Odessa was tense. Roads were barricaded as soldiers moved their horses and ammunition carriages to the front lines. It had only been four months since Czar Nicholas of Russia was executed along with his children so that no claimant to the throne would survive. As the revolutionary forces seized more control throughout Russia the chaos was spilling into Ukraine.
Kostenka looked worried as she gazed out from the third story of Hotel Frederic. "There will be blood on the streets my lady. Those Communists killed the Czar and his family. They are not going to show any mercy towards you or me. I suggest that you take your belongings and sail toward Samsun in Turkey. If there is an area where the Bolshevik red army can not find you, it is Turkey," she said as she closed the windows and pulled the window curtain.
In all these days at the hotel, this was the first time that Ivanka Popovic had seen Kostenka so worried. Ivanka felt like she was sinking inside her own body. She had fled Moscow to reach Odessa and Kostenka her friend and maid had been her greatest strength in this hotel. Now her last hope was fading away. She stepped towards Kostenka with heavy, staggering steps and pleaded, "Kostenka, I have ... I have no one there." She wanted to break down and cry but her tears were no longer loyal to her. They never came.
Kostenka grabbed the fair skinned damsel by her shoulders, looked into her piercing green eyes and then spoke into her face, pronouncing each word as clearly as she could, "Lady Ivanka, listen to me. These are very strange times, do you hear me? Revolution will be at our doorsteps. Your people are your worst enemies and your traditional foes are now your only hope. If there is any place where you can be safe, it is with the Ottomans."
Ivanka stood in a state of utter shock as Kostenka Volkov went around picking her belongings and packing them in a hurry. She closed her eyes and this time, there were tears rolling down her cheek bones. "What will I do there? How will I survive?" Ivanka asked.
"Do you even realize how much this is worth?" Kostenka said as she picked up Ivanka's pearl jewelry and held it towards her, "This alone is worth more than what those rioters on the streets will make in their lifetime. If you take it to anyone here to sell, they will know who you are and they will kill you. This is why you and I need to board the ship for Turkey and sell all this jewelry there. It will buy you a life much better than what awaits us here." There was silence and then Kostenka spoke again, "Or you could conceal this fortune forever in this bag and work in a factory. They will look at your pale hands and know that you have not done a single day of labor in your life. Beneath these street clothes that you have been wearing, you are a bourgeois elitist and they will smell your perfume out from a thousand smelly, factory workers."
"And what happens when my savings run out in Turkey? I will be a Russian Orthodox woman in Muslim land with none of my people around me!" Ivanka said sobbing.
"Your people want to slaughter you! They killed the Czar and your father was a surgeon to the Czarina. If they get a hold of you, they will put you in front of the firing squad, do you still not understand?" Kostenka placed the jewelry in a faded string bag and pushed it deep inside the leather suitcase. Ivanka looked on as Kostenka took out her family photos from her luggage and started throwing them in the fireplace. "I have to burn these because these will get you killed," she remarked.
Once all remnants of Ivanka's past were burnt in the fire, Kostenka stood up. "You have something that is worth a lot more than all this jewelry," she said as she took a deep sigh and walked towards her. "Now come with me my lady and I will show you," she said and then took Ivanka by her hand. She lead her in front of the large, oval mirror and positioned her in front of it. "Stand here and look into the mirror my lady. Your future will depend upon how well you understand what I am about to tell you." With those words, Kostenka walked behind Ivanka and undid her blonde hair that were tied in a bun above her head. The heavy golden curls fell down to her mid-back as well as over her shoulders.
Surprised, Ivanka turned around to look at Kostenka but the taller woman stopped her. "Look at yourself in there lady Ivanka not me," she whispered into her ear as her hands slid underneath Ivanka's armpits to find their way to her front buttons. "Keep looking," she whispered as she undid the buttons of her top one after another, all the way down to just above her navel. Then she pulled the lapels of her shirt open to reveal two, more than ample, milky white breasts, bursting out of the lacy white bra. Ivanka looked at her pale neck down to the voluptuous mounds, pressed into each other to form a deep cleavage that heaved with her heavy breathing.
"Men will pay heavily for these, do you understand?" Kostenka whispered into her ear as she ran a finger down her cleavage. "In Turkey, these will make you very, very rich." Ivanka closed her eyes to turn her face away but Kostenka grabbed her face between her fingers and pressed hard on her cheeks to hold her gaze into the mirror. "Look you stupid woman look! Czar is dead, your father is dead, the Church is dead and God is dead. These are what you have. Now come to Samsun with me and embrace your new life. You are not a lady anymore!" With those words, she let go of Ivanka's face and walked away leaving her to gaze at her exposed chest.
‘HMS Hope' used to be a British hospital ship with bunk beds and operating tables. During the war, it had transported thousands of wounded soldiers from battlefields to hospitals, often providing critical medical care during transit at the sea. Then it fell into the hands of the Turks and was renamed as ‘Yadegar.' As a blockade runner, Yadegar carried no flag, as it sailed across the Black Sea in defiance of the Communist blockade. It transported ammunition, food and blankets to the Ukranian forces fighting against the Bolsheviks. On the way back, it was not unusual for her to bring back refugees if they had the money.
Korveti Kaptani Murad Bey focused his giant binoculars as he looked at the horizon in search of Russian patrol ships. He was anchored over two nautical miles from the port of Odessa and this was the time when Yadegar was most vulnerable to an Bolshevik patrol ship. Yadegar carried no heavy weapons on board but it could outrun any dreadnought or even corvette. Yet in order to stay out of the gun range of Russian patrol ships, she would have to maintain a horizon distance between herself and an approaching enemy. Through his binoculars, Murad was able to spot the high bridge of a distant ship. Curvature of the earth prevented him from identifying whether it was an corvette or a transport but he was relieved to see that instead of turning in his direction, it continued to sail south.
"Berat! Keep an eye on that ship. Notify immediately if it changes course," he said as he jumped from the high deck straight on to the main deck and landed with a thud. For a man of his size, he seemed to possess the agility of a mountain leopard. It did not take long for them to spot the small boats that approached them in swarms. First Murad counted eleven but soon they became fourteen. His crew waited with rifles in their hands just to be sure that the approaching boats were not Communists. Murad looked at the machine gun at the deck and Mehmud, the machine-gunner stood alert, ready to fire in case things did not go as expected. As they boats got closer, they recognized a few familiar faces from their previous runs and things calmed down.
The boats came to rest at the port side of Yadegar and the crew got busy. Bags containing rations and ammo were thrown from the deck into the boats below as the watch kept their eyes on the potential threat that continued to go south at the horizon. Soon the passing vessel had disappeared beyond the horizon line and all the bags had been transferred to the smaller boats. One by one the vessels turned around and began to head back to Odessa, except for one.
Ivanka and Kostenka sat side by side in the rocking wooden boat that smelled of damp flour. Their knees touched the other two passengers on board, an Egor Chernev a Moscow banker and a tall bald man who refused to give his name and did not welcome any conversation. The skipper of the boat rowed it right next to the ship that had the words "Yadegar" written on its side. As soon as the boat was stabilized, he stood towards the bow to address the crew of Yadegar. "I have four on board who seek passage to Samsun. Two men and two women. I can offer 100 rubles per person," he said.
The Turkish man on the deck looked rugged and emotionless. He rested one knee on the railing as he looked down from the ship. "For four hundred rubles, I can only take two. You can decide which two and help them on board. There is a threat at the horizon so I do not have time to negotiate," he said in perfect Russian.
The skipper turned towards the women and said, "You will have to pay him more somehow."
"But you said the money will get us on board!" yelled Kostenka.
"Lady, I have no control over these things. It is his ship and you heard the man. Now just for your situation, I can try one more time," he turned around to face the ship. "Beyfendi, this lady needs your help. She is pregnant and has nowhere to go," he lied.
Kostenka looked at the skipper like she was about to kill him. Yet she held her anger, waiting to see a reaction from the Turk.
"God curse us if I return a pregnant woman back to that hell. Everyone on board and be quick," said the man with a smirk, as if he had figured out the lie but decided to go along anyway.
A rope ladder was thrown and the four began their ascent up on to the Yadegar. Murad stood back and watched a "pregnant" Kostenka climb up the ladder. Waves were causing Yadegar to gently roll from side to side but Kostenka did not lose a single step. Within an instant, the tall Russian woman with sharp features and dark,chestnut brown hair was on the deck adjusting her dress. Her features were sharp as a knife and her face confident as if she had been in the company of dangerous men before. Her posture was strict and upright with wide shoulders that tapered down to small, wasp-like waist. There was nothing about her figure that hinted a pregnancy.
The girl that followed her looked frightened and out of place. With golden blonde hair that were tied neatly behind her head, she seemed on the heavier side but top heavy. If the man had lied about this one being pregnant, it would have been more believable. She took her time climbing the rope ladder and looked quite out of place when she stepped on a deck full of men with guns staring at her. ‘A frightened Russian elitist,' thought Murad and then he looked at the two men. Egor was tall and lean and climbed the ladder as if he had never climbed one before. The other man came up like a panther and something about him made Murad uncomfortable.
The women were given a small room with two bunk beds with worn out but clean mattresses. A round wooden table was bolted to the floor. The two heavy wooden chairs were as worn out as the mattresses but surprisingly comfortable and steady once you sat on them. The small window overlooked the ocean and there was a sink and a large mirror on top of it. The head was essentially a small bathtub with a tap that drizzled water. Yet, given the fact that they were on an old hospital ship, living conditions in their room were not as meager as the rest of the boat.
The next day the women opened their luggage cases and pulled out their wardrobes."If you must be a "naymit" in Turkey then you must learn to be a good one," said Kostenka as she brushed her long dark brown hair as Ivanka looked on. "But being a successful Kurva means a whole lot more than looks. Looks will get the man in your bed but to get a repeat customer, you must know the skills," she pressed her boobs together, sticking her chest out in the mirror. Her hands went behind her back as she started to tie her hair.
"I never thought it would come to this," Ivanka replied as she sat in her bunk bed playing with a strand of her golden blonde hair. "I fell in love with a young diplomat at a ball. He was tall and charming and treated me like a Czarina. He wrote me letters from France. I thought I would marry him and bear his children. I would live in exotic countries representing the Czar. I could never have imagined that I would have to sell my body to the Turks to earn a living."
Kostenka picked up a dark lipstick and started to apply to her lips as she spoke, "You are silly. The life that awaits you across these seas may actually be better than what you had imagined. Instead of being a slave for one bureaucrat, you will be a goddess to a dozen!"
"I do not know how to be a Kurva," Ivanka said.
"So let me teach you," Kostenka said as she stood up. She walked towards Ivanka and took her by her hand. "Come and stand in front of this mirror and look at yourself."
Ivanka stood in front of the mirror and examined her features as Kostenka walked around her, looking her from head to toe as she said, "Every woman has a unique feature. Do you know what yours is lady Ivanka?"
"Enlighten me," Ivanka replied.
"Your boobs. You must learn to dress in a way that your boobs are on display. When a man looks at you, his eyes must immediately go to your chest and your chest must be presented to him in a way that it holds his gaze. Oh Ivanka my lady, you may not be the slimmest woman on the Czar's dance floor but let me assure you my Czarina, in this business your buxomness is your real strength," she said while gazing down at her breasts."You have a pair that will win you worshippers, not clients but worshippers! But in order to be a successful Kurva with a chest like yours, you must wear a dress with neck so low that your whole chest above your nipples is displayed. Your cleavage must continue all the way down and your clothing must obstruct the view just where your nipples begin."
Murad was alone on the bridge looking out for Communist ships. Under normal circumstances, their journey would have taken them thirty hours but one of the Russian Corvettes had suddenly changed course and started approaching them. Instead of heading towards Turkey, Yadegar turned east towards to put some distance between it and the approaching threat. It moved full speed towards Sevastopol hoping to lose the Russian warship in its pursuit but the Corvette was giving chase.
Finally at 4:00 pm the Yadegar ran into dense fog and visibility dropped to a hundred yards. Murad swung the ship and dropped anchor hoping that the fog would last long enough till the sun goes down. After dark, he would turn off all the lights in the ship and wait until morning when the pursuing ship has passed them by many nautical miles. Once morning came and if coast was clear, he would resume course for Turkey. For now, he was standing still on the deck looking out into the mist. The sea was calm and fog was preventing him from seeing more than a hundred feet,if that.
Suddenly there was a knock behind him. He turned around and saw the tall posture of Kostenka standing in the doorway. "I need your help captain," she said in her typical deep, husky, almost manly voice as she invited herself into the bridge. Her brown hair was neatly combed and fell in waves behind her as she walked, swaying her hips. She was wearing make-up and for the first time Murad noticed that this woman looked beautiful in the most forbidden way.
"What can I do for you?" he replied looking at her thick, white fur coat.
"Me and my friend are looking for work in Turkey," she said as she came and stood in front of him, tall and domineering, in her high heels.
"What kind of work?" he asked as he looked up at her. In her heels, she stood an inch taller than him.
She continued to look into his eyes with no response as her hands worked open the buttons of the fur coat. It took Murad some time to realize what she was doing and when he did, she was already slipping the fur coat off of her shoulders. It fell down on the wooden deck and Kostenka stood in front of him wearing a black Victorian bra and panties. Murad held his breath as his eyes wandered up her flat stomach to the gentle swell of her bra. She leaned forward and his eyes went down to her breasts as she whispered into his ear, "I noticed that you were undressing me with your eyes when I boarded this ship. Now you know that what I conceal underneath these clothes is superior to anything you can imagine."
Murad took her naked waist in his hands and brought his lips close to hers as he said, "Pregnant? With a figure like this?"
"No, just wanted to get close to you," she drew herself closer into Murad pressing her chest against him as she caressed his rugged face from the back of her fingers. "We want a place in rich area where men like you may come and visit us. Can you help?"
"You want me to be your pimp?" he said looking into her eyes, searching for her soul.
"We will pay you well," she said brushing his short hair backwards.
"But I already make good money," he whispered back while his hands tightened around her waist drawing her closer into him.
"You have needs. I could tell the way you looked at me. We will please you," she began to unbutton his shirt and soon she was running her manicured fingers up his hairy chest.
"That may be so but this is not the place for it. We are trying to evade a Russian patrol so my eyes need to be on the horizon, not at you," Murad smiled.
"Understood. You will find me in my room when the need arises," Kostenka said as she bent over to pick up her fur coat. Murad was mesmerized to see how the bra fell away from her breasts, giving him a pleasing view of her treasures. Picking up her coat she turned around and walked out of the bridge, leaving the captain all bothered and aroused.
11:57 PM
"But we must keep the room completely dark," complained Ivanka as Kostenka lit the candle.
"It is just a candle," Kostenka said.
Ivanka examined her from in the dim candle light and there was no denying that Kostenka looked enticing in the black bra and panties. "You look lovely Kostenka. Once we land in Turkey, you will make a very expensive Kurva," Ivanka told her.
"So will you but you must learn your trait," Kostenka replied. She walked towards Ivanka and took her face in her hands. "You have that innocent, rich bitch look and the best set of tits to go with it. You must learn how to kiss now," with those words she pressed her lips into hers and Ivanka just closed her eyes and surrendered to the softness of Kostenka's lips against her own until she felt her tongue sliding into her mouth. She loosened her lips and, within an instant, Kostenka was deep kissing her as their tongues danced against each others in Ivanka's mouth.
When their lips parted, Ivanka was out of breath while Kostenka kept looking into the blonde's green eyes. "The man who will visit you would want to feel special. You must learn to kiss back like you desire him, do you understand?" she asked Ivanka as she brushed aside a golden strand of hair from her face. Ivanka just nodded. "If you must be a Kurva then you must embrace your dirty thoughts. Kiss me and be shameless about it," Kostenka spoke with her deep gravelly voice. Ivanka gave into her own shamelessness and pressed her lips against Kostenka, tasting her tongue once again. The women wrapped their arms and pressed their bodies against each other in a tight embrace and their tongues wrestled in a power contest.
When their lips parted, Ivanka was breathing heavily. "See, you are learning. Be responsive in all your actions. Make them feel like they are doing things to you for every client of yours must leave your doorstep feeling that he is the ultimate lover," Kostenka murmured. There was silence as a perplexed Ivanka continued to look down trying to catch her breath. "What is the matter?" asked Kostenka. "Are you feeling aroused?"
Ivanka closed her eyes like she was in denial.
"Look at me," Kostenka held her face and lifted it to gaze into her deep green eyes as she said, "There is no shame in being aroused by a woman. Embrace your sexuality wherever it may take you. You are not a lady anymore Ivanka. The sooner you realize it the greater would be your chance of survival in the world about to come."
Ivanka looked back into her eyes with a burning passion and replied, "Kostenka, I prayed to God for a miracle. I begged him to not let me become a Kurva. I prayed that he sends me a man who would take me as his wife and then ravages me in bed like ..."
Suddenly there was a slight knock on the door and then it squeaked open. Murad stepped in through the shadows. Through the dim candle light, he saw a sight that would stay in his mind forever. Kostenka, stood towering tall over the blonde, wearing a flimsy black, bra and panties that left very little to imagination. Her arms were around Ivanka's waist.
All this time, Murad had imagined Ivanka to be on the heavy side but his eyes came out of their sockets as he gazed at her at this very moment. The Victorian corset that Ivanka wore, attempted to squeeze her waist and caused her more-than-ample breasts to rise upwards on her chest as if they were trying to leap out. The never-ending cleavage that was formed was deep and totally breath-taking. The neckline that attempted to contain them was so low that the entire rack was on display except for the nipples. Murad just stood there is a state of beauty shock as he gazed at Ivanka's magnificent chest.
"A miracle!" he said as he walked towards her. "In my country they give a hundred lashes for being bad but for you, I will accept a thousand," with that he started to unbutton his shirt. Ivanka just stood back in a state of utter shock as she saw his sweaty, hairy chest appear from underneath his shirt. He was not a man Ivanka would have considered good looking if she had met him at a ball but when the shirt came off, he looked powerful, dangerous and just so manly that she could not believe that a part of her wanted to be his bitch.
"Before you touch her, you must promise me that once we land, you will find us a property to settle."
"You have my word," Murad said as he continued to stare at Ivanka's heaving breasts.
"In that case, they are all yours Effendi. Enjoy!" Kostenka said as she turned around and spoke to Ivanka "Men such as him are beasts when they are aroused. You must salivate their cocks, otherwise they will rip you into two. If you do not lubricate his member, he will damage your insides." With that, she knelt down in front of Murad and helped him undo his leather belt. As Ivanka watched in silence, Kostenka pulled down Murad's trousers and took him deep into her mouth. Murad dropped his head back as he felt Kostenka's lips tighten around his hardness. The vacuum and the force of suction caused him to buckle his knees and he held on to the wall in order to stabilize himself. Kostenka reached behind her back and undid her bra while continuously sucking Murad. He gripped her hair and began to fuck her throat while constantly looking at Ivanka. Arousal was written all over her face as an almost naked Kostenka sucked Murad with a slurpy and slutty expertise that was arousing to watch in its own right.
Finally Kostenka stood up to her full height, her smaller, yet firm breasts stood high in defiance on her chest as she looked at Murad and said,"She is new. Be gentle."
Murad grabbed Kostenka powerfully from her shoulder and pulled her into him as he spoke into her face, "She may be new but you are not." He then swung Kostenka around and pushed her on the table. He felt her naked back all the way down until his hands found the narrowing curve of her waist. Sitting on the bunk bed, Ivanka looked at the duo in absolute shock and arousal as Kostenka smiled at her. "Watch and learn my lady. This is what men do to you when you serve them as a Kurva ... ohhhhh....mmmm" Her words were interrupted as Murad pushed himself into her. He was horny and aroused and his face showed the look of intense urgency.
His cock started to go in and out of Kostenka as she placed her hands on the wooden table, allowing him to pound his way into her. Murad would look at Ivanka and then return his gaze back to Kostenka who had started to move her hips back to meet his thrusts. Soon his cock was slapping against her ass as he fucked her beautiful slender body with a vengeance. "This is what happens ... when you become a Kurva.... ," Kostenka moaned in pleasure as Murad unbuckled her bra and reached under her to feel her breasts while kissing her back and neck. "Russia is gone... mmmm... Church is finished .... Marriage is dead Ivanka. A life of such pleasures awaits you my lady... embrace it. Look how he is fucking me...mmmm. His thick cock is giving me sooo much pleasure ... ohh mmmm!" Kostenka threw her head back allowing her wild hair to fall on her naked and sweaty back as her body stiffened with an orgasm.
Murad pushed his manhood deep into her while pulling her back to him from the small of her waist as she came again and again. Just when Kostenka's orgasms were about to subside, he pulled his throbbing cock and blew his load on her naked back. Ivanka sat back on her bed and watched as ropes after ropes of semen landed on Kostenka's back that was already glistening with sweat. She watched how Murad's muscles tensed as he came again and again splattering Kostenka's back with his semen. When it was all over he dropped down on her back and licked it while Kostenka winced and laughed. Finally he pulled her up in his arms, turned her around and kissed her deeply in her mouth, allowing her to taste his own semen. It was the dirtiest, nastiest kiss that Ivanka had ever witnessed and she wished that it was her who was kissed like that.
Two days later
The fog had persisted for the last two days and during this time, Yadegar changed positions moving to the south, out of the inbound shipping lane. The pace at which Yadegar moved was as slow as it could be. The journey of an hour it would make in six. The time on the sea was put to great use and Murad pulled out maps of Samsun, Istanbul and Konya. He explained to them the types of neighborhoods available and the rents. They were looking to move into a very high class neighborhood where they could be visited by the elite and Murad had marked those areas on the map for them both to look at.
Ivanka sat across the table sipping Turkish coffee as she looked at this man. The image of him fucking Kostenka could not leave her mind as she played it over and over again. She wanted to get fucked but not by just anyone who paid. She wanted to be fucked by him. "Remember that you are not for free!" Kostenka had explained. "The moment you give yourself to a man for free, word spreads around and no one wants to pay to have something that is available to another without charge," she had said.
That night, Ivanka went out on the main deck and looked down at the waves. The ship has seemed like it was still but it was only when she stood next to the railing and looked down she realized that they were in motion. The cold wind blew against her coat but for some reason she wanted to be alone under the stars. She was headed towards a world she never understood and a life she was unsure about. Underneath the stars she knelt down on her knees and began to pray. "God, I have seen evil and I have seen death. I do not understand why you allowed those atrocities to happen but when I do not understand something, I doubt my intelligence and not your existence. I know you are somewhere listening to me. I want to be loved by a man. I want to fall asleep in his arms and wake up in his arms. I want him to ..." she sensed someone standing behind her. When she turned around, it was Murad.
"He listens," Murad replied.
"I know he does," Ivanka rose from her knees and turned around.
"You know why you are different?" he asked.
"Because you grew up rich. Your money did not save you from misfortune. Your friend on the other hand grew up as a f maid. Her priorities are different," Murad said as he walked closer.
"She does not believe in God," she said folding her arms.
"He will stop believing in her," he said looking into her eyes. "May I say something?"
"This is your ship. You do not need my permission to speak," she sighed. Then there was a very strange and unsettling silence and she wondered what it was that was causing him to think so hard.
"I think you will become a very good Kurva," he said as he extended his hands and took her from her waist.
"What are you doing?" she looked into his eyes trying to read his intentions.
"I saw you dressed like a Kurva and I envied the man who will come to you. I envied him so much that I killed him in my dream with a bayonet. I shoved it into his belly again and again until I woke up and looked around. I was sitting in my bed desiring you in the middle of the night desiring you like a lust filled mad-man while you were up here praying to God."
"You heard my prayer?" she asked as his arms went around her waist, pulling her into his powerful chest.
"I want you to be my Kurva and just mine," with those words he was about to kiss her when a woman's sharp yell interrupted them.
"Stop it both of you!" Kostenka said as she walked on the deck fuming with anger. "We have plans Ivanka! Stay focused and stop thinking from your hormones you stupid burgois brat!"
"But you wanted her to be a Kurva didn't you?" said Murad refusing to release Ivanka.
"Yes but this is something else," she snapped as she pulled Ivanka away from her. "The girl has no control over her emotions and you sir, are a player. Come with me!" she took Ivanka from her arm and led her away.
Down in their room they argued. "I thought the plan was for us to stick together and now you are developing emotions for this beast?" Kostenka clenched her teeth.
"You had sex with him right here in front of me and I did not object," Ivanka replied.
"I do not mind you fucking this entire boat or the whole of the Ottoman empire. When a potential client starts to become something more then I have to urge you to exercise caution."
"He loves me."
"He only loves his dick. You just bring it to life."
"So do you. You brought his dick to life and he gave it to you while I watched. He is a Turk and they are allowed to have four wives. If you wish to be the second one to him, I have no problems."
Kostenka was taken back by those words. Ivanka had put forward a possibility that she had never thought of. She thought about what it would be like to be married to Murad at the same time as Ivanka. Would he fuck her in front of her like he fucked her in front of Ivanka? Would he take turns every night visiting the two, one after the other? She had already taken the full length of his cock and loved it. Deep down inside, was she really feeling jealous that Murad had approached Ivanka when she was available? Was her tantrum really about Ivanka's naivety or was it about her own jealousy? "You have gone insane!" She snapped while turning around.
"You want him for yourself don't you?" Ivanka laughed.
Murad returned to his cabin and locked the door. He sat on the chair and looked at the map in front of him. The speed and route he had chosen was not the fastest one but definitely the safest. He would avoid major shipping routes and reach Samsun in the next two days. He picked up a book of Persan poetry and began to read. He knew that he should be in bed but there were times when he enjoyed breaking schedule and letting the moment dictate its own course. This was one of them.
A few moments later he heard a knock on the door. Believing that it was the look out reporting a Russian vessel, Murad did not even bother to put on his shirt. He opened the door and saw Ivanka standing there wearing a long dark robe. "May I come in?" she asked with her eyes lowered. He stood aside until she walked in and then he closed the door. She turned around and looked at his bare chest. It was muscular, hairy, bronze skinned like it had achieved its shade over hours in the burning sun. It was in sharp contrast to her own milky whiteness. "You lust for me I can see that. If I wanted to give myself to men who lusted for me then I would stay with Kostenka. I fought with her and came up here because perhaps you can save me," she said while looking down.
"Save you from what?" he asked.
"From the future that awaits me. If you promise to not let any other man ever touch me then I will gladly be your Kurva," with those words she opened the front of her robe and dropped it to the floor behind her.
Murad was mesmerized. "You are a miracle of God!" he said as he looked at her nicely filled body. The Victorian corset was tight around her abdomen, pushing her massive tits up and into each other to form a deep cleavage. The lacy bra that was cut so liberally that her boobs seemed like they were alive and trying to jump out of its confines.
"Why do you say that?" she asked as she breathed heavily, causing her enormous chest to swell and fall.
"God made you so that saints would become sinners. He wanted to take all pride out of the holy men and that is why he created you." He said as he kept staring at her tits.
"But I do not wish to make you a sinner. I offer myself to you as your ..."
"Wife!" Murad finished the sentence and pulled her into his bare chested body while dropping his head into her neck.
Ivanka gasped as she felt the warmth and wetness of his eager mouth on her neck. He nibbled and she felt her nipples rising to the occasion. There was something about the way he had said the word "wife" caused her to melt in his arms. She dropped her head back giving him full access to her neck while he nibbled on the whiteness of her throat. Her nipples hardened, her breathing went out of control and her vagina pulsated in arousal. But, he took his time licking and kissing the whiteness of her neck and shoulder like he was devouring her.
Kostenka's words rang through her ears. "Men such as him are beasts when they are aroused. You must salivate their cocks, otherwise they will rip you into two. If you do not lubricate his member, he will damage your insides," she had said. Ivanka looked down and saw that the erotic foreplay had taken over him completely and his trousers were bulging outwards like a tent-pole. "Murad my sir, allow me to lubricate you," she whispered and then sank to her knees.
She pulled his trousers down and saw it up close. It was so much thicker when she was looking at it so closely. She took him in her hands and it started to twitch and grow while he looked down at her with hunger in his eyes. Then she took him in her mouth and sealed her lips around it. Her hands went up his thighs until she gripped his bare buttocks and pulled him into her mouth like she wanted to gag on it. It was slurpy, it was dirty and he loved it. She would occasionally take him out of his mouth to admire the strings of her own saliva, hanging and dripping from his engorged member and them take him into her mouth again. Instinctively, Murad began to move his hips back and forth like he was fucking her mouth all the way down to her throat.
He looked down at the woman whom he had accepted as his wife and realized that the bra strap had slid down her shoulder allowing the cup her lacy bra to drop even more. Sucking his cock, she looked so dirty, so erotic, so downrightly fuckable that he felt like it was time to consumate his marriage. There was no Imam, no priest just a man and a woman who had accepted each other in the presence of something greater than a holy man. It felt like his lust for her had become something holy.
He grabbed a handful of her blonde hair and pulled her up. She rose up in pain and looked at him with frightened eyes. He pushed her against the rough, wooden wall of his private chamber and kissed her mouth. He forced his tongue into her mouth and kissed her as if he was tasting his own penis off of her tongue. During their tussle, Ivanka's bra cups had shifted and he could see a hint of her nipple. Murad slipped his hand inside her bra cup to pull it down and release a heavy tit. As he kissed her mouth, he pressed her nipple between his finger and thumb causing it to get harder and harder. Ivanka was moaning into his mouth and he was loving it.
Murad pulled down the straps of Ivanka's bra and allowed her massive breasts to leap out. Murad held Ivanka from her waist and stared closely at his wife's large breasts as they heaved with her breathing. They were generously full, pale white orbs, tipped with erect red nipples that stood out so proud and hard as if they were begging to be sucked. "What are you looking at my sir?" Ivanka asked as she noticed Murad mesmerized by her chest.
"If you walk in my quarters and stand in front of me like a goddess then you will have your worshipper," Murad said while keeping his eyes on her tits.
"Go on. Worship them," Ivanka said as she lifted one heavy round breast up in her hands like she was offering it to him.
"Are you sure?" he asked.
"You wanted me to be your Kurva. Take it," Ivanka said while she jutted her chest out to him.
Murad dived onto the breast and took it in his mouth, latching his lips around the nipple like it was attached for his pleasure. Ivanka dropped her head back and sank into the sensation of her nipple being sucked. Soon it was her other nipple that was in his mouth and Ivanka allowed him full access to her heaving tits, as he sucked on to them one after the other. "Enough now please take me. I am so eager for you," she said but Murad ignored her plea and continued to worship the valley between her tits, burying his face deep between the mounds. She realized that she was totally at his mercy and he would take her at a time of his own choosing, no matter how badly she wanted him. Her loud breathing turned into moans of pleasure as Murad continued to lick and suck her tits.
With his face buried into her boobs, he pushed her down into the bed. She fell on the bedding with the full weight of this man on her body and her arms went around his naked back to draw him into her self. They kissed with his tongue into her mouth and then he went down kissing and licking her cheek and further down her neck. Finally, he stood up and looked down at his own cock. It was thick and hard with veins that signalled intense arousal.
"Must you make me wait more my sir?" Ivanka said as she spread her milky white things for him. He grabbed her left thigh and rolled her to her side so that her left leg was crossing over her right. He watched the full weight of her breasts sway to the side as they came to rest on top of the other. Then he positioned the tip of his cock onto his tightness. "Be gentle ...please," Ivanka did not even finish her sentence when he pushed himself into her with a slow and steady thrust. "Oohhh you are killing me ... mmmm," Ivanka bit her lips.
Murad felt her tightness virtually grip on to his ember as his cock went in. The deeper he went the tighter she felt around him. He withdrew a few inches and then pushed himself into her, this time even deeper. The wooden bed began to squeak as Murad bucked his hips into her. His eyes went down to his wife's majestic breasts, resting on top of each as she lay to her side, looking up at him while he fucked her, gently, intently, taking his time with each and every thrust.
"Your cock feels so good mmm ..." Ivanka moaned as the pace increased. Soon his balls were slapping her ass and what had started as rhythmic love making was turning into savage pounding. The bed began to squeak louder and louder as the fucking intensified and Ivanka's moans would turn into occasional screams of pleasure.
"Ivanka ... I love every inch of you," Murad said as he reached down to grab a swaying tit.
"I am your Kurva ... split me into two. Fuck me," she said as she extended her hand to feel his powerful, muscular chest.
"You are my queen, the woman I love," he replied as he turned her around completely on her chest. She rose up on her knees and he pushed her until she was on her knees and her palms. His hands explored the milky white roundness of her ass and then he placed the tip of his cock into the crack. From there he brought it down, tracing the crack until the tip had found the moist opening of her vagina. He positioned his cock right on the tip and then pushed himself in. Grabbing the curve of her hip he forced himself into her from behind and began to fuck her while her massive breasts swayed underneath. She began to push her hips back into his cock taking it as deep into her pussy as she could. He would grab her blonde hair from behind to push himself in and then let it go. It was raw, it was intense and Ivanka loved being fucked like that.
She felt herself get closer and closer to the point of no return as a powerful orgasm began to build inside her. He grabbed her hair and pushed himself deep into her and wincing in sweet pain she surrendered to the eruption that could not be held back any longer. "Oh God, I am yours ... you took me!" she screamed as she came on to his cock again and again. He kept holding her hair pulled back while she released herself with everything she had. Her body trembled and then tensed as orgasmic waves wreaked havoc on her body and then she collapsed on his bed with her face resting on his pillow.
But Murad was not done with his bride just yet. He turned her exhausted and lifeless body around spread her legs and pushed himself deep into her depths. Then he began to fuck her while looking down at her sweaty heaving tits swaying up and down with the force of his thrusts. She placed her soft feminine hands on his rough, muscular chest to push him back while he bore down on her to go deeper. It was raw, lustful fucking and he brought himself closer and closer to the edge while pounding the life out of his wife's post orgasmic body that was too exhausted to resist. As his balls slapped her ass, pleasure began to grow higher and higher. Soon it had turned into a volcanic eruption that just would not hold back. Lying helplessly underneath him, Ivanka admired the tensing of his muscles as he blew his load into her depths. His face became distorted with pleasure as he came again and again. Amidst these eruptions he dropped his face down so to her neck and emptied all his lust into her with his chest resting on her tits. She wrapped her arms around him locking him into her embrace as he came.
When his eruptions subsided, he lay on top of her and together they rode the waves of pleasure, occasionally kissing and caressing. December 22, 1918 Samsun,Ottoman Turkey
Kostenka stood on the dock looking up at the ship. Ivanka was at the deck looking down at her while she stood amidst a commotion of porters. "Lady Ivanka, are you sure you want to do this? We have escaped the revolution. I say disembark with me and secure your place as among men as their goddess," she said in composed voice not wanting to sound like she was pleading.
"My husband would be heart-broken. He loves sucking my nipples until they are swollen. He loves fucking my depths like his life depends on it. He loves giving me these marks," Ivanka opened her chest and showed Kostenka the love bites.
"So is this where our roads part?" Kostenka was about to cry.
"Yes. I am sure that you will proceed to becoming the greatest Kurva the Turks have ever seen. With the figure and skills you possess, this is a profession in which you will rise to the top," Ivanka spoke as her blonde hair flew against the wind. Then Murad appeared from behind to wrap his arm around her waist drawing her back into him. Kostenka stood on the port gazing with envy as the ship began to pull away. She saw Murad kissing Ivanka's neck as Ivanka closed her eyes and looked up to the sky.
She continued to look as Yadegar disappeared on the horizon.
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