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The Woman on the Plane

written by:
Reltney McFee

The young mother sat across the aisle from me on our short hop to the hub airport. She had caught my eye in the terminal, as we waited for the boarding call. Slender, she was in the company of an adolescent who appeared more interested in his phone than his (mother? Older sister?). She, herself, had a laptop opened, and was working upon what was displayed there. I admired her, and noted, when she stretched, her firm appearing, petite bust, proportioned nicely to her frame.

She was no doubt a woman, and on that cusp of transition, nearly too mature to be called "cute", entirely too young to be considered matronly, yet she interacted with this youth entirely as his mother. My own laptop allowed me to appear occupied, and provided camouflage for my occasional glances her way. Porn stories won't write themselves, after all!

Once we were seated in the aircraft, and the beverage service had passed us by, she commented upon my laptop. "Are you a writer? A professor of some sort?"

I replied that I was a writer, after a fashion (closing the laptop to deter too much detail of WHAT I write from entering the conversation). I paid the bills as a traveling nurse, and was on the way to an assignment at the local hospital. She contributed that she was en route with her oldest son to visit colleges, as he was graduating high school this year. We chatted about growing children, and colleges, and how the demands of parenting evolve as the children grow. She observed that her latest lesson was learning when to speak up, and when to hold her counsel. I noted that this was a lesson I, myself, was working to master.

Her husband was back home in Oregon with the younger, 15 year old brother, and she would be spending several days to a week touring colleges. We chatted some more, and the plane started to descend. The hubbub of activity occupied us, and we parted ways.

A couple of days later at work, the ward clerk came to find me. "Some lady is here to see you. She says you left something on the plane, and she is here to return it to you" Ok, I had thought I had accounted for everything, but, whatever.

There, at the triage desk was the woman from the plane. The phone charger cord wrapped in her hand explained a lot.

"I think that you will be wanting this", she opened with. I accepted my charger, thanked her, and noted that my shift had nearly ended. "Can I buy you a cup of coffee, to thank you for going out of your way for me?"

"A coffee sounds good. Any recommendations?"

"The other nurses speak highly of 'The Traveled Cup', it's just down the road. I get off just as soon as I close a couple of charts, and report off to afternoons. Would you like to wait?"

"If it gets me a cup of good coffee, I'll wait."

I assembled my things, and caught up with her in the lobby. We arrived separately at the coffee shop, and settled in to a table in the back corner.

"I know we exchanges names on the plane, but, I'm embarrassed to admit, I've forgotten yours! I'm Sam Dewitt. Thanks for tracking me down and returning my charger. I was starting to wonder if I had even packed it!"

She chuckled, replying, "Michelle Evans. I happened to see it once you had shuffled past our seats, and scooped it up. I remembered you were working as a traveling nurse, and this was the only ER hereabouts. Glad I could find you!"

I asked about her brother, and how she had been roped into escorting him on his visitations. She blushed, smiled, and responded, "Uh, well, about that... You see, he is my oldest, and, well, I had him during the summer between my freshman and sophomore years in college. I met my husband after I started my first job after graduation. Andrew is the only father he has ever known, but, well, Andrew, my husband, is not his father. I'm only 18 years older than Tommy. That leads to a lot of just that sort of confusion!"

I smiled in return. "Well, Tommy has a very youthful appearing mother! You obviously pay attention to your diet and exercise, and the results speak for themselves! Speaking of Tommy, where is he? When my kids started off to college, well, I kept a paranoid and attentive eye upon them. Of course, that sort of hyper-vigilance is kind of an occupational hazard for me."

"How long have you been an ER nurse? You don't look like you are old enough, yourself, to have several children in college, let alone one!"

"I've been working ER for a dozen years, was a street medic for another dozen prior to that. I don't drink hardly at all, never smoked, and generally try my very best to live a boring life off duty. The most exciting thing that's happened to me, lately, is the mother of my children divorcing me, to chase Ghawd knows who or what. That was more drama than I ever want to have, ever again!"

"So, you save all your excitement for the job, eh? No wild affairs, no hot weekends with your girlfriend?"

"Naw, I haven't gotten myself around to the point where I think I am fit company for any woman for any prolonged time. I have some recovery yet to do, before my bitterness has faded."

She looked pensive for a moment, and then tuned back in. "Well, Tommy has several orientation meetings today and tomorrow, and he's been invited to overnight in the dorm, sort of a 'get acquainted' thing. That leaves me at loose ends tonight. You don't seem all that angry or bitter, so far, and I could use some company...."

"If you would like, I would enjoy taking you out to dinner tonight. After that, should you wish, we could take in some movie or other. Another option is I could look into the school theater department, and see what they are offering tonight. It's late enough in the semester that they ought to have something, one of these nights, and the other nurses say that their best is pretty entertaining. Lady's choice?"

"I'd love dinner, thank you. As for the rest, let's play that by ear. What sort of time do you think this ought to come about?"

"Up to you. If you want to go back to your hotel and freshen up, I could swing by, say, 5 o'clock. How does that sound?"

"Ghawd, I'm famished! How do you feel about early dinner?"

I laughed. "Ma'am, I'm an ER nurse! We eat when the opportunity arises, because we may have back to back codes the rest of the shift! Early is fine with me!"

"Early it is! Uh, don't you have to change?"

"Yep, that and shower! If you don't mind sitting around for, oh, say, 15 minutes, I could knock out a quick shower, throw on some clean clothes, and we could then paint the town red!"

"I think I could keep myself occupied for a quarter hour. Wanna head out now?"

"Let's go!"

I led the way to my long stay hotel, and, waiting for her at the door, escorted her to my lodging. Once we got in the door, it was a pretty generic small suite. Sitting room, bathroom this way, bedroom that way. We did the tour (however briefly), I pointed out the remote, and invited her to get comfortable while I rinsed the day off of me.

Out of respect for my guest, I piled my towel, clean clothing and shorts in the bathroom, shut the door and settled in for my speed shower. As you may have already discovered, a nice, steamy, hot shower has powers to re energize, and I was reaching for the peak of that power curve, when the bathroom door opened.

I saw a pale shadow through the fogged shower door, until it opened, and Michelle nakedly joined me.

"Uh", was my witty opening, "I'm certainly glad to see you, but gotta admit, this is a surprise!"

She looked me up and down (as I was certainly looking her up and down!), and she moved in close to me, her erect nipples reaching for, and burrowing into, my chest. I wrapped my arms around her, as she explained. "Well, I'm 2300 miles from home, my oldest child is about to go off on his own, and, well, I'm feeling kind of old and useless. You're unattached, away from home, and new in town, just like me. How about we each make the other feel warm, welcome, and alive?"

As if I was going to answer other than affirmatively! She was around 5 foot four, maybe 125 pounds, curve-some, and firm. He breasts, from information freshly obtained, were around a "C" cup, only a slight sag revealing their owner to be a mother somewhere in her thirties. Her hair, rapidly clinging to her head from the shower, was brown, and full, and reached her shoulders. I let my hands wander down to her trim waist, dipping to cup her buttocks.

She giggled at that. Rearing back, she gazed between us, to see my rapidly firming man club. "I take it that you find my offer attractive? Is that a 'Yes', I see rising between us?"

I drew her back to me, and pressed her breasts into my chest, her pelvis against my own. "That is the best offer I have received in quite some time! Never mind how young and sexy my eyes say you are, my johnston thinks you are hot stuff, indeed!"

"Oh, you dear, dear man! You say the sweetest things! I do think that I ought to rock your world! I already feel like I'm in my twenties again!"

I leaned in for a kiss, and she responded with an open mouthed scorcher. We ground against each other for several minutes, my cock rubbing against her abdomen, my hands full of her ass cheeks. She broke our kiss, wild eyed, and panted out her lust. "I have simply got to have a taste of that dick! Let's get dried off, so you can focus on what I'm gonna do to your cock, in comfort!"

I shut off the water, she snagged a couple of towels, and we dried each other off. Tossing the towels in the corner, we stumbled across the hall and tumbled into bed. We wound up with her on top of me, another probing kiss while we gyrated one against the other. She straddled me, sitting upright, wiping her secretions onto my throbber as my hardness bisected her buttery slot. She grinned at me, put a finger to her mouth, and asked in faux innocence, "Is that all for me? Did I make him all hard and angry looking?"

"Yep, you did, It's all for you!"

"Oh, goody! I cannot wait to suck you! My husband won't let me, he says it's dirty, that it's demeaning for a woman to suck her man. Well, I guess that he doesn't know that, sometimes, a woman likes to feel a little dirty, that I like to feel a little submissive, sometimes, to my man!"

"Well, this must be my lucky day, that I am the man here to provide you the opportunity to get a little dirty. Just be sure to let me know of anything else I can do to help you feel dirty and submissive!"

Her eyes lit up at that. "Do you think....maybe, you could, you know...maybe....fuck my ass?"

I was startled, and it showed. She started to backtrack. "I mean, if you think it's dirty and disgusting and nasty and only skanks assfuck, well, I...I...if you don't..."

I interrupted her. "Hush! Have you SEEN your ass? You are pretty, you are hot, and now you want to know if I'd like to fuck your ass? Do you REALLY have to ask men that question? Holy shit, the opportunity would be like something just short of winning the lottery! If you are willing, hell yes, I'd love to fuck your ass, if you think you'd enjoy it. How on earth can you think that I'd be tentative about that?"

"Well, Andrew thinks oral sex is wrong, he thinks that anal sex is nasty and sick. He actually told me that only queers assfuck! Don't misunderstand, he's a wonderful husband, and great provider, and has never treated Tommy as anything other than his own flesh and blood. Still, well, I was sort of wild in college. I mean, I could only date now and then, what with school, and a baby, and needing babysitting, making the arrangements was difficult. Still, when I could go out, I used to love the feeling of power that accompanied swallowing my date, and, if he was extra especially nice to me, well, we both could enjoy some assfucking. I guess I was a sort of free spirit, and open to try nearly anything. Andrew is, well, he's more settled, and set in his ways. Maybe, this is my chance to cut loose!"

I smiled up at her, her oils soaking my prod. "Honey, I love your plan. Let's see where you want to take things, a little at a time! We have all night, I'm off tomorrow, and, well, I want to show you a good time!"

She returned my smile. "And, I want to rock your world!"

With that, she started to slide toward my feet, kissing my lips, my neck, my chest, winding up eye-to-(so to speak) eye with my scimitar of love, drooling in his excitement at the pleasures she had promised me.

Michelle peppered my cockhead with kisses, pausing occasionally to murmur endearments to my sex. I heard her address my love lance as "Oh, that's a good boy!", and "Yumm! Your dick drool is all tasty!" and "You must be very, very excited to slobber so much love for me!" The combination spoke of a woman who enjoyed sucking cock, and thought highly of my own specimen thereof. I was kind of in my happy place, an enthusiastic trim woman loving on my dick, feeling like I was harder than I had ever been, and eagerly anticipating emptying my ball-sack between those lips.

When she had finished singing my meat whistle's praises, she pressed my glans against her pursed lips, and, steadily applying pressure, began to descend down my length. As she engulfed my length, she would hum intermittently, with wonderful effects upon my reltney.

Reaching my base, she rolled her tongue around such of my cock as she could reach. I glanced down at that, and was captivated by her dark, deep brown eyes gazing placidly into my own. Holding my gaze, she determined that it was time to change up the pace, slowly withdrawing me from her mouth, until she broke contact with a "pop!".

"How is that, for a start?" she asked pridefully.

"That's mighty fine. And, that was only the start? You have more tricks to show me?"

"Yep! I told you I was gonna rock your world! I just love sucking dick, and your cock is just so yummy, I wanna slurp him all up, and never let him go! I'm gonna show you my best moves, and you will be one thoroughly satisfied man, once I'm done with you!"

"I have no doubt!"

She descended, again, and held position briefly, before withdrawing again. Up, down, in, out, she sucked my cock with enthusiasm, and, humming merrily, varied her technique so that I never, really, knew what she was doing next.

Shortly, I tapped her on the head, and pointed out, "Honey? I'm fixing to explode down your throat, really soon. How much warning do you want?"

She pulled off me again, excitedly stroking my hardness, and let me in on her plan. "Ooohhh! I can taste how excited you are! I want you to shoot down my throat, I want you to just grab my head, and fuck my mouth! Shoot all your goo down my throat! Just take my throat, and spew yourself into me!"

She pulled on my hands, tugging and directing me until I was standing, and she was kneeling at my feet. I watched as she crossed her hands at the small of her back, and, kneeling upright, announced, "It's time for you to fuck my face!"

The prospect was greatly appealing. There is something very attractive about a pretty young woman, trim, fit and adult, who was inviting me to have my way with her mouth. I wrapped my hands behind her head, she purred a bit, opening her mouth, tongue extended as if it were a sign, directing, 'Insert Cock Here!'. I accommodated her, threading my schwantz into her mouth, tapping at her tonsils. She gagged a bit at that, so I withdrew.

I was concerned about her enjoying our coitus, but she had her own view of things. She corrected me. "Hmmm! Take me! Make me take your entire cock down my throat! Make me choke, make me gag, on your dick! Pour yourself directly into my stomach!"

Well, once she decided what she wanted, she was not shy about pursuing it! I returned my unit to her oral embrace, and began to fuck her mouth, gently at first. She released one hand from behind herself, and, pressing upon my hands holding her head, showed me what she was looking for. She wanted things considerably more vigorous than my initial impulse would have been. I picked up my game.

Soon, I was thrashing away at her airway as if it were her pussy. She coughed, gagged, retched, and did everything except reach her hands from behind herself, and attempt to push me away. I had been pretty heated up prior to our change of pace, and it did not take me long to re approach my personal launch ramp. I told her so.

"Michelle, here I come! Swallow me, I'm gonna give you every drop of love I have to give!!"

I clasped her to me, buried full length in her throat, and I pulsed out jet after steaming jet of fertility magma. Two, three, four eruptions, until I finally had only dribbles to give her. She released her hands from behind her, wrapping my pelvis in her embrace, as she sucked, kissed, and licked my nads, seeking any missing tendril of my baby-makers that had escaped her.

I drew her up, to stand before me. Reaching down, I met her lips in a kiss, probing her own mouth with my tongue. She moaned, clasping me tightly, and met my tongue with her own. Several heated moments later, she drew back to take a shuddering breath.

"Hmmm, you are so tasty, your cock so yummy, and I simply loved drinking you down! Now, I want to suck you hard, so you can fuck me! I want you to end in my ass. I want to be all squirmy with your juice seeping from my little butthole, all night long!"

I pecked her lips, and kissed my way down her neck, loving on her breasts. She cradled my head in her hands, and purred. "You are getting me even more gooey than I got sucking you! When you slide that fat juicy cock into me, my little kitty will be so buttery, that you ought to hit bottom in one stroke!"

She knelt before me, and, again clasping her hands together behind her, she sought out my wilted reltney, sucking it entirely into her mouth, beating a tattoo of lust with her tongue. I rested my hands upon her head, simply running my fingers through her hair. Michelle purred at that, rolling her head as a cat might show it's master where she, the cat, wanted to be petted.

The submissive vibe, along with her considerable cock-sucking skills, filled my johnston with blood sooner than I had expected. Once I was satisfied with the turgid state of my sex cudgel, I drew her off my schlong.

"I think your kitty might appreciate a little attention, don't you?"

She smiled at me. "Miss Kitty would like that very much! How would you like me? On my knees, on my back, or do you have something more exotic in mind?"

"If you are on your back, I can look into your pretty eyes as I fuck you. I can watch your eyes as you climax, and you can see the look on my face as I jet my offering into your depths."

"Oohh, goody! You are such a dear, dear man! Here," as she scrambled into position, and opened her arms and legs to welcome me, "Take me!"

I knelt upon the bed, advancing until my glans was just touching her sex portal. I settled down upon my elbows, slid my hands beneath her shoulders and, reaching for her hands, drew them back until I held her hands at her shoulders, immobilizing her torso. As a side benefit, she could not turn her head farther than about thirty degrees off of center, so I could kiss her without too much maneuvering.

Her eyes widened at that. "Hmmm, now you have me pinned down! There's nothing I can do, but accept you having your way with me, in any manner that you choose! I'm helpless beneath you. Fuck me!"

I released one hand, halfway rolling so I could guide my throbber into her sex socket. Once I was well seated within her, I returned my hand beneath her, to again, immobilize her.

I started slowly, accelerating my coitus as her sex oils lubricated our joining. She panted, synchronous with my thrusts, until we both were breathing together, kissing, panting, and moaning our mutual pleasure. I paused, reset my knees, and with the leverage the new position allowed, began to power fuck her, hammering her sex like we were both parts of a locomotive of lust, pistoning our way to release.

She climaxed shortly afterwards. I plowed her right through her release, relentlessly churning her secretions. She came again, a surprised look upon her face, and then she kissed me, wildly, as if just discovering something wonderful, and grateful as she could be for the revelation.

I was beginning to approach my own orgasm, when she began to tug at my grasp on her arms. I paused, kissed her, and asked, "What?"

"In my ass! I want you to finish in my ass! Fuck my ass! Ooohhh, fuck my ass!"

I had never previously gotten such an offer, and I was not about to pass this one by. I released her hands, and, nearly before I could disengage my joint from her slot, she was turning over, hands and knees, and waggling her fine ass, beseeching me, "Now! In my butt! Now, please, fill my little butthole with your goo!"

I settled my cudgel at her dark flower, and slowly leaned in, gradually increasing the pressure upon her sphincter. She was not having it, rearing back and engulfing me in her seat.

"Whew! Shoulda taken that one a little more slowly! You get out of practice, when you go years and years without anybody inside your butt! Hold still a sec, let me get back into my groove!"

I held still, reveling in the grasp of the first woman's ass I had ever fucked. I flexed my dong a time or two, and Michelle looked at me over her shoulder, grinning, and admonished me, "You! Stop that! You are distracting me! And I suspect that it is rude to distract the woman whose ass you are fucking, while you are fucking it! Hush! You! Hold still! Just another minute!"

I stopped teasing her. As predicted, after something like another minute, she eased me from her asshole, pausing with my glans just within her, and then returned to seating me full length in her rectum. She languidly cycled me into and out of her butt for a while, and then, turning back to me over her shoulder, grinned and encouraged me, "Now! Now, you can begin to fuck my ass. Start off gently, and then I'll let you know when you can get all happy with my ass!"

My dick liked that idea. I grasped her buns, and eased myself back inside her, imitating the pace she had set. Soon, she waved at me, as if to go faster. I picked up the pace, and she settled back onto her elbows, her head resting on her forearms. I reached beneath her, seeking and tickling her clitoris, and she tossed her head back at that.

"Wow! That's a nice touch! Keep doing that, and you may make me come again!"

I liked that plan. I liked it so much that I started to accelerate my thrusts, timing them with the circuits of her clit my fingers were performing. Her breathing accelerated in turn, until we were both actively chasing her climax, dragging my own along for the ride.

Once my pace passed a certain threshold, I couldn't navigate buttfucking her, diddling her clit, breathing, and not falling face first onto her back. I wrapped both hands around her trim waist, powering my way to climax.

She appeared to have been properly primed, for my ass fucking soon propelled her over her own finish line, and she shrieked out her release. I soon joined her, grunting as I poured myself into her derriere, the sudden warmth of my spend prolonging my ejaculatory furor.

I lowered myself to the bed, next to her prone form, and draped one arm over her shoulder. She turned to me, opened one eye, and moaned, "THAT was some GOOD nookie! Hmm, I may not move again until morning! You have fucked me senseless!"

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The author of this story: Reltney McFee

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