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On a warm summer day in the park

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It was a warm, lazy, summer day, and I was bored. I could have simply drifted off to sleep, but I decided that I must do something more active, to fight off my lethargy. And so I simply left the house, on foot, and set out upon a walk. I did not have any plan. I just started walking, turning whichever way felt good to me at each corner. Up ahead I saw a park, with lots of trees. It looked pleasant, so I continued in that direction until I had arrived. A large park, there were sloping hills of green, a playground in the far corner on my left, with kids playing and making lots of noise, parents close at hand. So I ventured off in the other, more quiet direction. There in an open space, lying out in the sun, was a beautiful young lady who appeared to have succumbed to the drowsy call of the day. I stopped well short of her, staring, thankful that her eyes were closed, lest I look like a creepy, old, lecherous man. I looked about and saw that nobody else was questioning why I continued to stare at this somewhat vulnerable young woman. That emboldened me to approach her, slowly, and quietly.

She lay there in a thin cotton dress, rumpled up a bit, presumably from tossing around in her sleep a little bit before I arrived. That had also caused it to ride up her legs a bit. At the each of her slender, long and well tanned legs where black high heels. One arm lay across her lap, low on her belly, and just above where her legs met. The other arm was stretched behind her long, dirty blond hair. She seemed to have a bit of a grin on her sleeping face, like she must be dreaming of something quite lovely. By this time, I was standing close beside her. I stood to one side so as to not cast my shadow over her, worried that such a change might awaken her. She might be frightened and cry out. I surely did not need to be arrested for assaulting her. One more quick glance around and I decided that I should sit next to her. Nobody saw me arrive. And if anyone came along once I was seated next to her, they would presume that we were together and not be concerned that I was taking advantage of her with my eyes, so far, just my eyes.

Once seated, I heard a very slight moan escape her lips, as her body shifted ever so slightly. Now the hand that had been on her belly, was placed over groin. She even moved her fingers over her sleeping form for just a second, before going still again. Under the top of her light gown, I saw that her nipples were poking out at the material. Clearly she wore no bra, and was somewhat aroused, even though she still slept. I was losing control here. My blood was leaving my head, and finding a new place to dwell. I glanced about again. We were still quite alone in this corner of the park, except for the birds chirping in a nearby tree. I reached slowly over, and grazed the top of her dress, just over those perky nipples. She squirmed in response, moving both her legs back and forth for a moment, throwing her head back a bit, rubbing her pussy through her dress below. Then she went still again. Clearly my movements were helping to articulate her dream, providing new inspiration to the feelings that had not quite yet awakened her.

I turned myself about. I was now sitting just next to her knees, facing her. I gently tugged at the bottom of her dress, pulling it upwards. Her hand shifted again, and went still, now on the upper part of her belly. This enabled me to lift the bottom and peek underneath. What a pervert I was. To take such advantage of an innocent young woman, asleep in the park. And yet, that smile on her face belayed the fact that she was still enjoying this experience. I was shocked to find that once I had lifted it a little more, that I could see that she was not wearing anything underneath. There lay her pussy, trimmed, but with a lovely light blond bush. I am a goner now. All rationale had left me. For here next to me was a woman that clearly loved the thought of possibly being exposed in public. Why else would she have come here dressed like this, and then to have fallen asleep. To me this was express permission for me to do more.

I placed my hand on her exposed knee, and felt her warm soft skin beneath me. She did not move. I slowly slide my hand upwards. Still she did not move. Now under the hem of her dress, I crept closer. And only the softest of sounds escaped her lips. When I gently touched her nether lips the tips of my fingers felt how wet she was. I wanted to pull them back so that I could smell her, and taste her. But I feared that such movement would awaken her and spoil further pleasures. Running one finger slowing over her lips, up and down, I spread the moisture about slightly. She moaned softly again, and then placed her hand over mine, and pressed slightly, causing the tip of my index finger to slip between her lips just a little. That smile that she wore broadened. Another soft moan was heard and her hand lightly held mine now, and encouraged further movements. And move I did. Slowly. Gently. I stroked her mound. Sometimes running my fingers through her hair before returning to tease her clit, which was now clearly aroused. Her legs spread a little. And then it happened. Her eyes opened. There was a quick moment of surprise, but not shock. No fear. And then the smile grew until it was ear to ear. The hand that held mine, with her dress between hers and mine, wiggled a little causing me too to wiggle and thus play with her more. The hand that previously supported her head now lowered to her chest, and snuck inside her dress to touch her nipples.

There was no longer any need for any pretense that I was just here to admire this beauty. She now wanted every bit of the attention that I had been giving her, and quite probably a lot more. So with this express permission, I inserted my middle finger deep inside her, and started using my thumb to gently rub her clitoris as I applied pressure on her g-spot within. She was staring at my face, with such a pleasurable smile. I stared back, with a broad smile as well. I again looked around us, and found that we were still safely alone. I continued and she continued to enjoy my attention, now tweaking her nipples and even exposing one breast by pulling her gown over it. Her head leaned backwards and her eyes closed. I felt her sexual energy building beneath the touch of my hand. She started to moan a bit more loudly. Then, as often happens, her climax came to her quite suddenly. "Ohhh,", she exclaimed as her legs snapped shut, trapping my hand, squeezing hard as wave upon wave of ecstasy fell over her. I felt a sudden gush of fluid shoot from her as another even stronger wave hit. "Oh my god, that was amazing!" she said as the grip on me loosened slowly.

She put her arms back, at her sides and sat up a bit, my finger still inside her. As she straighten the top of her dress, recovering it, I pulled out, leaned forward and gave her a simple tender kiss, which she welcomed with the tip of her tongue between my lips. "Thank you," she said. "What a wonderful way to wake up. But now I must insist that you accompany me home. I think there is more we need to attend to," she said, as she looked at my tight shorts, strained by my hard cock beneath them. Then she quickly ran her hand up inside the leg of my shorts, grabbed me, squeezed once, and pulled out. We stood together. She took my hand in hers, and she led me home.

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The author of this story: Ike

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