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Any similarities to any story I have ever written or posted are coincidental and unintended. Despite all my swapping, sharing, lust soaked, harem filled tales, this one will be as close to true and real as a fictional erotic story could be. Even though there will be plenty of sex, there will definitely be story and conversation. I'm trying some new things, leaning in on humor and emotions, and letting the characters have fun. Please let me know if you get the difference with this story and what you like or don't. I have the utmost respect for women, so any actions, interactions, comments, thoughts or conversations are for literary purposes only.

I cannot be any clearer, there is a surprise coming, a shock, something that will be teased, hinted at, and then when it happens, no one will expect it, including ‘Jeff'. It has been plotted, planned, considered and should make for an exciting story long term. Please consider this paragraph when you vote or leave feedback, everything will make sense and when it does, I look forward to your thoughts and emails.

Thank you for reading.

Any people, places, names, products or events mentioned are done so without permission or endorsement, this is a work of fiction.

My name is Jeff, I am 19 years old, 5' 10" with short black hair, and hazel eyes. I'm in good shape, happy, healthy, single, and live with my mom. My parents have been divorced, remarried and divorced again, but like mom says, she refuses to give up on love. If you're confused, after divorcing and marrying twice, mom still hopes to find her forever person. Mom works Monday thru Friday as the office manager for a local dentist office but secretly makes her real money posting on ONLY FANS and her private subscription website. It doesn't faze me as my mom is a beautiful woman and whether you like content creation or not...

It's a thing, it's real, and more women than you think do it.

I'm a cashier at a local, family owned hardware store slash lumber yard. I started part time in senior year of high school, and now two years later I'm full time. Cashier, sales person, stocker, I do pretty much everything, but the owners treat us great, there are lots of perks, and no one ever worries about overtime or productivity. We're too busy to worry about either of those. I've been single for several months, mostly because girls my age prefer to shop, 'see', or ‘talk' to several guys at once. No judgement or assumptions, but I refuse to play SURVIVOR or any other reality dating show in real life. Either go out with me or don't.

It was a normal Saturday at work just after noon, the morning rush was over, and I was stocking drinks, snacks and impulse items when Ashley came into the store and changed my life. 34 years old, Ashley is 6' tall, has long, light brown hair, pretty blue eyes, is absolutely fit and in shape, and may just be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen or met. Wearing a cute, flirty, light blue and white knee length spaghetti strap sundress, Ashley wore blue flats, a smartwatch and had her phone and keys in her hand when she came into the store and captivated me. The best part was when we locked eyes and I stared wide eyed and open mouthed at her, she just smiled a warm, happy smile. As I stood there mesmerized she diverted towards me and flirted "Hello handsome." I inhaled and gasped "Goddess." Ashley smiled, touched my chest and asked "What's your name babe?"


I gasped "I love you" and Ashley smiled then flirted "I love you too. What's your name?" I fought past the fog and said "Jeff" to which Ashley said her name then asked "Are you this receptive to all women or am I special?" What was the right answer? Was there an answer? I swallowed and then asked "Are you married?" Ashley laughed "No, but maybe we should have dinner first before we exchange vows." I panted "Dinner."

It was both a question and a statement.

Ashley stepped closer, whispered "Breathe", took my phone and added her info, texted herself, then asked "Before we get married, who can I talk to about windows?" An hour and PLENTY of flirting later, I had ordered her two windows and Ashley asked me "Does it bother you? The age difference between us?" I shook my head and said "I'm guessing you're like 28 or 29, that's only ten years between us." Ashley blinked, inhaled, smiled, then asked "28? You think I look 28 or 29?" I swallowed and asked "27?" Ashley looked around. There were a couple of customers, two employees, and a manager in the area, but they trust me and were all busy. She stepped closer and asked "Can you be honest? Will you? Can we be honest with each other?" I nodded and she stared into my eyes, her smile slowly came back, then she kissed my cheek. We were both blushing, it was really romantic. Ashley held my hands, stared into my eyes, then she said very quietly "I'm 34 and have a daughter almost your age. I don't do drama, I'm very loyal and if dinner goes well, there is something I want to share with you before we go further."

I don't know why I overshared, but I did.

Still holding each other's hands and standing close enough to feel her warmth, I told Ashley "I was single because girls just want to shop, ‘talk', and play mind games. I want a girlfriend." Ashley gripped my hands, stared into my eyes, and she asked "Is that what... are you asking...?" What's the worst that could happen? I found courage from somewhere and asked "Will you go out with me?" Ashley tilted her head slightly then said "If dinner goes well and you accept my secret, then my answer is yes." I said "Thanks for coming in" to a customer that passed by us then asked "Ashley, what secret could you possibly have? Are you a contract killer? A secret agent?" She laughed "That's where your mind goes James Bond? No baby, I'm uh... I uh... uhm..." Ashley inhaled deeply then asked "Can you promise me if I tell you, even if you feel a certain way, that at least we can still have dinner?" I said with complete confidence "Ashley, there is nothing you could say to me that would change my mind about dating you."

Ashley let go of my hands, stepped back several steps, watched as a family left happy, then said with a frown "Once I tell you, I can't take it back." Something felt off, odd, and I must have made a face or moved my body wrong. Ashley came closer, held me right there in the retail store, and whispered "I'm a model. Well sort of." I inhaled and knew it before she said anything else. I prayed, wished and hoped, and then Ashley whispered "I have a private website and I post on ONLY FANS." I have no idea who initiated it but suddenly we were kissing warm, fast and passionately until Ashley eased back and asked "What time are you done?" I was dazed, excited and confused. I saw Perry nearby when I answered "3 o'clock" He looked at Ashley, smiled, but when I introduced Perry to Ashley, he got this look then asked "Don't I know you from somewhere?"

Ashley blushed.

I mean seriously blushed.

She moved beside me, slid her arm around me and it was nice. A customer came over with some items and I let go of Ashley, smiled at Perry, then waited on the lady. Another customer came up and asked about siding, so I took him to the wall where he chose color and type, then I sold it to him. When I was finished I saw Perry and Ashley deep in conversation out in the lobby. I finished stocking drinks and snacks, Perry passed by, said "I have no words Jeff", and he walked off. Ashley was crowding me and it excited me. She said "I noticed instead of hovering or being nosy, you saw I was having a conversation and gave me space. That will not go without reward." Huh? I asked "Was that your secret? That you post content?" Ashley nodded, sighed, then asked "It doesn't bother you?" I shrugged "Why would it?" Ashley stared at me, then exhaled and said "You may not believe this, but the last two guys I dated dumped me when they found out."


Ashley stepped closer and said "When or if you want to talk about it, we can, but the more love and respect you show me, the more you receive." I sighed and Ashley laughed "Are you already in love with me? This is a new record even for me." I sighed again and Ashley got a mischievous look on her face and asked "Why don't you collect all those romantic and naughty thoughts, gather them, sort them, then maybe we can discuss them when I come get you after work." I had nothing to lose so I asked Ashley "Do you even realize how perfect you are?" She smiled "Jeff, no one's perfect, but I can tell you that the way you look at me and the way you're making me feel will pay off in ways you clearly hope for and expect." I was still stunned even after Ashley kissed my lips and left.


It took some effort, but I finished stocking, did some counts, waited on customers, then started to work on my orders when Perry came to buy an energy drink and asked "How did you meet her?" I said "Here" and he stared at me, tapped to pay, then asked "You met here here?" I said "Yeah, about twenty minutes before you came up and talked to her." Perry stared at me, blinked, then asked "Have you seen her page?" I shook my head and said "No, but I know about it, she was worried for some reason." Perry is one of the owners, not just a manager, but I mentioned they treat us like family, not employees. He said "I think you should go up to the tool room and see if we have that new tool. I'll text you a link." I wasted no time getting up to the secure room and followed the link Perry sent me to Ashley's website "HOT ASH" first. Most of it was behind a paid membership paywall, but she seemed to go for the tease and softcore and less of hardcore. Her ONLY FANS was a mix of free and paid, and what was free was scorching.

Jesus. I was rock hard from just a few pictures.

In the tool lock up at work.

What was free and available without payment was also tease themed. A lot of try-ons, undressing, stripping and clever stuff like wet clothing, sheer clothes, bikinis, lingerie and implied nudity. There was a fair amount of actual nudity, mostly breasts, side pics, and her firm ass, but clearly the ‘good stuff' was behind a paywall or subscription. As if to prove my thoughts correct, Ashley had posts that the good stuff was just a subscription away. I texted her "You're an unmatched Goddess" before I realized it and she texted "Are you looking at my stuff while at work?" I was thinking of a reply when she sent "You're naughty. What am I going to do with you?" I felt bold so I sent "I have some ideas." Ashley replied "Why don't we discuss those ideas after work?"

My God!

Ashley called and asked "Is it okay to call? Can you talk?" I said "Ashley I mean every word of this. Even if I hadn't visited your site and page, seen your perfect body, I want to go out with you." Ashley inhaled "And?" I was silent because I was standing in the tool lock up talking to a woman I had barely met three hours ago. Talking to her about her nude and near nude content and the relationship we had literally JUST started. Ashley said "Breathe babe. I'm coming to get you so we can talk before dinner. We can go anywhere you want, my treat, and I promise you fast or slow, we can go at your speed." I was really trying to think and all I could do was say "I want you." Ashley laughed "What a surprise. I had no idea" and she hung up.


It took me maybe three, possibly four minutes to get downstairs and back to the front of the store. There stood Ashley talking to Perry near my counter. She smiled when she saw me, and Perry said "We're not busy. Why don't you cash up then head out and I'll take care of your time." I blinked, Ashley smiled at me, and I sighed. She looked at Perry and asked "See?" He laughed then asked "Who wouldn't be?" Ashley blushed, smiled at me, and I cannot remember being happier. I counted my drawer, put it away, then got my lunchbag, but when I went to the timeclock, Perry said "Just go, I'll take care of it." Ashley held my hand and asked in the parking lot "Which one's yours?" I pointed to the blue Camry my mom passed to me when she got an SUV. Ashley said "I'll follow you to your house, talk to you while you change, and when you're ready we can go get some dinner." Maybe it was my expression or body language, but Ashley moved closer, pressed her warm, fit body against me, and asked "Are you willing to trust me?" I swallowed and nodded. Then Ashley completely blew my mind when she said "Since you've already seen me partially naked, how about I show you the rest?"

Did I black out?

It felt like I blacked out.

By the time I could see past the dark red blur and process basic thoughts, it sounded like Ashley was talking to my mom and said "Okay, see you in a few." I was in Ashley's SUV, and we were about a block from my house. Ashley handed me my phone then asked "Is it this one babe?" I stared at mom's SUV and gasped "Y... yes." Ashley touched my leg, gently grabbed my thigh, then said sweetly "Hold it together babe, I got you." I just stared at Ashley who smiled, turned off the vehicle, then asked me "Instead of worrying about things like why you or why now, try asking yourself why not?" It was the oddest sensation of time passing, stopping, then passing again as I was at the front door with Ashley when she practically purred "Haven't you ever just wanted something?"

I forgot manners, values and rules of society as I pushed Ashley against the door and kissed her furiously. My hands explored as much of her fit body as was possible until she gripped my shirt with both hands and growled "Take me inside right now." I think mom was baking or cooking something and then heard "Have fun" as my bedroom door closed and then Ashley's sundress was on my floor. She was naked except for thin, lacy, light purple panties.


I stripped in a hurry and Ashley inhaled "Hell yeah" when my rock hard cock was exposed. Even as Ashley stared at my erection I was past my limit. I was pulling at her panties when she yanked them down, handed them to me, and grasped my dick with both hands. Then Ashley let go of me, held my face with both hands, stared into my eyes and purred "Stop thinking and start doing. Fuck me." We kissed furiously, hungrily, and I tried to rub, touch and grab her everywhere as she pushed, pulled and guided me atop her and between her long legs. It felt like warm pleasure as I eased into Ashley's wet, hot pussy. She panted and moaned as I slid slowly into her until I reached her depths and began to stroke. Any dream or fantasy I ever had paled in comparison with having sex with Ashley.

And we didn't even know each other 5 hours ago.

It felt like I was wrapped in bliss and surrounded by pleasure as I got closer, all while Ashley was the most vocal, active lover I had ever been with. She was also the first lover I ever had that made me feel great about sex while having it.

Think about that for a while.

Ashley was panting, gasping and thrashing when she grabbed at the sheets, her body vibrated, and then she screamed "OH MY FUCKING GOD" through a loud, intense orgasm. I made it two or three strokes before I exploded deep inside her fit body and nearly passed out from the overload of pleasure. I thrust and pumped until we were both done and lay there quietly. Ashley kissed me softly then laughed "Yes, I'll go out with you." I don't know why and I don't care how, but I was still hard and stroked slowly into Ashley as we kissed. She purred "Mmmm... I knew I was right about you." I broke from the kiss and asked "Right about me?" Ashley touched my face, played with my hair, then flirted "Give me another orgasm and I'll tell you something no one else ever will."

I was spent from the epic sex moments ago but when you're inside a real, actual MILF with a supermodel body and she has a flirty, romantic personality, you give her another orgasm if she asks for one. I stroked slow and deep as Ashley held me and moved with me. It didn't take long before I could feel her body rev up and then she gasped, moaned and gripped me as this orgasm was quiet, but she definitely came. Ashley held me, rubbed my back, played with my hair, then asked "Where's the shower?" I grinned and said "Across the hall." Ashley blushed then asked "Anyone home besides your mom?" I said "I don't think so. I was kind of out of it to be honest." Ashley smiled as we separated, wiped up, then sat side by side. She asked "Besides the obvious lust, excitement, and attraction, what happened? I haven't been screwed like that since Prom night." I shook my head and asked "Why don't more women like you exist?"

Ashley wiped herself one more time, kissed my lips, then asked "Do you have another promise in there? Can I ask for one more?" I said "Yes. All these downsides about you that someone saw or felt? I think they were idiots." Ashley blushed then said "Aww" and kissed me again. I said "You said it yourself. No one's perfect, but from what I see, sense and feel, you're as close as possible to perfection." Ashley stared at me for a moment, flirted with her eyes, then said "Okay, you promised. Get ready. I like sex, refuse to be ashamed anymore, and the thrill I get from posting naked content is intense. Knowing men and maybe some women are using my pictures and videos to jerk off, masturbate, finger themselves or even spice up their sex... well... It makes me seriously hot."

I just stared at Ashley.

Who would ever guess?

I said "Since you're being so honest, when you walked into the store, I thought you were off the charts scorching hot and in that moment I truly understood what desire was." Ashley stared at me. Just stared at me. I waited. You should know I started getting hard and she knew it. We just had sex twice, although technically since I never pulled out, it was more like a long two parter. Just ignore me, I was naked in my bedroom with my new girlfriend who is the hottest MILF I will ever know. Finally Ashley breathed "Before we screw, and we will, I want you to know what I'm thinking. You can decide when. Maybe in a few days, maybe in a couple of weeks, maybe tomorrow. If we can be this honest, this passionate, this sensual AND get along like friends after a few hours, I want you in my life, in my bed and in my house." Wow.

Ashley said "I will never lie to you, use you, hurt you or humiliate you. All I ask is the same from you." I nodded then asked "All these secrets that you think might scare me or push me away? Are there any more?" Ashley tilted her head to think, touched her fingertip to her teeth a couple of times, then asked "I mentioned I have a daughter that's almost your age? She's 17, full of energy, and comes and goes from her father's house to mine. I don't even stress it at this point as long as I get to see my baby." I waited as Ashley said "You know about my content, you know I don't have a ‘clock in somewhere' job, you know that I like sex, you know that I cuss, and you know I have a daughter. Did I forget anything?" I pushed Ashley down, she parted her legs with a smile, I pushed into her, then said "You forgot that you're the hottest MILF I will ever know."

Ashley blushed, "I do what I can."

We fucked, Ashley had another loud orgasm, I came even though it burned a little, then we finally took a shower. We were dressed, me in clothes that Ashley picked out and her back in her panties and sundress. I grinned and she said "Look. I didn't have time to get extra clothes. You were moments from a meltdown and it's been months since I got any. Consider this afternoon mutual." I had no response so I opened my bedroom door then asked Ashley "Are we still going to dinner?" Mom stopped in the doorway and said "We spoke on the phone, but I'm Pam." Ashley seriously blushed as she stood and mom hugged her, then she said "I'm Ashley and I'm not usually this..." Mom narrowed her eyes and asked "Promiscuous, slutty, loud? Is it any of those?" Ashley blushed even redder then pointed at me and said "It's his fault. I just came in to order windows and his first word was ‘Goddess'. It was all downhill from there." Mom stared at me then laughed "If he hasn't told you, I'm not exactly the model for relationships. Just know he still holds out hope for love and all that drama." I exhaled but Ashley added her 7th or 10th shocker when she said "I wouldn't break up with him if he paid me, just so we're clear."

Mom got the last word with...

"I'm not much older than you are sweetheart, just so we're clear."


Mom left and Ashley said "I think that went well." Mom shouted "It did. You'll know when or if I don't like you." Ashley snuggled against me and just to be an asshole I nibbled her ear then whispered "You are a Goddess and the hottest MILF I will ever sleep with." Ashley put her lips to my ear and purred "It should be clear now that I will fuck you, so be careful where we are when you push me." I gasped as Ashley stood, held her hand to me, I stood, and she held me then said "I love romance and hold out hope for love too." I kissed her softly then asked "Dinner?" With a naughty smile Ashley shouted "Pam?" Mom answered "What?" then appeared in my doorway drying a dish with a towel. Again to push Ashley I said "Mom, Ashley has her own website and is on ONLY FANS." Ashley inhaled as she gripped my wrist but mom smiled and asked "Is that right? Makes sense. With a body like that I could make three times what I make now." Ashley seemed confused, and was blushing, as mom laughed "He didn't tell you? He loves to brag that I post content. Sometimes I think half my subscribers are his horny friends."

Ashley gasped "Man, I picked the right family to marry into." Mom laughed, "Do I even want to know?" I said "Well, it's out of context but I was so mesmerized by Ashley that I asked if she were married. She took it from there." Mom smirked then asked Ashley "You summoned me?" Ashley said "I like you" and mom blushed as she said loudly "OH MY FUCKING GOD YES." then stared at Ashley. Even I wasn't sure what came next. Ashley composed herself, shook her head, then asked "Can I steal Jeff for a couple of nights? Just to get all his naughty, horny thoughts and fantasies out in the open?" Mom smiled "Wow Jeff, I couldn't have picked a better wife for you if I tried." Ashley moved closer to hold me and mom asked "Can you stay here a couple of nights each week, maybe with less ‘oh God'? He may be my son, but I don't trust anyone else to film me naked."

Ashley gasped, sort of stumbled, and sat on my bed wide eyed and open mouthed as mom winked at me then walked away. Ashley just stared at me, tried to say something three or four times, then finally breathed "What just happened?" I asked "You know how, the life changing sex aside, we have been able to be open and honest with each other?" Ashley was close to hyperventilating as she gasped "Life... life changing sex?" I smiled. She asked "Where did you come from? How did I reach 34 years of age and 17 years of sex and relationships and you... you just compliment me like no one ever has?" I said "You met the reason. Oh, and I don't film anything for her, that would be weird." Ashley said "Okay handsome look. Let's chill with all the flirting, flattery and compliments for at least an hour, have some dinner, and discuss anything that's not sex, marriage, sex, or sex related." I grinned and she said "This is your fault. All of it. I was proud to be sexual but then you come along and push all of my buttons... all of them... all at once. Let's have a meal, a conversation, and spend some time with clothes on. Please?"

Mom appeared and said "I've heard enough. Not that you need it or would care, but you have my approval. I just ask one thing from you." Ashley stood to hold me again and I sighed. Mom smiled at me then looked at Ashley and said "You need to be patient and understanding with him regarding the age gap. Right now his eyes and brain are filled with you, but at some point the lust and desire fog will wear off. When that happens, please be patient with him?" Ashley said "I will, you have my word and so does he" then Ashley chuckled and asked "You know your car is still at your work?" Mom shook her head then left, but Ashley crowded me and flirted "Do you want to help me film some content?" I stared at Ashley then said "You just wasted those words" but she laughed "Sure, but your expression was worth every one of them."

Mom reappeared with light blue panties that still had a tag on them. With a huge smile she handed them to Ashley and said "Been there a few times. Consider them an engagement gift." Ashley was blushing but fulfilled one of my fantasies without knowing I had it when she reached under her sundress, wriggled her lacy purple panties down and stepped out of them then. She pulled the tag off then put on the new panties and mom said "Now I know for sure you've met your match honey" then walked off. Ashley dropped her purple panties into my laundry basket, smiled at me, then asked "Are you sure you can handle me? I can be a lot." I grinned and Ashley rolled her eyes then said "Let's go get your car, drop it off here, then stop by my house. You have until then to choose a place for dinner or else I pick." I asked "Should I pack anything?" Ashley said "Nah. Let's check off another fantasy and I'll sleep here tonight. I can film my content tomorrow while you're at work." I grinned "Lucky for you, I'm off tomorrow."

Ashley purred "Change of plans. Pack something. You can help me film something."

I was still standing there stunned when mom asked "Jeff? Are you okay honey? What happened and where's Ashley." I sighed and mom said "Wow. You've got it bad honey. I haven't seen you this out of it since that time Kelly spent the weekend. Wasn't she your first?" I huffed "Mom. I'm not telling you any more secrets." Mom started cleaning my room and I sighed. 19 and she still ‘moms' me. Ashley came into the room and said "Sorry, I had to pee. This is a really nice house." Mom said "Thank you. Sorry for all the sarcasm" but Ashley said "It's okay, I speak it fluently." Mom laughed then asked "What did you do to him besides the obvious?" Ashley blushed then said "Since he likes to push my buttons and keep me excited and off balance, I told him he can help me film content tomorrow." Mom said "Make sure you give me your address. I'll have the fire department on standby." Ashley smiled at mom and said "It's been a long time since anyone got me." Mom grinned and looked at me. Ashley blushed then muttered "Right."

I wasn't sure it would work, but I leaned close to Ashley, put my lips to her ear, then whispered "Have you ever been tied up?" Her eyes went wide, she inhaled, then gasped "Okay, we gotta go" and practically dragged me out of the bedroom and through the house. We were at the front door when I said "I didn't pack anything and you don't have your keys." Mom was chuckling as she went out to the patio and started watering her flowers. Ashley asked "Why if you have a free pass to unlimited sex and complete access to my body do you still have to push? Do you realize I signed up for the unlimited orgasm plan?"

I had to sit down.

Ashley was quite possibly the perfect female.

I was still sitting there when mom laughed "Oh what now?" I just pointed to my bedroom and muttered "Ashley." Mom shook her head then asked "Do you think I should ask her to go to church with us or are you afraid she might burst into flames?" We were laughing when Ashley appeared and said "Since you threw the ‘S' word out there, I am a lady and know how and when to behave and act right." Mom stared at Ashley then said "I apologize as both a mother and a woman. It was too far." Ashley shrugged and said "Too many women play games and have ulterior motives. If slutty excites him and lets us have fun, so be it, but I would be honored to be included to go to church with you tomorrow." Mom smiled then they whispered with each other until they both stared at me and Ashley seriously blushed "Dear God, could you imagine?"

I didn't want to know. I still don't.

We finally left to get my car, dropped it off at home beside mom's SUV, then went to Ashley's house. It was a nice house and we were in her bedroom where Ashley asked me "So before I get undressed and the inevitable happens, do we want to postpone our dinner and order something or can we behave and fuck when we get back from eating?" I said "There is no one like you Ashley." She laughed, then said "Thank God" and held me. We kissed warmly, I started to get hard, Ashley definitely knew it and she purred "Mmmm... looks like we're staying in." After some heavy, lust soaked kisses and lots of hands on each other, Ashley breathed "What were you saying about tying me up?"

I grinned then asked "What were you saying about having unlimited orgasms?"

... Absolutely to be continued!


To be absolutely crystal clear, based on concerns from my Editor Dennis, there will be no dark, lurid, inappropriate stuff between Jeff and Pam (his mom). This is NOT that story and other than sarcasm and mild slut shaming towards Ashley, this story is about Jeff, Ashley and what happens when they dive into a sudden, sex soaked relationship.

Thank you for understanding, sorry for the spoiler, thanks for reading.

Note from the webmaster: authors always appreciate feedback about their
stories, so by all means write the author a note if you liked the story!
The author of this story: jwdoney

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