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Lodge by the River

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"No one wants a Muslim terrorist anymore." Levi Schultz said as he stirred his coffee. "Times have changed and the industry is changing. Audience is more diverse so these are not the days when you can beat up on a Muslim on screen and generate applause. That stuff just does not fly anymore."

Nasir studied him closely as he took a sip of his coffee. Levi was a heavy set man in his mid fifties. In an industry that was built out of peoples broken dreams, he was a good man in his own strange way. "Times have changed enough that I can not get a job as a terrorist but the audience is still not ready to see a Muslim hero. You know what that means for me Levi? It means my acting career is at a dead end. I can not work as the bad guy and I can not work as the good guy. In short, I am jobless!" Nasir sipped on his mint cappuccino while looking out of the window into the falling rain.

"True but if we study minorities in the cinema, they are always featured as evil first." Levi leaned in to Nasir. "Then they disappear for a while and then they come back as the sidekicks to a white hero. Lone Ranger had Tonto as his Native American sidekick. Green Hornet had Kato as his Chinese sidekick. When the sidekick becomes more popular than the hero, he gets his own movie. That is how Bruce Lee got into Hollywood. He made his presence as the sidekick in Green Hornet. Today no one even knows Van Williams who played Green Hornet but we all know Bruce Lee right?" Levi took another last sip and placed the empty cup on the wooden table. It had started to pour down outside and the small coffee shop was getting filled with all sorts of people with only one thing in common. Dripping clothes! Aunty Chang's Coffee and Donuts was no longer as secluded as it had been when the had come in. "Hey look, I know these are hard times for brown actors but you have to be the Bruce Lee man. I will look for an opening that demands a Muslim sidekick and that will be your chance. I have been in this business long enough to know that sooner or later that role will come. Just hang in there mate."

"Thanks for the coffee." Nasir said as he stood up. There was sound of thunder outside and the glass window of the coffee shop was starting to take a beating from the pouring rain. "It is time for me to go to the gym and lift weights."

Levi stood up with him. "That's the spirit. Don;t let the storm come in the way of your dreams. When the time comes you have to be in shape." He pulled his trousers up. "You have a great physique but I would suggest trying to bulk up a bit. No need to look like those bodybuilding freaks but when that shirt comes off, you will have to look powerful for the male audience and sexy for the women. Same body must have both traits otherwise you lose the role to someone else. Remember that when you hit the gym." He extended a hand and Nasir took it firmly.

As he started to make his way out of the coffee shop, the middle aged couple that sat next to them totally slipped his eyes. She was a redhead in her late forties with a detached, elitist look about her. The grey haired man with piercing blue eyes smelled of expensive cologne and had an aura of refined masculinity. He spoke in a deep, gravely voice that vibrated of sincerity. "Your beauty is of a different kind Victoria. The more I look at you, the more you grow on me."

"Oh stop it Jeff." The woman sipped her coffee.

"You don't like me to be honest?" He leaned into her and she sighed. "What are you afraid of?"

There was silence as she looked back into the blue of his eyes. "You. I am afraid of you Jeffrey Goodman. You are asking me to marry you but you also have this reputation."

"Reputation of what?" He asked.

"Reputation of a millionaire playboy who switches women as soon as he gets bored with them. As much as I find you to be exciting I am afraid Jeff. I am truly afraid."

"Victoria please." He looked out of the window at the falling rain. "We have been going out for almost a year now and I really think that it is time for me to make you my own."

"For how long?"


"See. That part I find hard to believe." She said as she looked at him closely. "That shirt you wear, is brand new isnt it? You will not keep it for a month. During this short time that we have been together you have changed three cars. Three! Nothing in your life is a constant. You thrive on change. I am expected to believe that I will be the anchor in your life?"

"What would you like me to do that will put you at ease?" He straightened back in his chair.

"I think we should take a break from each other and just evaluate our feelings." She looked out of the window her square face with raised cheek bones looking like a stone statue. "Please give yourself till the end of the year. Go date other women, fuck them senseless in bed and then ask yourself if you still want me."

"And you?" He asked.

"I will do the same." Her distant gaze returned back to him. "Look, if I wanted to say no I would have said no. If you are the man I think you are. then I would like to be yours forever. At this point, I am not sure that even you yourself know who you are."

"You are an amazing woman Victoria. Simply amazing." He said.

"Let us meet here in the same restaurant after three months." She said. "You must tell me very honestly who you slept with and I will do the same. After that, we will determine if we are both for each other or is it just a passing phase for either of us. Deal?"


Inside Dr. Erica Morgan's lodge, 94 days later ...

All eyes turned to look at the woman with short hair who had just entered the lodge. With long strides she strutted across the polished wooden floor in high heels that accentuated her well developed calves. The slit in her dress was cut seductively high to the point where it would expose her toned thigh every time she took a long stride. She had worn her dark hair really short in a boycut as if she was boasting "my figure is so darn good, I don't need long hair to look feminine!"

"Skylar Murdoch, welcome!" Dr. Erica Morgan greeted her by extending her hand. "It is a pleasure to have you."

Victoria looked at Skylar with a cold stare like she was killing her with her eyes. Skylar returned her gaze with daggers drawn in her own eyes. Nasir and the Sister Joanna both noticed an air of tension between the two women. Nasir had seen it before. Two beautiful women would enter a gathering, they would size each other up to see who was the winner and after that they would become super polite towards each other while knowing full well that the other is being fake in her politeness. Yet this showdown between two goddesses was different. The air remained cold between the two and the fake politeness of damage control never followed. Victoria clenched her teeth and swallowed and Jeff put a hand on her waist and whispered, "Not here Victoria. Please."

"Alright ladies and gentlemen since we are all here I shall begin." Dr. Morgan began her welcome speech with a glass of champagne in her hand. "We are starting this journey with five guests tonight. Each one of you is here because you applied by filling out the applications and doing the interviews. I trust that you have full confidence in me otherwise you will not be here. Now you may not understand my methods and that is all fine. As long as you stay with me in this mansion for the next few days and complete the tasks that I assign, I assure you that you will leave with strange and mysterious powers that modern psychology does not know how to even classify. Please help yourselves with the refreshments."

The guests started to mingle. Nasir was a well built, out-of-work actor looking to make it into Hollywood. Sister Joanna was a nun still in spreading the truth. Victoria was an elegant woman with strong British accent and totally unsure about the man she was going to marry and Jeff Goodman was a millionaire with piercing blue eyes who just did not want to be there. It was obvious that he had been dragged into this retreat by Victoria. The last of them was the woman who had just walked in. Skylar. She was married to Jeff in a previous life and her walking in this gathering was a bomb that hit both Jeff and Victoria with a surprise.

Dr. Erica Morgan was a controversial psychiatrist. Her unconventional methods had caused her to be shunned from psychiatric circles. She now addressed her followers through her own website and maintained a cult like following in many countries around the world. She had cured depression in thousands upon thousands and had gone around the world making television appearances, giving lectures and conducting workshops. Above all, she was known for running the lodge!

Dr. Morgan's lodge was a social experiment more than a clinic. People unsure of themselves would come and stay there for a few days and leave totally transformed. Unsuccessful artists would become successful, failing businessmen would become entrepreneurs, broken hearted would find love all over again and depressed would leave with a new sense of purpose and well being. The lodge was a place where people would bring their dreams and they would come true. There was only one condition. Dr. Morgan demanded absolute surrender of all participants for a period of ten days and whatever happened in the mansion stayed in the mansion. Each participant was sworn to secrecy.

You would have to drive an hour into the woods before you arrived at the lodge. The dirt road that would lead you there had no name. The hour long bumpy ride over the gravel road would make you question the notion that there was a lodge at the other end. Finally, one turn after the large fallen tree and you would see fast flowing river and the rapids. As your eyes tracked it to the horizon, you were sure to see the lodge amidst the woods. It was a contemporary structure made of cobblestone and brown wood that was nestled in the green trees.


Day 2:

Dr. Morgan's office was on the third floor of the lodge. One side was made entirely of glass and overlooked the flowing river. The rest were walls made with a dark wood that was only a shade lighter than the wood of the floor. "Of all the people in here, you are the only one who is being paid." Dr. Erica Morgan said to Nasir. "You have a role to play in this and as time goes by, that role will be revealed to you. The only thing I will tell you for now is that you must not reveal to any of the guests that you are acting. They must believe that you are a high paid actor, which by the way you are right now, and that you are trying to make it into Hollywood. Secondly, you must charm the ladies. You were carefully selected among thousands so that you could do this role well and by the time they leave, they must find you insanely attractive. Specially the British one."

"Victoria? For that I need to know what she likes in a man." Nasir replied. "If I am to charm her then I must present myself as the man of her dreams."

"It may be a little more complicated." Dr. Morgan stood up from the revolving seat behind her office desk and started to walk around the table. "You see each of them has their issues and you my lad ...." she placed her arm on Nasir's shoulders. "You have been brought here to cause their suppressed issues to surface."

"I am not sure what that means doc." Nasir said folding his arms.

"Victoria may seem like an extremely elegant and polished woman but don't let that fool you. Underneath her British snobbery, she is racist. She comes from the class of British far right who do not like people of your color, your religion. To her you are a Paki." Dr. Morgan then started to stroll away from Nasir as she continued. "The nun! She is an interesting case. She looks so motherly and conservative but underneath her religiosity, Joanna fantasizes about other women. She went to live in a convent when she was still in college and was a virgin. No man ever got to touch her. The only touch she ever experienced was with another nun-in-training. They would explore each others bodies and this exploration got more and more intense. Now, do keep in mind that Joanna is a very devout woman so by being sexual with another woman she believes that she has sinned. In her life, she subconsciously makes decisions that cause her self-harm and she believes God is upset with her. She punishes her own self and then goes out to do more damage to her."

"What about Skylar? Isn't she Goodman's ex-wife?"

"Yes. Skylar is a woman who is here to redeem herself. Jeff started cheating with Victoria while he was still married to Skylar. It led to their divorce but Skylar has not been able to go on with her life. She believes she loves Jeff but it is restoration of self-pride that she seeks. She does not know that yet but she will find out."

"Am I supposed to seduce her?"

"I bet you would love to!" Dr. Morgan laughed.

"Well she has the body of a goddess!" Nasir had a naughty smile.

"And he married her for that. She was his trophy wife that he enjoyed parading in front of the world but he ended up in the arms of the other one."

"What about Goodman himself?"

"He does not want to be here. Victoria dragged him in. He thinks he has acquired all that he wants in life except her. He will continue to chase after her and she will continue to hold his interest by denying herself to him. Smart woman that Brit is, I can tell you that."

Sister Joanna was still asleep when her phone rang.

"Hello." She said checking the time. The electric clock on her bedside table showed 7:50 am.

"Joanna this is Dr. Morgan. How was your night?"

"Oh hi. I am just waking up. It was wonderful."

"Do you wish to rest more?"

"Oh no. I have already overslept." She laughed.

"May I quickly see you before we meet for breakfast? In my office upstairs please?"

"Sure. I will be there. Fifteen minutes ok?"

"Take your time." Dr. Morgan said politely and then hung up.

When Joanna entered her office, Dr. Morgan was sitting on her computer typing away. "Please have a seat. I am finishing up an email and I will be with you in a minute." She sat on the chair and looked outside the glass window at the forest that was spread for miles. She could also see the fast flowing river that turned into rapids. "There. Done!" Dr. Erica Morgan said and swung her chair around to face Sister Joanna. "I would like to give you this little container." She pulled an orange glass bottle that had a white cap screwed on top of it. Joanna took it and examined it. "I need a sperm sample in this one." She said.


"Sperm Joanna. You have to make one of the men ejaculate into this."

"Excuse me?"

"How much do you trust me Joanna?" Dr. Morgan looked into her eyes.

"Totally but I am just wondering how?"

"When you walked in here, you left your morality outside. Everything you knew about right and wrong, good and bad is what you left out there. During your stay here you are an empty cup. On the way out of here you will be free to pick up your morals and live your life by them but in here you have no values. You agreed to this." She smiled.

"Of course. I understand that this is a form of treatment for me but ..." Joanna paused and blushed.

"But what Joanna?"

"How do I obtain that?"

Dr. Morgan smiled and leaned back on her chair. "If you had truly left your morals then you would not be asking this question. Now you have a task girl."

A few minutes later Sister Joanna was downstairs looking for Nasir. There were two men Jeff and Nasir and Jeff was already with his woman. Sister Joanna wanted to be respectful of the couple when she came looking for the other option. "He is outside by that pond." Jeff mentioned and then went back to shooting balls at the pool table. Multiple conflicting emotions were running through Joanna's mind as she went looking for Nasir. She was going to make him ejaculate into the container!

Shame? This was against the very fabric of morality that she was raised to believe in. "Your morality could be a behavior control mechanism developed by those in authority to prevent you from finding yourself." Dr. Morgan had said in one of her seminars. "In my sessions, I make my patients cross boundaries that are not of their own creation." The theory was working. "Am I my shame?" Joanna wondered as she went looking for the man who will ejaculate in the container for her.

She found him fiddling with his cell phone while sitting next to the pond that was right by the rapidly flowing river. Every time the river ran higher than its normal levels, it would fill this shallow pond and when its level would recede, the pond would exist right by its side in its reflective stillness. Its glass like surface was so calm and different from the surface of the river that was blasting its way right next to it. She wondered what Nasir would say when she requested a sperm sample from him. All the participants had surrendered their moral perceptions when they signed up for this getaway and Nasir should be no different. The morality that would cause him to look down upon her was what he had thrown away at least temporarily and that is why he was here.

"Hello." She said.

"Oh hi." He replied while navigating through his cell phone. "I was told that this is the only place where you can get a signal."

"I think Dr. Morgan wanted us to be totally disconnected from the outside world and that is why there is no cell phone coverage here." Joanna replied with a voice that trembled with a nervousness that he could sense.

"Fuck it! Oops ...pardon my French." He replied and then shoved the phone in his pocket. "I should watch my language around a Sister I apologise."

"Oh leave it. What I am here to ask you is more improper." She sat next to him. "Remember that it is part of this social experiment that we should not bring our morality here. I ask you this as a woman who was humble enough to leave her morality outside and you must hear me as a man who is humble enough to listen without forming any judgements." "We all signed up for this so tell me. What is it?"

Joanna pulled out a small orange container. "I am required to collect your sperm in this."

There was silence and then Nasir took it from her hand. A smile could no longer be suppressed and that turned into laughter. The ice was broken. "How should I ... I mean."

"Can you not masturbate into this? Pardon my French here." She also laughed.

"Masturbate to what?" He said.


"There is no internet connectivity in here. So signal to get online."

"I am sorry I forgot."

"I do not think that is what Dr.Morgan had in mind when she asked you to get my sperm." Nasir said looking into the container. She was beginning to understand exactly what he meant but she pretended innocence. She was nearing fifties and this lad could be young enough to be her son. "Then what?" She looked at him as if she was in shock.

"There is a reason why we do not have internet access here and these tasks are designed to break your morality to see what lies on the other side I guess." He looked into her hazel green eyes. ‘She must have been a good looking one when she was in her early years.' He thought. Dressed conservatively in a white shirt and long grey skirt, Joanna wore no make up and had made no attempt to look attractive. The large cross hanging from her neck commanded respect and had discouraged men from looking at her as a potential bed mate for a quick encounter. "Let's discuss this more but not here." He said and grabbed her by the shoulder to help her up on her feet.

Soon she found herself following him into the mansion, her eyes focused on his hips. She noticed how nicely formed they were and began to wonder if this was a sign of her own arousal? It can't be! She was always attracted to women.

It had begun years ago when she was a young nun only three years into her vows. She was sharing the residence with three others, one of which was a Sister Gertrude who would ride all over the town on a bicycle. When Joanna sprained her ankle it was up to Sister Gertrude to put the scrape bandage. The two young women sat in the living room and chatted as Gertrude wrapped the bandage on the ankle. Joanna was busy explaining her clumsiness to Gertrude when she felt her hand moving up into her skirt towards her thigh. She felt how her breathing pattern had changed but she did not look her in the eye. Soon Gertrude was listening to Joanna while amusing herself with the smoothness of her thigh, massaging it up and down as if to give her comfort but when their eyes met, both women knew it was something else. The craving for an intimate touch was written all over Joanna's eyes and Gertrude read her like an open book. Soon her hand was going deeper in her skirt and searching in her panties. Joanna had allowed herself to lay back while opening her legs to a lustful Gertrude whose fingers had shown her no mercy.

Their exploration of each others bodies had begun from there and grew as the years went by. For the first few times,Joanna had accepted her to be a pleasurable substitute for a man and then Gertrude had become a "person" to her. They enjoyed each other's nakedness and as time went by Gertrude was just Gertrude, a tall slender woman capable of taking her to the limits of her pleasure. From there on when Joanna looked for sexual arousal she sought Gertrude!

This was a different time and space and she wondered if it was natural for all lesbians to look at a man's butt and feel curious. Then they went into the lodge, Nasir led her to his room and closed the door behind her. He looked at Sister Joanna and realized that beneath her conservative, motherly Catholicism she was a woman who was an attractive one for her age. "Have you heard of Stiffler's mom?" He asked.

"What? Whose mom?" She asked.

He laughed. "Stiffler's mom. When you are out of this place and you have access to google then please search Stiffler's mom for me. Right now that is what you look like to me." Then he took off his t-shirt and dropped it on the floor. She looked at him and realized that he was much more muscular than she had imagined. Not big but sleek and chiseled. She saw his chest muscles flex as he worked to undo his belt and allowed the jeans to drop down to the floor to step out. Finally he slid his boxers off his legs and threw them away. "You want my sperm? Come take it."

She overcame her shyness to look at his dangling manhood. His bronze skinned nakedness was the exact opposite of the smooth, white nakedness of Gertrude that she was so fond of exploring. His body fat levels were so low that she could see his abs when he breathed. There was a faint line of stomach hair that went upwards from between his abs and upon reaching his chest, it spread all over his bulging pectoral muscles in a fuzz of rough manliness. It was a body built to arouse a woman and she found herself shameless in its presence."My lord" was all that she could utter. Many thoughts rushed through her mind. "Will this man, with his unshaven face and rugged muscularity be a good substitute for the smoothness of Gertrude? Or was Gertrude the real compromise? Was it his absence that made her the alternate object of sexual fascination that she was? How could celibacy be something sacred when it prevents a woman from understanding her true nature?"

Her mind was still clouded when she started to undo her buttons. He watched with fascination as the first three buttons were done and a deep cleavage revealed itself. He knew she was stacked but those seemed larger than they appeared through the clothing. When only the last three buttons of the shirt remained, Joanna gaped open her shirt to let the cups of the black bra out. Her large breasts seemed to be so tightly contained that they were literally bursting out of the confines of the bra. She yanked those cups down allowing both of her pale, white boobs to jump out in all their majestic glory.

"Wow! Just wow!" Nasir said as his cock started wake up to their sight. While Joanna was not a glamorous head turner, her breasts were the single most amazing pair he had ever seen. They were beyond pornography, beyond Dolly Parton and beyond anything he had ever masturbated to. Their sheer mass seemed to defy gravity and they were so full that they jutted outwards towards him.

"Are you starting to get an erection?" She asked. He laughed as she looked at his penis getting engorged slowly. This was the first time that she was witnessing male arousal and it gave her a feeling of power that she never felt before.

"Do you leave me any other choice?" He said, his eyes still looking at Joanna's breasts as they rose up and down on her chest with heavy breathing. Their pale, milky white color showed that they had been concealed all their lives and had not seen much sun. Her skin was so soft and smooth that looking at her gently aging face, one would never have guessed that her breasts would be so smooth and supple. Her nipples were pale too, only slight shade of pink darker than the breasts they tipped. She pinched one nipple and it started to harden and as blood rushed into it, it assumed a brighter red color. "You should never have been a nun." Nasir started to walk towards Joanna and she noticed that his penis was hardening.

"Why do you say that?" She asked as his arms took her from the waist and she felt herself being violently pulled into his naked chest. Her breasts were pressed against his hairy, muscular chest and he felt so rough, so violent in his passion and so different from Gertrude.

"Because all this time, there was a man out there who was deprived of the pleasure that I am experiencing." He said as he looked down into her breasts already mashed into his chest.

"But am I not too old for you?" She openly expressed her skepticism towards his arousal.

He took one breast in his hands and lift it up to bring her nipple against his own. "We are not dating." He said."This is pure lust without any emotional strings attached. Pure lust alone is a very powerful thing. People call it ‘love' or ‘romance' when they are afraid of their own lust. These are just stupid excused for what I am feeling towards you." By this time, arms had gone around her waist and she was being held tightly against his rough naked body.

"And what are you feeling towards me?" She asked.

He kissed her except that it was not a kiss. Gertrude used to kiss but not Nasir. He wanted to eat the inside of Joanna's mouth like it belonged to him. Her tongue tried to fight with his and his tongue won. Joanna melted in his arms and surrendered her tongue in front of his. During that moment of surrender, her suppressed ‘self' started to take over. When the kiss broke, she was gasping for air. Something had woken deep inside her. Something whose very existence she had denied.

"God I want to worship those tits!" Nasir said and then lowered himself to align his face against her heaving breasts. While holding Joanna tighty, he started to worship the middle of her breasts with his tongue, quoting it with his saliva. As Joanna ran her her fingers through Nasir's hair, he worshipped one tit after the other like they were made for his devotion. Then he took a nipple in hi mouth and sucked on it. He would suck it as deep in his mouth as he could and then let it loose. Then he would take the other one in his mouth and go harder on it. Joanna was wet. She was confused. She was not the woman she had always thought herself to be. If she was not lesbian then what was she? Bi-sexual? Was she born that way or was it the Church that made her into one?

"I am ready for your sperm sample. Take it." Nasir said as he released his from his embrace.

With her breasts quoted with his saliva, she went down on her knees. Picking the full weight of each breast in her hands, she parted them and took his erect penis in between. Then she brought them together and held his engorged member securely between them. Instinctively, he began to buck his hips causing his manhood to slide back and forth between her breasts. It was an amazing sensation. "God this feels so good." Nasir moaned as he fucked her tits. "With a pair like that you should have gotten married Sister Joanna. You would have made a good Christian wife to someone out there. God this feels too good. Forgive me but I have to say that is way too good."

"Oh for God's sakes Nasir. Don't call me Sister." Joanna said. "I am sister to no one right now."

His cock was starting to dry up and she needed more lubrication. Taking her tongue out she started to lick the bottom of his engorged penis. Without taking him in her mouth she licked him with her tongue like his manhood was an lolly. Then she used her hands to spread her saliva up and down his cock causing waves of pleasure to rock his body. Then she took him in her mouth and started to deep suck him.

"My knees are getting weak." He exclaimed. "Let me sit down if I may." He sat on the edge of the bed and urged Joanna to come to him. She went to him on her knees and palms like a lioness approaching her downed prey for the final finish. He looked at her massive breasts swaying underneath her as she came.

"What bra size are you? He asked.

"Guess!" She took his cock in her mouth and started to deep suck.

He dropped his head back in pleasure and moaned."36 E?"

She stopped sucking and looked at him. "No darling. I am a lot more woman than that." With that she lifted her heavy breasts once again and took his hardness in between them. With his cock held tightly in between, she started breast fucking him going up and down his shaft arousing him more and more. Every time the saliva would dry up she would place the full weight of her breasts on his thighs and suck him deeply. When he was fully quoted with saliva she would lift her breasts and squeeze him in between. The urge to ejaculate kept rising and rising and she brought him to the level where there all control was starting to collapse.

"Here comes your sample!" He announced and she pressed her breasts against his cock as tight as she could. He surrendered to the rising pleasure and let himself go. She took the first blast of semen on her chin and he kept spurting on her neck and then between her breasts as all his sexual tension was released.

"That was a huge sample! All of it for me? God I am old enough to be your mother." Joanna stood up and grabbed the orange container. He watched her while lying spent on the bed as she collected sperm from her breasts with her fingers and scraped it into the container.


Skylar was extremely nervous as she approached Nasir's room. She held an orange container in her hand and wondered how would she make such a request? She had met the man last evening where they only had a very brief moment to exchange pleasantries and how she was going to ask him for sperm? As embarrassing as it may sound, she did not want to go to Jeff while that British witch was by his side. They had deliberately been called by Dr. Morgan into the same retreat and that much she understood. After all, it would be a huge stroke of coincidence that in a workshop of self-reinvention, you find yourself with your ex along with his fiance! Dr. Morgan was a woman of strange methods but she gave results and she trusted her expertise for that. The task at hand was to obtain a sperm sample and in order to avoid a confrontation with Victoria, she would seek help from the other male. Nasir.

"My knees are getting weak. Let me sit down if I may." She heard him say as she paused next to the door. It sounded like there were two people inside his room and the second one seemed like a woman. Who? Victoria was playing pool with Jeff when she had gone upstairs to meet with Dr. Morgan.

"What bra size are you?" She heard him say.

"Guess?" It was Sister Joanna's voice. No way. She is a nun!

"36-E?" He replied.

"No darling! I am a lot more woman than that!" It was her alright. She stood outside the door, hearing his moans and wondered what she was doing to him.

"Here comes your sample!" She heard him say and heavy intense breathing followed. He had ejaculated. At that moment it appeared to Skylar that she was not the only one tasked with collecting the sample. Sister Joanna was also given the same task and she had reached Nasir before her. She could never have looked at Sister Joanna and thought that she was capable of doing such a thing with a man so much younger than her own late 40s. But then she was also here for a voyage of self discovery so why should it matter if she is or was a nun? Skylar turned around and walked towards the circular stairwell that would lead her into the basement.

Jeff was teaching Victoria how to play pool. She was leaning over the green table and Jeff was right behind with one hand on her waist and the other trying to align her cue stick. Skylar could tell that Victoria was enjoying the feel of his crotch pressing against her butt and the feel of his hand on the small of her back. Victoria was always detached and emotionless but if there was one moment where she was showing emotion it was this one.

"May I join in?" Skylar said and Victoria sprang back up.

Then she picked up a stick, leaned over and snapped a ball into the hole. "There goes one." Then she moved around the table walking seductively as she swayed her hips till she was finally standing across the table in front of the couple. She deliberately bent herself low to allow the neck of the dress to fall away from her body giving both of them a glimpse inside. As she played the shot, her breasts, two well tanned gently rising orbs swayed inside the black bra and then she stood up to look at them. The ball had found the hole but neither of the two were looking at the table. Jeff had definitely enjoyed the view and Victoria was looking at her with an emotionless gaze. Her expression had a feeling of slight disgust as if she was looking at something really dirty.

"I did not know that you guys were here." Sky positioned herself for a third shot allowing them both another glimpse of her bra line. "If I knew, I would have reserved another time for my own self." She played the third shot and this time she was not as lucky. "Look I do not wish this to be an unpleasant experience for either of you."

"You are a guest here as much as we are." Jeff spoke. "Besides, we have both moved forward with our lives." He pulled Victoria from her waist and planted a kiss on her bare shoulder.

"Good. Then you would not mind giving me a sample of your sperm in this container?"

"I beg your pardon?" Victoria erupted with disgust.

"Sample of my what?" Jeff laughed with disbelief.

"Look. When we all signed up for this, it was made very clear to us that we will be subjected to embarrassing and uncomfortable situations. That is no surprise to anyone here right?" Skylar leaned against the pool table. "Sister Joanna and I were both given these bottles this morning and were asked to collect sperm samples. You and Nasir are the only men. He is in his room presently donating his sperm to the Church. Who do I go to?"

"Yow know what? This is ridiculous! I will have to speak to Dr. Morgan because this appalling." Victoria marched out of the room giving Skylar an angry stare as she went past her.

"It is really not my idea." Skylar shrugged her shoulders. Victoria had lost her class and Skylar loved it.

"Yes but you could have asked Nasir when he was done with the nun. I am sure that sperm is one thing he has no shortage of." Victoria snapped back mincing her words in a string English accent as she climbed up the stairwell. Skylar found herself giggling.

Soon, they were both alone in the room. "That was highly inappropriate Sky." Jeff said shaking his head.

"You think I want to collect your sperm Jeff? This is far more detestable to me than it is to you or her."

Victoria stormed into Dr. Morgan's office and pulled a chair. "Dr.Morgan, I am not understanding the purpose of all this. I am here by my own free will but if I had known that that woman was also here then my decision would have been different. Secondly, she has the nerve to approach Jeff, act totally inappropriate and demand that he gives her his sperm sample? Excuse me?"

"And what is it that you are afraid of Victoria?" Dr. Morgan was reading a document and she asked that question while still keeping her eyes on the sheet of paper. "Are you afraid that he will have sex with her? Once that happens you will realize that he is not the man you want to be with and leave him?"

"So this is a set-up! Is that what it really is? Temptation Island of some sort? An attempt to put us in a testing situation just so that we may see if our relationship will last or not?"

"How well do you think you know yourself Victoria?" Dr. Morgan put the paper away and looked at her.

"How do you mean?"

"Do you love him?"

"I was about to."

"So you are not sure."

"I love what I know about him so far."

"And how about your own self? Do you love what you know about yourself?" Dr. Erica Morgan rose from the chair and started to walk around her table. "Look when clients come in here, they are constantly trying to define their own self by a definition that is not their own. If you are religious then you can't have sex. If you are a millionaire, then your success will be displayed by a wife who looks like a trophy. You select that person, not for yourself but to create your acceptability in a group. When the group is not present then you get abusive towards that person because you would not have selected them if the group was not around. When you come to the lodge, those external factors are not present. Every single thing that society has taught you is not here in these walls." Dr. Morgan stood right next to Victoria and then placed a fragile yet strong womanly hand on her shoulder. "Have you ever wondered what type of a person you would grow up to be if you were born in a secular orphanage run by United Nations? You would not have a religion because you are not raised in one. You will have no national prejudices because you have no nation. The only culture you will know is that of orphanage. Would you come out as the same person? Would your political views be what they are today? Would you be sexually attracted to the same people as you are now? Once society's influence has been stripped away piece by piece, what exactly are you Victoria?"

"I don't know." She responded.

"Well you are about to find out. Once this time is over, you will walk out of this place as a woman who never had a religion, culture or nation. You will meet who you really are and you will be amazed. Until then you have to let these events take their toll on you."

Meanwhile in the basement ...

Skylar walked around the pool table with a grace that would make most men drool over her. Her tight figure hugging top accentuated the narrowness of her waist and Jeff found his eyes following the exaggerated curve of her hips as it swelled into a perfect onion shaped butt.

"If you are done stripping me with your eyes then I would like to get my sample and leave." Skylar snapped with irritation as she shot the last remaining ball on the pool table. She had been married to him long enough to know what was going on in his dirty mind and her snappy response left no doubt in that she was not here to seduce him. He was not worth it.

"First, let us find a better spot than this one." Jeff responded. "Secondly let us both be clear that this is business and nothing more."

"Of course." She said and then they both started climbing the stair-well with Skylar leading the way. He noticed how her hips swayed as she climbed up the stairs and it brought back memories of a time gone by.

His romance with Skylar started right after his father passed away leaving him fully in charge of his accounting firm. From helping his father manage a handful of complicated accounts, he had suddenly found himself in charge of millions of dollars worth of accounts. "Success attracts more success!" His father had told him. "If you show to the world that you are a successful person they will come looking for you." The car that he drove and the suits that he wore were meant to show that he was a walking talking advertisement of American entrepreneurial success. He would make all efforts to look the part.

One person who was attracted to this persona was Skylar Kildare. She was the secretary to one of his major clients, Edward Schumann from "Schumann and Schumann." Skylar was smart, ambitious and had the body that men worshipped. Wherever Eddie Schumann went, Sky would go with him and the moment he would step into a business gathering, all eyes would be on the two of them. Rumor had it that she had slept her way to the top and personal secretary to Schumann was as high as she could go in ‘Schumann and Schumann.'

Jeff remembered the earlier years when he would take Sky out in his Porsche while she was still employed with ‘Schumann and Schumann.' They would eat dinner in fancy restaurants where she would taunt him and tease him and after that, he would bring her home for some raw, intense fucking. They never made love and they never had sex. What would happen after these dates would be pure animal fucking. He would fuck her in the pussy and then roll her over to fuck her in her tight ass making her squeal underneath him. He owned her in both holes and she loved being the object of his nasty desires.

As a personal secretary to Eddie Schumann, she was not supposed to be sleeping with the business moghul of another business. For corporate women who sleep their way up to the top, there are certain unwritten rules.If you are your CEO's whore you can not be with anyone else! If you are being paraded as the success symbol of one business moghul, then you can not be seen with another. As days went by Skylar became symbol of stolen success. Her days in ‘Schumann and Schumann' were over and Schumann's sexy secretary found herself looking for a job while Jeff Goodman was still throwing her in bed and fucking her brains out.

They say sex in the corporate world must be kept purely emotionless otherwise it would hurt at least one of the parties involved. Jeff and Sky both had been wary of becoming emotionally involved and keeping their relationship to being "fuck buddies." Yet when she lost her career due to him, he weighed the option of walking away from her and stealing another trophy woman from elsewhere. While sex was as good as ever, Skylar Kildare was no longer the emblem of stolen success but a symbol of joblessness.

Marriage proposal was driven less by pity more by fear. He browsed through photographs of business events and ceremonies that he had attended, there were pictures of Skylar by his side. They had been the subject of office gossip and he enjoyed that attention. If he walked away from her she would have no problems finding another businessman to fuck. A lot were already lined up to have her and a woman like her would select a bigger fish. She would then move in the same business circles as "stolen success" for a bigger man and he was not going to let that happen. They got married in the Caribbean and Skylar went from being a business executive to a millionaire housewife. She did yoga and pilates, played with her dogs but no longer felt the need to pursue a career. She had made her career sleeping her way to the top and with that option closed, her wings were cut. Jefferey Goodman on the other hand was flying high like an eagle looking to drop and pick up another trophy. That is when he laid his eyes on Victoria Moore.

Victoria Moore was a former British model who refused to grow old. She had her own brand of cosmetics and after capturing European markets, she was now in USA to expand her brand. No one knew how old she was but one gaze at her and you would stop caring. With her manicured fingernails and detached look, Vicky Moore was 5.9 inches of pure confidence. No one out there was good enough for her. When men threw themselves at her feet, she walked over them with an arrogance that was sexually arousing in its own way. When Jeff saw her, she reminded him of Skylar before marriage. He swooped down on her like and eagle and took her in his talons. But once he had her in his clasp, he realized that it was she who was in control not him.

Sex would happen at times of her choosing not his. There were times when she would forbid their kissing and foreplay to turn into sex and when she said no, he would not dare proceed any further. Above all, never would she allow him to enter her ass. Once they were finished with sex, she would politely tell him that she had business to take care of. Weeks would go by when she would not return his calls, leaving him hanging in suspense. When she did pick up the phone she would apologise and was as polite as ever. Unlike Skylar, Victoria romanced him from a distance and that drove him crazier and crazier about her.

Soon all the sexual energy he had in him was for his mistress not his wife. Skylar suspected that he was having an affair and the smell of female perfume on his shirts and his increasingly detached demeanor seemed to confirm it. Divorce followed. Many years later, Jefferey Goodman became the man who had completely lost Skylar without completely having Victoria.


As Skylar climbed the stairwell in front of him, he noticed what a physical perfection she was. The memories of him taking her forcefully in bed caused him to become semi-erect in his pants and he had to adjust his crotch to make room for his growing arousal. She led him straight into her room and closed the door.

"Please tell Victoria that this is strictly business and nothing more." She said.

"I will do my best." He sighed.

"Do I really need to remove my clothes?" She ask him as if she did not want to.

"It would help with erection." He replied.

Rolling her eyes, Skylar started to undress in front of him. She first took off her top and then undid her trousers. Her trousers were tight around her legs and she literally peeled them down her shapely thighs till they cleared her calves and then she stepped out of them. Standing in him in black bra and panties was a woman built for only one thing. Fucking! Not slow romance, not love making but wild and out of control fucking.

She walked towards him and started to unbutton his shirt. As she moved forward into him to yank the shirt of his shoulders her bra cups brushed against his chest. Then she went down on her knees and started working on his trousers. The next instant his trousers and boxers were at his ankles and he stepped out of his flip-flops the same time that he stepped out of his boxers and trousers.

"You are already erect." She said looking at his cock. "As I do this, I demand that you do not touch me."

"Alright. Go ahead."

Skylar began by taking him as deep into her warm mouth as she could and then sealing her lips around him. As he felt her harm moist mouth tighten, his penis began to throb. He took a deep breath but she held him firmly in her mouth. Very slowly she moved her tight mouth back on his shaft, sucking and quoting it with her saliva as she want. When she cleared the head of his penis, it was throbbing and there was a string of saliva that extended from his cock straight onto her tongue. She kept moving her head back until the string of saliva was no longer long enough to follow and broke. She had barely started sucking him and his cock was throbbing with desire. She spat on her hand and took his hard member and started to stroke it, feeling him get harder and harder as she massaged it. Then she took him back in her mouth and started sucking him again.

He dropped his head back, looked up at the ceiling and allowed the sensations to get stronger and stronger. Lost in pleasure, he touched her hair which she had tied behind her head in a neat bun. She slapped his hand away. "Do not touch me!" She said and then went back to sucking his cock with the same determination like she had a job to do and would not like to be interrupted. The passion with which she was sucking his cock was in total contrast to the disgust that she showed when he attempted to touch her. Finally his ego collapsed. Grabbing her from her arms he pulled her up in standing position and then wrapped his arms around her waist. "What the fuck do you think you are doing?" She looked at him with a sparkle of moral victory like she had somehow won.

His arms ran up her bare back until he found the clasp of her bra. "I am sorry but I have to have you." He undid her bra and pulled it down her shoulders like it was an obstacle in his way. As her breasts came loose he took only an instant to look down at them. They were exactly the way he remembered. Perfectly formed, high riding breasts with small cherry red nipples. He dropped his head down to them and took one nipple in his eager mouth. She gasped for it seemed like he would bite it but he sucked it like he had been waiting to suck it all these years. As arousal swept through her body, Skylar felt powerful. She felt redeemed. Above all she felt victorious. He had cheated on her with another woman and now he was cheating on the same woman with her! As he kissed his way down her belly she wondered if she loved him? Sometimes sex is great because it is vindictive, not because you love the man who is fucking you. This seemed to be one of those insane moments that felt great without having any trace of love.

She felt his hand slide inside the string of her panties and the next instant they were ripped off. Jeff had no patience for her to remove them. "You want my sperm you fucking bitch? I will give you my sperm!" With that he spun her around and pushed her on the bed. She tried to get on her knees and palms but he grabbed the small of her waistline and pushed her face into the bed. His engorged penis went between her butt crack and he searched for the the opening into her tight round butt. Victoria would never allow him to go in there. With Skylar, anal sex was her specialty. "I will tame you you angry cat!" He snapped and then pushed his erect cock into the forbidden tightness of her butt hole. She moaned and whimpered underneath but he put all his weight down on her flattening her completely against the bed. Then he started to fuck her with deep strokes that would come out only slightly before they were pushed back in. His balls slapped against her ass and the bed rocked as he gave his ex-wife a butt fucking like she was still his slut. "This is why I married you you fucking slut. No one takes it up the ass like you do." There was no love, no romance just pure ‘hate fucking'. Lying helplessly underneath the full weight of his naked body, Skylar was loving every moment of it in the most bizarre way. His desire for her, his hate for her, his hate for his own self for losing control to her, her sense of revenge over Victoria, all merged together into this wild moment in which her ass was getting pounded with a savage intensity she had never felt before.

"I will give you my spunk! Are you ready for it you fucking bitch?" He said.

"Yes. Give it to me." She said and she felt one groping hand slide underneath her body to grab a swaying boob. With one breast in his hand, he sucked the back of her neck as his thrusts became shorter and shorter. Finally, they ended with his cock buried deep into her ass and he exploded his desire into her.

"There you go you fucking bitch. Take it! This is what you wanted. Now have it." He said as his penis kept shooting wads after wads of cum into her until she had claimed his soul. Once fully spent, he rolled over from top of her sweaty naked body in absolute moral defeat.

They lay next to each other trying to catch their breaths and trying to rationalize the moment until he finally spoke. "That was good!"

"Get the fuck out of my room!" She said as she rolled over on her back. There was no anger or hurt in her voice. Just cold distance. "Take your clothes and get the fuck out."

Her tone had him convinced that she felt nothing for him. He stood up from the bed and started collecting his clothes. She watched him dress up in a state of silent humiliation. He had lost moral control and enjoyed every minute until it lasted. Once it was over it was a different matter.

As he left the room, he saw Victoria standing outside in the lobby looking at him. She watched Jeff walk out of Skylar's room with a deep sense of shame written all over his face. As he walked towards Victoria, the door opened and Skylar threw the orange glass container at him. "Take this with you!" The container landed on the floor and rolled over until it was only a few feet away from Victoria. She looked at it and found it empty. There was nothing in it. Victoria was never the one who showed emotions in her face but her faced showed a deep sense of betrayal. Jeff Goodman had ejaculated inside his ex-wife Skylar Kildare and that was not what this place demanded of him. His task was only to give sperm in the container. Victoria's calm and arrogant composure was shattered and she trotted away in rage that she had no desire to conceal.

(Stay tuned for part 2 and do not forget to vote and send your feedback.)

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The author of this story: SavageHart

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