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Cowboys and Aliens Ch. 1

written by:
K. Kindle

1. The Ranch

Mark Phoenix didn't believe in fate, but recent events had started him thinking maybe there was something to all this fate mumbo jumbo?

It was 6am on a cool Saturday morning in October when Mark woke up from a deep and peaceful sleep. No alarm clocks were needed, after many years of owning his own business and then the past couple of years working in HVAC, he just always woke up at that time. But today was different, today was the first day of his so-called early retirement.

He hadn't planned on retiring at 50, but after his wife of 28 years, Alice, gave him the ‘I'm leaving you' speech a little over a month ago, he was forced to rethink things.

They managed to sell their lake front house within two weeks, thanks to a hot housing market, and then sold their furniture and other belongings at auction. After paying the legal fees and the rest of their debts, they split the remaining funds, leaving them just over $500K each... not enough to retire and live a life of luxury, but that wasn't the type of life Mark wanted anyway!

Mark donned his white cowboy hat, that he wore almost every day, as he stepped out of his trailer and into the Walmart parking lot. Then a short walk across the parking lot to the McDonald's restaurant, to use their washroom facilities and grab some breakfast.

They only had two vehicles, so they both kept their respective vehicles, Alice kept the 3 year old Audi Q8, that they had bought just before everything went south, and Mark kept the 10 year old 4x4 truck. Fortunately, Alice had insisted he also keep the trailer, so he would have a place to live until things got finalized, besides it wasn't a fancy trailer, just a basic 22' trailer, no slide-outs or anything fancy.

She would be staying with a friend, which turned out was someone she had been seeing on the side, for who knows how long, and Mark didn't really care to know any of the details.

Mark had friends in the city as well, but his best friends lived on a ranch a little over two hours drive northwest of the city, in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in central Alberta. He didn't really have any close friends in the city that he would feel comfortable staying with for an unknown length of time.

Neither the speech, nor her infidelity, had really caught Mark by surprise. In fact, there had been numerous times during the past few months that he had considered giving her ‘the speech'. Their lives had been full of turmoil the past couple of years and their sex life since then, was simply non-existent. So he figured Alice let him keep the trailer as sort of a consolation prize since she had been unfaithful, plus her Audi was worth about the same as the truck and trailer combined.

Things had stabilized financially and they were making ends meet, but it was clear that, short of winning the lottery, things were never going to go back to living the opulent lifestyle in their large lake front house, hosting dinner parties for all of Alice's personal and business friends.

Mark had been forced to change careers 2 years ago after the successful IT company, he had owned and operated for over 20 years, ran into some serious legal and social media problems, thanks to a couple of careless employees leaking some sensitive customer data.

Customers started taking their business elsewhere and he was forced to downsize, then eventually close the doors or risk going into bankruptcy. He couldn't even sell the company, so he just closed the doors, backed up all the data and encrypted the drive, wiped all the computers and hard drives and sold all the equipment and furniture.

A job of opportunity came along as one of the long time customers of his IT company, had just lost a couple of employees, so he took a job as an HVAC apprentice. It was one of the higher paying trades and while he was the oldest apprentice they had ever had, he was doing OK at it and they were paying him well.

With work being very demanding, both physically and mentally, most days he was just drained by the time he got home and, since he had hit the big 5-0, he was finally starting to feel his age, having problems with his back and knees.

Mark consistently ranked in the top 1 or 2% of any IQ tests he took, his sharp mind allowed him to learn things quickly, so he had never been afraid of change. Throughout his life he had worked in more than a dozen drastically different jobs, IT of course, but also as oil rig roughneck, grain elevators, truck driver, carpenter, landscaper... you get the idea.

He had truly reinvented his life numerous times, just like his namesake and the only tattoo that Mark had, a phoenix on his left bicep.

One advantage to the HVAC job, was that he had lost a lot of weight and was in better shape physically than anytime he worked in IT. He was 6'3" and was down to 220lbs, he kept his brown hair buzzed short to keep the grey at bay and his appearance, mannerisms, humour and wit often had people guessing his age to be in the 30s.

After Alice had delivered ‘the speech', Mark had phoned his best friends, Joseph, and his wife Katherine, and informed them of the situation and to inform them he would be driving out to the ranch to get his trailer, so he had something to live in until things were finalized.

Joe and Kat, as they preferred to be called, used to own a business that had been one of his IT customers, from way back when he started the company. Joe, Kat and Mark were all born and raised in rural Alberta, so their kindred spirits and rural upbringing was a big part of why they had become such good friends.

They had built their business up to the point that they ended up getting an offer they couldn't refuse and sold it to a competitor for a lot of money, which they used to follow their dream of owning a ranch. The ranch was very much a family business... owned and operated by Joseph, Katherine and the twins, Annabelle and Jason. They had got a great deal on a run-down ranch with roughly 750 acres of pasture and wooded land bordering the crown land of the foothills.

Since purchasing the ranch, Mark spent at least one weekend every month out at the ranch, and most every weekend during the summer months, helping repair things, getting the ranch established and even working as a wrangler on some of their trail rides, which is why the trailer was pretty much permanently setup at the ranch. It was just more convenient to leave it there and have a place to stay on the weekends, than to find some place in or near the city to store it, where he'd have to pay storage fees.

Joe, Kat and Mark had often talked about Mark and Alice building their own house on the ranch, even though it was only ever a dream, since there was no way Alice would ever leave the city and live out in the middle of ‘butt fuck nowhere', as she termed it.

However, once the house sold, and they had a good idea how much money Mark would be getting, it looked like Mark coming to live on the ranch was going to become reality.

On that day, Mark gave his notice to his employer and agreed to work the next two weeks, rather than just quitting and leaving them short-handed. If nothing, Mark was loyal, hardworking and would always go out of his way to make sure everything was taken care of.

Despite Mark's world being turned upside down for the past month, it seemed that by playing the cards fate had dealt, he was actually going to come out better by it! A blessing in disguise, as he now realized how much he had stifled his life to be with Alice in the city.

He finished his breakfast and was soon on the road, starting the two plus hour trip out to the ranch to begin this new adventure.

The drive was relaxing and uneventful, the skies were clear and blue, there was no wind and all the leaves that remained in the trees, were yellows, oranges and reds, which contrasted nicely with the various shades of the evergreen trees. It was a very scenic drive to take in the early morning when the rising sun begins to shine on the Rocky Mountains in the distance.

Mark started feeling a bit nervous the last few miles as he approached the ranch, but that feeling quickly faded as he crested the hill exposing the valley filled with colourful trees and he could see the green rooftops of the ranch buildings off in the distance. He soon turned his truck and drove under the big overhead ranch gate made out of logs with a sign saying HENDERSON RANCH and found himself looking down the lane toward the ranch, trees and mountains in front of him.

He had this sensation sweep through his body... this is where he was wanted to be more than any place else in the world!

The ranch was mostly concealed from view by the highway, due to the abundance of mature aspen, poplar and evergreen trees, transitioning to mostly evergreen trees beyond the ranch and up into the foothills. When driving down the paved lane all you can really see is the entrance of the lodge and the loop feature in front of it nearly a kilometre away.

The right side of the lane was split into fenced pastures with white wood fences. The left side had white fenced paddocks all the way down the lane, each with a shelter on the north side.

Past the paddocks was a large 130'x200' outdoor arena with a groomed clay/sand base, so it didn't turn into a big muddy mess when it rained. The arena was big enough for several of the area rodeo riders to practice barrel racing.

The barn was a rundown long reddish-brown building with white trim and green roof, it had forty 10'x12' stalls with equipment lockers.

The ranch itself owned 20 horses and the rest were all horses that people boarded there. The primary income source for the ranch was the boarding, although they also offered day rides, trail rides, horse training, riding lessons and lodging, all of which contributed to the ranch being quite profitable.

There was premium boarding, where the horse got to stay in the heated barn with their own gear lockers each night, and daily turnout to their own paddock during the day. Then there was outdoor boarding where each horse was kept outside in an individual paddock with shelter, bedding, food and water. Then there was budget boarding, where a half dozen horses were just kept in a group pasture with shelters, salt licks, a water trough and bales of hay to eat.

The boarding was consistent year-round, everything else was seasonal or weather dependent, although the lodge was becoming more of a year-round source of income.

At the back of the clearing was the lodge with a 30' round loop feature in front featuring two trail riders on horses and was filled with flowers and a few shrubs. It was also where the lodge septic tank was buried. Fortunately, there was a water well on the property, so water supply was not an issue.

The lodge itself was a large two-storey log building that was shaped like a W with a wall of windows for the main entrance connecting the two lower points of the W, there was three steps up to the covered 6' wide porch which ran the entire length of the right side of the W, whereas the left side was built out covering the porch.

With the autumn weather still quite warm, the ranch was a pretty busy place by the time Mark got out there. However, Joe and Kat saw Mark driving up the lane and were waiting outside the barn to greet him.

Joe was a cowboy through and through, he was 56 years old and stood 5'11", with silver hair, grey eyes and he always had a moustache. He was in very good shape for his age, partly because of the cowboy lifestyle, but mostly because of his military background and that he worked out every day.

Kat was 5'8" with blue eyes, shoulder length brown hair, soft red lips, large natural D-cup breasts and a gorgeous ass. Being a cowgirl kept her body lean and fit as she looked more like a 20-something than a 42-year-old. She was a former rodeo queen, did most of the riding lessons and was a certified horse trainer.

They both had smiles on their faces as Joe shook Mark's hand and hugged him, saying he was glad he came out, then Kat just hugged him and gave him a big kiss on the lips saying she was glad he was joining them.

The kiss on the lips didn't surprise Mark. He knew the family was very sexually liberated, especially during the early days of the ranch, when it was more clothing optional. He'd often seen the family nude and had joined them a few times. Usually it was in the hot tub or showers at the end of the day, but as the ranch got busier, they abandoned their nudist ways, at least when people were staying at the lodge.

When Kat left to prep for another riding lesson, Joe told Mark to park his trailer and then meet him over at the workshop.

Mark parked his trailer in his usual spot and plugged in the extension cord, so the trailer didn't have to work off battery and solar power, and they never left water in the tanks since the trailer was at the ranch almost year-round and the lodge wasn't that far away. With the trailer setup, Mark parked his truck with the other family vehicles and proceeded to the workshop.

The workshop was just that, a place where all the tools lived and where any tinkering got done. It was actually where the original house was on the ranch. They had lived in the little house until the lodge was completed, but the old house was in serious need of repairs so they demolished it and built the workshop.

It was well lit, heated and equipped to do blacksmithing, wood working, leather work and mechanical work. It had two tall garage doors, a hydraulic vehicle lift and an overhead double girder crane that allowed moving heavy things pretty much anywhere in the shop. There was also a pit, so they could work under larger vehicles, such as tractors, that didn't fit on the hydraulic lift.

In the workshop, Joe was busy maintaining the tractor and blade, in preparation for the coming winter, while both Gators were in to get the closed cab accessory put on.

For those of you that don't know, a Gator is a utility vehicle manufactured by John Deere. Those things can pretty much go anywhere and have lots of accessories.

While Joe was working on the tractor, Mark started attaching the cab accessory to the Gator.

Shortly after Kat finished her riding lesson, Maria announced over the radios that lunch was ready.

As you came in the entrance, the lobby area looked like a campground, complete with artificial turf instead of carpet and a couple of hexagonal picnic tables for eating, playing games, or whatever you wanted.

Off to the right side was a feature wall made of logs, with a big natural gas fireplace surrounded by a rock chimney that went all the way to the peak of the roof. One advantage to living in Alberta is the abundance of readily available natural gas, so gas fireplaces were decorative and useful. There were 3 couches arranged around it and a TV mounted above the mantle.

To the left side of the feature wall was a 6' wide hallway with lots of windows, providing lots of natural light looking out into the courtyard area. There was ten rooms down this wing, five rooms on the ground level and five rooms on the upper level.

Each room was roughly 12'x15' with a dresser, a desk, a king-size bed, two night tables and a PTAC unit mounted above the large central window for individual room heating and cooling. The ranch offered wireless Internet, but there were no TV's in any of the rooms as most people came out to the ranch to get away from all the technology.

Due to the challenges with plumbing out in the country, there was a single bathroom with shower on each level, located in the room nearest the lobby.

The middle peak of the W was a 20'x20' gym on the ground level, which had a rubberized floor with some free weights, a punching dummy, an elliptical and one of those multi-gym units that you can do dozens of exercises on. There were windows along the 3 outside walls looking out into the courtyard. The interior wall on the lobby side featured a small 4 step landing that then branched off to both hallways on the upper level.

The upper level was an open area with windows along the 3 outside walls and a pull-down projector screen on the front wall overlooking the courtyard with a projector mounted to the ceiling. It was a large enough area for the workouts and for small weddings when they couldn't be held out in the courtyard.

The lodge was becoming a popular place for weddings with its rustic ambiance, majestic scenery, accommodations and options for either indoor or outdoor ceremonies, plus there was room for campers or trailers, if they needed more accommodations than what the lodge could manage.

That upper level was also where the family did their morning workouts.

To the left of the lobby was the ranch office and store/gift shop, which ran the entire width, except for a door on each side.

The left door went into the dining room portion of the kitchen in the family's living quarters. The right door went into the kitchen area and was one of those doors that can swing both directions. The kitchen and pantry wrapped around the office, the living room was the open space facing the courtyard, the master bedroom occupied the entire width of the far end wall and there was two bedrooms and the washroom along the outside wall.

The washroom was actually a locker room with a group shower. It had a single central shower with 4 heads off it. So when having a shower, you were looking at anyone else that was also having a shower. Since they were a fairly sexually liberated family and occasional nudists, it just seemed like a more efficient way of getting cleaned up and ready for the day after their morning workout, which they did together very morning.

The upper level above the living quarters was just like the upper level on the other wing. There was a washroom and shower closest to the lobby, then 5 rooms going down the wing. The rooms on this side were a bit larger and featured two queen-size beds with a single night table between them instead of the king-size beds and two night tables.

On the backside of the house was the courtyard area, it was a large patio area covered in artificial turf. There was a barbecue, a few hexagonal picnic tables with umbrellas, a large hot tub, and a central outdoor gas fire pit with benches around them. The kitchen also had a sliding window setup to function as a concession window for the courtyard.

The courtyard area was quite expansive when you considered each wing of the building was almost 100' in length. There was a waist high rock wall surrounding it completing the connection between the two wings. From the air, the building was shaped like a baseball diamond, with the gym area being home plate.

Maria, the only true employee at the ranch, was a Hispanic woman about 40 years old, short black hair, nice C-cup breasts and a very curvy set of hips. She lived on an acreage a few miles away, but her husband worked for an oil & gas company and was often away on business.

Maria just liked having a part-time job, it kept her busy and gave her people to socialize with. She came in on the weekends, or whenever anyone was staying at the lodge, which was pretty much full-time during the summer months. She was the official cook and housekeeper. She cleaned all the rooms when people checked out, and she made the lunches and suppers at the lodge.

Her 16 year old daughter, Sofia, went to the same school as Annabelle and Jason and would hitch a ride home with them, so she could spend some time with her horse, that was boarded at the ranch.

Whenever there was no school, she would come to the ranch with her mom and help with meals, cleaning rooms, landscaping or whatever else they could use her help with. Joe and Kat paid her for when she was there helping, which made both women very happy. This Saturday though, Sofia was at home with her dad.

Lunch was a simple affair, today's soup was beef barley vegetable and there was a variety of sandwiches, bags of potato chips with soft drinks or bottled water to drink. They sat at one of the picnic tables in the lobby and ate as they usually did.

The lunch conversation was about how things were going at the ranch and how happy they were to have Mark around to help with the ranch, rides and chores. They also appreciated him not wanting a regular wage, which is why they had a surprise to show him after lunch.

Mark had agreed to not take a wage and just take his usual cut of the profits from each of the trail rides. With the money he had and the very low cost of living out on the ranch, his money should easily last him the rest of his days.

As they were finishing their lunch, someone came to talk with Joe. Since Joe wasn't going to be right back, Kat grabbed Mark's hand and said it was time for his surprise as she led him upstairs.

She opened the door to the first king-size bedroom next to the washroom. "We couldn't let you live in that trailer through the winter. So this room is now yours!"

Seeing Mark's vacant look, "You're welcome to live here indefinitely, or in the spring we could discuss the possibility of building your own house, like we've often talked about."

Mark smiled and said, "I can't thank you enough for this!"

"I can think of ways," she said lustily, as she pushed him back on the bed, climbed on top and started kissing him passionately, while rubbing her crotch on his rapidly growing erection.

She straddled his waist while still grinding their groins together. He squeezed her ass and pulled her down against his now rigid cock. Then he sat up and buried his face in her cleavage, kissing the soft flesh. He could feel she wasn't wearing a bra under her shirt so he moved his mouth down the outside of her shirt and started nipping at her nipple with his teeth, causing her nipple to poke prominently out from her shirt.

She moaned and said, "This will have to wait until later! I have another lesson to prep for, and it's already going to be uncomfortable having wet panties and high beams!"

Then she got off, patted his now very hard cock, gave him another quick kiss and, as she turned to leave, she said, "Besides, Annabelle called dibs!"

Mark laughed, he knew that Annabelle had a crush on him ever since she was probably 11 or 12 years old. She had grown into a gorgeous woman that looked just like her mom, and she didn't seem turned off by the fact that he was almost the same age as her dad.

Mark and Kat had sex once before when Kat wanted to be double teamed by Mark and Joe, but he had never touched Annabelle as she was still under 18. Thinking about the nubile teenager though, was getting Mark even harder, so he adjusted his erection and went back outside to help Joe around the ranch.

He found Joe watching a woman practicing barrel racing in the outdoor arena. When he leaned on the fence next to him, Joe asked, "Did Kat show you your new room?"

Mark continued to watch the horse race around the barrels, "Yes she did! Thank you so much for the room, I wasn't really looking forward to living in the trailer all winter."

Joe smiled, then had to ask, "Did she jump you?"

Mark replied with an air of smugness and pretended to brush something off his shoulder, "She tried, but I was able to resist her charms!"

Joe laughed, "Riiiiggghhhhtttt! She had a lesson to prep for, didn't she?"

Mark slumped his shoulders and hung his head in resignation, "Yeah."

Joe laughed heartily and said, "Good, because Annabelle called dibs! I'm sure you already realize it, but that girl has had a crush on you for years. She just turned 18 when your situation began, so she's been giddy and practically begged us to let her be the one to officially welcome you to the ranch."

Historically, Mark had always gone out of his way to attend the twins' birthday party, but now he felt a strong pang of remorse... in all the turmoil he had forgotten Annabelle's birthday!

Mark forced a smile and acknowledged that he knew she had a crush on him.

He hadn't had sex in a long time and the thought of having sex with the teenager, kept his cock hard as a rock and he felt that maybe he should go relieve himself before he came prematurely. He returned to watching the horse running the barrels, but couldn't stop wondering when she would be returning from her trail ride.

Moments later, Annabelle and her charges rode out of the trail head returning from their ride. She had taken a couple on a 3-hour ride up to a meadow that offered a great view of the surrounding area, but they asked for more time so she had radioed back informing of the schedule update. So it had turned into more like a 5-hour ride.

The trail guides always carried a radio with them, since cellular service back in the woods was often non-existent, so if there ever was an emergency, they could radio the ranch and someone could race out there in a Gator.

She dismounted and ran toward Mark, with a huge smile on her face. She jumped at Mark from a couple of feet away, so Mark had to catch her. She immediately wrapped her arms and legs around him and gave him a big kiss, saying how happy she was that her favourite uncle was going to be living on the ranch. As with close family friends, they had always referred to him as Uncle Mark, despite the fact that there was no genetic family connection.

She couldn't help but notice his hard-on rubbing against her crotch so, being just like her mother, she started rubbing their crotches together through their clothes while her smile just got bigger and bigger.

Suddenly she let go of him, grabbed two of the horses and started walking to the barn. As she got to the entrance, she looked back at him over her shoulder, "Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to help me with these horses?"

Mark snapped back to reality, grabbed the reins of the horse that remained and followed her into the barn.

Annabelle, was the epitome of a farmer's daughter. She obviously got her looks from her mother, blue eyes, slightly longer brown hair, soft red lips, pearly white teeth, large natural D-cup breasts and a nice firm heart shaped ass that looked incredible in a pair of jeans.

People often thought they were sisters, rather than mother and daughter! They both could have been models, but they preferred being outdoors in boots, hats, jeans and button up long sleeve shirts. She absolutely loved being around the horses, but was conflicted as this was her last year of high school and wasn't sure if she wanted to go away to college or university or stay here and help run the ranch. She had applied and been accepted to the University of Calgary, the University of Alberta and to Olds College, which was close and was a very agriculture-oriented institution.

They led the three horses into the barn and to their stalls, took off the saddles and bridles and stored them in their lockers, brushed the horses down and made sure they had food and water. Then they went to her horses' stall, but as soon as they entered, she pushed Mark into a corner, undid his pants and pulled out his still hard cock, which was a fairly impressive circumcised 9 inches.

She licked her lips and dropped to her knees saying, "Let me take care of this before you make a mess in your pants. I wouldn't want you have to deal with that embarrassment on your first day."

She licked up and down his shaft before taking the head into her mouth, when she began slowly sucking while stroking his cock. Since he had already been hard for a while and hadn't had sex in over a year, he knew he wasn't going to last very long.

Annabelle suspected as much and, when she figured he was getting close, she cupped his balls and worked his cock deep into her throat. He couldn't hold back and started cumming, she kept her lips wrapped around the base of his cock while she continued to caress his balls. She swallowed every last drop, then stood up and gave him a deep passionate kiss that threatened to revive his softening organ.

He could taste his own cum on her lips, but it didn't bother him.

She said with a huge smile, "That should make you feel better, plus maybe you'll last a little longer tonight! I'm not sure if mom and dad told you, but I get to be your house warming present, or more precisely your bed warming present tonight!"

"So I've been told!", he said as he slipped his hands inside her pants to squeeze her ass. She inhaled deeply when his hands made it down to where he could slide a finger between her legs, where her pussy was soaking wet.

They both jumped, when a voice behind them said, "Get a room!"

Jason had returned from taking a family of 4 on a day ride to the high lake, a couple of valleys over.

Mark just smiled and said, "That's a good idea Jason! Your parents gave me a room!"

So he playfully picked Annabelle up, threw her over his shoulder and started carrying her out of the stall.

She laughed, "Put me down! We need to take care of the horses first!"

Jason was Annabelle's twin, he was already a few inches taller than his father at 6'1" and, being raised around the ranch, he was nothing but lean muscle with the body of Adonis. He excelled in pretty much every sport he participated in and was one of the region's top hockey prospects, but when he failed to get drafted into the NHL, his girlfriend dumped him, since it looked like he was going to stick around this area, rather than taking her away with him. Her shallowness really bothered him at first, but he eventually got over her and concentrated on school, hockey and the ranch.

Mark left Annabelle to care for Moonrise and went to help Jason with the horses he had just brought in. Annabelle joined the guys, when she finished with Moonrise, and they finished taking care of the horses.

Right when they were finishing up, Maria announced over the radios that supper would be ready in 10 minutes.

When they entered the lodge, Kat looked at Annabelle and mouthed, ‘Did you guys fuck already?', to which Annabelle furrowed her brow and shook her head no.

Kat pointed to her own crotch and then pointed at Annabelle, who looked down at her own crotch and saw that her pussy had soaked her crotch, making it look like she had peed herself or she was leaking cum.

She giggled, blushed and excused herself to go change. She came back wearing a pair of workout shorts and a t-shirt.

Supper was in the lobby area of the lodge with the day riders, since day rides included a meal at the ranch, which they had selected before they left that morning. Supper that night was steak, sweet potatoes, green beans, carrots and fresh-made buns.

It was a nice friendly meal with good conversation. The riders just talked about how beautiful it was up in the mountains and how lucky they were to live among such beauty. The day riders left after the meal was finished and the table was cleared, vowing that they were definitely going to come back to try some of the other trails.

After that, the ranch was pretty quiet, since there was no one staying in the lodge, so Kat brought up that a group of 10 from Europe had called today and had booked the entire lodge for the week including lessons on Monday, trail rides Tuesday through Thursday and a day ride on Friday.

This was welcome news as it would be some extra income before the end of the season. Joe just hoped that the Indian summer would hold out just a week longer.

Jason excused himself and left to go play video games, while Joe, Kat, Mark and Annabelle continued to talk about the recent booking. Kat said she suspected the group was a bunch of nudists from the way they talked on the phone, but didn't think they would be getting nude on the ride. They were experiencing an Indian summer, but it wasn't that warm!

They didn't advertise the ranch as being clothing optional, but there was one review on the website from a group of nudists that gave them 5 stars saying they had an awesome time and would recommend them to anybody! They had originally discussed removing the review, but then decided they'd leave it on the website as the group was fun, and they did have lots of awesome sex during that trip!

After that talk was over, Joe and Kat said they were going to hit the hay and left, which prompted Annabelle to straddle Mark's lap and wrap her arms around his neck, kiss him and say, "Wanna go to my room?"

Mark's cock started hardening the second Annabelle straddled him, so he grabbed her ass and slipped his hands through the leg openings where he could rub her ass and her pussy. Mark grabbed her bare ass and picked her up and carried her to the bedroom and laid her on the bed. They were kissing passionately and their hands were roaming each others bodies as they started removing each others clothes.

Once they were naked, Annabelle sniffed the air, then herself and grabbed Mark by the cock and said, "showers" as she led him to the locker room.

When they got there, it was clear to both of them that Joe was fucking Kat from behind, his hands were squeezing her breasts and pinching her nipples. Kat was moaning and had her eyes closed.

Mark didn't think he could get any harder, but apparently he could and Annabelle could feel it too, so they backed out of the locker room and went to her room, since it was downstairs.

As soon as they got back to her room, she jumped up on him and his cock ended up right where it needed to be as he slid into her silky warmth.

Mark held her up against the wall as he slowly fucked in and out of her pussy, her breasts pressed against his chest and their lips locked together in a passionate kiss.

"Harder... faster," she urged him on.

He walked her to the bed and sat her on the edge, she lay back so Mark could watch his cock sliding in and out of the nubile teenager. Realizing he wasn't going to last much longer, Annabelle seemed to sense it as well as she begged, "Please Mark, cum in me, I want to feel you explode deep inside. Make me a woman!"

Mark reached his tipping point and his cum started erupting deep into Annabelle's pussy. His climax triggering another orgasm for her, causing her pussy to spasm around his twitching cock, making sure every drop of his precious seed was extracted from his balls.

Satiated from their quick sexual encounter, Mark withdrew himself from Annabelle's pussy, pulled her up off the bed and kissed her deeply.

They walked to the shower naked, just in time to watch Kat extract Joe from her dripping pussy, kneel down and then jerked him off into her mouth as well as all over her face and boobs. Annabelle and Mark made their entrance into the locker room known as they came in turned on their showers and adjusted the temperatures.

Now that Joe was spent, he finished his shower, exited and started drying himself off. Kat washed Joe's cum off her face and breasts, and was now eyeing Mark as she soaped up her breasts and pussy making sure they were squeaky clean. Kat noticed the cum dripping down the inside of Annabelle's thigh as she got a gleam in her eye, "I see you've taken her cherry and made her a woman!"

Mark looked shocked as he asked, "You were a virgin?"

Annabelle nodded and said she had been saving herself so he could be her first. She then admitted that she had been sneaking dildos from her mother's collection, so she wouldn't appear so inexperienced.

Kat then exited the shower and dried herself off, while Annabelle and Mark quickly finished their showers. Then she kissed both Mark and Annabelle good night and, as she was leaving, she turned to her daughter and said, "Don't wear him out too much, I might want some of that tomorrow!"

They finished drying themselves off and retired to Annabelle's room. Mark wasn't able to recharge very quickly having already cum twice as much today than he had in the previous year, but Annabelle continued her ministrations and was eventually able to coax another load of cum into her pussy, before they drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.

Sunday morning, Mark's stomach muscles were a bit sore from the previous nights activities, but expending that much energy gave him a very good night's sleep, but he was still woke up at the crack of dawn, well more precisely the crack of Annabelle, since Mark's morning wood was between her legs. She was holding it between her nether lips as she rocked her hips back and forth.

Sensing he was now awake she rolled over, positioned his cock at her tunnel of love and proceeded to mount him and as she kissed him passionately.

Despite the fact that he needed to go to the washroom, she rode him fast and furious, like she was on a mission. Having those wonderful breasts bouncing above his face, he couldn't resist massaging them, pulling on her nipples and then sucking one every now and then. Soon she started to cum, and the pulsations inside her pussy triggered him to begin squirting another load of cum deep into her teen pussy.

Once the orgasm faded, they looked into each other's eyes with smiles on their faces and both said, "Good morning!", and Annabelle added, "Let's go work out!"

Mark joking asked, "Wasn't that what we just did?"

Laughing, she dismounted, grabbed a tissue and wiped away the cum that was leaking out of her pussy.

They got dressed in shorts and t-shirts walked to the workout area, where Joe and Kat were already waiting.

Kat asked, "So how was last night?"

Mark faked a groan, "She's part Energizer bunny, she just kept going and going and going and...."

Annabelle cut him off saying, "No! I was cumming and cumming and cumming!", which made them all laugh.

Jason then joined the group and asked, "What was so funny?"

Kat answered, "Annabelle wore Mark out last night!"

Once everyone was ready, Kat started a 30-minute workout video. The workout was well paced and the scenery was incredible, the wall of the gym with the pull down projector screen, had lots of windows overlooking the courtyard, trees and mountains beyond. But Mark's view was Annabelle's ass, Kat was to her right with Joe behind her and Jason settled in beside Mark.

Once the workout was finished, Jason, being the self-appointed troublemaker, stated "Annabelle might need a tune-up, she seems to be leaking fluids down her leg!", then laughing he left to hit the showers. Joe laughed, shook his head and followed.

Kat sauntered over to Mark, then grabbed his shorts and pulled them down exposing his hard cock. Kat licked her lips, grabbed Mark's cock and leaned in to lick and kiss the tip. Annabelle joined her mother kneeling in front of Mark, but before Mark came, the smell of bacon came wafting up from the kitchen. Both girls exclaimed, "Bacon!", at the same time as they got up and started walking to the locker room, leaving Mark standing there with his shorts around his ankles and his now very hard cock bobbing in the open air.

He sighed, pulled up his shorts and walked to the locker room... they were such teases!

When he entered the locker room, his cock was re-energized by the sight two gorgeous women washing themselves under the shower. Mark undressed himself and turned on his own shower.

Throughout his shower, the girls continued to tease him by blatantly playing with themselves. His cock was almost painfully hard by the time they turned off their showers.

While they were drying themselves off, Kat was bent over drying her hair as Annabelle grabbed Mark's cock, pointed it toward her mother and mouthed the words, "Fuck her!"

Mark got behind Kat and, seeing her pussy already glistening with wetness, slid his cock in to the hilt causing Kat to moan.

Annabelle sat on the bench playing with herself, while Mark pumped his cock in and out of Kat's shaved slit. It didn't take too long before she felt Mark start to get even harder, at which time she looked back over her shoulder and said, "Fill my pussy Mark! Annabelle's had lots of your cum, it's my turn!"

Her encouragement had Mark's cock soon pumping his warm, sticky cum deep inside his best friend's wife. Feeling his release, Kat started bucking her ass back to draw him in deeper, her pussy milking every last drop of cum out of him.

Annabelle was close behind in achieving her own orgasm as she finger-fucked herself as she watched her mom get fucked.

With the showers over, the smell of bacon came to the forefront of their senses again as they quickly dressed and went downstairs for breakfast.

The breakfast conversation was mostly about upcoming events and plans for the day, until everyone's phone alarms went off at 7am.

8am was typically about when people started showing up at the ranch, so that gave them an hour to get started on the chores and the ranch open for business. Trail rides and day rides could start as early as 9am, but people had to show up at least 30 minutes prior to their trail ride to assess the rider and get them setup with a horse. They tried to stagger the start times if they could, but day rides had to be on the trail at 9am, so they would be back in time for supper.

They didn't have any lessons or rides booked for Sunday, but people often just came out without notice, hoping they could get a riding lesson or go on a quick trail ride.

Kat was going to run into the city to do some shopping and to restock the pantry for the group that was coming in, so she would need Annabelle. The guys were left to do the chores and get the ranch ready for the day. After the breakfast table was cleaned and the dishwasher was loaded and started, Kat grabbed her jacket and keys, kissed Mark and Joe and asked if anyone needed anything that wasn't on the list? With no one adding any requests, the girls left for the city.

Mark and Jason went to do the daily chores, which consisted of feeding and watering the horses in the barn, while Joe took a Gator along the fence line to see if repairs were needed. If any repairs were required, they would redirect horses to another paddock or pasture and then put fence repair on the ranch to-do list.

The ranch mares were then released out into the pasture and the boarded horses in the barn were guided to their own paddocks. The ranch stallions were put in one of the smaller group pastures. They would then feed and water the outdoor boarded horses and tend to the horses in the group pastures. After that, they would move on to mucking out a few stalls, following a schedule which made sure each stall was cleaned every couple of days. Once all that was done, the ranch seemed to have an endless list of other stuff that needed to get done at some point. It just wasn't always high priority things.

After the chores were done, the rest of the day was pretty easy as they each did a few of the easier tasks that were on the list. A few people came out to spend some time with their horses, but that was about it.

When Kat and Annabelle returned from the city, everyone helped unload the truck, there was a lot to pack in and put away, with a weeks worth of food for the extra 10 people. The incoming group had booked the entire lodge, which also includes 3 meals a day. They didn't do individual meals like a restaurant, but the group was given a menu and they had to select which meal they would have each day for supper.

Breakfasts would always be bacon, scrambled eggs, fruit, yogurt, toast, bagels and throw in either pancakes, waffles or French toast every now and then to mix it up a bit.

Lunches would be soup and sandwiches, plus leftovers from the night before, and then suppers each night were the main course the patrons had chosen.

A chinook had blown in and the weather was unseasonably warm, so they had spent most of the day outside, getting various tasks done before the snow eventually came. Later in the afternoon, all five of them were sitting on top of the fence to the pasture, watching the horses and talking about everything.

Around 4pm, when it was starting to get dark, Annabelle put two fingers to her mouth and whistled.

Within a minute her horse came running up to her. After a couple of scratches to the forehead, she produced an apple, from seemingly out of nowhere, and fed it to Moonrise. Then she transferred from the fence to the horse and went for a quick ride. Moonrise was a beautiful Buckskin thoroughbred, with black stockings and mane with a star on her face, but she was just a pony at only 13 hands.

When she returned, Joe indicated that they should probably find Mark a horse to call his own, rather than just using random trail horses like he had used in the past. So Joe told Annabelle to go round up the horses and bring them back to the barn before it was dark. Annabelle rode off into the pasture as Kat walked to the lodge to start supper and Joe, Mark and Jason went to the barn.

Within a couple of minutes, the horses started filing into the barn and going to their usual stalls. Horses really are quite smart animals!

Joe's horse, Chief, was a big black Arabian stallion nearly 16 hands high. Kat's horse, Applejack, was a black and white Appaloosa mare that was 15 hands high. Jason's horse, Spitfire, was a former racing thoroughbred, the Bay mare was 15 hands high and still slightly high strung, but had been calming down since moving to the ranch.

After they had finished brushing down the horses and making sure they had food and water, there was still no sign of Annabelle.

Mark found the bucket by the door that had the apples, so he grabbed one and walked back down the chute toward the pasture, where he found Annabelle having a difficult time getting the big Palomino, they called Buck, to return to the barn.

Buck was a recent addition to the ranch. He was a massive stallion at nearly 18 hands high, which made him look absolutely huge when compared to Annabelle and little Moonrise.

Mark stood at the pasture gate watching Annabelle chase Buck around, until they came to a sort of stand-off about 20 yards from the gate. They had named him Buck, because no one could ride him without getting bucked off.

Mark pulled the apple out of his pocket, took a bite and held it in the air.

After a minute or so the big Palomino started walking toward Mark. Mark let him eat the apple out of his hand and, when he finished, he proceeded to nuzzle Mark looking for more apples. Mark laughed, patted the big horse on the neck and started talking to the horse about the pushy girl that was always trying to make guys do what she wanted them to, not what they wanted to do. He continued to gossip to the horse about the girls, as he guided Buck over toward the fence and climbed up on the rail.

Surprisingly, Buck barely flinched when Mark grabbed his mane, swung his leg over and mounted him.

Joe had been watching the entire thing from the back of the barn. When the four of them started walking out into the pasture, Joe just laughed and shook his head, as he turned to walk back through the barn toward the lodge.

During their ride, Mark brought up the events of last night and this morning. Annabelle blushed a bit when she thought about it, before admitting to him that she'd had a crush on him for years. When Mark brought up that he was as old as her father, she admitted that she knew she couldn't marry him or anything, and she'll try not to get jealous if Mark finds someone else. She just wanted someone that she loved and trusted to take her cherry and that she had always wanted him to be her first.

She had dated a couple of boys, but she found them immature as they were just interested in trying to bed her, so they could mark another point on their scorecard. Mark was her idea of the perfect man, kind, protective, caring, funny and a cowboy. So she instead focused on school and the ranch, happy to wait until she can find a guy closer to her age that could compare to Mark, but now that he was there and didn't seem to mind fucking her, she was in no rush.

They continued riding for a few minutes, until Annabelle got a text message saying supper would be ready soon, so they pointed the horses toward the barn and let them run.

For those of you that don't know, riding a horse bareback at a gallop is not an easy thing to do!

Soon they were back at the pasture gate, where they dismounted and walked the horses the short distance to the barn. With the horses back in their stalls, they gave them a quick brush down, a bucket of oats and an apple. Then headed back to the lodge where they cleaned up and got ready for supper.

Supper that night was spaghetti, something they traditionally had on Sunday nights. It was quick and easy and kind of capped off the weekends, which were always the busiest days of the week.

As soon as everyone was dished up and eating Joe said, "Mark, it looks like you found yourself a horse! Good thing too, because I can't put just anybody on big ole' Buck!"

Kat snickered and said, "It's fitting too, because they both have huge cocks!"

Jason just put his hands over his ears and cried, "TMFI!"

Joe just laughed and said, "Really? At the supper table?"

After everyone finished laughing, further light-hearted conversation ensued.

Once supper was finished, the leftovers stored away and the dishes loaded into the dishwasher. Joe announced he was going to go watch the news and weather before bed. Kat joined him, while Annabelle and Jason both said they still had homework to do.

Since he was on his own, Mark decided to go relax in the hot tub for a bit before hitting the hay.

He went out to the courtyard, took the cover off the hot tub, stripped down and climbed in. Making sure not to turn the jets or mood lights on.

Relaxing in a hot tub under a starlit sky with only the sounds of nature around you is such a perfect environment to relax in. Plus, without all the light pollution, your eyes become adjusted to the low light conditions and you can see the stars better.

After soaking for a while, and since the night wasn't that cold, Mark decided he was just going to lay on a lounge chair near one of the fire pits. As he was lying there in the warmth of the fire enjoying the ambiance of the night, he fell asleep.

He started to dream about how different his life was going to be now, and then started dreaming about Annabelle and Kat and their perfect naked bodies remembering how he had already fucked both of them.

Of course, his cock was getting hard from his dream and he was sure he was still dreaming when he felt a warm mouth engulf his cock and begin to suck. Instinctively his hand moved down to run his fingers through the hair of the girl sucking his cock, but when he felt fur instead of hair, he peeked one eye open to see who his fellatrix was.

Sucking his cock was this beautiful creature that looked like a cross between a cat and a human, with fine, light blond fur and markings that looked just like a cheetah.

Realizing she held his family jewels in her hand, Mark decided that startling her might not be in his best interests. So he asked in a calm, non-threatening, soft voice, "Mmmm that feels incredible, but who are you?"

The cat girl looked at him with wide eyes that looked just like a cats, with irises that were mostly gold with a touch of green around the pupils. Her ears were like a cats, closer to the top of her head rather than the side like a human, they were twitching as she was listening for other activity, but she was still slowly stroking his cock.

Seeing how this man didn't seem to be afraid of her, she answered, "Laruun," all the while she kept looking around, watching for potential dangers and planning her escape route in case anyone else came out.

"Relax Laruun, it's just me out here and, even if the others come out here, I will protect you! Besides... what you're doing feels nice, so I'm not about to stop you!"

"You would protect me? Aren't you afraid of me?"

"Should I be?"

She answered, "No," but before she could say anything else Mark cut her off saying, "I didn't think so!"

She continued, "I don't want to hurt you or anybody, but encounters with your kind, in the past, usually involve me getting shot at!"

"So, what made you come to me tonight?"

"I was watching you when you were talking to the horse, so I figured since you can talk to other animals, maybe you would be willing to talk with me?"

Mark laughed, "I can't really talk to animals, but I don't think I would classify you as an animal either. Plus, what you were doing wasn't talking! Who are you anyway?"

At Mark's comment, Laruun grinned, showing Mark a nice view of her sharp looking teeth, "I am not from this planet. The ship I was on crashed here 10 cycles ago."

"Are there more of your kind here?"

"I am the only one of my kind. I was not talking, because you were naked... and I have not coupled with a male since before I left my home."

"Ahhh, now I understand! You're horny and want to have sex?" Mark said as he found himself petting her back. As he stroked his hand down her back caused Laruun's tail to twitch, which caught Mark's attention. Just like a cat, if he petted far enough down her back, she raised her ass and started purring!

She practically begged, "Please?"

She had a very un-cat-like ass, with the exception of her tail, her ass looked very human-like with girlish looking hips, not young girl, but more like the beginning of adolescence. Her face looked mostly human except her mouth and jaw were a little more pronounced than a human and she had 3 whiskers coming out of each side of the base of her nose. Her teeth looked white and human except for the larger canine teeth. Her lips were a light pink colour and looked pretty much like a woman's. She had two very pert looking AA-cup breasts with light pink nipples and almost no fur on her underside. Her fur covered her face, down to the central part of her collarbone, then split and went down the sides of her body, then angled toward her pubic mound and covered her hind legs, which were very much like a cats, complete with paws and retractable claws!

"Hmm let me think about it," he jokingly pondered while holding on to her thick muscular tail and making her move her ass toward him.

Her tail was obviously connected to her spine, based on where it was connected, but as he lifted her tail, her pink asshole and puffy pink pussy looked very human. Seeing her pussy flaring itself like it was, reminded him of seeing a cat in heat. Her scent was very noticeable, sweet smelling and her pussy looked very wet and inviting.

Mark slid a finger through her wet pussy, making her purr even louder, then he slipped his finger inside, curious if it felt the same.

Satisfied that she was very female in all the right places, he said, "It would be my pleasure to help you during your time of need."

On hearing that Laruun turned around, pointed her ass toward Mark with her tail in the air, stretched her arms out in front of her and lowered her face to the ground.

Thinking that was how they did it on her planet, Mark got off the lounge chair and got on his knees behind her, lined up his cock, grabbed her hips and slowly slid his cock into her pulsing and very hot, wet pussy. She was purring like crazy, but the thought of having sex with an alien, plus her pulsing pussy, Mark knew he wasn't going to last very long. So he stopped and pulled out of her.

She turned around with a worried look on her face, "You do not like coupling with me?"

Seeing her distress, Mark assured "It's not that, you feel too good and if I don't change positions I would cum inside you too soon."

"But males always cum fast!"

"Maybe where you're from, but around here we like to enjoy each other," as he laid back on the lounge chair and told her to climb on top, not sure if she would appreciate the missionary position quite yet.

"I do not understand. This is not the way we couple."

"Just try it! You might like it!" Mark gestured to her.

Laruun climbed on top of the chair and when Mark could grab her ass he guided her into a cowgirl position but with her feet near his ribcage and her arms above his shoulders. Then he guided her down until his cock entered her pussy again. Then she caught on and started raising and lowering her pussy. In this position her clit would rub on the base of his cock making it feel better than she had ever felt before. So she enthusiastically kept going.

Once she got the hang of it, Mark toyed with her ass and the base of her tail with one hand, while the other hand pulled her upper torso toward him with the goal of sucking on one of her breasts. Laruun had never felt such intimacy and was soon overwhelmed by her orgasm which caused her entire body to shake and eventually collapse on top of him.

Mark figured it was just sensory overload and that she'd recover soon, so he kept slowly pumping his cock into her pulsing pussy.

When Laruun came to, she looked into his eyes and smiled. So Mark brought her in for a deep passionate kiss as he continued to fuck her.

When they broke the kiss, Mark squeezed one of her breasts, which caused her eyes to open wide and her mouth make an "O" shape. He then proceeded to flick his tongue on her nipple and then suck it into his mouth. Mark was surprised when sweet tasting milk landed on his tongue. He let go of her nipple with his lips and looked into her eyes, which shone with adoration.

Then he smiled, licked off the drop of milk that hung off her nipple and resumed suckling from her tiny breast.

Laruun was surprised that Mark hadn't cum yet. Yearning to feel his seed inside her, she sped up her pace. Looking into his eyes while he sucked her breasts, she soon brought him to the edge.

As his lips left her breast another drop of milk beaded on her nipple. Mark groaned and closed his eyes and started erupting cum deep into her.

Feeling the burst of warmth inside her, triggered another orgasm and soon she was passed out on top of him again.

After a minute, she came around and Mark was holding her lovingly, while his cock was softening inside her.

As they lie in the lounger relishing in their post coital intimacy, Laruun said, "That was so much better than coupling with males on my planet. They pretty much mount us and cum within a dozen strokes. Females then have to deal with getting their own orgasms."

Mark responded "I am glad you had a good time, feel free to come back anytime."

"I would love that, but what about the others?"

"I'll talk to them and see what kind of a reaction I get, I think they'll be OK with you," then he jokingly added, "or they'll assume that I've gone crazy and put me in an institution!"

Realizing it was late, Mark said he should be getting to bed.

Laruun looked a bit sad, but agreed that she should also be getting back.

He brushed his hand on the side of her cheek and kissed her saying, "I hope to see you again my sexy kitten!"

Then he picked up his clothes, turned off the fire pit and went in to bed!

Laruun watched Mark go, then padded off into the darkness. Once she was away from the ranch, she stopped to clean herself, like cats do. Then she ran off into the night, eager to return and tell the others about her adventure.

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The author of this story: K. Kindle

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