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Paris it is!

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[Lacy] I have always wanted to go to Paris, so one day I decided to go into town and see if there were any flights to Paris with the dates I had available and prices that I could afford. To my utter delight there was a special going on for a two week package trip in July. I booked it quickly, before I could talk myself out of it. The hotel and everything was included. I started preparing for the trip as soon as I got home, and anxiously waited. Two months! It seems like such a long time to wait.

On the day of my flight I checked everything, made sure I had my passport, and that my credit card still had plenty left for fun. I got to the airport and checked in. Getting onto the plane I had a front seat. The flight took just under two hours. After departing the plane I found a taxi and went direction to my hotel, the Paris Marriott Hotel. I felt like a world traveler at such a beautiful place. My top floor view was spectacular. The only thing I lacked at this point was a traveling companion, preferably a well hung one who loved to fuck. But I figured I might just go out and find me a fine looking french man to scratch that itch. And so I took to the streets, looking for whatever trouble I could get myself into.

[Ike] It was my first ever trip to Paris, but more importantly, my the first time I ever really won something. The contest winner, yep that's me, won a free trip to France, Paris specifically. It was just a five day stay, but having never been there it was a chance in a lifetime. Once I found out that I had won, I found a site online that I could use to refresh the French I learned both in college and in high school.

When I had arrived, after a long flight, I found my room to be amazing, here at the Paris Marriott Hotel, right on Champs Elysees. I am rather frugal and would never have booked this room had it not been for the contest. I was exhausted and fell asleep quickly as my body hit the bed after the long trip.

The next morning, looking out my window, the view was spectacular. After unpacking just a few things, and taking a quick shower, I took to the streets, to wander and breath in the wonder of being here. I had taken a hotel "map" with me, so that when I got lost, not paying attention to where I was going, I could find my way back.

[Lacy] For two days I went on a window shopping spree, like a woman possessed. I could not buy much, but I had to see everything anyway. I checked out every shop I could find. I kept looking at the prices, thinking maybe my credit limit was not quite as generous as I needed it to be. Day three as I continued to explore, I decided to stop and have a coffee in one of the many shops where I could sit and people watch. I sat down and a waiter quickly came out to greet me. His English was not so good, but I understood every word. I asked for a café au lait, just because it sounded more French. It was about the only French I knew. He jotted a quick scribble on his pad and walked away. While I was waiting, I looked at my wrist and discovered I had left my watch at the hotel. While I was looking around and finding no clocks anywhere, I saw a man walking in my direction that somehow caught my attention. He had curly silver hair, speckled with black, and looked to be quite a handsome man for his age. Not skinny, but certainly not fat. In good shape, tall, and well dressed. As he got closer I thought Is it him? No can't be. He lives far away in the U.S. I could not help but stare, and I saw him glance my way, several times while walking closer as he laughed quite charmingly to whomever he was talking with on his phone.

[Ike] During my first discovery walk, I encountered a couple of other tourists that were staring at me and talking to each other excitedly. Finally they approached and asked, "Are you somehow related to Harold Ramis?". I laughed and explained that I was not the ghost of Egon Spengler, nor was I even the stunt double for the move Afterlife. But I did have to admit that we have always looked a lot alike. Still, they insisted that I allow them to take a photo with me at their side, so that they could show their friends and pretend that they had met his ghost.

By then I had explored a great deal and my back was tired from all the walking. My phone began to ring, which took me quite by surprise. Who would be calling me? Especially while here? It turned out it was from the folks responsible for my good fortune. They just wanted to know if I found everything to be to my satisfaction, and would I be willing to take part in an interview upon returning home, so that they could use it in a future promotional. I laughed heartily and said, "Whatever you need, I will gladly do it, for I am having the time of my life!"

It was then that I first saw her, a beautiful young lady, about 36, who must have measured out to be 36/25/36. She was seated, awaiting her order it seemed, and although I could not quite judge her height, I guessed it to be about five and half feet tall, not counting her cork heels. She had on a short cotton summer dress with long mousy blond hair that disappeared beneath the edge of the table she was sitting at. As she shifted her legs with what seemed like a particularly grand gesture, I caught a glimpse of a flash of silky white. Thongs perhaps? She looked a lot like Jennifer Aniston, I thought. Who knows, maybe it really is her? She might be here, right? I felt her eyes upon me. It gave me quite a tingle. Why is she looking at me so intently I wondered? I felt as though I should look away, but her eyes locked with mine, and I found that I simply could not look away. It was then she called my name, my nickname actually. "Ike!" She exclaimed, "What are you doing here?!"

By now I had just hung up my phone, so I put it away and said, shaking my head in disbelieve, "You know who I am? Have we met? Surely I would not forget someone as lovely as you!"

"Oh! What am I thinking?" she said. "I know you from your profile picture, but you have never seen me. We have written to each other, on ES! It's Lacy!"

I stopped short. My legs felt suddenly weak. My jaw dropped, and felt a flush come over me that ran from head to groin, and settled there, warming me greatly, all in an instant. I lost words to speak. "Lacy? Oh my God! What are the chances that we should bump into each other here?" I knew she lived in the U.K. And with me from just north of Seattle, I never would have imagined that we should see each other in person. Yes, I knew I might meet women here, in Paris. But the connection that she and I shared, in stories written to each other, it was too much. I already felt a need to adjust myself, to avoid a certain discomfort.

[Lacy] "Ike! What are you doing here?" I burst out, in shocked surprise. But I had forgotten. Although I had described myself to him before, he had never seen my picture, nor heard my voice. He had no idea who I was. "We have written to each other, on ES! It's Lacy!" I informed him, and I loved the reaction I saw. His smile immediately changed from that of an innocent stranger to a lustful look shared between long time lovers. His eyes dilated I think and you could almost see his pulse rate start to race. When he moved his hand to adjust his crotch, I felt a wetness start in me. I jumped up from my table and stepped into his arms. He held me tight around my waist and pulled me into him tight. I felt as though he could lift me and throw me into the air. "Lacy? Oh my God!" he said, clearly pleased at our chance encounter. "How are you?" he said as I lifted my head up to kiss him on the cheek and asked him to join me. The words were innocent enough, I was just asking him to sit with me. And yet, I wanted to be physically joined with him at our first opportunity.

Just then the waiter returned with my coffee on a tray. I said to him "Can I have another one please, for my friend?" Then you said, "Oui. Je veux un café, s'il vous plaît." My eyes lit up hearing you speak in French. It always go weak at the knees when I hearing a man speaking any foreign language. As you sat with me we started chatting. You asked "How long have you been here?" I said, "Two days so far. I'm here for two weeks. How about you?" You said, "I flew in just yesterday. I just won this free five day trip, staying at the Paris Marriott Hotel." My mouth dropped open before saying something like "Small world!" Suddenly my coffee seemed unimportant. I said, "follow me" and I got up, quickly paid for both of us and started walking back to our hotel. I held your hand and pulled you along, glancing up at you with wanting eyes.

[Ike] She jumped up from the table to come to me and I held my arms out and wrapped them around her tightly. I inhaled deeply and took in her fragrance as I held her close to me. I rather hoped she could feel me swelling already as she kissed my cheek. When she asked me to join her, it gave me so many ideas, quickly flashing through my head. I sat and stared. My eyes roaming over her, undressing her in my mind. We exchanged pleasantries. When I heard that she would be here even after I had to return home, it tugged at my heart, or perhaps that tug was from somewhat lower in my core. I wasn't really listening to what she said. I could not help it. My heartbeat was fast. I licked my lips in anticipation. I knew what was to come. This woman had expressed to me her deepest desires in word form. I knew she wanted me from the moment we locked eyes. And now I was just focused on breathing until our passions were unleashed.

We were standing now. And walking. Her hand held mine and led me onward. The rest of Paris faded away like it was not even there around us. Her smile captivated me, and I could not help but to giggle almost like a nervous school boy, about to be seduced by a more experienced woman for the first time. Nothing like this had ever happened to me before. She is so much younger than me, I thought, and so much more beautiful. But I knew I could satisfy her, and she also knew that.

We had arrived at the hotel. Somehow she found the way and had led me back. I was her obedient puppy dog following her lead as though on a leash. I think she was still talking to me but all I could think about what kissing her neck, and hearing her moan.

We got onto the lift, all glass, and she pushed a button, her floor I presume, for she had not asked me which floor I was on. Or maybe she did, I could not say anymore. The lift doors closed. We were alone together for the first time. I could not wait any longer. I took her face in my hands and kissed her tenderly and deeply. I felt her weaken. Then I kissed the nape of her neck, and nibbled it lightly. She let out a small moan. I felt her hands grab my butt and squeeze. I reached behind her and ran my hands up under her short skirt to touch her legs, gliding quickly upwards to her butt cheeks, exposed now as she wore only a thong. We were oblivious to whether or not anyone could see us through the glass walls as the lift began to rise.

As she lifted one leg to caress mine with hers, I reached around from behind and touched the now wet tiny patch of silkiness that covered her hot desires. The lift was a swift one. We both heard a ding, signaling that the doors were about to open. I released her reluctantly just before they opened.

[Lacy] As I led Ike through the streets and back to our hotel my mind raced and my body tingled. How many times have I already cum, hard, just reading his words. And now to feel his touch upon me, I could not wait for more. I led, he followed so willingly. I felt his eyes devouring me, and I loved it. Older men are ever so appreciative when a younger woman unleashes their desires. We are almost there. I want to run with him, but I pace myself, knowing that the wait is almost over. We are here, in the lift, together. The doors close and my pace quickens. He kisses me and I melt. I feel his lips on my neck and the flood gates open, I am so wet now. I grab his butt hard, and feel his cheeks tighten as they feel my hands upon them. His hands are on my legs, my butt. Oh God, this is going to be great. He runs his fingers over my mound, feeling how wet I am for him already, and then there is the sound of a ding, coming from from the elevator. We must separate for a moment, lest we are caught naked and fucking right here, right now.

I lead him to my door, and hand him my key. With my hands now free, I raise my skirt right there in the hallway to let you see me poke my hand under the front of my g-string to touch myself. And then I lift my wet fingers to your mouth, and let you suck them in, tasting me for the first time.

The door opens. We rush in and he closes it quickly after us. I put my hand out to stop you as you rush to grab me. I want to tease you just for a moment. I step back, my knees against the bed and start to strip, slowly, with my best seductive smile on my face. I release the top of my dress and let it slide over my body and down my sides to pool at floor beneath me. I give you my best innocent girl look before unhooking my sheer lacy bra in the front, pause, and then open myself to you. I poke my hand out once more to stop you, so that I can peal my g-sting slowly down my legs as I kick off my shoes. And then I lay back on the bed and spread my legs wide to invite you to join me now.

[Ike] Once the elevator opened we rushed quickly to her room. She handed me her key and as I struggled to open the door with shaking hands, she lifted her skirt to expose herself to me. God, I thought. How could I be so lucky! Her hand dipped inside her panties and she brought her now wet fingers to my lips. I paused briefly to smell her before sucking those fingers into my mouth, tasting the sweetest gift a man could have. Finally I had gotten the door open and I let her enter first, closing the door behind us. I wanted to grab her, but she put out her hand to stop me. It seems she wanted to put on a show. Seduction was pointless by now, and she knew it. She had my full attention, in more ways than one. But I allowed her to step back, to the bed, and undress before me. I tried to photograph her in my mind so that this moment would be forever there to remember. As she released her bra and showed her pointy nipples, so clearly aroused, I stepped to meet them, but was again made to wait. But once she had pulled those panties to the floor, and spread her legs, I knew my time had come.

I knelt before the bed and cupped the underside of each of her legs and lowered my face to feel a hotness emanating from her core. She had teased me, so I teased her. I blew lightly over her lips, then touched them lightly with just the tip of my tongue. Her body convulsed, just once as a jolt went through her. She did not want to be teased. She grabbed the back of my head and pulled me in. I started to dine on her. Licking loudly and nibbling lightly. My hands now were on her butt cheeks as I threw my head side to side devouring her. "Oh God yeah!" she exclaimed. "I knew it would be like this!", and somehow spread her legs even wider. "num num num num," I mocked, as though I were a hungry animal gulping down my prey. She wiggled and squealed with glee. "Yes! Eat me you beast!", and I did, readily for just a bit more. But I still had my clothes on and this had to change! I stood and pulled frantically, not able to free myself as quickly as I wanted. Each piece of clothing flung about the room as I was able to discard them. You took this time to turn over, and present your ass to me as you took your position on hands and knees at the edge of the bed, your face looking back at me, filled with urgent desire.

[Lacy] Ike dived in between my legs, but then stopped to just blow his hot breath over me. I tightened inside. I grabbed each leg to pull them, knees up, spread wide. Do it! my mind insisted. Take me! Finally your tongue touched my lips and it was like being hit with a thousand volts. Uncontrollably a shake traversed my body from legs to my fingers. I could wait for no more and grabbed your head to pull you tight. Ahhh, I thought, as you sucked my lips into your mouth and started licking and sucking. much better But then you stood up, and my need was put back on hold for a moment. I saw you tearing off your clothes and tossing them about. So I made myself ready for what I wanted next. And there it was, standing straight out before you, bouncing just up and down in small little movements. I wanted you to take me from behind so I thrust my butt out as best I could off of the edge of the bed as I took my favorite position.

You grabbed my butt cheeks and squeezed. You slapped me once on the right cheek, and then I felt you guide your hard cock up to my eager lips. As you ran it up and down over my wet pussy I calculated the exact moment that I should push myself back and onto you. "Ohh!" success! You were in, but just the tip of you. In that moment you grabbed my hips and thrust hard and fast until you were buried deep inside. "Oh God yes. FUCK ME! FUCK me NOW!" My words were unnecessary, and yet could not be kept inside. You quickly started to pound my ass. The sound of our bodies slapping together was all that I could hear, all that I could think of. My eyes were closed in bliss and I met your thrusts with a rocking motion. We went on like this for what seemed like such a long time. I kept expecting that you would not last like this, but somehow you managed to keep pounding me and pounding me. And then I felt it coming. "Oh God. Here it comes. Oh yeah. Keep it coming!" As I started to grind out a most powerful orgasm I felt you expand further inside me and I knew you had arrived too. The sound that you made as you exploded inside was incredible, so primal. And you kept going! Never had I felt such a long and power orgasm from a man. Even after it was over, you kept moving, just much slower now, and your grip on me had weakened. I could feel our juices flowing down my legs, there was so much it seemed.

[Ike] With your butt on display for me I grabbed it. Squeezed it for a moment and then took my hard cock with one hand so that I could rub it across your lips. But you had other ideas. Teasing was no longer allowed as you pressed your ass back and onto me. And that was it. I grabbed you hard and started fucking you for real. With every thrust forward of my hips I pulled you against me as well. And it felt so good. I wanted this to last forever. And it did last. On and on we fucked. The feel of you so exquisite. The sound of you so compelling. And as your excitement neared a peak, I could feel it, and it brought that deep tingle alive in me as well. Your orgasm started first, but was quickly followed by mine. And it was such a good one. It went on and on, it was like multiple orgasms back to back. Even after I had cum all that I could cum, I was still hard and enjoying the feel of sliding in and out of you, slowly now, and with endorphins washing over me. I ran my hands up over your back, to your shoulders, and pulled you back into me still. I held this position as long as I could, but I grew weak and tired. Still hard, but much less so, I finally withdrew, and flopped myself on the bed beside you. You caressed my face and kissed me tenderly. "Oh this is going to be great!" you said.


I never quite know where a story is going to go, until it arrives. But I know now, this sounds like the beginning of a series. I have many more ideas running though my brain, but I think I must let this story stand on its own as others churn within. I hope you enjoy.

And thank you Lacy. I needed that.

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The author of this story: Ike

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