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The pickup (part 1)

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I was looking forward to a quiet evening and the following morning to myself. My daughter was going to a nightclub. She was upstairs with a friend getting ready and no doubt having a few pre-drinks. Her plan was to walk with her friend to another friend's house and then all three of them share a taxi to the club. They would get a taxi back to her friend's house to stay what was left of the night. I wasn't over happy with the idea but she was 21 and had to have her freedom.

I was just about to open the first beer of the night when my daughter and her friend came crashing downstairs.

"Dad. Dad! Massive change of plan! The club is not opening tonight because of an electrical fault. So we are going over to Suzie's to have a bit of a get together there and sleep over. Trouble is, it is going to take us ages to get there. There are three buses involved or a bus, a train and a taxi. Please, please can you take us. Oh, and pick up Katy on the way too."

"Okay." I said. "I suppose I can. If I must."

Although it meant me missing a chunk of my evening, I was actually quite glad. I wasn't happy about my daughter in town - probably drunk. There had been a number of attacks on girls in recent months. The police thought they were possibly all linked. As a single father, my daughter's safety was quite a worry for me.

"Thanks Dad. Ready in half an hour."

It was nearer to an hour, but we eventually got underway. I drove the three girls right across town - about thirty minutes. It was a wet night, and they were very glad of the lift. As we approached Suzie's house, we passed a bus shelter. There was a solitary girl waiting in the inadequate shelter for a bus.

"Wow! That could have been us!" said my daughter. "Thanks again Dad."

Just round the corner from the bus shelter was a group of lads loitering outside a takeaway. Probably breaking no laws, but clearly being rowdy and a nuisance to local residents. I was very glad the girls did not have to walk past them in their party gear. It was not the best area of town.

I dropped off the three girls and watched them walk up the drive to the house in their low tops and short skirts. They looked so sexy. Well, two of them did. The other was my daughter. She was very beautiful, but I never thought of her as sexy. Strange how family is different.

Heading back past the takeaway, I saw that the group of lads had just been moved on by the police. They were walking away up the road towards the bus stop. As I passed there was a scuffle and two of the lads stumbled out into the road. I had to brake sharply to avoid hitting them. The whole group hurled abuse and rude gestures at me as if it were my fault.

Part of me was tempted to get out of the car and explain the facts of life to them with a big stick, but of course I didn't.

On reaching the bus shelter, I saw the girl was still there. I wondered whether those lads would give her a difficult time, and decided there was a fair chance that they would. I pulled up and lowered the window. She stood shivering with a thin coat wrapped tightly around her

"You have been there a while." I called. "Can I give you a lift into town?"

I fully expected her to say no, and perhaps call me a creep or perv, but I was genuinely concerned for her safety. She looked about the same age as my daughter. Perhaps a bit older.

She looked at me and looked down the road at the group of rowdy lads approaching. She perhaps decided I was the lesser of two evils and got in the car.

"Thanks mate." She said confidently "Town centre would be great. Missed my bus and its ages until the next one."

"You're not going to the Neptune Club by any chance, are you? Because they are closed." I said to her.

"Nah mate. Just going home. Other side of town. I can get a bus from the centre. Been visiting my friend and left too late for the bus. Bloody freezing out there."

"I'm surprised you didn't go back to your friend's house when you missed your bus on a night like this." I replied. She just laughed and said.

"Would have still been there, but her boyfriend turned up unexpectedly...and they don't need me, if you get my meaning."

"Yeah. I get you." I said with a smile.

"Do you? I mean they are probably fucking by now, or at least naked and going down on each other. That's what I mean. Sorry if that offends an old guy like you, but that's how it is."

"Doesn't offend me a bit. I would have done the same with my girlfriend in those circumstances."

She looked at me strangely.

"You got a girlfriend then?"

"No." I said.

"Wife then?"

"Not now."

"You dump her, or she dump you?"

"She died about three years ago." That made her look uncomfortable.

"Sorry." said the girl "I didn't mean..." Her voice trailed off

"It's OK. I'm over it now, mostly"

There was silence for a few moments and the girl continued.

"I'm jealous, me."

This confused me.

"Of what?"

"Oh, sorry. My friend I mean. Her boyfriend is really hot, Well, so is she, that's why she got him. He's all muscly and she has big tits and an arse to die for. Lucky bastards. Deffo fucking by now I reckon. I bet his cock is huge too."

"Oh well. Lucky them. Such is life." I wasn't sure what else to say.

"Do you think I'm hot?" The girl asked me suddenly. "My name is Vicky, by the way."

"Oh. I'm Tony, pleased to meet you." I said, trying to avoid the question. She wasn't letting me off the hook.

"You too. Well? Am I hot?"

"Hard to tell in the rain, the dark and the long coat, but yes You probably are."

"Probably are? Why did you pick me up then?"

"The rain, the dark and the group of rowdy lads coming up the hill. I wanted to make sure you were safe."

"Safe? Well, am I safe?"

"Yes. You are safe with me."

"Damn. I like a bit of danger."

"I see."

"I know those lads. They are just a bunch of tossers. You seemed like a better bet for some excitement."

"I see." I said again unsure of what else to say.

Vicky undid her coat and wriggled out of it. She was wearing a low-cut top and a very short skirt. She looked great from what I could see by quick glances as I drove.

"Now. Am I hot?"

"Yes. You are." I said, hoping that would satisfy her. It didn't.

"What is my best feature, and don't say my eyes or my smile. I mean, of my body? What makes me hot in your eyes?"

I struggled with what to say. She was hot, and I could feel my cock starting to stir at the thought of talking about her body.

"I like your breasts. I find them attractive."

"Oh. You mean these little titties?" said Vicky as she pulled her top a bit lower and thrust them towards me.

I glanced across.

"Not that little really. I mean, some girls have much larger, sure but they are by no means tiny."

"Yeah. I guess so. Do you prefer them big?"

This talk was arousing me. It is not often I have been asked to openly assess a woman's body.

"Actually no. I like all sizes from large to very tiny. I find all shapes and sizes attractive. Can I ask how old you are please?"

"Checking I'm legal to fuck, are you? Haha. I am. I'm twenty-four."

"Well actually, I was more just curious. You are just a bit older than my daughter. She's twenty-one."

"Where is your daughter tonight then old man?"

"I have just dropped her off at a friend's house. I'm on my way home."

"You home alone tonight then? What were you planning on doing?"

"Yes, alone tonight. I was just going to drink some beer and watch a film or something, but I'm later than expected, so maybe just one beer, then bed."

"Where do you live, old man?"

"Riverside, and less of the old. I'm only forty-eight."

"You are twice my age. That's fucking old to me." said Vicky "I live in East Bredon, so we are practically neighbours."

"Yes. I suppose we are. I could take you home rather than town, if you prefer."

"Take me home? What to yours? You fancy getting your way with me, do you? Dirty old man!"

"That's not what I meant. I meant drop you at yours on my way home. I'm almost passing."

"Thanks. That would be great, but You sure you wouldn't prefer to play with these?" Vicky thrust her tits towards me again, pulling her top even lower to expose her bra.

"In theory, yes that would be nice, but you are safe with me, remember."

"Fuck theory, fuck being safe. Have some fun old man." With that Vicky pulled her top right down as well as her bra and flashed her lovely tits at me. She wiggled them for a few seconds before pulling her top back up but leaving her bra under her boobs pushing them upwards in a most alluring manner.

"That make you hard, did it? You do still get hard, don't you?"

"Yes, I do, and it has a bit. You probably can't see that well in the dark - and I'm not that big anyway."

As I said this, the thought crossed my mind, that I really shouldn't encourage her. No sooner had this thought come, when I felt her hand on my crotch.

"Oh. You are getting nicely hard aren't you. I love my tits sucked and fucked you know. Think on how that would feel for a moment. That should get you fully hard."

She was right. That and her exploring hand was doing the trick.

"I could jerk you off while you are driving or suck you off if you prefer."

I thought about this for a second

"Best not. You are supposed to be safe with me remember."

"Very true. Would sooo be embarrassing being cut out of a car crash by six firemen with a spunky cock in my mouth. Ugggh."

"Yes. Indeed" I smiled. I was wondering if she was teasing me or if she was serious about doing it. I waited to see what she would say next. I didn't need to wait long.

"Do you enjoy being sucked off?"

"I certainly do. I doubt there are many guys who don't enjoy it."

We were close to the centre of town; the road was busier with a couple of junctions that needed concentration. We were soon past and on a quieter stretch heading out again.

"Would you like to lick that?" said Vicky.

"Lick what?" I asked, glancing over.

"That." said Vicky gesturing with her hand.

I looked down. She had hitched her short skirt up, pushed her hips forward and opened her legs. A very small triangle of fabric was covering her pussy. I had to concentrate on the road, but I risked a second glance, just as her fingers eased the fabric aside. My eyes flashed back to the road. I was glad of my years as a professional driver. Army driver, lorry driver, coach driver etc. I wasn't distracted very easily...but this was pushing the limits.

"What do you think?" asked Vicky.

"I think you are a terrible tease, and I also think you could get yourself into a lot of trouble doing that sort of thing. You need to be more careful."

"You are a boring old fart, aren't you?" said Vicky with a sigh "You sound just like my Dad."

"Well, I'm not your Dad, but I am someone's Dad. It goes with the territory." I said.

"Yeah but think about it. You have told me I am safe. If I choose believe that - and I do by the way-, then I can trust you not to strangle me and bury me in a shallow grave in the woods. By an extension of that assumption, I can also trust you not to take anything too far if I ask you to stop. So, I am safe and confident in flashing you and trying and get you to have some fun with me."

She had a point, but she hadn't finished.

"If on the other hand you had asked me to flash my tits, I would not have felt safe, and I would have legged it as soon as you stopped at a junction."

"But you said you liked danger." I retorted.

"Oh, there is still danger old man. There is the risk that I am wrong. There is the risk that you like really kinky things that I don't. There is the risk that you hurt me - even by accident. There is the risk of getting caught somehow." She paused "There is also the excitement of good old illicit sexual fun."

"I see." I said. It occurred to me that I had said that a few times.

The traffic ground to a halt. The road was narrow and overhung with trees here.

"Why have we stopped?" asked Vicky.

"Redgrave railway level crossing." I said "We will probably be here a few minutes."

"Hang on." said Vicky. "Why have we come this way?"

"It saves a few minutes if you are lucky...but tonight we are not. Trains at this time are usually few." I said.

"Might be quicker if you are going to Riverside, but not East Bredon. You are taking me to yours after all, you dirty old man. I love it!"

She was right. I had come this way automatically. I always come this way. She had distracted me more than I thought. She was never going to believe that in a million years. I grinned. I had to try and explain at least.

"You will never believe this, but I came this way by accident. It is my usual route. Your fault, for flashing your tits and pussy at me."

Vicky just laughed.

"I'll believe you. Thousands wouldn't. However, while we are stopped, I can jerk you off safely."

I opened my mouth to protest, but Vicky's hands were opening my trousers. I could have stopped her, but, I didn't. She took out my almost fully hard cock and stroked it up to full hardness. Still, I didn't stop her. She bent down and examined my cock in the red glow of the lights of the car in front and the dashboard lights.

"Wow! You are right. It is not that big, but you have the most gorgeous looking cock I have ever seen. It is exquisite, and so very hard,"

Vicky pulled the front of her top down letting her lovely boobs out once more.

"Go on. Give them a squeeze. You know you want to."

She was right. I did want to. But it seemed so wrong. I really couldn't say why it was wrong but I just thought it must be. A complete stranger, half my age who I had picked up at the roadside. There must be something wrong with that, surely? However, my hand left the wheel and I gave her breast a gentle stroke. It felt good. Vicky pumped my cock slowly.

"Go on. You really want to do it. I want it too if that helps."

I gave her tit a squeeze. I cannot tell you how good that felt. It had been over three years since I had felt that.

Vicky jerked my cock more vigourously. That felt amazing.

The car in front moved off. I was only brought fully back to reality when the car behind beeped its horn.

Vicky let go and sat up.

"Off you go Mr, Safety man. Can't jerk you while you drive. How far is your house?"

I Laughed and said.

"About five minutes...maybe four if I hurry."

"Do you think you can get there without cumming?" said Vicky with a smile, while jiggling her tits.

"It is going to be a challenge. I haven't had anyone touch me like that for a long time, or felt a lovely pair of boobs."

"Well, just one boob to be precise. You can catch upon the other one when we get there, I can't wait to make you cum. You must be on a hair trigger."

"You are absolutely sure you want to come back with me? You can back out you know. I won't force you."

"You are a fucking legend! Course I fucking want to. It's what I have been after since I got in the car. You picked up the original slutty girl at that bus stop."

I made it back to the house in under four minutes, and stayed within the speed limit - more or less. I couldn't believe I was actually taking her back to my place. How did that happen?

"Nice house." said Vicky as we went inside. She turned to face me once we were in the living room. She had pulled her top back up before she got out the car. We both just stood looking at each other. I found now, I couldn't wait to start. My doubts about it being okay were gone for now. I don't know why. I stepped towards Vicky.

"So. You ready to play now old man. Are you sure you want to? You can back out now if you are scared."

I laughed and said.

"You sound just like an old guy I know."

"Yeah. Annoying isn't it." said Vicky, laughing too. "Let me see what you have under that shirt then."

Happily I complied and pulled my shirt off over my head, and stood bare chested in front of Vicky.

"Not bad, for an old man. Actually, to be fair, better than a lot of men my age."

That made me feel good. Vicky continued.

"Not as good as mine though!"

With that she pulled her top off over her head, taking her bra with it. Her gorgeous tits wobbled as they settled into place.

"Wow! You really are hot. Fucking hot!"

"I know. Is your lovely little cock nice and hard now? Show me it properly."

I kicked off my shoes and unbuckled my belt. Then I carefully pushed my trousers down and stepped out of them. My cock was standing rigidly to attention, inside my shorts. The anticipation of letting it out felt good I couldn't wait to let it out but I held off. I hopped around getting rid of my socks.

"Come on. Let's see it then. You are not shy are you?"

"No. Not really. Just savouring the moment." I said.

"Ha ha. Get it out before I have to come and get it out for you."

I slipped my shorts down, dragging my cock down letting it spring free.

"Wow!" said Vicky "So incredibly hard and stiff. As I said before, it is not that big but it is just exquisite. I have never seen such a gorgeous looking cock! The shape is just so lovely. I can't wait to make it spurt some spunk."

Vicky wiggled her hips and pushed her short tight skirt and tiny panties down in one go. She stood naked before me just in her heels.

"Okay old man. Tell me which category of men you fall into. Do you like to fuck with heels on, or heels off?"

I looked Vicky up and down. At that point, as it had been so long since I had been with a woman, it didn't matter to me whether she wore heels, slippers, wellington boots or had a wooden leg, but I forced myself to consider my actual preference.

"I'm a barefoot, fully naked sort of guy."

"Okay. Take them off me then." Vicky said as she stood with her hands on her hips and put one foot forward.

I knelt in front of her drinking in all the details of her lovely slim body. I put my hands on her thigh and slowly slid them down, gazing at the folds of her lovely little pussy.

"I bet you are keen to slip your lovely exquisite cock in there, aren't you? All in good time, old man. Concentrate on getting me naked first."

I did concentrate on my task of removing first one shoe and then the other. I bent forward and kissed her lovely little feet.

"Ooh that's nice. I like that. Do it some more, you kinky fucker." whispered Vicky.

I went to work on her feet. I wouldn't say I have a foot fetish but it did feel deliciously erotic as I kissed her feet and ankles.

"Enough old man! I don't want you cumming and me not see it. I bet you are so ready to cum. Has it really been over three years since you have been with a woman?"

"Yes it has." I replied. "To begin with I didn't want to, and my daughter hasn't been keen on the idea of another woman in my life, until quite recently. Now she has started encouraging me...but it is hard to get back into the idea of dating."

"Mmmm I can see it is hard. Well, let's get your old balls working again. I'm going to love this. Fancy a foot job?"

I have never had a foot job so it seemed a great way to start. Mind you, at that point I would have said yes to pretty much anything.

"Oh yes please. If you are willing to have creamy toes."

"Slutty Vicky loves cream anywhere. Sit on the couch for me and open your legs."

I did as she asked. I slumped myself low on the couch. Vicky gathered a few cushions and lay on the floor, on her back facing me. She lifted her feet up and shuffled herself into a position where she could clamp her feet around my eager cock.

What an incredible sensation and also what an incredible view. I could see her tits wobbling as she worked her feet up and down my shaft and also catch glimpses of her neat little pussy between her knees. Sometimes she gripped me with her toes and sometimes she worked on me with the arches of her feet. She seemed very skilled at what she was doing.

The excitement was too much for me. All too soon I could feel I was going to ejaculate.

"I'm going to cum real soon." I gasped.

"Enjoy it, don't hold it back. Cum for slutty Vic."

Vicky worked me more vigorously with her lovely little feet. I gave myself permission just to let it happen and not fight it. I could cum again later. I concentrated on the sensations in my cock as Vicky's feet worked it up and down and the delicious view of Vicky's tits wobbling.

I felt the familiar burning sensation in the base of my cock. It dwelled there for a few moments building in intensity and then I felt the heat surge up my hard shaft. Vicky's arches reached the bottom of their stroke, pulling the skin tight as my jizz erupted from the slit. I watched in fascination as it sailed in a graceful arc towards Vicky's reclining body. I watched her face change as she saw it coming.

The look of excitement was lovely to see and her body visibly jerked as a long string of semen caught her diagonally from just below her tits to her opposite hip.

My cock spurted again, spattering on her belly. It then continued to pump out several lesser emissions which caught her feet and trickled down the side of my pulsing cock making a sticky mess.

"Fuck, that was good!" said Vicky as she eagerly scooped spunk of her belly with her fingers and greedily shovelled it into her mouth. "Did you enjoy it?"

As soon as I could speak, I confirmed that I did.

"Fuck me now, old man. Let's see if you can."

With that vicky rolled over and got up on all fours. She wiggled her tight little arse at me and looked over her shoulder.

"Come on! Take me now. Fill my pussy or cram it in my arse. I don't mind which."

I needed no further encouragement to get down and kneel behind her. I am not an arse man so I rubbed my cock up and down her wet slit, found the gateway and slipped deep into her heat.

I cannot begin to tell you how good that felt. It had been far too long.

Slowly at first and then more steadily I began to pump my cock in and out of her hot wet pussy. Understandably the sensation stopped me losing my hardness. I kept going with my hands on Vicky's hips.and after several minutes began to feel truly excited again. I I leant to one side I was getting a fantastic view of her boos hanging down freely and swinging about as we fucked.

It had been so long since I had fucked at all and even longer since I used this position. My wife hadn't liked it this way very much, and definitely not in the living room.

Vicky kept pushing back against me, forcing my stiff cock in as deep as it would go. Her muscles contracted and squeezed me so tight. I found I could not hold back and began to pound her faster and faster, making a lovely slapping sound as we slammed together.

"Fuck me, old man. Fuck me hard and fast. I love it."

This spurred me on and made Vicky's tits flail around wildly. I kept reaching round and grabbing them giving them a good squeeze, but mostly I just let them swing feely. They looked so good.

It took a while, after having cum so recently - and Vicky was not complaining, but I began to feel the inevitable orgasm approaching.

"Vicky. I'm going to cum soon. Is that Okay?" I managed to gasp.

"Course it's fucking okay, you boring old fart. Fill me up. I love to feel cum spurting into me."

I reached round and fondled Vicky's lovely tits once more, then an idea occurred to me. I moved my hand lower and began to finger Vicky's erect clit.

"Now you're getting it old man! Fucking love that!"

I loved it too. I also loved slipping my fingers a little lower too and feeling my wet slippery cock sliding in and out of Vicky's magical gateway.

Vicky began to moan as I fingered her stiff little clit. I felt her hand brush against mine as she reached down to grab and massage my swinging balls. That felt good. Our hands met again and with intertwined fingers we both played with her clit.

Vicky was starting to cum. I could feel it happening as she gripped my cock hard with her powerful muscles.

"Put your finger in too. I like to feel that. I like to be stretched as I cum."

I have never done that before, but didn't need telling twice. I slowed in my thrusting and got a finger in next to my cock. It felt strange, but good.

Before I knew it, Vicky had a finger in too. Her finger massaged my close to exploding cock alongside mine. I sped up again, unable to stop myself. Both our thumbs continued to tease Vicky's very erect clit.

Vicky cried out.

"Yess, yess Fuck yesss. Fill me up old man fucking shoot your load in me now. I need it NOW!"

That did it. I couldn't hold back and I felt my balls give that burning sensation as my spunk surged up my tightly gripped shaft.

I could feel my cum pumping deep into Vicky's trembling body as she rode her orgasm, moaning in ecstasy.

When it was over, we uncoupled and collapsed on the rug.

"Fuck, that was good." I managed to say.

"Yeah. Not bad for an old man. In fact, pretty fucking good to be fair. I want some more of that, if you are not completely knackered."

"Give me a break and I will happily fuck you again. I feel I have some catching up to do. Fancy a shower?"

Vicky smiled.

"Yes please, but on my own, you filthy bastard. I can tell what you are thinking, but you need to rest."

I laughed. She was a mind reader as well as being absolutely correct. I did need a bit of rest after that.

We went upstairs and Vicky was soon in the ensuite shower in my room. I used the main bathroom and quickly showered, and headed back to my bedroom.

When I got there, Vicky was sitting up in bed looking radiant. She had pulled the duvet up to her chin, but I just knew she was deleiciously naked under the covers. The thought of a woman in my bed was just so exciting. Eagerly I climbed in next to her.

We gathered on another up in our arms and began exploring one another's bodies with our hands and mouths. I was soon rock hard again, although my balls were aching from their recent work.

Vicky slowly massaged my stiff cock.

"He feels awake. I cannot believe you are so hard already. I don't usually have such luck."

We lay contentedly side by side gently touching one another for a while. I think each wondering what we should do next. What did come next was a complete surprise though.

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The author of this story: slobuild

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