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The Wrong Holiday Pt I

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Never book a holiday when you're drunk!

It all started a week before, on a Friday night when we were in a pub and my friend Alice drunkenly told me; "You need some cock! You know you do ...... they all know you do!" Then curled her lip and theatrically waved her wine glass around the group to confirm her point. "When he picks the kids up on Friday, just get on a plane to Spain ....... get a taxi to the nearest bar and jump some hung Spanish waiter." There was a pause; "You know I'm right! you do."

Then my other friends all burst out laughing as I squirmed with embarrassment.

The story sort of started two years previously when my cheating bastard of an ex-husband announced he had gotten a young woman at work pregnant and was leaving me to live with her; conveniently forgetting we already had two sons of our own.

The next year being alone was a nightmare; balancing the books, bringing up the boys, working in the factory; and beating myself up over why he would cheat on me didn't help. I genuinely didn't understand; I still loved sex; okay it wasn't as often or perhaps as wild as it was when we were first married; but until about a year before he left me, I still loved sucking his cock, even if he no longer reciprocated! How many married women can say that?

In his defence he let me keep the house and helped with lots of bills and the rent too, but I was still on my own, bringing up two boys and holding down a brain numbing job. It took a while but in the last few months things were getting better and I was now getting back to my old self slowly but surely.

What Shauna was talking about was that the following week, my ex, Keith was taking my two sons, his toddler and his much younger girlfriend on a camping holiday, leaving me on my lonesome, which I was actually looking forward to being on my own, reading books, watching old films and drinking copious amounts of wine; but my friends thought otherwise.

On the Tuesday night before the kids going on holiday I was alone and feeling lonely in my bedroom, mostly reading stories on this site and occasionally flicking onto my new favourite porn channel, which I'd overheard some guys at work talking about and had already cum twice, when Alice's words sprang to mind. ...... my sex toy was fun; but a real cock would certainly be nicer, wouldn't it?

I weakened and fortified by a now empty bottle of wine set about finding a hotel on the coast. Hmmmm ... this wasn't as easy as I'd hoped. a) They were very expensive b) most were fully booked; especially where I wanted to go.

After an hour or so I lowered my expectations and eventually found a pub-hotel on the edge of a small village, further up the coast from my first choice; the price was about right but when I tried to book, it too was full. But, there was a link to an adjoining caravan site, which had a single 'cancellation.'

As I speed-read the home page, it was actually a Private site but there was a vacancy next week at a bargain price. Result! The pictures were lovely, alongside 6 or 7 others, it sat above a small private cove, mostly pebbles but also some sandy bits next to some gorgeous dunes that would suit 'naturalists' ...... what wasn't to like? I really loved the idea of wandering aimlessly along the cliff tops imagining I was a character in an Emily Bronte story; or such like.

I booked it, read another couple of sexy stories, masturbated again ...... then fell fast sleep, until the alarm went off at 7am and the real world started up again.

The next couple of days went by in a flash, getting the kids clothes sorted for their holiday on top of everything else wasn't easy; but hey ....... I'm a woman; and with the help of more red wine, strong coffee and cigarettes (yes; I'd started smoking again!) I got through. Friday arrived and Keith arrived to pick up his two very excited boys at the allotted time and as he drove away "Enjoy yourselves! Have fun." I lied as I shouted at them; as my sons excitedly waved back and Keith's pretty; some would say 'tarty' new girlfriend had a haunted look on her young face, presumably thinking of all the fun and games her new family would have in a camp-field in the middle of nowhere.

After tea, I quickly packed my suitcase and a cool bag with some food and wine in; then set about an evening of DIY sex fun reading sexy stories and watching dirty porno films.

After breakfast I packed my trusty Fiat 500, and smiled as I thought, "there's 106 miles to the seaside, I've got a full tank of petrol, half a pack of cigarettes, it's sunny, and I'm wearing sunglasses!" Vroom ..... and awaaaay.

Just over two hours later I was slowly driving through the tiny fishing village looking for the Sailor's Arms where I would pick up the caravan keys, which was sited half a mile behind their car park. I soon found it and went inside, to find it quite busy with people having lunch. After a few minutes I introduced myself to a rather good looking young man who was serving behind the bar. Only with hindsight I realised he gave me a 'funny look' then handed over the envelope with the keys inside and instructions about how everything worked.

As I walked back to my car I wondered if this tattooed 'surfer dude' was going to be my 'Spanish Waiter'? Hmmmm ..... who knows.

The winding road up the hill was a bit bumpy but where the caravan was parked looked immaculate, as did the handful of picturesque wooden chalets that were alongside too.

As I unlocked the door a couple walking past stopped and welcomed me, introducing themselves as Dale and Jeanne, again; there was a 'funny look' when I explained that I was alone and no one would be joining me; but I just ignored it and said something like "I will see" when they asked if I wanted to join them on the beach later.

The caravan was even nicer than in the photos; tastefully decorated and nipping clean too. I pushed my bags into the bedroom and put the kettle on for a nice cup of coffee and a sandwich that I'd already prepared.

I took my coffee and sandwich and went out onto the veranda to scope my surroundings. The sun was shining and the view was amazing; this was going to be exactly the holiday I needed.

As I lit my cigarette my eyes nearly popped out of my head when I realised that everyone; perhaps forty or fifty people of all ages, shapes and sizes on the beach were ........ naked!

My jaw dropped and I had a strange feeling in my stomach.

What the Hell?

Then my eyes diverted to the dunes a few hundred yards to my right and there was a group of men, surrounding one in the middle who was ........ wanking two as he sucked on a third cock!

I was dumbfounded and rushed back inside to find the details that I'd printed off ......... oh shitting shit! When I read it more carefully the word 'naturalist' which appeared five times ...... didn't have an L in it ...... this was a NATURIST BEACH ....... for nudists! What had I done?

I sat inside and slowly finished my coffee and sandwich, trembling with embarrassment and considered packing the car up and returning home; but what would my friends say?

Coffee wasn't going to be the answer, was it ...... this was wine o'clock. A very large glass was poured and drunk far too quickly.

A second glass was drunk with me standing at the doors of the veranda and I reviewed the scene playing out on the beach; thankfully the men had left the dunes but I could still see them all sunbathing in two groups.

Then I spotted my new neighbours sitting with two other couples and obviously all were naked, but looking remarkably relaxed; as were everyone else .... the only person within a square mile who was upset or self-conscious was me.

As the wine took over the more relaxed I became, looking left, right and centre over and over again ....... digesting everyone on the beach; soon realising that they were all ages, sizes and shapes and no one appeared to give a damn ...... so, with my little Devil sitting on my shoulder, I thought 'why not? No one knows me?'

I opened my bag and took out my 4 year old bikini and wished I'd tried it on earlier in the week, as after losing nearly two stone since my husband left me; it was a bit on the loose side; but if I dared do what I was thinking, about it wasn't going to stay on anyways.

On top I pulled on a baggy t-shirt then my denim 'Daisy Duke' cut off shorts and with butterflies in my stomach, away I went.

There was a sign at the path leading down to beach from the caravans that explained that it was a Naturist Beach and BEWARE people may be unclothed.

No Shit Sherlock! A bit late now though.

Although I felt all eyes were on me, no one really paid me any attention at all until I walked past my new neighbours who greeted me like a long lost friend and asked if I wanted to join them; mortified I shook my head and showed them the book I intended reading and kept on walking until I found a spot, near the dunes with no one too close by.

I nervously took my t-shirt and shorts off but stopped short at my bra, then rubbed suntan lotion all over, which, due to the circumstances actually felt a bit sexy, especially when I rubbed it into my slightly saggy 32b boobies.

Without having the courage to take my bikini top off I lay on my stomach and began flicking through a magazine, but was really scoping the beach. For as far as my eyes could see there were dangling cocks, tits of all sizes and women's pussies on show for all to see; and believe me ...... I looked at them all.

Most people were paddling in the sea, sunbathing or reading magazines, with a small group of men, who were playing Frisbee, which had its comic moments!

I've been going topless since my teenage years; but only ever on Spanish beaches; never at home in the UK so it took an hour or so before I finally plucked up courage to take my top off; and as I rubbed more lotion onto them I caught the eye of a presumably married man about 10 yards away who smiled and gave me a thumbs-up; which made me blush.

As I continued pretending to read my magazine I kept changing positions to catch the sun; and became ever more aware of people looking at me; both men and women; but I suppose being on my own would explain that; but .... and this isn't meant to be arrogant in any way; I was certainly in the youngest 10% of women on the beach and probably one of the slimmest too. Plus; while I'm 37 now, and my divorce has taken some toll on me; I was once voted the third prettiest girl in my Year and as was being proved; could occasionally 'still turn a head'.

It didn't dawn on me at first but because my pants were now a bit on the loose side, so when I lay on my back with my legs pulled apart, trying to tan the insides of my thighs my hairy pussy was probably on show!

On a beach like this I don't know why; perhaps it was the voyeuristic nature of looking up my panties and seeing my prominent labia; but at one stage from under my sunglasses I spotted two men sitting on the grassy edge of the dunes looking over at me; and one dirty bugger; the youngest who looked a bit like Harry Potter, was actually playing with his tiddler!

By nature I should have been shocked and screamed; but for some reason (the wine?) I began deliberately spreading my legs in such a way that it gave them a better view; and I nervously adjusted them twice, pretending to brush sand off my pussy; but really making sure that it was as wet as it felt; and it was.

Shaking with excitement I looked around the beach and saw a few people had left or were leaving. Somehow this gave me some hidden courage and tightly closing my eyes behind my sunglasses I tentatively raised my hips and quickly slid my bikini pants off.

My hands were trembling as I sat up and put them in my bag, then began applying more sun cream; making sure my new admirers got an even better look at my hairy fanny, which was now pulsating with excitement.

What was happening to me? I'd never ever considered doing anything remotely like this before; yet here I was naked on a public beach and showing myself off to two strangers. As a young woman I was never averse to wearing low cut tops and short skirts; and in recent years I loved the fashion for tight jeans and Lycra leggings; but flashing my most intimate part to two strangers? Never in a million years.

I looked over again and the 'Harry Potter' had turned away from my gaze and his arm was now pumping like a piston; until it suddenly stopped and he slumped onto his side.

WOW! I was staggered but oddly turned on and desperately fought the temptation to actually play with myself.

When I looked again both men had gone so I got back to reading my magazine, occasionally spreading my legs to let the sun get to my over heating pussy.

As the afternoon wore on, the beach slowly emptied, but a couple who were sitting behind me now caught my attention. He was a huge hairy bear of a man; well over 6 feet tall, heavily tattooed and looked like a body builder, his wife on the other hand was very pretty, 5 feet nothing, with long black hair and abnormally big boobs for her size (possibly not the originals?)

He stood up and did some stretches which made his long cock swing from side to side, and made me chuckle, which he saw, then made it swing back and forth before saying something to his wife, who grinned and knelt beside him tickling his ball bag then tugging on his cock until it began to visibly stiffen until the knob peeped out of its holder.

Not for the first time that afternoon I was shocked; but kept watching intently, especially when she started kissing it ........ then actually sucking it ...... right there on the beach!

He stood with his hands on his hips grinning at me as the tiny woman performed one Hell of a sloppy blow job; making that long dick grow into an absolute Monster.

After five minutes or so he curled his finger and waved towards me; inviting me to join in, but I tipped my sunglasses and shook my head, as I desperately squeezed my thighs together to stop myself fingering my fanny ..... but it wasn't easy.

He curled his lip; then took hold of the woman's hair and began fucking her mouth while never taking his eyes off mine, slowly bucking his hips until he sighed an almighty sigh; then both smiled and waved at me before packing their bits n bobs away and with one final wave, left the beach.

By this stage I couldn't get back to the caravan quickly enough, quickly pulling my shorts up and not even putting my bikini back on, just pulling my t-shirt over my quivering boobs as I half ran along the beach, as I was so desperate to finger myself.

When I reached the pathway Dale, Jeanne and one of the other couples blocked my way while chatting to a swarthy looking fella; with dark, leathery weather beaten features, a slight paunch, a gold hoop earring and grey hair that was far too long at the back for a man his age; but probably, in his mind masking the baldness at the front.

The couple greeted me and introduced me to Lionel; who lived in one of the chalets. I was pleasant; but in desperate need of sexual relief, and kindly declined their offer of joining them in the pub later that night.

I was hardly through the caravan door when I was pulling my shorts down, then dashing into the toilet for a massive pee; rubbing my clit and stroking my sticky fanny at the same time, until I had an uncontrollable orgasm which made me actually shake and shiver ...... then as I flopped backwards, peeing all over the floor, which I'd seen once in a porno film; but had never ever done anything like it in my life!

Now only wearing my baggy t-shirt, shaking and not yet fully satisfied, I hunted the kitchen until I found a floor cloth, then got down on my hands and knees to clean my pee off the floor. As I did so, my tits jiggled from side to side so I nonchalantly decided to take my t-shirt off to finish cleaning my piss up ....... naked...... again.

Quickly closing the curtains I spent the next hour or so drinking another large glass of wine, stroking my titties and pussy and still with no clothes on; which seemed so decadent and left me feeling as horny as a sex starved teenager as I re-lived the events of the afternoon.

At about 7pm I'd run out of wine and cigarettes, and was starting to get hungry too. So; reluctantly put my clothes back on and drunkenly strolled down to the village to re-stock on my essentials (are cigarettes and wine considered essentials?), and something from a take-away too. The Smuggler's Arms where my new friends would be looked inviting, but I continued the couple of hundred yards into the village were I had earlier spotted a pizzeria next to a Nisa supermarket.

My pizza would take 20 minutes, giving me enough time to buy some wine, ciggies and perhaps chocolate too. The shop was empty apart from a bored lank haired youth with a straggly beard wearing headphones, behind the counter. I put two bottles of red in my basket, then saw the fruit selection, and selected some grapes, apples and as I picked out some bananas had the naughtiest of thoughts! Still horny as Hell and not having my vibrator with me, a big yellow banana could make a lovely substitute; but, sadly they were all on the ripe side. Then, next to them I saw some huge carrots which were long, thick, tapered and rock hard, so I picked up a bag of 5.

At the counter the lad, who looked a bit like Shaggy from Scooby Doo hardly lifted his head as he put everything through the scanner; until I asked for 40 cigarettes and, as the carrots still looked a bit earthy, lowered my voice and pointed at some condoms on the shelf behind him; "A packet of those, please." I nervously stammered and pointed at the display. 'Shaggy' looked me dead in the eyes as he scanned them, then raised his eyebrows and grinned salaciously as he slowly put them in the plastic bag, while I blushed scarlet.

I paid on my card; rushed next door, collected my pizza then walked as fast as possible back to the caravan. The shop assistant had unnerved me, making my adrenaline sink to my feet.

I sat on the veranda watching the sun set as I drank more wine and ate my pizza, which was delicious; although I only ate half, leaving the rest for Sunday. I was now feeling more than a little bit drunk; so at about 9 locked the veranda doors then nervously took a huge phallic shaped carrot from the fridge, pulled out my tablet; poured yet another glass of wine and an hour of wanton masturbation beckoned. With a deep breath and a naughty tingle between my legs I stripped off again and lounged, bare-ass naked on the sofa, with a towel underneath me ....... just in case of any more accidents. Having been married ten years and now with two young sons, masturbation was normally a quick late night bedroom thing; done under the cover of darkness ....... but tonight it just seemed ever so naughty to walk around naked and masturbate in a living room.

The stories I had been reading recently were becoming ever naughtier and the pornos much dirtier than I would ever have dared imagine I would ever, ever watch, never mind actively seek out only six months ago.

I quickly found a comfortable position half lying against a big cushion, with my left leg dangling from the sofa and the other curled up as I rested my tablet against it and held my wine with the other, occasionally putting it on a small side table so I could stroke my boobs and pussy when the stories were turning me on.

I flicked through a couple I'd pre-saved as they weren't as exciting as I'd expected, eventually settling on a favourite author who still had 40 or so stories that I hadn't read.

The first I chose was about a MILF and her young neighbours; three brothers who took it in turns to visit her; after three pages I was already squirming, but desperately trying to keep myself from cumming too quickly.

Half way through the second MILF story, the woman was at a Christmas party and she ended up in store cupboard with three men, I finally had to give in to temptation and with shaking hands unwrapped a condom. In my state I was all fingers and thumbs, then breathing very heavily I slid it along the long fat carrot ...... Jesus! Would I? Could I?

Lying back in the same position as before I rubbed the hard tip along my hot pussy which was trying to suck it in!

In it went, much easier and deeper than I'd imagined; nearly taking my breath away. Taking a deep breath I slowly pulled it out then eased an inch or two back inside my sticky quim and let out a big sigh as I soon relaxed ....... it was huge , touching parts of my fanny which no man had ever touched .....this was as dirty as I'd ever been; I mean ...... fucking myself with an 8 inch carrot ... at my age? Back out again it slid, making me gasp as I looked down to see it glistening with my pussy juices; then back in to the hilt and out .... and in ..... faster, harder....... I was now bending forward to watch as I fucked myself ever faster and faster until I had to flick my engorged clit ......... it only took seconds and aaaaagggghhhh ooooohhhhooohhh ....... ooooyafucker! I came good and hard; shaking and shivering like a shitting dog as the carrot slit out on its own.

WOW! That was damn good ..... and the night was still young.

I spent the next hour or more reading ever more dirty stories and occasionally moving across to my porno site; all the time slowly fucking my pussy with that long and fat phallus.

Eventually the stories and pornos were entering group and even gang-bang territory, something I had hardly ever looked at before, but tonight I couldn't get enough!

Obviously the descriptions of fucking and sucking cock in the stories really, really turned me on ...... but now the stories and films began featuring 'anal;' something else I'd never dreamed of or considered before ...... but one film, a woman and a group of young studs, had me all hot and bothered and I found myself twisting to one side, resting my weight on my shoulders with my feet towards my chest to see how deep I could get the carrot as the actress got merrily fucked in all three holes at the same time. It wasn't easy and as I tried to push the carrot back into my fanny it accidentally touched my bum hole ....... YIKES! I have to admit, it did feel very naughty and incredibly sexy, so I pressed the fat tip harder and harder against my puckered arsehole, until a bit went in a little bit ........ oooohhh uuuugghh .... it felt weird, so I stopped.

The woman in the film was meant to be a Teacher and with some unruly pupils, and what they were getting up to nearly made my eyes pop out of my head ...... although I couldn't take them off the screen.

As the third boy in a row fucked her arse I jiggled my position again until one foot was on the back of the sofa and the other was curled up against my tummy as I gave my fanny another good hard fuck with the carrot to lube it up, then fiddled and twisted until it was rubbing against my bum hole again and ever so slowly but firmly I pushed and pushed, growling and grunting as the long vegetable went further and further inside my arse.

After fucking my pussy with it for over an hour the carrot was now becoming very pliable and it slid up my arse with far too much ease until it was all in!

I lay like this watching the end of the movie; maybe 5 or 6 minutes, slowly and gently fucking my own arse with a carrot until I became nicely relaxed and gradually began speeding up the plunges and I was soon quite roughly fucking my own arsehole!

The end of that film had her riding one boy cowgirl style while she alternately sucked two and the other boy fucked her arse at the same time ....... I was certainly intrigued.

Pulling the carrot out; I was shocked to see it was stained; but in my my muddled state this just excited me even more; and I quickly crossed the room to choose a firmer orange vegetable!

Just as clumsily as before I eventually covered this carrot with a fresh condom and waddled back to the sofa, were I gently lay down again, slid my hand between my legs to check that my pussy was still wet .... it most certainly was, then legs wide apart and pulled back I gave the new hard carrot a few sharp pushes and deep inside my arse it went, making me yelp then groan as it filled my most private cavity from top to bottom. Then, as I corrected my breathing I slid the new, fatter one up and into my pussy with one firm push ........ Oh my God I thought I was going to be sick ..... or spontaneously orgasm, or both.

My breathing was erratic as I held both carrots in place with one hand, pushing and pulling and jiggling ........ OH .. OH OH .... OH ... OH FUCK! This was fucking mind blowing as I slowly wriggled around trying to get comfortable and keep the sexy veg in place.

It took a couple of minutes for me to get my breathing back on track; but when I did, I perched the tablet against a lamp and my DP frigathon was soon in full flow.

It didn't take long for me to rub my clit as both sex-vegetables were buried deep inside me; actually touching through the membrane and when I came ........... WOW, WOW and thrice WOW! I was convulsing as an orgasm rocketed through my body like never before; and yes some more piss did squirt out onto the floor, which I wiped with the towel.

At this stage I was absolutely wrecked ..... in more ways than one. I cleaned the floor and wrapped the condom covered carrots in a bag and, making sure no one was around put them in the outside bin.

Thankfully I was very drunk so got to sleep quite quickly, but the next morning my arse really ached ...... but in a good way; so much so I had to have another little finger play before getting out of bed.

I hobbled to the bathroom and I took my first pee of the day there was a rumble in my tummy and ....... whoosh ....... what goes up must come down; and the ravishing I'd given my arse the previous night took its toll; and I nearly had to grip onto the wall to stop taking off; such was the force of my bowel evacuation! There was so much and it was all so powerful I felt a little dizzy when it was all over; but giddily happy at the same time.

As it was lovely and sunny I had my cereal and coffee on the veranda; where I saw the handsome hunk from the pub running along the beach in just a pair of swim shorts. After doing some exercises he turned and saw me. It took a couple of seconds but he smiled and waved; which I did back at him.

"Hmmmm" I mischievously thought; maybe he will be my 'Spanish waiter' after all.

Then away he ran.

I don't know what had got into me, but after last night today was certainly going to be the day for going naked from the get go.

After making some sandwiches and packing some fruit and a bottle of water, I went back to the beach only this time not wearing a bikini under my shirt and shorts.

The denim of my shorts rubbed against my pussy and clit as I made my way along the sand and pebbles to the same spot as Saturday near the dunes, at one stage I thought I might spontaneously orgasm when the rough denim rubbed against my clit as I stumbled over the pebbles.

I rolled the rubber yoga mat out that the owners had left then placed my towel on top. Pretty sure that some men sitting in the dunes were already ogling me, I slowly peeled my t-shirt off, then theatrically dusted some invisible sand from my titties then with a deep breath unbuttoned my shorts and let them fall to my ankles before turning my arse to the dunes before bending over to pick them up.

My God! In under 24 hours I had turned into a fully fledged exhibitionist.

Still standing I smeared lotion all over my body; paying particular attention to rubbing it into my boobs then up and down my legs, bending over again to make sure my ankles had some on, and coincidentally flexing my 'cute arse' towards my new fan club . Then hat and sunglasses in place I sensually lay on the mat and pretended to read a magazine; knowing full well that the same two men as yesterday had now bravely moved a little closer.

After a few minutes of wriggling and rolling around to 'get comfortable' I eventually settled on a position where my legs were slightly parted and I was raised on one elbow reading my magazine and smoking, sneakily watching the men watching me as they tugged on their tiddlers. I was seriously turned on, but stopped short of playing with my clit; contenting myself with stroking and teasing my luscious pubes; which seemed to delight the chubbiest one, who shot a stream of cum down onto the sand.

Not long afterwards my new neighbours Dale, Jeanne, Lionel plus another couple made their way towards me, but stopped about twenty yards away but waving at me as they set their bags and towels down.

A couple of minutes later; leaving my bag and things I had a walk down to the sea to cool off; fully aware that my boobs and arse were jiggling as I negotiated the pebbles. As I was splashing cool water onto my tits I spotted Lionel walking towards me.

"Morning neighbour." He mischievously grinned; "having fun." "Yes thanks." I nervously replied; suddenly feeling a bit embarrassed at being stark naked next to a naked man who I didn't really know.

He introduced himself again and, soon I became quite comfortable in his company as we casually chatted for a few minutes with him talking a little bit about the beach and local area.

It had been a joke when I was a teen that boys struggled to look me in the eyes when talking to more; regularly dropping their gaze to my boobs which were prominently on show. I felt that way talking to Lionel, as even in the cold sea his cock must have been about six inches long dangling between his legs. Thank God for dark sunglasses!

"I think you are going to burn if you're not careful," the old man smiled, "you will need a bit more lotion on; you don't want to burn those lovely breasts now do you?"

"Oh!" I sounded surprised as I realised my boobs were turning pink. "I suppose so." "Do you mind if I join you?" The svelte man asked with a rather disarming smile.

I shrugged my shoulders and smiled; then we walked together back up the beach, where he detoured to collect his towel and clothes then knelt next to me as I fumbled in my bag for the lotion.

"I see you've met our local pervs, Dumb and Dumber." He chuckled as he nodded his head towards my Fan Club.

I nervously smiled as I popped the top off the bottle. "They are harmless I suppose." He confided, "but not every woman appreciates their attention."

I didn't want to let him know how turned on they'd made me feel so just nervelessly shrugged; then poured some lotion onto my hand. As I did so I realised that I was about to rub cream into my boobs right in front of this complete stranger.

"Don't mind me, my dear." Lionel chuckled, "I will look away if you'd prefer." I simpered, then he continued, "unless you'd like me to rub it in for you."

Slightly shocked I shook my head, then slowly rubbed the lotion across my chest; knowing that it was not only going to turn him on, but my voyeurs and me too. It certainly did turn me on as I cupped my boobs less than two feet away from him and maybe twenty away from two perverts.

"Mmmmmm." Lionel purred at one stage; "oops; sorry ..... did I say that out loud?" Then chuckled. I playfully slapped his arm; "Don't you get any ideas Mister!"

With that he took the bottle from me; "turn over and I will do your back."

Meekly I complied, laying flat on my tummy, resting my face on my hands.

I jumped when the first dollop of lotion landed on my shoulders, but was soon visibly relaxing as his long fingers dug into the muscle around my shoulder blades, then long sweeping strokes down my spine. Then another dollop landed and I was in Heaven, getting a sensual naked massage on a beach.

Even when he rubbed lotion onto my arse I didn't think mischief was afoot ...... I was just enjoying his administrations. It was obvious Lionel had done this before; the pressure from his fingers was just perfect as he pressed on my thighs and calves; then back up to my arse; constantly adding ever more lotion making his massage ever more sensual.

Alternating between my quivering arse and lower back Lionel whispered; "Just pull your knees in and raise yourself up a little honey."

Without a second thought I did as commanded. Lionel squirted more lotion onto the crack of my arse then slid his fingers between the cheeks; rubbing the sticky liquid into my most sensitive area.

Half asleep; my response was to purr like a kitten.

The next few minutes were very naughty as he tried to finger me; but I kept giggling and wiggling my hips to stop him. Eventually I rolled onto my back; grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

"You're a very naughty man!" I smirked. "You don't know how naughty, sweetheart!" He chuckled.

We spent the next hour or so chatting and smoking; me confessing about my 'mistake' with the booking and now being divorced ........ I could tell from the look on his face he was putting 2 and 2 together and getting 5; which was nearer the right answer than he knew.

Over the next couple of hours and when we strolled down to the sea I was sure he was deliberately making his cock swing from side to side; then as we sunbathed, as Lionel rubbed lots of lotion onto me; even my front and between my thighs and legs; he accidentally fingered me as he talked about some of the people on the beach and how this used to be a 'swingers paradise' but not now; not really. My hairy pubes fascinated him; as I'd already noted every woman I'd seen in the two days were either completely shaved down below or only had a landscaped tuft on show. While I hadn't even trimmed my bush in four years!

I on the other hand didn't put lotion on him; but did give his dangly cock a quick squeeze a couple of times when no one was watching.

As the beach cleared Jeanne came over and asked us to join them in the pub later; which Lionel agreed to on my behalf; but where was the harm? At about 5 we got dressed and left the beach too.

I had a leisurely shower and debated if I should shave my pubes; but my new friend had said time and time again how sexy they looked so decided against it; and I also decided not to masturbate either; keeping that for later.

We had a great night in the pub; with another three or four people drifting in and out of the crowd and the handsome 'surfer dude' barman; Lee, who had given me the caravan keys 'made himself known' to me too. I swear I've never laughed as much in my life; especially when he told everyone about my 'mistake' mixing up naturist with naturalist!

Eventually the night came to an end and it became quite obvious Lionel was looking for more 'fun' and I subtly tried to brush him off, as I was gagging for another frigathon with my carrots and a whole load of porn; but as we had a lingering goodnight kiss his hands sneakily slid up the back of my denim skirt and squeezed my buttocks and teased my knickers making me wiggle.

As I tried to mouth my objections; thinking that an old man like him certainly wasn't my idea of a 'Spanish Waiter' he began nibbling my ear lobe and licking my neck. Sensing my reticence he began whispering "did I want to finish off what we'd started on the beach?" and "the young pups like Like Lee might have all the stamina; the old dogs like me have all the tricks!"

I love having my ears nibbled and I was soon 'putty in his hands' especially when he pulled my knickers down!

I was hardly inside the van when he pushed me onto the sofa and had his face pushed between my thighs and was licking my pussy! He had been correct ....... he was amazing down there! Nibbling and chewing my prominent labia, gliding his tongue North, South, East and West ...... teasing my tingling clit until I couldn't hold back; which he noticed and began sucking and flicking my nubbin with abandon until I had a shimmering and a totally body-shaking orgasm.

When I got my senses back Lionel was standing naked and his long dangler was even longer; thicker and a damn site fucking harder!

"Show me your tits again sweetheart." The old man laughed as he crudely tugged on his cock. I couldn't get my bra and shirt off quick enough as he pulled my skirt off too.

"Let's start with a titty fuck." He grinned and straddled my stomach; slapping my tits with his cock. "Squash them around it sweetie."

I eagerly complied and poked my tongue out to touch the knob as he rhythmically slid it between my sweaty boobs. "You're fucking keen!"

I giggled, then hung my mouth open wider ..... he got the message and leant forward until I could suck his monster cock.

Mmmmmm ..... I'd nearly forgot hoe sexy sucking a cock was; I wrapped my fingers around it and sucked the knob like a woman possessed as I wanked the shaft and cradled his swinging balls.

It became evident that at his age he couldn't stay in this position for too long; no matter how good my blow job was; so we shuffled onto our sides into a 69 position and lay sucking and fingering each other for ages; while I was trying to suck his cock out of its roots.

He moved me so that my knees were pulled up under his arms and licked not just my cunt but arsehole too; which was still tingling from the fucking I'd given it the previous night. After I came in that position he moved up until he was squatting over my face; "lick mine now." He panted, "and wank me too."

Unknown to him I'd actually watched a porno the previous evening where a woman did just that; so unabashed I set about yet another sexual first; and judging by the noises he was making ...... did a fucking good job too; even getting carried away and fingering his arse at one stage which he wasn't expecting.

Covered in sweat and four orgasms later I realised he hadn't cum; but then again he hadn't fucked me yet ...... the last hour had all been oral!

By now Lionel had a look in his eyes that said the best was yet to come.

He held my ankles and slowly pulled them onto his shoulders then nudged his cock against my hot and dripping cunt; "Ready or not, here it comes!" He chuckled, and slowly slid all 7 or 8 inches into my willing hole, which made me pant like child birth in reverse as he battered me for five or more minutes.

"Not long to go." He grinned as he turned me over onto all fours; sliding his monster in then fucking me and slapping my arse at the same time. Stopping for breath he he ran his hands underneath me to roughly squeeze my tits which made me grimace; but sent another thrill through me too.

"These tablets are good," he confessed via a sigh; "but I've got to cum."

"Do you want me to suck you off." I cheekily offered.

"You are dirtier than you look; aren't you?" Lionel chuckled as he pulled his cock out of my stretched cunt.

I turned around, grinned and raised my eyebrows. The old man lounged back on the sofa with his still hard cock pointing at me; down to work I went. I sucked and tugged his long cunt flavoured cock, chewed on his ball sack as I frantically wanked him, then with as much cock as I could manage to get in my mouth, shook his heavy balls as I wanked the shaft and only then did he begin to arch his back and breathe heavily .....then he grabbed my head and pulled it further onto his cock and with a loud groan filled my throat with age old spunk, puling my head back and forth, sucking all the while until he had totally emptied his balls.

He flopped back and I just rocked back and forth taking in the last hour and a half as I digested his ejaculate.

"Wow." He panted. "You're not kidding," I laughed, "Wow indeed."

With one last kiss he dressed and went back to his cottage; he may not have been the virile young waiter I'd fantasised about but the old man had left me well and truly fucked.

I woke the next morning at nearly 10, wondering if last night had really happened, but the distinct smell of sex was still filling the van; so yes it had.

By the time I'd showered and had breakfast I was raring to go again; but today the beach was nearly deserted; I presumed that most everyone was back at work.

The sun was shining, so I went to my usual spot and was disappointed that my admirers weren't even there. Whatever; I had my book to read. TBC

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The author of this story: MagpieAmy69

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