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THE HUNG-arians

written by:
Thomas B

I know the correct pronunciation is Hun-GARIANS, but as you read on, you'll see why I pronounce it with the emphasis on HUNG.

My name Holly Garrity. My name is Holly because I was born at Christmas. My story starts when I was a senior in high school, and started having sex. My older sister, Carol, who everyone calls Bunny, because, you guessed it, was born on Easter, told me that the best way to avoid getting pregnant was blowjobs.

I followed her advice, and over the years became, at least to my lovers, highly skilled. Not just skilled, but also addicted.

Bunny gave me a toy to practice on. I was skeptical, but when Mark Summers asked me to the Senior Prom, and later that night got me alone, I knew Bunny was right. I thought blowjobs were the greatest thing and still do.

Over the years I've done big ones, small ones, fat ones, skinny ones. I like big ones. Circumcised, uncut? I prefer circumcised. White, brown, black, yellow, red? Doesn't matter, but I've never had a red one. It's on my bucket list.

Mark Summers didn't have a big one, but he was circumcised. In the summer after my senior year, I made it my mission to try as many as possible in my California beach town. That's where I got the craving for big ones.

I know a lot of girls don't like big ones because they're painful to fuck and they're sore the next morning.

Not me, waking up with a sore jaw, neck pain and the taste of cum in my mouth brings a smile to my face.

Not to brag, but I'm pretty smart, so it was off to an Ivy League college Back East after high school graduation. Just as important, my parents are loaded. My dad's a plastic surgeon. There are hundreds of women walking the beaches of California wearing the skimpiest bikini tops thanks to my dad's boob jobs. He was in high demand and a great boob job is expensive. My mom sells commercial real estate.

Then there's this Mark Summers, who asked me to the prom, among the other guys in my high school class, would tell you if asked, that I'm attractive. I have a great ass, and good-size tits. No, I didn't need my dad's skill to get them.

Anyhow, I knew in less than thirty seconds that my new college roommate and I would hit it off. When I walked into my dorm room for the first time, Roberta Comstock, who was called Bertie, was getting double-teamed. She was on all fours sucking a white guy's cock, while a black guy was giving it to her doggie.

What's a girl to do?

If you're me, you beckon to the black guy and get on your knees.

It was my first black guy, but not my last.

In California, I'd done a number of brown Mexican guys. How could I not, it's California? You can't walk two blocks without running into a Juan or Luis. I'd spent a wonderful weekend with Juan Garcia and his big cock, just a few weeks before I left for the East.

There were also Japanese, Chinese and Filipinos. Although, the sample size is small, every Filipino guy I did, had a big one.

So, I'm on my knees with this nameless black guy's cock in my mouth. I discovered that pussy tastes good. At least Bertie's did. Not that I'd do a girl, but that black cock had been in Bertie's pussy and it was yummy. It wouldn't be the last time I tasted Bertie's pussy juices. She told me later that my pussy tasted delicious. Bertie found out the same way I did.

Bertie's family owned a cable company; one of the largest in the country. We fucked and sucked our way through college. Bertie liked to fuck; she was on the Pill and insisted that her lovers use a condom. She called it double protection.

Frankly, although I should have, I never worried about getting an STD. Of course, given the way I liked sex, I was not going to get pregnant.

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't a virgin. That ship sailed in high school, before Bunny gave me a lesson in sex education.

Bertie and I both liked big ones. If I blew a guy with a big one, I'd let Bertie know and she'd give him a try. "Holly, thank you so much for introducing me to Morgan. Are you sure you could get that big thing in your mouth?"

That was Bertie. She never fucked a cock or a dick or even a penis. It was always a thing. As in, "Morgan, keep fucking me with that big thing."

"Oh, yeah, all of it," I smiled. That was the other thing with me, after that first time blowing Mark Summers after the prom, I always tried to deep throat whatever cock I was doing. By the end of that summer, I had no trouble.

So, when Bertie looked over that first time we met and saw that nameless black guy's big cock disappear down my throat, she was in awe. It was the beginning of a life-long friendship.

Even though we fucked and sucked our way through our freshman year, we both made the Dean's List.

I checked off some boxes. Of course, I'd done that black guy; I'd already checked off the circumcised and uncircumcised boxes. Sadly, I also checked off the small box and the skinny box.

On the other hand, I checked off the big one box numerous times. That always brought a smile to my face.

Bertie and I spent the summer after our freshman year traipsing through Europe. If you call staying at 5-star hotels ‘traipsing."

The good part about that was that the rooms, the food and the service was impeccable. The bad news was that not a lot of college guys hang out in those kinds of hotels.

We ended up doing older men; men in their forties and fifties.

Bertie was a short, dark-haired girl with a killer body. She had a thing for blondes. So, we started our vacation in Stockholm. It didn't take more than an hour or so in our hotel's bar for Bertie to find what she was looking for. I could hear her in our two-bedroom suite fucking some gorgeous blonde hunk's brains out.

Among Bertie's luggage was a knapsack filled with condoms. It was as if she didn't know they had condoms in Europe. I thought that she was going to use them all those first few days.

Me? It took me two days. Two days giving blow jobs to guys who didn't have what I wanted; needed. Jesper (pronounced Yesper) was in his forties. He had what I needed. I woke up the next morning with a sore neck and jaw, and my lips were raw. My mouth tasted like cum. It had been a great night.

Jesper wasn't circumcised, but he was big. I had a great time, sucking, licking and playing with his foreskin. He took a long time to cum. Except for the uncut part, it was grand. I was to learn that most European men were uncut. I got used to it and learned how to please them.

We were in Stockholm for four nights. I would have done Jesper every night, but he screwed up. No, he fucked up. In the morning when he got dressed, he put some money, Euros on the bed. "Thank you, Holly, for a wonderful night."

You know what he thought. I was shocked. I screamed at him and threw him out. Bertie and the guy she was with, Axel, ran out of her bedroom, naked, wondering what was wrong. I'd seen Bertie naked before, so it was no big deal. I could see what she saw in Axel, who made no effort to cover-up. Damn, that was a big cock.

Once I'd calmed down, we ordered breakfast from room service. Of course, by then Bertie and Axel were dressed. Axel informed us that the hotel was usually very good about keeping prostitutes out of the hotel and the bar. Jesper must have been a foreigner and didn't know any better.

Then Bertie spoke up, "Axel, I planned to go shopping today, but I know Holly. She'll be glad to entertain you."

Most guys wouldn't turn that down. Axel was most guys. While Bertie got dressed to go shopping, Axel and I got to know each other. By that I mean, his cock got to know my mouth and my mouth became familiar with his cock.

Even though I had no intention of fucking him, I got naked. I'd found that it helped guys get hard if I was naked. Axel might have been fifty-years-old, and he was still movie star handsome. Like Sean Connery as James Bond; only blonde.

I haven't told you anything about me other than the fact that I have great tits, no thanks to my father and love to suck cock. I'm 5'8" tall with light brown hair. I don't have any pubic hair because I get a wax every month. My hair hangs down below my shoulders, except when I'm giving a blowjob. Then I put it in a pony-tail. I found that guys are mesmerized by it swinging back and forth, while I'm going up and down.

Axel was mesmerized. Bertie fucked him earlier this morning, so it took him a long time. I loved that. Not only did I get to suck, but I also got to play with his foreskin. I put my tongue inside it and massaged his hidden cockhead. I used my lips to gently pull that foreskin as far away from his cock as I could and smiled up at him.

Bertie poked her head in to say good-bye while I was bobbing up and down. It was no big deal; she'd seen me like this before. Axel thanked Bertie for a great night, and for introducing me to him. Of course, he did. At the moment, I had his cock deep in my throat; all of it.

There wasn't much cum after what I'm sure Bertie did to him last night and earlier this morning. I was fine with that. His cock was fun to suck.

Axel needed to check out. He made sure that he wasn't hiding anything, "Holly, tell Bertie I had a great night and of course, a great morning with you, but I must get home to my wife and kids." That didn't bother me; I mean that he was married. I'm sure it didn't bother Bertie either.

With Bertie gone, I took a long, leisurely bath, then went out. I wandered the streets around the hotel; looking for a place for lunch; just window shopping.

In the hotel lobby, the manager on duty approached me. "Ms. Garrity, let me apologize. Mr. Jesper said there was a grave misunderstanding, he thought . . . well, I think by now, you know what he thought. My hotel is not that kind of place. What can we do, to make your stay and Ms. Roberta's stay more pleasant?"

"Mr. Johansson," his name tag read, "no need to apologize. I'm sure it was an honest mistake, and no reflection on your hotel. You could help Roberta and me, if you could tell us where young people go at night; a dance club, something like that."

"I'm sorry. At my age, I'm in bed with my wife by ten, but I'll have one of my young assistant managers contact you. I'm sure she'll know."

I ended up having lunch in the hotel dining room. There I was approached by Suzanne Helmstrom, the assistant manager. "Ms. Holly, Mr. Johansson told me that you were looking for a dance club." She was in her mid-twenties.

"Yes, last night, Ms. Roberta and I met two older gentlemen, but that's not what we're looking for."

"Mr. Johansson told me. How embarrassing and insulting. There's a wonderful club within walking distance. You'll be the guest of the hotel. Mr. Johansson is heart sick over the incident. If you don't mind, I'm off tomorrow. I'll show you around."

Bertie was ecstatic. Not that Axel wasn't a good fuck. It's just that he was old. "Maybe we'll have better fucking luck tonight," she laughed.

We were dressed for a night on the town. My dress could not have been any shorter, and Bertie and I were both showing off most of our titties.

We met Suzanne in the lobby and were a little skeptical. She had on a long coat. Where was she taking us?

"I have one stop to make, but it's on the way. The one stop was the employee parking lot. Suzanne Helmstrom took off that coat. Then she opened her trunk, threw the coat in, along with the flats she was wearing, and put on a pair of heels: five-inch heels. "There that's better," she smiled.

Bertie and I were stunned. She was drop dead gorgeous. Her business suit hid all the curves and was loose-fitting. "I couldn't be seen in the hotel like this." Her dress was a stunning red, and every bit as short as Bertie's and mine. If the top was cut any lower, she'd probably fall out of it. Just like us.

The club was everything we were looking for. Suzanne paid the cover. "Don't worry, Mr. Johansson paid and he said I should pay for your drinks. I'm drinking vodka tonight, what about you?" We both nodded.

The music was loud and the dance floor was crowded. We were escorted to a table, and soon a bottle of vodka appeared. "I know some guys, if you want, I'll introduce you. They'll show us a good time."

Bertie and I nodded. Suzanne disappeared into the crowd. We poured ourselves a drink and observed.

In a few minutes Suzanne was back with three very good-looking guys; probably our age. "Roberta, Holly, this is Bjorn and Jacob (she pronounced in Yacob) and this is my friend, Kris. We made room for them. Bjorn was a blonde. "Here, there's room next to me," Bertie smiled at him.

Within a few minutes Bjorn and Bertie were dancing. I was with Jacob and Suzanne and Kris were also on the dance floor.

Three hours later, the six of us were on our way to the hotel. Bertie and Bjorn disappeared in her bedroom. Kris and Suzanne were making out on the couch. By the time I led Jacob to my bedroom, Suzanne's dress was unzipped to her waist and her bra was undone. It looked like she had nice titties; lucky Kris. It didn't seem like this was the first time he had them.

In a few minutes, Jacob and I had our tongues working and his hands were all over my tits and under my dress. Of course, I didn't mind. I mean Bertie and I had vowed to fuck and suck our way through Europe: first stop, Stockholm.

"Let me take my dress off," I told Jacob.

I didn't just take off my dress; I took my bra off. I took my panties off.

Meanwhile Jacob was getting undressed, too. I'm sure he thought he was going to get fucked.

You know me, he wasn't. He was going to get a blowjob. His cock was about average, but he got a well above average blowjob. I made sure it lasted a long time. He was uncut. Not my style, but fun.

Naked, I walked through the living area to Bertie's bedroom. We had an agreement to switch if the mood struck us. It wasn't that Jacob's cock wasn't fun; it was just that I was in the mood for something different. Maybe this Bjorn guy was different. By that I mean bigger.

Suzanne was still on the couch, but Kris was on the floor, on his knees, but now Suzanne was completely naked and Kris's tongue was doing her. She smiled up at me, but made no effort to cover herself or stop Kris. I didn't blame her.

That reminds me, I haven't mentioned pussy eating. I did say that I'm hairless, which I think guys appreciate. If a guy wants to eat my pussy, he's welcome to it. It would be crass not to reciprocate, wouldn't it?

A few times a year, I'll run into an extraordinary pussy eater, who will do such incredible things to me, that I'll fuck him. Actually, I'll beg him to fuck me. That's how good my orgasms were. Those guys are few and far between. I'll insist that a guy like that stay the night, and eat me again. Followed by a blowjob.

Back to Bertie and Bjorn. I didn't interrupt them. "Holly, Bjorn was fabulous. Weren't you, baby?"

"I think Bertie made me fabulous," he laughed while looking at me: naked me.

Then Bertie whispered in his ear. The thing is, Bertie whispered loud enough for me to hear, "Bjorn, I'm sure my dear friend Holly would love to give you a blowjob. Wouldn't you, Holly?"

"Bjorn, if you have Bertie's okay, I'm looking forward to it. Bertie, I think Jacob will be pleasantly surprised. Oh, and Bertie, just ignore Kris and Suzanne. "Kris is having a late-night snack."

"Lucky Suzanne," Bertie giggled as she got out of bed, and walked naked to my bedroom.

"Hello, Bjorn," I smiled as I got in bed. "Bertie told you what I'm interested in; I hope you're as interested as I am."

He threw back the blankets and I went down on him. His cock was dead. I expected that. I was sure that he'd fucked Bertie. Knowing Bertie, she'd fucked him.

I kissed, licked, nibbled, encouraging Bjorn's cock to get hard. It tasted like Bertie's pussy. Like I said, I'd enjoyed her taste the same way before.

The one great advantage that young guys have over older guys, is that their cocks respond to a second time much quicker. Bjorn was like that. Not right away, but it was fun playing. "Come on, Bjorn, Holly wants to see all of you."

Well, well, there was a reason why Bertie wanted me to do Bjorn. When his cock began to rise from the dead, it kept rising and rising. Damn, it was big. Bertie was such a good friend.

I licked Bjorn's long shaft from his cockhead to his balls and back. The underside and the topside; his foreskin inside and out. Yes, I knew my way around cock. Even uncut ones. Did it take a long time to get him hard?

Yeah. So what? When Bjorn got hard, I was well rewarded. "Hmmmmmm, hmmmmmmmmm, hmmmmmmmm," I sucked, and sucked some more.

I didn't fuck Jacob, but Bertie did. Later, she told me, "Holly, you missed a great fuck. Jacob was amazing. That boy knows how to push my buttons."

"I didn't miss anything. Bjorn has the most suckable cock. By the way was Suzanne still getting eaten when you went through the living room?"

"Oh yeah. We'll have to ask her about that."

In the morning. I found that the couch Suzanne and Kris were on was in fact a fold out bed. They were asleep under some blankets Suzanne found.

I returned to find Bjorn getting dressed. "I have to get to work. Maybe we'll see each other tonight. He kissed me on the cheek. That was fun."

Suzanne was awake. "Good morning, is Jacob still here?"

"He's in bed with Bertie, why?"

"Ummmm, are they, let's call it, busy?"

"I don't think so. I wore Jacob out. Then Jacob and Bertie wore each other out," I laughed.

"Ohhhh, that sounds so decadent."

"There's more. Then I wore out Bjorn. He just left for work."

"If Jacob is awake, can you asked him to come out here."

Jacob was awake. He slipped on some clothes. "What do you want, sis?"

"You two are brother and sister?"

"Yes, and Jacob, didn't I tell you, I'd take good care of you?"

"You did and apparently you and Kris got along?"

"He was marvelous. I can't thank you enough, but right now, I need you to go down to my car and get the suitcase out of the back, I can't be seen around the hotel during the day dressed like this."

"Excuse me, Suzanne, you may be covered by that blanket, but I'm pretty sure you're naked. You don't want to be seen anywhere like that."

"You're right about that. Now, what do you two have planned for tonight?"

"Nothing specific. That place was great last night. We'd go back there."

"Any night is great that ends like ours did," she laughed. "There's another club, not far, that I think you and Bertie might enjoy. And I know a few guys that hang out there."

"Guys like Bjorn and Jacob?"

"And Kris, wake up sleepy head," she patted him on the head. "I can't promise anything, but you never know."

Kris got out of bed, naked, to use the bathroom. I stared. Suzanne just smiled. "You know that's not what's most impressive about him."

"I saw," laughing, "oh yeah, I saw."

Soon we were all dressed, and the Swedes took us to a breakfast place. Bertie and Suzanne disappeared for a few minutes and came back with smiles on their faces. Something was up.

That night, we met Suzanne again, and the three of us were dressed to, if not kill, dressed to be a magnet for cute guys. As soon as were inside, Suzanne led us to a table where three guys were sitting. "Bertie, Holly, this is Lars, Erik and Elias."

We joined them, a waiter brought us drinks. Suzanne seemed to know Erik and sat almost on his lap. Bertie hovered around Lars, who was blonde. Of course, she did. "Holly, I promise you'll like Elias," she smiled.

We danced, we talked, we danced. Bertie and I let the guys know we were interested in more than dancing. Lars and Elias let us know they were interested in more than dancing.

Of course, we ended up back at our hotel.

By now, you know what I was doing. Suzanne didn't steer me wrong. Elias had a big cock. It was a treat to suck. I didn't waste a lot of time with that licking, nibbling stuff. I got down to the serious business of giving Elias a blowjob, but I did want him to last. He was good about that.

He sure gave me a lot of his cream.

We were snuggling. Elias was enjoying that post-orgasmic feeling, and I was savoring the taste of his cum in my mouth. "Your cock is so good to suck, I hope you liked it as much as I did."

He pulled me into his arms. That's when Bertie came into my room. She was naked. Elias was amused, and couldn't help but stare. "Holly, do you know what today is?"

"Saturday, why?

"Nope, it's after midnight. So, it's Sunday and your birthday. I know you'd love to blow out another candle. Lars come on in. Elias, baby, you come with me. I promise you a good time."

Lars was naked too, and didn't hesitate to join me in bed. "Did Bertie promise you that I'd give you a blowjob?"

"She said there was a good chance," he smiled.

"I would not want anyone to say that my dear friend Bertie lied to you." I went down on him. He tasted like Bertie's pussy. Oh goody, it would take Lars a long time to cum a second time. What it didn't take a long time was for Lars to get hard.

"Hmmmmmm, hmmmmmmmm, hmmmmmmm," I sucked. Lars was big; not as big as Elias, but big enough. This time, to make him last I did a lot of licking and nibbling on his foreskin. I'd been in Europe two nights and I was starting to get into the uncut cock thing. I'd have to revise my thinking, at least until I got back to the states.

"Lars, you have a beautiful cock. I hope I can treat it as good as Bertie did."

He didn't say anything. All the Swedes we'd met spoke English very well. Maybe he didn't understand. He pushed my head back on his cock. I was better than good with that. "Hmmmmmmmm, hmmmmmmmm, hmmmmmmmm."

He didn't give me as much of his manly cream as Elias had, but it was enough to satisfy me. The smile on Lars' face indicated that he was satisfied.

A half hour later, Suzanne knocked on the door to my bedroom, and walked in. "Hi Holly, I'm glad I didn't interrupt anything. Anyhow, Bertie told me that it's your birthday. I brought you a present. Come on in Erik. Holly, from what I understand from Bertie, you're going to love Erik."

Lars left with Suzanne, and Erik crawled into bed with me. This was turning into a very good night. Erik still had his boxers on. "Suzanne said I should let you open your birthday present." He took my hand and put it on his crotch.

Through his boxers, he seemed to have a big one. Of course, I wasn't satisfied with "through his boxers." I got my hand inside them. "Oh Erik, is this for me?"

I was holding a whole bunch of cock, and it didn't seem to be fully erect yet. "Suzanne said you like to suck. It's yours if you can."

I helped him out of his boxers. That cock was hard now. My hands were all over it; exploring. It didn't take long to figure out that this was the biggest cock I'd ever been in contact with. "Oh Erik, can I? I'll have so much fun with it."

"No one's been able to yet."

I took that as a challenge. I scooted between his legs and on my knees. Since I'd first brought Elias in here a few hours ago, the bedroom light had been on. I had a great view of Erik's man meat, but Erik wasn't here to just let me look at that huge cock, and although I always enjoy looking at a beautiful cock, that's not what I wanted.

I pulled back his foreskin, and licked his cockhead. Licking, kissing, sure, but I wanted to get to the sucking. Like I said, Erik's cock was a challenge. I had to stretch my mouth to get my lips over that cockhead. "Hmmmmmmmm, hmmmmmm, hmmmmmmmm."

Of course, I couldn't talk, but if I could, I would have told Erik that he had the most magnificent cock, EVER. Slowly my lips went down his shaft. I was only half way to taking it all. When I'm sucking cock, there is no quit in me.

For me, the only way to show my appreciation for what a guy has is to take it all. I was working on it. I took another inch and then another. My eyes had a close-up view of his pubic hair; I wasn't that far away. "That's it, Holly, no one's ever done me like this."

The encouragement helped. In another few minutes, I could feel the unique texture of his ball sack. I held it there just like that. Erik patted me on the head. He didn't say anything. You think I'd be thrilled that I'd taken all of that enormous cock. I was, but that was only the beginning. Now, I had to get down to the serious business of blowing him.

Slowly, I took a little out of my mouth; then a little more.

Back down I went; and back up. It took some time, but I got a rhythm going: up and down, and up and down. To be fair, I didn't take it all the way out; perhaps halfway. I was having the best time. Erik might have had the best cock I'd ever sucked, and you know I had a lot of notches in my belt.

Erik patted me on the head again. "Holly, you're the best. Do you think you could continue, if I stood on the bed? I'd like it like that."

I'd blown guys like that before, but I was reluctant to take that majestic cock out of my mouth. It felt so good.

If that's what Erik wanted, that's what he'd get. I was grateful that he didn't say he'd had enough. Some guys let me suck for a while, and then wanted to fuck. Erik just wanted to change positions.

As I said, I was reluctant to take it out of my mouth. When I did, Erik stood up and leaned against the headboard. On my knees, I moved up on the bed. Damn, that was one big cock. I was even in awe of myself, as I looked at it, pointing at the ceiling. I'd swallowed all of that. Now, I had to do it again.

"Erik, my mouth adores your cock." It took a while for my lips to slid down that long, thick shaft. I was enjoying the journey. "Hmmmm, hmmmmm, hmmmmmmm," I sucked my way down.

I got back to the in and out rhythm. I was thankful for Erik for suggesting this. It was a great way to give a blowjob and if Erik liked it, I was all in. I was having the best time bobbing up and down on that humongous cock.

Then it happened and without warning. I heard, rather than saw Bertie, Suzanne, and the guys I'd done earlier come in and gather around the bed. They were clapping and singing, "Happy birthday, dear Holly. Happy birthday to you." They continued.

I stopped for a moment. It was embarrassing. I mean I had Erik's cock in my mouth. He pushed my head back down. I didn't resist. They were singing, laughing, clapping. I was the entertainment, and my best friend Bertie was leading them on.

Erik from Sweden got the best blowjob. Bobbing up and down, my goal now was to make him cum. Besides, I had an audience.

As Erik got close, he held my head and his hands and was fucking my mouth. At the same time, my mouth was fucking his cock. Bertie, Suzanne and the guys stopped singing and were cheering me on. Bertie in English and the others, I assume in Swedish.

Erik gave me a lot, and with his cock in my mouth, I couldn't swallow it all. His juices were dripping down my chin. Everyone was cheering.

I was having the best night ever. It was the best birthday. I couldn't think of a better birthday present than Erik's big cock.

It was about to get even better. No, there wasn't another bigger cock for me to suck. Frankly, my neck and jaw could use a rest, and I could use some lip balm.

Slowly I took Erik's cock out of my mouth; kissed his cockhead. "Erik, that's the best cock I've ever sucked."

Only then did I look around. Of course, Bertie and Suzanne were there. So, were Elias and Lars who I'd blown earlier. "Holly, you remember Kris from the other night."

I did. When I walked through the living room naked to Bertie's bedroom, it was Kris who was on his knees eating Suzanne's pussy. "Holly, we're all leaving, but Kris is staying. He's your last birthday present."

Except for Suzanne and Bertie, everyone started to leave, including Erik. I was sad to see him go. I was hoping I'd get to do him again in the morning.

Kris joined me in bed. Suzanne whispered in my ear, "you don't have to blow Kris. You saw what he did to me last night; that's what he does. Kris has the most marvelous tongue."

They started to leave. "Oh Bertie," I called, "you should do Erik. That cock will make you swoon."

I could use a rest. My jaw and neck were sore; really sore. Lying on my back with legs spread I rested, sort of. Kris was everything Suzanne said. He went down on me. My pussy was drenched from all the cocksucking I'd done. I always got that way. Kris licked and licked. He massaged my pussy with his tongue. He massaged my clitoris with his tongue.

I didn't cum from blowing those guys. Kris made sure I did now. Not just once. I slept in Kris' arms. I slept like a baby . Kris insisted that he wanted to do my pussy again when we woke up in the morning. I insisted that I needed a shower.

The shower revived me. I replayed last night in my head. Giving three blowjobs in one night, was something I'd done before, but that was with one guy. Last night, it was three guys, including Erik. I smiled as I thought of Erik's cock. I hope Bertie got to experience it. Her pussy would be sore. I couldn't wait for her to tell me all about it.

As the water cascaded over me, I thought of Kris. I thought of Kris' amazing tongue. I thought of Kris waiting in bed for me. Quickly I finished; dried off I walked out of the bathroom naked, hoping that would entice him. "Kris, does your offer still stand?"

It was the best morning, after the best night. It was the best birthday ever.

Bertie, Suzanne and I had breakfast together. It was more of a brunch. I asked Suzanne about Kris. "Really we're just friends but when I need, well you know what I need . . ."

"Don't we all," Bertie and I laughed.

"Holly, it seems that blowjobs are your form of birth control. Mine is having my pussy eaten. Besides Kris, I have one or two other guys who know how to take care of my pussy."

"Lucky you. Kris definitely knows how to take care of pussy. What about Erik?"

"I slept with Erik once. Never again, I mean last night while you were busy with Lars and Elias, I played with his cock with my hands and my mouth, but no, I'd never fuck him again. It was too painful. What about him, Bertie? How was your night with Erik?"

"I am so sore this morning. It hurts sitting down. And it's all your fault, Holly," she laughed.

"What did I do?"

"You gave Erik a blowjob. When he fucked me, he kept going and going, and going. I mean, we all know, it takes most guys a long time the second time. I've never had one that big."

"But you'd want one that big again," Suzanne laughed.

"Oh yeah. My pussy's sore, but I have stars in my eyes and I'm still feeling the effects of those orgasms."

Bertie did have a big smile on her face.

"Now, where are you two going next?"

"We haven't decided. Helsinki, Oslo, Copenhagen."

"Take the train to Oslo. The Norwegians know how to party. You should stay at the Arctic Hotel and go to the Boog-a-loo. The hotel front desk will know. It's right around the corner. At the Boog-a-loo ask for Fredrik Bjork. He's a friend. He'll make sure you have a good time," Suzanne smiled. "I'll call him to expect you."


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The author of this story: Thomas B

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