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Ice Road Nancy

written by:
Tail Spinner

Ice road Nancy:

This story begins on a gray Friday morning in January when I was 19 years old and in college. I pulled myself from my warm dorm room bed and stumbled my way to my 7:30 class. In this first class of the day I was facing a test I was ill prepared for. I struggled thru the test and my natural luck had held, the instructor managed to ask the few questions I had actually paid attention to. After that class I had about an hour to kill so I went to the student union to get some breakfast. As I was eating my breakfast depression overwhelmed me and I could not stand it anymore. I grabbed my stuff and raced back to my dorm room. At this point all I knew is I needed to get away, I loaded my camping stuff into my truck and hit the road. I had no destination in mind and at that point I was not sure I was coming back.

My truck was a white 1971 Chevy step side with an in line six and three on the tree. For those of you that don't know about trucks this translates into, old truck with a small engine and a 3 speed manual transmission. It wasn't much and it was the perfect example of how my life had been going for the last few years. I had traded my hot sports car to a friend for this truck and cash to try to fund my education. I worked part time jobs whenever I could, mostly cooking in restaurants and home repair work. I had been lucky to get steady work at night in an Italian restaurant but they were closed for two weeks for remodeling so I was low on money and had time on my hands. Here I was wasting the little money I had on fuel, skipping class and not studying. Obviously I was not making good decisions but even all these years later, as I write this, I know getting away was something I had to do.

I pointed my truck to the East and started driving. I avoided the big interstate because I wanted to see things and my truck liked the slower pace. As I passed through many small towns the land got hillier and more wooded. I passed by several large lakes and I refused to even look at the road signs. I was wanting to get lost and after 6 hours of driving I had succeeded. I wasn't even sure what state I was in because I knew the state line for the two neighboring states was only about 2 hours from my school. I was driving on sharply winding two lane roads in very hilly terrain and it had started to rain. The temperature was below freezing and the rain was forming ice on everything. I grew up in this part of the country and the two weather events we fear are ice storms and tornadoes, in that order. The ice was particularly bad in this situation because of the steep winding roads. My fatigue had overcome my anxiety about school, hunger and the weather had me looking for a place to stop. The truck barely made it up the last hill and around the curve was a little restaurant and store. As I entered the parking lot my truck slid down the ice covered slope and came to a stop against the parking barrier in front of the store. I was here for the duration. With the ice I couldn't have gotten my truck out of the parking space let alone down the steep hills.

This place was all alone sitting in a space carved from the heavy woods on one side of the road and a steep cliff on the other side of the road. I could see for miles on the cliff side of the road and I could not see anything man made. I realized I was on top of a small mountain and no matter which way I went on the road it would be a steep downhill drive. The store was older but well maintained. I climbed out of my truck and almost fell twice getting in the door of the store. Once I was inside I looked up and took the place in. It was a small country grocery store with a soda fountain and grill on one side with several bar stools and two booths. Coming out of the back room was a nice looking "Older" lady that to my 19 year old eyes looked like she might be 23. As she walked up to me she had a look of concern on her face and she asked if she could help me. I started explaining about being out driving and the ice and sliding into the parking slot in front of the store. As I was talking I saw a slight smile come to her face and she crossed the room so she was now standing in front of me. As I rambled on I started to feel a little awkward so I smiled and stuck out my hand and said "Hi I am Scott. She took my hand and Said "I am Nancy." It was then that I had a good look at Nancy. She was the healthy girl next door type, not over weight at all but also not a skinny stick like so many of the girls my age. She had a nice set of full C cup breasts riding high and proud under her sweater and a curvy tight tush wrapped in a pair of Levi jeans and a pair of furry swede winter boots. She had clear brown eyes, shoulder length brown hair and a light tan of someone that likes to spend time outside. And to this day I remember her voice being clear and strong. I stared and held Nancy's hand a little long and it caused a pause in the conversation. I released her hand and to recover I started explaining about the weather, driving, my truck, being tired and hungry. I had babbled on for a few minutes and when I was done Nancy was staring intently at me smiling, she then told me the grill was closed and the lady who did the cooking had gone home because of the storm. At the end Nancy mentioned she was hungry as well and was probably going to grab some chips or something off the shelf. I looked at the grill area and it was like all the others I had worked in over the past few years so I asked Nancy why don't we fire up the grill and cook some for ourselves. Nancy laughed and said "not me I could burn water". I told her I had been cooking in grills like that for years and I am sure I could make her a good meal. I also told her I would pay for whatever we used. Nancy smiled at me again and she said "I am sure the owner would not mind feeding us in a storm like this." We walked over to the grill and I dropped my coat in one of the booths and I put on the apron hanging on a hook and fried up the grill and the fryer. The heat from the big grill was welcome because I was still chilled to the bone from the weather. I looked thru the refrigerator and in a few minutes I had our menu. I asked Nancy if she preferred fries or onion rings, she answered onion rings but she was sure we did not have any. It was my turn to smile. Nancy sat on one of the bar stools and we talked as I cooked.

I enjoy cooking and cooking for someone else without the pressure of a restaurant kitchen is especially fun. My menu was simple Ethel burgers and onion rings. The Ethel burger is just a burger with ham and Swiss cheese. For the onion rings I just cut up some onions I found in the refrigerator and I used a simple egg wash and bread crumb and flower coating. The cooking process seemed to fascinate Nancy and as I cooked we talked and we both seemed to relax. I learned that Nancy was the only one there and she had sent the cook home before the storm got bad. I also learned Nancy was 25 years old, had a almost one year old daughter named Brittney and her fiancée had been killed in a car accident before they new she was pregnant. I told Nancy about myself and school and about it all overwhelming me so I went for a drive. She told me she could relate to just wanting to get away for a while.

About this time I had completed cooking our meal and we sat next to each other at the bar. It surprised Nancy when I said a quiet blessing for the food and I explained to her that it was how I was raised. This lead us to more conversation about our past but not before Nancy commented on how good the food was. Apparently the old lady working the grill was not much of a cook. We pulled a few beers from the cooler and we had a great time eating and talking. After a few minutes Nancy opened up to me and told me the store and grill were hers. After Nancy's fiancée was killed and she found out she was pregnant her finance's parents gave her the store. The almost in-laws were older and ready to retire so they gave Nancy the store so she would have a way to support herself and it would keep the grand baby close. Both her family and her finance's family live in a town about 15 miles away. When the storm was predicted Nancy sent her daughter Britney to stay with her mom and she was going to stay with the store thru the storm so when the power goes out, like it does in most of these storms, she can start and monitor the generator so the place does not freeze up. The road to the store is the first to close in a storm and the last to be reopened because it is so steep and the store is the only thing on the road. Nancy told me she does most of her business during the summer and fall catering to tourist that stop at the scenic overlook that is just past the store. She also told me that keeping the old lady as the cook was part of the deal with her in-laws.

With our meal done Nancy helped me and we cleaned up the grill and washed our dishes. As we finish with the dishes I turn to thank Nancy for the meal and the moment was just right and I leaned in and kissed Nancy. This is not like me at all, at that age I was shy and awkward with women but with Nancy at that moment it felt right. When our lips parted for a split second I thought I had gone too far but instantly Nancy was kissing me back with fire in her eyes. We kissed for a few more minutes in the kitchen then Nancy took my hand and led me to the front door of the store. I thought she was going to throw me out but she locked the door and turned the open sign off. Nancy looked at me and said "I thought I had locked this door and turned off the sign and hour before you got here. Now I am very glad I didn't." With that she led me by the hand to the back room door she had come thru when I first arrived, to my surprise the back half of the building is a home. Nancy explained that she and Brittney lived here and she ran the store. We walked into a very big living room with a large stone fireplace at the other end with some fire wood stacked in a holder beside the hearth. Nancy said she had been loading the fire wood and was about to start a fire when I came into the store. I finished bringing in more fire wood till the rack was full and while I was doing that Nancy started the fire. Nancy showed me how this fire place was built to really heat the house, it had a fan and air ducts that took air from the room and moved it around the fire box to heat it then blew the air out into the room. Nancy loaded the fire box full of wood and turned the blower on low, then she went to the kitchen and came back with a bottle of wine and two glasses. We poured the wine kicked our shoes off and settled into the sofa to watch the fire. Nancy told me the road would most likely be closed for three or four days and this was the first time since Brittney had been born that she has had some time off from being mommy or store keeper and she intended to enjoy it.

We sipped our wine and began slow passionate kissing. After a few minutes our kissing became more intense and I slid my left hand under Nancy's sweater and I began to massage he right breast thru her bra. I felt Nancy's nipple harden and I gently rolled it between my fingers as we continued to kiss. Between our kissing and the roaring fire we both were getting hot, Nancy broke our kiss, pushed me back, stared intently into my eyes and slowly she smiled. Then Nancy reached down to the hem of her sweater pulling it off over her head and tossing it on the floor. Then she reached behind her back and released the clasp on her bra and tossed it on top of the sweater. There I was staring at the two most beautiful breasts I had ever seen in my life, they were full, round, high on her chest and they were topped with large hard nipples in the middle of puffy dark aureoles. Even to this day Nancy had the best looking set breasts I have ever seen on any woman. I pulled my sweater off over my head and tossed it into the pile with Nancy's cloths so now we both were naked from the waist up. I wasted no time I dove for Nancy's rock hard right nipple rolling the nipple with my tong. Nancy was moaning and encouraging me too suck her tits. To my surprise after a few minute I started to get milk from her breasts. Nancy told me she still breast feed Brittney so she still had milk and her breasts were starting to ache because they were full and she needed some relief. This was a huge turn on to me, I spent quite some time sucking and massaging the milk form Nancy's breasts all the time Nancy moaning and encouraging me to relieve the pressure in her breasts.

After a while I started rubbing Nancy's pussy thru her jeans. At the same time Nancy was rubbing my rock hard cock thru my jeans. After a few minutes Nancy guided me to stand in front of her sofa, she unbuttoned my jeans sliding my jeans and underwear down freeing my rock hard cock. Nancy smiled and stroked my cock a few times then she wrapped her lips around my cock and started giving me an intense blow job. In minutes I was blowing spurt after spurt of come into Nancy's mouth, she swallowed every drop and proceeded to suck my cock back to fully hardness. Nancy stood up, guided me to sit on the sofa and she slowly unbuttoned her jeans. I helped her slide her jeans and panties down revealing her neatly trimmed brown pubic hair and a very swollen and wet pussy. Nancy wasted no time, she climbed on top of me and guided my cock into her very wet and tight pussy. Nancy started slowly ridding up and down on my rock hard cock, moaning and gasping as I sucked and massaged her breasts. Nancy's pace quickened and soon she was screaming and slamming down on my cock. Then suddenly Nancy slammed down full length on my cock, her whole body went stiff and in a breathy voice she moaned out "YES". Nancy's stiff body began to shake and finally she went limp, collapsing into me, hugging me with her head on my shoulder as I slowly started moving my still hard cock in and out of her sopping pussy. After a few minutes Nancy started to recover, I guided her off of me and bent her over the arm of the sofa, laying face down on a pillow with her beautiful ass high in the air. It was my turn to surprise Nancy, as I walked behind he I am sure she as expecting me to jam my cock in and start fucking her hard from behind, instead I drooped to my knees and I started licking and eating her pussy from behind. The reaction from Nancy was instant and intense, she started screaming and pushing her pussy back into my face. In just a few minutes I had licked and sucked Nancy thru two intense orgasms and she was building to a third when suddenly I stood up, lined by cock up with her sopping pussy and plunged my hot steal rod full length into the depths of Nancy's womanhood. Nancy came instantly, tightening her pussy around my cock like a vice. Now it was my turn and I started pounding Nancy from behind, driving my cock to the back wall of her pussy every time. Nancy was in a constant state of orgasm and I kept pounding her for a long time till the sweat was pouring from me, the whole time Nancy was pushing her ass back to meet my every thrust and saying "Fuck me, Fuck MEEEE HARDER". I felt my balls tightening and I drove my cock to the full deeps of Nancy's vagina and held it there. By body went stiff as my cock filled Nancy with what felt like gallons of cum. When my orgasm passed I pulled my cock from Nancy's gaping pussy and a flood of our juices followed. We moved back to the sofa and we both fell asleep cuddling with Nancy's head on my chest.

Sometime later I awoke, it was dark and at first I was unsure where I was. I was sitting naked on a sofa cuddled up under a blanket with a naked woman starring at a large stone fireplace with a small fire in it. As the fog of sleep cleared I remembered where I was and who I was with, the result of this was my cock started to swell again. Nancy was sleeping with her hand wrapped around my cock and balls so when my hard on grew and my breathing changed Nancy started to awake. I guess just by instinct Nancy started slowly and gently stroking my cock. With her head still on my chest Nancy said "I thought it would be a while before this guy came to life again!" we both laughed. With that Nancy picked her head up and looked around. We quickly determined the power was out so we made quick bathroom stops, got dressed and reloaded the fireplace. Then Nancy and I found our coats and proceeded out to the little building where the generator was located. The moment we stepped outside we knew we were going to be trapped on this mountain for a while, everything was covered thick with ice. Even with flashlights we could see large branches broken off trees and getting to the shed was an exercise in ice skating. When we made our way the 40 feet to the generator shed we had to use a hammer to break the ice off the door to get it open. Once we were inside the shed contained a very large diesel generator and it was very neat and tidy with tools and supplies to maintain the generator. Nancy explained to me that for years the only way the store had power was from this generator, when they built the store the generator was purchased new from an oil field supply company and installed here along with a huge underground fuel storage tank. About five years ago the State paid to have electricity brought up the mountain to power the scenic overlook area so the store was able to tie onto that line, it was a good boost for the store because it is cheaper then running the generator. Every month Nancy comes out here and goes thru the check list setup by her in-laws and she runs the generator for 30 minutes and checks the fuel level in the tank and according to her last check we had enough fuel to run for a month. Nancy flipped a few switches and pressed the start button and the generator came to life.

When we came out of the shed the outside lights were on and we could see several inches of ice covering everything. After we made our way back inside Nancy and I went up to the front of the store and thru the front windows I could see my truck covered with a layer of ice inches thick. Nancy said she needed to check on her daughter so she picked up the phone to call but the line was dead, probably due to the storm. Nancy had a CB radio base station behind the counter in the store, she turned it on and was able to make contact with her in-laws down the mountain. They talked for a while and Nancy assured them all was well at the store and they said Brittney was fine. When the conversation was done I noticed Nancy made no mention of me, I asked her about it and she said she didn't want to worry the in-laws. After that we turned on the radio and listened to the weather reports. The weather was as bad as we had thought, Nancy looked at me and said "It looks like you are going to be here for several days." I replied "I think that is just fine with me."

At this point I want to take a moment and explain to some of the younger readers of this story what the world was like when this happened: cell phones were rare, the pinnacle of home computers was the Apple IIc, the Internet as we know it did not exist and CDs had just come out. This was 1984 in the middle of the United States.

It was about 11:00 at night and Nancy mentioned she was getting hungry again so I fired up the the grill again to make us some grilled cheese sandwiches and to add some heat to the store. We sat at the counter and slowly consumed or food and we drank some wine coolers. After we finished Nancy told me to leave the dishes and she led me back into her house. We refilled the fireplace then Nancy took me to her bed room. This part of the house was newer and nicer than the rest. Nancy explained that the bathroom and the bedroom were added to the house by her Father in-law several years ago as an anniversary present for her Mother in-law. Nancy led me into the bathroom and she started removing my clothes so I returned the favor and in moments we were standing naked kissing in the bathroom. Nancy lead me to an oversized free standing shower, in fact the entire bathroom was very nice and large. The bathroom also had a large claw foot tub, at the time I thought it looked old fashioned and silly. Nancy started the shower and set the temperature then we stepped in. We each picked up a bar of soap and started soaping up each other. I started at Nancy's shoulders and worked my way down to her breasts. The moment I touched Nancy's breasts I could feel how full and hard they were, Nancy commented that they were sore and she would have to do something to relieve them before she slept. I rinsed the soap off of Nancy's chest then I sat on the built in bench in the shower and positioned Nancy standing facing me. Nancy placed her hands on the wall behind me and I proceeded to relieve the pressure in her breasts by gently massaging and sucking her breasts. Nancy's milk flowed freely, we even had some fun squirting milk in the shower. After I relieved the pressure in her breasts I continued to roll her nipples with my tong and with my right hand I massaged her clitoris and pussy, occasionally slipping a finger in her. Nancy was moaning loud and pushing back against my hand but the hot water started to run out so we rinsed off quickly and stepped out.

We dried each other off and Nancy lead me by the hand to her king sized bed. We both were very tired but a very soft and warm Nancy spooned up to me and my cock quickly came to full attention. I slipped my throbbing cock into Nancy's pussy from behind and I slowly and rhythmically pumped my cock in and out of Nancy's wet pussy. This was the first time in my young life I was able to experience the feeling of a woman having gentle rolling multiple orgasms. With each orgasm Nancy's pussy would squeeze my cock then release a new wave of hot moisture. I remember Nancy having three of these orgasms, with each my pace slowed till we both fell asleep. I never did cum but I did fall asleep with my cock still buried deep in Nancy's warm wet velvety pussy.

DAY 1.... In the morning when I awoke the light from a gray overcast sky was streaming thru the large bedroom window and Nancy was awake looking at me smiling. I said good morning and Nancy gave me a kiss. This was not a simple good morning kiss it was an "I want you now" kiss and it definitely had my full attention. Unfortunately my bladder had other priorities so I made my customary morning trip to the bathroom and I even took a moment to get rid of the dreaded morning breath while thinking about what was awaiting me. By the time I returned to Nancy's bed my cock was rock hard from anticipation. Nancy immediately took charge and rolled me onto my back and impaled herself upon my stiff cock. As Nancy rode my cock she thanked me for the night before and said it was amazing. I noticed Nancy's breasts were full again so I pulled her down so I could suck her nipples as she rode me. Soon I had filled Nancy with my cum and relieved her full breasts. We got up and peeked out into the store, I looked out the front windows of the store and what I saw was amazing. Everything I could see was covered with many inches of ice. My truck was sitting low on its springs from the weight of the ice. Nancy told me the front door to the store was frozen shut so I went over and tried it. The door was defiantly not going to open for a while. We made our way back into the house and we reloaded the fire place from the wood we had brought in the night before.

Nancy said she was dirty and we needed a bath, she took my hand and with a mischievous grin lead me to that large claw foot tub. It was as Nancy was filling the tub that I realized how big and deep the tub was, when we both got into the tub we had plenty of room. I had never taken a bath with anyone before and it was very relaxing. As we lounged in the tub Nancy and I started to talk. I was young with very little life experience so I found myself asking Nancy about being pregnant and what it was like giving birth and raise children. As we talked Nancy turned around and leaned back on my chest, I wrapped my arms around her and I gently stroked her stomach. Nancy and I spent the next hour in the tub relaxing and talking, we learned a lot more about each other. When we were done we dried and dressed and with both of us starving we made our way back out to the grill. On my way thru the house I noticed a clock and it was already 2:00 in the afternoon, I mentioned it to Nancy and she said she was not surprised but she need to check in with her in-laws. So I started getting things going in the grill while Nancy turned on the CB radio and talked to her daughter and in-laws. Nancy told them all is well and that she would call them on the radio at about the same time the next day. We started surveying our options for a meal, fortunately this was a working restaurant and we had a good supply of food, much of which needed to be used in the next few days. This was the start of my first cooking lesson for Nancy and as we developed and cooked a new recipe I wrote it down along with detailed instructions. This first lesion was the basics, proper knife work, fire safety, how to run the equipment, How to properly wash dishes and the first recipes were basic, several types of burgers including an Ethel Burger which was something I cooked at a previous job, fresh cut French Fries and Onion Rings. In this process I learned Nancy truly knew nothing about running a restaurant or a grocery / convenience store. As we cooked we shared everything we made and had great fun feeding each other the way lovers do. This process went on for many hours and by the time we had everything cleaned up and put away it was many hours past dark and we had created more than 10 pages of how to notes and recipes on the back of the last page I drew a heart and an extra note just for Nancy.

As we went back into the house we noticed it was cold and the fire was almost out so, on went the coats, we reloaded the fire place with the wood we had in the house and we replenished our supply from the huge covered outdoor wood rack. By the time we were done outside the house was getting warmer but Nancy and I were chilled and dirty from the cooking and wood hauling so off to the shower we went. This shower was different than our first, we washed each other slowly and gently not with the fiery lust of the first time it was more slow and loving. Nancy's breasts were firm and full of milk needing to be released so I helped relieve the pressure by gently sucking and massaging her breasts, Nancy taught me how to do it to make the milk flow well. When we were done we dried off and slipped back into bed Nancy started sucking my cock and after a few minutes she climbed on top of me and started riding my cock. Nancy's pace was rhythmic and gentle, I rubbed her clitoris with my thumb and massaged her breasts with the other, and soon Nancy had a powerful orgasm. When Nancy came down from her orgasm I gently rolled her onto her back and proceeded to maintain her rhythm fucking her in missionary position, bringing her to another orgasm before I filled her with a load of my cum. When I came back to my senses I kissed Nancy and rolled beside her, we spooned together and fell asleep.

DAY 2.... On day two I was the first to wake up, Nancy was totally relaxed curled up beside me lightly snoring. I slipped out of bed and relieved my bladder, when I returned Nancy had rolled over lying on her back with her legs open in the warm spot I have vacated minutes before. Standing naked in the bedroom I noticed the house was cool so I quietly went into the living room and reloaded the fire and turned the blower up. I returned to Nancy's bed room to find her lightly snoring again so I went to the foot of the bed and slowly un-tucked the sheet and comforter and slid into the bed between Nancy's legs. As my head approached I started gently kissing Nancy's thighs and when I reached her pussy I very lightly started kissing the soft outer lips. Next I used my tong and starting at the bottom of her vagina I licked upward slightly parting the outer lips. With each new lick I went very slightly deeper and in a few minutes Nancy has stopped snoring, opened her legs more by bending her knees and putting her feet on the bed and she was moaning in her sleep. I was very slow and gentle in my movements because I wanted to keep Nancy asleep as long as possible. I was surprised not to find any remnants of our love making the night before, Nancy must have cleaned up in the night and slipped back into bed because all I was finding was clean fresh pussy getting wetter and swelling by the second. I continued my tong dancing and as Nancy became more excited her pussy opened up and I slid my tong deep into her vagina between trips up her folds to her clitoris. By this time Nancy had her hands on my head holding it against her pussy and she screamed out as a powerful orgasm hit and her pussy flooded my mouth with her sweet nectar. When Nancy calmed down some I moved up the bed and held her in my arms, both of us savoring the warm glow of great sex.

Today was my turn to take charge, after a few minutes I picked Nancy up and carried her to the shower. We enjoyed the warm water and washed each other but when Nancy started to give me a blow job to relieve my hard on I stopped her, pulled her to her feet and told her later. I pulled some fresh clothes form my stuff and Nancy put on some fresh jeans and a tee shirt with no bra, the view of her full breasts in that tee shirt was amazing and it did nothing to help me with my constant hard on. After we were dressed I informed Nancy we were going to work on a few things today starting with laundry. I think it kind of shocked Nancy how I took charge but she instantly responded to my lead and we started doing the laundry, mine, hers and Brittney's. After we got the laundry started I took Nancy out to the grill and we made a quick breakfast. The day before I noticed Nancy lacked a basic knowledge of how to operate the restaurant and the store so after we finished eating I made it my mission to teach her what I knew. Nancy confided in me she had only been running the store for two weeks and her in-laws "retirement" had been forced by rapidly declining health also she only had worked one other job and that was only for 2 months. I was almost 20 years old and I had been working since I was 14 mostly in restaurants and a grocery store so while I was not a business expert I knew the basics. We started at the cash register, I showed her how to balance the drawer and track her sales. I explained why she needed to keep restaurant sales separate for the store sales. We spent 4 hours working our way thru the tasks needed to operate the store with Nancy and I both making pages of notes. By lunch time we were both starving again and Nancy said her breasts were about to explode with milk so while I made lunch Nancy sat at the counter and I watched fascinated as she used a breast pump to relive the pressure on her breasts. Nancy filled three containers of milk and said that her milk supply had started to dry up but with all the attention her breasts had been getting it was back up to full volume. After lunch we continued to go thru what was needed to keep the place running and I asked Nancy what training her in-laws had given her and what they planned to teach her. I found out the training had been minimal and with her father in-laws failing health she did not expect very much further help. She did tell me her in-laws did tell her to go out and check the generator at least once a day so that is what we did. After sliding our way on the ice and breaking a new coating of ice off the generator shed door we made our way inside. The generator was an amazing piece of equipment and it had been maintained in spotless condition. Nancy told me her father in-law had worked in the oil field years ago and his job had been to run these type of generators. She also told me that her father in-law had caught his boss in bed with a secretary and as payment for his silence the boss gave this brand new generator to her father in-law and it was what allowed them to open this store on top of the mountain in the middle of nowhere, apparently the generator was worth about as much as the rest of the sore combined. Nancy's father in-law had done an excellent job of providing an operations manual with checklist and maintenance schedules. The problem was Nancy had absolutely no background in engines and she did not even know the names of the basic parts. So we spent an hour or so going thru the basics with Nancy adding notes to each part as I identified it and we went thru all the check lists and the manual until Nancy felt comfortable taking care of the generator.

By the time our generator lessons were done it was dark outside and the fire in the house had died down so we reloaded the fire place and went hunting some dinner in the grill. While I was cooking Nancy checked in with her in-laws and let them know she had checked the generator and that everything was going well. This meal was a little more involved, I found some chicken in the freezer and a supply of canned goods and noodles from the store, so we ended up with Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo and seasoned green beans. Nancy was amazed with the meal. We took our time eating and talking, enjoying each other's company for several hours. When we finished I cleaned up the grill and the dishes and Nancy went back into the housing area to load the fire and tidy up.

When I shut down the front and went into the housing area. We had a nice warm fire and Nancy was in the process of tidying up. I was feeling greasy from cooking so I grabbed some shorts and a tee shirt and took a shower. When I came out of the shower Nancy was dressed in a silky peach nightgown and she was looking through the collection of VCR tapes for a movie to watch, we picked a movie we both liked and settled down on the sofa to watch it. We snuggled close and enjoyed the show. Having Nancy this close and so soft and warm in my arms it was a struggle to keep my mind on the movie and several times my hands did roam a little. When the movie ended Nancy took my hand and lead us back to the bed room and as I was climbing into the bed Nancy slid my shorts off and said "You won't be needing these.". As I laid down Nancy moved on top of me. After a few deep kisses Nancy guided my stiff cock through her crotch-less panties and into her wet vagina. I slid into her tight and warm body with ease and Nancy started slowly and rhythmically moving up and down on my shaft. I tried to lift up to meet her thrusts but Nancy whispered that I should relax and let her do the work. So I laid back and let Nancy set the pace while I gently massaging her breasts through the silky material of her nightgown. We made love like this for a long time, Nancy had several gentle shuttering orgasms and finally I could not take it anymore and with three deep hard thrusts I shoved my cock deep into Nancy and filled her with every drop of cum I had. Nancy had a full body shacking orgasm and fell forward onto my chest keeping my cock deeply embedded in her and holding me tight. After a few moments the orgasms passed and Nancy moved off of me and snuggled into my right side with her head on my arm and we fell asleep.

DAY 3.... On the morning of the third day the sand and the plow trucks made it up the mountain clearing the road in the direction I came. Five men working the trucks came into the store looking cold and hungry, I cooked and Nancy sold them pop and munchies for the rest of the day. As the guys were leaving Nancy ask how long they thought it would take to get the road open down the other side of the mountain to the town, they estimated four to five hours.

After the guys left Nancy was looking sad and she said when the road was open her in-laws would be coming up the mountain to check on things. Nancy also didn't think it would be a good idea if they found me there so she helped me break the remaining ice off my truck. We went inside to warm back up and Nancy made me a care package for the road home. Nancy and I made love in her bed one more time then I climbed into my truck and started on the road back to school vowing to call Nancy the following week. It took me quite a while to find a main highway in fact I got lost twice and had to double back. Very late that night I made it back to my dorm room and fell into my bed. The next day I started putting my life back together but my time with Nancy had changed my whole outlook and I quickly recovered my grades and never again did I get overwhelmed by school. The next week I did try to call Nancy but I kept getting a busy signal. After several days of trying I called the phone company and they informed me the line was still down and it might take weeks to get it back.

It was three months to the end of the semester, the phone line had not been fixed so after finals I scraped together gas money to head out to find Nancy and to try to get another contact phone number. It took all day to find the store, as the sun was going down I spotted the store at the top of the hill. I pulled into the parking lot and parked in the same spot but the windows and doors were covered with plywood and it had a sign saying the store was closed. I made my way around to the back where the living space was but fence was locked and everything was dark. For a minute I wondered if I had imagined the three days with Nancy. As I was about to get back into my truck a Highway Patrol Officer pulled into the parking lot looking me over. I greeted the Officer and before he had a chance to question me I asked him if he knew what happened to the store and explained that I had been stuck here in the ice storm a few months back. He said he did not know the details but the store was going to be closed for a while and he was keeping an eye on it. I thanked him for watching the store and jumped back into my truck and headed down the other side of the mountain to the first town. I was hungry and went to a small restaurant on the main street of the town. As I ordered dinner I asked my waitress is she new who owned the store on the mountain and she did not but she asked the other waitress, Jane, and she did. I spoke with Jane for a few minutes and she did know the family, she told me a few days after the storm cleared Nancy's father in law became very sick and the whole family packed up and went to stay with family in Texas, close to the hospital they needed. Several friends of the family went up the mountain and boarded up the store. I asked if she knew how to contact the family, I explained that Nancy was a friend but the waitress did not know how to contact the family. I thanked her for the information and I said if she spoke to Nancy to tell her Scott was looking for her. Jane said she would and she gave me a funny smile. I paid my bill and headed home for the summer. I had given Nancy my parent's phone number and all summer I was hoping she would call but she never did. That summer I worked at several jobs and I saved two hundred dollars and put the two bills in an envelope and wrote Nancy and the phone number of the store on the envelope, this was my travel money to get to Nancy if she ever called. A few weeks after I got back to school I made the trip back to the store but it was sill boarded up and Jane was not working at the restaurant in town. That envelope stayed in my wallet for two years, then I moved it to a metal lock box I use for important papers.

I graduated college and life went on, I got a good job in another state, met and married a wonderful woman, Sandy, and we had two wonderful, smart, energetic daughters. My older daughter, Jennifer, graduated from college and in her senior year met a great guy, they married a month after graduating. Jennifer and her new husband are in the same field and they ended up landing jobs at the same company in North Carolina. My second daughter, Barbara, graduated college and landed a great job working on the west coast. Her job involves a lot of travel, which Barbara loves.

With my daughters out of the house Sandy and I evaluated where we were in life and decided to downsize our house and I took the early retirement package from work. I had been very fortunate over the years and financially we were in a good position so Sandy and I could do the traveling we always wanted to and for about a year that is what we did. A week after Sandy and I returned from a month in Europe, Sandy was not feeling well and we went to her doctor. The news was not good, stage four cancer. The next three months are a blur in my memory, the next clear memory I have is sitting in the church with my daughters at Sandy's funeral and realizing every plan I had ever had for the rest of my life was about to be buried in the coffin in front of me. I was devastated by my wife's death, she was the only girl I dated had after Nancy and she was my whole life. I sold my home because it reminded me every day of the woman I lost after 25 years of marriage. Since I was not sure what I wanted to do, I move into a nice, upscale, two bedroom apartment as a place to land until I could decide what to do with the rest of my life.

My father had passed away five years earlier and his house had been rented through a Realtor since then. I got a phone call from the Realtor and she told me the people living in the house had made an offer to buy the house and the price was good. For me the timing could not have been better I was in the mood to get rid of anything tying me to anyplace. I asked the Realtor to get the process started and to make things go faster I offered to pay the rush fees so we could close quickly. In a few weeks the sale was ready to be finalized and I could have handled it remotely but instead loaded up my stuff and put my metal lock box in the car because it had the papers I would need to settle the sale of my dad's house. I took a few days to drive back to where I grew up, stopping at several places eat and enjoy the view and take in the attractions.

When I got to town the sale of the house went quickly and as I was placing the papers back into my metal box I found the envelope with the phone number and the two hundred dollars. It made me smile for the first time in a long while, so for the fun of it I dialed the phone number, and to my great surprise someone answered the phone and said "Overlook Restaurant". After a few questions I determined it was the same place and I got exact directions to where it was. The next morning I checked out of the hotel and I was on the road by 7:00 AM. With modern highways and good directions, a few hours later I found myself pulling into the same parking spot I had so many years ago. I was the only car in the parking lot and being 9:15am on a Wednesday this did not seem like a peek business time. The store had been cleaned up with a new front, the restaurant side seating area had been expanded. New privacy fences kept me from seeing into the back but the whole place looked cleaned up and fresh. When I walked in, the store had been redone and it looked fully stocked, clean, and friendly feeling. The grill was still in the same place and looked like it had not changed that much. At first no one was in sight and after just a minute the same door that Nancy had walked through so many years ago opened and a young woman came out. The moment I saw her there was no doubt in my mind that this was Nancy's daughter Brittney, she looked just like her mother. I did some quick math in my head and that would make her 28 or 29 years old. I am afraid I might have stared at Brittney a little too long from the shock of seeing her. After a moment Brittney said "Can I help you?" and I snapped out of my trance and said I was wanting some breakfast from the grill. Brittney said "Sure thing" then turned back through the door and said "Jessica you have a grill customer." then she turned back to me and said "She will be right out to help you." then went back through the door.

I made my way over to the bar stools at the counter and took a good look at the grill area and hanging on a hook by the prep table was a collection of notes in page protectors held together with a metal ring. To my great surprise I recognized the front page, across the top it read "Nancy's Grill notes" in my hand writing. About a minute later a perky red headed young lady a few years younger than Britney came out the same door and headed behind the counter at the grill. She looked at me and said "Good morning, sorry for the wait you are our first customer today and in the middle of the week we normally don't have grill customers till lunch time. I am Jessica, what can I get you to drink, coffee?" I said "No I think I need a Coke." Jessica brought me my Coke and a menu and I asked her to give me a minute with the menu.

I pretended to read the menu and I watched Jessica unpack the grill and get set up. As I watched her it struck me how much she looked like my oldest daughter all the way to the red hair. My daughter gets the red hair from my side, my hair is brown but my beard is red from my mother. Then it struck me and I did the math in my head, could it be? Being so early in the day I decided on breakfast and ordered eggs, bacon, and toast. Since the grill is right in front of the counter this would give me a chance to talk to Jessica as she cooked. Jessica jumped right into putting my breakfast together and I could tell she knew exactly what she was doing. I asked her if she had been cooking here very long, she laughed and said all her life. So I asked if her mother had taught her to cook, again she laughed and said no her mother is not much of a cook. So I asked who taught her to cook and she said her sister and the people that her mother hired to cook. By the time she was 12 she ran the grill whenever she was not in school. After a few minutes my food was ready and Jessica refilled my Coke. As I ate my breakfast Jessica cleaned up the grill and started doing prep for the lunch customers and this gave us time to talk. I was being careful to not ask too many questions in order to not scare her. Jessica was very easy to talk to and very quickly we were chatting like old friends.

About the time I finished my breakfast Britney came from the back room and sat down at the end of the counter and placed a small electronic device in front of her. At first I thought it was a phone but as I looked closer I noticed it was a baby monitor. Britney told Jessica she had gotten Sam down for his nap and needed a break. Soon all three of us were chatting as I slowly drank my third Coke. After a few minutes I introduced myself as Scott and I managed to ask where there mother was, they told me she went a few towns over to buy supplies and she should be back in a little while.

It was now after 11 in the morning and so far today I had been the only customer. The ladies told me that in the winter the middle of the week was slow but the weekends picked up. I looked at Jessica and said "I have something I have been wanting for years but I have not found any place with it on the menu, could you make it for me?" Jessica said "I will try, what would you like?" I looked right into her eyes and said "I want an Ethel Burger and if you need to know how to make it is on page three of the instructions hanging on that hook." Jessica blinked and then her eyes got wide and she looked at Britney then she asked me "How do you know what is on those instructions?" Still looking at her I said "Because I wrote those 26 years ago. I was a lost traveler and your mother gave me shelter in an ice storm". Both ladies were staring at me in shock and before we could say another word the front door of the store opened and we all three turned to look.

Before me was a vision from the past, in the last 27 years Nancy had barely changed at all, she was still the gorgeous girl next door I remembered. Coming in from the bright light outside, Nancy's eyes took a moment to adjust and she said "Girls come give me a hand bringing in the........." Nancy stopped speaking in mid-sentence and stared at the three of us. A moment later she rushed to me and she was back in my arms just like all those years ago. When we released the hug Nancy looked at her daughters and said "Girls this is Scott the man who..." Her daughters cut her off mid-sentence and said "WE KNOW.". Then Nancy looked at me and said "Scott Jessica is." and I cut her off mid-sentence and said "I KNOW". For a minute Nancy and I just stared at each other, then I turned to look at Jessica and said to her "When I walked in this morning my oldest daughter was named Jennifer now my oldest daughter is named Jessica and Jennifer is now the middle child, you both have a little sister named Barbara.". We all had tears in our eyes. I looked past Nancy at Britney and said to her "Britney I never had a chance to meet you when I was here the first time but I did get to see several pictures and I don't think a month has gone by in all these years that I have not remembered those pictures and thought of you.".

I looked at Nancy and said we have so much to talk about and we will, first we need to get your supplies in here and stored. Nancy looked at me and smiled and said "Yes we do.". With that we all went outside and proceeded to bring in and store the supplies. After that I had Nancy back in my arms and she whispered in my ear, "I missed you so much." and I said "We have lived whole lives since last you were in my arms and in all that time you have never been far from my thoughts.".

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The author of this story: Tail Spinner

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