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When fantasies coincide.

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When fantasies coincide.

The beginning.

Both thirty two, we had been married for seven years when Jan told me something that both surprised and excited me. Well, it was more of a confession really. Jan revealed that during our lovemaking, she sometimes fantasised having sex with different guys, sometimes guys she'd met at work, sometimes guys seen on TV, and sometimes simply passers-by on the street or in public places. My wife confessed, blushingly, that her orgasms when fantasising about another guy making love to her during our lovemaking were greater than if she blocked the fantasy figure from her mind.

Although I was shocked that she could have indulged in these fantasies for so long, the last four or five years apparently, without me realising her preoccupation, I was also excited by my wife's ‘confession'. You see I had, for several years, entertained wife-watching fantasies, which I now revealed to Jan in my turn.

Following further discussion, I suggested combining our fantasies. Jan could have sex with a guy of her choice while I watched! My wife was excited by the idea of having sex with another guy for real but less enthusiastic about ‘doing it' in my presence, saying she wouldn't be able to relax.

No problem I told her, to begin with you could have sex with a guy during one of your trips away. Jan attends conferences and also travels for business purposes in connection with her work, most of which necessitate nights away.

"Simply tell me all about it when you get back," I told my wife, adding. "Actually, thinking about it, I find the idea of being cuckolded by some guy an exciting one in itself so if you do go with someone, make sure they think it's happening behind the back of an unsuspecting husband."

Little more was said, but with a conference coming up in 3 weeks, I hoped for success.

The March Conference. Colin, twenty-four.

On the day of my wife's departure, I noticed she packed some sexy underwear, including stockings and suspenders! I didn't say anything about it, but the knowledge made me hopeful that something would happen during her three nights away.

Jan rang me on the evening of her first day away, as she does each evening whenever she's away from home, and I could tell by her tone of voice that my wife was excited about something. My own sense of excitement grew while listening to her news.

The first day was, as usual, an informal get-to-know-one-another session, during which she made the acquaintance of a guy called Colin. Later, on entering the dining room of her hotel for the evening meal, she found it crowded with the only available seats at Colin's table. Seeing her looking around, he promptly waved Jan over.

Cutting a long story short, the ‘charming and highly attractive Colin,' Jan's description, ‘flirted with me outrageously' throughout the meal. The upshot was that she'd agreed to meet him in the bar for a drink after a quick visit to her room to freshen up. Colin would almost certainly make a pass at Jan with a view to bedding her, my wife told me, adding that he'd already squeezed her thigh a couple of times under the table and commented about the suspender located there!

"So it's decision time for you, my love," Jan finished off. "What do you want me to do?" "Go to bed with the guy, of course, and relate all the intimate details when you get back." And that was that. I went off to bed later feeling 99% certain that Colin would make me a cuckold and, not surprisingly, didn't sleep very well, with excited thoughts racing through my mind.

The following day, Tuesday, passed with painful slowness but eventually the evening came, and I awaited my wife's usual phone call on tenterhooks, keen to hear what had happened the previous evening. Jan's call, when it came, was brief and to the point.

"For better or worse, I had sex with Colin, after which I was persuaded to stay the night with him. In the morning, following a second fantastic lovemaking session, we went down to breakfast together. I'm ringing from my own room while collecting a few things before spending a second night with Colin, and I expect to spend the third and final night with him also. I hope you're happy about all I've just told you," she ended in an anxious tone of voice.

Happy, I was over the moon! Colin had fucked my wife twice so far and would continue doing so for the remainder of the conference.

"I'm a cuckold," I enthused, really turned on by the knowledge that Jan had actually spent the night with him and the intimacy that implied.

Jan's phone call on the third and final evening was even briefer than that of the second, simply telling me she was heading straight for Colin's room, eager to make the most of their final night together.

On her return, Jan was happy to relate the full story of her sexual encounter, or I should say encounters, with ‘young Colin', as she called him.

He turned out to be a single lad of just twenty-four, eight years younger than Jan, hence her nickname for him as ‘young Colin'. The age difference in itself served to excite me, as it had Jan. It was also no doubt a factor in the randy youngster fucking my wife an incredible seven times over the three nights of the conference! I rather took pleasure in remarking to Jan that Colin had sex with her more times in three nights than I usually do in a fortnight. "Hmm, I know," my wife replied dreamily. "It was lovely." Jan went on to tell me how, when Colin was dozing on the bed at one point, she managed to take a photo of him. She had been in two minds about showing me the photo, but seeing my over-excited response to her story, thought it might interest me.

It did indeed. The photo depicted a naked Colin lying on the bed, eyes closed and with a contented smile on his face. With his legs slightly apart, Colin's flaccid penis lay between his thighs.

"I went to the en suite directly after our intercourse finished, and seeing him lying there like that on my return, I decided to take a quick picture. Colin was completely unaware of me doing so."

"I'm not surprised. He looks very pleased with himself."

I was staring at Colin's penis and thinking excitedly that it had been inside my wife. "Did you suck it?" I asked hoarsely.

"Of course," Jan replied scornfully. "Colin was so brilliant at cunnilingus, it was only fair I fellate him in return."

My mind was now filled with images of Colin's tongue at work between my wife's thighs, and I urged her to undress and tell me more while we made love.

Both of us naked and on the bed, I kissed Jan passionately while thinking of her lips wrapped around Colin's penis. Her hand was currently at work on my own organ, and when she manoeuvred down the bed, I assumed she was about to fellate me. Wrong. To my surprise, I felt Jan's tongue lapping my balls. I groaned at the incredible sensations coursing through my body as a result of what she was doing.

Raising her head briefly, Jan told me it was something Colin asked her to do, so she assumed I'd also enjoy it.

"Oh yes, your tongue feels great!" I replied as she resumed her work.

With my wife's tongue continuing to lick all around my balls, I offered silent thanks to Colin. Later, I performed cunnilingus on her, which gratifyingly had the desired result; the usual noisy and convulsive orgasm for Jan. Excited by seeing a few blemishes and slight bruises on my wife's thighs, which hadn't been there before she went to the conference, and knowing they must have been caused by Colin, I moved onto her. As my penis entered Jan I was very conscious of Colin's penis doing likewise less than ten hours earlier. Highly excited by thoughts of this guy's penis inside my wife, I came all too quickly and as I rolled off, Jan teased me that despite his youth, ‘young Colin managed to last a lot longer.' Suitably chastened, I lay beside Jan, my breathing slowly returning to normal.

Later, while we enjoyed a drink with our evening meal, Jan mentioned that she'd better delete the photo of Colin now that I'd seen it.

"Not yet. I'll print a couple of copies off first," I told her.

Actually, I printed three photos of the naked guy who had fucked my wife, although I couldn't explain to Jan why so many.

Following Jan's brief fling with Colin, a large part of our lovemaking involved talking about it. I urged my wife repeatedly to run through all the juicy details of the things she'd done with Colin while we made love, and there were copies of his nude photo propped up either side of the bed, making sure I could easily see them. As weird as that might seem!

Looking at Colin's picture, aware that he knew my wife's body as intimately as I did, never failed to excite me.

Eventually though, the novelty seemed to wear off a bit and I began urging Jan to repeat the experiment with another guy, preferably while we were on holiday so I could watch. My wife remained a bit dubious about ‘doing it' with another guy in my presence but eventually agreed to give it a try if a suitable opportunity arose during our summer break in Cornwall.

Early June. Jeremy early-forties.

However, before our holiday, Jan enjoyed a brief fling with a guy called Jeremy. This time it happened while she was away on a work-related trip, which necessitated a two-night stay at a hotel. It was there that she met Jeremy.

Short and slightly rotund, Jeremy was in his early forties with brown hair and a moustache, as depicted in the nude photo I have of him in front of me.

As is usual, Jan called me early in the evening of her first night away. She told me about a guy she bumped into, quite literally, on alighting from the lift and who had invited her to join him for a drink in the hotel bar once she got her room sorted out. Jan told me she intended to take Jeremy up on his offer, and if it included sex, she would also probably take him up on that, provided I was happy about it.

Of course I was; she didn't need to ask, and I told Jan to enjoy herself with the guy and tell me all about it when she came home.

Next morning, I was preparing breakfast when Jan rang, which was unusual in itself as we normally only speak in the evenings when she's away.

"Just a quick call to tell you about how I got on last night. I had sex with Jeremy and spent the night with him. He had an early start this morning but we had time for sex before he left. I've returned to my own room to shower and dress. I will, of course, spend tonight with him as well. Jeremy's penis is not especially long but very fat, as you'll see for yourself, as I've already taken a nude photo of him. It felt divine inside me."

I listened to my wife's words with mounting excitement, particularly the bit about his cock feeling divine inside her, and could hardly wait for her return to hear the full story.

A couple of days later, I had the photo of Jeremy in my hand, studying the fat cock Jan had told me about while learning how he'd fucked her five times during the short time of their acquaintance.

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The author of this story: wittol47

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