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Moving on up

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Stephanie's hand shook, just enough to notice, as her slender fingers tried to hold on to a wine glass she was sure she couldn't afford to drop. The city glistened on the other side of floor-to-ceiling windows, almost like she was watching a television show. That's how the whole night felt, like she was a guest star on a TV show she didn't even know existed until recently. Wondering if she could see her house from here, out there somewhere, she felt his hand on her exposed knee. It didn't make her feel uncomfortable, but it also didn't feel right. She thought about Joe, her boyfriend since high school, other there somewhere. Which side of this window was she supposed to be on?

The hand belonged to John, who wasn't exactly trying to seduce her, but he wasn't not trying, either. He'd been a little awkward all night, which she found almost endearing. He seemed so sweet, and so completely different from Joe. She thought she might actually have a choice, between the life she'd always known, and something completely different.

It had all started a week earlier. She was sitting in her tiny house, on a hand-me-down couch, drinking her cheap beer, waiting. Joe had promised her a date night, but by 9pm she was sure he wasn't showing. He was so unpredictable, and truth be told, that's what attracted her to him way back when. It always felt like anything could happen, but in reality, almost nothing ever did. She wasn't even sure what he was, or what they were, anymore. He never seemed to have the same job for long, bouncing from body shop to auto repair to driving a truck, and back again. It was always a jerk boss or some promise of a little more money that caused the next change.

She wasn't even sure if they were living together. On the one hand, he didn't have anywhere else, but on the other, he was only "home" about half the nights. Lately, it seemed he only turned up reliably when he was drunk, horny, or broke. Usually it was all three. They'd had a fight two nights earlier, and he promised her they'd go out tonight, but it was 9pm, and he was nowhere to be found.

Stephanie felt stupid for having dressed up a little; her best black dress pants, and a white frilly top with these slightly discolored fake jewels along the plunging neckline. It wasn't fancy, but she'd worn the same outfit to his cousin's wedding last month, and Joe had gone on, at the time, about how great she looked.

Then he burst through the door, obviously drunk, and not at all dressed like they were going out. If there were a glimmer of hope, it disappeared when his cousin, Carl, followed behind.

"BABE," Joe shouted, stumbling into the living room. "We're goin' out!"

"Where have you been?" Stephanie questioned, trying to be as obviously annoyed as possible.

"Ran into Carl at the bar after work. You lookin fuckin' good. Why are you dressed up?"

Stephanie fumed. "We were SUPPOSED to have a date night tonight."

Joe replied with a confused look. "Date night, right. Well lets go! To the casino! Carl wants to shoot craps." Joe tossed her the keys to his truck. "You should probably drive, though."

That damn truck. Stephanie had been angry about the truck for months. She had been begging him to save some money, so they could move out of this shitty rental and into something nicer. Really, she hoped he might think to save for a ring. Instead, this big, stupid, brand new truck showed up. She couldn't imagine how he was affording it. Most likely, he wasn't.

A few minutes later, they were pulling into the parking lot of the local casino. Joe and Carl had brought a couple beers with them, for the five minute drive, and were on the verge of belligerently drunk. She did like the casino, though, so at least she'd have a little fun.

Joe immediately disappeared to the bar when they entered, and when he forgot to bring her a beer, she had to go get her own. It didn't take her long to find him, though, already stationed at his usual craps table. She didn't totally understand the game, but everyone was always excited, so she joined them. Dropping two twenties onto the felt, she felt a pang of guilt. She really couldn't afford this, but she didn't think Joe should have all the fun.

She was across the table from Joe and Carl, because they didn't bother to try and make room for her, and looking up to see if they even noticed she'd arrived, she saw him. Truthfully, he wasn't anything overly special, not too tall, not as big or obviously strong as Joe, but the way he was dressed and carried himself was completely different.

Maybe it was the contrast between Joe and this guy, but they looked like totally different species. Joe was tall, his hands all beat up from work, in an oversized and stained sweatshirt. What hair he had left was hidden under a ratty old ball cap, and his jeans were too big and covered in grease spots. This guy next to him, though, was wearing an apparently expensive button down shirt - did Joe even own one? - and black dress pants. His hair was perfectly done, and he stood there so confidently. It wasn't the same confidence Joe had, which was performative and dumbass macho. This was different. He seemed so sure of himself. At the same time, she knew he was the kind of guy Joe would call a name, and threaten to kick his ass.

Playing for a few minutes, a small space opened between Joe and this other guy, so Stephanie scooped up her chips and squeezed between them.

Joe didn't notice her at all, until she elbowed him. "Oh, babe. Hi. Where the fuck have you been?"

"I've literally been right there, across the table." Stephanie replied, very annoyed.

"Oh. Yeah. Right. Do you have a fifty?" Joe reached for her purse, almost pulling it off her shoulder.

"Winning, I presume." Stephanie scoffed.

"Table's cold," Joe responded, holding out his hand like an expectant child.

Stephanie shook her head, and instead handed him a few of her chips. She'd been winning. Joe placed another bet, and immediately crapped out.

"Fuck this. We're playing blackjack." Joe stomped off, leaving Stephanie alone. She considered leaving them there as she placed another bet, which she quickly won.

"You're doing pretty well." Someone said to her. She didn't recognize the voice, but expected to turn and see someone she knew. Every loser from her high school class was usually losing their last dollar in this place on a Saturday night. Instead, turning to her right, and saw him. It was the guy she'd been looking at earlier.

"Hi. I'm Mark." He extended his hand, and shook hers. They weren't small or weak, but they weren't rough like Joe's, either.

"Uh, hi. Steph, um, Stephanie." She stammered. She felt weird, shaking his hand, but she quickly felt comfortable with him.

Now, sitting on his leather couch, looking out his window, that same craps table out there in the dark somewhere, Stephanie through about how easy the conversation was, right away. He was nice, kind even, and funny in a way that didn't make her feel so bad about herself. She learned is an attorney, and had been at a fundraiser in one of the casino ballrooms. Everyone else had left, but he liked craps, so he decided to stop and play for a while. They talked and laughed, a lot, and for the first time a long time, she didn't think about Joe at all.

Eventually, he'd checked his watch - the Rolex had to be a fake, because nobody actually owned one of those things - and said he should get going. Then he stood there, sort of awkwardly, for a long minute. She though he looked nervous, which was endearing and kind of cute.

He stumbled his way through asking her out; something about not knowing who the guys she was with were, and not wanting to disrespect anyone if they were together, and she'd said yes before he could finish. She was shocked at herself - why was she agreeing to a date with another man. She'd been with Joe for more than ten years, and she did love him. She gave Mark her phone number and address, and he said he'd pick her up at 7 the following Saturday. Before she'd really processed, he'd disappeared into the crowd.

Then she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Who is that fucking dork?" Joe stammered, his speech slurred.

"Just...a friend." Stephanie lied.

"Was he hitting on you? I can kick his ass if you want."

So typical, she thought. A half hour of arguing with Joe later about leaving, and getting called a bitch for her trouble twice, she finally had them piled back in the truck and headed home. Both men fell asleep in the back before they got home, so she let they sleep it off right there, and went in to bed alone. A few hours later, she was awoken by drunken hands pawing at her, which was not a turn on.

In the days that followed, she felt so guilty about agreeing to the date. She convinced herself he wasn't going to actually show up, but she worried what would happen if he did and Joe were around. Without his number, which she didn't think to ask for, she couldn't cancel.

Saturday morning had arrived, and she was legitimately nervous about what might happen that night. Then Joe came home early from work, and announced he was going out with the "guys from work." Somebody she didn't know had broken up with "his old lady" and they were taking him to the "titty bar" to "fuck some skanks." Charming, she thought, but for the best. Now she could turn Mark away without a big scene.

A while later, Joe disappeared out the front door, shouting something over his shoulder about only "fucking bitches with a condom on." Stephanie was glad to see him go, and started to think about how to deal with Mark. She knew she had to, as she really did love Joe, and he could be so sweet at the right time. Plus, they'd been together so long. It was fun to think about some rich guy taking her away, but it was just a fantasy, and Joe was real, and hers.

Still, she found herself standing in front of her closet, trying to find anything that wouldn't look ridiculous on a date with a guy like Mark. Everything looked shoddy and sad, so she slammed the door closed and decided to put on some sweat pants and a t-shirt, to make herself as "not ready to go out" as possible, when he arrived. But then she was back at the closet again, pulling a dress from the hook. It was a purple, lacy thing she'd bought for the little trip they'd taken last year. She decided to try it on, and it hugged her thin frame perfectly. There was a large, silver zipper than ran up the front, and lacy half-length sleeves that ended just below her exposed shoulder. The dress was really short, but that was ok because the one feature she really liked was her long, shapely legs.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she thought she looked really nice, and didn't she deserve a night out? Convincing herself it wasn't cheating, and that it wouldn't be leading Mark on as long as she was clear about things, she decided to do her makeup and hair.

The doorbell rang about an hour later, and checking herself out in the mirror, she slipped on the only pair of high heels she owned and made her way to the door.

Mark was dressed in perfectly tailored, very expensive suit. Reaching out, he handed her a single red rose, and told her she looked terrific. Stephanie couldn't remember what she said, as most of the rest of the night was a blur. He took her hand and led her to an German luxury car that she knew cost more than her house. They made their way out of the poor end of town and into downtown, pulling up to a restaurant on the ground floor of a high rise. She was briefly embarrassed when she realized the car was going to be parked by a guy she recognized from school, but Mark quickly led her into the restaurant.

It was nicer than any place she'd ever been before, all dark wood and low lighting. Mark seemed to know everyone, and shook several hands on their way to a private table in the back. Scanning the menu, she thought she should thank him and excuse herself, as everything cost so much. Mark ordered them a bottle of wine, and encouraged her to choose anything for dinner she wanted. Looking around, she felt like a space alien. Everyone was dressed so nicely, the women in much more elegant clothes than she was wearing. She thought this dress was so classy when she bought it, but now she felt kind of cheap and out of place.

But Mark was so sweet, and he made her feel comfortable, even welcome. The wine flowed during dinner, and he had so many funny and interesting stories to tell. She didn't understand exactly what he did for a living, but she knew it must be impressive, because he had a house out in the suburbs and a condo downtown, closer to his office. When he said it was in the Wentworth building, her eyes about popped out of her head. That was the glass skyscraper that had opened to much fanfare about a year earlier. She'd heard it was extremely expense, and she could just barely see the glass and steel structure glimmering in the distance from her back porch. Some nights, she'd wondered about what kind of people lived there, and what their lives must be like. Now, here she was, with one of them, and he seemed to find her interesting and important.

When she said she'd love to see the view from his condo, she didn't mean for it to sound the way it did, and she started to immediately apologize, but Mark reach out and put his hand on hers. He reassured her, but said they could go see the view, and have another drink, or he could take her home. She couldn't imagine Joe telling her they could do whatever she wanted, whatever made her comfortable.

She found herself trusting Mark, and so she decided it would be safe to go back to his place. Plus, he said he generally didn't stay there on the weekend anyway, so she could have one quick drink, see the view, and then he could drop her off on his way back out to the suburbs.

Moments later, his car was disappearing into an underground garage, and they were in a marble floored elevator, rising up into the sky. When the doors finally slid open, there was a long, dimly lit hallway, with a set of double doors at the end. Mark led the way, and soon swung the doors open to reveal the most amazing apartment she'd ever seen. Every where she looked, there were windows looking out over the entire city. Its was almost as if the whole world were there for her enjoyment, and she was floating high above it all.

Mark handed her a glass of wine, and she sipped it as she walked all around the parameter of the space, drinking in the lights and wonder of it all. Eventually, she went and sat next to him on a leather couch, which itself looked out over the city.

And so there she was, a strange man's hand on her leg, looking out and contemplating her entire world. Maybe Mark actually did like her. Maybe she could choose something completely different, and never go back. Maybe she deserved this, the luxury and the ease.

Her phone dinged. Glancing at it, she saw a text from Joe. "Staying at Brian's" is all it said. Another night he wasn't coming home. Was that what she wanted out of life?

It suddenly felt like a real choice. What started as a vacation into another life, a fun little game, suddenly felt real and momentous.

Mark was silent, but his hand slid further up her leg, stopping just at the edge of her dress. Her body went slightly riding. Another man hadn't touched her in so long, but she really did like him. Or was it his lifestyle? No, she liked him, too, she thought. But she wasn't a cheater, and if she had any thoughts about being with Mark, she should go brake up with Joe first.

She turned to tell Mark everything, but then he kissed her. It was soft, warm, and so nice. Steph felt her mouth open slightly, and started kissing him back. It was so different than Joe, so much less aggressive. She felt Mark's hand slide up and across her dress, softly stroking her arm. She felt safe, maybe safer than she ever had before.

Stephanie turned more in Mark's direction, and used her free hand to gently run her fingers through his hair, holding the back of his head. She found herself honestly turned on, and her last thought about going home to Joe fleeting, gave in. Mark's hand was still on her arm, but then slid back down to the outside of her leg.

She broke their kiss, and looked into Mark's eyes. "Do you have a bedroom in this place?" she asked, almost shocking herself by how forward she was being. Mark silently took her by the hand, and led her through a large set of double doors into his bedroom. A gigantic bed filled the middle of the room, the city glistening behind it.

They stopped at the foot of the bed, and started kissing again. Mark wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. Then, separating himself slightly, he started to pull the long, silver zipper that ran down the front of her dress. Stephanie shrugged her shoulders back, letting it fall off her body and cascade to the floor. She felt sexy, in a way she never had before, as Mark stopped kissing her. He looked her up and down, drawing in a sharp breath, and then pulled her back to his mouth. His hands ran over he exposed back, and then unfastened her bra.

Stephanie had always been self-conscious about her small breasts, but this felt different. She wanted Mark to see her, to see all of her. As she pulled her bra down off her arms, she gently pushed Mark back towards the bed. He sat back, as she lowered herself to the floor. Stopping at her knees, she knelt between his, and started to unfasten his belt. He was smiling at her, but not in a creepy way. If she didn't know better, she'd have sworn it was a loving kind of glance. Pulling his zipper open, she pulled his cock out into the warm air of the room. It was bigger than she thought it would be, the first other than Joe's she'd seen up-close since she was a junior in high school.

She looked at Mark as she slowly stroked him, and then leaning forward, she wrapped her lips around him. He made a moaning sound that was so different from Joe, she almost stopped out of shock. She started to stroke him into her mouth, and then swallowed as much of him as she could. Mark moaned again, as she slowly sucked on him. Joe always demanded a bunch of sounds and spit - the dude watched WAY too much porn, she thought - but Mark seemed to appreciate her going slow. Stephanie felt herself growing wet, enjoying the gentleness of the moment.

Then she felt Mark pulling her up by the arms. His pants fell the floor as he turned her towards the bed, and slowly pushed herself back onto it. Stephanie lay there, staring up at the ceiling, as he undressed. Then she felt his hands running up her thighs, pulling them apart. He kissed her legs, slowly working his way up towards her. Then his fingers wrapped inside her panties, pulling them down her legs.

Mark started to climb his way up her, kissing his way up her legs, then across her stomach, stopping to suck on her small breasts. He kissed and sucked on them for what felt like forever, and she was growing wetter and more in need by the second. Joe always complained she should get implants, but Mark seemed to like her just the way she was. After a while, he stopped, pulling himself even with her face. Kissing her softly, she could feel the tip of his cock, just barely brushing against her. Every molecule in her body called out for him, and running her hands across his naked back, she reached down and pulled him closer to her, until the smallest piece of him entered the smallest amount of her.

He stopped kissing her, and looked deeply into her eyes. "Are you sure?" he asked. He wasn't demanding, in the way Joe did, but they were doing this together. She shook her head yes, and he gently pushed deeper into her. He felt so incredibly different than Joe, and she thought she might orgasm right away from the newness of it all.

Mark started to slid himself in and out, slowly at first, with gentle little thrusts. Stephanie started to moan, enjoying the sensation, as Mark pushed himself all the way in. Her body trembled as he slowly fucked her. His hands intertwined with hers, pulling her arms above her head, as he kissed her. Stephanie's hips pushed back against his, her body straining to meet his every thrust.

Then she pushed him off of her, and kissing him deeply, she spun him around so that he was laying back on the bed. Climbing atop him, Stephanie held herself high, and used the tip of his cock to rub herself. She moaned, and then lowered herself down onto him. He felt so deep within her, she started to ride him slowly. Mark held her gently by the hips, guiding her as she moved up and down on him.

She could feel an orgasm building, so she reached down and started to play with her clit. Mark released one hip, and reaching up, grabbed on of her breasts and started pinching her nipple. Stephanie felt so sexy, so hot, so wanted, she started bouncing on him as hard as she could. Releasing her nipple, Mark grabbed her by the hips and held her still. Thrusting himself deep into her, he held her firmly and started fucking her. Stephanie cried out in pleasure, her body shaking as this man she barely knew took her entirely. She looked out the window, the entire city glimmering before her, and she felt like the queen of it all.

Her body exploded in pleasure, rocking with the best orgasm she'd ever felt in her life. She could feel Mark's cock start to twitch, his moans going more urgent. He started to try and push her off of him, but she wasn't done with him yet. She wanted him, to give all of herself to him. She pushed herself down onto him, and her body exploded in orgasm again as she felt him empty himself deep into her.

Stephanie collapsed on to him, their bodies one in sweat and passion. Mark kissed her again, as she rolled off of him, his cum dripping from her.

They laid there for the longest time. She was sure they'd both fallen asleep, but soon she woke up, and started playing with him again. They had sex all night long, each time she wondered how she could ever go home again.

So, she didn't. The night turned into the next day, the next day into a new week. Eventually, Mark sent someone to retrieve her things from the rental house. They said no one was home when they arrived. Years went by, and she moved into his house in the suburbs.

One day, she took her expensive, luxury SUV to get the oil changed, and she swore she saw Joe working in the back of the shop. She thought about talking to him, explaining, but instead she tussled her hair, climbed back into her car, and drove back to the life she knew she deserved.

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The author of this story: elguapo

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