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SECRETS part 1

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This story is real, true and was both exciting and dangerous. It's one thing to create, develop and describe fictional affairs and cheating, but another to actually do it in real life. To protect everyone involved, all names have been changed, the setting and situations have been altered, and fact based or not, this is a work of fiction. No harem, no heroics, no drama, just secrets and the people we try to keep them from. Don't be confused though, this is some of the sexiest, most erotic situations I have ever written because it actually occurred.

Except that it didn't because this is fiction.

Make sense?

The title will become clear soon enough. I hope you enjoy it.

Any people, places, names, products or events mentioned are done so without permission or endorsement, this is a work of fiction.

My name is John and I am 27 years old, stand 6' with very short black hair, hazel eyes, and I'm in pretty good shape. I have worked for a privately owned, franchised major hotel in Upstate NY for almost a year. We have a short Summer, long Winter, but when it's nice the area is overloaded with tourists and visitors. In the hotel business you are either really busy, really dead or quiet, or occasionally a mix of both. Even before COVID, companies and businesses found ways to limit staff and save money. I have no idea if there is an official name or term, maybe downsizing? I call it the ‘Assistant Manager Syndrome' where companies promote people to paper management positions, triple their workload, give them minimal raises and a LOT of responsibility. Usually they are forced to work salary and are NOT paid for their hours past 40.

This is a real thing despite being inside a fictional story.

In my case, I had been a desk clerk for almost 10 months when someone gave notice and someone else got fired in the same week. That Thursday was when the General Manager Jamie asked me to write a short letter on why I wanted the Front Desk Manager position and scheduled an interview with her for the following Monday. The thing is, I didn't want the position, the stress and overload was why Katrina quit and her ‘assistant' Mike got fired for not showing up for shifts. My problem was, I wouldn't tell Jamie no if she asked me to stand in a snowbank during a snowstorm and she knew it by that point. For a woman in her 30's, Jamie is beautiful, fit, sweet and knows she has my attention. It turns out Jamie is actually 38 years old, 5' 10" with long blonde hair, a really fit body that she walks, runs, bikes, works out and attends yoga to stay in shape.

After a few months I had gotten comfortable with Jamie.

Maybe too comfortable.

The first time I stared too long she laughed and asked if I thought a picture would be better. Dead set against blurring lines, Jamie had always politely refused to get personal with any of her employees, even the other managers. It was a great rule but it didn't make sense as time passed, accidental flirting became intentional, and Jamie let her guard down around me. The guy in me was sure she liked me but the human in me said she was just being friendly and nice. As days became weeks and then months, Jamie would stare at me then blush, seemed to extend conversations, went out of her way to just chit chat and talk to me. Little touches, flirty jokes and inferences, and a few times when I had to brush by her I know... I KNOW that I heard her sigh. So much happened over the last few months yet there was no quick, sudden change, more like a little more and a little more over time. On Friday, the day after Katrina quit, Mike got fired, and Jamie asked me to apply for the manager position, I got quite a surprise over FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM.

Jamie sent me a friend request on both socials.

Her accounts were private, so other than certain photos and posts, I couldn't see much, but I really did enjoy what pictures I could view on her INSTA including a couple tight yoga outfits, a bikini photo I will NEVER forget, and her at some party in a really tight, clingy, short black dress. At work, Jamie was always proper, dressed professionally like a lady AND a manager. I knew she was pretty and knew she was in shape. Staring at her pictures, especially her skimpy blue bikini and that sexy dress, I was mesmerized. The choice I made not accepting her friend requests is what actually triggered the beginning of things. Saturday was my mid shift, 3-11, and since I was single at that time, I didn't care what or when I worked. It was about 7:30, after the evening check-in rush, and I was leaning against the counter playing EPIC SEVEN on my phone when Jamie said "Hey" from behind me in the office.

I didn't even hear her come in.

When I turned to smile at her I froze. Literally. Jamie had on the cutest, sexiest, shortest skirt, a flirty, sexy, tight top, her hair was done and she had simple flats on. Plus her smartwatch of course. I tried to restart my brain and my heart, tried to catch my breath, and most of all I tried to think. She was just gorgeous and I cannot recall wanting a female more than I wanted Jamie in that moment. I gasped "You're a Goddess" and she blushed then flirted "What if someone heard you say that to me?" She didn't say I shouldn't or that she didn't like it, she asked what if someone heard me. I stepped into the office and I am not imagining it that Jamie smiled, flirted, and backed slowly away so that she and I were out of view of guests.

I was inhaling and exhaling deeply when Jamie said "I'm mad at you." I gasped "What? Why?" Jamie seriously blushed then asked "Why did you ignore my friend requests?" I blinked, then said "Because I'm an idiot." Jamie laughed, "You are not." I stared at her then asked "What happened to your rule?" Jamie asked "What rule?" I glanced around the doorway, the lobby was quiet and empty, pulled out my phone, accepted both her FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM requests, then put my phone away. Jamie poured gasoline on the moment when she practically purred "There are other pictures of me besides the ones I know you're going to look at." She blushed, I stared at her, then the phone rang. Mind blown and honestly trying to ignore my cock stiffening, I took a reservation then found Jamie still in the office, now leaning against a desk.

Jesus, boss or not, she just looked so... fuckable.

I would probably get slapped, fired and maybe get my ass kicked by her husband Alan, but I moved closer to Jamie who stared at me intently. She didn't flinch, move or block me as I stood between her legs and gave her a hug. In truth I wanted to hold her, and maybe more, but what I knew about women, when she let me that close, ignored boundaries, and sighed as I held her, I was sure that there was some kind of interest. I mean, she works 50 hours at least and came to see me on her day off dressed like it was a date. Then the next clue came when, still holding me as I leaned back and stared into her eyes, she breathed "We can't do this stuff when anyone is around. Promise me." I nodded and then asked "Can I kiss you?" Jamie blushed bright red and panted "No. I'm married and you work for me." I stared at Jamie who was nervous and excited as she repeated "No."

My mind was racing, I wasn't thinking clearly, and even though she was married, I was raised right and respected relationships, I just flat out wanted Jamie. I touched her skirt intending to flirt with Jamie but somehow ended up lifting it, brushing it aside enough to see skimpy, silky white panties. Jamie gasped "John" but didn't adjust her skirt or move away. Instead she stared into my eyes, deeply into them, then asked "What do you want? What do you want that I can give you?" I touched Jamie's face and said "You." Jamie closed her eyes, pulled me closer to hold me, then asked "Can I think about it?" I didn't move, breathe or even think. I just held Jamie and whispered "Yes." Jamie was gentle as she pushed at me to step back, she adjusted her skirt, stood, stared at me excited and blushing, then said "From now on, anything hotel or work related is on my company number. Anything else has to be on my private number that very few people have."

I didn't ask dumb questions like "He doesn't check it?"

Jamie was at the office door when she said "Thank you" and I nodded then said "You're welcome." Jamie smiled, exhaled, then left. It took the rest of my shift to calm down and around 11:05 I got a text from Jamie that she had never sent previously. It was from her personal, private number, and it said "Have a good night, see you Monday." I replied "Good night" and she replied "It was." At home in my small apartment, I had a snack then looked at both Facebook and INSTAGRAM. While I did browse my walls and stuff, I spent time looking at Jamie's page and thought it was odd that until recently her photos and posts on FB were family and relationship related. About a month ago or so the family pictures, any pictures that included Alan, even certain family memes and posts dwindled. Recently she was posting about choices, new beginnings and the oddest one ‘not wanting what she had and not having what she wanted'.

Wow. Was she talking about me?

I convinced myself she wasn't then made the mistake of going to her INSTA. While Jamie simply wouldn't post nudes or be on ONLY FANS both because of her wholesome nature and her career, some of her pictures on INSTA were sexy. Now with access, I could see all kinds of bikini and swimsuit photos, and it sure seemed like some of them were aimed at teasing and showing off her body. Add in sexy dresses, short skirts, tight tops, a towel pic for some reason, even shorts and tank tops. Jamie really was a knock out and it was hard to believe she was 38. I would never tell her, she would never know, but I got excited from looking at her pictures. A whole internet of porn out there including all my bookmarks and stuff saved on my laptop harddrive, and I was rock hard looking at Jamie half dressed at best. I stroked my aching cock slowly until I was close, zoomed in on a picture of Jamie in a slinky, small and sexy light pink microkini, then exploded all over my stomach and chest.

I lay there calming down and cooling off then slunk to the shower and stood under the spray until I finally washed up and got in bed. I fell asleep watching CHICAGO PD then awoke around 9am to my phone ringing. It was Jamie. I answered "Hey" and she said "Hey, I need a favor." I said "Anything" but Jamie laughed "You might want to be careful telling me anything." I said without using my filter "I would do anything for you Jamie and we both know you know it." Jamie was quiet then asked "Can you be decent in 20 minutes?" I said "That ship sailed but I can be dressed." Jamie said "You're awful. See you in a few" and hung up. My cracked brain and desire for Jamie aside, this was new. Jamie had never called me if it wasn't work related and even then it was usually a text and from her company phone. I took a fast shower, got dressed, then ate a bagel on my small front porch when Jamie pulled up and parked. She got out with a huge, flirty smile and stunned me again. For someone who always dresses business-like and lady-like, even after the off work photos I've seen and that sexy outfit last night, I just stared at Jamie.

She had on cute white jean shorts with lace at the cuffs and pockets, a SAVING JANE t-shirt, colorful sneakers and her long hair was back in a crisp ponytail. I said "God you're beautiful" and Jamie blushed "You're not so bad yourself but you really need to chill with the compliments at work." I said a dumb thing "We're not at work" and Jamie shook her head then said "No shit." She came in and said "Wow, what a dump" and I laughed because the only place cleaner than my apartment was maybe Martha Stewart's house or anything related to HGTV. Jamie touched my chest then said "I don't need a favor and I don't have any plans, I just wanted to see you." I froze with Jamie's hand still on my chest and she said "There. It's real and it's out there." Feeling bold, I moved closer to kiss Jamie but she breathed "No."

She also closed her eyes and pursed her lips as if flirting.

I took a chance and kissed Jamie, my boss and employer. She let the soft, lip to lip kiss happen, blushed as we parted, softly repeated "No" then pulled me into a warm, open mouthed real kiss. When we parted breathless, Jamie said "You have to go at my pace John and you absolutely have to promise that no matter what happens, no matter what we do privately, at work it's work and you have to chill." I said "No one will ever know. They won't even have an idea." Jamie laughed "Right. You float around like I'm the only woman on the planet. The worst kept secret ever is that you're into me." I stepped away to think as Jamie sat on my bed and laughed "What a shithole." I smiled at her and said "It's what I can afford." Jamie was quiet, glanced away, clearly thinking, then asked "What if instead of Front Desk Manager I made you Guest Services Manager? I could probably get you a decent raise and even let you find your replacement." I laughed "No one can replace me" and Jamie laughed "Whatever. Good to know you're not full of yourself."

It happened naturally, we went outside, went for a walk, talked about lots of things, then went back inside and Jamie asked "Do you have any actual groceries so I could make lunch?" I smiled as Jamie looked through my fridge and cupboard then said "I can work with this." I asked "Where does Alan think you are?" Jamie shrugged "Who cares? I told him I had some stuff to do and errands to run. He won't miss me. If he's not washing or tuning his ATV, he's playing CALL OF DUTY for hours on end." I shook my head and said "I would never ignore you." Jamie stopped making a salad and asked "Is that right? You say that now with the hopes that I sleep with you, but what happens weeks from now when I want to go to a crafting show or watch HOUSEWIVES?" I gasped, "Is that a possibility?" Jamie looked sad and was quiet as she finished the salad. As we sat to eat she said "I don't know John. This is my first affair and I'm struggling between what we both know you want, what I want, and what is considered to be right."

One thing I'm good at is letting women think. I learned it from my mom, aunt and past girlfriends. Jamie ate, we chatted a little, then she asked "Can we not talk about Alan or work when we spend time together?" I nodded and then asked "When did you decide... uh... you know?" Jamie smiled "I haven't. I'm still deciding." Wow. Okay. We cleaned up from lunch then Jamie asked "What do you want to do that doesn't result in taking my clothes off?" I grinned and Jamie said "When and if that happens, you are going to have to be discreet, show attention, affection and romance me. I think I know you well enough that you would never expect me to just put out." I shook my head and said "I realize the lines are blurred and you are my boss, but I don't think I have ever treated you like that." Jamie gasped, pushed me to lie down on the bed, lay atop me, and said "I'm sorry John. I don't mean to be ugly, I promise." I played with Jamie's hair and she blushed, seemed to want to say something, but she didn't.

I held her and said "Married or not, you're amazing, beautiful and special." Jamie sighed and we kissed until I said "You're also gorgeous, fit, sexy and by now you know I'm excited because you're just... you're just really hot." Jamie asked "Will you respect me?" I said "I do, I will and I give you my word to treat you like a friend and more, not less." Jamie was friskier, we kissed a lot, and she KNEW I was hard. Suddenly, without warning, Jamie got off me, got off the bed, stared down at me with rumpled hair, then said "Don't move. Hold that thought." She went outside, came back in with a backpack, locked my front door, then asked "You promise?" I asked "Would you leave him?" Jamie sighed, "No. You know what this is and it can never be that." I nodded slowly as she stared at me for a moment then asked "Do you still want to do this?" I said, "More than you will ever realize." Jamie blushed then said "Same."


She set the backpack aside, asked "You promise that if I do this... if we do this... you promise to be chill at work and listen to me? To never cross wires?" I said "I promise to treat you like you have always wanted to be treated." Jamie stared at me for a long time, then just slid on the bed, poured herself against me again. We kissed for several minutes. Her phone rang and she ignored it, all four rings. Jamie was pulling at my t-shirt until I took it off and she rubbed my bare chest. I was so excited, so aroused, so horny it was really difficult to think. She pulled at my running pants until we worked them down and she stared at the bulge in my underwear. Jamie was still, silent, and just breathed in and out as she stared at the erection trapped in my briefs. With a deep sigh, she pulled her t-shirt off to reveal her large, firm breasts encased in a tight, lacy light blue bra that seemed to be straining. Then her phone rang again. We both stared at it on my small dresser as it rang four times then stopped.

Jamie exhaled, stared at my bulge, then worked at her shorts until she was wriggling them down while I stared at her matching light blue lacy panties. I was so close. So close. Then both of her phones rang at the same time. Jamie got off the bed, stood there almost naked in her sexy lingerie staring at both phones, and huffed "What the fuck?" I stood while she picked up her work phone, did a whole body exhale, then sweetly answered "Hi Katie, what's up?" As Jamie listened, I slipped off my underwear so that I was naked and rock hard, nothing on but socks. I pressed against Jamie who smiled, turned, saw the size and hardness of my cock, and went wide eyed. I pulled at her panties as she asked Katie "Do you have to go now or can you finish your shift?" As Jamie listened, I slid her panties down her smooth legs and they pooled at her feet. I stepped closer, Jamie was still wide eyed, blushing, and mouthed "NO" as I pressed the tip of my cock against her soaked lips. Jamie had fire in her eyes as she parted her legs for me, leaned against the dresser, then whispered "You wouldn't dare."

I did.

She was tight, but very wet, and I pushed the tip in and then slowly the rest of my cock into Jamie who gasped, moaned, then somehow recovered "I... I stepped on something." Even as I sank deep inside Jamie, my married boss, she fought against her pleasure to say "Let me call John and I'll call you back" and then she just hung up. Jamie moved, I slipped out of her, then she got onto the bed and panted "Get over here and fuck me." I got between her legs, Jamie was wild eyed and trust me, I was overstimulated as well. I slid back inside Jamie who held me and gasped "Why did we wait so long to do this?" I wanted to make love to Jamie but she pulled at me and panted "We have to hurry. Katie's son fell off a swing." I started stroking fast, deep and hard as Jamie moaned "Oh God, now that we've done this I want more."


We were still doing it and she wanted more?

I went right at Jamie and fucked her like she owed it to me and trust me, she was all in. Jamie was loud, noisy, active and really into it as we flat out fucked. The entire moment was exciting and filled with pleasure when it hit me. Jamie got dressed sexy and came to work to flirt with me last night. Then she got dressed pretty and came to my apartment for a romantic morning and clearly more. I was getting close when I had to know so I gasped "You wanted this?" Jamie stared at me past her arousal, moved her hips with my strokes, then panted, "Yes." I gave her as much as I could, she took it all, and then when Jamie's body tensed beneath me she gasped "Oh God" and gripped my sheets as she screamed "OH FUCK FUCK FUCK" and had one mother of an orgasm. I lost my control and exploded deep inside Jamie with all my pent up pressure. We kept going until after rubbing my back a couple of times Jamie said "This is not how I wanted this to occur. I wanted us to lie here after and be romantic and make out."

I said "When you can, we will, I promise." Jamie sighed "Okay. Do you mind going in to cover Katie? You'll be done at 7 and I promise to make it up to you." I nodded and was both surprised and happy when Jamie joined me in the shower. She was happy and I asked "When we're together are we equal?" Jamie nodded and said "Yes." I smiled then said "I think tomorrow, if there's time after you promote me, we should conduct room inspections." Jamie gasped, blushed bright red, then panted, "In the hotel? You want to do it at work?" I smiled then asked "Don't you as GM have to conduct room inspections?" Jamie swallowed "Well yes..." I asked "As a new manager, wouldn't you want me to be trained right?" Jamie was rinsing her hair then said "I see what you're saying." I said "Nothing would stoke me more than knowing I could fuck you at work." Jamie gasped "John" then held me.

She held me for at least a minute, if not two.

Then she stepped back, stared at me, and asked "You wanted to know why? Why I would cheat on Alan?" I didn't but I did. Jamie said "I'm not lying or exaggerating, we haven't been active in weeks. I think he's bored with me and I have been wondering if he's seeing someone." I blinked as we got out, dried off, then Jamie said "Unless the stars align, we can't really talk privately or uninterrupted until Wednesday when you get off at 3. Until then let's just enjoy this and trust each other." I said "You know I love you Jamie? Especially now." Jamie kissed me warmly, held me, then said "Oh God John, why couldn't you be older and I be married to you?"

Did not see that coming.

Jamie eased back, said "I feel it too. I love you, especially now, please don't use me or break my heart?" We got dressed and Jamie said "I might stop in to see you." I grinned but Jamie blushed then said "No honey, we can't. It's too risky." I pouted and Jamie huffed "Fine. Maybe. You'll know based on what I'm wearing." I touched Jamie's face at the door and said "Thank you." She blushed then said "I am completely sincere when I say thank you." We kissed softly then Jamie said "Complain to Katie about having to come in. Just trust me." I nodded then Jamie flirted with her eyes and said "I love you" and left.

I exhaled, thanked all the Gods I could think of, then left and drove to work.

Katie was frantic when I got there. She pushed the bucket towards me and said "Should be easy. One check in remaining and the calls have been light." I asked "How's Colin?" Katie started to cry and said "I'm meeting Dave at the ER. I hope it's not broken." I hugged Katie who said "Thanks for coming in, you're the best" and she left. It was slow and boring, I had a couple of reservation calls, and basically played EPIC SEVEN and watched DIVISION 2 videos. Around 5:30 a guy came in from DOOR DASH and asked "Are you Joe?" I laughed "Yes" and he handed me a bag and said "I'm supposed to tell you it's from a secret admirer" and he left. It was a sub from a local shop that Jamie and I have bickered about for months. Locally, they're loved and considered great, but for some reason Jamie doesn't feel it and prefers SUBWAY. I called her and she purred "Hi." I said "Thank you for dinner" and she laughed "I don't know what you're talking about. I heard it was from a secret admirer." I said "Hmmm. I see. Well when I find this secret admirer I plan to kiss, lick, rub and touch every inch of her body until she runs out of orgasms."

Jamie gasped "OH MY GOD" and hung up.

I smiled as I ate then was scrolling FACEBOOK bored with EPIC SEVEN when I couldn't believe it. There on Jamie's wall was a cryptic post that said "ALL THE STARS ALIGNED AND IT WAS BETTER THAN I HOPED." Wow. Just wow. About 6:45 Jamie appeared and blew me away again. Not just because she was dressed in a cute, flirty pink and white sundress with flats and her smartwatch, but when she smiled at me, flirted with her eyes, then walked up to the front desk. Jamie took room 234 off market, made two keys, then slid one into my back pocket. I was stunned as she picked up her backpack, said "See you in a few" and just left.

Did that just happen?

Michelle showed up as close to 7pm as possible, set her stuff down, then started counting tills. I said "Hello to you too" and she said "Hi John. Sorry. My dumb neighbor was working on his motorcycle all afternoon so I'm really freaking tired. Any chance you want to come in early?" I said "Sure, what are you thinking?" Michelle sighed "Is right now good?" I shook my head and she said "How about 6? If I can get some sleep I might not kill anyone." I waited until Michelle was all set then she asked "Are the rumors true? Are you getting Katrina's job?" I said "Don't say anything until it's official." Michelle stared at me for a long moment then said "I will sleep with you if you get me off Night Audit." I grinned and she said "I wasn't joking." I said "While I appreciate the offer Michelle, I would take you off Audit because you're great at..." Michelle said "Don't. Just let me down and go." I said "If you want to get some dinner or do something, I would love to..." Michelle said "Screw it. Pick a time and I will come to your place and fuck you. To be honest I want to whether or not you get me off Night Audit."

I stared at Michelle while she started checking the bucket, the container that holds all in house guest folios. Michelle is 25, 5' 11", has long, bright red hair, a really nice body including a large chest and a firm ass that I have stared at many times. But did she really want to sleep with me? Maybe I was feeling bold because of Jamie, and the thought of fucking Michelle was exciting, so I asked "Why don't you surprise me?" Michelle said "I will" and then she smiled past her tired eyes and said "Maybe more than once." I was back in the office when my phone sounded and Michelle said "Check your texts." I did and gasped. It was a naked selfie of Michelle and it was a good one. She was fit, beautiful, and had a really nice body. I said "Thank you" and Michelle peeked around the corner to ask "Thank you?" I nodded and she said "Well, now I am going to fuck you and sooner than you think." I said "See you tomorrow" and Michelle said "Sounds good." I smiled as I went back through housekeeping, used the staff elevator, and went to the second floor.

I keyed the door to 234, entered, and all of my dreams came true.

Jamie was sitting on the bed naked watching TV with nothing but her glasses on.

I shut the door and wasted no time getting undressed. Jamie was all smiles and excited as she set her glasses aside, but she asked "What's on your mind?" I stood there in my pants, underwear and socks, exhaled, then asked "If I tell you, can we still have sex?" Jamie said "No matter what you tell me we're going to have sex, so yes." I grinned then said "I think I have a girlfriend." Jamie blushed "John... baby... we can't. You know I'm married." I got undressed the rest of the way, I was really hard, then Jamie blinked a few times and asked "Who is it? Did it just happen?" I said "Michelle, just now, and she literally said she would sleep with me if I take her off Night Audit and let her have my shift."

What surprised me was instead of being upset or jealous, Jamie said "That might work because Cody has been asking if he could go to Audit and if you could have anyone help you transition to manager, she's who I would have picked." I blinked as Jamie blushed then said "I can see it in your eyes John. Don't be hurt. Yes, I'm jealous, but who better to hide in plain sight with than Michelle? She's the only other employee I've gotten close to." I got onto the bed seriously hard and excited, Jamie was naked and visibly aroused, then my phone rang. We both looked at it on the only chair in the room. Naked and excited or not, Jamie said "It's okay honey, we have all night. See who it is."

It was Michelle, I answered it on the third ring and said "Hey." She said "Yes." I laughed "Okay, great. Yes to what?" Michelle said "John I'm sorry. Being tired is no excuse. You asked me out and my answer is yes." Remember that I was hard, naked and hard in a hotel room where I work, with my boss, the General Manager. A married woman who for whatever reason decided to accept my flirting and lust and sat on the bed naked, excited and curious, waiting to have sex with me. I said with complete truth "Awesome. Can I call you back in a few minutes? I have something really important to do." Jamie's eyes got wide as she mouthed "Something important to do?" Michelle exhaled "Great. You're mad. Fuck" and she hung up. Jamie said "I can't wait to give you shit for the ‘something important to do' crack, but something's wrong. I can tell. What happened?" I told her and she said "I won't be mad if you date her or sleep with her John. I'm married and you know even if some feelings slip through, this is just sex and hopefully it never bleeds over to work."

I got onto the bed, pushed Jamie down, moved onto her body, and kissed her. She was practically purring as she felt between us and put my cock exactly where she wanted it. I was sliding slowly into Jamie's tight, wet pussy when she panted "Lots of sex." We made love, kissed a bit, and Jamie's hands slid along my sides as she panted and moaned. Everything was great, the pressure was building, my body was tingling, and then we both tensed when we heard a familiar beep click sound that we knew oh so well. The room door opened, and just as Jamie's orgasm swept over her I lost focus and exploded deep inside her fit body.

While a VERY shocked Michelle stood there wide eyed and open mouthed.

It was too late, I was spurting and cumming as I thrust and pumped into Jamie while she rode through her climax. Even as the haze cleared and Jamie gripped me, she was muttering "Shit. Fuck." I grabbed the hand towel Jamie had on the nightstand, slipped out of her while still drizzling cum and wiped myself off. I handed the towel to Jamie as Michelle stared at my still hard cock, smiled, said "Nice" then added "I just wondered why this room was off market."

Jamie exhaled "Fuck" as Michelle laughed and said...

..."Well, you said it. You had something important to do."

... to be continued.

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The author of this story: jwdoney

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