Any descriptions of Ray, Brandy, Catherine or Ashley, even the two movers Brian and John are fluid and become whatever they are described here, and in part 2 moving forward. Any changes, modifications or descriptions that alter from 3.0 will become canon and won't matter as ‘part 2' is essentially an all new chapter in the tale of the STRIP DOWN device and its users. I am also changing the narrative from a group, multi-character tale to a single, first person story that will also make sense once part 2 begins. Trust me, give it a chance, and remember, I write these stories for you, and because there is SO MUCH sex in this world, but not enough tease or romance.
Or exposure.
Plus my characters like chaos, they just don't know it.
Any people, places, names, products or events mentioned are done so without permission or endorsement, this is a work of fiction.
What appears here is the original STRIP DOWN 3.0 from 2004 that has been heavily edited, streamlined and refreshed. I left all pop culture references intact because when the story shifts to 2025, it won't be a time jump. The idea here is to jump start a new generation of the STRIP DOWN device in a way that makes sense, so if some or all of SD3.0 is tough to swallow, please struggle through, I'm a much better writer now, and Dennis is an excellent editor, but this was a great premise that will be worth a second look once 4.0 gets going. Last reminder, the tech described in 3.0 was dated as of 2004, so it may not make sense to younger readers.
To the best of my knowledge, the device depicted in this story and any future stories is fictional and does not exist, although if it did I would definitely buy one. Obviously you will need to suspend reality for parts of this story, but keep in mind years ago none of us had heard of Laptops, Wireless Internet, Online Gaming, Hybrid cars or picture and MP3 cell phones. This story, the situations in it, all of the characters and the device are all a product of my imagination. All people, places, products or events mentioned are done so without permission or endorsement.
Ray sat at his desk and stared at the small black keychain sitting there, oblivious to his surroundings or his coworkers busy around him. Dr. Ray Stevens was afraid to move, afraid that months of extra hours, secret research and cobbling together leftover parts that he was sure would never be missed would be wasted and he would blink and find out it had all been a dream. Still, there it sat, looking innocently like a keychain car remote, different only because of the single green button covered with a small flip-up piece of clear plastic. If this worked, he knew the company would pay any price to have his designs and probably rush to patent the device, but if it failed, many months of painstaking research would vanish in smoke.
With a shrug, Ray picked up the small keychain and flipped up the plastic cover, smiling at the thought of the device in the hands of a teenage boy. Up until that moment, all of Dr. Stevens's research had been clinical and virtual, but now as he walked out of his office and over to stand near one of his coworkers, he knew this was make or break time. Casually pointing the device towards Lisa, one of his coworkers, he pressed the green button once, it lit up and stayed lit for a few seconds and then went dark. Ray had barely slipped the keychain into his pocket when the effect became immediately obvious.
Lisa was a 5', 9" blonde with shoulder length hair, glasses and an average figure, slim, shapely legs, full bust and curvy hips. Today she was dressed in a black pantsuit and jacket with a white blouse and a single string of pearls on her neck. Her hair was back in a tight ponytail, she had on simple white flats and no hose. As Ray watched Lisa seemed to jerk as if poked in the butt with a pin and then she took a long, deep, full breath and slowly let it out before shrugging out of her white lab coat. Other than Bob, a few cubicles over, Ray and Lisa were the only ones in that part of the work area, a maze of cubicles, so Ray was hopeful most if not all of what was about to happen would go on uninterrupted.
Lisa didn't seem to notice Ray as she dropped her lab coat to the floor and then slipped out of her black blazer and dropped it at her feet as well. She pulled the headband out of her hair and shook it briskly before stepping out of her flats, all with a dazed, faraway look on her face. As she slowly began to unbutton her blouse, her bra visible through her sheer white blouse, Ray watched intently, beginning to get aroused as well as intently studying the results. Bob still hadn't noticed anything, partly because so far Lisa had done everything quietly, and Ray focused his attention back on her as she finished with the last button and began to pull her open blouse out of her pants. For a long moment, Lisa seemed to stop, to freeze in place, and Ray was momentarily worried she had fought off the effect of the device, but as he looked on, he realized she was just deciding what to do first, pull off her unbuttoned blouse or take off her pants.
So far hour upon hour of research and development was paying off, although based on his calculations, Ray knew he would have to test the device out at least twice more. He figured once on someone weak willed, possibly the ditzy receptionist in the main lobby, and on some one firm minded or strong willed like his boss, Catherine. Ray almost lost focus as he began to imagine his gorgeous but incredibly cold boss naked, the woman loved to flaunt her body but refused to give anyone the time of day. In his distraction, Ray had missed Lisa slipping out of her blouse and draped it on the back of her chair, and a quick glance showed Bob still had no idea what he was missing. Even though Lisa was quiet, reserved and all business, not to mention incredibly intelligent, Ray grinned at his choice of her as his first test. She definitely had a better body than he had thought, and it was a shame she always dressed down or demurely.
Her bra was tight and lacy, and barely covered half of each full breast and it seemed her nipples were straining the material as if trying to poke through it. Lisa had her belt undone and unsnapped and unzipped her slacks, and then she wasted no time tugging them down her waist, pausing to adjust her pink panties. Pulling her leg free caused Lisa to stumble, and Ray glanced over and almost laughed when Bob looked up and spotted Lisa half dressed. With the phone to his ear and a coffee mug in his free hand, he looked at her, blinked and sat back forward, and then seconds later he fell out of his chair, dropping the phone and coffee mug. Ray held his breath, because he wasn't sure without a lot more tests just what or how much it would take Lisa or anyone else to "snap out of it." Bob struggled to his feet wide eyed while Lisa finished with her slacks and then reached around to unhook her bra.
Just that it had gone this far was a good sign, and the critical step was the next few minutes. Bob slowly drew closer, a stunned look of disbelief on his face and he acknowledged Ray and then stood near him to watch Lisa as well. Lisa finally hit her mark and the bra came free, practically flying forward and catching at her elbows. Lisa moved her arms, let it drop, and her big, shapely breasts were exposed, the nipples standing crisp and tall. Bob slowly let out a "Wow" and Ray stifled a grin as Lisa just moved to her panties and then slipped them slowly down her body. As she stepped out of them and revealed all, Bob fell back against a desk and stared while Ray quickly sorted in his mind what to do next. While still mulling things over, Lisa surprised him by doing the unexpected and stepping past her fallen clothes, pulling out her office chair and sitting down at her desk and opening a file.
It worked, it worked!
Not only had Lisa stripped completely and acted normal while doing it, but without any further stimuli to guide her, she sat back down naked and continued what she had been doing, oblivious to her own nudity. Ray dragged Bob several aisles over and said he would bet Bob could go over and fondle her breasts and that Lisa would let him. Bob wasn't an idiot, but he also knew he had just seen the darndest thing; it was almost like Lisa was mesmerized. Ray urged Bob and assured him he would explain later but that Bob had better act before Lisa came to her senses. In reality, Ray wasn't sure that the moment Bob touched Lisa she wouldn't snap out of it and possibly deck him, or at least run from the room, maybe grabbing her clothes on the way. On the other hand, Ray was willing to bet that any gentle sexual contact might not only be ignored, but possibly reciprocated. The bottom line was he had to test his theory on Lisa and the blonde in the lobby before trying it himself on his boss Catherine.
Bob was up off the desk, but still hesitant to take Ray's advice and touch Lisa while she was naked. Ray urged him to go over and gently cup and fondle her breast and he gave Bob a gentle push. Still Lisa sat at her desk looking through some files and making notes, completely naked and seemingly still unaware of it. Bob shrugged and walked over to Lisa, glanced back at Ray and then reached out and hefted her right breast. Ray was stunned when Lisa just turned her head and smiled at Bob but made no move away from him and in fact just ignored the fact that he had a handful of her breast. Ray told Bob in a loud whisper, "Kiss her" and Bob frowned at Ray while cupping her breast and toying with the nipple. Bob then leaned over and kissed Lisa who not only responded immediately but stood to face Bob and pressed her naked body against his.
Ray couldn't believe it and if Bob had not been around, he would definitely do some ‘in depth' research of his own, but instead he ignored his hard cock straining his pants and whispered one more thing to Bob. Bob broke free from the kiss and Lisa just stood there visibly panting but waiting for whatever came next, it was just too much to believe and if Ray had not thought of, designed and created the device, he might think it was all a dream. Bob followed Ray's suggestion and engulfed her left breast, sucking and kissing his way slowly down her body until he had to turn her and lean her against her desk while he began to kiss, nibble and lick where he had only dreamed he would ever be. Ray was about to walk away, satisfied with his test so far, and let Bob enjoy himself when the ultimate and most unexpected test of the device occurred.
Lisa's phone rang!
Bob deserved credit for staying with it, even as Ray cringed when like a sleeping person being slapped, Lisa obviously and visibly broke the spell, so to speak. In a matter of seconds, Lisa realized she was naked, and that Bob was licking her pussy and that it felt real good. Her phone rang a third time and she fumbled around behind her with one hand while using the other to keep Bob where he was, silently letting him know he could keep going. Lisa had not spotted Ray so he tried to crouch as he watched her answer her phone while she looked at her clothes strewn all over the floor and chair. After a couple of "Mm-hmms", Lisa told the caller she would get back to them and just dropped the phone, not bothering to hang it up. The last thing Ray saw as he snuck away with a grin was Lisa standing Bob up and practically tearing his tie off and his shirt open.
As Ray hurried to his office to make a few notes, he decided 3 things. He was going to try to make two more devices, all contingent on the parts being available and unnoticed. He was not going to tell anyone about the device (or devices), at least until after further testing, possibly not at all. Most importantly, any further tests would have to be conducted in seclusion or privacy, not only to keep everything a secret, but also so that Ray could be the one to enjoy any benefits of the test subjects. Ray took off his suit jacket and hung it up, and then emptied his pockets of everything except the device and his real keychain. He made sure his ID badge was clipped in place and then he locked his office and then left the offices and labs and got on the elevator. Ray was a little embarrassed that he couldn't remember the cute receptionist's name, something like Randy, Mandy or Candy, maybe it was Sandy. Then the elevator opened on the lobby and whatever her name was sitting there with another older receptionist as well as a bored looking security guard who openly stared at Randy (or Mandy's) chest straining her blouse.
Ray walked up to the security officer and pulled him aside, giving him a rehearsed story about HR wanting him to take Sandy (or Candy) up for some paperwork. The security officer shrugged and told her she needed to go with Dr. Stevens up to HR and she smiled, shrugged and popped a bubble gum bubble. Then she stood and Ray felt his cock twitch and begin to get hard again, just by looking at the outfit she had somehow struggled onto her shapely body. It was as if she shopped 3 sizes too small, and then washed everything in hot water, and even that doesn't really describe the outfits she wore to work everyday. Of course no one complained, at least none of the men and probably a few of the women, and it didn't hurt that the rumors were flying that she had slept with two of the bosses. None of this had any bearing on Ray's decision to select her as a test candidate, although he admitted to himself the thought of seeing her naked and possibly more than that had been a factor.
As she fiddled around putting things away and gathering things into her small purse, Ray just stared at her body and willed his cock to relax so as to not give him away. As Dr. Stevens had finished the technical and programming aspects of the device, it had occurred to him that much like mind control, some people might resist it, and a few could very well ignore it altogether. So many more hours of research and programming had gone into the finished device, and to be sure he just had to test it against several types of personalities. A person with a strong will might be able to resist the device, but so could an ordinary person who just happened to be angry or emotionally stressed at the moment of use. Also, Ray had a theory that different personalities might also influence how the person undressed as well as what happened afterwards. So far that was true because Lisa was an intelligent, kind and perhaps average personality and she undressed at a normal, everyday pace and then just went back to what she had been doing before the device was triggered on her.
Ray had a feeling that with Catherine's personality and will, she was liable to fight the effect off completely, but who knew, maybe she would strip down and stand there. As for Candy (or Mandy), who was finally ready and coming around the desk, Ray hoped she would all but tear her own clothes off and then throw herself at him, but only time would tell. As she came up beside Ray, he extended his hand and introduced himself, and she giggled and said her name was Brandy, so he had been close. Her micro short black mini skirt was pointless as it was so tight it looked like the slightest effort and it would just shred right off her hips, not to mention the daring slit up the side of each leg that almost hinted at what color and type of panties she had on, if any. Her blouse looked like it had been meant as a satiny blouse to be worn under a blazer, but it was so tight that it not only strained against the buttons but it also clung to her bra and accentuated her ample chest. Just concentrating long enough to get her alone was difficult and the fact that she kept bumping and brushing against him and touching him almost with every word she spoke made it an intense elevator ride.
When the elevator stopped on the floor housing the labs, and his office, Brandy just shrugged and asked where they were going. Ray held a straight face and said they had to go by his office and pick up some papers first, and Brandy just said "Oh" and then popped another gum bubble. Ray led Brandy through the various hallways, labs and office areas and opened his door for her, stepping in after her and then quietly locking the door behind him. Ray wasted no time and as soon as she had moved to stand in front of his desk he pulled out the device and flipped up the plastic cover, pushed the green button and waited. With his door locked and his only set of blinds drawn, Ray slipped the device into his pants and watched and just like with Lisa it was as if Brandy had been slapped or poked. She just sort of snapped into a straight position and began to undress. Unlike Lisa, Brandy seemed to be in a hurry as she managed to get her tight blouse off without ripping the strained material.
Ray sat down quietly and made sure his phone had the ringer turned all the way down as Brandy tossed her blouse across the small office and fought with her tight skirt. Ray stared at her big boobs that seemed about to spill out of her bra, guessing at least 36DD if not larger. For a moment, Brandy gave up on her skirt and took her hair out of its banana clip and shook it out, something Lisa had done as well, and Ray managed to concentrate long enough to make a notation. His cock was fully hard and straining his pants again and he dropped his pen and watched Brandy get the zipper this time and as if in relief her skirt zipped open and fell to the floor. She did have panties on, skimpy little red ones that covered nothing, and before she took them off Ray knew she was shaven. Brandy did something Lisa had not, she came around Ray's desk, turned his chair and stood at his knees and worked to undo her bra.
The scientist part of Ray's brain screamed at him to make a notation as Lisa had not seemed to notice he had even been there when she undressed right in front of him. The horny male part of Ray won though and he sat still and watched her catch the clasp as her bra flew forward and over Ray's head. Despite the sheer size and weight of Brandy's breasts, they did not so much as sag as they just hung there and jiggled from their own weight. They seemed to be so perfectly round and natural and her nipples were hard, thick and perky, demanding his attention. In one swift move, despite her shapely hips, Brandy slipped her tiny red panties down and off and stepped out of them, revealing her moist pussy lips to Ray as she did so. Ray planned to sit still and wait to see what Brandy would do next, but he didn't have to wait long as again unlike Lisa, she moved closer and climbed into his lap, straddling Ray in his office chair.
Ray wasted no time and took one of her huge tits into his mouth, swirling his tongue against and around her stiff nipple. Brandy gasped and had both her hands and fingers in Ray's hair, pulling his head tightly against her chest and guiding him between both her sensitive breasts. Brandy almost fell out of the chair and for a split second Ray was afraid she had snapped out of the daze, but it turned out she was standing him up to undress him. In no time they had him naked and she found his cock and pulled him close, apparently dazed or not she knew how to fuck as she positioned their bodies and let him poke against her hot, wet pussy. Ray guided her back against his desk and slipped inside her, groaning at how surprisingly tight and hot her pussy was. He started out slowly and so far other than gasps or moans, Brandy had not said a word, even as they slowly increased pace and rhythm. Ray was driving deep in and out of Brandy and enjoying every moment as he alternated between sucking her breasts, nibbling her neck and kissing her deeply.
Then his pager went off, the only thing he had not planned for or silenced, and it was out of his reach, still clipped to the belt on his pants, on the floor. Brandy snapped out of her state with Ray still inside her and she just froze for a moment. Fearing the worst, Ray almost came when she just said "Oh" with a laugh and, "I guess we aren't going to HR" and then kissed him again. Ray held back as long as he could and then exploded deep inside Brandy, and she clutched him tightly and bit his neck trying to stifle her own screams. Without knowing why, Ray thanked her and was about to pull out of her and away, but she held him and whispered for him to just hold her for a moment. Ray was glad he did because she couldn't see his face when she asked "How did I get naked?"
The only thing Ray could think to say was "What?"
Brandy eased him out of her and stared down at his semi-hard cock, and with yet another shrug she said it was strange how she didn't remember much of what just happened. Ray thought quickly and lied, telling her he had come up here to get some papers and then they were going to go to HR, but the next thing he knew she was kissing him and then they undressed and made love. Brandy smiled and stood there naked still, and she said that made sense since she liked Ray but he had never asked her out. Brandy was either smarter than she let on, or more manipulative, because as she began to get dressed, she asked if they were going to HR to transfer her to his department. Ray gulped and picked up his underwear, asked her what she was talking about and she said she heard he needed an assistant.
Ray had to sit down, not from fear or confusion, but because he suddenly realized this could work out in his favor. While he was thinking about ways to subtly and secretly test his inventions on Brandy, plus have a sexy assistant around all the time, Brandy had a different idea. Brandy had her bra and panties back on, what good they did to cover her gifts, and she was seriously struggling with her skirt when she said this way they could have sex anytime although she would prefer it be in a bed every once in a while. Ray almost fell over in his chair and was speechless, and he sat there in his underwear and watched Brandy miraculously get her skirt on and zipped, then somehow morphed her blouse into place as well. Everything was going too fast and Ray drew a deep breath and suggested that they keep their relationship under wraps for a while, because he wasn't sure what company policy was about interoffice dating.
Brandy stood before him looking just as sexy in her tight, skimpy clothes as she had naked, and she shrugged again and said that was fine, as long as he promised to treat her like a girlfriend outside work. Ray just picked up his shirt, not sure how suddenly he had an assistant and a girlfriend, and wondering if it was a bad thing or a good thing. Reflecting on the sex they just had and glancing up at her beautiful face and awesome body, he decided he liked girlfriend, as for his assistant, he wasn't sure yet. As he finished getting dressed, Brandy helped herself to one of his drawers, pulled out a notepad and a pen and began writing something. By the time he was dressed, she tore off the page and slid it towards him and it had some personal info, her address, phone number, cell and pager numbers and e-mail address. She grinned and said he might need it, then pen poised before the next page she waited, and Ray gave her his info, realizing this had to be the strangest beginning to a relationship he had ever seen.
Later that afternoon, Ray called Catherine's secretary and requested 15 minutes to discuss something urgent, and she sighed and said she would fit him in at 4:30 and hung up without another word. Ray set his own phone down and fingered his device, but quickly told himself that he was not going to use it like that, even though Catherine's secretary was pretty good looking. The strangest thing was how cooperative and helpful HR had been, not only had they agreed to Ray' request to transfer Brandy, but they repeatedly thanked him for some reason and processed the paperwork while the both of them stood right there. The HR manager actually gave Brandy a raise and the title of executive assistant, got some information to print business cards for her and within minutes a work order was in place to have a desk and computer brought down to the small alcove outside Ray's office.
Now Brandy had her desk, computer, phone and even a metal cabinet to keep supplies and personal stuff in, and Ray smiled as he looked out and saw her arranging things on the desktop. Brandy caught his eye and smiled with a wink and Ray started to get hard, something that surprised him a little. Brandy came into the office and shut the door, and sat in a chair in front of Ray's desk, and for a moment they sat and stared at each other. Then she blew Ray's mind by telling him she had been dressing sexy and acting ditzy for over a year just to get attention, and she was going to repay Ray with a surprise. Ray asked her what it was and Brandy shook her head and said she wanted it to be a surprise, but she gave him a hint that she would leave early today while he was at his appointment with Catherine and go wardrobe shopping. Ray was curious and she smiled and said all she would tell him was the sexy, slutty clothes were going to be for his eyes only from now on. Ray gambled and asked if the airhead blonde had all been an act, and Brandy stood and smiled, walked to the door and then opened it and went to her desk.
Soon, Brandy gave him a kiss and asked where he wanted to meet, and he suggested his apartment for the first night, and she double checked she had the address, gave him another hot kiss and left. Ray was smiling with his feet up and mulling over the whole "girlfriend" thing when Bob stepped into his office and shut the door. While Bob technically worked under Ray and answered to him, Ray was not like that to his coworkers, besides he had an idea what Bob wanted. Bob stared at Ray intently for a long moment, and then finally asked Ray what had caused Lisa to behave like that. Ray answered with a question of his own, asking if Bob and Lisa had done anything else after he left, and from the grin and blushed cheeks Ray got the answer. Then for the second time that day, he lied and told Bob he had no idea but he wasn't complaining. Bob grinned and said neither was he because he and Lisa had a date for dinner.
Ray left that alone and asked Bob what Lisa had said about why she had undressed, and Bob lost his smile and said all she remembered was working at her desk, and then suddenly she was naked with him between her legs. Bob blushed again then stood and stared at Ray for another long moment, and Ray waited for him to speak. Finally Bob opened Ray's door and started to leave, then he said that if Ray had somehow caused Lisa to strip, he wanted to thank him. Then after another long pause, Bob asked Ray if he did do something to cause her to strip, would he eventually share it with him. Ray assured him that if he ever discovered a way to make women undress, Bob would be the first person he would tell. Bob left and Ray gathered up all his notes regarding the device and put them in a blank file folder, then he sat and stared at it for a moment. Finally he wrote Strip Down 3.0 on the tab and the cover, a code name for the device and a number based on the number of prototypes he had made to get the finished device. He locked the file in the back of his cabinet, locked his office and made his way to the elevator.
Ray stepped into the elevator and almost crashed into Carla, a sexy Hispanic research analyst from the floor below his. She greeted him cordially and they chatted about Brandy being promoted and transferred, the office gossip apparently in full swing. Ray stated that he saw potential in her and Carla leered and said she bet he did. What happened next was an accident. Ray reached into his pockets to be sure he had the paper with Brandy's information, and his finger jammed against the plastic cover and bumped the green button on the device. He knew for sure he had accidentally activated it because Carla reacted as if she had been slapped. She dropped the files she was holding and they fell all over the elevator car while she went right to unbuttoning her satiny blue blouse. Despite a part of him wanting to see his sexy Latino coworker undress, another part of him wanted to get out of the elevator so as not to draw any attention to himself.
Carla pulled off her blouse and dropped it behind her, revealing firm round breasts in a snug multicolored bra. The sexy analyst unclasped her skirt, unzipped the small zipper and let her skirt fall to the floor, not even bothering to step out of it. Her panties were a string bikini type and a multicolored match to her bra, and she just stared straight ahead as if in a daze as she unclasped her bra from the front. Her breasts were soft apple shaped with firm nipples on them, and Ray had to tell himself not to touch, as tempting as it was. The elevator dinged for the floor he needed, and as the doors opened, Carla peeled down her panties and then stepped out of them and her skirt. Thankfully no one was waiting to get into the elevator, and Ray whispered sorry to Carla, gently caressed her left breast and nipple, and then pushed L for the lobby and stepped out of the elevator. As the door closed behind him, Ray felt like a heel, but he was sure Carla would snap out of it with no stimuli during the ride down, and if not, well, he guessed she would see for herself what the office gossip was like.
Ray checked in with his boss's secretary and waited in the plush waiting area, leafing through current magazines and staring at the TV that of course had soap operas playing. At promptly 4:30, the secretary told Ray to go in to see Catherine. He walked into her spacious office, as always marveling at how much room and how many furnishings she had. Rumor had it that Catherine and a few other executives each had a private suite with a full bar, entertainment system and of course a bed for when they had to put in long hours. Like all rumors the company was full of, Ray wasn't sure if it was true or not, but he had an idea he might find out today. Catherine stood to meet him, and as always she was breathtaking, despite her top level position and her cold, always business demeanor.
A former fashion model and leveraged buyout executive, Catherine had a body to die for, long legs, trim waist, flat stomach and full chest without being too big. She didn't look 35 at all, and her long black hair was always well kept, usually pulled back in a clip or a ponytail. Her bright green eyes were a distraction not only because they could be captivating but also because they could harden in a moment's notice. Ray met her at her desk and she stiffly shook his hand and offered him a seat while immediately asking what he wanted to see her about. Catherine was in a league of her own, and Ray still wasn't even sure if the effects of the device would or could even take hold with her immensely strong will. Ray decided to just use the device on her surreptitiously in case it didn't work, and was still standing and reaching into his pocket when Catherine congratulated him about Brandy.
Ray froze and met his boss's eyes, and with a wicked grin that came and went in an instant, Catherine said Brandy fooled most everyone in the company, but not her and Ray just stood there and blinked. She said she had always been able to see past Brandy's "silly me" tease façade and was glad that Ray had as well. Then she asked again what Ray had come to see her about and he slipped his finger under the plastic cover and pressed the green button. A long minute passed and Catherine blinked a couple of times and gently shook her head before looking at Ray and saying "That was strange." Ray was wide eyed and he still had his finger on the button so he pressed it again, this time holding it down for 2 or 3 seconds. Finally the desired results came forth as Catherine snapped up in her chair as if poked in the ass, and she stood almost knocking her chair over. She had a glazed look in her eyes and Ray could swear her will was actually fighting the effect, but she did begin to unbutton her expensive silk blouse. By the time she had it undone, Ray was standing close to her, watching her expressions more than her body as it sure seemed she would break out of the trance at any moment.
Catherine dropped her blouse at her side and did what none of the other women had done, she pulled Ray close and enveloped him in a warm kiss. Then she stepped back and unzipped her skirt behind her, dropping it to the floor and again doing what none of the others had done, she walked around the desk, almost as if to give Ray a better look. Her chest swelled against her white lacy bra, and Ray wondered if all women wore bras a size too tight. Her panties were a white silky material and while not bikini they were still skimpy and didn't cover a whole lot. Then the unexpected happened and Catherine's eyes blinked and she fell back against the edge of the desk, her hand touching her forehead while she complained of a headache. Ray panicked and was reaching into his pocket, realizing she had actually fought past the effect, and he was fumbling for the device when Catherine asked what was going on and looked at herself in just her lingerie.
Ray pressed the button and held it again, and finally Catherine acted as if slapped and had a glazed look again, and Ray let out a deep breath. Catherine stood again and resumed undressing, beginning with her bra which she unclasped in one simple flick behind her back. She let it slip down her arms, exposing her ample chest and then it passed her hands and dropped to the floor. Catherine then stepped closer to Ray and they kissed a second time, this time her hands found his tie and shirt and worked at removing both while he rubbed and squeezed her breasts and toyed with her erect nipples. Then she stepped back suddenly and asked "Ray, what's going on?" and slumped against her desk a second time. Fearfully, Ray was shocked that Catherine had broken the spell a second time and he found the device and triggered it not once, but twice and he didn't notice that Catherine's no longer glazed eyes were locked onto his pocket, watching him fumble in it.
Ray was so relieved when Catherine stood straight and slowly peeled her panties down that he failed to notice her eyes were sharp and focused, and she had a slight grin on her face. Catherine moved closer and began to undress Ray and when she had him down to his underwear which barely contained his stiff cock, she fell back against the desk and asked what was going on. Ray's eyes went as wide as possible and he fumbled for his pants at his feet, managed to get the keychain shaped device out of his pocket and triggered it again. Ray could not believe Catherine's willpower, a true testament to her inner strength, and he was thankful she was under the effect again when she stared at his cock bulging his briefs and came closer. Catherine slipped his underwear down and took hold of his cock with one hand and cupped his ass cheek with the other as she led him to her spacious couch.
Ray was so distracted that he did not have time to realize that he had dropped the device on the floor amongst the pile of clothes. He also had no idea that Catherine's eyes were not glazed but in fact were clear and sharper than ever, and she wasted no time pulling him down on top of her on the couch. Catherine positioned him at her entrance and gasped when he poked through and into her needy pussy, and Ray gasped himself when he felt how incredibly hot her canal was. It didn't take long for them to reach a rhythm as they kissed and caressed while slowly building towards a climax, and Catherine waited, biding her time until the perfect moment. Ray began to breathe harder and stroke faster, and Catherine was close to her own orgasm, so she whispered "Ray?" and he almost broke stride as neither Lisa nor Brandy, or for that matter even Carla had spoken while under the effect.
While encouraging him to keep going with her hands and body, Catherine again whispered "Ray?" a little more loudly this time, and then said "I'm not sure what you're up to, but if you wanted to fuck me, you could have just asked."
Ray sat in his office staring at his desktop and the faux keychain that lay atop loose papers and his blotter. It was past research now, way past it, but for every development a newer, separate headache had resulted. Sure the initial test on Lisa had gone surprisingly well, but now he had Bob nosing around and asking questions, assuming Ray had some part in her impromptu strip. Brandy was an enigma and Ray still wasn't quite sure if she was a positive or a negative. Granted the test had worked amazingly well but now he had a personal assistant AND a girlfriend, all in the same afternoon, and he was sure she was going to be asking questions, especially since her whole airhead act had been a complete ruse. Then there was his boss, Catherine, and while he had chosen her as a test subject for the device purely for selfish reasons, it had definitely not turned out at all as expected.
Despite her ice cold demeanor and all-business attitude, Catherine had perhaps the best body that Ray had seen in the entire building. Add to that her strong will and cool personality, and she had been a lock for a test subject in Ray's mind from the beginning. Ray was so preoccupied with his thoughts and the deal Catherine had made with him that he didn't hear the commotion in the hallway until his door opened. Ray was startled to see Carla standing in his doorway, and she looked frazzled to say the least, and she was completely naked. Ray stared wide eyed, suddenly remembering how he had accidentally triggered the device on her in the elevator earlier, and he swallowed past a dry throat as he recalled caressing her full naked breast and then sending her down to the lobby in the elevator.
As he stared at Carla she slammed his door shut and half stumbled to the closest seat, her hair in disarray and a dazed look on her face. Before he could say a word, Carla just started talking, not yelling, hardly any emotion evident in her voice, she just spoke quietly. Carla said the last thing she remembered was getting onto the elevator with Ray and then the rest was like a fuzzy dream until suddenly she was standing in the lobby being shaken by a security officer. Ray blushed and felt badly for leaving her helpless until she said she had let the security officer lead her back to the security office, still completely naked, and then seduced him all while acting as if still confused. Ray picked up a pen and began to take notes while Carla smiled and said it was as if she were free for the first time and she just felt so energized.
Suddenly, Carla stood up and came around the desk and practically climbed into Ray's lap and the next thing he knew she had put her breast into his mouth while her hands rubbed at his crotch. Ray's confusion swiftly melted away and he was already beginning to get hard when his door banged open again and two security officers barged in. Carla flew off Ray's lap and was behind him and his chair by the time they got close. It took a few minutes to assure the security men that he would see that Carla got dressed and went home for the day, and he winked and played it up like she wasn't feeling well. After they finally left, Ray gave Carla a spare lab coat and walked her to the elevator, ignoring all the stares as he passed his coworkers. Bob was standing outside the kitchenette stirring his coffee and he said "We need to talk" as they passed but Ray just ignored him.
Ray put Carla on the elevator and hurried back to his office, shut and locked his door and slumped into his seat, again staring at the device. Catherine had all but stepped out of her office renowned personality and become a whole other person, and while she had not directly discovered his device, she had fought off its effects and figured out Ray had done something to get her to undress despite her incredibly strong will. Strangely, Ray had never had to explain or create an excuse, Catherine just made a deal with him for open ended sex anytime she wasn't in a meeting. The catch was she gave him 48 hours to develop and finalize his "mind control device" as she called it and bring it to a board meeting on Monday. While she did not know what he had created, she had easily figured out at least some of its capabilities and wanted Ray to use it against some of the board members to embarrass them into siding with her on some upcoming voting. Ray didn't have the heart to tell her that embarrassment was the least of anyone's worries and he was himself sort of worried that her plan would actually just turn the board meeting into a big orgy.
Ray smiled suddenly, stood and pocketed the device, assuring himself that he still had containment. He decided to go home and spend the night with Brandy, see how the whole, all of a sudden, girlfriend thing worked out; at least the sex would be incredible. Then on Saturday he would try some different testing of the device in the City Park and at the mall or a department store. Since his intended goal wasn't to use his device to get himself laid, despite things working out exactly that way, he picked up his briefcase and decided his next few test subjects would be strangers and with any luck they would never see or notice him so he could observe their reaction and behavior. Ray locked up his office and stood in front of Brandy's new desk, and then with a smile he decided that maybe he would be extra selective with a couple of his unwitting test subjects. After all, participating in research was a lot more fun than just studying it.
After a day filled with surprises, Ray Stevens was not shocked to find Brandy inside his apartment making dinner. How she had gotten past the front security door and his locked front door had him wondering until he spotted her in his kitchen cooking naked. Ray dropped his briefcase on the sofa near her 4 or 5 department store bags and he couldn't help but blink a couple of times when he saw the suitcase and makeup case beside it. Ray walked slowly into the kitchen, savoring the absolute fantasy come true of the gorgeous blonde preparing a meal naked. For years it had been one of his most prominent fantasies and he was hard by the time he was close enough to give her a kiss. Brandy wasn't satisfied with just a quick kiss and she pulled Ray close and they nearly set off the smoke alarm from the scorching kiss they shared.
Ray was trying to find his voice when Brandy stirred something in one of the pots, turned the burners off and led Ray into his bedroom. For the first time that day, Ray was the one in a daze as he hurriedly undressed and climbed into his bed with Brandy and wasted no time penetrating her. She was tight and warm and they seemed to mold together as they kissed and made love. Over an hour later, as they were lying there together making small talk, Brandy sat up like a bolt and then ran from the room. Moments later she called for Ray to get dressed as she had managed to save dinner, and Ray blinked, having forgotten all about it. That night after watching 50 First Dates, Ray and Brandy made love twice, the first time just hot, quick sex that they both wanted and the second time was more of a result of Brandy's urgings. Ray did smile to himself when Brandy revealed that despite the slutty airhead act she had portrayed at work, it had been many months since she had any sex.
Ray smiled and then decided to take a chance with her, and while he did leave some parts out, he told her about the device, what he truly planned, or had planned for it, and about the further testing he hoped to conduct in the morning. Brandy just lay beside him quietly, mostly stunned, not because of what Ray had developed and created, but that it was actually possible. Then she sat up slowly and smiled wickedly, the sheet slipping off her huge chest and exposing her excited nipples to Ray. With a glance at the clock, she dragged Ray into the shower and explained her plan, and Ray was hard in an instant despite all the sex he had had in the last 12 hours. Brandy shook her head and told him he would have to wait until they got back and they kissed, rinsed off, got out and got dressed.
As they rode his elevator down Brandy asked him to make her one promise, but it sounded much closer to a demand. She said she would have sex with him pretty much any time he wanted, and within reason almost any place he wanted, but he should not use the device on her again, at least not without warning her or asking her. Ray agreed and she said Sunday she would see about getting some movers to pack up her apartment and Ray almost walked face first into a wall. Then they were outside and he put everything aside to switch to scientist mode, keychain in hand and Brandy on the other side of him to avoid any "accidents." Ray and Brandy walked up the street and entered a Starbucks, and as usual it was packed with people of all types and income brackets.
Ray had explained to Brandy the actual purpose behind his testing and selection of subject types, and at first Brandy had just wanted to randomly select people and use the device on them. Ray had no intention of causing someone to get arrested, and for the most part he was only interested in female subjects, but he had agreed to let Brandy pick out an unwitting male tonight. Ray stood in line with Brandy and was looking at the different women while fiddling with the plastic cover to the device. Someone bumped him from behind and Ray froze as he pulled his finger back off the button and knew it had triggered on someone. Before he could tell Brandy what had just happened, the person who had jostled him bumped into someone else and that person pushed back, causing him to stumble into Ray, triggering the device a second time. The damage was done so Ray slipped the keychain into his pocket and waited, but it wasn't long until he and Brandy saw their unsuspecting participants.
A tall dark skinned lady standing at the condiment bar snapped up straight so suddenly that her cup spilled and she didn't seem to notice. The woman appeared to be of Indian descent with long black hair and a slim, shapely body dressed in jean shorts, half top and sneakers. Brandy elbowed Ray and pointed to an older blonde woman with short hair and a fuller figure off to the left of the coffee line. She was dressed in a brown pantsuit and jacket and she was already standing straight and dazed and she had dropped a laptop case and a drink of her own. Some people close to the blonde and the dark haired women were staring but most everyone else was carrying on their own business. Ray grinned and thought it was all about to change.
The Indian woman wasted no time and pulled her half shirt up over her head and then did something no one else so far had done, she tossed her shirt away instead of dropping it at her feet. As she shook out her hair, Ray glanced over and noticed the blonde woman was stripping at a much slower pace; she still had everything on although she was slowly unbuttoning the jacket to her pantsuit. The dark haired Indian woman kicked off her sneakers and wasted no time unbuckling her belt, unsnapping her shorts and then unzipping them and peeling them off. As she stood there in her white bra and panties, her brown skin a contrast to the white lingerie, she again tossed her shorts away from herself. The blonde woman had taken off the jacket and was working at the buttons to her long sleeved white blouse and Brandy and Ray moved closer to the counter along with the line. A few more people were paying attention, but Ray was surprised to see the majority still had not noticed or just didn't care.
The dark haired woman continued her frenetic pace and unclasped her bra, pulled it off and tossed it away, the furthest any of her clothing had gone. She had nice round breasts, maybe a 32 or 34, possibly D cup, and her thick brown nipples were at complete attention. Ray glanced over at the blonde woman who had finally unbuttoned her blouse and was pulling it off to reveal a huge chest and the tightest beige bra he had ever seen. Ray guessed she was a mother closer to full figure size than anything else, and figured her chest to be 38 or 40 DD at least. The dark haired Indian woman stood there at the counter in just her white panties and socks and held a hand to her forehead as if suffering from a migraine or hangover, and Ray made a mental notation of her response. The short haired blonde undid and unzipped her slacks and pulled them down to reveal beige panties that matched the bra she had to have struggled into. The blonde woman was dropping her clothes on the floor at her feet, Ray noted, and she went to work on her bra while the dark haired young lady resumed her own activity.
The Indian woman swiftly peeled off her panties, stepped out of them and tossed them aside to land behind the coffee bar. Unlike any other test subject so far, the Indian woman did not just stand there naked, instead she went to the closest guy who happened to be staring at her wide eyed, and she began to kiss him and then sat on his lap naked. Repressed sexual feelings Ray wondered and then saw that the blonde mom had finally unclasped her bra and set her huge breasts free. They bounced from confinement and jiggled while the woman was about to pull her panties off, and she had her fingers in the waistband when someone screamed and dropped a tray of dishes or cups or something.
The blonde woman snapped out of the effect as if splashed with Arctic ice water, and while she looked around and realized she was naked, Ray saw the Indian woman had also snapped out of the trance but it didn't take but a moment for her to continue kissing the guy she had chosen while still sitting on his lap naked. She took one of the guy's hands and put it on her breasts and Ray grinned. Brandy casually rubbed her hand across Ray's crotch and was satisfied to find him fully hard as expected, and then they both watched as the blonde woman gathered her clothes and clutched them against herself and hurried out holding her laptop case behind herself.
The whole thing had been unintentional, but it had also gone off without a hitch and no one suspected him for having caused it, something Brandy pointed out as they paid for their overpriced drinks and left. The Indian woman was still sitting naked on her lucky guy's lap and now his shirt was off and no one seemed to mind all that much. It wasn't long before Brandy found a guy she thought was good looking and Ray carefully pulled out the keychain device and triggered it... and nothing happened.
Ray and Brandy just stared at each other for a moment while their unsuspecting male test subject continued to talk away on his cell phone. Ray shrugged and pressed the device button again, the light lit up and went out and after a moment or two... still nothing happened. The man talking on his cell phone smiled at Brandy and then walked away while still talking on his wireless phone, and Ray pressed and held the button for several seconds with still no results. Brandy insisted Ray let her try and he told her no a couple of times while he wondered what the issue was. The only person who was completely immune to the effects of his device was him, and while he had designed it to work on females, it should also work on males.
Figuring it was pointless anyways, Ray handed over the keychain when Brandy asked the third time to try it. Neither of them saw or heard the police officer walking up behind them until she asked them what they were doing. Brandy had her finger on the device and turned to face the police woman when she startled her and Ray. Ray knew they were in trouble when Brandy said "UH OH!" and handed over the keychain and it was confirmed when the female officer stood straight up and her expression went blank. All of his experimentation so far had been innocent, well mostly, but a female police officer on a crowded street at almost Midnight? Ray was close to panic as the officer fumbled with her duty belt for a moment until finally she unclasped it and let it fall, gun, radio, equipment and all. Part of Ray wanted to get out of there, run or call a cab, but another part knew he could not let anything happen to the law enforcement officer.
Brandy whispered in Ray's ear, asking him what they should do, and the officer was already unbuttoning her blue duty blouse to reveal a bulletproof vest underneath. Ray had only had 7 or 8 trials and had no idea what would happen if he interrupted the effect of the device, and that was when he remembered his pager had startled Brandy out of it while they had been... Brandy seemed to be looking all around and just stared as Ray snatched a half empty bottle of water right out of the hands of a man walking past them with his wife. Ray splashed the stripping female officer in the face and she snapped out of the daze and blinked her eyes while shaking off the last of the effect. The officer sputtered and asked what the Hell was going on, and then she realized her blouse was unbuttoned and untucked and her duty belt was undone and lying on the ground.
Ray was about to say something, anything, when Brandy asked the officer if she were alright and said it looked like she went into a trance or something. The officer was both embarrassed and angry and she gathered up her belt and stomped off and Ray practically dragged Brandy down the street in the other direction. That had been a close one and Ray steered Brandy into a Mom and Pop all night convenience store. Brandy said maybe they should just go back to his apartment, and Ray bought a couple of Milky Ways and then they walked the rest of the way to his secure building. Ray used his keycard to give them entry and stopped short at the mailboxes when he spotted Evelyn, one of his neighbors, as she was arguing with the security guard about something.
Evelyn Richards was one of the rudest, nosiest neighbors he had ever had anyplace he had lived, and besides having an ear and nose in everyone's business, she also seemed to know something about everything and always had an opinion to share. Unfortunately, Evelyn was also one of the most attractive women Ray had ever met, and one of the city's famous single women which made her sometimes tolerable. Ray whispered to Brandy what he was going to do, and she just kept glancing at Evelyn, still arguing with the guard, then at Ray and back at Evelyn. Brandy told Ray he just wanted to see Evelyn naked and Ray said she was right but that there was more to it and he would explain later. Evelyn paused in mid-tirade when she realized Ray was in the lobby and she was immediately and visibly jealous to see the blonde tramp hanging onto his arm.
Nearly every day Evelyn assured herself that it would be the day that Ray finally got the courage to stop staring at her and just finally ask her out, but now he had this blonde with him. She gave up trying to get the guard to stop letting the stairwell door slam during his patrols and she went over to meet Ray's date. Ray introduced Brandy to Evelyn and Evelyn practically sneered at Brandy, and the look on Evelyn's face was memorable when she found out Brandy and Ray were dating. Ray had the keychain in hand and he and Brandy stepped into the elevator and waited for Evelyn, and Evelyn stepped inside and rudely asked if Brandy was planning on spending the night. Ray almost dropped the keychain when Brandy smiled and said she was actually going to be moving in with Ray, and Evelyn looked like an 8 year old who just found out there was no birthday cake and no presents.
Brandy slipped her hand over Ray's as the elevator doors shut and she pressed his finger onto the button, triggering the device. Evelyn snapped up and dropped her mail as her eyes clouded and Ray slipped the keychain into his pocket. Evelyn reached up and pulled her hair out of the scrunchie and let it fall while her long black hair spilled out. Brandy moved to Ray's side and held him as they watched Evelyn pull her expensive sweater up over her head and then let it fall to the floor. Ray grinned when he saw Evelyn did not have a bra on and her firm breasts had stiff, perky nipples. Evelyn unbuckled her small belt, undid her slacks and let them fall to the ankles before slowly stepping out of them. The elevator dinged for the 8th floor, Ray's floor and also Evelyn's, but thankfully when the door opened there was no one in the alcove or visible in the hallways. Evelyn slowly peeled down her black satin panties and then she was naked, her body even better than Ray had imagined, and if Brandy had not been with him he might have taken advantage of the situation.
Brandy began gathering Evelyn's clothes, made sure she had Evelyn's apartment key and then shoved Ray out of the elevator. Brandy pressed the lobby button and the elevator closed and moved downwards while Ray had a flashback of doing the same thing to Carla about 8 hours ago. Brandy placed all of Evelyn's clothing on the decorative table in the alcove and then went to Evelyn's door and slid her key under it. Ray was too horny to discuss anything, including what would happen if Evelyn figured out they had embarrassed her, and they barely made it to the bedroom before they were both undressed and he slipped inside for the 4th, or was it the 5th time?
For the first time in a long time, Ray awoke on his own on Saturday, Brandy naked and snuggled up against him. Ray usually set his alarm and went into work on Saturday to have the office to himself or close to it. Ray realized he had also fallen asleep naked and he was beginning to wonder if Brandy was going to change his whole life around because it sure seemed like she planned to stay. Ray sighed and tried to ignore his rising erection, but Brandy's naked body and thoughts of everything he had done and seen yesterday flooded him until he was rock hard. Brandy chose right about then to stir, her hand found him and she just smiled up at him and said "Damn." Ray wasted no time slipping into Brandy and she kissed his neck while her hands explored his back and ass, and then she told him not to hold back. Ray made no effort to prolong things after she said that and he drove into her with a fury until he exploded deep inside her yet again.
Brandy laughed as he rolled off and lay beside her and then she hurried to the bathroom and came out after a minute with a big smile. She told Ray she had an idea and that it had come to her while they were doing it a minute ago. There was a pounding on the front door and Ray ignored it in hopes Brandy would tell him her idea. Instead, Brandy slipped on one of Ray's robes and went to the door, and when Ray heard shouting he jumped out of bed and pulled another robe on. He rushed out into the living room to find Evelyn and Brandy nose to nose and trying to talk over each other. Evelyn looked rumpled for perhaps the first time ever, and when Ray saw the county seal on her sweatpants he had a bad feeling. Sure enough, Evelyn had spent the night in jail, and by the time he got Brandy to step back and go make coffee, Evelyn told him what had happened.
She said she remembered getting into the elevator with them and some absurd comment that Brandy would be moving in, and Ray got mad and told Evelyn that he didn't think it was absurd that his girlfriend was moving in with him. Just then there was a crash in the kitchen as Brandy was so ecstatic to hear Ray say that she had dropped the butter bowl and knife she had been holding. Evelyn huffed and then said the next thing she knew she was naked and in handcuffs and the lobby security guard was calling the police. Evelyn complained that she had no idea where her clothes went or how she ended up naked in the lobby, and then the police arrested her for indecent exposure and took her out to the car handcuffed and naked. Evelyn stopped talking and when Ray's eyes met hers he saw what had caught her attention, his erect cock had stood up and parted his robe.
Listening to Evelyn describe her naked arrest, remembering just how good her body had looked naked, and thinking about having her naked and handcuffed had gotten Ray rock hard despite all the sex in the last 18 hours. Ray held a straight face, made no move to cover his cock or close his robe, and asked Evelyn what was wrong, hoping Brandy stayed in the kitchen for a few more minutes. Evelyn looked from Ray's huge hard cock into his eyes then back at his cock again, telling herself that if his girlfriend weren't here it might be a different story. Ray purposely ignored his own exposed erection and asked Evelyn when had they let her go and she just stared at Ray's cock, not even hearing his question. Ray was feeling strangely attracted to Evelyn and then an idea came to him and he stood, his cock almost slapping Evelyn in the face.
Ray yelled to Brandy in the kitchen and said he was going to walk Evelyn to her door and he would be back in a minute, and without waiting for an answer he held his door open for Evelyn to step into the hall. Evelyn was dizzy with arousal; it had begun when everyone around her seemed to find a reason to touch her last night while she was naked and handcuffed. She had already decided to get even with the security officer by getting the mail in her skimpiest lingerie every day he worked. For hours while she was being arrested, transported and processed, several different people brushed, grazed and touched her naked body, her sensitive breast, her wet, aching pussy, her firm ass, everywhere. Now Ray had given her a glimpse of his huge cock and she wasn't sure she could hold back, girlfriend or not.
Evelyn opened her door and expected Ray to say goodbye and go back to his apartment, but instead he stepped inside, shut the door and locked it. Then without warning, Ray stepped close to Evelyn and pulled her borrowed sweatshirt up over her head, exposing her still braless breasts and stiff nipples. Evelyn gulped and saw Ray's robe had come open to allow his hard cock to sway almost hypnotically in front of her. Ray shrugged off his robe and stood there in front of Evelyn naked and aroused, and she took the hint and practically ripped the borrowed sweat pants off and lay on her couch while Ray climbed atop her and entered her without preamble. Ray was surprised at how tight Evelyn was and it took a few tries to fully enter her. Evelyn had her hands all over Ray's body and was kissing his face and neck and gasping how she had always hoped this would happen and Ray wickedly pulled out until just his tip was at her entrance.
He told her "No promises, no commitment" and Evelyn gasped and begged him to fuck her. Ray teased her by poking the tip of his cock a little ways inside and then withdrawing and finally Evelyn almost screamed "OK" and told Ray he could fuck her anytime, girlfriend or not. Ray slammed back into her and the two of them fucked like crazy, no love involved. Evelyn screamed when she came and then Ray exploded deep inside his sexy but nosy neighbor, despite the workout his cock had been getting lately. After they were finished, Ray kissed Evelyn for the first time since he had known her, then they parted without a word and Ray slipped on his robe and left Evelyn in a dreamy state on her couch. Ray managed to get inside his apartment and get into the shower without Brandy stopping him, and it wasn't until he got out of the shower that he realized he didn't hear her.
Ray wrapped a towel around himself and finally found her in the bedroom, naked and talking on the phone, and he heard Brandy tell someone that she was sure this was the right guy. Ray froze and listened as Brandy said she had seen him many a day and never dreamed he would talk to her, and now they were going out and she would be moving in. Ray felt guilty for suspecting her of anything and entered the room to get dressed, smiling when Brandy blew him a kiss. Ray finished dressing, caressed her shapely ass and then had breakfast while waiting for Brandy to shower and get dressed herself. Despite seeing and sleeping with Brandy naked, Ray still almost fell out of his chair when she came out of the bedroom after her shower. Her skirt was short and skimpy, pleated white like a tennis dress, and her top was tight and molded to her curvy chest, doing nothing to disguise her tight bra. Ray was still staring at his sexy girlfriend when she suggested they start their experimenting at the outdoor mall downtown.
Despite the incredible sexual workout Ray Stevens had been getting in the last day and a half, he was hard instantly as he sat there and stared at Brandy. She was like a Tennis fan's wet dream, her sexy, shapely body poured into a tight, skimpy white tennis dress that left nothing to the imagination even though all the important parts were covered. Brandy was explaining her plan to go to the mall and trigger the device on unsuspecting shoppers and she told Ray she had two reasons. The first was so that she could help him get more research data for whatever his eventual plan for the device was, but more importantly, the second reason was because she thought it would be erotic as hell to see different women just start undressing.
Ray was thinking this over when Brandy made concentrating difficult by coming over and sitting on his lap, and there was nothing but her sheer white panties between her warm pussy and his rock hard cock straining his slacks. Brandy moved around and straddled his lap and began kissing Ray until he couldn't take anymore and carried her to the bedroom, trying not to rip her sexy outfit in his fury to have her naked. Ray had Brandy's top off revealing her tight skimpy white bra fighting a losing battle to restrain her huge breasts, and as he was pulling her skirt off his cell phone rang. Ray ignored it until his pager went off and then Brandy closed her legs and told him to see who it was and what they wanted. Ray didn't recognize the number on his pager, but when he answered his cell it was his boss, Catherine.
Trying to ignore his throbbing erection, Ray listened as Catherine begged Ray for a favor, something totally unexpected from his cool as ice boss. Ray listened as Catherine told him what she wanted, but the stakes got raised when his sexy boss described what she would do to him if he came over to her house. Strangely, Catherine asked if Brandy was there and when Ray said she was, Catherine turned frosty and suggested he find something for her to do for a couple of hours. Ray gulped as he looked down on the bed at his girlfriend, her shapely body threatening to burst free of her skimpy lingerie, and after a moment he said he would think of something. Catherine said she had e-mailed him directions to her house and then just hung up, leaving Ray to figure out what to tell Brandy.
Ray had barely closed his cell phone when there was a knock on his front door, and Brandy sat up and at that moment her bra burst open. As her huge tits spilled free from confinement, Ray moved in and began kissing and sucking on her globes and the knocking got louder. Brandy pushed Ray off and struggled with her bra and Ray stumbled to his front door to open it to find 2 guys in shorts and matching t-shirts and caps, one of them holding a clipboard. The movers asked for Brandy and Ray called to her, as surprised as the two movers were when Brandy came into the living room still wearing only her bra and panties, not that they covered much. Instead of being jealous, Ray was instantly proud as both men stared openly at Brandy, not only was she blonde and good looking, but she had an incredible body. Ray used the distraction to check his e-mail, and Brandy let the movers in and offered them a seat while she stood around in her lingerie purposely teasing them.
As soon as Ray had the address and directions printed and the e-mail deleted, he kissed Brandy, made sure he had the device and kissed Brandy again. Brandy walked him to the door and whispered to Ray, telling him she didn't care where he was going but that she was going to have some fun teasing the two movers to see how much they could take. Ray grinned and said he would be back in a few hours but for her to have fun, and with a naughty smile Brandy kissed Ray then said she would and she shut the door. With the two movers sitting on the couch, Brandy strutted over to the coffee table in front of them and sat down seductively in front of them and more or less between them. Her white panties were sheer and stretched across her pussy, and the earlier excitement with Ray had moistened them so that pretty much everything was visible.
Brandy's bra barely contained her huge boobs as they threatened to spill out of the cups, her nipples seemingly about to tear through the material, so she was sure just sitting innocently in front of them might be enough to get things started. The mover's names were John and Brian, John was a little taller and thinner than Brian and had short brown hair, Brian had wavy blonde hair, also cut short for summer. Brian was new at this type of work and had never seen anything like this, sure his girlfriend was hot but sex was sex and he was never able to get her to act like this. John was speechless as he stared at his customer's body and it seemed like her boobs were more out of the bra than in it. Brandy discussed what her moving plans were and acted as if she was not almost naked, and she took the clipboard from John. As she looked over the itinerary, Brandy made sure to press the clipboard against her breasts, forcing the tight bra to strain further while she made a couple of notes and changes and then handed it back.
Both movers were speechless, and their erections were obvious, so Brandy decided to be really naughty and stood suddenly, practically putting her panty covered pussy in Brian's face. She said she would be right back and turned around, pretended to be getting her footing and all the while put her shapely ass inches from Brian's face. Brandy walked into the bedroom and quickly stripped off her bra and tweaked both of her nipples for maximum effect, and then she slipped off her panties and let them drop to her ankles, standing naked while thinking. Brandy slipped on the short, skimpy tennis skirt Ray had taken off her earlier; positive that without panties she wouldn't even have to try to tease the movers. Brandy picked through her clothes she had brought over yesterday and found the half shirt she was looking for, and when she slipped it on and stepped in front of the mirror, she knew the good looking guys in the living room would be distracted, hopefully barely able to keep their hands off her.
Ray arrived at Catherine's luxury home and was escorted in by a man in a polo shirt and khaki slacks who introduced himself as her assistant. He said Ray should follow him and then led him down a hallway, up a short set of stairs and right into a huge den or office. Ray was not prepared for how different Catherine looked to him, maybe it was not being at work, or perhaps it was her shedding her ‘Ice Queen' façade after they had sex, but she looked great, and it didn't hurt that she pressed up against him and practically purred that she was going to fuck him silly before he left. Ray was almost in a daze as this was not only the most sex he had ever had in such a short period of time, even during college, but with so many babes, it was all thanks to the device. Catherine's long black hair was pulled back into a long single braid a la Tomb Raider, and she looked stunning in a short khaki skirt and white short sleeve blouse. Aside from Brandy, Catherine seemed to be the only other woman Ray knew who could make plain office attire look sexy.
Ray tried to focus as Catherine sat across from him and explained her plan for the board meeting on Monday, and what she wanted Ray to do with the device. Ray kept stealing glances at Catherine's pink panties and trying to tell himself that this was his boss. Ray slipped out the Strip Down device and pointed it at Catherine and pressed the button, sure it wouldn't work, but daring to try anyways. Catherine sat up straight as if slapped and her eyes went blank, and Ray smiled when she slowly stood and seemed to be struggling within to fight the effect. Slowly, Catherine began to unbutton her blouse, and had just undone the second button when she shook herself and said "Ray" and glared at him. With a grin, Ray pressed the button again, but Catherine just seemed to fade in and out of a daze and then said "Stop that" and reached for the device. Catherine climbed atop Ray and they both fell over in the chair, laughing and struggling over the device. While they were still rolling, laughing and struggling, a maid came in and asked if everything was alright and chose the wrong time to do it.
Dressed in full French Maid costume, Ashley looked hot and felt sexy. Complete with stockings, garter and skirt and blouse, plus an apron, she was not supposed to be part of the seduction of Ray, but during the struggle, Ray pressed the button when the device was more or less pointed at her. At first, Ray and Catherine were so involved in the fight to get control of the device; neither noticed when Ashley snapped up straight as if shocked with electricity. Ashley had no control over herself and no idea what she was doing as she slowly peeled first one, then the other white lacy glove off her hands. Putting a slim sexy leg up on a chair, Ashley carefully undid the top of her stocking from her garter belt and then slowly slipped and rolled the stocking down, stepped out of the heel and dropped the stocking. She repeated the process with the other leg, also removing the actual garter and then the garter belt.
Catherine noticed it first, and stopped squirming with Ray to watch, surprised for a moment when Ray took her pause as an opportunity to get a hot kiss. By the time they broke from the steamy kiss and Catherine alerted Ray to the device's effect on Ashley, the maid was already dropping the top of the maid outfit to the floor to reveal a silky black bra filled with firm round breasts and straining to keep them there. Ray had no idea that Catherine and Ashley were lovers, but had he known that he would have understood why she had on the unusually sexy maid outfit and the garter belt and stockings. Ashley undid and then slipped off the small skirt, revealing an equally skimpy and sexy pair of black panties that did not cover very much at all. Catherine took advantage of Ray's distraction as he stared at Ashley slowly stripping, and she undid his belt and unbuttoned his pants. Ray could only watch as the sexy maid seemed to freeze up for a moment, seemingly deciding between bra or panties, and then she reached behind her back and fumbled with the clasp of her bra.
Catherine had pulled the zipper down and worked his pants and briefs down to reveal his hard cock, and without warning she took the tip into her mouth, startling Ray when she did. Ray looked away from Ashley and at Catherine who now slowly took a little more of his erection into her mouth and flicked her warm tongue against the underside of his shaft. By the time Ray tore his eyes of his sexy boss with his cock in her mouth, Ashley had already dropped her black bra to reveal a perfect set of breasts with stiff, puffy nipples. As Ray tried to concentrate with Catherine working on him, he watched as Ashley slowly hooked her thumbs in the tiny waistband of the black panties and then slipped them down and off. She stepped out of the fallen garment and then stood there naked and gorgeous for a long moment, staring at nothing. Catherine stopped sucking Ray and looked at her lover, and then loudly clapped her hands together, startling Ashley and snapping her out of the trance, and then with a wicked grin she tore open her blouse.
The reaction the two movers had given when Brandy casually walked into Ray's living room was well worth the effort to slip into such slutty clothes. She had promised Ray she would stop dressing and acting this way, but she couldn't help herself, just this one more time. It felt glorious to know that both men were giving her, and specifically her body, their complete attention, and she was already beginning to scheme how she could drag it out and maybe show them everything. It took an incredible effort from Brian and John just to stand and focus enough to follow Brandy into the hallway, and the elevator ride was excruciating especially when Brandy dropped her lipstick but did not move to pick it up. John and Brian bonked heads in their haste to get it for her, and John was almost sure that Brandy was not wearing any panties.
Brandy's nipples poked firmly against the thin material of the half t-shirt, for that matter, more of her ample chest was exposed than covered and her tiny tennis skirt seriously hinted at things to come. Brandy felt electrically charged and not since the whole situation with Ray had she been this wanton and aroused. She knew she had to be careful or she might end up naked and let both these hunky guys have their way with her, and the prospect was looking better all the time as both men struggled to hide considerable bulges. Through the lobby and out to the moving truck, Brian and John were surprised when Brandy offered to ride over to her apartment and back with them in the cramped cab and not her own vehicle. As soon as Brandy struggled up into the cab, giving both men an unforgettable view of her wet hot slit and curvy ass, she wiggled into position and knew she was playing with fire because her skimpy outfit covered even less than it did standing up.
Brandy knew she was probably going to get fucked, and with a grin she wondered what Ray was doing.
The ride to Brandy's apartment had been practically torture for Brian and John as they tried not to stare at her gorgeous, barely covered body. The way she was sitting caused her skimpy half shirt to stretch past designed intentions and it covered almost nothing and her short, tight skirt concealed even less, and yet she just chatted and smiled as if she didn't seem to notice the effect she was having. Brian had given up trying to hide his rock hard erection as it tried to rip through his shorts so he put his cap over it, but John was driving and sweating profusely while trying to keep his eyes straight forward, unable to disguise his own bulge. Brian stole peeks and glances every chance he got, and he was almost sure that she had no underwear on, and positive she was braless. When they arrived, Brian all but jumped out of the truck with his cap still in front of his shorts, while John climbed out his side red faced and still sweating, Brandy just scooted forward, hoping to show as much as possible and make it seem accidental. It worked to maximum effect as by the time she reached the edge of the seat to get out, her skirt was almost up around her hips, and only the fact that she had her legs closed kept Brian from seeing her soaking wet pussy.
Brandy forced an innocent smile on her face and jumped down, knowing for at least a moment her skirt was still up past her crotch and ass, and her skimpy t-shirt lost its own battle with her abundant chest when her boobs popped free. John came around the front of the truck, his huge erection boldly leading the way behind his straining shorts and he almost fell off the curb when he saw Brandy slowly pulling her skirt down into place and apologizing. Brandy was out of it with desire and had to draw deep breaths to keep control as she was at that point willing to let both movers fuck her right there on the street, but they didn't know it yet. The more she got excited, the more she thought she would give in and let them have her, and that thought caused electricity to course through her entire body even as she struggled her top back down over her breasts while John and Brian stared. Even as her stiff nipples threatened to poke through the thin shirt, Brandy offered what she hoped was another innocent smile, then genuinely blushed and apologized to the two men and brushed past them, positive she had their complete attention.
Ashley didn't know what to think, Catherine and Ray slumped half on a chair and half on the floor, his pants down and his huge cock stiff and erect, Catherine's skirt hiked up almost around her hips and then she just ripped her own blouse open. And... and... and then Ashley realized she was naked, completely naked, her clothes, her uniform really, strewn all around her feet on the floor. Ray stuffed the device into his pants and maneuvered Catherine off him long enough to pull his pants and underwear up, barely able to cover his enraged erection. Catherine had other ideas and fought with her skirt until with a loud zip it came off and she had nothing left on but her pink panties and bra, not that they covered much. Ashley staggered to the nearest couch and slumped onto it, her confusion warring with her increasing arousal, and glanced at Catherine and Ray. Catherine came up behind Ray and in one swift movement had his pants undone again and then pulled them down with his underwear.
Ashley had seen Ray's impressive erection moments before, but she still let out a gasp when his cock was revealed right in front of her. Catherine boldly pushed Ray closer to her lover and then took Ashley's hand and wrapped it around Ray's thick cock. Ray was no fool and he moved closer as Ashley snapped out of her fog and began to stroke the length of his erection while Catherine tore at Ray's clothes until he was naked. Catherine stripped off her bra, peeled off her panties, and then began to rub her body against Ray from behind while he kissed Ashley who had stood and moved closer to him. When her foot tangled in the pile of discarded clothing, Catherine stepped back and started tossing things aside, getting frustrated when she fumbled with Ray's pants which were still caught under one of his feet. Ray and Ashley were really getting into it, their bodies almost molded together, his huge cock trapped between them as well as her full chest, and they kissed furiously. Catherine worked Ray's pants loose and tossed them over the couch, not realizing the device fell out of the pocket Ray had stuffed it into. She had no way of knowing that it triggered when it hit the floor, and it was pointing at the floor to ceiling mirror in her outer hallway.
Brandy enjoyed every agonizing moment as the 2 horny movers followed her into her building, then into the elevator, and after a short, silent ride up, they went down the hall to her apartment. Brandy was so aroused that the slightest sensation, a breeze, a touch, anything was liable to send her over the brink into a screaming orgasm. She had been thinking about letting one or both of the movers have their way with her, and now she decided she was going to make sure it happened. No sooner than they had entered the apartment did Brandy rub her chest through the tiny shirt that barely covered it. Her already perky nipples reacted immediately and poked against the straining material, and she wanted to just take it off, and then a wicked idea came to her. Pointing to some boxes near the door, Brandy told John and Brian that they could take them down first, and as soon as they were out the door, she stripped off the skimpy shirt and small skirt. Brandy leaned against a wall to keep from fainting from her own desire, and slowly dragged a fingertip and nail across each nipple and areola in turn.
It would only be moments until the two movers came back, and Brandy had just enough wits left to gather up her discarded clothing and take it into the bedroom. Her plan would only work if she acted normal, and that the 2 moving men were horny enough to believe her fake shock at being naked. At first, every moment spent waiting and anticipating just added to Brandy's building desire, and her fuse was getting shorter by the minute. After several minutes Brandy gave up trying to seem busy and looked out the window, not caring how much she flashed anyone lucky enough to look. As she leaned close to the cool glass, Brandy stimulated her already overworked nipples and had to stumble back to the couch to try and halt a rapidly approaching meltdown. Brandy was so close to cumming that she felt a light sheen of sweat and knew if she just touched her fiery pussy, it would be enough to send her over the edge. Using every last bit of control she had left, Brandy got up off the couch and went to the door, peeking out the peephole but being careful not to brush her hair trigger nipples against the door.
She wasn't sure how long it had been, but Brandy wondered what was taking the two movers so long to load the boxes and come back. Feeling way too bold, Brandy opened her door and looked out, not caring who saw her naked breasts as she did so. The hall was empty, and her blood was boiling with ardor, so without thinking at all, she stepped out into the hall completely naked for a better look. Holding her door open an inch or so, Brandy stood in the hallway nude and looked but saw no sign of the tardy movers, and was beginning to get impatient. Brandy let go of her door and immediately regretted it when it shut and clicked locked, leaving her clothes and keys inside, and her naked body outside. Panic and worry counteracted her arousal and she half sobered when she heard voices at the other end of the hall and coming closer. The fire door was too far away, and she was definitely locked out completely naked, so she hurried to the open elevator doors and ducked inside. Brandy peeked out and ducked back when she saw her neighbors, an older married couple with their 5 year old daughter, further sobering her.
The elevator doors began to shut and Brandy became worried as she had not pressed any buttons, and then the car began to move down and she had nowhere to hide and nothing to cover up with. All of her slutty, teasing motives disappeared and were replaced with shame and worry as she did not need to get arrested or perhaps worse. Brandy couldn't think and began to seriously panic when the lobby button lit up and the doors dinged to open, and of course the normally quiet lobby seemed to be full of people. Everyone seemed to stop and stare or turn to look at her naked body, and Brandy might have noticed the moving truck was not out front if she wasn't so embarrassed. A couple of women huffed off and a man in a business suit dropped his briefcase and papers flew all over the place while two younger men, by the bank of mailboxes, just stared at Brandy as if not believing what they saw. Brandy repeatedly pushed the button for her floor, not caring who else saw her naked as she just wanted to get into her apartment and get dressed, the heck with all of the teasing.
Ray and Ashley were already into overdrive, he had wasted no time slipping his rock hard cock inside her hot, wet pussy while Catherine rubbed against him from behind and kissed at his neck and ears. Ashley was the most active of any of his recent lovers as she alternated between wrapping her arms and legs literally around him to squirming to be able to kiss and touch him. Catherine heard a crash from down the hall and would have ignored it until she heard her butler John shouting what sounded like "What are you doing?" Catherine let go of Ray and stood, wavering between rejoining Ashley and Ray, both of them her lover without the other knowing it, and finding out what the commotion was in the hallway. Catherine heard John shout "Anna!" and she moved to the doorway, not seeing the device until after she had stepped on it and triggered it unknowingly, again pointed almost perfectly at the huge hallway mirror.
Anna was an actual maid, unlike Ashley who just dressed like one at Catherine's request, and also unlike Ashley, Anna had yet to be invited into Catherine's bedroom despite 3 years of service. Anna had no control of herself and John was divided between proper English upbringing and genuine male interest, and as Anna took off more and more, his male interest was winning, in more ways than one. Anna, a tall small breasted blonde, had already stripped off her blouse, apron, skirt and nylons, and in a short bit of time, and despite himself, John was getting harder by the minute. As she fumbled with her lacy white bra and John looked on, Tara came into the room and went wide eyed and open mouthed in surprise. Then she moved around to the side of Anna just as she got the clasp free and took off her bra, setting her 32c breasts free. That also put Tara right in the direct line when Catherine stepped on the device, and as if slapped, Tara jerked up straight and went glassy eyed while Anna dropped her bra and hooked her fingers in the lacy waistband of her white panties.
John had walked in when Anna had already begun undressing, but he was right there unable to move or look away when the device took its effect on Tara, the normally quiet and reserved brunette accountant. Since neither woman seemed to notice or care that he watched them strip, John moved closer as Anna peeled her panties down and Tara wasted no time pulling her blouse up off her head without even unbuttoning it. Catherine came into the room and John froze, afraid of what she might say or do, and then he realized she was completely naked and looked even better than he had imagined any day of the last 5 years. Catherine's devious mind thought quickly, and in order to protect the secret of the device, not to mention quench her sudden sexual thirst, she hissed for John to get undressed. It took John all of about 3 seconds to blink and begin stripping, and then he noticed that Anna was completely naked and just standing there as if frozen in place. Tara was already down to her own panties and bra and Catherine peeked back in to see Ray and Ashley were still hard at work, him atop her on the couch they had been slumped onto. Tara opened her bra and her bouncy breasts sprang into view, nipples stiff and inviting, John pulled his foot out of his pants and then peeled his underwear down to reveal a thick, hard cock, and Anna stood naked and sexy as if waiting for whatever came next.
Catherine knew this was going to be fun.
And there sat Brandy on the hallway floor outside her locked apartment door, naked, horny and frustrated, wondering where the movers were and what she was going to do next with her cell phone, keys and clothes inside her locked apartment.
... To be continued, concluded, then a fresh, new start.
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Ray lay there naked, spent, happy and exhausted. Beside him, Catherine did something unexpected despite her chilly exterior and boss bitch exterior. She snuggled up to Ray, lay her warm body half atop his, held him and sighed. Ray held Catherine and they were quiet, the mayhem and orgy was over, everyone including Anna and Ashley were gone somewhere else in the mansion-like house. With a sigh, Ray slowly stroked and rubbed Catherine's back, again surprised when she sighed "I'm sorry." After a bit of silence Catherine said "If I had known we had this mutual desire, I wouldn't have been such a bitch." Ray held Catherine and asked "What are you saying?" Both still naked, and in Ray's case, seriously spent, they were surprised when he started to get hard as Catherine slid her fit body atop his and kissed him softly. Ray held Catherine as the kisses became deeper, warmer, and then she leaned up to stare in his eyes and purred "I'm jealous that you chose Brandy."
As for Brandy, still naked, seriously aroused to the point of dizzy, and frustrated that the movers just left for some unknown reason while she was stuck, trapped outside her locked apartment completely naked. When she finally stood and tried to figure out what to do, her creepy super appeared and his eyes were wide open as he stared at his sexy blonde tenant. Brandy huffed "That's just great" as he made a point of crowding right up to her and leering "What do we have here?" Brandy huffed "So you finally saw me naked? Take a picture and then let me in before you go jerk off or whatever."
Her super already had his phone out taking pictures of Brandy naked when he got red-faced and said "Maybe I should just leave you here like this and go call the cops?" Brandy blushed as she whined "What? No. Just let me in." The creepy super asked "Why should I? Give me a good reason" and took even more pictures of Brandy nude. Brandy was really aroused and asked "What if I let you take more pictures, will you let me in?" The super was so hard in his pants he was worried they might tear and he said "On one condition." Brandy huffed "Fine. What is it?" He crowded so close she could smell tobacco and held her breath as he said "I get to choose the pictures."
After a long, romantic shower, Catherine and Ray were in a large dining room eating lunch when Ashley joined them. The STRIP DOWN device was on one of Catherine's night stands, not a concern at the moment. Ashley leaned close to kiss Catherine warmly, then glanced at Ray. Catherine smiled and purred "What's mine is yours and you know that." Ashley came around the table, pushed her way onto Ray's lap, then kissed him warmly. After the kiss, she stayed on his lap and ate grapes one at a time while he stared at Catherine who smiled and stared back. After an awkward silence Catherine exhaled "What? Is this high school? Break up with Brandy and ask me out or just let it be what it is." Ray said "Not a chance. The last thing I want is cold Cathy surprising me when I least expect it."
Even as Catherine inhaled, Ashley gasped "Cathy?"
Ray never expected what Catherine did next, and why would he have?
With a deep exhale, Catherine looked at Ashley and asked "Give us a minute babe?" Ashley got off Ray's lap, kissed his lips softly, then said "Be nice. If you want to see me again, be nice to my Cathy." Catherine inhaled and gave Ashley a lusty look that Ray might never forget, then left the room with a handful of grapes. Catherine got up, dismissed a man who could be either a waiter or bodyguard, possibly both, then came around to sit on Ray's lap. The ice cold, boss bitch CEO who he used the STRIP DOWN device to sleep with, continued to surprise him. She kissed Ray softly then said "First nice, then not, clear?" Ray nodded and Catherine said "Whatever this is, the device aside, I want it. If you want it and us to be open, out there and exclusive, then do what you have to do with Brandy. She can stay your assistant or be reassigned, but if you want this and us to be more, she has to go, so to speak."
Ray thought, honestly, that wasn't so bad.
Besides, he still had his doubts about Brandy, as if she were hiding something.
Then Catherine exhaled, stared into Ray's eyes, and said "If the device works like I think it does, you need to be in that board meeting and turn things to my advantage. Do that, and you will never wonder about anything. I will promote you, date you, maybe even marry you, but you need to understand something Ray and I cannot be clearer than this. I have had to be cold, calculating and closed off because I have a company to run and that will always come first. I will give you unlimited funds and as much assistance as you ask for, but I want this device ready for market after one last test... on the board." Ray was hard, slipped his finger into Catherine's leggings, past her silky panties, and she purred "Mmmm... I take this as a yes."
Brandy knew she was losing control when her gross super took off his pants and said "Let's make it look like I'm fucking you." Sure, she was back inside her apartment, but she was still naked, still horny, and stuck with her creepy super trying everything to get laid. At this point he had so many naked pictures of Brandy that she worried she might find them in a dirty magazine one day. There was a loud knock on her door and both Brandy and the super froze. He had just gotten his small cock out and it didn't even seem to be four inches hard. Again there was a knock and Brandy scrambled past the horny super and opened her front door naked to see a surprised Brian and John standing there. John gasped "We went to get gas" and Brian exclaimed "Holy shit you're naked." Brandy panicked and whispered "Get rid of him and you can fuck me." John looked at Brian, and Brandy said "Both of you" and then suddenly the movers literally grabbed, pushed and threw the super out then slammed the door.
For a moment Brandy was happy.
Happy to be rid of her creepy super.
Then she saw just how HARD that John and Brian were!
While Ray, Catherine and Ashley swam in her pool, drove to a park for a romantic picnic, the three of them, then stopped by his condo for a threesome he will never forget.
Brandy got fucked from one room of her apartment to the next. John fucked Brandy in both holes, then came on her face. Brian got the trifecta of mouth, pussy and ass, then came on her back. After a shower they went for round two, or maybe five, and by the time they left, Brandy was dizzy, delirious, stretched out, and lay on her bedroom floor covered in cum.
She didn't care, John and Brian would be back tomorrow for more!
After a shower she planned to call Ray and break up.
She had finally found the man she had been looking for.
Both of them.
Ray and Catherine ended up together, with Ashley in their bed most nights, and after the fiasco during the board meeting gave Catherine control of the company, she promoted Ray to Vice president. Catherine brought Ashley aboard as her Personal Assistant, and within 6 months she and Ray were married with a prenup that included Ashley in everything.
A true threesome in every sense of the word.
In the Summer of 2005, Ray and Catherine had a son they named Brady and in early 2006 Ashley had a daughter from a brief relationship that she named Hailey. While Hailey was sent to all the best schools, Brady was groomed into the business from middle school, through high school and college.
Brady is 20 years old, 6' tall, has short black hair, hazel eyes, strong build, confidence and was groomed from an early age to run the company his parents Ray and Catherine, as well as Ashley are ready to retire from. Besides considering her his best friend, he loves Hailey more than anyone else.
Hailey is 19 years old, 5' 10", has long blonde hair, blue eyes, is fit, toned and athletic. The daughter of Ashley and a father she doesn't know, she loves Brady's completely, and was sent to all the best schools so she could help him run things when Ashley, Ray and Catherine finally retire.
Best friends and lovers, they think their parents don't know about their relationship.
It was in June of 2025, right around Brady's 20th birthday, that Ray and Catherine decided to scale back, semi-retire from day to day operations, transition power and control to Brady and Hailey, and just be on the board. Back home from school, Hailey became Vice President of Operations while her best friend/boyfriend Brady took over as President, and eventual CEO, of the huge company. After the STRIP DOWN induced orgy back in 2004, Ray and Catherine agreed to shelve the research and locked everything into a safe that only three people knew about.
Catherine, Ray, and Ashley.
Four if you include Brandy.
It was a late night after a long day that just Brady and Hailey were alone with a secret they thought no one knew about. Their relationship. They were making out in her office when panting, Hailey asked, "Can we ever be open about us?" Brady and Hailey had been sneaking around, stealing sex and romance when they were sure no one knew. Not actually related, the relationship had been lust at first, stealing peeks and teasing, until a kiss on New Years Eve six months ago that exploded in sparks. With her dress on the floor and his shirt beside it, they were kissing and touching each other when both his tablet and her computer beeped. All romance and desire aside, the two best friends checked their devices and Hailey gasped "Someone is in the safe mom told us about." Brady seemed confused and said "Only mom, dad and your mom know about it. It's hidden behind workplace notices that no one reads." Ashley made a face and Brady asked "What babe? What is it?"
Hailey sighed and put her dress back on when Brady handed it to her, then sighed again "Well, there's also Brandy." Brady was buttoning his shirt and asked "That blonde that dad messed around with for like a minute? That was like 20 years ago." Hailey called Security and told them not to respond, hung up, then said to Brady "Well, mom said they let her stay on the board in a limited capacity because she knew things. She never said what." Brady blinked then said "I want the world to know I love you Hailey. You decide if we come out or keep things private." They held hands for a moment, then Hailey blushed then said "Mom knows, so does your mom." Brady sighed then said "So then dad knows." At the door, ready to go check the hidden safe in the research area, Brady wondered if their parents knew, why did he and Hailey wait until late to sneak to each other's bedroom?
They held hands down the hallway, on the elevator, and to the doors marked RESEARCH. In the spacious room, they saw the frame with all the safety and employee notices was on the floor, and the safe was wide open. No one was around and nothing looked out of place. As they peered into the safe, Hailey picked up a strange looking keychain that seemed old school and out of place. She also held an oddly brand new smartphone that showed the initials ‘SD4' when the screen lit up. Brady was confused and asked "What the Hell is STRIP DOWN 3.0?" while looking through a folder jammed with papers.
Hailey handed her lover the keychain and asked "What do you think this is?" She set the smartphone aside on a table close by as Brady did the same with the folder and said "Huh. It just has this one button." He pressed it, Hailey gasped, stood completely straight, her eyes got glassy, and she panted "Oh my" then just started to strip.
... to be continued...
...but beginning with ‘part 2'...
...things shift to 1st person narrative as this becomes a whole NEW story.
Note from the webmaster: authors always appreciate feedback about their stories, so by all means write the author a note if you liked the story! The author of this story: jwdoney |