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Where There's A Will, There's A Way

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Where There's A Will, There's A Way

The team leader for the tracking unit of the expediting section of the warehouse, Roger Wilson, looked with dismay at the resignation letter given to him by Jack Tarrington, perhaps the most essential member of his team. Roger knew the negative impact this would have on his operation would be devastating, and he dreaded having to tell his boss, Alex Decker, the section chief.

Roger quickly made his rounds, checking on things. Everything was satisfactory, so he headed for Alex Decker's office and presented the document. Alex read the document and exclaimed, "Oh, no! This is terrible news. I need to talk with him right away." He looked around and noticed Jack entering the break-room area. He got up and headed for the breakroom, arriving just as Jack settled at a table. Alex grabbed a cup of coffee and asked, "Do you mind if I join you?"

"No, not at all," Jack replied.

Alex settled into a chair and placed the document on the table, near Jack. "This is disappointing, Jack. You are important to our operation. What can I do to make you stay? How about a nice raise?" He named a figure that impressed Jack.

"That's very generous," Jack responded. "But, really, this wasn't about money. I am looking for opportunity, to run an organization on my own."

"We could do that for you," Alex quickly replied. He was almost whining.

Jack smiled. "That's nice, but I've already committed. I can't go back on my word, now, could I?"

Alex stared at him, then leaned forward. "We will do anything you want, give you anything you ask for, to keep you here. You are too important to us. What do you want?"

Jack looked hard at him, then leaned back and looked around the room. He noticed Leigh Ann Miller, a dark-haired blue-eyed beauty sitting across the room. Jack smiled and turned his attention back to Alex. "Anything?" he questioned. Alex nodded. "All right. I'll stay if Leigh Ann Miller will sleep with me."

Alex blinked. He did not expect that. He looked across the room at the beautiful woman. "You know she's married ...." He neglected to add that she was his own wife. She kept her maiden name, Miller, to disguise their relationship, since each had a management position with the company. They didn't want the employees to be intimidated by their connection, so they kept it from everyone except executive management and a few people in Human Resources.

Jack pondered Alex's words for a moment, then replied, "Yeah, I know. Her husband's a salesman for the mid-west and he travels a lot. I expect that they have an accommodation understanding that each can take care of their needs when they are absent from each other."

Alex knew that the man Jack was talking about was the husband of his own sister, Sally. Leigh Anne often visited Sally and stayed there a lot. Alex could see how the misconception could take place and did not correct Jack's assumption. "Okay, I'll talk with her and see what she says. I don't know what she'll do, but I can ask." He thought to himself that this could be interesting and reminded himself that they were willing to do anything to keep Jack from leaving.

On the way home that evening, Alex picked up some barbeque from one of their favorite eating places. This saved Leigh Anne from having to prepare supper. They sat down and enjoyed the meal. Alex mentioned that Jack Tarrington had submitted his resignation. Leigh Anne reacted, "Oh, no! That's terrible. I know how important he is to you. What are you going to do?"

"Well, I offered him more money, but he said it wasn't about money. He's looking for opportunity."

"What did you say?" Leigh Anne asked.

Alex chewed on a morsel of beef, swallowed, and replied, "I told him we would do anything he wanted and asked him what it would take to make him change his mind."

"And what did he say to that?"

Alex looked at his wife intently. "He said he would change is mind and stay if you would sleep with him."

"He said WHAT?" Leigh Anne exclaimed.

"He wants to have sex with you ... to fuck you. It's not that surprising. You are a sexy, desirable woman. I think he has excellent taste."

Leigh Anne was flabbergasted. "What did you say? Does he know we're married?"

Alex replied, "He thinks you are married to Calvin. I told him I'd ask you."

Leigh Anne stammered, "You ... you'd ask? Do you want me to have sex with him?"

"I want to keep him employed here. You are what he wants to entice him to stay."

Leigh Anne shook her head, "So, you are asking me to sleep with him, to let him fuck me?"

Alex looked intently at his wife. "Yes, I'm asking. He's that important to our operation."

Leigh Anne grimaced and pushed back from the table. She stood up, looking indignant. "I'll have to think about this," she stated. "He is a delicious looking man, and a little outrageous to suggest such an option. I admit, I'm intrigued."

"Don't think too long. He needs time to tell them he's not leaving here," Alex responded.

Leigh Anne got up and gathered her things. "I guess I need to go see where he wants to take this from here. I'll let you know what happens." She headed over to the table where Jack was sitting.

Jack looked up and saw a lovely vision moving purposely toward him. Her dress was swaying enticingly as she approached. He wondered at her seemingly purposeful advance. When she reached his table, she asked if she could join him. "Of course," he replied.

She sat down and folded her hands. Her eyes were fixed on his. "You've made a rather unusual request as a condition of your remaining with the company."

Jack blinked in surprise. "T-they said something to you?"

"Obviously," Leigh Anne replied. "They felt that I needed to know before anything would happen. You didn't think that I would just do what you wanted if I didn't know what that was."

Jack gulped nervously. "I really didn't think they would even consider my request, much less tell you about it. I was just trying to make them realized I didn't want to stay."

"Well, they want you to stay. You're important to their success. So, they are trying to accommodate you and encourage you to stay." Leigh Anne smiled enticingly at him. "Are you willing to stay now?"

"Are you willing to do what they asked?"

Leigh Anne drummed her fingers on the table and leaned toward Jack. "Why in the world did you ask them to ask me to sleep with you? What made you think that I would be willing to do such a thing?"

Jack gulped. "I really didn't expect them to say anything to you. When they asked what it would take, I just looked around and saw you. You're the hottest woman in the company and I just requested something I thought would be impossible for them to even ask, much less implement. Why are you here if you're not going to do anything?"

"Who said I wasn't going to do anything? I just want to know why you thought I would do something. Are you expecting me to come through and make your wish come true? Exactly what do you want from me?"

"I want whatever you are willing to do to make me change my mind and stay. That's what I really want."

Leigh Anne peered intently at him for a moment, then said, "Go to the Marriot buffet tomorrow for lunch. Sit alone. I'll be there." Jack nodded his agreement and departed.

The next day, Jack fidgeted impatiently, waiting for noon. About ten minutes before noon, Jack went to Roger Wilson (his boss) and told him he had an errand to run and might be gone for a while. "Take your time," Roger responded.

Jack hustled to the Marriot and entered the buffet area. He paid for his lunch, then headed for the buffet setup. He spotted Leigh Anne at the other end. They nodded heads at each other and continued their focus on getting food. Jack settled into a short booth and noticed Leigh Anne across the room. She slightly nodded her head in acknowledgement, then sat at a table with some other women.

Midway through the meal, Leigh Anne got up and took her glass over to the soda fountain area for a refill. She surreptitiously tossed her head while looking directly at Jack, indicating that he should come refill his drink as well. Jack drained his glass, then traveled to the drink station. Leigh Anne slipped a pass-key in his shirt pocket and softly said, "After lunch, go to the sixth floor, room 609. Knock before entering."

Jack returned to his table and finished his lunch. He continued to watch Leigh Anne. When she moved off. Jack watched her until she exited the dining area. He waited a few minutes before shoving his plate aside. He left a modest gratuity for the clean-up staff, then headed for the elevator bank, punching the up button. When an elevator arrived, he got on and selected the sixth floor. He got off on that floor and followed the room numbers until he found 609. He hesitated outside the door for a moment, then lightly tapped on the door. When he heard "Come in," he slipped the passkey into the slot, opened the door and stepped inside.

He saw Leigh Anne standing mid-way toward the bed, barefoot, and wearing a white terrycloth robe. She reached down and tugged on the drawstring that tied the robe closed. When the drawstring released its hold on the garment, the robe parted slightly, revealing a trim naked figure hidden within. Jack took one step forward and said, "You don't have to do this, Leigh Anne."

"Yes, I do," she replied.

"Why do you feel you have to do this?" Jack asked.

"Because my husband asked me to," Leigh Anne stated. She shrugged her shoulders, causing the robe to slip off her body and gather at her feet. She stood there in all her natural beauty, pert, up-turned, firm breasts, crowned by areolas with hardened, perky nipples; her tiny waist revealing muscular abs. Her pussy was shaved bald, with soft pubes prominent and an inviting gash. Her hips were rounded, and firm.

Jack moved another step closer. "Why would he ask you to do this?"

"Because he wants you to stay, and you said you'd stay for this. I want you to stay, too. Isn't this what you wanted? I always say, ‘Where there's a will, there's a way'."

Jack's eyes retraced her delectable body. He smiled introspectively.

Leigh Ann asked, "Why are you smiling?"

Jack replied, "A very good friend of mine used that as a pick-up line in one of the smoothest seductions I've ever seen. He was trying to get her to meet him at a hotel. She used that line, ‘Where there's a will, there's a way,' and he responded, ‘I've got a mighty powerful will', and she replied, ‘I guess we can find a way, then.' Yes, this is what I wanted. But you don't have to do this."

"Yes, I do have to do this, and if you have a powerful will, we can find a way," Leigh Anne responded. She moved two steps closer and came within reach of Jack. She reached out and grabbed each of his wrists. She guided his hands, one to her breasts, and the other to the apex of her legs where he encountered a moist valley between two soft pubes.

Jack pinched a nipple with one hand and ran a finger the length of her valley with the other. Leigh Anne moaned softly and approvingly. Her body shivered with delight as a finger slipped into her vagina. "Oh, oh, yes, yes-s-s-s," she hissed. She released her grip on his wrists and began fumbling with his belt, unfastening it and loosening his trousers. She pushed the pants down to around his knees, then fished the massive missile out of his briefs. "My goodness, that is huge," she exclaimed. She could barely get her hands around it and noticed that even with both hands gripping the instrument, a lot of it still was visible. She also noted that it was shaped in a mild arc, keeping a firm condition throughout its length.

Leigh Anne started to drop to her knees to suck on the monstrosity, but Jack halted her descent. Hindered from that task, she backed toward the bed, maintaining her grasp on his instrument so he had to follow. When she reached the bed, she released her grip and flopped backwards on the bed, spreading her legs in the process. "Come on, then," she commanded, "fuck me."

Jack stood at the edge of the bed between her outstretched legs. "You really don't have to do this," he repeated.

"I want this," she said emphatically. "I really, really want this."

"I don't understand why you want this," Jack protested.

"Because my husband wants this. He asked me to do it, and I want to do it. We've been married for just over twelve years now. I was only 18 when we first did it, and just 19 when we married. I'd had sex with a few guys in high school, but none since we married. My husband is a good lover, and I enjoy sex with him, but I've always wondered what other men would be like. I would never try on my own, but when my husband asked me to do you, I saw this as my big opportunity to sample some different meat.

"Don't misunderstand this situation. I'm not talking about a long-term affair. This is just a temporary liaison for a specific purpose, not a relationship that will continue unabated. We may have occasional sex, but this is not something we will do regularly. Your audacity has me intrigued, and it gives me an opportunity to try something I've wanted to do for a long time, but it will not be a permanent situation. My husband asked me to do this, and he picked you, and I really, really want to fuck you now. Will you just get with it?"

Jack shook his head in disbelief at his good fortune. A fantastically beautiful woman was offering him access to her sexy body, her glorious pussy, and begging for him to consume her. He dropped to his knees beside the bed and placed a hand on the inside of each thigh. He lowered his face into her delectable snatch and began lapping away at her pussy.

Leigh Anne gasped with delight at his action. She loved having her pussy eaten, and her husband, while being very good at it, didn't do it often enough to satisfy her. She recognized immediately that Jack was a man who knew his way around a woman's body. He found her clit and tormented that pleasure button until she was at the edge of climax. Then he thrust a finger in her vagina before inserting it into her anus. She exploded in orgasmic bliss at the thought of being engulfed as she was. She wiggled and thrashed about on the bed, tossing her head from side to side and whimpering as she grasped his head and held him tightly in place.

When her initial orgasm subsided, she gasped and demanded, "Fuck me now. That was great, superb even, but I want to get fucked in the worst way. Do me now."

Jack moved onto the bed kneeling between her wide stretched legs. Her body quivered with aftershocks from her orgasm as he aligned his cock at the entrance to her cavern. He leaned forward and Leigh Anne yelped as his cockhead penetrated her. She gasped and asked for more. Jack obliged, sliding more of his appendage into her.

Her eyes flew open with astonishment at the mass that invaded her. Her eyes rolled back as she tossed her head back and forth, relishing the unexpected feeling. She was excited, turned on, and eager for more. She gripped his buttocks to guide him deeper. She locked her ankles behind his back and encouraged him to keep on with what he started.

As he lunged into her, the curvature of his instrument caused him to brush against that sensitive and elusive spot just inside her vagina - the notorious G-spot. Leigh Anne's husband had occasionally encountered that location but was inconsistent. They never could succeed when they intentionally tried. It just happened and surprised them when he connected. Now, Leigh Anne was truly impressed. This man she was with now hit it on his first incursion and brushed it with consistency. Her body shook with excitement and her mind exploded. Orgasmic blasts exploded within her unabated. She'd never experienced such relentless bliss before. She hopped around the bed beneath his welcomed assault, thrashing and wailing with pleasure. She quickly recognized that this was an extraordinary experience, and she wanted it to continue.

Jack loved her reaction and felt like he was riding a wildcat. He continued pumping into her until she succeeded in throwing him off her in her wild ecstasy. Leigh Anne rolled over, rubbing her fiery pussy, shrieking "Oh, oh, oh, aaah, yes, oh, aagh" repeatedly. She ended up face down on the bed, with her buttocks propped up in the air.

Jack was trying to recover his breath, lying beside Leigh Anne when he noticed her buttocks perched high above the bed. He scrambled to his feet and stood behind her on the bed. He aligned his cock to invade her from above, aiming downward. When he docked with the aperture, he began his invasion by sinking into her. He moved deeper and deeper at a steady pace, occasionally pausing and retreating a little before entering farther.

Leigh Anne appreciated his approach, since she felt like the huge monster was ripping her. His pace allowed her to adjust and accommodate the bulk she was taking on. The stuffed feeling was heavenly, and to her shock and delight, when he was about half-way in, his magnificent member began scraping her elusive G-spot once again. She began to realize that it was the underside of his arc that had encountered her spot, since he was coming in from an entirely different angle than when he was on top of her and his cock-head found that location. A thought flashed through Leigh Anne's mind, "This cock is just perfect for me, it fits like it belongs to me. It's mine. I want it."

Her body exploded with a newly familiar and ravishingly delightful orgasm, which astonished her as much as making her happy. As her body quaked and quivered, her understanding of the cosmos expanded to include of being fulfilled, complete. It was a sensation she had never experienced before, and that she didn't know could be achieved. His piercing of her vagina completed when he reached her cervix and when his groin encountered her firm buttocks. He rocked up and down, in and out, scraping her spot with each stroke. Once again, Leigh Anne went wild, shaking and quaking, screaming into the mattress, pounding her fists on the bed, and gripping the sheets with her toes. It was wild, and she was totally possessed.

Jack continued pumping in and out and the friction against her spot was continuous. She thrashed around, kicking her legs out until she knocked him off balance. They fell together on the bed and settled into a spoon position. Jack's hard-on was still raging, and he re-entered her. She bucked and pitched and ended up rolling him onto his back where she straddled him and rode him in a reverse-cowgirl fashion. She controlled the action, bouncing up and down on his cock which continued brushing her spot without missing a beat, bringing her an uninterrupted orgasm.

Her body shook with delight. Her legs and hips quivered. She pitched forward on the bed and caught herself, ending up on her knees with her hands braced stiffly. She looked down at her left hand with the flashing diamond and wedding band, reminding her that she was a married woman, and this was not her husband plowing into her. She thought, ‘He asked me to do this, wanted me to do this. Was he crazy? Could he possibly understand how wonderful this experience has been, continues to be? I don't want this to end. I don't want to ever stop fucking this marvelous man with his wonderful cock.'

Jack pounded his cock deeply within her, thrusting incessantly and firmly into her. He noticed her rings and was reminded that he was fucking another man's wife. His legs and groin collided with her backside with each thrust, creating a rhythmic slapping sound as their flesh interlocked. She wailed and shrieked as he continued his invasive pushing. Inevitably he knocked her off balance and she pitched forward on the bed, leaving him standing above her with his cock wagging wildly in the air. He grasped an ass-cheek with each hand and moved with the intention of re-entering her. As he leaned forward and his cock encountered her body, he felt more resistance than he expected. He controlled his thrust and pressed into her.

"Ow, ow," she cried out, "It's in my ass, oh gawd, it's in my ass. I-I can't take it there. M-my husband doesn't do that."

Jack pushed more firmly into her, slowing his thrust so she could adjust. She shrieked and moaned, "Stop, aagh, stop. Oh gawd, don't stop. Aaah, aaah, ooh, oh my." The discomfort Leigh Anne felt subsided and was replaced by an odd sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. She found that she liked being occupied there by a potent cock. She moaned softly as Jack penetrated completely and rested with his shanks against her buttocks. "O-o-o-oh, fuck me," she demanded. Jack complied and began rocking in and out with long, steady strokes.

Leigh Anne moaned, gyrated, and shivered as another spectacular orgasm permeated her being. She recognized that this was a mind-fuck orgasm, one developing from her brain processing the outrageous situation she was enjoying. The fact that she was being penetrated in an orifice she normally didn't allow and that she was thoroughly enjoying it, even though it was attached to someone she shouldn't be fucking, all created an intense rush of pleasure that shook her body and her world like never before. She liked this. No, she loved it! She wanted more ... now and times to come. Her husband could not possibly realize the sexual appetite and passion he had inadvertently unleashed within her by asking her to do this.

After another hour of fucking each other's brains out by revisiting every position and orifice, Jack and Leigh Ann collapsed in each other's arms, exhausted and satiated. They dozed off and napped for a short while. As they recovered from their intense encounter, they began disentangling from their embrace and pondered what might happen going forward. Leigh Anne assured Jack that she did not want this affair to end and declared that she would let her husband know the situation. Jack responded that he could not let his wife know about this because he didn't know what she might do.

They crawled out of bed, showered, dressed, embraced and left the room and hotel to head home to their respective spouses. Each had the knowledge that their world had been rocked and would never return to the way it was before. They each had a powerful will, and they were committed to find a way.

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The author of this story: Rhino

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