strokes to finish and Sierra was weak kneed and gasping as she thanked me, begging me for more. I promised we would talk and decide after we both came to our senses, but she turned and looked at me, looking hotter than ever.
I will never forget her next words, no matter what happens. "What's there to talk about? I waited a long time for this, do you really think once is enough?" Then she turned, pressed her body against me for the first real time, and we kissed like my wife and I had never done. Then she left me naked and spent in her closet and took a shower, while I was left to escape from her room nude. Damn, first Holly, now Sierra, and to make matters worse, Shannon still expected me to be waiting when she got home, possibly naked in the kitchen. Did things get better and a whole lot hotter, or did they get much worse?
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ALL NEW CONTENT from this point on and BRAND NEW STORY in PART 2
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For reasons that will become obvious, character introductions and descriptions will take place in SD2.0 part 2 so there are no spoilers. Any changes to characters, descriptions, names or other will overwrite what came before, and as always, thank you for reading.
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I awoke feverish, groggy and dizzy in a hospital but my eyes were only open for scant moments and then everything went dark.
I had a vivid dream of falling down a mountain and then sitting up to see Sierra standing in the snow practically naked, barely wearing the skimpiest black bikini I have ever seen.
I also had a detailed dream about ham sandwiches and dill pickles.
I awoke again, tired, confused and thirsty, and a young male nurse or doctor helped me sip on a fizzy lemon lime soda, maybe SPRITE or 7-UP? I got a glimpse of Shannon who looked really worried and then everything went dark.
This time I had an extremely detailed dream of Shannon crying, arguing with two doctors, and asking why they weren't helping me. Someone said they had to let the fluids and time push the virus out but their faces were blurry.
Then I had a really erotic dream of fucking Sierra against the hood of a car or truck and she kept saying this was the last time unless I divorced her mom.
I had a vivid yet blurry dream about serving a warrant at a house and finding naked women shooting scenes of all female porn.
Then I was eating a taco.
Minutes, hours or days later, I awoke with a massive headache, was extremely thirsty, and a gorgeous blonde in a scandalous Halloween style slutty nurse costume tried to help me sip some water. I blinked several times, but she was still there, still knockout beautiful, and still practically naked. I gasped "Who are you?" and she laughed, "I don't know, this is your dream."
Then I was swimming naked with a bunch of cheerleaders in bikinis.
The next time I awoke, I was alone, it was quiet, and the small clock showed 2:34am. It was dark, I was in a bedroom that I didn't recognize, and for some reason I was naked under the sheet. I was hard, really hard, and confused if I'm honest. I closed my eyes, exhaled, opened them, and it was 2:35am. I was still in the same dark bedroom, and I was still naked and very hard under the sheet. The bathroom door opened, a tall, naked redhead saw me, smiled as she shut the bathroom light off, then slid onto the bed and purred "Ready for round three lover?"
Round three?
Well, I was rock hard, so why not?
Shannon couldn't be mad if it was a dream... right?
It felt great to slip into the redhead's tight, wet pussy and she purred as I began to stroke slow and deep into her fit body. I didn't think about Shannon, Sierra or even Holly as I made love to the beautiful redhead, I just wanted to enjoy the sex. I pushed thoughts of cheating, divorce and penance aside as I thrust into my unknown lover. Shannon had long dark hair and Sierra was blonde, but between my confusion and arousal, I couldn't remember what color hair Holly had.
Did it matter at that moment?
Everything felt great, I was getting close, then it felt like things got darker, I was dizzy, and I gasped Shannon's name then realized the hospital room seemed full of people.
But I didn't recognize any of them.
Nurses and doctors hovered, touched, poked and talked about me, but I just really didn't know or understand what was going on. This time I felt more sure, aware, and gasped "Thirsty" past a dry throat.
That's when my brain froze and my heart stopped.
The gorgeous redhead from my fantasy moved closer, held a cup with a straw close to my mouth, then said "I'm here honey." I blinked past confusion, stared at the beautiful woman, sipped the fizzy drink, then gasped "What's going on?" The redhead kept the cup and straw close as she said "The fever finally broke. I love you so much baby, I was so worried."
It didn't make sense. None of it did.
A fever?
The unknown but beautiful redhead?
Where was Shannon?
Where was my wife?
The redhead spoke to a doctor, he stared at me as she spoke quietly, then he said to the other doctors and nurses, "Why don't we step out for a moment to confer?" They did and the redhead sat on the bed, gave me another sip of the fizzy lemon lime drink, then asked "What do you remember?" I said "The trip for Sierra's cheerleading thing, Guy got shot, my affair with Holly, I just... I'm so confused. Who are you? Do you know Shannon? Where is my wife?"
The redhead blinked then said "Mike, honey. I'm your wife. We've been married for 5 years next week." I shook my head and said "I would remember being married to a babe like you." With a huge smile she leaned close, kissed my lips, then said "Get better and we can discuss those thoughts at home." I sighed because she was an 11 on a 10 scale, but also I really love Shannon and all of this was confusing. While touching at my hair and seemingly petting me, the redhead said quietly "They warned me you might have some confusion and temporary memory loss. My name is Elizabeth and while most of my friends call me Liz or Lizzy, you have always preferred Beth." I blinked but held her hand as she continued "We met just after your horrible divorce from Sandy, you have no children, I have one daughter from a previous disaster, and you have been trying to get me pregnant for the last 5 years." We both grinned and she teased "I'm fixed and can't get pregnant, but that hasn't stopped you from trying."
Now I blushed.
Wow, Shannon had been reserved, Elizabeth... Beth was more... bold.
With a sad smile and a deep sigh, Beth said "So now the bad news. Sierra isn't my daughter or your stepdaughter, she's the very naughty girl next door who has been trying everything to sleep with you for the last year at least. Holly isn't your partner or your secret lover because she doesn't exist, neither does Shannon."
Beth sighed "Just before you came down with what they are calling a severe COVID/FLU hybrid that nearly put you in a coma, you had been working on your newest erotic KINDLE book about a stepdaughter named Sierra who pulled out all the stops trying to sleep with you. You're not a cop, detective or police officer baby. You write books, both romance and erotica. I also know you haven't cheated on me and probably never will, simply because you chase me like a fugitive, love me like no one ever has, and fuck me like I might expire. I love you handsome, and I can't wait until you can come home, but none of that was real babe. You write books and KINDLE stories from home, I'm not a bank executive, I just work in an office, Sierra is a naughty neighbor, and my daughter lives with her father in Connecticut."
What the fuck?
It all seemed so real...
...To be continued in an all new story beginning with part 2.
Note from the webmaster: authors always appreciate feedback about their stories, so by all means write the author a note if you liked the story! The author of this story: jwdoney |