The cruise left on a Saturday and our first port of call was two days away. Two days at sea. Fun days, but long days and by the time Monday night hit, we were a little stir crazy. We'd done most everything the boat had to offer. We'd gambled, drank, played Bingo, drank, watched the shows, drank, sat by the pool and waterslides...and drank some more. We were running out of things to do.
In our household, there's a bit of a role-reversal. Amy hosts the Super Bowl party and I host the Oscar party. I love movies and awards season is my time to shine. Amy rarely misses her team playing. I don't dislike football, but I'm not as dedicated as she is.
While sitting by the pool on Monday, she noticed a nearby group of people showing her team's colors. She said something to the effect of "Go Steelers" and they shouted back a positive response. One of them asked if she was watching the game later than night on Monday Night Football. She asked if it was showing on the boat and they indicated a sports bar was located on one of the lower decks and that the game would most certainly be on. She looked at me and raised her eyebrows. I had booked a surf lesson on the boat's fake surf rider, but told her I'd catch up with her afterwards.
The day dragged on and the Mai Tai's and daquiri's kept flowing. We went back to our room to take a nap. We woke and I started getting ready for dinner. Amy got herself ready. I noticed her sporting a tank-top with the Steelers logo on it...a tank that shows the perfect amount of cleavage...and her favorite hat, her hair pulled up underneath it.
"You sure you don't care if I go watch the game?" she asked.
"Not at all," I replied. She gave me a kiss and headed out the door. I actually had been feeling a little guilty that I booked that surf lesson when I knew she'd just have to sit around or watch. This gave her something to do and I could actually focus on the lesson.
The lesson ran a little long and I was starving. I swung by the buffet and grabbed some essentials and a drink. I wasn't 100% sure where the sports bar was and while I don't mind football, I wasn't looking forward to a four night of it, so I wandered the ship a bit, taking in the sea air, the stars and the alcohol. I wandered to the piano bar, but it was a dud. I stopped and listed to guy playing an acoustic set at the front of the ship for a bit. I decided to go find Amy in the sports bar. I walked was a small place, but I didn't immediately see her. I wandered around for a minute and then thought that maybe she had bagged the idea. Then I saw a table in the far corner, set lower than the rest, which had been temporarily blocked from view. She was sitting alone at a two-person table and I was about to approach and join her. However, I noticed two glasses. Just then, a tall, muscular black man approached her table with a drink in each hand. He sat down across from her and handed her one of the drinks....clearly a vodka/Red Bull.
I paused and turned around, not wanting to be seen. I selfishly wanted to see what was going on. I parked myself at a table nearby that offered a view of hers, but was somewhat out of her view. Had she been looking, she probably could have seen me...but she was absolutely not looking. Between her drink, the game and her friend, I was not on her radar at all.
The waitress came up to me and asked if I wanted a drink. I ordered and she returned quickly. I sat there, half-shielded by the menu stuck into the condiment basket on my table. Amy had clearly had a few drinks and there was a flirtatious air about her. The game was at half-time and she and her friend were in playful conversation. Every once in a while, a wandering hand would brush a shoulder, a hand or an arm. They were drinking and laughing. He was clearly interested in her and she was not, likely as a result of the alcohol, waving him off. Where I expected to find jealousy, resentment and anger...I instead found myself aroused.
Normally, when we do sexual shenanigans, we both must be aware. We both have to sign off to make sure that everything is above board. A weird rule, maybe, but it works for us. This was clearly a flirty coupling that had the potential to break those rules....but I wasn't mad.
The game came back from half-time and their attention was returned to the screens. They ordered yet another drink as the game continued. The Steelers were up, and the majority of the crowd were into it. A short time later, another touchdown and the crowd went crazy. Amy and her friend jumped up and high-fived and hugged. She started to pull away from the hug and he kept her close. She looked up at him, apprehensively. They stared at each other for what seemed to me to be an eternity...but was probably only a few seconds. He leaned in to kiss her and she didn't pull away. Not at first. She kissed him back and I felt a stirring down below, my libido raging from watching it unfold.
She came to her senses rather quickly and pulled away and sat down. He seemed to be talking to her, apologetically, but it was difficult to tell from my distance and angle. She patted him on the shoulder and seemed to be consoling him or something. She gave him a peck on the cheek and excused herself. She walked across the bar, heading right for my table, towards the exit. I lifted menu up to block her view, but she whizzed right past. I watched her leave and turn down the hall towards the bathroom.
Then my phone buzzed.
I looked down and there was a message...using the ship's free messaging program.
"Are you still at your lesson?" It said. I thought for a moment.
"No." I replied.
"I'm still watching the game. You should come watch with me," came her response.
She obviously felt a little guilty or at least wanted me there to give my approval. I decided to have a little fun. "I'm already here...," I said. "He's big."
There was a longer pause than normal. After what seemed like eons, her reply came in: "Where are you? "You just walked past me," I replied. "I'm at the back of the sports bar."
A few minutes later, she sat down across from me, facing me but her back turned to her new friend.
She smiled coyly, "How long have you been here?"
"Not long, but long enough. Good kisser?" I said, smiling. "He's clearly into you.," I laughed.
"Yeah, more so the more he drinks."
"Don't sell yourself short, you look hot tonight," I encouraged her.
"Thanks," she said, "It's been kinda fun flirting, but I don't want to give him too much of the wrong least not yet," she replied. "Come sit with us." "You sure?" I asked. "It could cramp your whole style."
"Yes, I'm sure," she replied flatly...but with a glimmer in her eye. "I know you like it when I flirt. I want you to be close and I want to see how he reacts." I shrugged and grabbed my drink and we moved to her table. She took the seat across from him, where she had been before and I sat down next to her. At first, his eyes were wide with anticipation when she returned, but that anticipation clearly sank when he noticed me.
"Randy," she said, "this Is my boyfriend Jeff. Jeff, this is my new football buddy, Randy."
I shook Randy's hand and said, "Hey Randy, nice to meet you." I looked at both of them. "How's the game?"
"Fabulous," Randy said laughing. "We are winning." Amy laughed too, "Yeah, it's great," she said, playfully touching Randy's wrist for a brief moment.
"Been keeping her company?" I asked.
He shifted a little in his seat. "I guess. Or she's been keeping me company." He glanced again at the score. "It's nice to have someone to celebrate with!" he said.
"Well, I replied, "you could definitely do worse for company." I shot Amy a sideways.
"You're not wrong," Randy said.
Amy looked at the TV again and said, "Only a few minutes to go. We are killing them. The game's basically over and I'm over this place. Let's go somewhere else. " Randy looked up at her as she got out of her chair and said, "All of us?"
"Unless you don't want to come. Jeff and I are going to find a drink and some fresh air."
I got up and said, "Well...I guess we're going to find a drink and some fresh air," laughing.
Randy shrugged and followed us out of the bar and onto the main upper deck of the ship. I glanced at my watch as we exited the elevator. 9::30pm. As with any cruise, there's always something going on. The cruise director was leading a large group of people in line dancing near the pool, to the loud tunes from the DJ. We went to the nearest bar and grabbed our drinks...a vodka/Redbull for Amy, a Malibu and Diet for me and a whiskey sour for Randy.
We tried briefly to talk to each other but it was just too loud, so we went up a flight of stairs and moved to the back of the ship. The adults only section was just beyond a doorway. We pushed through and found the solace of the no kids area. It was basically deserted. Just a couple staff members milling around and one other couple on the far side, cleaning up their chairs and getting ready to leave.
"This is more like it," Randy said.
"Agreed" I replied.
We followed Amy to the far side where the couple had just vacated. We pushed three chairs closer together and I sat down on the edge, with Amy in the middle and Randy on the far side. We could hear the distant music faintly but could hear the crash of the waves against the hull of the ship. It should've been colder, but it was pleasant.
A staff member came up to us and asked if we wanted a drink. We all ordered another round, though we didn't necessarily need to. We were all pretty inebriated. She said she'd be back and advised us that this area closes at 11:00, a little over an hour from now. We continued chatting back and forth, finishing our current drink before the waitress brought our other order. It was warm, dark and about as pleasant an evening I've ever experienced.
I got up off my chair and walked to the railing. I peered out over the edge to see the ocean passing by and in the distance, I could make out the lights of another cruise ship. I could hear a dull whispering behind me. I pretended not to listen, but was trying to eavesdrop as best I could. I couldn't really make anything out, but I thought I heard the word kiss. I turned and started walking back to my chair and saw that Randy and Amy were talking closely, trying to keep their voices low....or at least he was. Just as I neared my chair, the waitress came with our round. I told her to bring one more before she kicked us out, but not to hurry. She smiled and went off about her chores.
"What's the big secret?" I asked them as I swirled my straw in my drink and sat back down.
"Oh nothing," Randy stammered out trying to focus on his own drink.
"He's was asking if I was going to tell you we kissed in the bar and is worried you're going to be mad," Amy cried out, laughing.
I looked at Randy and raised my eyebrows, as if to ask the question.
"Hey man," he blurted out. "I'm real sorry. It just happened. Got caught up in the moment and the booze. I should probably go."
I laughed and said, "Dude. Don't even worry about it. It happens. We've all been drunk and done shit. I actually saw the whole thing. If I was mad, we wouldn't still be talking. No stress."
"I feel bad. I really do. She even told me she had a boyfriend on the ship, but I let it get away from me."
Amy spoke up, "I was trying to tell him that I didn't stop him and that you weren't mad and it's no one's fault."
"I also can't say that I blame you," I said to him. "She's an amazing kisser."
I leaned over to her to kiss her. She moved in towards me and kissed me back. Randy was clearly feeling uncomfortable and got up from his chair and walked towards the raililng, where I had stood awhile ago. Amy and my tongues danced briefly before I pulled away slightly and moved to her ear. I whispered, "You should make him feel better. Give him another little kiss. Show him there's no hard feelings." She looked at me, eyes on fire. I knew she wanted to. I could feel it. I smiled mischievously and nodded my approval...not that she needed it, but she wanted it anyway.
She turned away from me and we both walked over to where Randy was standing. He looked at me and said, "she is amazing. You're very lucky."
"Aww," Amy said, "you guys are so sweet." Before he could say anything else, She wrapped her arms around his broad torso and pulled him closer to her, her large breasts pressing against the muscles of his chest. She leaned up and kissed him straight on the mouth. To be honest, the kiss was a little awkward at first, largely because she caught him off guard, but after a second, they both let go and fell into the moment. I watched as their lips locked and their tongues darted in and out in a brief, but intense makeout session. After a few moments, she pulled away and said, "That's more like it."
I nodded my head in agreement and looked at Randy and he stood there for a second and finally said, "Wow..."
The waitress returned as Amy walked back to our chairs. The waitress brought our final drinks she reminded us that the area was closing soon. We gathered them up and walked in silence towards the exit.
Randy held the door open for both of us. Amy went through first and as I passed by Randy, I patted him on the shoulder and whispered, "Just go with it" and shrugged.
We sat outside the adults area for moment, trying to decide what to do. The hot tubs were full of people. The dance party on the deck had given way to a movie night. The dance club wouldn't open for another hour.
"What should we do? I asked the group.
Randy spoke up first. "I'm not sure. We could grab a drink and just wander the outside decks? The fresh air feels nice and I'm pretty tipsy."
I looked at Amy about to agree when she blurted out, "We have a balcony room. Let's go there and just hang out. It's quieter and we have champagne."
Without waiting for either of us to respond, she grabbed both our hands and led us towards the stairs. Our cabin was only two decks below. We reached our deck and she went first down the hallway, walking quickly. Randy and I trailed behind. I caught him admiring her ass as she walked away. Amy reached the room and opened the door, inserting the key. She stuck the key in the holder inside the cabin, which activated the lights. As the lights flickered on, she gave us orders.
"You boys get the bottle of champagne open and I'm going to change. She went into the bathroom, not shutting the door. She didn't realize it (or maybe she did) but from a certain angle, you could see into the bathroom from the main mirror in the cabin. Randy was fidgeting with the champagne bottle, totally oblivious. I nudged him and pointed in the direction of the mirror with my head. At first, he didn't catch on, but then as Amy slid her jeans off, we could both see, very clearly, her red thong tracing up her ass cheeks. His mouth dropped open (and so did mine for that matter) as she slid the jeans off her ankles and then pulled her comfortable shorts on. She left her Steelers tank top on but removed her hat and was brushing through her hair, when she caught a glimpse of us watching her in the mirror. We both looked away and walked towards the balcony, opening the door. We pretended that we hadn't been ogling her. We got the champagne opened and sat in the only two chairs on the balcony. Amy finished brushing through her hair and pulling it back into a messy bun. She emerged from the cabin and closed the door behind us. She flicked off the balcony overhead light and stood at the railing, her back to the ocean, facing us.
"So, you guys spy on me changing my clothes and then don't even let me have a seat?" she said, faking anger and smiling. "I guess I'll have to sit on someone's lap."
I responded, "Well, I'm holding the champagne and trying to pour it into these glasses. My lap is kind of full."
"Hmmm," she said with a hint of naughty in her voice, "that's too bad..." and she sunk down on Randy's lap, across from me. Randy put his hands gently on her hips. I passed out the glasses and we sat in the dark in silence for a moment. Randy had his glass in one hand and was gently tickling Amy's back with the other. I sat watching them, breathing heavier than I care to admit, and nursing my champagne. I wondered, with anticipation, what she had in mind and how far she'd take this. She had her glass in one hand and just as I noticed, she turned sideways on his lap and put her arm around his neck, caressing it gently.
He continued to tickle her back, glancing up at her before looking away. His shyness was at battle with his drunkenness. He clearly wanted to kiss her and for some strange reason, I wanted him to. This is not typically my fantasy. Amy and I have both been with other people while together, but I've never been just a spectator. It was strangely arousing. I wanted to urge them forward. I wanted to watch. Randy kept glancing briefly at me. I wasn't sure if he was uncomfortable because I was just sitting there (I would be if the roles were reversed) or exactly what was going through his mind. I decided to try and push, just a little. I didn't want to make it weirder.
"You know the red ones are my favorite color," I suggested to Amy, in reference to her thong that was on display.
"I do," she said with a smile. "They weren't packed by accident. You guys are terrible, watching me like that."
"Sorry, not sorry," I said. "What about you Randy? You sorry?"
"I wish I could say I was, but that's a hard no," he said sheepishly. "The view was fantastic."
Amy got us off his lap and for a brief second, I though she was angry. But she just leaned against the railing with her glass in her hand. "Yeah?" she taunted him. "You like what you saw?"
Randy nodded and said, "From what I could see at least."
"Yeah," I replied. "It's not like we were looking for that long. We just caught a glimpse is all. What we saw was brief, but amazing."
"Hmm...not that good of a view, huh?" She was silhouetted in the full moonlight. She took her free hand and slid her thumb inside of her waistband. She slid the tops of her shorts down at an angle, exposing her hip bone and the beautiful red thong peeking out. "Would you have rather seen more?" She taunted us.
I was getting harder by the second. I shifted in my chair to hide it as best I could. She tugged tauntingly again on her waistband and slid them a little lower. "How about this," she whispered.
Neither of us spoke at first. I watched as Randy tried to adjust himself non-chalantly. Clearly, he was enjoying himself. It was also clear that Amy was enjoying the attention.
She let go of her waistband and started lifting up her tanktop, exposing her midriff briefly. Both Randy and I were totally fixated on her. She motioned for both of us to come closer. We got up out of our chairs and moved closer to her. She looked at me deeply in the eyes and I returned her gaze. I leaned in and kissed her passionately, touching her back and side as I did so. She draped her closest arm around me, briefly caressing my ass. She pulled away from our kiss and I opened my eyes. I observed that she had pulled Randy just as close, also folding his butt. He had rested his hand on the nape of her neck and as he pulled her close, she fell into him, I watched as he kissed her just as deep as I had, their tongues twirling. I reached up with my free hand and started to caress her abdomen slowly. I move my hand up to her breast, fondling it. She responded by pulling me closer, squeezing me.
She pulled away from Randy for a moment, turning back to me, this time kissing my neck with passion and feeling. Randy, the shyness melting away, leaned forward and kissed her neck as she kissed mine. I felt his hands near mine as he also took a breast in his hand. My hand slid down again to her abdomen and she turned to Randy, taking his mouth into her again. My hand found the bottom of her tank top and I slid my hand inside, touching her warm skin. I slid my hand up her midriff, bunching up the shirt as I slid. I found her bare breast underneath and caressed it softly. I knelt down beside her, sliding her tank top higher, releasing her boob and taking her nipple in my mouth. I looked up as she moaned her approval, continuing her make out with Randy. I ran my hand up her thigh and back down again. She quivered at my touch. I saw Randy's hand move down to her hips. I let go of her breast and stood up, her tank top falling back down. Amy turned to face Randy, her back towards me briefly. She reached down and grabbed his untucked shirt. She lifted it, exposing his abs and then his chest. He reached his arms over his head and she took it completely off. The kissed his chest briefly before moving again to his mouth.
"My god," he said, " I could kiss you all night."
They kissed again and his hand went inside her shirt, touching and caressing her torso, breasts and hips. She turned towards me and led me to the nearest chair. I sat down and she leaned over me, her cleavage spilling out of her tank. She kissed me again and again. Randy moved closer to her and started caressing her hips and ass as they were pointed at him in her slightly bent over position. She reached down and felt my cock, which was harder than it had ever been before. She raised her eyebrows in somewhat surprise, surprised that I was enjoying this. I shrugged slightly and smiled. She smiled back and caressed it hard, running the length of it through my jeans. I watched as Randy, this stranger, continued to rub and touch her ass. His hands kept getting lower and it occurred to me that he was touching other things too, albeit briefly. Every so often, Amy's hips would grind back towards him. She reached behind her and found the bulge in his slacks, clearly visible. She squeezed it through his pants, gently at first. She looked back at me. We all knew where this was going and no one was stopping it.
Amy leaned down and unbuttoned the top button of my jeans. She unzipped slowly and my cock sprang out, glistening with precum. She bent lower and flicked the tip with her tongue as I moaned my approval. She played with the head of my cock, swirling around it with her mouth, before moving forward slowly, taking more in each time she bobbed. Soon she was sucking and flicking and swallowing my dick. Not wanting to miss a thing, I resisted the urge to close my eyes and surrender to the moment.
I looked up at Randy, who still hand his pants on, but was now grinding against Amy's ass with his pelvis, syncing up his motion with hers as she bobbed up and down on me. She pulled away from me slowly, looking me in the eye as she did. She turned away from me and faced Randy. She pulled open the front of his slacks and unzipped the zipper. They fell loosely to the balcony. Randy's cock was now bulging out of the top of his purple boxer shorts.
She reached down and pulled it out and exhaled in surprise. She slid the boxers down, helping him step out of them. She didn't hesitate...not for a moment. She immediately moved her mouth to it and licked the shaft, from top to bottom and back again. I reached up and began to slide my fingers inside the bottom cuff of her shorts. I moved my fingers to her pussy, which was radiating with heat and wetness.
She was eager and willing and had thrown caution to the wind. I watched as she took that dark chocolate cock into her mouth and couldn't help but stroke my own. After a few moments, she stopped and said, "we need to go inside." She opened the door and went into the cabin. Randy gathered up his clothes as I stood up and we followed her into the cabin. When we entered, she had already removed her tank top and turned to face us as she slid her shorts down to the ground. Standing there in her red thong, topless, she took the handful of clothes from Randy and tossed them on the floor. She looked at me and told me to get undressed. I did as I was told. She sat down on the couch in the cabin and motioned for us to come closer. When we were close enough, she reached up and grabbed both of our cocks, stroking them firmly but gently. Then, one at a time, first me then Randy, she began to suck us off. Slowly at first, but then harder and faster. She alternated between us, never letting go with her hand.
Then Randy leaned down and pulled her on her feet. He kissed her firmly. She reached down to grab both of our cocks, caressing them, mine twitching with excitement. When they broke from their kiss, I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the bed. I laid her down on it, her knees and feet dangling of the end. Randy leaned down to kiss her some more as I kissed down her stomach to her belly button. Then her hips. I pulled the waistband of her thong down and slide them down her legs until my mouth found her pussy and I tasted her with my tongue. I flicked her clit with my tongue and sucked it gently with my lips. I parted her pussy with my fingers, before sliding them easily in to her wetness. I fingered her and licked her with lust. I glanced up her body. She was moaning with pleasure as she once again, found Randy's cock in her mouth. She was playing with her own breast as she pressed her pussy against my mouth. She was getting wetter with each slide of my fingers.
She couldn't take any more. She sat up, pulling away from both of us and flipping over on her hands and knees. She faced Randy again and took his giant black cock in her mouth. I found my own cock pressing against her wet pussy and I didn't hesitate. I pushed the tip in and slid, her moaning with pleasure as it did. I began to thrust within her, doggy style has always been her favorite. She let go of Randy's cock with one hand and began to rub her own clit as I fucked her from behind and he took her mouth.
I could feel that I wouldn't last long. This was too much anticipation and way too much energy and I pulled out to catch my breath. I walked around to the other side of the bed and motioned to Randy to trade places. He raised his eyebrows quizzingly and I nodded. He pulled away from her mouth. He walked to the other side of the bed and she flipped back to her back. She spread her legs and pulled him close. She started slow, mainly because of his size. I'm nothing to be shy about, but his monstrous cock took a few tries to get in. I laid down next to her and caressed her breasts while I watched my Amy being fucked by another wasn't rough. It was lustful and gentle and passionate and amazing. He found his rhythm and began to push even harder. He thrusted, his dark skin against hers. She arched her back, attempting to take even more. He fucked her harder and harder. I knelt next to her and she briefly took my cock into her mouth. But it was too much. Randy kept thrusting and she kept groaning and pushing against him.
She held my hand and her own breast as his fucking pushed her to the edge. She screamed and bucked in orgasm and climax and he kept going. He was getting faster and I was getting harder. He pushed three more times, before pulling out and cumming all over her stomach. It was the hottest thing I've ever seen. He stroked himself, the last drops of cum dripping on her belly. I couldn't take any more. She motioned for me to take his place.. He backed away and I entered her again. She pushed against me, taking me deep and hard, still incredibly wet from her orgasm. I pushed her hard against the bed, her pussy closing in around me. I pinned her arms down as she wrapped her legs around me. I fucked her with abandon, replaying the last few minutes in my head as I watched her with another man. I pushed hard again, my cock going deep. I felt my orgasm build from my toes and I called out as I released inside her. She pulled me close and pressed against me as load after load of hot cum poured into her. I pulled out and collapsed on the bed next to her. Randy still standing there, a half flaccid, spent penis hanging there, wasn't sure what to do. Amy went to the bathroom to cleanup, pausing to kiss him on the way as I struggled to catch my breath. He began to gather his clothes and put them back on. As he buttoned his pants and put on his shirt, Amy emerged from the bathroom, wearing my long t-shirt. She kissed him again and reached down, patting him on the penis again.
"Thank you," he said, "for an unreal and unbelievable evening."
"My pleasure," she said. "It was fantastic. Hopefully it's not awkward when we see each other the rest of this trip."
"Not at all," he said. "I look forward to it."
He kissed her again, said goodbye to me and left.
Amy collapsed next to me, kissing me again on the mouth and said, "I hope everything is okay. I just went with it and figured someone would stop me if it wasn't ok."
"I would have," I said. "But I didn't."
She smiled and kissed me again. Then as she rolled over to nod off, she said, "you know, we're only on day two of this cruise...."
Note from the webmaster: authors always appreciate feedback about their stories, so by all means write the author a note if you liked the story! The author of this story: haz20037 |