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The Sea Witch

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"One of the perks of the job?", snickered Dave rather obnoxiously as he stood over me, his moderately large cock erect and wagging eagerly in front of my face.

"Sadly, a rather small perk in this case", I replied archly but I wrapped my fist around his shaft a moment before he attempted to take a step away as the insult registered.

"Beggars can't be choosers though", I breathed sadly as I fed his penis into my mouth, ignoring the indignant splutters that were erupting from him.

I leaned towards Dave until the tip of his cock threatened to make me gag and then sucked gently upon his dick, moving my head back slowly so that my lips and tongue travelled the full length of his member.

Salt assailed my taste buds! An occupational hazard on a charter dive boat that had nothing to do with the viscous semen that I would happily swallow in either a few moments, or if I were lucky, a few minutes from now.

"Fuck!", groaned the diving guest in front of me and I knew the comment had to do solely with my blow job technique, my insults regarding his manhood already forgotten.

I continued to suck his stiff cock languorously as I reached between his legs and gently cupped his denuded balls in the palm of my hand, silently regretful of the current trend for men to have hairless genitals.

I started to detect both the taste and texture of pre-cum in my mouth and again sadly reflected upon the realisation that this sexual encounter would be measured in moments rather than minutes. Still, as I quickly glanced at my watch to calculate when Pete and the rest of the dive group would return to the boat, probably not a bad thing this afternoon.

My lips broke contact with Dave's dick just long enough for me to draw in and then swallow the heady mix of my saliva and cock juices, savouring the taste that was unique to each man but familiar to most women.

A rivulet of liquid escaped my mouth and as gravity steered it towards his scrotum, I dipped the tip of my middle finger in it, using it to lubricate the puckered rim of Dave's anus as I expertly massaged his balls and sucked him ever closer to climax.

Without missing a beat, I pressed my finger against the now slippery orifice of his arse and the cry of surprised pleasure from my paying guest validated both my vast sexual experience and my gut instinct with strangers.

I slipped my finger into Dave just far enough for the tip to press lightly upon his prostate and as I glanced once again at my watch, I brought him expertly to orgasm, revelling in the stream of hot, sticky and yes, salty semen that shot down my throat.

I continued to milk him greedily, basking in the taste and texture of the cum that filled my throat and coated my tongue and lips.

By the time I allowed his rapidly wilting penis to slip from between my semen smeared lips, I was convinced I had completely drained his balls and given Dave an experience he was unlikely to forget anytime soon.

As I stood up I could feel the heat and wetness of my vagina begin to throb mildly but persistently and as I glanced again at my watch, I left my cabin quickly, smiling at the image of Dave looking a little non-plussed with his boardies around his ankles and his cock hanging shinily limp.

I arrived at the stern of the boat where we retrieved divers from moments after my boat crew did and I ignored the glances they shared between each other and towards me when they thought I wasn't looking. It was impossible to keep my sexual predilections a secret from them on a small boat that we shared for days at a time but to date, my authority as both their boss and the ships captain and skipper held their curiousity and more importantly, their tongues, at bay.

I watched intently as Pete expertly brought his dive group to the dive ladders at the stern and then helped Pete and the crew bring the divers safely aboard and out of their heavy dive kit.

I smiled as I listened to them babble happily about the dive and attempted to meet Pete's eye but he stubbornly ignored me, his attention shared between the dive group and Dave, who now stood on the dive platform listening to his friends.

I fought to hide a smile as one diver commiserated over Dave's sore ear, listing all the things he had missed out on by calling the dive. As I happily replayed his groans of pleasure as his cock spurted forcefully into my mouth just minutes ago however, I doubted he would feel too aggrieved and again I took note of the growing heat and slipperiness between my legs.

Pete finished helping the divers to stow their gear before stalking across the deck to where I too helped our guests, his eyes looking intently at my face.

"Dave okay?", he asked gruffly, nodding at the man who now showed no symptons of a reverse ear block.

"I think so", I answered vaguely as I lent forward to plant a decorous kiss on Pete's damp cheek with lips that were still sticky with semen, "But if you come to our cabin as soon as you've finished here, I'll fill you in properly."

"Fucking good job it's just me!", snarled Pete as he crashed through the door, slamming it hard enough behind him to rattle the cabin window.

"Everybody else does me the courtesy of knocking first", I replied in a flat tone guaranteed to add to his anger and frustration. "It's my fucking cabin too!" he spat as he took in the scene before him.

I grunted dismissively but my husband, business partner, first mate and diving instructor/master had a valid point. Neither crew nor passenger had cause to seek out our cabin in anything other than an emergency but I shivered inwardly at the thought of one of the crew or paying guests catching me in such an intimate and exposed position.

It had taken Pete ten minutes to finish helping the divers, organising the diving deck again and using the deck shower to rinse off quickly and come to our cabin. In that short time, I had disrobed completely and had kept my sexual excitement bubbling along happily by using a small vibrator to gentle stimulate my engorged clitoris and tingling flaps.

Pete now stared moodily at me as I lay across the width of the bed, looking back at his reflection in the mirror as I rested on my elbows and knees, one hand sneaking between my thighs as I masturbated efficiently.

"Christ you're a slut", he groaned unhappily as he peered closely at my cunt which was shiny and wet from the vibrator, "Did you let him fuck you?"

"You know he didn't", I replied calmly, "You can plainly see I'm ready and waiting for you to fuck me." Pete wasn't stupid, I didn't need to outline what I had done with Dave.

"This needs to stop...", he began again in what was a tired refrain heard every two or three trips when a suitable customer caught my attention.

"Lunch will be served in 15 minutes", I drawled impatiently as I made a point of looking at the heavy diving watch that along with my wedding ring, were the only things I currently wore, "Reckon you've got in you?"

"You fucking...", he started again as his jealousy continued to simmer but as he slipped his boardshorts down his thighs and his rapidly stiffening cock slipped out I knew I had managed both the situation and my flaws once again.

"...whore", he finished but even as I nodded softly in undeniable agreement, he knelt on the bed behind me and thrust his cock forcefully into me, my excitement having lubricated my cunt to the extent he just slid right in.

"Oh Pete", I groaned as he grasped my slim hips tight enough to cause bruising and fucked me with a barely contained fury that scared and excited me in equal measure.

"Keep going Babe", I groaned already close to climax thanks to a combination of Dave's head job and ten minutes spent with my trusty vibrator.

"Did you swallow?" asked Pete sulkily following a loose script that would bring him quickly to his climax in time with me.

"Every... fucking... salty... drop", I grunted in between Pete's frenzied thrusts, "I milked...him like...a fucking...cow!"

Pete's fingers dug into my flesh painfully enough to make me cry out and he fucked me so angrily that it almost made my teeth rattle.

"Big cock?", my husband whispered and I knew he was close to climax.

"Big... enough to let him next...time!", I retorted as my cunt tightened in orgasmic spasms seconds before I felt Pete stiffen and then hold himself tightly against my bare arse as he ejaculated inside me.

I slowly let my arms and legs collapse until I lay face down on the bed, Pete still inside me but I could feel him deflating.

We lay together in silence until we heard the crew rounding up the passengers in preparation for lunch. We reluctantly separated and began to dress to join our guests up on the deck.

"Are you really going to let him fuck you?", Pete asked quietly before stifling my reply by kissing me hard on the lips, his tongue tasting Dave on my lips, on my own tongue.

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The author of this story: shortnsweet

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