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SME : Small/Medium Enterprise

written by:
Jo Jo

SME : Small/Medium Enterprise.

FOR DAVE, THE LOONY SCANDINAVIAN with the fabulous big erections that he shows us!

In the 1990's I was briefly at Derby University studying Business Studies. I only lasted six months there, but hey I did go back to Uni and I got that degree, twenty odd years later!

Not long after I started at University, I was sitting in the students union bar, knocking back pints of cider with a very good looking, but painfully shy lad called Marc, who was from my hometown and whom I knew from my sixth form college. Marc didn't have a girlfriend either back home or at uni. In fact, as far as I knew he had never had a girlfriend up to then, so I reasoned that he might still be a virgin. know ...he might have had a one night stand or something. Who knows?

Anyway, he and I were vaguely talking about sex. I went on to speculate that a lot of the lads would be lonely away from home and they might consider a wank off or a blow job NOT to be really cheating on their girlfriends back home and they'd probably pay money for this service. This presented a business opportunity. He kind of agreed there would be a market for it but who would be willing to provide such a service? Well who indeed? Some sort of money orientated, hedonistic, amoral trollop was required.

Now, I was - for my age - quite experienced, I guess. I was 18, I'd fucked some ten to twelve lads/ men and god knows how many girls (boarding school!). I had also been spending far too much money on drinking, clubbing etc and takeaway food. I'd splurged outrageous amounts of cash and my family had absolutely refused to sub me any further. My overdraft at the bank was at situation critical!

Marc and I had two or three more ciders, then I got my folder out and put pen and paper on our table. I mused that I, personally, would be willing to wank a lad off for say £10, so I wrote that down on our tariff sheet.

As far as I recall this was the menu:

£10 wank (with me clothed)

£15 wank (with me topless)

Marc asked if that would include coming ON my tits. I said that it would if the client cleaned up after himself.

Note to self: get some baby wipes.

£20 for a tit-wank. From what a LOT of guys had said to me in the past, this was likely to be a big seller. (WORLD class tits)

Hmm ....I thought.... £30 for a blowjob? I asked Marc did he think that reasonable? He did. He did, if I swallowed. I told him I didn't swallow ANYWAY, and yes, I was generally a spitter back then, given the choice.

So, on to the actual SHAGGING: OO er! Would I ? COULD I ? Shag for money? I started to feel a little bit nervy about that element.

I decided that if I was to keep my clothes on and not get in a mess, then I could get several wanks done in quick succession - fast moving consumer goods as it were ! I'd make £50 in an evening, easy. A lot of money in those days (£120+ equivalent now)


Was I actually going to do this?

Well... it did seem like quite a good idea, all told and wouldn't you know it my first customer DID seem to be already lined up!

So, a fuck: how MUCH for a FUCK ? £100 would be cool - from MY point of view - but I didn't imagine there would be many of the lads who could actually fund that. I decided to reserve that £100 price tag for a threesome!! So,either .. some lad and his girlfriend and me, or even two lads doing me. Spit roasting me. DP'ing me. £100. Same price £100 went for ANAL, I wrote this down.

Marc asked me if I liked anal. I shrugged.

"Sure" I said "..when I'm in the mood. And I would l be WELL in the mood for a hundred quid !"

Marc laughed.

So then straight shag - with me naked, obviously, was priced at £50. Fifty quid. A bargain for shagging a KILLER body such as mine, but still affordable to humble students stuffed with birthday or Christmas cash, or even those careful folks who were still in possession of some of their grant.

So I needed some way of getting people booked in. This was the VERY early days of mobile phones - there was no texting - and there weren't any fixed line phones in our rooms at the halls of residence; we just had the lobby payphones. Marc cleverly came up with the idea of me handing out leaflets with my tariff, along with some very detailed instructions.

People were instructed to enter their names on a sheet pinned to my block's notice board. The sheet was ostensibly offering my assistance to other students with their studies. If they wanted a blow job, then the tuition subject was "French". If they wanted a hand job, they wrote "handicraft". I seem to remember an actual shag was termed "practical" for some obscure reason.

We finished our drinks whilst Marc still had some cash left! He was going to be my first customer after all, so we adjourned to my room. There was an embarrassed silence before he produced a ten pound note and said it was the wank he was after.

Well - it was all, frankly, he could afford.

Marc very shyly took off his T shirt and unbuttoned his cargo shorts. His underpants were a bit shabby, but there was definitely something major going on inside them. He kicked off his pumps/shoes. I was applying some hand cream to my hands to make them feel nice and soft on his cock. Finally he pulled his pants down and off.

Marc had a very nice body and - wow - these massive balls! My GOD ! His cock was rather short but it was also very, VERY wide.

"I haven't got a very big cock!" he complained.

"It doesn't matter to ME" I replied "and you DO have a lot of GIRTH! In fact, I might struggle to get my hand around it!"

I knelt down in front of him.

I reached and cupped his massive bollocks with my left hand, wrapping my right firmly around the middle of his bulky shaft. It was true that my fingertips barely met around it. As I write, I have just got the tape measure out of my sewing kit for the purposes of estimation and I reckon it was NINE INCHES in circumference - by about six inches long.

Marc shivered at my touch.

I looked up at him.

"You okay?" I asked "Am I gripping too hard?"

He shook his head. My hand moved steadily back and forth, gripping him half way down his thick shaft.

"Perfect!" he whispered.

"As good as other girls who've wanked you off?" I probed

"No one has ever wanked me off!" he announced, bitterly.

"So are you a virgin?" I asked

"Well,.obviously!" he said, laughing

"OOH... well.. just - ENJOY then !" I cooed and entered happily into my task.

It was perhaps ten or twelve minutes since we started the wank. I thought he would have shot his load almost immediately, but no, he held onto it and I didn't feel any early warning signs such as his balls contracting up or anything.

There were little OOHs.

"Feel good?" I grinned "You going to come for me?" I asked, licking my lips

I felt it was only right to tell him that I actually WANTED him to come.

"Not yet" he murmured. He complained!

I continued pumping away, eventually moving my hand on up the shaft to grip it round the knob instead.

He seemed to be getting a little frustrated at not having ejaculated.

"Freebie!" I smiled up at him and, continuing to pump away I placed my open mouth over the head of his cock.

"Oh my GOD that feels FANTASTIC!" he enthused

I was wearing what I think we called a gypsy top back then. A ruffled, cotton thing, white and off the shoulder. I didn't have a bra on. Despite the size of my tits, they were firm enough to not need any support..

With my free hand I pulled the top down to around my waist.

"Look!" I teased.

He had had his eyes closed but they snapped back open and he drank in the sight of my bare breasts, with their very, very large and extremely erect nipples.

"Oh my god, they're gorgeous!" he enthused.

I nodded and sucked his cock for him. Despite his toes clenching and unclenching and subtle movements of his hips which were (unconsciously) pushing more of his cock into my mouth, I still didn't feel like he was going to come. I think he was one of these guys who get nervous about ejaculating and then they just can't. As he was a self confessed virgin, I suppose it was understandable and as no one had ever sucked his cock before, perhaps he was a little reluctant to come in my mouth? What do you think?

"Is this turning YOU on?" he asked me

I nodded and took his cock out of my mouth to speak

"Well, yes. I've got a wet fanny now!" (In the UK vaginal sense of fanny) "I DO like your cock!"

With my spare hand I unbuttoned my jeans and pulled down the zip. They were THAT fucking tight I had no chance of wriggling out of them without him noticing. And notice, he did. I stood up, let go of his cock and balls and pulled the gypsy top over my head. I then pulled the jeans down and off and finally got out of my knickers.

"Have you given up now?" he asked, rather crestfallen, despite the fact that I was now naked!

"NO, I have NOT !" I laughed "I want you to lie on the bed, Marc ....because .... I NOW going.. to.. FUCK you!"

"Oh my GOD!" he said quietly and he duly did as he'd been told and went and lay on his back on my narrow bed.

I got onto the bed, climbed astride him, and I was masturbating.

I'm not shy.

"I'm not quite wet enough" I explained "SO, I'm having to .....ooh! have a little rub. This is my clitoris here, look !"

I had yet to invest in KY jelly (and condoms) for my new business venture so I had to rely on natural lubrication for the time being.

I pulled all my labia apart to show him.

Training manual.

"It's VERY sensitive, the clitoris" I explained.

He nodded and gulped. He was also wanking, and I saw no suggestion that he even KNEW he was wanking , he had just reached for his own cock and started stroking it.

"Do you fancy having a little.... lick?" I suggested and without waiting for a definitive answer from him, I moved on up the bed to present my lady bits to him up very close and very, very personal.

"Oh my" said a little voice from underneath me.

"The HOLE is here at the bottom" I demonstrated it's precise location by sticking my finger up there. I retrieved it, and despite my earlier false claim, I WAS wet enough. I just wanted my virgin boy to go down on me and it would be to his benefit - with the ladies - in future, if he knew how to do it.

I offered my wet finger to his mouth.

He'd got a very sensuous mouth.

"Here, have a little taste" I suggested "see if you... like it!"

He sucked my finger and nodded in appreciation.

"Wow" he said "HEADY!"

"Okay" I grinned wickedly "tongue up there then!"

I sat full on his face and his large tongue slipped up inside me.

A virgin boy licking my pussy out for me! WOW !

Although I was gently rubbing away at my clit, I didn't want to come yet. I wanted to ride that FAT cock of his and in the absence of condoms (I'd used all my stock of prophylactics on the previous weekend at a third year party) it was going have to be bareback. Correspondingly, I wanted him to come his load, to empty those big balls out, up inside of me.

I got him to hold his cock steady as I sat down onto it. Fuck, it felt big! Such girth! It filled me up and I CAN take big cocks, I have the room! I took his hands up and filled them with my tits. I moulded his hands to squeeze them. I formed his fingers around my erect nipples, to pull on them.

My very, very wet cunt was moving up and down on his erection, slowly then quickly, shallow then deep. I'd only been sat on him for five minutes max and I could feel I was going to come. I tried to hold it off but to no avail. I slowed.

"I'm COMING!" I sobbed.

My cunt muscles gripped him like a vice as I spasmed for what seemed like ages. He had still got hold of my tits.

Eventually I slumped forward onto his chest and I snogged him fiercely.

Marc still hadn't come.

I climbed off him.

I decided to suggest that he wank himself off over my tits. I figured that, with his own, familiar hand at the helm, those huge testicles of his might at last give up their contents.

He pumped away for me, I repeatedly told him that I wanted him to come all over me. I massaged his balls as he wanked his cock. I sensed he was about to shoot, so I gathered my breasts together to present an attractive target.

Marc grunted and his face became very flushed as he ejaculated all over me: my tits, my face, it went everywhere. There was loads! I have read somewhere that men with big testicles produce more sperm, which seems logical enough, I suppose. He produced, I swear, about TEN spurts of thick white sperm, coating my big breasts and I rubbed it all in, creating a sort of shiny, glossy varnish-like effect. Finally I sucked the end, extracting just the last dribbles. Then I smiled up at him with my glistening semen-lip gloss..

As we recovered, I suggested to him that he NOT pay me the £10 in cash, but rather that he go out shopping the next morning for me, and obtain a variety of condoms, some KY jelly for my bottom and a few other other items for the business.


In the following days a few additional names and dates appeared on that notice board list, but all of them were for the week after or beyond then. Presumably this was for financial reasons. People were saving up.

On the Sunday morning about ten a.m. , there was an unexpected knock on my door. I got out of bed, rather hung over and I opened it. Standing there holding a copy of my price list was the University's senior lecturer in sport, whose name was Carl or Karl something. I felt he was probably there in an official capacity.

"Oh shit!"

"Joanne!" he started "Can I come in please? I really do need to speak with you"

I looked nervously at the piece of paper in his hand and let him pass me and enter my room.

I closed the door after him.

"Umm....yes?" I began

"This ... price list ..etc. Yours?" he asked.

Carl/Karl was not British, possibly originally Italian or something.

He was absolutely fucking GORGEOUS by the way. Your typical sporty teacher/lecturer. Permanent stubble, permanent track suit. He was six foot and he was built.

"Er.... The staff were NOT supposed to get sight of that! " I said "I'm ..just ...trying to get some money back, I've ticked up a lot of debt already here! I will have to leave if I don't claw some money back " I went on

"I see" he said, gently. "and so these ...are just for students?"

I didn't catch on for a moment.

As I said, I was rather hung over.

"It's aimed, yes, at..Students, of course - who else? Oh! Now I see what you're asking!"

He grinned broadly. He unzipped his tracksuit jacket pocket and produced a roll of ten pound notes in a rubber band.

He offered it to me.

"Have you um ..SIGNED in?" I asked him, smiling.

"No, I came in person. A man ...seeking a willing... female... bottom!?"

"OOH!" I said "First customer for my bottom!" I giggled

"The first... EVER?" he probed, as it were.

"Oh good god NO! Just the first for this particular...enterprise" I clarified for him

"So is that a YES then?" he asked

"Yeah, sure!" I smiled and then took off the oversized Minnie Mouse tee shirt I had been sleeping in, over my head.

"Jesus!" he said "My god, you're absolutely GORGEOUS!"

I was painted at this age, see 5MT14 Really big tits, as you can see. See also http://erofiles.freeweb and re.jpg

"Thank you!" I grinned and I promptly turned my back to him and bent over slightly "You like?"

Carl/Karl dropped to his knees behind me and using his thumbs gently parted my buttocks.

Cheeky bugger. Pun intended.

"Oh my god - you've got a GORGEOUS arse!" he enthused, then he continued "Does this ..service of yours include kissing?"

"If you've got the VIP package, it does" I said

"And have-" he began, before he was silenced by being snogged, this 34 year old gym hardened piece of beefcake snogged by a voluptuous and naked 18 year old.

"Mmmm" he moaned as my tongue eagerly probed his mouth.

He grabbed my tits as I cupped his crotch. I squeezed. I could feel how immensely hard he was. Big as well, it felt like.

He broke off the kiss.

"Lie on the bed " he commanded "and spread your legs, because I'm going to go down on you"

I went to my bed and lay down, with my legs as wide apart as I could get them.

"Don't forget my bottom, Sir" I told him

"SIR?" he said, amazed "Don't call me SIR! Call me Carl!"

"I WANT to call you ‘SIR'", I said. "It turns me on!" I explained and BOY did it?

Yeah it did.

He knelt by my bed and he went straight down on me. OH, he was very expert with his tongue. Yummy, he started with his tongue in the hole then moved up, spreading my labia with the tip of his tongue and finally devouring my engorged clitoris.

I was moaning and threshing about and grabbing his lovely glossy dark hair as he licked me out, he sensed that I was going to come - which I was - and he dipped underneath to tongue my arse. I groaned and reached underneath to pull my cheeks apart for him. I'd have liked to have flipped over to give him better access to my bum but he wanted me as I was. He'd got a finger up my cunt as he rimmed me.

Eventually, he did tell me to get on all fours for him. The floor seemed the most stable arena for this. I opened a drawer and handed him my tube of KY jelly. It hadn't been used yet. He did the necessary with the cap and everything and then coated two of his fingers with the lube.

I have to say I absolutely LOVE the trepidation when I'm being lubed up prior to getting a big cock shoved up my arse. I was there with my bum in the air and my face in the (smelly) carpet. I was moaning and groaning a bit so he asked me if he was hurting me.

"NO, Sir" I replied emphatically "I'm fucking loving it, to be perfectly honest!"

I asked him to use a condom for this, which was obviously advisable whatever hole he was going in, given I would be getting through a few cocks. More than usual. I certainly didn't want any STDs and if I was going to suck him off to finish then I wouldn't be offering that right after his cock had been up my bum.

Carl took off his tracksuit jacket, he'd got a sort of gym vest on underneath. He was ripped and dark and hairy. He took the gym vest off, and then his tracksuit bottoms. He'd got nice black Calvin Klein briefs on and he was very, VERY hard inside them. Finally he pulled them off and I got a look at his junk. He was gorgeous: lovely cock, very long, straight, reasonable girth, nice balls, lovely skin, all very tidy but not waxed or shaved like guys are now. All in all, a MAGNIFICENT body and cock and balls.

I handed him a condom and he rolled it on and then smeared gel all over the end of his cock. I kept my bum in the air and I felt him arrive at my arse, I felt the "point" of it there. I kind of got the impression he was a bit inexperienced at anal.

"Just PUSH, Sir!" I told him "Push on through. I won't break!"


Then , he was through my ringpiece and inside me.

"Fuck me!" I told him "Harder, Sir!"

He had started off a bit tentatively but I was encouraging him to give it some welly (as we say in UK).

There was more:

"Spank me Sir" I said

He spanked. Gently.

"HARDER!" I told him

Before long , under the instruction of this eighteen year old courtesan, Carl was grabbing me round the waist to pull me back right onto his cock and reddening up my gorgeous arse with a vigorous spanking whilst I wanked myself off underneath. I nearly came, far too quickly, but I stopped and waited.

"Oh shit, I'm going to come!" he announced.

"Do you want to come up my bum? Or I can suck you off, sir?"

He answered by gently withdrawing his cock from deep in my arsehole and whipping the condom off with a snap.

"Sit on the bed " I said.

He sat. I knelt in front of him and licked and sucked his lovely heavy balls to start with. He groaned and his shaft twitched in my hand as I held it. I finally took the head into my mouth, I was only sucking for perhaps one minute before he came. He gently stroked my head, my hair, but I suspected he was encouraging me not to take his cock out of my mouth, he wanted me to swallow it. Although I didn't generally swallow back then, I tended to stop and wank guys off, over my tits. He wouldn't have known this unless he'd spoken to someone who I'd sucked off. It was a possibility.

I decided that I would swallow for Carl, just because he was SO gorgeous. He ejaculated with a loud groan. I hoped that no one was walking past to hear us. He didn't erupt to the extent Marc had done, with his massive testicles, but certainly there was plenty for me to gobble down, hot and thick and creamy. Yummy!

I told him I hadn't come yet and he got me back on the bed to again go down on me. I have to say it was the best oral sex I had ever received - from a man at least - at that time. I absolutely blew my stack! . When he'd finished, the whole lower part of his face was covered in my goo.

We finally snuggled up for a bit, we were that comfortable together.

"Tell me something about you" he said

"I am ....bisexual!" I admitted

This piqued his interest and accordingly he was immediately half hard again.

"Really?" he asked

I told him a little about my time boarding school and all the many,many girls I'd taken to my bed and all the horny young nuns who'd eaten me out! He had me tell him all about my most beautiful female lover and how she had seduced me. He unashamedly wanked himself as he listened to me. I wanted to jump on him but if I had, then I'd have wanted him up me, with no condom on, so I didn't. I just clamped my mouth over the end as he came and again swallowed all he had to give.

This was not my last encounter with SIR.

The second time he came to see me it was for a straight fuck, as in my pussy but he also had a proposal. He showed me a polaroid of his girlfriend "Shar" - I assume Charlotte or Sharon. It was a nude photo. She was an absolute beauty with long auburn hair and with her legs wide open so I could see her shaved little pussy, quite unusual in those days. Gorgeous little puss. Very tidy little slot - not like my luxurious labia. She'd got gorgeous pert , pointy breasts, but they were quite big. The proposal was that I come over to their place and have a threesome with them. I priced this at £500, this to include staying the night with them.

This will form a separate story but I will tell you it was hot and horny!


So the third episode that I will include here is concerning Dave and Daaren. Yes Daaren with 2 a's. Just a gimmick I suppose. They were identical twins and one year above me. Rumour had it they lked group sex with other sets of twins if they could find them, or with sisters - or with one single girl. They must have been struggling to find someone to play with, but then again they always had loads of cash from the modelling which they did. They were underwear models. So, I was quite pleased and excited when the entry came on my board for Dave & Daaren: Practical.

At the appointed time there was a knock on my door.

I'd put some really gorgeous black underwear on, complete with stockings and suspenders. They seemed impressed, anyway as I opened the door to them. They were both about my height, gym hardened, dark blonde and really virtually identical. Very very good looking guys. Both of them. It seemed ridiculous that they were paying for sex, but hey, who was I to argue? I was going to get double teamed and also paid £100 for the privilege. The lads had had a couple of drinks beforehand it seemed and they were, quite frankly, straight on me like a rash. The first one (No 1) started kissing me whilst the other one (No 2) went round the back to start undoing all the many fastenings of my basque. Once he'd freed my big breasts, (No 2) filled his hands with them and (No 1) started sucking on a nipple. I craned my neck to kiss (No 2) who was still kind .of behind me. My heart was pounding out of my chest. It wasn't my first M/M/F threesome but it had been a long time - in fact it was back at boarding school with the caretaker's two sons. I reached behind me and grabbed (No 2)'s cock through his jeans, he was really hard and felt quite big. (No 1) undid his jeans and took them off quickly followed by his pants and he took my other hand and wrapped it round his cock. He was also big and beautiful! I abandoned (No 2)'s hard on and dropped to my knees in front of ( 1) to give his beautiful cock a suck. I managed to roll the foreskin back and gently massaged his hairy ball sack which felt pleasantly full. I devoured the head of his cock and behind me felt (No 2) starting to take my knickers off. I moved my body to allow him better access, and once he had he slipped two fingers into my cunt from behind. A thumb gently probed my bottom, simultaneously. No prizes for guessing what these boys had in mind !

(No 2) came round and replaced (No 1)'s cock with his, in my mouth. I wanked (No 1) as I sucked (No 2), quite gently, I didn't want him to come yet.

Finally I emptied my mouth of his penis and asked

"Did you both want me at the same time - is that what you had in mind ? One of you up my bum?"

They looked at each other then me and nodded and smiled.

They had brought condoms with them, I'm happy to say, so as not to deplete my own stocks too much.

We finally got ourselves arranged with (No 1) lying on the floor. I sat down onto him, impaling myself on his perfect erection. (No 2) moved up behind me and took the lube I have given him, to grease my bum for me. I shivered at the intrusion, whilst also loving it. He seemed more confident fucking my bottom than had the much older Carl. He took his cock, with condom, which he had also lubricated up and deftly pushed on through. Oh my god I felt so full! We then had to get synchronised and they kind of took the lead on this, with (No 1)'s cock going into my pussy on (No 2)'s outstroke in my bum. My tits were getting manhandled, sucked and bitten: they were literally covered in lovebites. There was the odd snatched kiss, and I came, OH BOY I came - I came so hard! It was all over far too soon, really.

We had another go afterwards with them "spit roasting" me, one of them fucking my pussy, doggy style whilst I sucked the other off, then they swapped places. This was - you know- nice - but it paled in comparison to the Double Penetration earlier.


A dry or so after the twins, the name of a lad I really fancied, Ewan, appeared on the list, also wanting "practical". I was quite looking forward to this. When the knock came it brought with it rather a surprise. Not MY Ewan, but my Ewan's dad, who was also called Ewan. They shared genetic good looks but Ewan senior who was perhaps four inches taller than his pride and joy must have been at least sixty. I mean Ewan junior was, I think 25, so Ewan senior must have sired him at forty or so.

We exchanged pleasantries and I expressed my surprise, but Ewan Sr explained it was he who had found the mailer in Ewan Jr's jacket and it was he, Ewan Sr who could afford this. Ewan Jr could only afford it if Ewan Sr was paying - and if Ewan Sr was paying - then Ewan Sr was claiming the goodies.

Fair enough.

Now Ewan Sr's wife had been off the scene for some years - I knew this - and Ewan Sr had been on his own ever since, he had admitted as much. Once we'd had these conversations, Ewan Sr began slowly to undress. He'd got a very good body for a pensioner, I have to say. Very toned. Once he took his pants off I was even more impressed. Ewan Sr's cock was lying along his thigh. It was six inches long and the girth was as per if I made an O with my thumb and forefinger -but - it was nowhere near hard. He was lying on my narrow bed and I stripped down to my black wonderbra and lycra thong. I knelt and took the head of his cock into my mouth. He groaned, throatily as I sucked on him. He might have had NO sex at all - for years - for all I knew. He was loving it. I moved down underneath to take his scrotum into my mouth, licking between his balls. Finally I mouthed my way up the underside of his cock sucking licking - nipping. I had my blissful eyes closed throughout, as I moved up and up and up , and up his cock. Finally when I got to the top, I did open my eyes, and was presented with the (now supremely erect) biggest cock I had EVER seen. Now, yes I know I was but eighteen, but I had shagged a lot of guys. No one I had been with had ever come close to this kind of size. He actually seemed a little embarrassed about it but he did admit when asked that he was 10 ½ to 11 inches long! The girth was such that I could not close my fingers round it. It turned out he'd take some sort of pills - fu fu pills he called them, this was, I think long before Viagra was about, but he had taken some sort of hardener medication , he said. Ewan Sr told me he had had a vasectomy and asked me if it was necessary for us to use a condom. I said I insisted on condoms as good practice, and I didn't want to have to start making exceptions. I also told him that if I was to make an exception regarding the condom, then it would be £100 for the shag and not £50. Ewan Sr was more than happy with this arrangement as he was a wealthy man - and a wealthy man who hadn't had sex for YEARS to boot!

I told Ewan Sr that I'd need to be very wet before I could take a cock of his size. He took my thong off and laid me out on the bed and then he went down on me. OH boy! He'd not forgotten how! He was, if anything, even better than Carl. He was doing the alphabet thing or whatever he was doing down there, his skilled tongue slipping in and out of my cunt hole and caressing my horny clit. He had his hands round my thighs, grabbing my stocking tops and he had to hold me down. Finally I had to tell him to stop or I'd come (too soon) and I moved to all fours for him to fuck me doggy style. OH MY GOD when he pushed it into me!

"OH FUCK YOU'RE SOOO FUCKING BIG!" I groaned and he was, absolutely fucking massive and so HARD !

Ewan had me round the waist with one hand, pulling me back into his groin, his other hand was spreading my buttocks so he could achieve really deep penetration - not that he needed to worry that, what with the length of him! It felt like the head was inside my cervix! Once I started pushing my arse back into his groin , he let go of my waist and reached underneath to forcefully knead my breasts, really pulling hard on the nipple.

Once he got going - wow! He was going really hard and really fast and what I like to call "slam dunk" this involves the guy pulling his almost out of me, relatively slowly, then smashing it all the way back in, more quickly. This makes me come. He made me come in about five minutes flat. My juices were dribbling don my thighs as he powered in and out of me until finally his rhythm faltered and with a guttural cry he ejaculated deep up inside me. I made him stay inside me until his erection had died down a bit and he slipped out. I turned round to kiss him, I snogged his face off in fact.

That was the beginning of a very lucrative "contract" for me, I saw Ewan Sr every week and vey soon after started seeing Ewan jr as well. I regret to report that we never had threesome, that would have been nice but they were not comfortable with it.

I carried on with my enterprise making £5,000 or so (allowing for inflation, about twice that now)

I will follow up with the story about Carl, Shar and I when I get time.

Jo xxx

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The author of this story: Jo Jo

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