We had never been really close friends but we always had a good laugh together and had done some pretty wild things, including on one occasion a sex party.
Ricky reminded me of that night.
"You remember that party of Greg's we went to? You know, the one where we wore no clothes?"
"How could I forget it. Came more times that night than I ever have in a night since I think!"
"Yeah, me too. Well anyway, he got in touch last week and wanted to know if I was interested in another one. It seems like he is organising them as a sort of business venture now. He is charging £25 for entry, which doesn't seem too steep. I said I would go. I'm sure I could get you a ticket if you want."
"Sounds like a fun night out. Get me a ticket if you can. I'm up for it." I said enthusiastically.
"OK mate. Will do. He says there are all sorts of things planned. There is a milking table too."
"A what?" I asked, my mind racing and coming to several conclusions.
"Best you google it if you don't know. I had to, as well...No! Don't do it here. Wait til you get home." said Ricky with a wink.
Later that night and after a few more beers, I climbed into bed and remembered what Ricky had said. I picked up my phone and through bleary eyes watched a video of a woman's hand playing with a man's cock, and balls that seemed to be hanging through a hole in a horizontal surface. I think I fell asleep before he came.
At some point in the early morning, I woke after some confused dreams and found my phone in bed with me. I remembered the video and wondered why anyone would want to do that when they could just get their cock sucked or jerked with the woman in full view. I decided I wouldn't bother with that attraction at the party.
The next day, I kept thinking about it. I just couldn't get the idea out of my head. In the end I went back and looked at the video again. It really wasn't very good. Just a hand and a cock. However, this time I watched all the way through to see if she made him cum. She did. The camera pulled back right near the end of the video and showed a lovely girl getting her face and tits splattered with cum. Now that is something I do like to see. There was a link to another video. This one was much better. It showed a naked girl stroking and sucking from a couch under the table. It was a huge cock and balls she was playing with. In the end it did erupt as any cock would, played with like that, but the amount of spunk was a bit disappointing. But I was hooked. The next video was a compilation and there were a multitude of women getting their faces and tits covered from various shapes and sizes of manhood. I now found the whole thing quite fascinating. It was definitely a spectator sport but I still didn't fancy being on the top of the table unable to see or interact. Something to watch at the party to be sure. I imagined standing behind a naked girl arms draped over her shoulders, stroking her tits and belly while we watched the girl under the table work her charms on a disembodied cock. I wasn't sure whether the man on the table would be visible to spectators. I guessed it varied.... but that bit didn't matter much to me.
The day of the party came. I arrived at the venue; a large Victorian house set well back from the road behind a wooded garden. The man on the door accepted my ticket and told me where to undress. There were a number of men in the room, chatting in a relaxed way and I joined them. I stripped off fully, grabbed a towel and headed out into the main rooms.
Just like last time the feeling of absolute freedom to be naked among so many naked or near naked people was just so liberating. I wondered whether I should perhaps look into naturism as I loved the feeling so much.
I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see a very small girl looking up at me from her 4-foot 11 height.
"I thought it was you!" she said.
"Julie! Fancy seeing you here. I never would have guessed."
It was a girl I used to work with. Never seen her with so little on...in fact nothing on! Her large boobs momentarily hid the fact she had no panties.
"Well, I never would have expected you here either." Julie replied.
I laughed.
"We both have secrets it seems then. You look magnificent...I often wondered how good you would look, and you exceed my expectations."
I felt her hand on my rapidly hardening cock.
"Yes. I can tell you like me. It shows more than it used to at work." said Julie.
"I liked you then... but you seem nicer still tonight. I really never imagined you would come to something like this. You seemed such a quiet polite girl."
Julie laughed.
"I could say much the same about you. But I am glad you are here. I am on my way to see what is happening at the milking table. Want to come?"
"Okay." I said. Surprised and excited I was to see at so soon...and with a pretty girl in tow.
It turned out though that she actually had me in tow. Julie gripped my cock quite tightly and led me through the crowds of people. It felt good. I had no complaints about being led this way. I would never have expected it to be Julie doing it though.
The Milking table was set up in a side room. It had curtains around three sides. One side was open to view and I could see a woman reclining on the couch beneath it. There were a couple of settees in front of it and we found room to squeeze onto one of them.
Julie and I had only been seated a few seconds when a man came in from another door at the back of the table. He could not see who was underneath.
The man climbed up onto the table. I guessed he was about half erect. His cock was not that large but he did seem to have quite large saggy balls. There was a large woman wearing a basque outfit who helped the guy feed his cock and balls down through the hole. It didn't look easy to do. The hole seemed quite small, and by the time he was poking through the table I could see he was fully hard. No doubt helped by the thought of what was coming as well as the hands of the female helper.
I noticed Julie was transfixed by the whole process. As was I. We were both more engaged as the woman very gently began to tickle the cock and balls hanging before her. It was obvious too that the guy on the table liked it. I could see the veins standing out in his rock-hard shaft. The woman leaned forward and ran her tongue round the end of his cock and slowly eased his foreskin back to expose the sensitive head. She gently licked this and blew on it. Such an awesome tease. Suddenly she took him deep in her mouth and sucked on him. I saw his body jerk at the pleasurable shock of it. Poor guy had no warning. Next she withdrew and simply looked at it twitching in anticipation. Ever so gently she cupped his balls in her hand. I could imagine how delicious that felt, but again a real tease. I just knew he wanted to feel her tongue and lips on him again.
The woman spent a couple of minutes massaging his balls. I could tell he liked it but the suspense was killing him.
Slap, slap went her hand on his unsuspecting cock. It probably didn't really hurt but the shock of it made him jump quite visibly. Poor guy.
She paused a few seconds and then slapped him again. He was ready for it that time and it was clear it excited him. The woman waited again teasing him. I was beginning to see the attraction of being on the table... but it still wasn't for me. I liked interaction.
Suddenly the woman started sucking and wanking the guy for all she was worth. I watched his body start to stiffen and I whispered to Julie.
"Won't be long now. He can't hold out against that."
The woman was very skilled. She knew just when to stop. She let go completely and thrust her lovely tits towards the throbbing twitching cock. She waited about ten seconds and then reached up and slowly stroked his cock head. I saw a little dribble appear at the slit and she rubbed it in with her thumb.
He blew his load big time. The woman moaned and giggled as he covered her heaving tits with his spunk.
"Oooh I just love to see that." Whispered Julie.
"Me too. I have no interest in cocks unless I can see them do that." I replied.
Julie's hand went to my hard member and discovered that I was dribbling a little pre-cum.
"I'm going to watch here a bit longer." said Julie with a giggle. "You need to go off and find somewhere to unload your balls before you have an accident. Come and find me later and we can play. I would like that. I want to feel you inside me."
"I would like that too. I'll go on for longer when the tank is not quite so full. Are you going under the table?"
"Nooo!" said Julie "I'm a good girl, remember! Catch you later."
I headed off, knowing there was a good chance I could fuck her later. Julie was right. I did need to unload. Perhaps I could find a nice girl doing hand jobs, blow jobs or tit wanks, or maybe wanting a facial. Any would be good.
I wandered round soaking up the atmosphere and watching all the sexual things going on. Then I bumped into Ricky. We chatted for a couple of minutes about what we had seen. Suddenly a door opened beside us and a man came out.
"You waiting for the table?" he said. "It's free now. I've decided against it. I don't think I can do it."
He moved away. I looked into the room. There was the large lady in the basque outfit.
"Come on! " she said "We need a victim...I mean, volunteer."
Ricky seized the opportunity. He put his big hands firmly on my shoulders and propelled me into the room.
"Joe is up for it, aren't you Joe?"
Before I could object the lady said.
"Good lad. You have a lovely hard cock. Our girl underneath will love you. She wants her face and tits creamed. Come on, she is waiting, fingering herself and aching for a stiff cock."
She pulled me towards the other door while Ricky pushed from behind. I had no chance, but something deep inside me stopped me from resisting too much. Part of me wanted to experience it and that part was winning against my more rational judgement.
As the door opened there was a little cheer from those watching. I couldn't really see them because of the bright lights shining on the table. They were just figures in the shadows. I wondered what Julie would think. I hoped she would be impressed enough to keep to our arrangement.
Nervously I climbed onto the table and felt warm hands guiding my cock and balls through the hole. I was amazed how small it was - the hole, I mean. It was actually a bit uncomfortable. I settled down and suddenly felt enormously excited as well as nervous.. The anticipation was beyond anything I had ever felt. Suddenly I understood the attraction of this.
I lay there for what seemed like an age. The anticipation was killing me. I could imagine a woman under the table. I wondered if it was the same one as I had watched. I imagined a sudden slap and tried to prepare myself. My cock was throbbing hard with excitement. I just didn't know what was coming. What an incredible tease.
I began to imagine there was nobody there and that the watchers were having a laugh at my expense.
Wait. I felt what I think was breath on my cock. I knew I couldn't stand this much longer.
Licking! Gentle licking. At least I think it is. Not being able to see is so difficult. Yes I am sure that is a tongue running up and down my hard length.
The licking went on for a while and then suddenly she took me deep in her mouth. It was too warm to be her hand. So frustrating not being able to see and at the same time, so incredibly exciting. I had never experienced anything quite like it.
The mouth was removed. What next? My cock twitched in anticipation and I felt so close to cumming. Part of me wanted her to wank me hard and get it over with and part of me wanted to hold off as long as I possibly could.
A cool hand on my balls. I love the feeling of that. A gentle feel and stroke is so nice, but my balls are sensitive to being squeezed too hard. I suppose anyone's are, but judging by what I have seen on some porn sites, and from my own experience with one particular girl I think mine have a lower pain threshold than some guys do. Her hand made me nervous, but at same time it excited me being out of control in this way.
I could feel my balls being gripped and gently tugged. It felt as though she was using both hands. I so wanted to see what was happening! I felt lips around the head of my cock again at the same time. I tried to imagine how it would look. Imagined her sitting there under me, tits quivering, hands and lips working in unison. I have never felt so turned on by a vision in my head.
How much more of this could I stand? I wondered to myself. That ages old dilemma of wanting to cum and at the same time not wanting it to be over.
My balls were released and the sucking went on. She was taking me deep into her throat. I could hear her gagging every so often under the table.
Suddenly her mouth was gone. I was quite close to cumming. Strangely the lack of attention and the anticipation was slowly drawing me closer to an eruption. I waited what seemed like an age before I felt my wet shaft gripped tigtly. Slowly, slowly she started to wank my aching cock.
A muffled voice came up to me.
"Come on! Let me have it. My tits are waiting for your big load. They are tingling in anticipation of your creamy cum. Cover them now"
This conjured up a wonderful image in my head. I could imagine her thrusting her tits upwards towards me. It was too much.
I knew I was right on the edge and I was about to erupt when the voice came again.
"Wait! Actually I'm not ready yet! Hold onto your cum."
I battled with it and made an extreme effort to step back from the brink. I could feel the imminent sensation and I was sure it was too late.
Somehow I managed to control it. I was impressed with myself. I felt a little bit creep down my shaft and I could imagine a little dribble. That was Ok.
"Mmm you're dripping. You really want to cum for me don't you? I love that." came the voice from below.
I felt lips on my cock and her tongue licking me briefly. Then nothing.
I waited. Had she gone? I just didn't know. Time seemed to stand still. I could feel my immediate need to ejaculate subsiding. I wasn't sure whether that was good or bad. Never have I experienced such a tease before.
I jumped. She had slapped my cock hard! It didn't hurt as such...well maybe it did a bit, but mostly it was the shock that made me jump. I waited.
Slap, slap slap. I waited some more. I sort of liked it and hated it at the same time. How was it possible to both dread another slap and look forward to it?
Slap. That one did hurt, and yet I still liked it. New experience for me!
Suddenly my cock was gripped hard and she started to jerk me. Slowly at first and then faster. I reckoned I would erupt very soon with that sort of treatment. However, I was in for a pleasant surprise. I soon realised that I wasn't close. The near miss and the huge effort I had made seemed to have made my body react differently. It had gone into retention. I have experienced that after having to hold off urination for a long time...I just didn't know it happened with spunk. Another new revelation.
Her hand was working my lower shaft now and stroking my balls while her mouth was sucking the head. It was amazing. It felt like I could go on forever like this.
Of course, I couldn't. In the end the pressure and burning sensation started to build up again and I knew this time I could never hold it. The dam was going to break!
"I'm cumming." I called out just as I felt the surge of hot spunk start rise up (down?) my throbbing shaft, giving her a little notice.
Her mouth was removed, but her hand kept pumping me. Hardly necessary at this point, but still good.
I felt my cock spurt and heard the gasp and the giggle which told me I had found a target. I so wished I could see it happen. Had I covered her face. Had I splattered her tits? I so wanted to know.
My orgasm was awesome! She kept her had moving. Pumping my balls empty. I felt a little sorry for Julie. I was giving out her share too it felt like. I wondered if she was watching and feeling disappointed.
Eventually I stopped and the muffled voice floated up.
"Mmm I loved that! My tits are dripping! Thank you."
I had a vision in my head of my cum all over a lovely pair of tits. Big? Small? What shape? Questions I would probably never have answers for.
The basque lady was there again. Helping me off the table and guiding me out of the door. I looked round hoping to see the woman emerge from under the table.
"Ha ha. Look ahead. Best you don't know what she is like...all part of the thrill." Said the woman handing me some tissues.
I was back out in the hallway before I knew it, feeling a bit shell shocked. I wandered around for a few minutes, watching people playing and touching and fucking. It was surreal.
All of a sudden, Julie was at my side.
"Hello." she said. "What have you been up to? Unloaded your balls yet?"
So, clearly she hadn't been in the audience. I wasn't sure if I was disappointed at that or not. Before I could answer she went on.
"I've been having a great time. Got some guy to cum on me and gave myself a good fingering while staring at and playing with his lovely cock. It was awesome."
"Good for you!" I said. "I did unload my balls, pretty substantially actually. All over a girl's tits." I hoped Julie wouldn't ask for more details that I couldn't supply. If she did I would just have to come clean.
"Mmm nice. My guy gave me a huge load. I loved it. Just need a good fucking now. You still up for it?
"Yes. If you are?"
A sudden thought occurred to me.
Could it have been Julie under the table? Should I ask or would it just be best left a delicious secret like the lady in the basque outfit had said?
Note from the webmaster: authors always appreciate feedback about their stories, so by all means write the author a note if you liked the story! The author of this story: slobuild |