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Honey Lust: Destiny's Double Delight

written by:
Jana Cleveland

I, Dr. Destiny A. Edwin, OB/GYN, started my busy week with my routine of exercise, breakfast, and work. I have my own successful OB/GYN practice. You could say "I'm the doctor who cares about your downstairs."

I care very much about both the staff and my patients. I'm probably the only OB/GYN in Atlanta who buys condoms in bulk and also brings a box to the local health department. Success aside, I was about to be a single woman because I had gone through the process of divorcing my husband, Dr. Colin Post. We had met in college, married after completing our residencies, both opened up medical practices, long story short, our marriage was healthy until Colin fell off.

Our marriage problems began when Colin and I had both opened our practices; his general practice had struggled while my OB/GYN practice thrived. When it came to who caused the most problems in the marriage, Colin did the most with his cheating, his emotional neediness, wanting to keep up with the Joneses, and his stress-related health issues. But the final straw that led to me divorcing Colin was his fourth mistress and the time he got busted by the police for drug possession involving the drug Molly and black-market Viagra. One of the signs that I knew my marriage was over when the police officers, the attorney-at-law, and bail bondsman all wanted me to divorce him. I remembered the constant fighting we had after I paid his bail and another fight we had while at the attorney's office. Colin didn't want to give up the livelihood when the attorney suggested he go to rehab, closing his struggling practice, and get a job to pay me back for bail money; he was also at risk of losing his medical license.

Colin and I officially divorced after he closed his practice, sold the building, lost his license, and went to jail; he had to do all that at the advice of his lawyer because of the arrest. I coped with the divorce by focusing on my still-thriving OB/GYN practice and kept myself busy. In addition to my practice, I had plans for the now-vacant building that once housed my ex-husband's medical practice and plan on turning it into a day spa for women. One Friday night, I had a girls' night out with my best friend/next-door neighbor Akeisha Peterson, my sorority sister from college Dawnyelle Silver, and three of my ex-husband's mistresses, all of whom were my new friends post-divorce, at a Tex-Mex restaurant; there we talked about divorce party plans, revenge ventures, and male strip clubs. My Spelman sorority sister Dawnyelle has plans to open up a male strip club after getting a hefty settlement from her divorce (her financial advisor ex-husband had not only had an affair with his boss's wife, but he also tried to kill him and took life insurance policies out on him.), that and her full-time job working at her ex's financial firm.

"We should either write books about our divorces and write them as scripts for Lifetime movies or pitch a new show for the network and call it ‘My Divorce Story' or something like that." I said to Dawnyelle.

"That would be a good idea, plus we should start a financial firm to help divorced and widowed women create business start-ups, that way they don't have to resort to matrimonial homicide to get the life insurance benefits." Dawnyelle said to us.

"I like that idea! When you mentioned opening up a male strip club in Atlanta, I thought ‘Is the former Gold Club building still standing?' Tell us about the plans for the club." I said to Dawnyelle as we switched subjects.

Dawnyelle then gave details about her male strip club-in-the-making, such as a VIP room, a shower room, an adult shop, an erotic romance bookstore, and also vending machines in the women's restrooms (one filled with toiletries, one filled with chocolate, and one filled with lube and condoms); her club would also welcome visiting male revues. Both Dawnyelle and I had never lost our ambitious sides, she also had an idea for a nationwide divorce support group for all sororities and call it SASH (Sisters Against Sorry Husbands). All this talk of strip clubs and divorce parties got me on a mission: to reawaken my inner sex kitten. The next day, Dawnyelle and I went over to Lion's Den and bought myself a stripper pole for my bedroom, it was the first on my post-divorce to-do list under trying new things. I wanted to celebrate my divorce the same way Paris Hilton celebrated her 21st birthday with parties all over the world; I like to take my friends, rent out a private jet, and celebrate in places such as New York, L.A., Miami, Paris, London, Milan, Tokyo, and back home to Atlanta; I'm saving that for next year for my divorce anniversary.

I wonder if there's such a thing as divorce registries, that should be a real thing. I thought to myself.

While I had a busy work week at my practice, I managed to set up my stripper pole in my bedroom as I looked up venues for my pending divorce party. I did a lot of multitasking without missing a beat; one day after a workout session, I had Akeisha come over to my house and looked at divorce party cake designs on my computer. The design I had was the one with a bride with a house, cars, and money and the groom with his packed suitcase, though on my cake the groom would be in an orange jumpsuit because I had divorced Colin before he went to jail.

"You're doing a lot with everything, especially after your divorce from Colin. But I'm worried about you, I mean when was the last time you had fun?" Akeisha asked me with genuine concern.

"Other than a spa day with my work friends and of course mall day at Lenox Square, not much." I responded.

"Those are always fun, but what about sex?" Akeisha asked.

"My sex life with Colin, if you can call it that, was no picnic at the park. I'm usually the one initiating sex, but he rather be going out with the guys on weekends or just be too tired from work. He would get stressed more often, be gone for hours, and all that. Colin had exhausted and stressed me out the entire marriage." I said to her.

"Why don't try going out again? You should have more fun in your life, dating and sex included. At least you don't have to worry about Colin anymore and you won't end up on Snapped or any other crime show. Give it some thought, okay?" Akeisha suggested.

After talking to Akeisha and also a workout session on the newly-installed stripper pole in the bedroom, I had given some thought on going out again. The following weekend, I bought myself a sexy one-shoulder black dress with double slits and a new pair of high heels. I had also styled my medium-length hair into an updo with a dark headband tucked into an accent braid.

I first went out to the Jade Dragon, a pan-Asian buffet spot, for dinner and then to this club called Escape, an exclusive club for black women; I became a new member that night with a new membership card (after paying a one-time new membership fee) and took a tour of the three-story building that housed the nightclub. I entered the club as a new member and my pussy's ready for a new dick.

The entire club was filled with beautiful black women interacting with men of other races. I took the elevator to the second floor, known as the Honey floor; I got to see plenty of black queens interacting with Asian men, they're either dancing out on the dance floor or socializing at the bar/lounge. I had stopped by the bar, ordered myself a drink, took a few sips, and people watched.

Then, a male voice spoke to me from the back.

"Excuse me, would you like to dance with me?" He asked me.

I turned around and there was this young man in front of me, he was five-foot-eight with full lips and almond-shaped eyes; he wore a white tank top with white ripped jeans that showed hints of his honey-kissed thighs. I accepted his little dance invitation as we walked to the dance floor. A slow R&B jam played and we slow danced to the beat. His hands rested on my hips as I briefly looked into his eyes.

He whispered in my ear, "Jeongmal areumdauseyo." (You're so beautiful.)

"Thank you." I replied.

"Tell me your name, beautiful lady." He said to me.

"My name's Destiny. And you are?" I asked him.

"My name's Korain." He said.

"Where are you from? I'm asking because the way you complimented me in your native tongue sounded nice." I said to him.

"I'm Korean, I'm from Miami by way of Seoul, South Korea. How about you?" He asked me.

"Atlanta native, born and raised." I replied.

"Nice. I wonder why your mom and dad named you Destiny." He replied.

"My parents are R&B music fans, my mom told me that she named me and my siblings after R&B singers. She named me after Destiny's Child, plus she thinks there should be more Destinys in the world because one Beyonce is enough." I said with a smile, we both shared a laugh and I noticed that his smile was as bright as his name.

"I also wonder if your middle name's R&B inspired because it sounds like your mom has good taste in music." Korain said.

"Thanks, I'll be sure to tell her." I replied.

"So what brings you here?" He asked.

"I needed some fun, I'm newly divorced and also newly hormonal. How about you?" I replied.

"Waiting on a friend and also having some fun." Korain said as he maintained eye contact with me.

"What do you do for a living, Korain?" I asked.

"My friend and I are exotic dancers, we came from Miami looking for a new club to perform. We were both in this male revue called Vice Men and had performed at this club in Miami Beach called Club Afterglow." He told me.

From what Korain told me, both the club and the male revue had a lot of problems as well as potential; it was like Magic Mike met American Greed met Snapped met Miami Vice. I swear this would make an interesting episode of Dateline.

"I'm just glad you and your friend left Miami for Atlanta before things had gotten worse." I said.

"What do you do, Destiny?" Korain asked me.

"I'm a doctor, an OB-GYN, " I said.

"That's great." Korain replied as we sat on the lounge's large, comfortable couch.

A few minutes later, Korain's friend had arrived at the club. Both men have almond-shaped eyes, full lips, and honey-kissed skin; though his friend has blonde hair in an asymmetrical cut that nearly covered his eye and was two inches taller than Korain. He had introduced himself as Ha-Neul, he looked like he stepped out of manga and he had on an outfit similar to Korain except it was red and he didn't have on ripped jeans.

Korain introduced me to Ha-Neul in his native Korean tongue, which has impressed me and given me an idea of wanting to take a few foreign language courses, Korean being on that list.

"A pleasure to meet you, Destiny." Ha-Neul said to me as he kissed my hand.

"Likewise." I replied to him.

I got to know these two men that night, they became friends because their mothers are best friends. They went to school together and had also worked at an outlet mall before becoming male strippers at Club Afterglow, the two men have performed with the Vice Men for nearly two years until there were problems with the venue, both financial and legal.

"I have a friend from college who is planning on opening a strip club here in Atlanta, she's in the process of buying a building for the club as well as making other important business decisions." I told them.

"Cho-un!" (Fantastic!) Ha-Neul happily exclaimed.

"Would you like us to show you some of our moves?" Korain asked me.

"I'd love to see you two perform, how about the three of us go to my place tonight?" I asked them.

"We love to." Korain responded as the three of us left Escape that night.

It was eleven o'clock when the three of us arrived at the now-in-my-name two-story townhouse that I got in the divorce, I let two men into the living room once we were inside the house and offered them something to drink. I came back with three cold bottles of water as I sat down with them on the sofa.

"Being that the two of you are exotic dancers, what kind of music do you two like to dance to when you're performing on stage?" I asked them both.

"I like to dance to R&B music." Korain said.

"Same thing, but I also like to dance to Rihanna, Britney Spears, Beyonce, and Janet Jackson." Ha-Neul replied.

"I have two R&B mixtapes that I have burned onto CDs myself. I'll play them on the stereo." I said to them as I got up from the sofa.

I took out one of the CDs and played it on the stereo; I then watched as Korain danced first, he moved his body to the slow beat of the music. He sensually danced as he lifted his white tank top, revealing some of his abs. I silently counted them and he had an eight-pack on him, I was very impressed by both his moves and his physique. The next song played and Korain then showed off floor moves, complete with body rolls and V-line teases.

Ha-Neul sat beside me on the sofa, sweet-talking into my ear as I enjoyed Korain's performance. I applauded Korain after his performance as he sat beside me and Ha-Neul got himself ready for his performance, in which he used a chair that he borrowed from my dining room. With the music still playing from the stereo, he performed a sexy dance with the chair. He did body rolls and caressed the back of the chair as he would caress a woman's back and waist. He then took my hand and sat me down on the chair, getting me ready for a little lap dance. I was impressed and entertained by both of their performances, which made me wonder what other things they could do. Then, I had an idea.

"I was wondering, have either the two of you performed on a stripper pole before?" I asked them.

"I sometimes use the pole for workouts, but have never danced on one before." Korain replied.

"Same here, in fact, I have a stripper pole in my bedroom and I'd love to see you perform on it." I said as the three of us walked upstairs to my bedroom.

Ha-Neul then said to me, "You should see him when he dances to 'Take You Down'."

With the music still playing in the background, we watched as Korain moved his body on the stripper pole. The sexy way he moved his entire body to the music while holding on to the pole with one of his hands had me feeling some type of way, then again both young men had me feeling that type of way all night.

After he performed on the pole, Korain then walked up to me, pulled me close to him, and danced with me. He took both of my hands and slid them from his face down to his waist.

"I must say, for a woman that has been through a lot and also successful, you're very beautiful." Korain said as he looked into my eyes.

I just smiled back at him and replied. "You're making me blush right now. But on the real, I'm just glad you and Ha-Neul are here to entertain me with your dancing. I do hope that the new strip club opens so I can see you two can perform more often."

"Please allow us to show you more." Korain replied as he cupped my face with his hands and kissed me on the lips.

I placed my hand on his shoulder while my other hand rested on his hip, Ha-Neul then walked up and kissed on my face. I then turned to Ha-Neul and kissed his lips while Korain kissed on one side of my neck. I took off Korain's tank top and caressed his upper body with my fingers, his skin was smooth to the touch as my fingertips touched from his shoulders to his abs down to his happy trail. My fingers made a trace on to his pelvic veins before stopping at the waistband of his jeans. Ha-Neul helped me out of my dress while he kissed on one of my ears, I kissed on both sides of Korain's neck as my hands touched his arms, the sounds of his soft moans tickled against my ear. I then turned to Ha-Neul, slid my hands under his shirt, and got a feel of his upper body.

The three of us made it on to my queen-sized bed, I laid back against Ha-Neul while Korain deeply kissed my lips. Ha-Neul hands rubbed up and down my lingerie-clad body. The very idea of having two men, especially young Asian men, worshipping me like a goddess had me both aroused and excited all at once.

"You two have very hot bodies." I said to both Korain and Ha-Neul.

They smiled in response to my compliment and Korain said, "Looking at you, your ex is missing out on a queen."

"You are thick in all the right places, must be what they call slim thick." Ha-Neul said as he traced his hands on my body like a figure eight.

I briefly kissed Korain on the lips before I turned to Ha-Neul and kissed him. My hands explored his fit body while he rested his hands on my waist. I then positioned myself on the bed where I'm between the two of them. I let out a sigh as both men kissed on my neck; I felt one of Korain's hands touching my upper thigh while Ha-Neul kissed my lips. I briefly shivered as both men kissed on my ears, their hands rubbed all over my thighs and legs.

Korain reached around and unhooked the back of my bra, I gasped as I watched as they softly squeezed my tits and sucked on my nipples. I watched in ecstasy as Korain kissed my knees and inner thighs while Ha-Neul slid one of his hands into my black lace panties while he rubbed on my slit. I was immediately wet with arousal as soon as I took off my panties.

"You got a nice pair of legs, Destiny." Korain said as he kissed on one of my ankles.

I watched in ecstatic anticipation as both men each took their sweet time pleasuring my pussy with their fingers and tongues, I saw and felt the wetness of my pussy as I fondled my breasts and rubbed my clit at the same time.

"Mmm, you taste so sweet and juicy between your legs." Ha-Neul said as he licked on my clit a few more times.

Korain then sat beside me as I watched him take off his jeans and underwear, I swore sunlight glows on him when he shows skin or shines a lot more when he's naked. His young, thick cock was semi-erect in my hand and felt smooth to the touch. I smiled at him and asked, "Can I touch it?"

"You can touch me anywhere, Destiny" Korain sensually responded.

I got on top of him and caressed his whole body as I kissed on his chest and abs ; I moved my hand lower to his cock, stroked him, and licked him a few times with my tongue. While I orally pleasured Korain, Ha-Neul planted kisses and licks on my back while his fingers rubbed my clit and fingered my pussy at the same time.

"Let me see your beautiful eyes." Korain moaned as I looked up at him while I stroked his cock a little more.

With his cock all nice and hard, I opened up the nightstand drawer and took out a brand-new box of lubricated condoms. I unwrapped a condom and properly put it on Korain's hardened cock as he kissed my lips. He then wrapped his toned arms around my waist as his cock slowly and fully entered my pussy, I gasped at the first thrust and Ha-Neul was behind me as he kissed on my neck and on one of my ears. I arched my back in response to Korain's cock giving my pussy deep and slow strokes, his hands gave my womanly breasts a soft squeeze before moving them down to my shapely hips. My moans were loud and intense with pleasure while Korain had switched the tempo of his thrusts from slow to fast and back while still going deep in my pussy; Ha-Neul kept the foreplay going while he stroked his cock with one hand while he used his free hand to rub my clit in small circles.

"Korain, you feel so good inside me."I moaned loudly.

"Come for me, Destiny. Come for me." Korain moaned as we reached our climax.

As we came together, Korain took off the condom and came on my belly. He pulled me close to his body and planted soft kisses all over my face, I took out a pack of after sex wipes from my nightstand drawer, opened the pack, Korain took the first wipe, and wiped his cum off of my belly. Sex with Korain had me glowing all over on top of my post-coital afterglow.

Then, it was Ha-Neul's turn to pleasure my body; he took two pillows from my bed, placed one under my back, and the other pillow under my head because he made sure I was comfortable.

"Let me worship your body, Destiny. Can I make you feel so good all over?" Ha-Neul said as he looked at me with his almond-shaped fuck me eyes.

I nodded yes to him and I softly bit my lip in response. I moaned as he kissed on my body as I ran my hands up and down his back, I softly played with his blonde hair with my fingertips. I watched as he stood up and took off his clothes till he was in his boxer shorts, I looked at Ha-Neul like he was a sexy angel in human form and imagined him with an angel glow, I also got a look at his semi-hard erection peeking through his boxer shorts.

Korain then said to me, "I'll go get some us water."

"Check the kitchen, they're a couple of bottles in the fridge." I replied as he kissed me on the cheek.

As soon as Korain went downstairs to the kitchen, Ha-Neul gently pulled me to the middle of the bed; I watched as he kissed both of my inner thighs while he stroked his cock with one hand and placed his other hand on my lower abdomen. His tongue then licked on my clit and slid a lubricated finger into my pussy, he took his time to get me wet between my thighs.

"Your pussy's sweeter than candy." He said as he smiled and licked my juices off his pillow soft lips.

I looked in anticipation as Ha-Neul took a condom and put it onto his now-erect young cock, I swore he and Korain were card-carrying members of The Asia Chapter of The Magnum Club. Once he was properly protected, he rejoined me on the bed and kissed my lips. We wrapped our arms and legs around each other in a deep lotus position as his condom-covered cock went deep inside my pussy; I moaned against his ear as my slim thick body and his fit body rubbed against each other.

"This feels so good." I loudly moaned in ecstasy.

"Can I try something with you?" Ha-Neul asked me.

I nodded yes and he said to me, "Hold on tight."

With my arms and legs wrapped around him, Ha-Neul and I moved from the bed to a spot by the bedroom window where we had sex in the dancer position with my back against the wall. He held onto my thighs as he continued to thrust inside me. With Ha-Neul, it felt I was having sex with a strong, sexy angel and I briefly rubbed his back to see if he had wings.

"You feel so good in my arms, Destiny." He said as he kissed on one side of my neck.

Next, we returned to the bed and Ha-Neul kissed on my shoulders as we switched into the kneeling embrace position, we both sat on our knees with my knees spread slightly apart as he slid his cock into my pussy once again. He deep stroked my pussy while his hands caressed my frontal body, he held on to my hips as he increased the tempo of his thrusts.

"I'm coming, I'm getting close!" I intensely moaned with pleasure.

"Stay with me, baby. Come with me." Ha-Neul whispered into my ear as he leaned in to kiss on it.

A few orgasms later, Ha-Neul took off the condom and came on my back. He held me close as he passionately kissed my lips in a post-coital cuddle. Korain returned to the bedroom with three cold bottles of water and two warm towels, Ha-Neul wiped his man milk off of my back as I opened my bottle of water.

"I really enjoyed you two and I can't keep count of how many orgasms I had between the two of you." I said to them as I took a sip of water.

"We definitely enjoyed you too, Destiny." Korain said as he smiled at me.

"Do you two have stripper names when you worked at that Miami club?" I asked them.

"We did and we actually came with our own stripper names. Mine's Angel-Bae and Korain's Sun-Bae." Ha-Neul responded as he drank his water.

"I like the sound of those names. After seeing you two dance, I should ask my friend to have auditions here since I have a stripper pole in my bedroom." I replied.

"We can't wait to perform at the new club." Korain responded.

"I'm going to go fix us something to eat in the kitchen. I'll be right back." Ha-Neul said as he went to the kitchen.

"I wouldn't mind seeing you and Ha-Neul again." I said to Korain as I caressed his body.

A few minutes later, Ha-Neul came back with a sandwich for him and Korain and an ice cream sundae for me. My ice cream sundae had three scoops of ice cream, caramel, hot fudge sauce, strawberries and lots of whipped cream, I ended up having a massive foodgasm on top of the many orgasms Korain and Ha-Neul had given me. I took two strawberries from my sundae, scooped them with the whipped cream, and fed it to both of them.

Eventually, I did see them again when my friend Dawnyelle officially opened up her male strip club called Club Foreplay and developed a male revue called The Platinum Panty Droppers, which included Korain and Ha-Neul, the following year; the club and male revue both became a huge success and there's even talk of bigger things. Not only that, I also had success of my own because I opened my equally successful day spa for women in addition to my OB/GYN practice. No matter how busy I get, I'd always go back to think of the best threesome I ever had where I was doubly delighted.


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The author of this story: Jana Cleveland

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