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Old Friends Become Special Friends

written by:
Sprat Gilfish

Authors note: Readers from the post pill age will find the first part of this story incredible. They will find it hard to believe that the repressed behaviour described was normal for many of us of our generation. The incidents described in that part of the story are all based on actual events in the lives of myself or close acquaintances.

In those days too, airfares and international phone calls were many times less affordable than they are now. Of course there was no Skype or anything like it.

Sadly the events in the later part of the story are all pure fantasy.

* * * * *

Old Friends Become Special Friends

* * * * *

Much against our wishes, my wife, Kathleen, and I, Leonard Miller, were living over 2000 miles apart in two different countries. The international company I worked for had more or less forced me to take a nine month assignment in Brisbane, Australia. Kathleen's senior position kept her in our home in Auckland, New Zealand. We could only afford for me to visit her for a weekend every six weeks or so. We both found the separation distressing. We eagerly looked forward to our regular twice weekly phone conversations.

This Wednesday I had a surprise for her. "Kathy! You'll never guess who I met at lunchtime today."

"No Lenny, who?"

"Becky Cameron!"

* * * * *

Thirty years earlier I had done rather well at school in the New Zealand country town where I was brought up. I moved to Auckland to study engineering at Auckland University. That's when I met Andy Cameron. Andy came from another country town, was living in the same hostel, and was doing the same course. We rapidly became each other's closest friend.

Andy and I talked about all sorts of things but, given the state of our hormones, our main interest was girls and sex. As was normal for well brought up young men in those days before the pill, we were both virgins, inexperienced, shy and ignorant but keen to find out all about it. We talked about sex between ourselves and with other students some of whom had steady girlfriends and some, whom we eagerly questioned, who had "done it".

I had a pretty strong sex drive and for as long as I could remember had masturbated to a climax at least once every night before going to sleep. I made a decision that I wasn't going to do that anymore now I had made the great move away from home but that resolution only lasted a few weeks until one of the older students lent me a copy of "Lady Chatterley's Lover". There was no way I could keep both hands above my waist while reading the sexy bits.

Although neither Andy nor I was particularly religious most of our social contact with young women occurred at Church youth group functions including regular dances because that was the scene we had been brought up to. Occasionally I persuaded a girl to let me escort her to her home where I would leave her at the door. Some allowed a quick kiss goodbye and I even persuaded a few to go out to the pictures with me. None of those meetings came to anything except to fuel my one handed activity at night.

Then after a couple of years came the night I met Kathleen. She was a beautiful slim girl about five foot four inches tall. Her breasts were not particularly large but she certainly had curves in the right places and what she had was adequate, perky and attractive. I thought she was lovely. After our first dance together she agreed to sit with me and we talked. To my surprise she seemed to like me and though we were both initially shy the conversation became steadily easier. I asked her if she would like to go out with me and she said yes. Like me she was very shy and inexperienced in dealing with the opposite sex having been educated in an exclusive girl's school and not having any brothers or close friends with brothers. The second time she went with me to the movies I tried to kiss her outside her parent's house. She was so shocked she ran inside and shut the door. I was devastated. A few days later I was a little discomforted to see her at the same social dance again. To my surprise she came over to me during a "Ladies Choice" dance and asked me up. As we danced she explained. "I am so sorry about my behaviour the other night. You must have thought I was rejecting you but I didn't mean that at all. You were the first boy I liked who ever tried to kiss me. I was just overwhelmed with unfamiliar feelings and didn't know how to handle them. I panicked."

"Does that mean you would consider going out with me again?" I asked.

"Yes! I would like that very much if you still want me to."

To my delight we were back together again going to movies, church socials and dances. I was soon allowed kisses which she clearly enjoyed and after a while returned.

A few weeks after Kathleen and I met, Andy came to the same regular dance as we were at and there was a girl there he had been admiring from afar. To his surprise and pleasure she turned out to be Kathleen's best friend Becky. We introduced them. Andy and Becky hit it off straight away and, like Kathleen and I, quickly became a regular couple. Becky was beautiful in a rather different way to Kathleen being shorter at about five foot two and more curvaceous with C cup breasts which Andy drooled over. Andy was taller than me at around six foot one to my five foot nine.

Fairly quickly Kathleen and I were meeting two or three times a week and giving each other passionate hugs and kisses. One day I slid my hand up over her clothes to cover one of her breasts. She put her hand over mine and gently but firmly pulled it away. A day or two later I did the same but this time her hand came over mine and held it there. It felt wonderful. Not long after that she reluctantly allowed me to undo her shirt and bra and fondle her bare nipples and soon after that I told her I wanted to see her breasts. She hesitated but let me open her shirt completely. After some fondling I bent my head down and started sucking her nipples alternately. She was a bit shocked but it really excited her and she began moving frantically against me. While Kathleen was initially rather hesitant about our sexual activity after a while she became just as keen and horny as me. I will never forget the time she came to my room and for the first time shyly let me undress her completely and turn the light on. I had never seen anything so beautiful or so exciting. We both knew and agreed that actual sex was not on but over the months we slowly pushed the boundaries. She became interested in my dick and liked to get it out and play with it. Soon it was normal at the end of each evening we spent together that we would hug and kiss and I would fondle and suck on her breasts until she became excited and then I would play with her clit with my fingers until she came. Then she would get my dick out and fondle it until I exploded. One evening we got quite a fright. We were petting on the couch in the lounge of her parent's house, as we often did, assuming her parents were asleep. Our clothes were in disarray when we heard her mother coming down the stairs. She stopped just outside the door of the lounge, asked if we were OK and went back up the stairs. I have wondered since whether she was more understanding than we realised and decided not to embarrass us and herself.

About that time I managed to find enough money to buy an ancient car and at the end of an evening together we could find a good parking place to neck and pet instead of risking exposure in her parents lounge.

Andy and Becky and Kathleen and I often double dated, particularly now I had the car. We would sometimes go to a lonely beach which was backed by bush. After we all played together in the water they would disappear into the undergrowth in one direction while we went in another to neck and pet and bring each other off. We tried parking together but that was just too much. The sounds of their excitement made it difficult to concentrate on our own activities.

The four of us were all fond of each other but we stayed as separate couples. I liked Becky a lot but was not mad over her as I was over Kathleen. While I really adored Kathleen's slimmer figure I did sometimes fantasise as to what it would be like to see and fondle the bigger breasts that Andy was so fond of on Becky. Once Becky was leaning down towards me to pick up something and then looked up and caught me trying to look down into the low cut dress she was wearing. We both went a little pink but she just smiled. I am sure that Andy also looked Kathleen over occasionally.

I took Kathleen down to stay for a few days with my parents. My father looked Kathleen over and complimented me on my choice. We invited them up to a special dinner with Kathleen's parents to celebrate our engagement.

The marriage was to wait several months to the end of the year so our sexual experimentation and frustration continued.

Andy and Becky had serious disagreements and decided to break up. Andy went across to Sydney to try a different life in Australia. I don't know what he got up to socially but he later referred to it as his dark period. He did well in the commercial sphere, however, selling into specialist areas using his engineering knowledge to talk to engineers who were potential customers.

At last the time came we had been eagerly awaiting. Kathleen and I got married. We drove off to where we were to spend our first night together. We had agreed that after dinner we would go for a long romantic walk on the beach as we used to when we had been there before. It didn't happen. When we went up to or room to get suitable warm clothing we took one look at each other, grabbed each other and hopped on to the bed. We started off with our usual hugs and kisses, rapidly got to our usual necking and petting but this time when we would usually reluctantly stop we didn't have to. She was ready and waiting and wet and I started to force my way in. Even though it was a bit of a strain for her, she had her hands around my bottom to eagerly pull me in. What followed was the most exciting feeling of my life. It didn't take long before she was cumming around me and I was emptying myself into her. The subsequent relaxation was so different from our previous frustration.

Unfortunately I was too keen for a repeat performance and Kathleen did have some soreness in the area so things were not perfect for a few days but very soon we were both enjoying our life together. We soon found we liked sleeping in contact with each other and after a while got into the habit of sleeping in spoon fashion. We came to love each other less frenetically but more companionably and deeply. We were both regularly horny and we loved the pleasure we could give each other.

Despite having mutually agreed to separate, Becky found herself pining desperately for Andy and it turned out that Andy was missing Becky too so he came back and they got married with us as their best man and maid-of-honour. As Andy had been successful in Australia and had made some good contacts there they went and made their home in Sydney.

Kathleen and I made a home together in Auckland. Within two years we had a son, Tony, and two more years later we had a daughter, Helen. We had a happy and successful life. The occasional disagreement between Kathleen and I usually ended when our toes tentatively touching in bed turned to petting and loving and fucking.

* * * * *

Our contact with Becky and Andy slowly decreased as we led separate lives far apart. Becky and Kathleen exchanged Christmas cards including brief notes for a few years. We knew that they had a home in a suburb of Sydney and had two daughters. Eventually we totally lost touch.

* * * * *

Our lives continued. Kathleen and I both developed successful careers. I joined the New Zealand branch of a large construction company and helped the company design techniques for the efficient installation of communications systems for large projects. Kathleen rose through the ranks as a senior nurse. Tony and Helen grew up with only average problems. Our family was a fairly self-contained one. We had a social life and made friends though not close ones.

Kathleen and I continued to be a pretty horny pair, cuddling each other every night and, as often as not, fucking each other to sleep. We were faithful to each other although we did fantasize together about other possibilities. Twice we came rather close to another couple to the extent that there was some cross couple flirting. Kathleen and I had fun discussing what it would be like to swap but it was just fantasy fun. I did some kissing and hugging with the other wives and I think Kathleen had a bit of a cuddle with one or other of the husbands but it never went further than that.

Eventually our children left home. From an early age Tony showed an unusual interest in growing things including plants and animals. This continued until eventually he went off to Agriculture College in the Waikato. Helen did very well at school, particularly in science. She always wanted to be a doctor so she went off to Medical School in Dunedin.

We were, of course, sorry to see the children go but we really enjoyed the freedom it gave us. Kathleen and I were still a sexy couple. While we had slowed down a bit compared with when we were newly married we still enjoyed fucking more than once a week, as often as not initiated by Kathleen. We did things it would have embarrassed us to do when we might be caught by the children. We fucked in different positions in different places in the house. We could stay in bed on a Sunday morning and play with each other to our heart and body's content. We could go where we liked during weekends without needing to consider anyone else's needs. We even visited nudist beaches where we found that compared with others we had pretty fit and healthy looking bodies, particularly for our age.

* * * * *

In short we were having happy lives, having a lot of fun together, with particularly active and healthy sex-lives. That was until a major development in my career. The international company I worked for won a contract for a very large development in Brisbane, more than 2000 miles away in Australia, with a large communications component. Because of the good work I had done in that area the upper management insisted they wanted me to supervise the work in the new project. This would involve me living in Brisbane for nine months. Kathleen and I agonised over this. To refuse would have seriously damaged my future career prospects. Kathleen could have gone with me to Brisbane but we didn't want her to give up the prestigious position she had achieved as Director of Nursing at a private hospital. That would also have meant giving up the house we were very fond of or leaving it empty. Much against our wishes we decided I would have to go to Brisbane on my own for the nine months. We would only be able to afford visits back to Auckland to be together every 6 weeks or so. This was a very dismal prospect but we agreed to try and make the best of it.

After a very tearful farewell, off I went to live in a hotel in Brisbane. We had agreed that we would phone each other every Wednesday and Sunday evening. The time difference made that a little awkward. Auckland is two hours ahead of Brisbane in winter and three hours in summer.

I of course resorted to masturbation but Kathleen was unusually inhibited about the idea of sex by herself and couldn't bring herself to it.

On our Sunday evening call a couple of weeks after I had been gone, Kathleen was in tears. She missed me too much and badly wanted our lovemaking. She was having trouble getting to sleep because she kept thinking of me and wanting me to make love to her. I told her to phone me again later when she was ready for bed, had changed into her nightgown and was facing a mirror with the phone on speaker so her hands were free.

"Hello Lenny, are you there?"

"Yes Kathy. Are you ready the way I asked you?"

"Yes, I have got nothing on but my nighty and I am looking at myself in a mirror. What are you doing?"

"I am sitting with nothing on but my pyjama pants with my prick hanging out. I am visualising you sitting in front of me in just your nighty. Lift the front of your nighty so I can see your breasts. Are you doing that?"

"Yes I am looking at my breasts in the mirror and imagining it's you looking at them."

"I love looking at your breasts. Rub and pinch your nipples and pretend it is me doing it."

"I feel as if you are playing with my breasts and they are getting hard and sticking out like they do when you suck them."

"I love it when your big pointy nipples stick out."

"What are you doing?"

"My prick is standing up out of my pyjamas and I am stroking it imagining it is your hand. Are you feeling a bit excited?"

"Yes I love your cock. I wish I was holding it. I am getting horny feelings in my pussy."

"Rub your pussy with your hand. Pretend you are holding my prick and rubbing it hard. My prick is hard and throbbing."

"My hand is rubbing my pussy. I am imagining it is you."

"Put two fingers one each side of your clit and rub it between them."

"I am all wet down there. Rub your cock hard. I want it. I want your hard cock in me."

"Put the fingers of your other hand inside and push them in and out while still rubbing your clit."

"I am doing that and pretending it is your cock going in and out of me. I am getting very excited."

"I am rubbing my prick hard imagining it's inside you while I am holding you in my arms with my chest against your breasts."

There was nothing to be heard on the phones for a while but the slight slap of our hands and the increasing sound of heavy breathing.

"Oh Lenny! Lenny! I am cumming hard imagining your cock in me."

"I have just sprayed cum all over my pyjama pants. Did you like that?"

"It was nice but I still wish you were really here. I love you and need you Lenny."

"I love you and want to be with you too Kathy. Do you think you could go to sleep now?"

"Yes. I think so. I am feeling calmer and sleepy but I will still miss you badly. Good night Lenny!"

"Good night Kathy!"

* * * * *

In our regular phone calls we heard each other's news and we discussed those every day matters on which we needed to confer but from that day on our calls always ended with phone sex. It was far from satisfactory but was just enough to make our separation endurable. The experience showed us that while sex was a need, companionship, hugs and physical contact were important to us and what we most missed.

My life was very full during the working week but I was at a bit of a loose end during evenings and weekends. The people I was working with did their best to make me feel at home but they basically fell into two groups. Some were happily married and a couple of them invited me to their homes but they were heavily wrapped up in their family lives. The rest were leading the singles party lifestyle and would have happily included me but, given my attachment to Kathleen, that was not on.

I flew home to Kathleen for a weekend as we had agreed I would do every six weeks or so. There were a few things Kathleen wanted me to help with around the house and some practical things to sort out but we spent most of the short time we had just enjoying each other including lots of sex. It was wonderful but only too short. I couldn't leave Brisbane until after the end of work on Friday. The international flight over to Auckland in those days took more than four hours, more including getting to the airport and all the pre and post flight formalities. The time difference meant that if I flew after work on Friday my arrival in Auckland was after midnight. Then I had to do it all in reverse in time to be ready for work back in Brisbane on Monday.

After that it was back to the frustration of masturbation and the barely satisfying twice weekly phone sex. One night Kathy surprised me by telling me "A few nights ago I was so horny and sleepless that I did what I thought I could never do. I used my hands to make myself come on my own pretending you were doing it to me. Since then I have done it again. It works but it is nothing like as good as doing it with you for real or even doing it with you on the phone."

* * * * *

On one Wednesday, just before one o'clock, I felt like a bite to eat and decided to try a cafeteria I had noticed but not been into. As I approached it I met a woman coming out who looked strangely familiar. We stopped and looked at each other curiously for a few seconds and then "Becky?"

"Lenny, is that you?"

"What a pleasant surprise. What are you doing here?"

"Andy and I have our home here in Brisbane now but what are you doing here?"

"I am temporarily working on that building construction project over there. Last Kathy and I knew you were in Sydney. When did you move to Brisbane?"

"Look Lenny I would love to talk but I have an absolutely essential appointment in my office in that building there and I cannot afford to be late. I have lunch in here almost every day between twelve and one. Perhaps you could meet me on another day when we have time to talk."

"Sure Becky. I look forward to it." I said and she rushed off.

That night I told Kathy.

"How did you come to meet?" she wanted to know.

"Just by chance. She was just coming out of a cafeteria near the project when I was about to go in. We looked puzzled at each other for a few seconds and then recognised each other."

"Tell me all about it."

"There is not much to tell. She was in a hurry for an appointment and couldn't spare me any time. She just told me that she and Andy had their home in Brisbane and that she often had lunch in that cafeteria at that time of the day so if I was there again we could talk."

"Well tell me what she looked like. Did she look attractive?"

"She just looked like a more mature version of the Becky we used to know. Like us she looked rather good as if she has kept herself fit and healthy."

"What was her figure like? Does she still have the large boobs you and Andy used to drool over?"

"Unfair! Andy drooled over them but I never did! I much prefer your firm perky breasts but if you want to know her boobs looked moderately large. From the little I could tell, given she had a bra on under her clothes, they are reasonably shaped and not overblown or gross. As I said, it looks as if she has looked after her shape pretty well."

"What was she wearing?"

"I didn't take much notice. Some sort of business suit I guess. I think it might have been navy or green."

"Trust you to be able to remember and describe her boobs but not what she was wearing."

"Well I am a man after all and like you she is rather attractive."

"Oh gee Lenny!" she giggled. "Do you think I can trust you talking to a woman you think is rather attractive when I am not around?"

"Maybe you can't! Perhaps I had better not try to see her again."

"Oh yes you will! I want to hear all about what she's been up to during all those years."

* * * * *

The next day I managed to get away for my lunch break a few minutes after twelve and went to the cafeteria to see if I could find Becky. Sure enough there she was. She saw me and welcomed me with a big smile indicating the seat beside her.

"I am sorry I had to rush off yesterday" she said as I sat down. "My boss had arranged for me to meet an important potential new client and I would have had hell to pay if I had been late. I did so want to talk to you. Order your lunch and tell me all about yourself and what you are doing here. Are you and Kathy still together?"

As we ate I told her all about Kathy and I and our home together in Auckland and how my employers had more or less forced me to come to Brisbane to do this job, leaving Kathy behind, and how frustrating we found it.

"Anyway?" I asked. "What about you? Last we knew you were well settled in Sydney."

"We were." She said. "Andy did well in his company as a salesman. Then three years ago, when their Brisbane branch became overloaded they asked him to come up here permanently as Sales Manager and assistant to the Branch Manager so we bought a house here and moved in. We left both girls at Sydney University flatting together with friends so we are on our own. I managed to get myself a good job with a legal firm as a paralegal. The surprising coincidence is that we are now in a similar position to you. Andy's company decided to see if they could extend their business to New Zealand. A couple of months ago they sent him over to Auckland for eight months to get himself an office and see whether there was a market for any of the company's products there so, like you, he is living in a hotel on his own."

"Are you missing him?"

"Of course! It's very lonely without Andy, particularly at weekends when I am not working."

"I do feel at a loss without Kathy for company and I have not found much to do by myself that I find interesting. How do you occupy yourself without Andy?"

"Various things. One thing I do like to do particularly on Saturday nights is go to the Brisbane Jazz Club."

"I quite like jazz. Tell me about it."

"They are a private club and have very nice premises down on the river bank at Kangaroo Point. Many of Brisbane's best musicians go there to play just for their own amusement. On Saturday nights they usually form a big band playing 1950s era swing dance music. Many of the older players were in the Cloudlands Dance Band which used to play regularly at a very large and popular ballroom, now long gone. People go along to the Jazz Club on Saturday nights to listen to them or, if they wish, to dance. It is quite cheap, even cheaper if you pay a moderate membership fee and go regularly. Other nights of the week and times artists play more specialised jazz. I like it there. I just go along to sit in the pleasant atmosphere, relax and listen. The people there are friendly. I am even occasionally asked up for a dance though that is not what I go for. If you get tired of sitting you can go out on their deck and stand looking down to the water flowing past.

"That all sounds rather to my taste."

"Well if you make your way there any Saturday night you might well meet me."

* * * * *

That Saturday I had nothing in particular to do so I made my way down to Kangaroo Point and found the Jazz Club. It was just as Becky had described and she was there. She seemed happy to see me again and invited me to sit with her. She introduced me to some of the people around her who were all very pleasant. The music was as she had described, easy listening swing dance music of the 1950s and the band were excellent. At various times some of the listeners got up and danced. Becky and I spent most of the evening reminiscing about our lives back before she and Andy left for Sydney and telling each other about things which had happened to each other and our families since. After a few numbers I noticed that Becky was moving slightly to the music so I asked her if she would like to try dancing with me. She agreed and so we had three dances together. As I am not very confident at anything but slow dancing, numbers suitable for slow dancing were the ones I asked her up for. I found it very pleasant to be holding a woman in my arms even if it was just dancing in formal ballroom fashion. Towards the end of the evening I told her "This has been a very nice evening for me being with you and the others here. It's just this sort of relaxed social contact that I most miss away from Kathy."

"That is what Andy misses too" Becky said. "It is so long since he lived in Auckland that he is no longer in touch with his old Auckland friends and in his work environment it is not easy for him to make new friends without business connotations. Of course if he approaches any social group looking for company he is likely to be seen to be on the prowl which is not what he needs."

"That is the way it has been for me until tonight and that is why I have enjoyed this evening with you so much."

Becky then had an interesting thought. "If my company has been so good for you maybe Andy would enjoy meeting up with Kathy."

"Would you be happy with that?" I asked.

"Why not? I would be quite happy with Andy having Kathy for a friend but how would you feel about it?"

"It seems a rather good idea to me if Kathy is happy with it. I think I will suggest she invites him around to our place for lunch and see what she thinks."

* * * * *

The following night on our regular phone call I told Kathy how Becky and I had talked over lunch and then how we met up again at the Jazz Club. Kathy wanted to know every detail. I confessed to Kathy that I had enjoyed holding Becky while dancing with her and Kathy was only slightly jealous. She was also interested in the coincidence that, while I was miserably separated from her in Brisbane, Andy was equally miserable separated from Becky in Auckland.

"Kathy, it really was very pleasant for me to have a friend I could relax with." I told her. "That is perhaps what I have missed most while I am away from you. Becky says that Andy finds the same thing and gets quite down in the dumps about it. She even suggested that he and you might enjoy each other as friends. What do you think of that idea?"

"I would really have to think about that. It does seem a rather a good suggestion if it would cheer him up. I wonder how we could arrange it."

I told her the contact details Becky had given me for Andy in Auckland. "Why don't you phone him, tell him that you have heard about him through me and Becky, and invite him to our house for lunch to reminisce about old times."

"Would you be happy with that?" she asked.

"I don't see why I wouldn't be." I said. "We were always good friends in the past and there is no reason why we shouldn't be friends again."

"I'll certainly think about it. Now that's enough talk about Becky and Andy. Tell me what you would do to me if you were here."

On Wednesday Kathy told me that she had contacted Andy and he was going out to our house for lunch on Saturday.

The next Saturday I met up with Becky at the Jazz Club again and the next night I asked Kathy how it had gone with Andy.

"Very well. We talked about each other and what had happened to us and them since we last met and what we were doing now. In particularly we talked about you and Becky and how much he missed social contact with friends while he was away from Becky and home and how much I miss your company. We also discovered we had both developed a liking for live theatre and for art house movies but agreed that it was not so good if you didn't have a companion to discuss them with afterwards. We talked about doing something together on Saturday nights when we are both free but agreed we should discuss it with you and Becky. We know you and Becky are meeting socially at the Jazz Club. What do you think?"

"It sounds a good idea to me. I am finding meeting up with Becky at the Jazz Club on a Saturday night is making life rather more pleasant and I don't see why something similar that you and Andy could do would be any different."

On Wednesday night Kathy told me that on Saturday night she was going to meet up with Andy for a particularly interesting movie. Then on Sunday night she told me that they had enjoyed their evening together. There was a play they both wanted to see the next Saturday and they had arranged to go to it together.

From then on it became the regular thing each Saturday evening, except for those weekends when Andy or I was at home, for Becky and me to meet at the Jazz Club and for Kathy and Andy to go to a movie or a play together. For Kathy and me these outings were a talking point on our Sunday night phone calls.

The only problem I had was that I was very much missing proper sex and that was causing me problems when I was with Becky on Saturday nights when we met at the Jazz Club. She and I were getting a little more than just friendly with each other. After dancing together for a while we would start holding each other very closely and then we would go out on to the deck by the river and the hugging and kissing got quite passionate. Only thoughts of Kathy enabled me to control myself.

* * * * *

One Sunday night Kathy was clearly uncomfortable on the phone. "I have a confession to make." she said.

"What's the problem? I asked.

"Andy kissed me."

"Well I don't see that as something to be concerned about." I said. "What's wrong with a kiss between friends?"

"It's more serious than that. It wasn't just a friendly kiss. He kissed me passionately."

"I am afraid I am not surprised at that either. Without Becky he will be feeling deprived of female contact just as I am. You are an attractive woman and he would have found you hard to resist."

"But that is not the worst of it. I kissed him back."

That set me back a little but I thought about it and told her "I can't really blame you for that. He is a nice guy and you just behaved naturally, particularly when you have been missing contact with a man. Did it go any further?"

"No. We just hugged and kissed."

"Are you falling in love with him?"

"Of course not. As you say, he is a nice guy and I like him but I could never love him the way I love you."

"Did you enjoy it?"

"To be honest I really did enjoy it at the time although it worried me afterwards that I had got a bit carried away and I was concerned about what you would think."

"Well no harm done as far as I am concerned."

"Does that mean you really won't mind if it happens again?"

"Not as long as you are enjoying it and it doesn't get out of hand. I should be as honest with you as you have been with me. Becky and I have exchanged and enjoyed a few hugs and kisses. Does that worry you?"

Kathy considered that for a few seconds before answering. "It does just a little bit but given what happened with Andy I can understand. I guess it is OK. As you say it is natural under the circumstances."

* * * * *

I went home to Auckland for a weekend and Kathy and I were all over each other as if we were newly married. As soon as we got home, after she picked me up from the airport, we rushed to the bedroom, removed each other's clothes, kissed each other all over and then she was pulling me into her and I was thrusting madly. We didn't last very long before Kathy was cumming repeatedly and I was releasing copious amounts of pent up cum as far into her as I could get my prick.

In contrast, the following night we had a long leisurely loving fuck and were lying relaxed with our arms around each other when Kathy rather tentatively asked me "When you are masturbating alone do you ever think about women other than me?"

"I mainly think of you but, yes, to be really honest I sometimes fantasise about other women I have met. I wouldn't be normal if I didn't. The fantasies don't mean much."

"Have you ever thought of Becky when you are masturbating?"

"Would it upset you much if I told you that I have?"

"No. I just want to know."

"Well yes she has come into my mind once or twice. Why, is it so important to you?"

"Well a few nights ago I was masturbating and when I was cumming I realised I was thinking of Andy. Do you think I'm awful?"

"No." I said. "It is just normal for you to have fantasies about men you have come across and particularly when he is a close and likeable friend like Andy."

* * * * *

A couple of weeks later on Sunday night Kathy came to the phone almost frantic. "Please! I need you to make me cum quickly. Don't waste time. I can hardly wait."

"Why? What has brought this on?"

"Last night the movie we saw was particularly interesting so after Andy escorted me home I asked him in for a while to talk about it. We started hugging and kissing and got rather passionate before we stopped and he reluctantly left and went back to his hotel. I have been extremely horny ever since. I didn't masturbate because I wanted it to be you who made me cum. Please! Make me cum!"

"Tell me more about what you and Andy did."

"Well he gave me a hug and a kiss and we started holding each other very close. I felt my nipples get very hard against his chest. He started stroking my bottom with his hand and pulling me towards him. I was doing the same to him. I felt his cock against my stomach and I could tell it was big and hard. Then we realised we were going too far and we managed to stop."

"Were you wet?"

"I was very wet. When I went to bed and I took my pants off they were soaked. I am very wet now. Please! Is your cock hard?"

"Yes! It is sticking up and very hard and I am stroking it and pretending it is in you. Are you rubbing your clit with one hand and have you got the fingers of your other hand inside you imagining it is my hard prick?"

"Oh! Oh! Lenny! Yes! You are making me cum! You are what I needed. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I wish you were really here Lenny."

Needless to say I got rather worked up as well and within seconds I was squirting cum on to myself.

* * * * *

Meanwhile Becky and I continued to meet and we were also getting pretty passionate with each other. I got hard pressed against her and I am sure she felt my prick. She didn't seem to mind but just pressed back. It was very comfortable but my body wanted more. I had never been unfaithful to Kathy and was determined not to now but I was sorely tempted. It required all my will power to not make a further move.

* * * * *

A week later Kathy's mood was very different. "I am not going to be able to see Andy anymore."

"Why ever not?"

"I have been very, very naughty. We almost lost control totally. I am scared that if I see Andy again I'll end up fucking him and you won't want me anymore."

"There is no way I'll not want you anymore. Just tell me what happened."

"I was very naughty and you will get upset."

"No I won't. Just tell me."

"Well after we had been to an interesting play and he had escorted me home he came into the house and we started hugging and kissing again. We were rubbing against other and while we were kissing he put his hand on my breasts and started rubbing my nipples through my clothes. It felt so nice I didn't stop him. In fact I wanted to feel him even closer so when he started to undo the buttons of my blouse I let him. He managed to undo my bra and in no time he was fingering my bare breasts. It felt so nice I just let him do it while I pulled him closer to me by pulling on his bottom. You are going to hate me for this."

"No I won't hate you no matter what you did. What happened next?"

"He leant down and sucked my nipples. I loved it just as I do when you do it. I could feel his big hard cock pressing against my stomach. I knew I shouldn't but I am missing being with you so much. I wanted to feel it so I reached down and started stroking it through his pants. I am so ashamed but I couldn't help it."

"Don't be ashamed. You just did what you needed to do."

"He undid his pants so I put my hand in and pulled his cock out and stroked its bare skin. He reached under my skirt and put his hand inside my panties and started to stroke me. Then he put a finger inside me and slid it in and out. In no time I was cumming. I have never done anything like that with anyone other than you before. Are you annoyed with me?"

"Excited but not annoyed. In fact it's turning me on. Did he fuck you?"

"No. I really wanted his cock inside me but I knew we mustn't. He tried to pull my panties down but I wouldn't let him. I stroked his cock hard until he squirted. Then we just managed to push each other away and to pull ourselves together. We were only just able to control ourselves. If it happened again I don't know that we would stop."

"Is that because Andy was pressuring you to let him fuck you?"

"No. He was a gentleman and stopped when I said stop. It's me that might not be able to stop if we did it again. That's why I told Andy we must stop seeing each other even though I will miss our times together."

I well understand how powerful the instincts would be for Kathy when she was missing me and Andy was so close. If Becky and I had ever been together other than in public I am not sure whether I would have resisted my instincts.

"Andy will have been very disappointed about that because I know he has been enjoying your company very much while he is away from Becky. Until he started seeing you he was very lonely so you have helped make his life bearable. But tell me, are you really tempted to fuck him?"

"Yes I am but I mustn't because if I did you would stop loving me and I couldn't bear that."

"I wouldn't stop loving you if you fucked him. I might be a little jealous and I might be upset if you decided you preferred to fuck him than to fuck me but I even find the thought of you fucking Andy when I am not available a little exciting. Do you think you might decide you love Andy more than me if you start fucking him?"

"No of course not. I like Andy but there is no way I could ever love him the way I love you. But doesn't it matter that I would be being unfaithful to you?"

"I am not sure I would consider it being unfaithful if I gave you permission. Would you really like to fuck him if I was happy with the idea?"

"Maybe but I don't think I should. Would you really be happy if Andy and I fucked?"

"I know how much we both like sex and I know how much you must be missing it without me being around just as I am missing it without you. I know how strong the temptation is. I am not sure that Becky and I would resist fucking each other if we were ever together out of the public eye. So yes, if you want to fuck Andy and I am not available I wouldn't blame you if you did and I wouldn't want to stop you. I want you to enjoy yourself. The idea actually turns me on. How would you feel if I was to fuck Becky when you are not available?"

"I would be jealous because I would want it to be me you were fucking but if you want to and I was not available I would not be very upset. It wouldn't stop me loving you."

"Now I have said I would not be unhappy if you did, are you going to see Andy again, even with the possibility you might fuck him?"

"I'll think about it."

I found the whole conversation very erotic and our phone sex which followed was at least as exciting as any of our previous sessions.

* * * * *

In our phone call the following Wednesday Kathy told me that Andy had phoned her and asked her to go out with him again on the following Saturday. She had not given him an answer but after what I had said on Sunday she was still considering it.

I asked her "Do you think you will end up fucking him if you go?"

"I think it might be hard to resist now I have thought of it as a possibility. Would you really be OK if I fuck him?"

"If you really want to I would be happy that you were enjoying yourself."

"OK. If you are really happy about it, even knowing what is likely to happen, when he calls me for an answer I think I just might say 'Yes.' to going out with him again."

We left it that.

* * * * *

Of course I wasn't quite as happy as I pretended. In our long marriage I had never been unfaithful to Kathy and, to my knowledge, and I was pretty sure, she had never been unfaithful to me, so for her to fuck Andy would be a very big step in our lives. I knew that now Kathy had the idea in her mind it would be unlikely they would stop short of fucking if they got together. On Saturday night I went to the Jazz Club in a very anxious state knowing Kathy and Andy were most likely together and would probably be fucking by then or soon afterwards. I had very mixed emotions. I was both excited by the idea and happy that Kathy was enjoying herself but fearful that it just might have a serious downside, perhaps even threatening our marriage.

Becky was there at the Jazz Club as usual and quickly caught on to my anxious state. We held on to each other very closely. We went out to the deck and hugged and kissed. After a while Becky said "You had better come home with me."

I was rather wary and asked "Are you sure that is sensible?"

She said "Definitely. You are in serious need of some comfort and companionship. You need to discuss your feelings somewhere more private."

When we reached her place we went in and made ourselves comfortable. Then we started kissing and hugging and she said "Come into my bedroom and make love to me."

I asked "Are you sure that that's a good idea?"

She said "Yes. You need comforting. I want you and I know you want me."

I asked "What about Kathy and Andy?"

"Andy told me he was almost certain he would be fucking Kathy tonight and by now they have probably already done it. They realise that we are in the same position they are and have the same temptations. They will be more or less expecting us to do the same as them."

She pulled me into the bedroom, removed her blouse and bra and pulled my face into her breasts for a cuddle. It was extremely comforting. Then she took my clothes off, took the rest of her own off, lay back on to the bed with her legs apart and pulled me after her. She was clearly totally ready so I pushed my hard prick into her. It was the first time my prick had ever been inside anyone other than Kathy but it just felt right. I moved fairly slowly backwards and forwards inside her. We didn't feel the need for frantic activity but just a desire to give each other comfort and pleasure. I could feel the slow build up and could tell the same was happening to her. Eventually I came inside her as she came too. Then we went to sleep still holding each other.

The next morning we woke up still touching each other. By unspoken mutual consent we started lightly caressing each other until I got hard and she got wet and she invited me in and in due course we came together for a second time. Becky gave me breakfast and then, as we both had things to do, I left and returned to my hotel.

* * * * *

That night I awaited the time for our regular phone call with lots of complicated mixed feelings.

The time eventually arrived and the call came. "Hi Kathy darling. How are things?"

"Good. How about you?"

"Good. Did you go out with Andy last night?"


"Did you enjoy yourselves?"


"Did you fuck him?" After a pause, she quietly said "Yes." Then after another pause. "Do you hate me?"

"No. Of course I don't hate you. I love you."

"Yes but will you still want me as much now that Andy has had me?"

"Yes of course I still love you and want you just as much as ever. Now tell me just what happened."

"Well we went to a movie. Soon after the movie started Andy reached over and we held hands. I liked that. Then after a while he put his hand on my thigh and slowly moved it up until it was just touching my pussy. I could feel myself getting wet and I knew then we would be fucking before the night was over. I reached over and placed my hand on his pants over his cock. We leaned towards each other and kissed and then went back to watching the movie. We didn't remove our hands until the movie ended. When he took me home I invited him inside and we started hugging and kissing. After a short while he undid my blouse and bra and started kissing my nipples. I held him tight against me so I could feel his cock against me. There was no way we were going to stop. He told me he wanted to see all of me. We went into our bedroom and he took off the rest of my clothes. Then I helped him take off his. I took his cock and started playing with it. He put his hand down and stroked my pussy. Then he put one of his fingers in me. I told him that was exciting but not what I wanted. I needed to feel his cock in there, not his finger. We got up on the bed and I felt him push his cock right into me. He was rapidly moving his cock back and forth and I was humping back against him meeting every thrust. Quite soon I was cumming and I could feel his cum squirting into me."

"What happened after that?"

"We had another hug and kiss and then he got up and dressed and went back to his hotel."

"Did you like fucking him more than fucking me?"

"No. Not more than I like fucking you but it was a bit different. I did enjoy it.

"Is his prick bigger than mine?"

"No. I wouldn't say that. I think his cock is a little bit longer than yours but not as thick."

"I also have a confession to make."

"I know. You fucked Becky."

"What makes you think that?"

"Becky and I have been talking."

"Have we no secrets?"

"Not between Becky and me. We are confidence sharing friends again. If necessary we will conspire against Andy and you." Then more seriously "Is this going to upset our marriage?"

"No. It will affect our marriage to some extent but not necessarily in a bad way. We need to have a serious discussion about it. I'll be over to see you this coming weekend and I suggest we leave the discussion and don't do anything significant until we are together and can talk freely about it. One thing you can be certain of is that I love you and nothing will stop that."

"I love you too Lenny."

* * * * *

That Wednesday night we didn't talk much except to tell each other we loved each other and to have our usual phone sex.

The following Friday I made arrangements to leave work early so that I could catch an afternoon flight to Auckland that would arrive that evening. Kathy met me at the airport and we put our arms around each other and just hugged each other close for some time. We didn't stop holding each other except as necessary to get in the car and drive home. When we got home we went straight to bed and had a long leisurely fuck, slower than usual for us as we savoured the feelings we were giving each other. We both eventually came and being satisfied we went to sleep in each other's arms. In the morning we had another long, slow, loving fuck. When it was over I realised that Kathy was crying.

"What's the matter?" I asked. "Why are you crying?"

"I am crying because I am happy now. The last few days I have been in an emotional turmoil. Now I am confident that you do really still love me even though I have been a naughty girl."

"Are you going to continue to be a naughty girl?"

"If you mean just with Andy I think I might, if you don't mind. I do like Andy and enjoy his company and when you and Becky aren't around we do like cuddling each other. I would miss him a lot while you are not here if we stopped seeing each other. Now that we have fucked once it would be difficult for us to get together and not have sex again. What about you and Becky?"

"We will probably continue to comfort each other when you and Andy are not around. Is that all right with you?"

"Yes I think it is as long as we continue to love each other as we do."

* * * * *

From then on Becky and I became close companions and slept together about once a week. I assume Kathy and Andy were doing the same. Kathy and I continued our twice weekly phone sex but it was distinctly less frantic and more loving.

Then came a Wednesday phone call in which Kathy really sent me staggering.

"Becky and I have made some important decisions concerning you and Andy." she said.

"I thought you and I always make important decisions together."

"Not in this case. Becky and I have decided! You and Andy will do as you're told!

"We both have large comfortable second bedrooms. Our master bedrooms have both got their own bathrooms so the main bathrooms are available for the second bedrooms. On Saturday you are moving in to Becky and Andy's second bedroom and Andy is moving in to ours.

"Tomorrow you will give notice to your hotel that you are checking out Saturday. Then you will tell your company that you are making your own living arrangements so they should give you a living away allowance similar to the cost of the hotel and you will give that to Becky. In the same way Andy will give me his allowance.

"You will be careful not to do anything which might interfere with Becky and Andy's relationship. You will not let any of your belongings creep into Becky and Andy's master bedroom. When Andy is home with Becky you will stay discreetly out of their way so they can enjoy being together. Other times you can sleep wherever Becky decides. In the same way Andy will stay out of our way when you are here. Do you understand so far?"

"I think so although I am a bit shocked. One practical flaw I see is that the only bed in our second bedroom is pretty awful."

"I have thought of that. You have said in the past that it would be fun to have a king sized bed in our room to roll about in but we didn't think we really needed another bed enough to justify the cost. We do now so I have ordered a new king sized bed for our room and it will be delivered tomorrow. Our current double bed will be moved to the second bedroom for Andy and the old bed in there will be thrown out. Becky is making some changes in their house to suit the new arrangements as well."

"What input has Andy had into all this?"

"None. Andy doesn't know anything about it, or he didn't until a few minutes ago as Becky is calling him to tell him about the same time as I am calling you."

"What if Andy or I object?"

"Tough! Becky and I have decided and you two will just do as you're told."

"Tell me the thinking that led to this."

"Sometimes it is useful to have a man around the house to help with some things which need to be done and we miss having our husbands available for that. It makes economic sense as to a small extent it is true that two can live together more cheaply than apart. Most importantly we can keep an eye on you. We don't want the naughtiness spreading. I can report to Becky anything that Andy gets up to and Becky will report on you to me. There just might be other reasons why Becky would like to have you around and I would like to have Andy but I won't go into those. So, are you going to object?"

"No and I can't imagine Andy objecting either. You seem to have everything sorted out but have you thought of the possible long term consequences? You are effectively making Andy an alternative husband for yourself and me an alternative husband for Becky. Inevitably we are going to become very close to our alternative spouses and, unless there are serious clashes, love is going to develop. What happens if this reaches the point where one of us prefers our alternative spouse to our original one and wants to make it permanent?" I asked.

Kathy was quite certain. "It won't happen. This is a temporary arrangement. The one thing Becky and I are desperately waiting for is the end of your secondment to Brisbane and Andy's secondment to Auckland so we can get back our favourite husbands and will have no further need for substitutes. I can imagine becoming even fonder of Andy than I am now but I could never imagine him as a permanent partner. He is likable and fun but he is also a bit shallow minded for me. I value yours and my ability to have more serious conversations."

"Actually I agree." I said. "I am fond of Becky but she is a bit domineering at times and I couldn't imagine a satisfactory permanent relationship with her. Perhaps Andy might fall for you or Becky for me but that would be their problem, not ours."

"Good! It is all settled. Becky told me she will have her car at your hotel at 9:30 on Saturday to help you move all your things out so you had better be ready."

And so it came to pass. I effectively became Becky's substitute husband except when Andy was in Brisbane or when I was in Auckland with Kathy. I did a lot of the chores around Becky and Andy's house. Becky and I had breakfast and dinner together and went out together and usually slept together.

* * * * *

Kathy and I continued our twice weekly phone calls in which we exchanged each other's news, had phone sex and expressed our impatience towards the time when we would be living permanently together again and having real sex together. We didn't generally talk about our relationships with Andy and Becky but one night we did get on to the subject. "What's it like having sex with Andy?" I asked. "Is it different?"

"Not a lot different. He likes me to suck his cock more than you do."

"Do you like it?"

"It is quite fun and sexy but sometimes he comes in my mouth which leaves him exhausted and me unsatisfied so I have to insist that he eats my pussy until I come."

"What about when you are actually fucking? Does it feel different? Is it better than with me?"

"Not better but different. Because he is not as thick as you he doesn't stimulate my entrance as much as you do but because he is slightly longer he gives me slightly different sensations further in. The big difference is that afterwards, though it is fun, I don't feel as loved as I do when you and I have been fucking. What about you? What is it like to fuck Becky with her big boobs?"

"Well she does have much bigger breasts than you but you have beautiful firm breasts with large nipples which get hard and pointed when I play with them. Becky's breasts are soft and floppy and her nipples are small even when she is aroused. To me her breasts are nothing like as attractive as yours. She does enjoy something you can't do. She likes me to sit astride her chest and she uses her hands to wrap her breasts around my prick to make a tunnel. She likes me to slide back and forwards in the tunnel until I cum on her face."

"Do you like that?"

"It is novel and exciting but to be honest I actually prefer normal fucking except as a change."

"What is actually fucking her like? Is it as good as with me?"

"No. When I get inside her it is very comfortable but she is not as active as you. She just lies there and enjoys what I do. I can feel her insides caressing my prick and I can see and hear her becoming aroused until eventually she cums as I let go and spray her insides. Fucking with Becky is very pleasant and comforting and satisfies our immediate urges but it is not as much fun as fucking you."

* * * * *

Andy came home to Brisbane to spend a weekend with Becky so I stayed out of their way. On Saturday I saw them devotedly cuddling each other at every opportunity. That night, after I went to bed, I could hear them making love. I felt miserable and, for the first time, was seriously jealous of Andy. I longed for Kathy, not just for sex but for closeness and companionship. In the absence of Kathy I wanted the comfort that Becky was giving Andy. Masturbation was not good enough. I felt very lonely with no one to share my feelings.

* * * * *

A week later I was with Kathy in Auckland for the weekend. As usual our reunion was great. We met at the airport with a long passionate cuddle. As soon as we got home we hurried to our bedroom, took all our clothes off and had fast and furious sex. For the rest of the weekend we had various things to do but whenever we could we held on to each other. Andy was around but stayed out of our way. After dinner on Saturday night Kathy and I went off to bed and played with each other for a long time, caressing and kissing and licking and noisily fucking until I had cum into her twice and was exhausted. As I lay there relaxed and sleepy I started thinking about Andy and how I had felt the previous Saturday night. I said to Kathy "I can't help feeling sorry for Andy."

"What do you mean?" she asked. "What's he got to be sorry about?"

"I was feeling very lonely last Saturday night and he will be feeling the same way tonight. He will be missing Becky. Seeing us being so happy together will make him miss her more than ever and he will be jealous of us because we have what he is missing. He will have heard us making love and that will have made him feel horny. He can't have Becky because she isn't here and he can't have you because you are with me and masturbation is a poor substitute. At this time last week I was in the position he is in now and I was feeling jealous and miserable, so I know how he is feeling. He will be badly wanting comforting and he has no one to comfort him."

"You're not suggesting that I should go and comfort him?"

"Not really but the thought has occurred to me. He would certainly appreciate it if you did. Would you like to go to him?"

"Not particularly but if it would really help cheer him up I might be willing. Would you be happy if I went to him?"

Sleepily I said "Given that I am currently very satisfied and I know you love me and you have been sleeping with him regularly anyway it would not be such a big deal as long as you come back to me."

"I love you Lenny" she said as she slipped out of our bed and I dozed off.

An hour or so later I felt Kathy climb in behind me and put an arm over me. I turned over and asked "Did you have an enjoyable time with Andy?"

"It was OK and he was very happy to see me and he certainly enjoyed fucking me but it was you I wanted."

As the reality of what had just happened sunk in I found myself with strong mixed emotions and incredibly horny and hard. I turned Kathy on her back and slammed myself into her. It was the first time I had felt the slipperiness caused by cum from another man. My thrusts were more violent than I had ever been with her before. I was determined to force my cum as far into her as I possibly could. When I had had my release and calmed down I was concerned that I might have hurt Kathy but she assured me she was fine and really appreciated my passion. Then we both went to sleep. In the morning we woke up together and had another leisurely loving fuck.

At breakfast all three of us were a bit embarrassed but nothing was said about the activities of the night and there was implicit agreement that we were all OK with what had happened.

* * * * *

A number of weeks passed until Andy again came over to Brisbane to join Becky for a weekend. On Saturday evening after dinner I went to my room and changed into pyjamas for bed when Andy called out "Becky and I are going to watch the Test Cricket match from England on TV for a while. Would you like to join us?"

I said "OK." and went out to the main room. Andy was sitting on the couch in his pyjamas in front of the TV and I sat down next to him. After a few minutes Becky came out of their room in a nightgown and slid in between us.

For those of you who don't know, a test cricket match is a slow game played for several hours a day for up to 5 days. Daylight test matches in England are broadcast on TV live in Australia in the evenings because of the time difference. Because the activity is spread out over such a long time, watching cricket on TV is a strangely relaxing experience. Most of the time there is not enough action to be continuously exciting but anticipating the occasional exciting moments is just enough to stop it being boring.

As the three of us were squeezed close together on the couch Becky's right leg was touching mine. After a while I forgot Andy was there and started to stroke Becky's thigh. As I did so she reached over with her right hand and lightly grasped my prick. I slowly reached further up her thigh with each stroke and was getting close to her pussy when I unexpectedly felt another hand reaching up her left thigh. I suddenly woke up to the situation and snatched my hand away saying "Sorry! I forgot."

"No!" Becky said. "Don't stop. Put your hand back. I was enjoying it."

I glanced up and across and saw that Becky had a prick in each hand and was slowly stroking them both. Andy looked across and saw too but did not seem in the least concerned so I started caressing Becky's thigh again, making sure I stayed on my side.

Becky said "I want you in bed" and got up leading Andy by his prick. I went to leave them but she said "No Lenny! Come with us. I want you both."

Becky lay down in the middle of their bed and demanded that Andy lie beside her on her left and I lie down on her right. We each fingered her thigh and pussy with one hand and each of us had a breast in our mouth. She was still stroking a prick in each hand and was getting more and more excited. Eventually she sat up, leaned over and took Andy's prick in her mouth. Then she swung her bottom round until her pussy was over my prick and demanded I push it into her. As she took the two of us, one at each end, she came over and over again. It was too much for me. I came a load into her and fell away, spent. She then let Andy's prick out of her mouth, turned round, sat on it and pulled it into her. He didn't last long either. In no time the three of us were lying exhausted together. I went to sleep right there. At one point I woke up and Andy was fucking Becky beside me. I went to sleep again only to be woken up by Becky playing with my rapidly hardening prick so I rolled over on top of her and fucked her again. Then I crept out of their bed and back to my room.

* * * * *

The following weekend I was over home in Auckland. As usual Kathy and I were overjoyed to be with each other and had lots of kisses and cuddles and sex. At dinner on Saturday Andy remarked "I have been talking to Becky and she told me that you, Kathy, were very jealous of Becky for what she told you Lenny and I did to her last weekend."

"Jealously is a serious charge, Kathy." I said. "Do you deny it?"


"Well I am not sure you should be allowed to get away with it. What do you think we should do about it Andy?"

"You know her better than I do Lenny. What sort of punishment would have the most effect?"

"She hates being tickled Andy, particularly around the waist."

Laughing she cried "No! No! Don't you dare tickle me! I'll hate you both."

We tried tickling her around the waist but it was difficult because she kept laughing and moving away. I said to Andy "I think this would be easier on our bed." So Andy picked Kathy up fireman fashion, carried her still laughing into the bedroom and dumped her in the middle of the bed. "Are you going to behave yourself now?" I asked.


"Andy, it seems we haven't done enough yet" I said. "Give me a hand here." We stripped off her clothes, got down each side of her and proceeded to touch and kiss her all over from the soles of her feet to the back of her neck.

Kathy was alternatively laughing and moaning at the treatment she was getting. Suddenly she said "I feel empty inside." I took the cue, took my clothes off, got between her legs and pushed my prick inside her while Andy continued kissing her face and breasts. With all the excitement I came rather too quickly and slipped out. "Not enough!" cried Kathy. Andy quickly took my place inside her until he also was exhausted and Kathy finally calmed down. Andy went off to his room and I held Kathy closely as we both went off to sleep.

In the morning we asked Kathy if she was still jealous and she said she wasn't but if we felt she deserved punishment on another occasion she accepted that she would have to put up with what treatment we doled out.

* * * * *

Eventually the time we had been so longing for came. I completed my assignment in Brisbane and came back to Auckland to be a full time husband for my darling Kathy, the woman I really wanted to be with. Andy finished his project in Auckland and went back to be a full time husband for his lovely Becky. We no longer had any need for our alternate spouses. The four of us agreed that we would stay in touch as friends and that we had had a lot of fun but living with just our own married spouses was what we really wanted. We were really glad the time when we had to spend so much time apart was over despite the fun we had had with our alternative spouses.

Then came another major surprise. Andy's company told him that he had done such a good job rounding up possible business in Auckland that they were going to start a permanent branch here. They made him an offer too good to refuse to move with Becky to Auckland permanently as the manager of the new branch.

Naturally Becky wanted to be involved in finding and buying a new house in Auckland so Becky resigned her job and she and Andy proceeded to sell their house in Brisbane. As it would be only for a short time we agreed that, rather than find a temporary house, Becky and Andy would stay in what had been Andy's room in our house while Andy proceeded to set up his office and Becky went house hunting.

Kathy and Becky had a great time getting to know each other as best friends again, reliving their student days and going together to shops and examining possible houses with real estate agents.

Kathy and I slept together in our room and Becky and Andy slept in theirs and we were very content with each other. We usually had breakfast and dinner together and often spent evenings together, either in or out. There was only the occasional passing reference to our past naughtiness.

One night however the talk did get around to sex and the subject of homosexuality came up. Neither Andy nor I had ever felt the slightest desire for each other or any other man and neither had had, or ever wanted, any homosexual experience. In our threesomes with our wives we had cooperated in our actions to excite the women but had never done or wanted to do anything for each other. Andy and I were curious as to whether either Kathy or Becky had ever tried sex with another woman. With a lot of giggling and some reluctance they admitted they had tried it together just once a very long time before. It was just before Kathy and I were married when Andy had broken up with Becky and was in Australia. I was staying back in my home town and Kathy and Becky were together with nothing to do. Becky had no boyfriend at the time and Kathy was missing me and our petting. They had heard a bit about what lesbians did and decided to try it out as an experiment. They took their clothes off and laid down in a sixty nine position and set out to see if they could make the other one cum with their fingers and tongues. They succeeded and they both said they enjoyed it but they felt the experience lacked something. Afterwards they had assured each other that though they liked each other as friends they felt no sexual attraction for each other and didn't have any desire to ever try it again.

While Andy and Becky were still living with us in our house in Auckland Andy and I had to go over to Brisbane for a few days. Andy needed to finalise the sale of their house and I had to clear up some paper work on the job I had done there. We returned to Auckland on the same flight which arrived in the middle of an afternoon. Kathy and Betty met us at the airport. As we drove home Andy asked them whether they had missed us. The two women giggled and both said "No."

After dinner we were sitting around and I asked "What's this about not missing us?"

Becky and Kathy giggled some more and Kathy said "We discovered we don't really need you."

Andy asked "What do you mean you don't need us?"

"Well." said Becky "we were both feeling horny and neither of you was around to take care of us. We remembered the talk a few days ago about our experiment with each other years ago and we decided just for fun to see what we could do for each other."

"Just what did you do?" I asked.

Kathy told us "We got together on the bed and set out to see if we could make each other cum by fingering and licking each other."

"Did it work?" Andy asked.

"Yes." Becky told us. "We both made the other cum. So you see we don't need you anymore."

"This we have got to see." said Andy.

"We want a demonstration." I said.

"No way!" said the women laughing.

"Yes! Now!" insisted Andy and I and the two of us started pushing them into Kathy and my bedroom.

"Did you have clothes on? I asked.

"No." they both admitted.

"Then get them off." I said.

"We are not taking our clothes off unless you take yours off too." said Becky.

"Fair enough." said Andy. We all stripped off. Kathy and Becky were in the middle of the bed with Andy and I sat on either side.

"Get into position and show us what you did." I said. With much protesting Kathy and Becky lay down head to tail side by side and very tentatively stated to stroke each other's pussy. They were very self-conscious at first but after a while what they were doing to each other was clearly having an effect. They began to ignore our being there.

Kathy was getting quite heated and called out "Lick me Becky, lick me!" and at the same time she started frantically licking Becky's clit. I was very aroused by the scene as I watched. I had a throbbing erection and was only just able to stop myself rubbing my prick or interfering in the action. I glanced across our wives at Andy and could see he was in a similar condition. Before long both women were calling "Oh! Oh! Oh!" and they were both cumming.

Then Kathy called out "I need a cock!" As I was just behind her I didn't hesitate but slipped into her from behind.

Becky cried "I want one too!" and Andy was into her before she had even finished getting the words out.

Andy and I were going at the women hammer and tongs and they were meeting every thrust with enthusiasm. I was close to cumming when Andy said "Let's change places!" I reluctantly let Kathy go and she turned round so the two women were lying side by side. As quick as a flash Andy was into Kathy and I was into Becky.

Just as we were getting close to eruption again Kathy called out "I want Lenny again!" so Andy and I pulled out and we swapped back again. I didn't last very long after that and neither did Andy. We fell out exhausted. The two women held each other face to face. I spooned Kathy from behind. Andy spooned Becky and we all went to sleep.

At some time during the night Andy and Becky slipped out of bed and went into the second bedroom. Kathy and I drowsily kissed and hugged each other and went back to sleep.

In the morning we were all a little tired but cheerful. We all agreed that our orgy had been fun and we had no regrets but it was a special occasion and not something we would want to do as routine.

* * * * *

Andy and Becky found and bought a suitable house not far from ours and moved into it. The two couples were at last able to live separately. Becky found herself a new responsible position in a law firm in Auckland. We continued as good friends. Becky and Kathy spent a lot of their spare time together.

In the years that followed both pairs continued to have very active healthy sex lives but we mainly confined them to our real spouses. Now that we were each together with the person we had married, and who we still loved best, we generally no longer had the need for any alternative. However the four of us remained close friends. We often went to dances and other social events together.

From time to time alternative spouses, with our general agreement, did hook up because one of them was feeling horny and their real spouse was indisposed or unavailable for some reason such as being away on a business trip.

When the four of us were at a dance together we would alternate dances with our own and each other's spouses. Sometimes, towards the end of an evening, Becky and I would be dancing together and would get rather naughtily close together and a little aroused. We would look across at Kathy and Andy and see that the same thing was happening to them. Just very occasionally, at the end of the dance, the four of us would look at each other with a smile and by unspoken agreement I would take Becky home to their house and stay with her until the morning while Andy took Kathy home to our house and stayed with her but that was unusual.

At one point Andy's company decided to open a new branch in Christchurch. The person they appointed as the manager of the new branch was competent and qualified in other respects but had no experience in the practicalities of setting up a branch. The company wanted Andy to assist the new manager in getting the new branch under way. They offered Andy three weeks accommodation in Christchurch for him and his wife with all expenses paid. Becky was tied up in her own job and couldn't get away. Kathy had some leave owing and had never seen anything of the South Island so she went with Andy to Christchurch as his wife for the three weeks and they had a good time together. Naturally Becky and I looked after each other while Kathy and Andy were away.

Our old friends remain special friends.

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The author of this story: Sprat Gilfish

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