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A FaceTime Sharing

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"Hey, I remember your from last year," she heard a voice say from behind her. She turned around and her heart skipped a little. She remembered him too. At this same work conference last year, they had found themselves together, along with a few other people, in the hotel bar during Happy Hour, while the rest of the conference was out doing other things.

As the drinks flowed, the two of them spent most of the evening together in the bar. She told me that he had definitely been hitting on her all that night and through a mixture of alcohol and boredom, she didn't necessarily waive him off. When it was time for her to head back up to her room, he accompanied her to the elevator. While they parted ways with a hug and a peck on the cheek, it was clear the sexual tension between them was palpable. She told me that had she been single, she might have ended the night differently. At the same time, he was just navigating a divorce and was still pretty hung up on his ex. So that's as far as it went.

Tonight, the whole conference was tipsy. People were everywhere, talking loudly and having shots...not just in the bar, but the lobby as well as several of the hotel rooms. She was in the bar and had been hanging with a new couple that she met the night before. They were getting something from the lobby.

"Well hi!" she said enthusiastically.

"Hi yourself," he replied. "How's your conference?"

"The conference is boring as always," she said, "but I've met way more fun people this time though."

"That's great! Mind if I join you?" he asked.

"Not at all," she replied, moving her purse out of the seat next to her. He slid in next to her and ordered a drink and a shot.

"You want a shot?" he asked her.

"Absolutely!" she replied and motioned for the bartender to bring two. They clinked their glasses together and took their shot. Her friends returned and sat on the opposite side of her. She introduced everyone and they spent the next couple hours visiting and drinking and enjoying the night. His phone range and he excused himself to answer it.

Her female friend said, "OMG, he's really into you!" Her husband laughed and agreed, saying, "yeah, not even a little. He's not even trying to hide it." My girlfriend shrugged and quickly explained what happened last year. She explained that he was a hot mess last year but had she been single, things might have progressed differently.

"You're clearly not fighting him off, " her friend said laughingly, "you guys have touched each other more than my husband and I have!"

She shrugged again and smiled. Her friend's husband chimed in, "Is your boyfriend going to be mad? Are you even going to tell him?"

"Of course I'll tell him. We have no secrets. Plus it's flirting and having a good time. He won't even care," she replied.

And It was true. I didn't care. If something had happened last year between them, that might have been a different scenario. We weren't in the best place emotionally or sexually. There had been a lot of drama and we had struggled to find some common ground. The truth is, things have gotten a lot better and I've honestly been trying to encourage her to find her sexual side again. It's been difficult for her lately to tap into that and I've been trying to find a way to reopen that door.

I basically only had three boundaries that needed to be considered. #1) Whatever the rules we decided on were, they needed to be universal and apply to both of us. One of us can't be out flirting and having a good time and the other one not having any fun. #2) She had to be totally honest with me. Whatever happened. Whether she got hit on or went on a date or had sex with a football team, I got to hear the details. I've recently discovered that I have a higher than normal interest in "hot wife" scenarios and if I couldn't be there to watch, I at least got to hear some details. #3) If either one of us wanted to stop, no battle. We had to respect the others wishes. So far that had worked. Nothing really had happened, other than some random text messages from people she liked, but she had been much more open to exploration.

"I have to pee," she told her friends. "I'll be back."

She walked towards the lobby and turned the corner to the hallway leading to the bathrooms. It was a long, paneled hallway with a couple of alcoves, one with a couple of desks where people could set up a laptop and work and the other was where payphones used to reside, now just a small table and chairs. When she passed the workstations, she saw him sitting in one of the chairs, talking on his phone. He looked over at her as she walked past and held up a finger, asking her to wait, making hand gestures that made it clear he was trying to out of whatever conversation he was having. She smiled back and paused.

He put his hand over the mouthpiece and said, "you're not leaving are you?"

"No, just a bathroom break," she replied, a hint of flirt in her voice.

"Good, I'm almost done." She moved on to the bathroom and he finished up his conversation.

As she was washing her hands, she looked at herself in the mirror. She looked better than she had in several years. She'd worked hard on her body and lost 40 pounds, returning almost to her ideal weight. She smiled at herself, happy with her outfit choice, a black blouse that with spaghetti straps and just the perfect amount of cleavage and cotton flowing pants, which accented her bum. Before she left the bathroom, she called me on the phone.

"He's here," she said flatly after I picked up.

"Who is?" I asked, slightly distracted by work.

"The guy I told you about last year. The one hitting on me?" she replied.

I was suddenly not distracted anymore. "Oh really?" I asked, "have you talked to him?" A smile spread on my face.

"Yeah, we've kind of been hanging out all night. He's definitely still into me. He's super flirty and touchy," she said. "I dunno, it's weird."

"I told you that you looked good babe!" I replied. "I'm not at all surprised."

"What should I do? I don't want to give him the wrong impression, but he's super fun to hang out with," she replied, a hint of tremor in her voice. "I think you should give him ALL the wrong impressions!" I joked, although some seriousness was there. I felt things stir below my waist at the thought of it.

"Oh boy," she said, "It's one of those nights for you is it?" I've been much more sexual than she is lately and she tolerates me.

"No, no, I'm just telling you to have fun. Nothing more. Call me later and tell me about your night," I said.

She laughed and said, "Oh brother. Ok love you" and disconnected the call.

She emerged from the bathroom and walked back down the hall. She had just reached the workstation area, he was still there. She lingered by the corner of the alcove and he held his finger up again, indicating for her to wait. She sat down in the next chair over and waited.

He wrapped up his call. "Okay, you too. Have a good weekend," and disconnected. He turned towards her and said, "my kids. I don't get to talk to them much so I try to answer when I can." He put the phone away. They both stood up, she started to walk back to the hallway, when she felt his hand, gently grab her wrist. She turned back towards him and he moved closer to her. He grabbed her gently by the back of the neck and pulled her closer still. "I should've done this last year," he said and moved in for a kiss.

At first she was surprised. Surprised at the brazenness and the suddenness of it all, but only briefly. She immediately returned the kiss, their tongues gently dancing in each other's mouths. She felt herself fall back against the wall, as he moved forward even closer. He let go of her wrist and moved his hand around her waist. She could feel the heat of his body through hers and she instinctively pulled him closer. She felt the tingling below her waist and could feel him start to get hard. They made out for what seemed like forever, but was only a minute or two. They broke the kiss, looked at each other with knowing eyes and tried to pull themselves together. They returned to the bar and set next to their friends, her girlfriend watching her every move, as if she already knew, her eyes twinkling.

They tried to do the small talk thing, but that ship had sailed. Other things were on their minds now.

Her friend leaned over and whispered, "everything ok?"

She just nodded. While he was ordering another round, she took the opportunity to shoot me a quick text.

"Well....we just made out" the message said.

I glanced at my phone and immediately shot to attention. I looked at the clock and only around f-10 minutes had gone by.

"That was fast, lol" I replied.

She sent me an evil face emoji. I responded with "Do I get more details?"

She replied quickly, "later. Still here."

Aww man, I thought to myself. I was way too turned on now. This was going to be a long night.

She returned to her surroundings and she left her phone open, silently passing it over to her friend to read our text exchange. After reading it, her friend looked at my girlfriend with raised eyebrows and handed the phone back. Not long after, the couple excused themselves to go upstairs.

My girlfriend and her new friend continued talking, but the sexual tension was only growing. The alcohol had freed them up even more and he wasn't even hiding the fact that he was touching her knee and leg. The stranger's touch felt good to her, gliding up and down the thin fabric. He would stare at her and take glances at her cleavage, whenever she though he wasn't looking. The bartender announced last call and was closing up the bar.

They paid their tab and moved out to the lobby, no real direction in mind. They paused at the elevator. She knew she had a decision to make, but also felt like that decision had already been made.

"What now?" he asked bluntly.

"I dunno," she replied, "I have wine in my room..." she said without really thinking.

"Sounds good to me," he responded and they moved into the elevator.

As they rode up alone, they began making out again, heavier than before, hands wandering. She felt his hands trace up the side of her torso, pausing only briefly before softly cupping her breast. Her hands wandered down his body and back up again. The elevator stopped and the door opened, not quite to their floor. A couple other people got in and they pretended to be normal. She tried to gather her thoughts. Between the alcohol and how fast things were moving, she needed a second. She pulled out her phone and sent me a quick text.

"I think something's going to happen. I need to make sure you're ok with this, because I might not be able to stop."

My reply came back quickly, "Have fun. Tell me about it tomorrow. I wish I could watch lol" And I followed it up with a heart emoji.

They arrived at her floor and exited the elevator. They walked down the hall towards her room, her leaning against him as they walked.

"Everything ok?" he asked.

"Yeah, I think so" she replied.

He continued, "Listen, this is happening fast. I know you have a boyfriend. We can stop. It's ok"

"It's not that," she replied. "We have an understanding and he's find. In fact, I've already told him."

"You told him?" he asked. "What did he say?"

They reached her door and she opened it with her key card. He held the door for her and she turned on some lights. She handed him her phone to read our text exchange.

"He likes to watch?" he asked. "Have you guys done this before?"

"We've done stuff, but we're usually together." She replied. "This is new...but yeah. That's his thing."

He handed the phone back to her and she opened the wine and poured it into the two glasses on the table. They clinked their glasses together and she moved to the window. She sipped her wine and stared out at the view of the city. She felt her move up behind her, wrapping his arms around her and kissing the side of her neck. She fell into it almost immediately, tilting her head to give him a better angle.

He whispered into her ear as they both looked out at the city. "You should let him watch then."

"What?" she asked.

"I can see your iPad right there. FaceTime him. Let him see. Let him watch me do this to you," and he continued kissing her neck. She was taken aback. Part of her was intrigued and part of her was mortified. Could she even do that? Wouldn't it ruin the mood? He didn't wait for her answer.

He walked over to the table and picked up her iPad, handing it to her. She hesitantly unlocked it, not sure now if she was going to actually call me or not. He moved in behind her again, pressing the icon for the FaceTime app. He ran his hands up her torso, grasping her breasts with both hands.

"I've never done this before and I want to. Call him. I can't wait much longer," he whispered.

Almost subconsciously, she hit my number and it started ringing.

It was late and I was asleep. I woke to the sound of a Facetime Call and grabbed my phone of the nightstand. At first, the image came in blurry, but I could make out a hotel room. I started to laugh, thinking she had drunk dialed me or something as there was nothing to see. Then, suddenly she came into view and she wasn't alone. I watched with baited breath as I realized what was happening.

She turned towards him and kissed him fully again on the mouth, his tongue reacting to hers, darting in and out. He put both his arms around her, sliding them down her back to her butt, pulling her closer. He kissed down her neck to her shoulder, sliding the spaghetti strap off of it, kissing all the way to the edge. She moaned slightly with pleasure. He really did feel good, her body pressed up against his.

I watched as she responded to his touch, his arms tracing the lines of her body, the strap of her blouse still hanging off her shoulder. I watched as she slid her hands around his torso, sliding them under his shirt and up his back. I immediately found myself aroused as I watched, snapping out of my daze of having just woken up.

He let her slid his shirt up over his body and then his head, him stopping his touching only to let the shirt come off and fall to the floor. She kissed his bare chest, his hands returning to her. He was in shape, abs showing, the slightest amount of chest hair visible. He pulled her face up towards his, again taking her mouth in his. He slid the other strap of her shirt over her shoulder and gently slid it down off her arms. She let him expose her breasts, one at a time as he knelt down in front of her. He slid her shirt down her body, all the way to the floor. He took her right breast into his mouth, his tongue dancing around her nipple. I heard her groan with pleasure and watched her hand move to his head, pulling him closer. She collapsed onto the edge of the bed. I watched as he pushed her back to the soft, white comforter as he leaned over her. They kissed again, deeply and passionately, her hands grasping at his bare back.

He kissed down her neck and then her collarbone. He continued kissing and gently licking her body as he moved first to one breast, then the other. He traced her stomach this his mouth, moving lower and lower. I saw his hands move to her breasts, gently caressing and squeezing them before sliding them down. They found the waist of her pants and gently tugged. I watched him loosen the drawstring with his teeth, her lifting her hips slightly to help him slide them down. He pulled them slowly down her legs, as he kissed the inside of her thigh. She had not opted for underwear tonight and he was clearly and happily surprised. He slid the pants off her ankles and slid them back up her legs, spreading them just slightly. He looked up her body at her and their eyes met, before he moved his tongue up her inner thigh, dancing around her opening. Her head fell back against the bed as she pulled his head closer. His tongue danced around her opening, before tracing the slit to her clit. She gasped and he slowly moved his fingers inside her. She gasped again. He felt her wetness surround his fingers as he pushed in and pulled back out again with one hand, pinning her stomach down with the other and flick her with his tongue. He curled his fingers around to her G-spot and she cried out approvingly. She pulled his head in closer and grinded her hips. She moved one of her hands up to her own breast and squeezed it, her nipples hardening.

He continued to finger her, gently but with energy and lust. I watched her back arch as he licked her, still fondling her breast as he attended to her. I could almost taste her myself and watching her was more than I hoped.

He was in deep now, curling his fingers, touching every part of her inside and she began to moan more heavily. I could tell she was close to climaxing.

He could too as he pressed his tongue against her quivering body. Suddenly, her body rocked, an intense orgasm shaking her body from head to toe. He withdrew his fingers, still glistening from her wetness. She lay there catching her breath. He walked over to take a sip of wine, letting her recover. She looked over at the iPad, looking straight at me, as she recovered.

He lay down next to her, sliding up next to her body, still shirtless with his jeans on. He kissed her again. She doesn't usually enjoy kissing atter oral, but she didn't pull away. I watched as she slid her finger down his chest and abs, touching him gently. As they continued to kiss, her hand moved down towards his waist. She slid her hand down to his crotch, feeling the bulge that was still inside. She started to undo his belt and sat up to use both hands. She got it loose, before unbuttoning his button and unzipping his zipper. He was clearly hard and enjoying himself.

Working together, they got his jeans to the floor, leaving him in his black boxers, a clear hard-on evident. She reached under his waistband and slid them down, his erection popping free. She didn't hesitate and took it into her mouth, slowly at first. She licked down the full length of the shaft, a full eight inches if I had to guess. She took him back into her mouth, slowly. She sucked on him and he groaned with desire. She stroked him and swallowed him, each time moving further down.

He couldn't take it anymore. He pulled himself from her mouth and moved over hear. She collapsed back on the bed, opening herself to him, still wet from before. He slid into her with ease, slowly at first. Her eyes and head rolled back as he slid in and out of her, his cock going deeper and deeper each time. They both began to gasp and cry out with each thrust, the sounds of their escapades driving me even more wild and I began to stroke myself. He pulled out of her and not so gently flipped her over on to her hands and knees...her favorite position. He got behind her and entered from behind. She screamed with pleasure, trying to mute herself with the nearby pillow. He grabbed her hips with both hands as she reached down to rub her own clit. He drove his cock in and out of her, not forcefully but with deep, passionate thrusts. She continued to touch herself, moving herself closer and closer. He was panting and sweating and she was shimmering with sexual release. He pressed into her, going as deep as he could go as she cried out with pleasure.

She pushed herself into him as he started pumping harder and faster. He was getting close, I could tell. So was I. I watched through the screen as another orgasm washed over hear. She cried out as he started to fuck her harder and harder. Still with both hand on her hips as she quivered in ecstasy, his cock going in and out of her. He grunted as he gave one final thrust before pulling out and coming onto her lower back and ass. He collapsed on the bed next to her while she lay on her stomach. I couldn't take it anymore and finished myself off, not believing what I just witnessed.

After a moment, she got up and went into the bathroom. I heard the shower start. He lay there for a minute, before looking over at the iPad and smiling.

He left it on and walked off camera. I'm sure I heard him get into the shower with her, before I logged off.

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The author of this story: haz20037

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