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Last night before summer

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Mel exhaled a deep sigh, teasing her sandy-blonde hair in the dingy mirror in her dorm room. It was the last night of the semester, and tomorrow she'd pack her things, fill her dad's trailer, and head back home for the summer.

The school year had been just about everything she though it would be. Across the room, her roommate and new best friend, Val, was squeezing herself a tight pari of jeans, both of them primping for a last night out together. That first phone call from Val, almost ten months ago, felt like a lifetime ago. She remembered how nervous she was to leave her high school friends, most of whom were staying in her small midwestern town and attending the local community college. Mel was off to State U, a strange place where she would know almost no one. People didn't often leave her hometown.

But then Val had called one day to introduce herself, and almost instantly she clicked with her randomly assigned roommate. They shared a bunch of interests, and Val was also from a nobody-leaves small town. Val seemed even more nervous than Mel, on the phone, but when they arrived to move in and found they were dressed almost identically, it was best friend love at first sight.

Since then, they'd eaten almost every meal together, spent almost every night watching TV or studying together, traveled to each other's home towns and met each other's families. They'd each made a lot of friends, but everyone had come to know them as a pair. You get one, you get them both.

Mel pulled at her light blue crop top, and studied the too-tight white skirt she'd been saving for their last night out of the year. Val was sitting at her desk, staring into a small mirror, applying makeup, wearing an almost identical white top of her own. The music in their room was blaring, so Val didn't hear Mel sigh again, as she tried to invent cleavage, pushing her small breasts together, and then letting them fall back into place. With a shrug, she spun around and asked Val if she was ready to go. Moments later, they were arm in arm, down the hall and out of the dorm, walking in unison toward their favorite bar.

As they walked, Mel thought about how, twenty-four hours from now, she'd be home, in her childhood bedroom, with her high school friends, and undoubtedly with Steve. They'd dated all through high school, but she broke it off before she left for college. Steve was fine, and definitely good looking, but he wasn't going anywhere. He was already working in his dad's auto body shop, and Mel knew that's where he'd spend the next 50 years. She didn't break up with him because she didn't think they could make it work, but because she thought she could do better, or at least "enjoy" her college years.

In fact, there hadn't been much enjoying. She'd dated a guy for a few weeks, but it didn't go anywhere. In her mind, she'd had this vision of two wild college girls, a different guy every week, but in reality, there had been almost none. Val had only brought one guy home, and spent most of the night on the futon below her loft bed giggling while they made out. She swore she wasn't a virgin, but Mel didn't really believe her. Val had been with a few more guys, and she even slept with one, but most of the college guys she dreamt of didn't seem to notice her.

If she were being honest, the two of them were cute, but just cute. They didn't look like kids, but they didn't look like some of the women they saw around campus, either. They were the kind of girls you married, Mel had to admit, not the kind of girls you got wild with as a freshman.

It didn't feel like a failure of a year, exactly, just not what she wanted. As the semester drew towards a close, she grew a little frustrated. She'd hoped to return home all worldly and experienced, but that wasn't going to happen. She was going to work the summer at her dad's diner, and she knew Steve would come in for lunch, and they'd probably be together by next weekend. Another deep sigh.

And what would Mel do? She lived clear across the state, and she had a big group of high school friends, but her summer plans seemed to go no further than a little nannying and afternoons at the community pool. Mel wondered if Val wanted more out of the year, too. Val's approach to guys was, well, girlish. She mostly preferred to giggle at them from a distance, and she was always harboring some secret crush. Mel usually was, too, but she was bold enough to go talk to them, even if it rarely went anywhere. Val preferred to sit back with her smile and her giggles.

Soon they were in line outside the bar. They saw a lot of familiar faces, and the place was unusually packed. Val knew one of the bouncers at the door, though - they'd gone to school together - and he waved them to the front of the line and checked their IDs.

The bar was wall-to-wall. The giant screens along the wall showed a basketball game, and big groups of frat bros were gathered around with their plastic cups of beer, yelling and carrying on. The bar itself was at least three people deep all around, as busy bartenders scurried back and forth filling orders for cheap beer and sugary shots.

"I think I see Brian, I'll go get us a drink," Val shouted into Mel's ear, and disappeared into the crowd. Brian was an older guy who had been hitting on Val all year. He was weird, Mel thought, but Val was smart enough to use him for free beer on bar nights. Mel pushed her way towards the pounding bass of the dance floor, weaving her way in and out of sweaty bodies. Eventually, she found a little pocket along the far side of the square dance floor, in the back of the bar, and before long Val reappeared with two beers.

"I had to promise I'd call him this summer," Val laughed, handing a clear plastic cup to her friend. They usually only needed help getting their first drink; after that, there was never a shortage of guys on the dance floor willing to supply.

"Damn. He looks good." Val shouted into Mel's ear, elbowing her and almost spilling both their drinks. She pointed with her cup at Mike, the regular DJ. He was in this high-sided platform, a pair of headphones cocked to the side of his head, busily moving about playing music. He was the only shared crush they'd had, and Mel in particular thought he was something close to perfect. He wasn't very tall, but quite thin, and always had a smile for him. Most of the bar staff ignored the freshmen, but not Mike. He'd held their coats in the DJ booth for them during the winter months, and almost always complied when they had a request.

"Should we go say hi?" Mel asked. Val nodded, but waited for Mel to lead the way.

They pushed through the dancing crowd, until they could get along the back side of the DJ booth. The platform was probably 4 feet high, with walls all around, so Mike seems a lot taller than he was. They stood their patiently, waiting for him to notice.

After what felt like forever, Mike turned around, and he seemed really happy to see them. "Val and Mel! My girls! How are my favorite freshmen?" Mike leaned forward to talk to them, and Mel thought he looked even better up close. She felt Val grab and squeeze her hand. She'd been into him all year.

"Hi!" the shouted out in union. Mel smiled, and said, "We aren't freshman any more, you know!"

"That's right!" Mike smiled in reply, giving them both a fist bump. "Now you're my favorite sophs. You get a place for the summer? We're having a summer blow out next week, and you guys have to come!"

Mel made a fake pouty face. "No...we're both going home for the summer."

"DAMN! NO!" Mike cried out in reply, a little theatrically. "That SUCKS. I was hoping we could hang out this summer, when it's quieter. When do you leave?"

"In the morning. Both of our families are coming to move us out tomorrow."

"Well, you've ruined my summer." Mike teased.

"Sorry!" Val replied, reaching up and running her hand over his arm.

"Well, shit. What about tonight. You guys don't usually stick around until close, but why don't we hang out tonight?"

"I don' is coming kind of early..." Val started to object. Mel grew instantly frustrated with her. Of course her first reaction was to run, and then she'd spend the rest of the night giggling at him from across the dance floor.

"They aren't coming until afternoon. Why not?" Mel cut her off, and gave her an elbow to the ribs.

"Oh, I don't..." Val started to object again.

"Yeah?" Mike replied, surprised. "Just hang around after last call. I'm done as soon as the lights come up, and we can go hang out somewhere and say goodbye. It'll be fun!"

"Ok!" Mel committed them both, and grabbing Val by the hand, dragged her back to the dance floor. Returning to their original spot, Val immediately started to complain.

"Val, I don't know. He's basically a stranger, and..."

"Stop being such a prude, Val." Mel scolded her. Turning to face her, and taking both her hands, she continued, "it's our last night before summer, and he's so nice. Remember Stacy, down the hall? She said she dated him for like three months, and he was so sweet. Plus, we'll be together. And we've gone to lots of house parties, this isn't any different. It'll be fun, and if it isn't, we can just leave and go home. What else are we going to do?"

Val shrugged, and Mel gave her a hug. "It'll be fun. Now drink your beer, and let's have some fun!"

Mel could tell Val was nervous, and she caught her looking up at Mike all the time. Now and then, he's smile at them and wave or give them a head nod. As the night went on, Mel was more convinced the should definitely go, and that it would be good for Val to get out of her comfort zone a little.

The night flew by, and they had no trouble finding people to get them drinks. Mel danced a little with this guy she knew from her into to psychology class, but he disappeared when an older girl showed some interest. About a half hour before closing, Val complained she was getting tired, but Mel found her a shot and told her to drink up.

Eventually, the music came to an abrupt end, and they heard Mike's voice booming through the room, telling people the bar was closing, and it was time to go home. Mel grabbed Val's hand, and held her back as the bouncers started to usher people off the dance floor.

"Time to go, girls." A voice commanded them.

"No, um, Mike. Told us to wait. Mike said." Mel stumbled over her words. She thought she might be drunker than she thought.

"Mike!" the voice shouted over the din. "They yours?"

Mike was talking to the bar manager, who was up in the DJ booth, but hearing his name, turned back to the dance floor and nodded.

The bouncer laughed. "Cool. Go stand over there." He motioned toward the DJ booth.

Val and Mel stood there, awkwardly, and feeling a little on display. Before long, Mike appeared around the side of the DJ booth.

"Ladies! You stayed! I thought for sure you'd leave. I was almost going to leave and head to an after-hours."

"You can still go." Val replied, too fast. Mel squeezed her hand again.

"Nah, those guys are weird. Let's go hang. My place ok? I need to drop my laptop off anyway."

"Yeah. Your place!" Mel replied as fast as she could, before Val could interrupt. She wondered where someone like him might live.

"Cool. Let's go." Mike motioned towards a back door, and they exited through the emergency exit at the back of the dance floor. The air was warm and starting to get sticky, loud with partiers leaving the bar and disappearing into the surrounding neighborhood. Mike led them towards his car, nothing special. The girls got in, and Mike fired the engine.

"Do you live alone?" Val asked from the back seat, a little nervously.

"Yeah, I do. I had a roommate until a few months ago, but he moved out. My place isn't much, but I don't spend that much time there." Mike replied, fiddling with the radio. "I only have beer, is that ok?"

"Yeah!" Mel responded, as the car weaved through the residential neighborhood. Quickly, they were at a small apartment building, and Mike pulled into a little carport underneath. There were drunk college kids around, and a party in one of the units. Grabbing his laptop, Mike led them up to his top-floor apartment. Swinging the door open, he held it for the girls.

It was nicer than Mel expected, and decorated a little funky. A full DJ rig was along one wall, with big speakers, and a huge TV sat in front of an L-shaped couch.

"Beers!" Mike called out, disappearing into the kitchen. "Make yourselves at home."

Val stood awkwardly in the doorway. "He's nice," Mel scolded her. "Relax. We aren't far from the dorm. We can walk home anytime." Mel went and sat on the couch.

Mike returned with three beers. "Val, you cool?" he asked, as she stayed stationary at the door. He handed her a beer, and then one to Mel. "Come on, have a seat."

Mike walked over to the DJ rig and turned on some music. Mel expected loud dance music, but it was a kind of soft jazz. She laughed and took a drink. "This is what you listen to?"

Mike smiled and took a drink himself. "Yeah. I need something softer, smoother, after all that noise. But we can turn on whatever you want." He leaned against the wall, and took another drink of his beer. Val finally walked gingerly over to the couch, and took a seat on the opposite "leg" from her roommate.

The three of them made small talk for a while, and both girls thought Mike was just as funny and warm as they expected. Soon, he got them all another beer, and when he returned, he took a seat between them on the couch. Mel scooted herself closer, so she was sitting right next to him, but Val kept a little distance. Mike put his arms up on the back of the couch, one behind Val, the other around Mel's shoulder.

Mel liked the way his hand felt on her half-exposed shoulder, and she leaned in to him a little. She wasn't sure what was going to happen, but she thought SOMETHING might be next, and it seemed like the perfect way to end the year. But if Mike hit on her, should she leave Val here, or...

Mel's thoughts were interrupted by the feel of Mike's lips on hers. Instinctively, she turned towards him, and met his soft kiss in kind. He was a good kisser, she thought, and clearly knew how to kiss a girl. Her lips parted slightly, and she felt Mike's tongue gently play with hers. His hand was caressing her shoulder, and she was really getting kind of turned on.

Mike was still sitting in the bend of the couch, and as he kissed Mel, he let his other hand fall on Val's shoulder. He could feel her go stiff, and it was a stretch because she was sitting so far away. He ran a finger along her shoulder, but she drew no closer.

Mel broke their kiss, and smiled. "You're a really good kisser." Mike smiled back at her, and kissed her again. She leaned in closer to him this time, but then broke away.

"Is my roommate being unfriendly?" she teased, leaning aside from Mike and smiling at Val, who looked good and nervous.

"She's fine." Mike replied, turning and smiling at Val. He removed his arm from behind her, and placed it on her knee. "She's just fine."

Val tried to smile, but her body was almost shaking.

Mel stood up, suddenly motivated by some unseen, unrecognized force. She walked over to her roommate, and dropped down on to her knees, directly in front of Val. Mike moved his hand, and Mel put her hands on each of Val's knees.

"Val, we can take you home, if you want," Mel started, softly, "or, I think you should stay here, with us." Pulling herself up high on her knees, Mel moved forward, and did something she couldn't have previously ever imagined. She kissed her best friend.

Their lips met, softly, and Mel felt Val squeeze as tight as a human can. She kept her lips on Val's, and used her left hand to stroke her face. Stopping briefly, she whispered to her friend, "Let's have a little fun before summer."

Val's heart was racing. She was so confused, and overwhelmed, but she had to admit, Mel's lips on hers felt nice, so she tried to relax. She placed a hand on Mel's arm, and tried kissing her back. Their lips parted, and Mel put her tongue in Val's mouth. Val couldn't believe it, but kissing her best friend was actually nice, and she didn't mind when she felt Mel's hands slide further up her leg.

Then their kiss ended, and Val felt a finger pulling on her chin. Mike turned her head towards him, and they started to kiss. Val thought about how much she'd wanted to kiss him, all year, and now here she was, actually doing it. She thought that Mike was the best kisser she'd ever been with, and if they were just going to make out for a while, that would be fun.

Val and Mike continued kissing, their tongues intertwined, and she found herself getting more than a little turned on. Mike ran his hand up her arm, and played with her left breast a little through her tight shirt. She hadn't been with many guys, but she liked having her boobs played with, and she could feel her nipple grow hard beneath the thin fabric of her top. She noticed that Mike seemed to be moving around a little, but she kept her eyes closed and continued kissing him.

Mike stopped playing with her breast, and ran his hand up under her shirt. Val wasn't wearing a bra, so his fingers found the soft flesh of her breast quickly. He played with her little breast so nicely, and teased her firm nipple just right. Val caught herself moaning just a little, instantly almost embarrassed. Then Mike moaned back, which she thought was kind of strange, but she kept kissing him. Eventually, he started trying to take her top off, so she had to break their kiss to let him.

As she leaned back, she couldn't believe she was taking her top off for a near-stranger, but as long as it didn't go much further, she thought it would be ok. But then, what she saw, both shocked her, and made her feel more turned on than she ever had in her life.

Breaking their kiss, and opening her eyes, she saw her roommate, kneeling between Mike's legs, leaned forward and sucking his dick.

Val almost yelped. She'd never seen anything like this, she'd never even watched porn. She'd given her high school boy friend head a few times, but she'd never really looked at it. Mike seemed big, or at least she thought it looked big, and Mel was bobbing her head up and down on it, her right hand wrapped around it. Mike was unbuttoning his shirt and tossed it aside, and Val couldn't help but notice that he was in great shape. She sat back a little, and found herself transfixed on her roommate.

Mike leaned back against the couch, and running his fingers through Mel's sandy hair, guided her head up and down. He moaned, both he and Val with their eyes locked on Mel. Then Mike pulled Mel's head from his lap, and directed her up towards his face. They had a long, passionate kiss, as Mike ran his hands up Mel's sides, and started to pull her top up. Mel helped him, her own bra-less breasts coming into view.

Mel turned towards Val and smiled when she realized her roommate was topless. They'd lived together all year, but Val was so careful not to be seen naked, Mel had never seen her topless before. She looked so nice, Mel thought.

"I think she liked watching," Mike said, quietly.

"I think you're right," Mel replied.

Mike and Mel both moved towards her, almost in sync. Mel arrived first, and gave her best friend another kiss. Mike stood up and took off his pants.

Mel kissed Val for a moment, and then started to suck on her breasts. She'd never done it before, but did it the way she liked to have hers kissed, and Val couldn't help but moan a little in appreciation of her work. Then she felt a pair of hands on her hips, and knew Mike was behind her. Mike lifted her skirt over her ass, and she felt a pair of soft lips kiss one of her cheeks. She'd never been kissed there before, she thought, as she felt Mike's fingers running along the underside of her black panties.

Mel moaned as Mike softly played with her through her underwear, but kept kissing Val's breasts. Then Mike stopped, and moved to kiss Val. Mel could feel his hard dick next to her, and so she stopped with Val and started sucking Mike again. He was a lot bigger than the boys she'd been with, especially Steve, and she liked the feel of him in her mouth. Then she stopped, and spotting Val's hand resting near her, she took her friend's hadn't in hers and placed it on Mike.

Val just held on for a while, but then slowly started stroking him. Mel liked watching her do it, and found herself absentmindedly playing with herself as Val did.

Mike broke the kiss and pulled himself away, leaving Mel between Val's knees. Then he took Mel by the hand, and guided her back up to the couch. She sat back, her skirt hiked up, and Mike moved between her knees. Pulling her panties aside, he placed his tongue on her for the first time.

"Oh fuck" Mel muttered, his tongue feeling so good. Mike started to lick her, between her lips, then settling in a steady rhythm on her clit. None of the guys she'd been with liked to do this, she thought, which meant she needed to find new guys, because this felt so amazing. Mel could feel sweat growing on her body, as she pushed her hips back against Mike's mouth.

Turning her head, she saw Val kneeling next to her, eyes locked on Mike's head. Mel reached over and pulled Val to her, kissing her as a near-stranger ate her pussy like never before. Mel felt her body start to shake, as an orgasm shot through her body. She was so turned on, so wet, she couldn't help herself any longer.

Pushing Mike back onto the floor, Mel climbed atop him. She didn't care that she barely knew him, she didn't care that he didn't seem to have a condom nearby. She climbed on him, and taking his cock into her hand, she placed him at the wet bottom of her. She'd only been with a few guys, but she knew this would be different. Lowering herself onto him, she felt herself stretch to fit, equal measures pain and incredible pleasure. Giving herself a moment to accommodate him, she started to raise and lower herself on him, slowly taking as much of him as she could.

Val couldn't believe what she was watching, but she couldn't take her eyes off them. She was so hot, and hornier than she'd ever been. She felt this intense need to do something, so she unbuttoned her jeans and took them off. Sitting back on the couch, she started to slowly play with herself. She'd only masturbated a few times, so she was shocked at how wet she felt. It felt nice, and she couldn't stop watching as her roommate rode up and down Mike's long cock.

Then Mike called to her. She rose to her feet, and pulling her panties down, she slowly walked towards him. Mike motioned towards him, and she knelt down beside him and kissed him. Then he whispered, "That's not what I want."

Val looked at Mel, whose face was twisted in pleasure. She was panting as she bounced up and down on him. "Sit on this face" she moaned.

Val wasn't sure what to do. She clumsily climbed onto Mikes face, but held herself high over him. Then she felt his hands on her hips, pulling her down to his face. She let out a loud, lusty moan, a tongue touching her pussy for the first time. She came immediately, her body shaking, her roommate kissing her as she did.

She didn't know how long she stayed here, her body completely overcome with what she was feeling, but eventually she felt Mel push her off of Mike's face. Val stumbled a little, as Mel guided her onto her back. Then she felt Mike over top of her. Her heart skipped a beat, as she realized she'd never had sex before. Was she really going to lose her virginity to a stranger? She started to object, but then she felt the tip of his against her, and her body took over. She not only wasn't going to object, but she needed him, and now.

Mike pushed into her, just an inch or two, and Val cried out in pain as her body opened for the first time. He slowly stroked his way in and out, and she felt Mel's fingers on her clit. Before long, she felt herself start to get used to it, and then it felt so amazing. He was very gentile with her, and Mel kept playing with her clit. She felt a burning feeling deep within her, and then, before she knew it, she heard her own voice as she cried out with a kind of pleasure she'd never felt before.

When she finally regained consciousness, Mel's face was right above her. Her roommate was directly above her, moving back and forth, occasionally trying to kiss her. It took a moment, but then Val realized what was happening. Her roommate was practically lying on top of her, getting fucked by Mike. He was grunting in rhythm with the slapping sound she heard, and Mel was moaning in total pleasure. Then she felt Mel go rigid, crying out loudly. "Oh fuck. Val, he's so good. Fuck. I'm cumming. He's making me cum so hard!"

Mike grunted harder and harder, and then cried out that he was about to cum himself. Mel wiggled off of her roommate, and then Val felt her chest and breasts got covered in shot after shot of cum.

Mel kissed her again. Val laid there, covered, trying to understand what had just happened. She was all at once confused and excited. She had never thought about Mel this way before, but she was also kind of glad it had happened.

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The author of this story: elguapo

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