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I had wanted to see my wife with another man for years but my suggestions, asking, pleading and begging had gone unaccepted. Well, I never did actually beg but it came pretty close to me begging. In fact, my wife seemed to think that I was somehow less of a man because I had this perverted (her word, not mine) obsession. Because of this she not only refused but she often would belittle me if I brought up my fantasy.

My wife of nearly thirty years, Linda, has worked for a small company that buys large quantities of cheap merchandise from overseas and then divides it into smaller parcels and resells it to small shops and stores across the country. My wife has worked there as an office manager for over twenty years. She has helped the owner grow the company. She has enjoyed her tenure there because of the laid back environment.

Recently the owner has hired his son-in-law, Robert, as the general manager. His son-in-law had recently graduated from a well-known university. Since he is in his early forties, I do not know if he started college late or if he was on the 20-25 year, study at your own pace, plan. He had almost no business sense. At least my wife claimed that he had no idea how to run his father-in-law's business. The owner seemed to have blinders on and did not seem to notice or care. At first, Linda would come home and complain profusely about his plans for the business but over time her complaints stopped and she actually became his supporter as he implemented computer programs that not only increased the number of orders they could ship in one day but they could track each order and search inventory at the touch of a button.

I was thankful her job had become less stressful for her but it was about this time when I began to notice other things. After knowing someone for thirty years, you can sense many things if you are paying attention. I may look like a stereotypical middle class, old, married man but it is a hobby, or you might call it a quirk, of mine to watch and try and read the little tells people give off. This is not something I brag about. First, most people do not care and if I told them they would think I was a nutcase, playing psychological head games. What I do use it for most often, is to try and determine when my wife will be in a romantic mood, before she knows she will be in a romantic mood. It has given me mixed results but I continue to play the game. It's not like her being in a romantic mood has happened very often lately.

As I mentioned, I began to notice little things that did not seem to add up. There were times she would snap at me for almost no reason. There were times she acted like she wanted to kill me with sex. Those two things could be explained away as a symptom of her menopause, which would likely happen in the near future. The tell that began to worry me was that when I mentioned my desire to share her, she not only became angry with me, she also had an all new set of reasons why what I wanted was wrong and perverted. Again, her choice of words, not mine. Since even before we were married, I would sometimes mention my fantasy, when we were having sex and sometimes she would actually humor me and play along. Over the years we knew each other's position and her refusal could be something as simple as her saying that it was not going to happen in my life time. Her new set of reasons told me that either someone had given her a new set of reasons or she had researched the subject and developed a different attitude.

Linda does not use the computer at home. She spends most of her day on the computer at work and she practically refuses to use our home computer. It is just easier for me to check the bank balances because she will resist using the computer to check them herself. So the chances that she researched the subject were pretty slim. I knew she could not have done the research at work because the company owner was a stickler for not using the company computer for anything but business. She could not even check her emails on company time.

That left the other possibility, that someone had given her a new perspective and a new set of reasons to not give me what I had wanted for most of my marriage. I could not imagine her sharing my fantasies with any of the women that she worked with. What turned me on was no one else's business. The fact that about the same time, she started acting like it was a chore for us to make love, told me that something was definitely going on, and I probably would not approve of it.

I was watching her like a hawk and within a day or two I was able to install a tracking program on her cell phone. I actually paid for this program rather than just downloading something off of the Internet. I ran into my first problem when I went to download the program onto her phone and she had changed the password. We had used the same password since we purchased our first cell phones, something like twenty years ago. I know that she has an almost irrational fear of forgetting a password, so she keeps a small notebook in her purse and writes down each new password. She had used the same password for her phone since they had become password protected but other sites that she used at work, and the bank etc., required a new password periodically, so she kept track of them in her little book.

I checked her purse after she had gone to sleep and there were the usual entries for the various web sites she normally used but the latest entry was a series of numbers, it was not labeled but when I punched the numbers into her phone, it unlocked. I quickly installed the app and replaced her phone in her purse. I could search her texts and other activities from my phone or home computer later.

It was after work the next day before I could check her texts. I was shocked by what I read. Her new boss, Robert had been texting her for the past few weeks. It was obvious that he was trying to seduce her but it was also obvious that she was being receptive to his advances. From what I read, nothing serious had happened yet. Their texts made it plain that they both knew that the owner would not condone an office affair.

I was hurt and angry at the same time. That is not a good combination for anyone. It is easy to make a serious mistake when you respond in anger. I don't mean a mistake that might cause a divorce, although that could also happen. I was angry enough that I was worried that I could make a mistake that landed me in jail for a long time. I wanted to have a drink, actually several drinks but now was not the time. I chose a hot calming tea. My wife came into the kitchen while I was brewing the tea and asked the question, "When did you become a tea drinker?" I resisted telling her that it was just since I learned that she was well on her way to having an affair with her boss.

The tea actually helped and I calmed down long enough to get into damage control mode. I was able to transfer most of the money from our joint accounts into an account that was in my name only. Yes, I took over half of the money. Someone was trying to take what was mine and I was not going to let him benefit from doing so. If we ended up in divorce court I could refund any balance due her. I went ahead and changed all the passwords but Linda never checked the bank accounts and if she did purchase something, she would usually use her personal credit card and then when the bill came in, she would hand it to me to pay. I always paid it because until now, there was no reason not to.

The next morning the first call I made was to my Dad and I asked him to come into the office. Over the past few years he had developed a more relaxed part in the management of the company. For all intents and purposes I was the man in charge but he was the man with his name on the office door.

I went to his office when I got there. I was half an hour early and he was waiting for me. When I questioned him he told me that he knew it was important if I had called and asked for his help. When I told him what I knew, he just chuckled. I was dead serious and it began to piss me off that he was laughing at my problems.

He waved his hand and sort of apologized, saying that he would explain. Probably as part of his apology, he asked if I wanted coffee and went to get us each a cup. That is significant because I do not ever recall him getting me the cup of coffee. It had always been me getting coffee for him.

After we each had a cup of coffee he sympathized saying that he was sorry for what I was going through but at least I would not be hurt financially. That is what I was worried about. I was afraid a divorce could end up with her getting all or part of the company. I was afraid that I would end up making payments on the house and she and her lover would be living there. Heck, I was afraid that I would end up paying her alimony since I made significantly more than she did.

That is what had caused my Dad to laugh. My mother had cheated on him years ago and although they had reconciled, he never completely trusted her or for that matter, he never completely trusted anyone else. I learned that the business was a family business and someday I would inherit everything but currently it was part of the family trust and I had no ownership. My house had been deeded to me well before our marriage and he had always counseled me to never mortgage my home. I had never taken a loan on the property, so the house would be mine since I owned it before the marriage.

I had always thought that my dad was just being cheap because he paid me a wage that was substantially less than many of the workers. My car and my wife's car were both owned by the company. The list went on but you get the idea, my dad had been protecting me in case something like this happened for the past thirty years. I was not aware of it, again I was thinking that dad was just too tight to let go of the reins. Now I was thankful and very humbled. Since I was unaware, I knew that my wife was also unaware. I actually had to check my paperwork to see for myself that the house was solely in my name.

My dad asked me if I was going to divorce the cheating cunt. In fairness, those were his words, not mine, but I had a feeling that I was in full agreement. I told him that if she actually went with her boss and had sex with him, then I saw no alternative. He put his hand on my shoulder and told me that he would be with me if it came to divorce. But for my own sake, I should do everything in my power to discourage her from actually cheating.

I guess I was still a little shell shocked by all that was happening and I asked him what I could do. His answer was not very helpful but it did restore some of my pride. He told me, "Son. You are the smartest man I know, you will think of something." He then smiled and told me to try and stay out of jail but he would notify the company attorney to be on call if I needed to be bailed out.

I took the rest of the week off and since dad was already there I knew he would be able to handle things for as long as he was needed. I made a call to someone I knew was a very good divorce lawyer. I was able to see him at ten, the same morning, because he had a cancelation; he would be glad to see me.

The meeting went about how I suspected it would, it would cost me plenty but my dad had been correct in that I was in a very good position, financially.

The situation at home continued to get worse. Linda found every reason to gripe at me and without her ever saying it, I knew that sex was not going to happen. Now that I knew that her attitude was because she was trying to justify, in her own mind, an affair with her boss. Knowing what was causing the problem made it possible to understand, but it did not make it any more pleasant.

I used an empty rental unit the company maintained for overflow purposes as a work space while I planned to interfere with her planned affair. On Friday, I came home early to find her also home. She asked me what I was doing home so early and I pretended that I had not been feeling well for the past few days and this afternoon it was worse. That actually was not a lie. I had felt terrible since I learned of her plans.

From her texts, I knew that she was going to spend the night with her lover, tonight. She had reserved a hotel room at the nicest hotel in our area, using her personal credit card. She did not seem too upset that I was not feeling well, but when I indicated that I was just going to lay down for a while on our bed, she quickly suggested that I move to the spare bed room so that I do not give her my germs. That had never been a problem before, no matter how sick the other party was, but I suspect she wanted me out of the bedroom while she dressed for her date. I grumbled and meekly made my way to the guest bedroom.

When I heard the shower start, I slipped back into our bedroom and quickly used her phone. I texted a quick message to Robert that there had been a change of plans and rather than him meeting her at the hotel at 7:30, she told him that she had "Had it out with my spineless husband and he now understands that she would be with him for the weekend." She assured him that I was on board and would treat him with the respect he deserved. She asked that he arrive at our house to pick her up at 7:00. She added a P.S. saying that maybe they could have a drink together just to rub it in her husband's face. She complained that her phone was acting up again, but said she would be ready when he got to our house.

The phone was in perfect shape but I placed a small piece of tape over the battery contacts and it was suddenly no more than a paperweight. I put the phone back in her purse, but removed all the money and credit cards from her wallet, along with the two key cards for the hotel room door.

It was still an hour before Robert would be there so I removed her car and house keys from where she kept them. Rather than be relegated to the guest bedroom, I chose to sit in my chair in the living room. Apparently, Linda never bother to check on me when she came down the stairs to the living room, carrying a small travel case, and dressed to the nines.

I had never seen the dress she was wearing, but it covered very little and the parts it did cover seemed to entice you to try and see more of her. Even though I knew exactly why she was wearing it, I still thought she looked fabulous in it. She was shocked to see me but I will give her credit for recovering quickly. First she asked me why I was sitting in my chair. I told her honestly that since I lived there I thought it would be ok and calmly added, as I looked her up and down, that I am glad I did.

Without missing a beat, she scornfully told me that since I never wanted to go anywhere she was going out with some of the girls from work. When I asked with who, she told me she could go out with them if she wanted to. I appeared to back off and told her that I meant no harm, even though she had dodged my question. I then asked when she expected her to be home. I saw just a little "tell" as the corners of her mouth began to turn up into a smile before she glared at me and began shouting. She told me in no uncertain terms that if I did not stop trying to control her that she just might spend the weekend at her girlfriends house to teach me a lesson. As she was adding how tired she was of my controlling attitude, the doorbell rang.

I jumped to my feet and answered the door. I ushered Robert into our living room. I got him to be facing away from my wife as I shook his hand and introduced myself as Linda's husband of thirty years. He shook my hand and gave it that extra tight grip that jocks always do to show their dominance.

I ignored his game and did not try to prove that my grip was stronger.

About this time my wife shouted, "Robert! What are you doing here?" He was confused and I stepped in and explained to my wife that I was glad he was here because I wanted to explain to him that she is my wife and that I absolutely refuse to allow them to have an affair. The smug bastard looked at me and told me that it was not up to me and that my wife was welcome to join him for the weekend. The three of us were standing in a loose triangle with my wife as one point, Robert as the another and me as the third side of the triangle. It is funny the things that go through your mind in times of stress. I briefly thought that a triangle was exactly what my wife was trying to create. I wasn't interested.

I told Robert that he was to leave immediately and never approach my wife again. I proceeded to tell him that if he tried to approach my wife again or if she suffered any repercussions because I did not allow him to use her, I would share my evidence with his wife and...

I did not get the rest of my little speech out of my mouth before Robert lunged toward me. From the things Linda had told me he had been a college football player and he was about 6'-3" to my 5'7". He also had me by a good forty pounds and It was obvious that he spent way too much time at the gym. He lunged towards me and grabbed my shirt. I had not yet raised my hands and he did not realize that I had a spring loaded baton up my sleeve. I pushed the button when I saw him begin to move toward me. The steel rod snapped to its full length. With all the strength of a carpenter who had been pounding nails for the most of his life coupled with a good dose of adrenaline, I struck him as hard as I could on the outside of his knee. I later learned that it was his bad knee. The one that had ruined his chances of going pro, but I really did not care, then or now. I brought the baton back in a tight arc and rather than striking his shoulder to break his clavicle, I swung a side arm swing and struck him across the ear and his jaw. There was blood everywhere and Robert dropped like a rock to the floor.

Linda was screaming and demanding an answer to why I had hit Robert. She defended him saying that he was not going to hurt me he was just going to make sure I knew who was the boss. I had another one of those thoughts that waltz through your mind in times of stress. Does menopause really cause women to lose their mind? I wondered.

Linda yelled that there was no way she could stay with me and she was going to spend the weekend with her friend. She added that I had better be gone when she returned or she would call the police and have me removed.

I told her that rather than bothering her girlfriend, she could use the hotel room she had reserved. The look on her face made it clear that she was busted but that didn't stop her from cussing me and telling me that this was my fault because we never had any fun.

About now, Robert was becoming conscious. He started to bluster, from his position on the floor. He began to tell me he was going to kick my ass, while he was firmly holding the right side of his head. He then began telling me that he was going to file legal action against me and before it was over, he would own my business. Another one of those thoughts that show up when you least expect them, I noticed that Robert had a gaudy school or class ring that had a large ruby in the center and what appeared to be a diamond cut into the ruby. The thought I had, was that his blood was a good match to the ruby stone in his ring. Anyway, I was not worried about him getting the business because he did not know that I was merely a low paid worker in my father's business. I was getting tired of him bleeding on my carpet and running his mouth so I gently tapped him across the knuckles of his left hand, okay, maybe it was firmly tapped the knuckles, and I continued with my lesson for him.

As I was saying, I am Linda's husband and I do not approve of you having an affair with her. If you continue your affair with her I will tell your wife and kids as well as her father. That would be the owner of the company you work for. I added that if he went to the police, I would share all of my evidence with them and everyone else. I really had very little evidence other than my wife's bad attitude. Another one of those thoughts. Who would believe that a woman's bad attitude was proof of her attempting to have an affair. I had the incrementing texts but they also proved that nothing sexual had happened yet. He turned an even deeper shade of red but he wisely did to try to attack me.

My wife was stomping around, cursing me with every breath. I finally asked her what was wrong. Again, she exploded on me, telling me that I had I had hurt an innocent man and now she could not find her keys. I knew they were in my home safe but I forgot to mention it.

My wife saw how badly her would be lover was bleeding and quickly brought him one of our best white towels to stem the bleeding. He hurried to the door and practically ran to his car, squealing his tires as he left.

My wife attempted to use her phone and found it dead. Again, she cussed me and when I claimed innocence, she threw it at me. She asked me if she could use my phone and I rubbed a little salt in by telling her that I had already cancelled her reservations and I didn't believe Robert would be in the mood to cheat tonight. I hadn't cancelled her room, I wanted the proof that she was planning to cheat, but at this time she believed I would do something like that to ruin her chances of having an exciting, modern, marriage. Yeah, her words, not mine.

In frustration she headed for the stair case and was taking the steps two at a time. I called her name and she stopped about half way up the staircase. I told her that she forgot something. I stood and handed her a manila envelope that I had secreted in the cushion of my chair. She actually opened the envelope and began to read it. Again, she began screaming, asking why was I divorcing her. She defended herself, a little, saying that she had not done anything but had the audacity to add the word, Yet!

I told her that if we could agree, we could share the attorney and within a couple of months she would be free to go on as many dates as she wanted.

The divorce was real, in the fact that it could have been filed but in an attempt to get my wife to come to her senses, I had the first draft written showing that the reason for the divorce as adultery and stipulated that she would testify on my behalf in my civil action against the company she worked for and any action I took against Robert. I knew it would never fly in court but it was a starting point for our negotiations. I didn't want the divorce but she was not going to cheat on me and get away with it either. I knew that when she read the document more carefully she would see that she would get nothing more than the clothes on her back. I managed to find a way to dispose of the few thousand dollars she had saved up from her job. I was sure it would be the job she had before it was discovered that she was involved in an affair with her boss. Because she had deposited her check in our joint account, I felt no remorse when I purchased a month long cruise for the two of us, all expenses paid. The price was a bargain when you considered that we had one of the luxury suites and all perks we would receive while on the cruise. The catch was that there would be no refunds and no substitutions allowed. If we stayed together, we would need that time to reconnect. If we went our separate ways, I would try to get the cruise in the divorce. Even if I failed, at least she would have to go alone and not be able to bring her boyfriend.

As she stormed up the stairs again, I hollered that if we could agree. We could use the same attorney and within a few weeks she would be free to date whomever she wanted. I suppose I had upset her by ruining her date and her planned adultery, but she angrily told me that she would never divorce me and I could just go F**k myself.

The next day, she must have walked to a friend's house or asked one of the neighbors to use their phone, because she was gone after I returned home from the hardware store. I had done my best to clean up the blood her boyfriend had left on my carpet last night, but it still showed in places so I rented a commercial machine and re-cleaned the carpet. For all intents, you could not see any stains. The carpet was already dry.

I had just finished returning the carpet cleaning machine when Linda and her father came barging into the house. Her father, Bob, is an arrogant asshole and he has never liked me. He immediately got in my face and after a protracted rant about me where, among other things, he implied that my mother was not married to the man who had impregnated her. He then demanded that I give Linda all of her credit cards, her phone, and the keys to her car. He told me that she would spend the night with him so that she was safe and that I had better be out of the house before the weekend was over or he would see to it that she had the best divorce lawyer in the city and they would leave me penniless.

We were in the living room in nearly the same position as we had been last night when her lover, Robert, had challenged me. It was amusing to listen to Bob, but he was probably thirty years my senior and I had no desire to hurt him. I also had no desire to shampoo the carpet a second time. In as calm of a voice as I could manage, I handed him one of the key cards I had pilfered from her purse with the name of the hotel emblazoned across it. I told him that I thought that his daughter may have left a few things out of the story that she had given him for why we were now separated. I told him that I was not willing to allow her to spend the weekend, in a hotel room, with a man she works with.

I went on to explain that I had not kicked her out, I had just refused to accept her spending the weekend with her boyfriend, and when I explained that to her boyfriend, he had attacked me and I had defended myself.

My wife was livid I would have enjoyed watching her facial expressions if I had not been keeping a close eye on her father, just in case he had brought a gun with him. I would have to check the tape later. Yes, we had the usual cameras for security and one of them covered the living room where we were standing, and Yes, I had the tape showing Robert had attacked me safe with my attorney.

Her father looked at her with sadness and she defended her actions by telling him that she was just going to spend the weekend with him and that she had planned to be home on Sunday and be the perfect wife but I had ruined everything by telling her that she could not go. The look on Bob's face told me that he was having one of those moments when you think of ridiculous things while you are in a high stress situation. My guess is that he was wondering if he could possibly sire a daughter so stupid or if his wife was cheating on him when she got pregnant with Linda.

I began to explain that the phone and the car were in the company name, as well as the house was mine before the marriage. He held up his hand and told me that he understood and since I had not harmed her he would leave her with me. He was clearly sad when he shook my hand and walked out. I believe I heard him saying something about having to have a talk with his wife.

Linda suddenly decided that she had nothing to say to me and stomped off to the master bedroom. She spent the weekend there but did come out Sunday afternoon and cooked a nice evening meal. We ate in silence, for the most part. She had always been a great cook and I appreciated the meal she cooked. After our meal, I cleared the table while we enjoyed a cup of coffee. Normally, we would sit in the living room to visit but tonight she stayed at the table, so I joined her. She finally brought up what she was worried about. Linda asked, "What are we going to do?

"That will depend on what you want to do", I replied. She began crying and told me that this did not have to happen. She brought up my desire to see her with another man and accused me of being a hypocrite. I could tell she was angry, but she was also crying because she knew that our marriage was in serious trouble.

I patiently began to explain. I explained that my desire to see her with another man had absolutely nothing to do with what she was trying to do with Robert. I asked if I would have known about it if I had not discovered her plan. She begrudgingly agreed but defended her actions, saying that she was not ready to do anything in front of me. I asked if what she had planned was for me, or for her, or for Robert. She again admitted that it was for her and Robert.

Since we were putting everything on the table, I told her that the reason I had discovered her planned affair was because she had been treating me different, giving me even less sex. She tried to defend her actions saying that she had not been that different and that people our age do not have sex every day. I couldn't help myself and suggested that regardless of what other people do, I thought sex every month was in order and asked her if she planned to have sex just one time, over the weekend, with Robert. She didn't have to answer, she just cried harder.

After I had poured her a fresh cup of coffee and she had calmed herself, I continued. I brought up that she had used a completely new set of reasons for not giving me my fantasy. At first she was shocked, but as I enumerated each of her new reasons, she seemed to realize what she had done. When I asked her if she had heard those reasons from Robert, she admitted that she had heard them from him. He had told her that I was a seriously sick individual and my fantasy was proof that I did not love her. Part of what he had told her was that deep inside, I wanted her to cuckold me. He had convinced her that I was a spineless man who secretly wanted his wife to enjoy other men.

I basically knew all of this from reading her texts. The one part that really irritated me was his suggestion that I was a spineless cuck. I guess he knows different now, but I would have thought my wife would have known where I stand. No, I do not fight or hurt people often, but she should have known that I would not accept the situation they tried to put me in. I then hit her with what really had hurt me. I asked why she had discussed my fantasy with him. I asked why she had disrespected me that much. The waterworks were now at full speed. She told me that she had not told him anything until he began asking what I liked and what I made her do. She owned that she was already having thoughts of being sexual with him and somehow it had just come out. In her mind it was easier to tell him what she found odd about me rather than admit that our sex life was very satisfying. Of course he ran with that topic and it became a daily topic of their small talk.

When I told her that since they never had sexual contact I could probably eventually forgive her but the level of disrespect she had shown by sharing our bedroom talk, and other times such as when she had become angry that I had fought back when he attacked me, were why we would probably divorce.

She ran to the bedroom, crying. She slammed the door but not as hard as she had previously. I did not bother to check if the door was locked. I did not want to sleep with her anyway. I would deal with who slept in the master bedroom tomorrow. I slept in my chair.

Monday morning she was dressed for work when she came down from the bedroom. She was quiet and acted a little cool towards me. I am sure she was worried about what would happen at work as well as what was going to happen here at home. I told her that I had a lot to do today but if Robert so much as looked at her wrong, she was to call me. If the owner were to dress her down, that was on her, but if he attempted to fire her, I told her to have him call me first.

For caring, I got yelled at, in a voice of about 85-90 decibels, telling me that she did not need me to look out for her and if I had loved her enough, I would have trusted her and allowed her the weekend, even if it was a bad idea, and her job would not be in jeopardy.

Yes, I was having one of those thoughts again. I just let it go and handed her, the now working cell phone.

That day I happened to notice a guy with a ring just like the one Robert had been wearing. I put it out of my mind, thinking that it must be a class type ring for some local college that I had not noticed before. There was something about that ring that bothered me.

I did not get a call that day and she did not come home immediately after work. I later learned that Robert had not shown up for work and when the owner talked to his daughter, she informed him that while on the way to a management conference, he had been mugged. He claimed that had been mugged by four men, and he had been injured, but they were probably in a hospital somewhere. He would not be returning to work for some time.

My wife was late because she went to see a lawyer about contesting the divorce. I know lawyers have a bad reputation but this one apparently told her the truth. He told her that he could slow it down but it would happen and even though my demands were over the top, she could negotiate with me, since we were still talking and in the same house. He had told her that if we could agree on everything, it would save costs but if we came to an impasse and could not agree on an item or two, she should return with a five thousand dollar retainer and he would represent her.

It was nearly eight o'clock before she came home. She was quiet and apologized for not telling me she would be late. Without asking she detailed her day as well as what her lawyer had told her and what had happened at the bar where she had stopped to have a drink and think about what she should do. I heard more detail about that one day than I had heard about the previous month of her life.

Tonight, after dinner dishes were done, we went into the living room and sat on the couch together. Albeit, we sat on opposite ends, but we were on the same couch again. The sofa proved to be a good place for the two of us communicate and make some real progress. Finally, my wife took my hand and admitted that she had made a terrible mistake. She owned that it was easy to put the blame, for what she wanted to do, on me. It was even easier when Robert joined her in claiming my desire to see her with another man, was somehow proof that I did not love her and gave her reason to believe she had a right to have a lover on the side. She asked for forgiveness and I believe she was sincere. I had to tell her that I was willing to forgive her but I was still afraid that I would be unable to forget what she had done. This time she did not run away. In fact she threw herself into my arms and hugged me for a long time. The thought running through my mind was that her tits felt wonderful against my chest. I wanted to grab them but managed to control myself and not act like a high school boy. I am sure she had similar thoughts along the line, " I am rubbing my boobs against him so it will only be a matter of time before we have sex and I am fully forgiven."

It was Linda who asked me to think about what we could do to restore our marital trust and help put what she had done behind us. I suggested that she do the same and that we adjourn for tonight. Part of me wanted us to adjourn to the bedroom. Yes, it was that part that was voting to take my wife to bed and pound her pussy into the mattress. We slept separately that night, but the last thought I had before I fell asleep was that a blow job would be a nice start.

I really wasn't that shallow that I wanted a blow job to compensate for her transgressions. However, I would not have turned one down. One of the things that Linda told me in passing earlier was that it appeared that the owner was continuing to pay Robert, even though he had not been back to work since I had explained to him that he would not be allowed to date my wife. Linda told me that Robert's wife had come in and had a closed door meeting with her father. This was unusual because after some twenty years of being his personal assistant, my wife was normally part of every discussion; even with family members.

The next morning we were civil to each other but said little as we prepared for our workday. The fact that we were once again closer caused me to have a good day and I had one of the most productive days I've had in years.

That evening we were both silent about what we thought could help repair our relationship. After dinner we returned to the couch. This time we sat closer than we had last night. I coaxed Linda into giving me her thoughts first. We never got past her thoughts, to my thoughts, because she literally blew my mind.

My wife began by telling me that she did not know much about what I had been asking her to do since before we were married. She asked me to explain it to her in detail. When I asked her "Why now?", she explained that she felt that she owed me after what she had done. Of course, the idea of finally seeing her with another man was a powerful incentive for me to agree. One of the problems with having a conscience is that you don't get to say yes at times like this. Even though I wanted to say yes, I managed to tell her that as much as I wanted it to happen during our marriage, it would be unfair to allow her to do it now as some sort of penance for what she had done. Surprisingly, Linda strongly disagreed, saying that for reasons that she did not fully understand, she had wanted to have sex with someone she was not married to. She showed a sad smile when she admitted that Robert was an attractive man and he checked off most of the boxes any woman would want in a lover. She claimed that was part of the reason she was ready to cheat.

Ouch! That hurt a bit but I am reasonable and intelligent enough to know that her comments were accurate. I did not believe she had made them with the intent of hurting me. If she wanted to have another man, I was more than willing to watch it happen. She renewed her request for me to tell her about what I wanted and the cuckold lifestyle.

The first thing I had to clear up was that I did not want a cuckold relationship. I have no desire to be cheated on or humiliated. I explained that in my fantasy there was no humiliation or cheating. By definition, this was the opposite of a cuckold relationship. No one would feel cheated or humiliated and we would all have a good time. Especially her. I explained that in my fantasy, I wanted her to have a fabulous time and to have so many orgasms that she was left exhausted and totally satisfied.

I explained several of the relationships that could occur. There are single men, couples and more. We talked about swapping with friends, but we both felt that could be dangerous and neither of us could name a couple that we thought would be acceptable.

My wife did not seem very excited about meeting another couple, so I suggested a swinger's club. This option would allow her to select someone she found interesting. Depending on what the other person or couple wanted, she could play alone, I could watch, or his partner and I could play together while she had her fun. I explained same room and separate room meetings. I explained soft sex as well as the many ways a couple could invite a single man into their bedroom.

We talked about placing an ad on a swinger's web site and meeting someone who she found attractive. We both thought this method had some merit, but it had its share of problems as well. In fairness, we discussed her picking up someone in a bar and then either telling him that I wanted to be there or going to his room alone. Linda seemed to like the idea of picking up a guy in a bar and going to his room....Alone. She even suggested that we could rent the room that she would use, so I would know exactly where she was. Linda could not get past the idea of me being there. Her concern was that she would feel inhibited with me watching and she would not enjoy what she was doing. Her argument was that if she was going to trample on our marriage vows, she wanted to enjoy it.

My wife admitted to reading a few stories on line and she told me that it appeared that many couples enjoyed having the woman go out on a date while her husband stayed home and waited for his wife to return. I was surprised that she had used the computer to research the topic. In those stories, the wife was free to have sex with her date in any way she wanted and her husband was only allowed to wait at home for her return. She told me how much she enjoyed a particular story where the husband had cheated so he was forced to wait at home while his wife went on a date with an old boyfriend. The woman did not return home until the sun was coming up the next morning. Her husband worried all night that his wife was having sex with a man he despised. She returned the next morning, carrying her bra and missing her panties. After her husband was sufficiently sorry for what he had done, she then revealed that it had all been a setup, including the supposed cum on her pubic hair which was actually hair conditioner. The woman in the story chose to go on a date with the old boyfriend, knowing that it would upset her husband. However, she only wanted to teach him a lesson so she only had dinner with her former boyfriend. After her date, she had gone to a girlfriend's apartment, who had been in on the deception, where they drank and partied until nearly morning before she went home to her husband. I didn't like that one.

We did not come to an agreement that night, but we made out on the couch and I fingered her to an orgasm like we were back in school. The next day I was in such a good mood that one of my coworkers teased me that I must have gotten laid last night since I was in such a good mood. I just smiled and let him believe whatever he wanted to believe. I may have only made it to third base with the woman I was married to, but I was okay with that for now.

We did not discuss the issue further for rest of the week. We playfully acknowledged it when we made love, Linda would say something like she planned to have something to compare the size of my cock to in the near future and I would say that I hoped she found a big one so I could watch it make her cum. We would be rutting wildly by then and she would tease that she was not going to let me watch. We were both having fantastic climaxes.

It was Friday morning when I kissed her goodbye before heading off to work. After she had given me a toe curling kiss she asked if we could go to a swingers club tonight. She added that we could go just to see what happens there, but I do not think either of us thought we would not do more. I was excited but I was not sure I could make an appointment on such short notice. I did not get much accomplished that day. I spent much of the day on the phone in my office and on my cell phone in the break room or the bathroom, setting things up. Fortunately I had several pictures of my wife on my phone because one requirement was that we submit nude photos of the both of us. I had one of her but I had to lock the bathroom door, strip and take a quick photo of myself in the bathroom mirror. It looked horrible but fortunately the club owner understood when I explained to him that my wife had just given me the go ahead that morning. He required that he speak to her first, before we would be invited and I texted my wife to warn her of the upcoming call and the owner of the club called me back shortly, after he had spoken to my wife, to invite us to the party they were having that evening.

The venue was over three hours from our home, so I texted my wife, asking her to try and leave work a little early. I asked her to cancel any plans she may have had for Saturday morning because I had reserved a room in the hotel attached to the venue. She did not respond to my text but she was home and in the shower when I arrived home an hour early. It only took me half an hour to be showered, shaved and dressed for the evening. Linda took another hour to be ready. In her defense, it was worth the wait. She was wearing the traditional little black dress, but I had never seen this one before. I suspected that she had purchased it for her weekend with Robert but I wisely chose not to ask. What we were preparing to do, was too exciting to screw up by bringing up Robert's name. It was shorter and sexier than anything she had worn before. The open back told me that she was not wearing a bra and I could not see any panty lines. I could not imagine my conservative wife going bare down there. But then again, a few weeks ago I could not have imagined her wanting to cheat and it would have been even harder to imagine her suggesting that we to go to a swing club. Even just to watch.

We arrived a little late and the party was already gearing up nicely. We paid our entry fee and were given green bracelets that indicated we were newbies. They were supposed to let the more experienced members know that we were new so that they could help us become comfortable. I think it was more of a signal that we were fresh meat and the sharks would be having a feeding frenzy. We found a table close to the dance floor. The club was a bring your own bottle club. I poured us each a drink, from the cooler we had brought with us. Within a minute, a man asked my wife to dance. She looked at me but did not wait for my approval before joining him on the dance floor.

The man she was dancing with did not fit the profile of a man that I thought she would be attracted to. Their first dance was a fast dance and he tried to keep her on the dance floor for another song but she politely returned to our table. I was quick to ask why she had accepted a dance with him. She told me that she had no attraction to him but she was trying to be polite. She claimed that she did not want to appear stuck up and keep other men from asking her for a dance.

For the next hour my wife danced with several men but she was a bit more selective. I also danced with a few ladies and was pleasantly surprised that about half of the time it was the lady who came to me and asked me to dance. Linda's dance partners varied a lot but the common factor was that they were all attracted to her body. I noticed a shocked look on my wife's face the first time her dance partner slipped his hand inside her dress and felt her bare breast. She may have been surprised but she did not stop the man and he spent the rest of the song with his hand inside her dress.

The music was provided by a D.J. and could have played continuously but when the Disc Jockey took a break, the music stopped and my wife returned to our table to sip her drink and rest. She had danced nearly every song for the past hour. When we were young that may not have been a big deal but at our age, it had been a formidable feat. Maybe I should have taken her dancing more often. While it was a little quieter, several men approached our table and visited with us. If you have ever gone to this type of club you know that they visited with my wife and tolerated my being there. Some of the men approached with their wife, and in those cases we answered the same questions each time. Was this our first foray into the lifestyle and what were we into. Most shared their email addresses and wrote our information down with a promise to contact us so that we can meet for dinner or drinks.

After the music started again, my wife's dance partners practically lined up for a dance with her. During this set of music, my wife was even more selective and the men were a little more bold in their attempts to fondle my wife. I was visiting with a very attractive woman who had joined me at my table, and I lost track of who my wife was dancing with. When I noticed her again, she was dancing with a man that I was confident checked all the boxes on her list of requirements for a perfect partner. The man she was dancing with was tall, impeccably groomed and dressed in a suit that probably cost as much as my car. In addition to being very attractive, he seemed confident and he was dancing with her rather than just trying to feel her up. They danced well together. He was a talented dancer, so he could make her look like an even better dancer than she was. The look on her face told me that she was totally enamored with this man.

The woman who had joined me at my table noticed that I was watching my wife. She explained that it was her husband who was dancing with my wife. I had not come to this dance with the intention of having sex with another woman, but the woman at my table, Sarah, might cause me to reconsider. When her husband and my wife returned to the table, introductions were made all around. Linda talked quietly with her dance partner, Jack, and within a few minutes my wife told me that they, she and Jack, were going to go find somewhere more private. Linda knew I wanted to watch but she told me in a superior voice that she did not want an audience. At least she had the courtesy to blush slightly and tell me that maybe I could watch next time.

With that she turned to Jack and they walked away. They took the staircase to the second floor where I knew the club had several private rooms. Sarah, looked at me and said, let me guess, she is not ready to do it with you in the room. I had to blush that she could read me so easily, but I admitted that my "thing" was to watch her have fun. She smiled and told me that she was part of a small minority of women who actually liked watching their husband have his way with another woman. She explained that she and her husband have an arrangement, and asked me to follow her. I did more than follow her, I put my arm around her and we walked up the same staircase that my wife and her husband had just ascended. As we passed the second door she pointed to it and after making the sign for me to be quiet she whispered that they were in that room. A small sign above the door indicated "Voyeur Room". She pulled me by my hand to the next door and we entered a small room with just a nice sofa. The room was dark and it quickly became obvious why. The wall facing the room my wife and her husband were using was covered with what had to be one way mirrors facing their room.

They had just entered the room and were holding each other and kissing passionately. Sarah whispered that Jack knew about the mirrors but most likely my wife had not figured it out. Many woman who were new to the lifestyle, found it easier to play, if they were alone. My wife may have been a newbie and I knew from talking with other people she had gone to school with, that she had been very conservative before we met, but she was making out with a new man like a seasoned pro.

We had a perfect view from the sofa and we could hear every sound from their room. Apparently there was a microphone in their room as well. I could hear every moan my wife gave as they kissed. We watched them disrobe each other and their lust was palpable. I noticed that, in fact, my wife did have panties on. She was wearing a tiny black G-string. I had my arm around Sarah and because I am a man, I soon had her boobs uncovered and I was feeling her up and down. I was whispering but Sarah told me not to worry because the room was somewhat sound proof and the room her husband and my wife were in had music playing to set the mood and cover possible sounds. I could hear their music and currently "Stairway to Heaven" was playing. It is one of my wife's favorites.

I swear that I was not consciously putting moves on Sarah but by time the other couple was nude and on the bed, Sarah was nude and my slacks and underwear were gone. Sarah had a beautiful body and a very tight little pussy. Jack had his back to the mirrors when my wife pulled his slacks and underwear off. I could tell by the look on her face that she was pleased with what she saw. When he turned sideways, I was impressed. He was bigger than any man I had seen in real life. He was not porn star big, but he was definitely longer than me and even though I am thick, he was both longer and thicker than I am. I also saw something I had never seen before. My wife was so excited and lubricating so profusely that as she kneeled on the bed with her legs apart, her pussy was literally drooling. A thin stream of clear girl juice was dripping from her pussy. I had never seen her this excited.

Sarah read my mind and told me that it hurts her when her husband fully penetrates her. She told me that my size was perfect and suddenly I was not at all worried about what my wife was going to experience. I lay Sarah down across the sofa and entered her. We enjoyed each other as we watched our spouses enjoy themselves. I emptied my balls inside her twice, and was going to try for three times but she gently pushed me off. Sarah suggested that I should save it for my wife. She explained that I had given her two wonderful orgasms, but if I return to my wife and could not perform, it might cause problems. She was right, of course, but I was hard again before our spouses had finished and begun to dress.

We dressed quickly and were sitting at the table when our spouses joined us. Linda was blushing but appeared to be very happy. Jack and Sarah soon left to mingle with the other couples, so I claimed the next dance with my wife. She couldn't wait confess what she had done and she was quick to tell me that she had another man's cum inside her. I knew this but I did not tell her that I had enjoyed a front row seat.

My wife continued to dance with a variety of men. After she had danced with one guy for three straight dances, I saw them leaving together. They went up the stairs. Near the top of the stairs my wife looked back at me and gave me a cute little wave. It was nearly an hour later before they returned. When she returned to the table she looked like the cat that had eaten the canary. She asked me for one more dance and when she kissed me I was pretty sure I tasted another man's cum on her lips. At that point I did not care and we danced like we were the only ones on the dance floor. I even felt her up a bit, knowing that I could feel her up any time I wanted to, it was exciting to do it publicly while I considered what several other men had felt tonight. After our dance, we gathered our things and walked across the parking lot to our room at the hotel.

As we walked into the lower level of the hotel, the first person we encountered was the first man she had danced with; The one she claimed she had danced with so that she did not appear stuck up. He had managed to get a couple more dances from her throughout the evening but she had always come back to our table after one dance. The man, Davey, was inquiring to see if we planned to come to the hospitality suite later. The hospitality suite was for late night partiers and it had been implied that guests openly had sex with each other there, since it was not considered a public place.

We declined his offer to join him but in a moment of inspiration, I asked him if he would like to visit our room for a few minutes. The look on Linda's face was priceless as they say. Davey was quick to accept my offer as I opened the door to our room. I let both Davey and Linda enter, before I followed them into the room. Once the door was closed and locked, I turned to him and asked him if he was attracted to my wife. Of course, he admitted that he was attracted to her and gushed how he thought she was the hottest woman at the party tonight. That brought a smile to my wife's face. I told him that my wife may not be up for full sex tonight, but I was confident that she would give him some relief. We were all standing between the bed and the window, so I claimed the chair and told my wife to give Davey some relief. She looked more than shocked but moved closer to him. Yes, I told her, just like she told me that maybe next time I could watch. I did not leave room for argument. When she move closer to Davey, I stopped her and told her to remove her dress so that she did not get cum on it. Now she was blushing but she stepped back and slipped the tiny garment over her head.

My wife stood there with only a tiny g string on. It was clear that her tiny panties had lost the battle to contain the cum and her juices that were leaking from between her legs. Her G-string was soaked. She looked at me for a few seconds and then removed her underwear to be totally nude for Davey. She went to her knees and began to lower Davey's pants. When she had them around his ankles, he sat down.

Linda took him into her mouth and I knew exactly what our new friend was experiencing. It did not appear that he was going to last very long. I am sure my wife would have preferred to let Davey come as quickly as possible, so that he would leave and we could reclaim each other, but I had other ideas.

When Davey was close to his climax and gently pulled my wife from his cock. I asked her if she liked sucking his cock. She eagerly acknowledged that she did and told me that she wanted to finish him. I let her continue, but when he got close again, I stopped her and asked her why she couldn't give our friend her pussy tonight. She admitted that she had been with two other men and she was sore. I continued to question her about the two men she had sex with earlier that night. She was blushing bright red as she detailed how many times each man had cum inside her, but she was enjoying my game and did not gloss over the facts. She told Davey and me about each cock that had come inside her and she did not spare the details.

Davey had one hand on the back of her head and his other hand on her right breast. This time I stayed quiet and let them finish. After Linda had swallowed his offering, she turned to me and kissed me. I was pretty sure that was the second time I had kissed her tonight shortly after another man had cum in her mouth. Davey was making himself ready to leave and I whispered to my wife that I wanted her to tell Davey that he could fuck her next time. Again she had a full body blush going on but she turned to him, kissed him with tongue, and told him that he should find her at the next party and he could be the first to cum inside her to make up for not being able to use her pussy tonight. I am pretty sure Davey was walking on air when he left our room.

The second he was gone she was all over me, kissing me again with the same mouth that she had let Davey cum in just a few minutes ago. She was giggling, almost uncontrollably, as she told me how much she had enjoyed me "making" her give Davey sex. She expounded that Jake was a fantastic lover and the second man she went into the private rooms with, was also very good in bed, but the most exciting encounter of the night was when I "made" her give Davey some relief.

I did fuck her even though I knew she was sore. When I pushed inside her sloppy hole, she winced just a little but when I began to back off she wrapped her legs around me and demanded that I finish inside her. Her sloppy hole and the fact that I had cum twice with Sarah allowed me to pound her relentlessly for over twenty minutes before she began to tell me how much she had enjoyed spreading her legs for Jake. She accurately told me what they had done and described how much bigger he was than me. I added my sperm to what was already swimming inside her.

We slept late the next morning and she was very tender between her legs but that did not prevent us from cuddling and petting. She took me in her mouth and did not even slow down when I warned her that I was going to cum. She swallowed me and then kissed me. Unfortunately, I was getting used to the taste of cum on her mouth, but at least this time it was mine. I could not remember the last time she had let me cum in her mouth. We took our time returning home and we were like newlyweds again. Our trip to the swing club had really spiced up our marriage.

The next Monday she returned from work and announced that Robert had returned to work. He was still using a cane and his previous unblemished face now displayed an angry scar from her ear to his chin. He was still wearing a bandage over his ear, but Linda seemed to believe that it was badly damaged. I asked if he had stayed away from her as I had told him to. She admitted that he had not tried anything but she told me that he made her nervous because she was sure that he was up to something. I reiterated that if he said anything or tried anything that I was still willing to tell his wife and her boss. Linda asked me to please try not to do that because she loved her job and did not want to get fired. My wife said that Robert may very well be setting her up to be fired and that she would cross that bridge if he tried.

On Tuesday my wife reported a very similar day with Robert but she repeated that she was sure he was up to something and she was pretty sure it was something bad. We went over a few safety protocols and agreed on a safe word that if she used I would know that she was in some form of trouble.

On Wednesday the day began as the previous two days had but a few minutes before the day was over, Robert came to her desk and told her that they needed to put their problems behind them and asked her to stay behind, so that they could bury the hatchet. Linda was wary but her innocent desire to have a comfortable workplace allowed her to agree.

Acting quickly, Linda grabbed her purse, and headed for the restroom. Robert stepped in front of her and asked what she was doing. She simple reached into her purse and pulled out a tampon and showed it to him. He quickly stepped aside, allowing her to pass. When she was in the stall she sent me a quick text, telling me that he wanted her to stay after to bury the hatchet. Alarm bells, figuratively, were going off in my head and I texted back telling her to leave immediately. Unfortunately, she did not receive the text until after she had placed her cell phone back into her purse.

Like most employees, everyone left the office within a minute of five o'clock. Linda was nervous but still hopeful that Robert was sincere and the tension would be gone from the office. As soon as the last employee left and the front door had closed, he spoke loudly and asked my wife to join him in his office. When Linda entered the office he stood and asked her to have a seat. She felt a wrong vibe but could not understand what Robert would be considering after the beating I had given him just weeks before.

Robert walked past her and locked the door, not that it was necessary, they were the only people in the building. Linda now knew that this was the something bad that he had been planning. He took the chair next to her and produced a thin file. He explained to her that her husband's interference had made him very angry and that because of it they were going to have this talk so that she understood the importance of meeting his demands and keeping what she did with him secret from her husband.

Fearful, but determined, my wife told him that she had wanted to have an affair with him and that she had not told me of her plans. She hypothesized that someone else must have told me. She added that my violent reaction had surprised her but it had served as a wakeup call as to what would happen if she strayed from her marriage vows. Before she could finish, Robert told her to shut up and do only as he told her to do.

Robert opened the file and produced four 8x10 photographs. He handed the first one to Linda. It was a picture of me, at a local box store, with someone standing behind me, holding a large knife like he was going to stab me with it. The person with the knife had his face blurred out, but it was clear that it was not Robert because he was a black man. It was also clear that I was unaware of what was about to happen. Linda started to cry and plead with him not to hurt her husband, but he just told her to shut up.

The second picture was of me out on a remote job site where I was studying the site to determine how to best use the resources presented there. This time there was a crosshairs on the back of my head, suggesting that someone had a high powered rifle aimed at me, again without my knowledge. Linda knew that he now had all the power but continued to cry and plead for my safety.

Robert told my wife that now that she understood what would happen if she told me, or if she refused to do anything that he asked her to do. She defiantly asked him what she had to do. He stood and unzipped himself and told her that they would start with some head and then she would give herself to the men who had helped him get the pictures he needed. I was not there but Linda told me later that she told him that he had better be careful, because her husband was often much more aware than he appeared. He laughed off her threat and pulled his flaccid penis from his slacks.

Linda told him that he just as well put that away, because she was not going to touch him and as of now she was tendering her resignation, effective immediately. Robert did not appear to get angry and he did not put his penis back into his pants. He just calmly told her that she should look at the last two pictures before she decided.

The last two pictures were of our children. The picture of our daughter showed a big man, substantially larger than Robert, had his arm around her shoulders, in a bar somewhere. It showed that he knew who our children were and was able to get close to them. Of course, his face was also blurred as well, but he had proved his point. The picture of our son was of him lounging in his dorm room but he was obviously unaware that he was being photographed. He explained softly that if anything happened to him, or if she refused to do as he told her to do, her husband and her children would be harmed. Robert added that unless he gave the order to stand down, his friends would take the actions he had ordered.

Linda knew that she had to comply or risk her families lives. She slowly reached out and grasped his now erect cock. Apparently, seeing her crushed and forced to submit to his demands was sexually exciting to him. He used her mouth roughly and held her head tight against his groin when he came in her mouth less than a minute later. His attempt to force his cock down her throat caused her to puke up a good portion of her lunch directly into the crotch of his slacks. Linda was too angry to fully enjoy what she had done and was worried more about him striking her for what she had done.

Robert did not strike her but he was angry and told her that since her pussy was not working, they were going to go visit his friends and she could begin to repay them for their help with the pictures, by using her ass. He had believed she was on her period when she showed him the tampon on the way to the restroom. Robert cleaned himself and then ran the pictures through his shredder, twice, and poured a bottle of solvent over them to be sure they could not be used against him.

There was no point in trying to escape so Linda followed him meekly to his car. I had activated the tracking feature on her phone and saw her phone began to move. I had called 911 as I raced toward her office so I informed them of the change. Of course they were heading away from where we were, so we were even further away than we were before. I do not know what the police were doing but it appeared that they we no closer than I was. As I raced to catch up with them I not only violated many traffic laws but I am lucky that I did not have an accident or hurt someone. They were headed out of town on the old highway and I knew that near the edge of town there were a couple older hotels that had an attached restaurant. It was used by many out of town construction workers as a cheap place to stay while working in town.

I informed 911 of my suspicions. The dot stopped moving at the first hotel and now we just had to get there before my wife was hurt or worse. As Robert and my wife began walking up the steps Linda took a chance and jumped over the railing in an attempt to get away. During the ride over she had decided that no matter what she did to protect her family, the abuse would not stop and Robert's anger toward me would cause him to hurt everyone I loved. She decided that if we were all going to die, we would do it together.

Her plan only partially worked. Because Robert was an athlete, albeit one with a bad knee, he was able to catch her before she had gone twenty yards. As she kicked and clawed against him, she screamed for "Help!" A couple of construction workers who were drinking beer and cooking their evening meal on a small grill on the walkway, moved to intercept them. Robert told them to step aside. Three of his friends had heard the noise and came out onto the walkway. The construction workers decided the better part of valor would be to step aside.

When I slid into the parking lot and jumped from my truck they pointed to the end unit. Unit 201. I heard a man yell that the bitch bit him. Then I heard a slap and my wife scream. I hit the door with my shoulder as hard as I could but the door did not budge. The police must have been right behind me because as I drew the gun I had in my belt with the intent of doing something stupid like shooting the lock. The cop told me to stop. I did and they pounded on the door and announced themselves. There was more yelling and screaming from inside the room and a second cop had to restrain me while his partner tried to get someone to open the door.

One more scream from my wife and the first cop used his baton to break the window and began spraying his mace into the room. He stepped back, with his gun drawn, and waited for the occupants to come out coughing. They came out with their hands raised and he placed them in cuffs and zip ties before the next car had arrived. They were arrested and from the beginning they began trying to cut deals to keep themselves out of prison. The men had planned to hurt my wife and use her repeatedly, for their perverted pleasure to punish me for standing up to Robert. Linda had had continued to fight them even as they tore her clothes off and except for her modesty, she had not been harmed.

I had a blanket in my truck, which I used to cover my wife. I have a habit of keeping one behind the seat, especially in the winter, and it had come in handy many times. At this point, I did not know for sure, but I suspected that Robert had forced himself on my wife. I was livid but a calm settled over me when the police took over and the men were all arrested. We stayed long after the men had been hauled off to jail to answer questions for the officers. My wife was asked to give a written statement. The hotel opened the room that was next door to the room that was now a crime scene. My wife sat at the little desk writing her statement. As she would be writing, the blanket over her shoulders would sometimes gap open and the officer who was sitting with us was treated for a good look at her boobs. One time the blanket slipped from her shoulder and her right breast was fully exposed. As she struggled to recover her breast and shoulder, the blanket fell completely open and the police officer saw her shaved pussy.

The stress was over but I found myself wondering if the police officer liked my wife's boobs. I decided that, of course he liked them. She had beautiful tits. I also was wondering, if because he often deals with people under stress, if he gets to see other nude women.

We learned that the three men who had assaulted my wife had worked as a team since their college days to intimidate their opponents. It basically started as a way to get other guys to stay away from a girl they wanted to date, but as they perfected their criminal enterprise they had used it to extort money from various people. After the men had been arrested Linda's boss came clean and told us that even though Robert was married to his daughter he had given him employment under threats of harm to his wife and daughter unless he was employed at a substantial salary. The owner had acted like he did not care because he felt he had lost the business he had painstakingly built for years.

Bottom line is that Robert was sentenced to twenty years, and his three friends were sentenced to ten years each. My wife and I took that cruise and reconnected. Not only did we reconnect with each other. The ship should have been called the Love Boat. While it was not billed as a swinger's cruise, there were a lot of people onboard that were wanting to play. My wife connected with seven other men during the cruise and reconnected with some of them multiple times over the month we were gone.

Oh yes, it took a little while but before the cruise was over I was able to watch my wife enjoy herself with several men. I did discover that I enjoyed watching her but I also discovered that I liked waiting for her to return from a date. Yes, I also enjoyed sleeping with other women, while my wife played. All I was thinking now was, "Life is good".

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The author of this story: Wifewriter

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