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Three Men and a Party - part 1 Tom

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I don't usually go to work parties; they are normally expensive affairs that only managers can afford to attend, but this year was different. Everything was paid for, so pretty much everyone decided to go, including staff from all over the country.

It was all very pleasant, people stuck to their own groups initially but as the free alcohol flowed we began to mingle and introducing ourselves to people we'd only ever spoken to on the phone before. I found myself talking to a guy called Tom from our Dublin office, he and some of the others from there had decided to make a weekend of it and had been sight seeing and having fun.

"Its great to finally put faces to names and voices, " he said. "You have a picture in your head of someone and its interesting to see how right your perception is,"

I was intrigued. "So how do I measure up to your expectations?"

He reddened and grinned sheepishly. "I don't think you really want to know that,"

"Oh god, is that bad or good?"

He reddened even more. "Okay, I've always liked the sound of your voice. You sound very friendly and bubbly," He paused, seemed to take a deep breath and continued. "I'm definitely not disappointed, but I didn't expect you to be so gorgeous as well!"

It was my turn to blush. I'm not used to being complimented, but Tom was making me feel like a giggly teenage girl. "Thank you," I gushed. "I'm not sure I had a picture of you in my head, but you seem a decent guy."

Truth was, I really fancied him. I'm a sucker for the Irish accent anyway, but he was also very good looking, a chiselled jawline, dark hair, piercing blue eyes... I wasn't sure about flirting back though. I was certain he'd mentioned a wife at some point in our conversations. We chatted, enjoying the remainder of the bottle of wine I'd started during dinner, and I realised he was getting closer to me and blocking out everyone else.

"Do you want to go somewhere a bit quieter?" he finally said. My heart began to pound hard in my chest even though there was still a nagging feeling of doubt in my head. I followed him out of the party and we found a quiet spot in the hotel bar, a corner hidden from most people. He filled my glass and edged closer, so close that I could feel his breath on my neck. Then I realised his hand was on my knee and slowly creeping upwards under my dress. I didn't stop him, quite the opposite actually. I parted my legs slightly so his hand could go further and as I did, he leaned in and very gently kissed my neck just by my ear. A tingle of excitement shot down my spine and I let out an involuntary sigh which Tom took as permission to continue. His hand was almost at the top of my thigh now tantalisingly close to my pussy and he nibbled at my earlobe before whispering, "Let's go up to my room,"

There was no doubt what he wanted; I wanted it too but I hesitated for a moment. "Sorry, I'm being too forward aren't I?" he said, looking a little disappointed.

"Its not that," I said. It had to be addressed because it was making me anxious. "Aren't you married? Should we be doing this?"

"Yes, I'm married. And yes, we probably shouldn't be doing this, but I know for a fact that she won't be alone tonight whilst I'm here and she won't give a why should I? I understand if you're uncomfortable with that and if you don't want to take this further then we can say goodnight and that's that... but we're two consenting adults who want to have sex with each other..."

My head was spinning. Maybe if we'd had this discussion earlier I would have done the sensible thing and walked away, but I was already aroused and my body was screaming at me to fuck him. I squeezed his hand and said, "Where's your room?"

Some minutes later we were stumbling into his hotel room, kissing and already tugging at each other's clothing. The door slammed shut and locked behind us as we fell onto the bed, breathing hard. My dress was pulled up and over my head and Tom's eager hands were all over me as I practically tore off his shirt buttons trying to get it off.

He pulled my bra straps down, allowing my breasts to fall free from the cups and his mouth immediately clamped onto one, suckling and licking it with satisfied groans whilst I unfastened his trousers and pulled them down over his hips.

Rolling around on the bed, our hands roughly explored each other's body and remaining clothes and underwear were discarded. His cock was amazing, long, thick and hard, and as I parted my thighs Tom settled between them with the tip pushing at my sodden entrance.

"Fuck me!" I demanded.

He laughed, shifting his hips slightly so that his cock teased but didn't quite put it in. "What's the magic word?"

"Fuck me, please!" I sobbed. I've never begged like that before, I shocked myself considering my earlier reservations. "Please!"

Finally I got what I wanted. I cried out as his cock pushed into my aching pussy, probing deeper and deeper. I wrapped my legs around him, urging him in even further until his heavy balls stopped him. Then it began. He pulled put almost the whole way and then slammed back in. Again and again, hard and deep. I cried out with each thrust, my body rolling and shaking as one orgasm rolled into another. Our mouths mashed together, tongues tangling and wrestling together as Tom fucked me.

Harder and harder, pace increasing. The bed creaked beneath us, and we both groaned, sobbed, gasped as we hurtled towards the inevitable climax. I wanted to be fucked forever and didn't want this feeling to end, then Tom let out a loud groan as he came.

The rush of heat in my body was overwhelming. My womb pulsed, drinking in his cum greedily whilst my muscles clamped around his cock milking it for more. A couple more thrusts and a second load flooded into my body. I clung hard to his back as we kissed, a kiss that said more than words could at that moment. We remained joined as one for a few more moments and then slowly, reluctantly parted, his softening cock slipping from my body as he rolled onto his back and I snuggled into him.

I lay there for a few minutes, my body still vibrating with pleasure. I realised that Tom had fallen asleep and that was when my next dilemma came. Was he giving me an opportunity to leave without an awkward discussion or was he expecting me to still be there when he woke up? I was in completely new territory here; what is the etiquette when you have sex with a married man? After a few more minutes wrestling with my conscience I decided that I should leave and slid out of the bed to the bathroom to clean myself up and try not to look like I'd just had sex.

As I touched up my make up, I wondered if I would regret this decision. I had no idea that more was to come and that going back to the party was exactly the right thing to do...

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The author of this story: Bloomgirl

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