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It happened on a train

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This story goes out to a special reader who helped to inspire it. There is a little bit of truth sprinkled into this fantasy trip idea that could actually happen, especially if I set things up in advance with Lacy. This is for you Lacy.

I am retired, living alone since my wife died recently, and bored, plus horny, all the damned time it seems. Quite some number of years ago I was sent to the UK a couple of times for work. On those trips I landed in London and traveled by train back and forth to Reading, where I was to work for the week. But my work weeks were busy. I worked long days with no time off. I never really got to see much except what I saw while riding those trains back and forth. So recently I decided that perhaps I should take another trip to the UK and this time have a real go of exploring, taking in the sites and going wherever the wind takes me. My past experience traveling by rail was quite enjoyable, so set myself up with a ticket plan called Pay as you Go. Using such a plan I could pick a different destination every day and just go with it. Little did I realize how much cumming I would do while I was going.

The flight there was long and arduous. By the time I found myself on my first train for this journey, I was so tired that I quickly dozed off. When I awoke, I was embarrassed to discover that I had a stone hard arousal in my pants. Apparently I had also taken a hold of it in my sleep. I quickly shuffled my hands about and looked around to see if I had been discovered. My embarrassment quickly deepened when my eyes met those of a young woman, seated across the aisle from me. She quickly flushed and looked away, confirming my suspicion that she had noticed my predicament. I looked her over, embolden by the fact that she too was embarrassed. I could stare at her a little, as she continued to look away. She looked to be darned near half my age, somewhere in her thirties, maybe younger. Quite lovely. She wore a short skirt that she just now was smoothing over, down her upper legs. Something about the way she was doing that made wonder if she had been touching herself, just before I looked her way. This did nothing to ease the tension in my pants, of course. But why would a beautiful young woman be turned on looking at a much older man playing with himself in his sleep on a train, for heavens sake. But now, she was fidgeting a bit with her hands. Like she did not know quite what to do with them.

"Excuse me, miss. Hi, I'm Ike. Which way should I go to get to the nearest restroom?", I asked, wanting to do something about this aroused state of mine rather than the typical use of the facilities.

She looked back at me, with a bold stare, and even a quick glance at my groin, before saying, "Hi! I am Lacy. Here, I will show you, follow me", she said as she got up and walked towards the back of the train.

I could not help but think that something was up. I mean, it's a train. I cannot get lost, right? But I gladly followed her and took the opportunity to watch her ass as she walked ahead of me, looking back once with a sexy smile. When she got to the door, she paused for a moment, before making up her mind it seemed, and then opened it and stepped inside. "Come on in," she said, looking me straight in the eyes. "It's much bigger than the loo on a plane", she said with a wink. As soon as I entered and closed the door behind me, she dropped to her knees and said, "Here, let me help you with that.", quickly unzipping my pants and diving in with one hand to grab and release my now throbbing cock. Again she looked at me, this time somewhat in surprise it seemed, but also in delight. Her mouth dropped open, silently saying wow with that one look. She looked back at my cock, and again up at me with an innocence that was undeserving, before swallowing the tip of cock with a big opened mouth slurp, and a lot of tongue.

"Ohhhh!", I exclaimed, unprepared with the sudden onslaught. Shivers ran up and down my spine and I stiffened as I laid my hands upon her shoulders while she started bobbing up and down on me. I reached for her arms and lifted her slowly off me and up to a standing position before dropping to my knees. I didn't want to waste time with many preliminary actions. My need now was now urgent, and her willingness crystal clear. I lifted my hand up the sides of her legs, under her skirt, grabbed and quickly pulled her panties down. She willingly stepped out of them and I lifted them to my nose to inhale her fragrance. She was so wet, and from her panties it was clear that she had been that way for a while by now, probably starting before I ever woke up. I reached behind her to grab both buttocks and pulled her wet pussy close. Not touching, I paused for a moment to drink in the moment. Then I licked ever so lightly over her parting lips. "Ohhh my God!", she exclaimed. Holding each cheek firmly, I traced my tongue up and down her lips, and then tickled around the top as she started to squirm and then grabbed the back of my head.

Lick... Lick... Lick... I wanted this to last until it could last no longer.

Lick... Lick... Lick... "Ohhh God yes!"

Then I wrapped one arm under each knee and slowly stood up, lifting her legs in the process as her now naked ass rested back against the top of the sink. With one tortuously slow motion, I was inside her. She threw her head back and closed her eyes. Each arm helping to support her arched back as she leaned back against the mirror behind the sink.

In.... out... In... out... slow long movements to the rhythm of the train and the sounds of her groans and moans. "Faster!", She pleaded.

And in that moment, I lost control and started pounded in her hard and fast. The slapping sounds of our bodies coming together. We were both moaning and groaning loudly now as I felt that last increase in both girth and length that tells me what is about to happen next. "Arrrghh... Ohhh... Ahhhh, Mmmmm!"

Panting heavily, we clung tight to each other, I felt her squeezing me tightly, in pulses, as I too pulsed back. We held either other like that for as long as I could, but I quickly grew weak. I personally do not think that Delilah cut Samsons hair. This is the how she made him weak. It happens every time.

I lowered her to the floor, looked deeply into her eyes, and for the first time, we kissed. It was a short but sweet kiss. A thank you kiss, it seems. We clearly both needed this moment. With many a quick, seductive look she pulled her dress back into order, but handed me her panties, a token it seems. And without a word we went back to our seats.

"If you are ever in London again, look me up", she said as she handed me a card from her purse. The train had just pulled into a station, and she got up and left, looking back at me several times as she walked away. Yes, indeed. I certainly will.

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The author of this story: Ike

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