I sighed thinking about how things had changed. Had Tasmin been here she would have agreed with me about them being too loud and too brash but we'd never travelled together apart from our honeymoon. That had been a short week long trip to Paris. After that, things got in the way at every occasion, trips were planned and planned but it was either money, health, work or some other reason that caused us not to actually go anywhere. Tasmin was quiet and mousy, in fact she looked like the archetypical librarian. Tasmin and I had met in college, she the quiet studious one and me being a fairly quiet average bloke. We spoke on the odd occasion but nothing happened. She, as far as I was aware, never dated anyone but I had dated a couple of girls. It was a cold rainy Wednesday afternoon and had left work early as we had suffered a major system failure and as no work could be done, they sent us home. As I drove down the local high street I saw Tasmin at the bus stop look rather bedraggled and cold. I stopped wound down the window and once she remembered me jumped in.
"I've been waiting for half an hour." She shivered in the passenger seat.
"You'd probably be waiting longer too, there's been a crash on Smithy Street and looks like there is hell of a traffic jam." I replied. I drove her to her parent's house, she was still at home as she had not been working long and had only turned eighteen a few weeks ago. We sat in the car for about forty-five minutes and talked. Tasmin's hair was a medium brown and flowed down over her shoulders, well it would have had it not been dripping wet. Her eyes were a grey blue and very captivating and drew you in to her face with was a lovely round shape and it was this reminded me a little of the American actress Tiffany Amber Theissen. In our chat I discovered she was single, had dated one man that dumped her when she refused sleep with him on the second date so he phoned her and told her it was over and he was off. Tasmin to me was lovely and I told her so then went for broke asking her on a date. Within six months were sleeping together, and a year later we were married. My new bride was a good lover, admittedly we had to learn everything together as she had been a virgin and I had only had two rather dull interludes before Tasmin.
Problems began when money became tight, I worked many hours to make up shortfall, which left me tired and uninterested in sex. This made us both irritable and caused row after row in the end I came home to an empty house ironically five years to the day I had saved her at the bus stop. The letter she left simply said:
‘S, We can't carry on like this. I love you and always will, but I never see you and when I do we argue constantly. There is no one else involved and I know you are not cheating on me. Maybe one day things will change. If you want to divorce me then send the papers to my Mum and she will forward them on. I am leaving because I love you and hate how things are. Take care. Tasmin'
Of course my male pride was injured and angry so I did what all men do - I got drunk. Within a week I rang a solicitor and arranged for the papers to be sent to her mother then a week later my solicitor phoned me to say that Tasmin didn't want anything out of the divorce and would send the papers to me. Two days later an envelope arrived, inside were the papers all signed and a note clipped to the front saying
‘I love you but we couldn't go on like that. I understand, so here are the papers signed. Love Tasmin'
My ire rose and I made a mess of the living room scattering papers and furniture everywhere then slumped down with a bottle of Jack Daniels in the corner. Two days later when I sobered up I had forgotten why I had gotten so drunk and I realised I needed to clear up the mess. Paper, books and lots of other things were thrown into a box and put in the cupboard under the stairs. Fast forward to a month ago, it had been almost two years since Tasmin had left and a series of events forced me to take a holiday. First I was clearing out the cupboard and came across the box of mess I had thrown I there apart from a few broken photos of Tasmin and I there was the envelope with the signed papers underneath it, secondly my boss made it clear that if I didn't take a break away from work and home then I could find a new job. My boss, Frank, was a great bloke and had become a good friend as I rose up the company ladder.
So here I was on a plane heading to Spain for a week of rest at resort by the sea. We landed and I managed to escape the plane quickly and found God on my side when my suitcase appeared on the carrousel first. I could hear the ‘girlies' screaming and laughing as they approached. Suitcase in hand I raced out the terminal in to a taxi and on to my hotel.
The room was a nice one as I had paid a little extra for a view over the beach looking out I marvelled how clear the water looked and grinned when I realised I could see all the bikini clad girls sunning themselves on the beach. Back in the room I unpacked and took a shower then headed down to the pool area for a time to recover from the travelling. After about an hour my rest was disturbed, my luck appeared to have run completely out as it seemed the group of ‘girlies' were staying at the same resort! The laughing and chaos breezed past by me, luckily not too close and I cracked open one eye to see the redhead in a small one piece swimsuit organising the others. The brunette was in a nice white bikini and it really looked good on her, next to her was a blonde. It wasn't a natural blonde as her hair was more a multi-tonal that one colour, her back was to me and she had an amazing bum which begged to be stroked she stepped forward a little in high red heels and as she turned towards me she was obscured by the sun in my eyes which forced me to close them. By the time I recovered red bikini had laid down on a lounger and her top half was behind another lounger but I could still see her legs and stomach. Her stomach was rather tight and she seemed to have a tattoo just above her bikini line to the right from the distance I couldn't make it out, my eyes then travelled down over her body to her feet and I saw she also had a tattoo of a rose wrapped around a dagger on her right ankle. The redhead was trying to organise the booze when the white bikini brunette called out ‘Sam just get eight pitchers and we'll work our way through them.' Red bikini gave a thumbs-up and did all the other girls. Off went Sam to get the drinks in. I decided to just blot them out so closed my eyes and tried to sleep.
I don't know how long I slept for but when I awoke, I felt a little disorientated. Sitting up I looked around and the girls were all laying down or chatting. The rest of the poolside people were all doing the same. I turned away from them and slipped on my deck shoes thinking about going off to the bar or restaurant. At the far side of the pool stood white bikini, I later found out her name was Kate, and red bikini. Red bikini stood in profile and her toned stomach looked even better with the nicely shaped breast held in by the thin red material. Shaking my head I managed to clear it a bit and when I looked over red bikini was walking away from me and I think it was that moment that I realised that she was the sexiest of the group. Her hips swayed, each step was executed in a smooth slow motion that exuded confidence. I thought back to Tasmin and her big cover up one piece from eight years ago and the one piece swimsuit she wore. It was black and very functional, when I suggested she wore something a little smaller and sexier for a better tan she refused point blank. Laying back I closed my eyes trying to imagine j in one of those small bikinis but couldn't. Tasmin had a lovely figure but she had always maintained a rather conservative wardrobe with knee length skirt, trousers, ‘decent' tops and flat or small heels shoes.
With eyes shut and the heat of the day I realised that I had been there quite a while and my stomach was calling out for food. I stood, gathered my things and headed to my room and it wasn't until I got there and sat on the bed the overwhelming feeling of loneliness washed over me. Outside by the pool, young couples were chatting, the ‘girlies' were laughing and shrieking with fun and there was me alone. No wife, no life and no prospect of sex with anyone apart from Mrs. Palmer and her five daughters. Turning on the TV I scanned the channels in search of some porn but it was pay-per-view and whilst I could afford it, I didn't want it on my bill at the end of the break. Instead a laid back closed my eyes and pictured red bikini the red head and white bikini dancing at the end of my bed. Once I had finished I cleaned up and took a shower. Dressed in shorts and a polo shirt I headed down to the restaurant to eat.
The hotel had put on one hell of a spread with table upon table of food hot, cold or cooked to order and it all looked incredible. I was walking along, plate in hand when a tall woman in a black one piece swimsuit and black high heels bumped into me. Instantly we both apologised and then chuckled, after all were both British and it's a very ‘Brit' thing to do. She smiled a bright cheerful smile and lowered her eyes to the floor with a tinge of shyness. Her long brunette hair fell around her face and then looked up. Nodding towards the food she said "Beautiful isn't it?"
"Yes, you are." I answered too quickly changing it to ‘Yes, it is." Hoping she had not noticed it but she had then smiled and blushed. Trying desperately to change the subject I added. "So are you on holiday?" What an absolutely stupid thing to say. Here we both were in a sunny resort, me in shorts and her in a small black one piece swimsuit and a towel over her arm, what did I think? She was shopping for a new sofa? She smiled at me and immediately I realised I was completely out of my depth. I hadn't dated anyone since I had met Tasmin. In fact I had only had a couple of girlfriends before her too.
"Sorry, I sound like a complete idiot." I managed to recover. "I'm Stephen." I extended my arm to shake her hand like I would at any business meeting. Hesitantly she extended her and took my hand, I noticed her red nails and long fingers, which matched her long legs, also she wore a gold band on her left ring finger with a nice, but small, diamond on it.
"I'm Mary, I am on a kinda holiday it's my hen party." She smiled but it didn't look like she was as happy as she could have been. Mary was very pretty and had she not announced it was her hen party then I may have asked her out. Well in my own stupid way. "We got here earlier my friends are by the pool, you probably seen them. Well more likely you have heard them. They are quite loud." She looked sheepish and I could tell it was more their party than Mary's.
"Are you having fun yet?" I asked not knowing what else to ask a bride-to-be, after all the only bride-to-be I had ever known was Tasmin.
"Well sort of." He shoulders slumped and even the fake smile disappeared. "They keep drinking which isn't too bad, but now they keep going on about me having a fling before I get hitched. I'd rather have a few days in the sun, explore a little of the area and dance in the evenings." She sighed.
"Well you know if it's your Hen party why not do that? Wouldn't the rest of them do any of that?" She shook her head.
"Out of the ten of us only me and one other would be interested. She said she like to visit a couple of the local places I fancied, but then the rest took the piss and she said she'd just join in with the others." She seemed really disappointed that she could not go exploring.
"Well I am hiring a car tomorrow and heading off to a couple of the old churches and a beauty spots to take some photos. If you can sneak away you can come along." She looked at me warily. "No funny business, promise. I'll be in reception at 10 if you want." Mary smiled. She actually looked interested. We went our separate ways and I never expected to see her again, well apart from the group of them together.
Having eaten I went to the bar to have a nightcap before bed. The ‘girlies' hen party were in there, I spotted Mary in a tight fitting white dress with matching heels and imagined how good she would look in her wedding dress. Sam, the red head, was there leading everyone is the drinking wearing a tight green dress with matching heels. Kate the one that had been bursting out of her white bikini was in tight black jeans, silver top and high silver heels and was giggling at something one of the others had said. They were gathered around a booth area and table, poking out from behind the high back seating were a pair of very shapely legs that ended in high gold heels. Just above them was that sexy tattoo of a rose and dagger and a gold chain circled the ankle. The thought of the noise and drunken behaviour put me off and was about to turn and leave when I saw Mary look over and smile. I nodded back and left before her friends could start teasing her or me. Once in my room I stripped and climbed in to bed I thought back to Mary in the white dress I considered indulging in a little personal release. Closing my eye I pictured Mary in her white dress and what might be under it. I reached down and closed my eyes but the next thing I remembered was light streaming through the windows.
After a hot shower I dressed and headed to the restaurant for breakfast and for some reason I was ravenous and ate quite a bit. I spoke to Marco, the concierge, and he had arranged for a packed lunch to be brought of of the kitchen for me to take out. Thanking him profusely I headed to the doors and to the car. I had put the food and my camera gear in the boot and climbed into the driver's seat when the passenger door flew open and in jumped a pair of legs, shorts and a pink top. "DRIVE" is all she said as she slid down in her seat. So I did. Once we had left the confines of the hotel I glanced over and said.
"Morning to you too, Mary." I was grinning at her escape routine.
"Morning Stephen," she replied slowly rising up the seat to an upright position.
"So I take it your friends are not joining us?" I said biting back a laugh.
"Pardon?" she asked a little bewildered.
"The covert hotel escape routine. Is it to avoid your friends coming along or is it to avoid them stopping you from coming?"
"A bit of both to be honest" Looking down she sighed. "If they saw me heading ou with a guy in a car they'd think I was trying to have the fling they want me to have, or they'd come along and ruin the peace and quiet. Either that or stop me."
As we drove, I learned a lot about Mary. She was twenty-five and was getting married, in a little over two weeks' time, to John who she had met in college. They had been together ever since and now they had some money behind them they were getting married. Mary told me a lot about John and herself on the drive to the first vista point. Pulling to the side of the road, we got out and I opened up the boot. Mary stretched her lithe slim body causing her loose pink top to rise up and show her toned smooth stomach. The upper part of the top bulged around her breasts and I estimated her bust to be about a 34 or 36; John was certainly a lucky man. I raised the camera and quickly took a shot of her against the clear blue sky.
"HEY!" she shrieked reverting to a normal standing position.
"Sorry," I shouldn't have done it but the photographer in me saw a great shot of her against the sky. "You looked super against the sky, look." I showed her the back of the camera. She nodded approvingly.
"That's really good, if we didn't already have a photographer for the wedding you could've done it." She remarked approvingly.
"Well we didn't know each other back then." I tried to sound humorous.
"I guess," she shrugged. "You could have at least waited until I had some make up on or was dressed better." Mary delved in to her rucksack and retrieved a compact, some make up and proceeded to make some adjustments. "There, now give me some warning before you take anymore. After all I want some copies of the photos." She grinned as I nodded and gave my assurance that I would. After about a mile of walking we came across the waterfall that I had been looking for. I took a lot of photos of the waterfall, the surrounding area. Mary sat on a rock with the waterfall in the background. She looked stunning and perfect in the scene.
"Mary, stay where you are please." I called out. She whipped her head around startled.
"Why is there something wrong?"
"No," I called back, "you make a perfect model in that position."
"Shoot away then Stephen." She smiled. I took a number of her in that position. I got her to lean back on her hands so her hair hung over the rock and her back left empty air between the rock and her back. I moved closer taking more shots. Mary moved deftly in different poses and smiled and pouted at exactly the right time. After about twenty minutes she laughed and slid off the rock and came up to me.
"Let me see please?" she enthused.
I showed her a number of shots pointing out good and bad things about each photo and Mary seemed really please. She stepped back a few paces and turned a little to her right and over her left shoulder she posing again.
"Stephen?" she smiled, and with a nervous sound to her voice asked. "Can you take some more photos of me, maybe a few that I can look back when I am old and grey and think that I looked sexy once?" I gulped down air in nervousness. I'd never taken ‘sexy' shots of anyone before and told her so.
"That's ok, I've never posed that way either."
"Well I can't guarantee they'll be any good." I stammered.
"Well if not we can do it again tomorrow." Then flushed red. "Turn round please." She asked nervously and I did. I heard the rustle of clothing the soft padding of feet upon the grass behind me then the unmistakeable sound of someone entering the water.
"You can turn round now," Mary called. Slowly I turned and tried to control my breathing, my heart pounded away in my chest. There in the water stood Mary and from what I could tell; completely naked with her back to me. "I ... I... I'm ready ." she stammered. Levelling the camera I sot a few at this angle then moved a little. Mary was open to my ideas and before long she had lost more of her inhibitions and posed more provocatively. Completely naked she posed on the rock as before, did the famous hair thrown over her head from front to back casting a wild arc of water. Finally I waded deep into the water and Mary posed under the waterfall.
Time past and she climbed into the water and came towards me, I knew we'd finished for a while and I put the camera on top of the bag. I turned to see her emerging from the water. Quickly she put her arms over her breasts and crutch. "Turn around." She said looking rather embarrassed.
I turned and the splashing of the water and the rustling of her clothes meant she was out and dressing. I almost jumped out of my skin when her hand touched my shoulder and I turned to face her. For a fleeting moment I wanted to bend forward and kiss her, but in a soft whisper she thanked me.
"I have food," I blurted out lamely. "A packed lunch from the hotel." Mary giggled and sat on the grass. I went to the other bag I had carried and brought over the food to share.
We sat and ate until Mary broke the silence.
"So Stephen, you know about me, what's your story?"
Slowly I told her about Tasmin but never once mentioned her name just referring to her as my wife the whole time.
"So for the past two year you haven't been with a woman?" she looked at me incredulously to which I nodded. "Well if I wasn't getting married in a few weeks, I'd take full advantage of you right now." She smiled.
"Thanks." I said weakly.
We finished our food and decided to head back to the hotel. The drive back was a lot quieter then as we approached the hotel she asked me to stop the car. Once I had she turned and said she would sneak in through the back to the hotel. I let her go an in less than two minutes I was parking and heading for my room. I knew why she jumped out of the car early, it was to avoid any awkward conversation if she bumped to her hen party girlies with me.
I stepped out of the shower and put on my shorts and a polo and walked out on to my balcony. Looking down I could see Sam, Kate and the other all by the pool. The blonde I knew as red bikini was there too, and she was wearing another red bikini only this one was almost a string one and disappeared between the most lovely of bum cheeks. I recognised her immediately from the tattoo on her ankle. Yes out of all of them, red bikini had the best body. Sighing I retreated inside and put on my deck shoes before heading for my evening meal. Later in the bar I watched as the hen party were dancing around and drinking. Mary was there again only this time in a pair of blue skin tight jeans and a white shirt. Mary nodded to me discretely and I nodded back. Sam had squeezed herself into a silver tube dress with matching heels. No bra straps were visible so I deduced that there was not one being worn which them made me think that maybe there was nothing at all under the dress. That thought made me smile, which normally, would not be a problem but she was looking directly at me as if she read my mind. She raised her eyebrow seductively and raised her glass in a sort of ‘cheers' motion. Kate, the brunette, looked round and grinned, her black dress came to her knees but had a split up one leg. That was rather tantalising. I looked down to my drink and felt someone pass by my table as I looked up the hot blonde was walking away from me her red dress was to middle of her shapely thighs, I couldn't see the front but I suspected it had a fair bit of cleavage from the reaction of the two lads who were facing her as she passed. Her feet were encased in what appeared to be five inch heels and around her right ankle was that gold chain again only this time I could see it had a small flat section on it that probably her boyfriends name engraved on it. The lucky sod! The two lads walked over to the girlies and the tall blonde one began hitting on Kate, the other lad was a tall black guy walked past red bikini and turned to face her and started chatting to her. She did the usual giggling and putting her hand flirtatiously on his arm or on his chest that looked like it had a the t-shirt sprayed on. Her hands looked tanned against his white shirt and her red nails were in stark contrast to it. I was debating whether to have another drink when a small slip of paper dropped on my table in front of me. I looked around to see blue jeans head in to the ladies. I opened it and read Stephen, can't make tomorrow as they have something planned. Tuesday meet me where you dropped me off. Want a few more photos somewhere different. Mary X I smiled and slipped the note into my pocket and was about to head to my room when a shadow fell across the table. I looked up expecting Mary but instead there stood Sam.
"Hi." I stammered.
"Hi, can I sit down?" she didn't wait for an answer and plopped herself in to the seat opposite me. Then smiling she began speaking. "So I noticed you looking over. I'm not this forward usually, but you .. well you looked a little lonely."
"Thanks." I said sounding a bit sad.
"No, sorry I just got a vibe that you were unhappy."
"No, I am going to sound like a pervert now, I was enjoying watching you girls looking so lovely."
"Well thank you kind sir. So are you here with your wife?" Sam was hitting on me and that was almost unheard of.
"No, I'm single at the moment. Still hurting from a break up." Why the hell did I just say that?
"Is she mad?" Sam retorted quickly. "I mean you're a good looking guy." Another shadow appeared at the table, it was Mary. "Mary, what do you reckon?" Sam asked.
"What?" Mary asked curiously.
"Well, sorry what's your name?"
"Stephen." I replied.
"Yeah Stephen here is single and hurting over an ex, I said she must have been mad. You agree?"
Mary looked at me smiling. "Yes, whoever she was lost a good man and is probably an idiot."
Sam reached over and touched my hand, "I'm Sam. I'm going to go back to the others now but if you want to come over feel free. We're a bit loud but we're all nice. You never know one of us might help you get over the bitch. But maybe even more than one." She laughed at her own risqué joke.
"Sam, thanks for the offer. My ex isn't a bitch, in fact the breakdown was probably mostly my fault. Work. You know. I think I best head off to bed."
"Stephen, it takes two to argue. You seem to realise your fault in it. But know what maybe you can bury the past on holiday and start to live again." With that she got up and nudging Mary to the side bent over and kissed me on the lips. It was not a wild unabashed sexual tongue romp but it lingered and I felt my heart skip a beat.
Sam straightened up and I looked down the bar. Kate was in a clinch with her blond beau and was doing her best to kiss him in to the middle of next week. Red bikini had her new friend standing next to her, still with her back to us but now he had his arm around her.
Sam linked arms with Mary and they both bid me a good night. I downed the last of my beer and walked out the bar not looking back.
I couldn't face Mary, Sam et al at the pool the next morning so I gathered a few things had breakfast and walked out of the resort to the beach. I laid out my towel on a lounger and smothered myself in a fair amount of sun cream. I tan easily so usually don't bother only this time I decided to err on the side of caution. I retrieved my tablet and began to read a book. I laid back and closed my eyes. I awoke to laughing and shouting coming from a little way up the beach. I cursed my luck. The hen party girls had come to the beach with a group of lads to play beach volleyball. Now being the red blooded male I am I could not resist a look as the girls threw themselves around, boobs and bums jiggling in their tiny bikinis. Mary was there in the black one piece again, I suspect to avoid any wardrobe malfunctions. Sam was wearing a silver bikini that held her breasts nicely, and Kate looked like she would fall out of the tiny blue number she was wearing. Red bikini was there her blonde mane down her back dressed in a red one piece identical to Mary's. I concluded that no matter what she wore it looked sexy on her.
The shouting and laughter was infectious and I was chuckling along with the group watching them. Kate was throw herself at the blond guy from last night and it was clear they had spent the night together. Red bikini kept her new friend at arms length and it appeared he was getting a little fed up with being fended off and I was right when he made a bit of an idiot of himself when he grabbed red bikini's backside roughly and she shoved him away and he landed on his backside much to the amusement of everyone else. He got up and said something that seemed to pacify him and they hugged. Clearly they had not spent the night intimately like Kate and her man. There was an almighty thud sound as the ball was hit very hard and headed in my direction. Mary ran after it and it came to rest a few feet from me. She smiled and said she was looking forward to tomorrow then grabbing the ball ran back to the group. Kate was in an embrace, red bikini had her back to me, Sam was waving to me and I waved back. Mary got back to the group and they started off again. I put my stuff together and left them to their fun. Sam's kiss had lit a spark in my mind. And I had no idea what I wanted. Tamsin and I had had no contact in two years. I went to my room and got my mobile phone out of my locked suitcase and dialled her number. My heart sank when it was a dead number. I phoned a friend back in London.
"Stephen?" he sounded a bit surprised.
"Yes mate."
"Thought you were away on holiday?" he asked quizzically.
"I am mate. Look do me a favour, can you try out this number and let me know if it is no longer in use or if it is still off, please?"
"Sure, who's number is it?"
"An old friend."
"OK, give me a day and I'll let you know."
I thanked him and we hung up. Chris had a way of finding out things and I knew he'd find out it was Tamsin's number eventually but would not say a word to anyone.
I laid back on the bed and tried to compose myself. Why the hell did I want to talk to her after all this time? I had no idea and if I did get in touch, would she want to talk to me?
I went down to the bar and sat drinking until my stomach told me to go eat. In the restaurant it was far busier than on any other night as there was going to be a band in bar later and it seemed everyone was eating early to get in to the bar early too. After eating I headed to the bar for a quick drink. The place was heaving. Sam and the girls were all up and dancing. Kate was grinding against the blond, red bikini was dancing and her friend was trying to get closer and closer but she kept just a discrete distance between them but not too far out of reach. Sam was dancing wildly and having fun. I slipped out of the hotel and took a long walk along the beach on my own. By the time I returned it was a few hours later and the band were winding up. Passing the bar area I was walking past some of the chalets when I heard the sounds of sex. Quietly I stole up on a corner and peered round it to see Kate with her dress around her waist and the blond banging hard against the wall. They were grunting and moaning when Kate suddenly began to reach orgasm and she stopped wide eyed and mouth open in a silent scream. Mr. Blond loverboy carried on and then pushed up one last time and I realised he was cumming in her. Kate regained her senses, as he slipped out of her. "That was good." She announced. She bent forward and removed the condom from his retracting cock.
"Yep babe you're hot. I bet your roommate is full of Kyle's big black cock by now." He laughed. I could only assume that he meant red bikini.
"Probably not, Cyn's practically celibate. She gets loads of offers but never does anything more than a snog and at most a grope through clothes."
"Seriously? She's so hot. Why not?"
"Forget her Stu, let's go to your chalet and you can do me again."
Kate and Stu headed on the opposite direction and I carried on and before long I saw red bikini, or as I knew her now Cyn, in the distance with Kyle the big cocked black guy. I watched from a distance as they began kissing against the door of her chalet. His hands were exploring her body though her clothes. Then she broke away and said something. He looked like he was pleading until she went in and shut the door with him on the outside. He was obviously getting a little further each time but for now he would have to settle with his hand in bed tonight. I also would have to do the same.
Again light filtered through my window and kicked my sorry backside out of bed and into the shower. Camera gear was then taken for breakfast. Across the room I spotted Mary who nodded and mouthed the word ‘ten' to me. Kate walked in looking like she had had very little in the way of sleep which did not surprise me. Sam looked hungover, red bikini or Cyn as I know knew her was nowhere to be seen, and the other girls looked tired or hungover or both. I could not help but grin at them they were obviously beginning to feel the effects of all the partying.
I left the restaurant and Marco smiled at me as he handed me the packed lunch I had ordered.
"Mester Sepen" he said in his best broken English. "I have them made you a biggy food today. You and friend can eat properly today." I smiled and thanked him. What is it about hotel concierges that they know exactly what you are up to even thought you have not said a thing to anyone?
With the food and camera gear in the boot, I drove out of the hotel and around the corner and parked up. A couple of minutes Mary appears out of nowhere and opened the rear door throwing a sizeable bag in the back then climbed in the front.
"Well off you go." She said with a giggle. I liked Mary. She was sexy in a demure sort of way and she had a sense of humour. "So when you going to party with Sam?" she asked out of the blue.
"What? Why? Say that again?" I could not believe what she had just said.
"Well I need to know, only I share with her and if you two are going to spend the night I am going to have to find somewhere else to sleep. It's ok though, Cyn's got a spare bed recently as Kate's spending every night with Stu and Kyle."
"Well as much as I think Sam is hot, well, all of your group are hot, but I don't think it will happen somehow." I answered as best I could. Although, the thought of spending a night with Sam did seem like a good idea.
"Stephen, Sam was saying you were cute. You've only seen the ‘on the prowl' Sam. She's actually a lovely girl and sensitive. She was saying to one or two of the girls that she wanted to sneak you and keep you in bed for a day or two to make you forget your ex. Sue and Gemma both thought it might be fun. But they were all kidding including Sam." Mary looked down at her phone.
"As much as I think that sound fun it's a bit scary too." I tried to sound funny.
"Stephen." She looked at me. "Can you let me direct you. I was on the internet last night and I found a really nice location for us to shoot some photos. It's off the beaten track and I want to continue where we left off. And I'm more prepared." She pointed to the bag back seat.
"OK, but if we get there and Sam or the others are there I am off and leaving the lot of you there." I warned. She promised there would be no one there but the two of us. Strangely I believed her.
It had taken over an hour of walking from the car with her bag, my camera gear and the food so when we arrived at the old dilapidated farm house it was a welcome break. We sat for ten minutes chatting idly when Mary sat up and said.
"Right. I'm going to get changed and do my makeup. You stay here get your camera ready and I'll be a few minutes." Well a few minutes was in fact about fifteen. Mary called me from the door and I stood and turned around and it was then I realised why she had wanted an off the beaten track place to do this. Mary stood there in matching black stockings, suspender belt, bra, thong and heels. Her hair had been brushed until it shone and was looking nervous like the first time Mary had posed for me. While she was getting ready I had got my camera out, looking over I asked if she was ready. The old farmhouse was a brilliant backdrop for Mary's photos and a number of time I had to help her move from one pose to another which occasionally brought me into contact with either flesh or lace. Having taken a number of photos Mary changed in to a white basque, stockings, thong and heels which was a stark contrast the dilapidated state of the building.
"So Mary." I said after a few moment, "is that what you are going to wear under your wedding dress?" She started laughing which made us relax a bit more.
"No, silly. It's a bit like this but my wedding one has no back to it as I have a strapless dress."
The posing continues and by the end of each outfit each pose got more risqué. Not that I minded, in fact it did cause a bit of a stirring under my shorts.
After the white lingerie came a couple of sexy dresses. Mary asked if I could shoot some more in the black lingerie and of course I agreed. Once changed we carried on photographing for another half an hour before we decided to eat.
Sat on a rug we ate, me fully clothed and Mary in the sexy black lingerie. I'm sure you can imagine how hard it is not to stare and concentrate on eating when you have a beautiful young woman in lingerie sitting with you in the middle of nowhere. You can't? Well, let me tell you it is next to impossible. Having eaten and things pushed to the side Mary sat closer and she sighed deeply.
"What's up Mary?" I asked concerned that maybe we had taken one or two shots too far.
"Stephen." She sighed again. "You know Dave, my fiancé, asked me months ago to pose like this and I always refused. I was self-conscious. Yet, here I am doing it with you, and what's more I am enjoying it." She looked down between her stockinged thighs and drew a deep long breath. I put my arm around her shoulders.
"Don't feel bad, love. You know these photos will never be seen by anyone but you. I'll put them on a CD for you and then you'll have them forever."
"I want to show them off though. This is the naughtiest thing I have done. Ever!" she seemed surprised by her own admission. "But I can show anyone because Dave will want to know who took them, how can I tell him a man I hardly know took them on my hen party. He'll think I slept with you."
"Tell him a female photographer took them and you organised them as a surprise." I suggested. She brightened at this idea. "It's not as if anyone knows you and I are here and the rest of your group will think it's true because you sneaked away right?"
"Thanks that's brilliant." She exclaimed and turned towards me smiled. Then it happened, Mary leaned forwards and kissed me on the lips. I don't think she realised but her hands cam up to cradle my face and I pulled her towards me. The kissing began to get a little more passionate and she slipped on to her back and I was over her maintaining lip contact the whole time. Then it hit me like a bolt of lightening out of the blue that this woman was getting married and was in all probability already regretting what we were doing. I stopped kissing her and sat up. Mary laid on the rug breathing heavily looking very confused.
"Why did you stop Stephen?" she panted. I simply reached for her left hand and tapped her engagement ring.
"Because Mary, if we continued and trust me I'd love to continue, you would regret it and then you would get home confess to Dave and that would be the end to it. Either that or it would haunt you until one day it all comes out and you'd lose everything. You deserve better." Mary simply nodded.
"You know Stephen, your ex-wife is a fucking idiot." She threw her hands over her mouth realising her swear word. "Sorry. I just..." She never finished as I put my fingers to her lips to hush her then kissed her tenderly.
"It wasn't just her, it was me. I focused on work and money instead of my marriage."
"I'm getting changed. Let's go back to the hotel. I have to go to a shop in town but tonight can I come to your chalet?"
"Mary, that might be a bad idea. We..." she put her finger to my lips this time.
"I just want a couple of photos and to look at the ones from today. Promise nothing else." I reluctantly agreed
Once back at the hotel I parked, got rid of the packed lunch went to my room and began uploading the photos to my laptop. While that happened I cast an eye over the pool area and the hen party girls were in full flow. Cyn was there in a very tiny deep blue bikini her back to me, Sam was in a white one that was struggling to contain her body. Kate was laying down in a black one piece but looked terrible due to the partying, drinking and entertaining her blond beau. I hit the shower, a less than hot one I might add. After I dried and dressed I did a bit of editing on the photos on balcony listening to the girls greet Mary back in high pitched screams and giggles. All too soon I hit the restaurant and ate heartily. In the bar Mary spotted me and mouthed the word ‘ten' to me to let me know what time to expect her. Cyn was in a leopard print mini dress and her long multitonal blonde hair cascaded down her back while Sam was in black satin dress that was rather sexy yet covered a lot. Kate was nowhere to be seen. The other girls were all attired in sexy outfits and all the lads in the bar were taking turns to hit on them. Sam broke away from the group and headed to me while Mary looked nervously over at me. Sam made it very obvious that tonight was my lucky night.
"Sam, you know another night. I have been out all day in the wilds of nowhere and I'm even drinking water." I pointed at the large glass of iced water on the table. She laughed.
"I will get you on my own before the end of this holiday you know!"
"We'll see. As lovely as you are, there is something that's stopping me. I even turned down an open offer today. I think there is something wrong with me."
"No hun." She looked disappointed but added, "I can see it, you're hung up on your ex. I have a friend like that. No closure." I nodded, kissed her on the cheek, God that woman smelled amazing, and left the bar.
Just after ten there was a knock on the door and as I opened it I was knocked back as Mary came through the door like a bat out of hell.
"Well Good evening Mary." I said somewhat surprised by her entry.
"Shut the door." Her voice came from the bathroom, I complied and turned. "Thanks. I didn't want to be seen. Can you imagine what Sam, Cyn or the others would say I they saw me enter your room."
"Well Sam would be VERY pissed off, she told me I was on a promise." I laughed so did Mary. "Now, what is it you want from this photoshoot?" I asked trying to sound professional.
"Well give me a minute in here and I'll tell you." A few moments later Mary emerged from the bathroom in a very sheer babydoll nighty in black with pink bows on the neckline and matching thong.
"I .. I .. I .." There were no words to express how I felt at the moment. I wanted her, but I knew we would both regret it.
"Stephen, You ok?" she looked worried with good reason, I had stopped breathing and the blood was rushing to the one part of my body that didn't need it.
"You look amazing, I..." Again I never finished... "I want you to take my photo in this on the bed and I want it to get very, very naughty." Will you be ok with that?" An innocent look on her face told me it was ok with her.
"For the next hour or so I took lots of photos of her in the nighty and a fair few of her in nothing at all in what could only be described as very very naughty poses. At the end she dressed handed me an envelope kissed me and left. I sat on the bed and opened it.
Thank you for the photos, the kiss and being a complete gentleman. I want a copy of the photos, all of them, and I want you to keep a copy for yourself. Please don't publish them but keep them as a reminder that you made my fantasy come true. I will always be indebted to you, because you made me realise how much I love Dave.
For the remainder of our time here please don't talk to me because I may crumble and I can see myself falling for you. If you ever speak to your ex-wife, tell her that there is a woman out there that thinks she is stupid to not let you back into her life.
Please bring the photos on the CD to my wedding (details below) and bring a guest.
Thank you.
Mary xxx'/i>
I put the letter away, closed the computer and laid back on my bed. I have to admit I did cry a little not out of loneliness or hurt, but out of happiness that Mary had lived out what she wanted before her marriage began but also I was alone on this big empty bed. I could not stand to be here right now. I grabbed my wallet keys and left for a walk.
On the beach, the sound of the waves were my only companion. I headed up the beach from the water and her Kate laughing raucously then a grunt and a sigh from one of the chalets I knew she was entertaining her blond man again. The leopard print dress of Cyn passed by with the young black lad with his arm around her but neither of them saw me in the shadows of the bush I was behind. Kyle pushed Cyn against the wall and they were kissing passionately, I suspect that he was going to do what Stu had done with Kate a few days earlier and bang her against the wall. Kyle got his hand on her breasts and was groping away when Cyn suddenly froze up and pushed him away when voices came from the other direction to me and she pushed him further back and made in to her chalet alone. Kyle kicked the wall, swore and even in the very dim light I could see he had been hoping to get laid but it wasn't to be. I have no idea why but I was glad. I walked through the dimly lit chalets and back to the bar. As I passed through reception I say the last of the girls dancing or kissing a bloke or two. Mary was sat to one side with Sam. I quickly left them to it.
I decided the beach would be a better option the next morning going on the principle that the girls had been partying until the early hours and would stay by the pool. How wrong I was. No more than an hour later the girls came along with a lot of young guys and set up the beach volleyball again. Inwardly I groaned because this time they were closer than last time and also noisier. The ball flew my way once and Kyle came over looked at me, grabbed the ball and off he went. The lad's hands were all over the girls much to the delight of Kate and Sam in their bikinis. Mary was in her black one piece again to be decent and to their credit none of the lads groped the bride-to-be. Cyn was also in a red one piece and looked like a Baywatch beauty but she was less than happy at Kyle and another guys hands roaming and on one occasion she aimed a slap at the other lad but missed him. I closed my eyes thinking about how to spend the rest of my time there when the ball hit the end of my lounger and startled me. The Baywatch beauty, Cyn, ran towards me when she suddenly stopped and her mouth dropped open as if she had seen a ghost. I turned round thinking there was something behind me when she said. "Stephen?" and took a step back.
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