Getting into my car, I knew I had reached a point of no return. In just a few short minutes, I was going to cheat on my wife with her best friend. Ironically, it would also be with my best friend's wife. I suppose you could say I was already cheating with the lewd phone conversations, texts and pictures. But now the physical aspect would send it into another stratosphere.
Just a month earlier while on a couples-only vacation, the four of us - my buddy and his wife, Andrea....along with my wife and I....had somewhat tested some relationship boundaries. Nothing physical happened between the four of us, but we had some fun.
There was always flirting. That was almost a given. They'd been our best friends for over a decade. Sexual innuendos weren't all that uncommon, either. Innocent to most of us, so we thought. One night with all of us drinking more than we should, we went skinny-dipping.
Andrea is my best friend's wife. For 39 years old, she's a smokeshow. Even more impressive is how great she looks for having birthed three children. Of course, she's had some cosmetic procedures done that have helped, but she's quite stunning, nonetheless. Her fashion sense is exquisite. Being about 5'10" with long tan legs that seemingly stretch for days is just another trait.
I'm closing in on 42. Far from model looks, but good looking in my own right. Over the years I've managed to keep myself in shape in an effort to hold on to some youthfulness. I have relatively broad shoulders and even managed to keep a six-pack, despite my age. All in all, I'm proud of the way I look. In addition, and not to brag, I learned in my late teens that I had been somewhat blessed down below.
Back to that night on vacation. It was just kind of spontaneous down by the ocean. The girls lost their dresses and us guys stripped down to our boxers. I'm not even quite sure how, but eventually all four of us were naked. No touching. No wandering hands.
I'd be the biggest liar on the planet if I sat here and told you I wasn't checking out Andrea. Even though her bikinis didn't always leave a lot of the imagination, this was different. Her tits, while medically-enhanced, were spectacular. Her ass swayed when she ran too and from the beach. I knew she had done laser hair removal, too. Wow. The entire episode was just incredibly erotic. That's where it ended. Or so I thought.
It wasn't uncommon for the two of us to text. It wasn't all that uncommon for the two of us to flirt a little over text, either. But I'd call pretty innocent. In fact, it was nothing that I would be embarrassed to show my wife.
One day a couple weeks back I got a text from Andrea asking about a gift she was going to get her husband for his birthday. Like me, he's a golfer. And like my wife, she doesn't know a lot about golf, but had an idea for him and wanted to run it by me. Pretty innocent, right? I thought so, too.
Over the course of our texts back and forth, the skinny-dipping from our trip came into the conversation. To be honest, I'm sure which one of us led us down that road, but neither of us really cared to stop. Before long, both of us were crossing those invisible lines of being coy and taking it too far.
I complimented her. Told her how lucky her husband was to be with someone so beautiful and sexy. She complimented me. Saying how in her girl chats with my wife my ‘size' had been brought up before. Now she was able to confirm this with her own eyes.
From that point, it seemed like the both of us continued to double-down through text. Within days, the texts turned into phone conversations....the kind of phone conversations two married adults should only be having with their spouses, and not their best friend's spouses.
While I knew what I was doing was wrong, I couldn't stop myself. Seeing her naked on the beach and now having these conversations with her was taking me to places I hadn't been in a long time. I felt guilty. But I couldn't stop, and neither could she.
The other morning at work she sent me a picture of her dressed in lacy lingerie. She asked me if I thought her husband would like part of his birthday present she was planning to surprise him later in the week. Of course, I knew he would love it. But I didn't stop there.
"That's like torture," I texted back. "No fair!"
"So you like it then?" she asked with an emoji or two.
"YES!" I texted back in all CAPS. "But I'm jealous of him."
"You're jealous of your best friend?" she teased.
"Very." I responded.
Then the texts stopped. Had I gone too far, I thought to myself? In all of our correspondences up to that point we'd somehow managed to keep our spouses out of the conversation. I'm guessing it's because we both knew what we were doing was wrong, but this kind of gave us that stark reminder. Then my phone buzzed again after about 15 minutes.
"What are you doing over lunch?" she asked.
My heart sank. Was she serious? My body was shaking and I wasn't even sure what exactly she was asking. So I tried to play it cool.
"Well, I'm supposed to have a client lunch," I said, telling a lie. "Why? What's up?"
"Let's fuck!" is what I got back in return.
I think that's what they call anxiety-level midnight. Fear. Trepidation. Anticipation. Maybe even some nausea?
"Are you serious, or fucking with me?" I asked back.
"Dead serious, Andy. We both know we want it. Where should we meet?"
Did I mention cold sweats earlier? Well, now I had those, too. But she was right. I wanted to fuck to her. It's literally what I spent almost every waking hour imagining the last few weeks. Her wrapping those long legs around me while I pumped in and out at feverish pace. Yikes!
"You still there?" she texted after no response from me for a few minutes.
"I'm still here," I shot back. "Where and when?"
"Here I thought I scared you away," she replied. "I've never done this, so I'm open to wherever, but I'd prefer today!"
I knew we couldn't go to my place. And I assumed going to her house was also out of the equation. In addition, a hotel just seemed kind of trashy, and besides, the last thing either us needed was being seen by someone, however doubtful that might be.
Then it hit me. It wouldn't be ideal, and it would probably mean sex in one of our vehicles, but there was this quiet, little park I would go to over my free lunch hours to unwind and do some reading. It was near a public lake access but had private areas for parking or nature hikes. For one, I know there wouldn't be many people around, and two, the idea of having hot and passionate sex with Andrea in a semi-public place seemed like the kind of sex we were destined to have.
I gave her the directions and said I'd be there at noon. Our fuck date was set.
It was definitely the least productive morning I've had at work in a long time. The clock seemingly moved in slow motion. I swear the 10 o'clock hour lasted an eternity. But it also gave me time to think. Was this really something I was about to do?
Then the guilt. My wife stared back at me in the picture on my desk. The frame on my office wall that was given to me by my wife for our tenth wedding anniversary. I almost texted Andrea to cancel. Almost. But I didn't.
I arrived before Andrea at our meeting place and waited. I was a little early. Soon it was noon. Then 10 minutes after. Was I being stood up? Just as I was about to pull away I saw her Mercedes pull into the parking lot. My heart started racing all over. My palms sweaty. It was almost as if I couldn't breathe.
She pulled her vehicle over near mine, smiled and waved. There was another vehicle maybe a couple hundred yards away, but that was it. While I was still nervous, the inconspicuous nature of the whole thing kind of relieved my stress.
I motioned for Andrea to come to my vehicle. She was wearing a baseball cap with her hair done in a ponytail. Like me, I'm sure she was nervous and also trying her best to ‘hide' herself from the surroundings. She was wearing a pair of yoga pants with a sports bra as a top and some flip-flops. It looked as if she had just come from working out or was on her way.
If the other vehicle in the parking lot had any binoculars he/she would have gotten a show. The windows on my Suburban are tinted, but we wasted little time getting down to what we had come to do.
No words were initially spoken and immediately went into a long, passionate kiss that seemed way overdue. It was as if neither of us wanted to give the other a chance to have second thoughts and back out. Hungry teenagers parking is how I would best describe it.
My hands roamed over her tight body as she let out moans of pleasure and reached to feel my cock through my dress pants, as my hands explored her mounds of flesh protected by her sports bra.
"God, I've wanted this for so long," she said between pants. "I can't believe we're finally doing this."
I lifted the sports bra over her head and got my second look, in person, of those spectacular tits. I couldn't wait to have them in my mouth.
"Wait....stop!" said Andrea, me wondering if she was having second thoughts. "How are we going to do this?"
I climbed into back seat and had her join me. The seats were down and this was the best we were going to do under the circumstances. She kicked off her sandals and climbed in back with me.
"You're way overdressed," she said to me, ripping the buttons off my dress shirt. I threw the shirt in the front seat and she immediately started unbuttoning my pants. I can't remember the last time I got undressed quicker.
"Oh wow," she said when she got her first look at my semi-erect member.
Clumsily I slipped off my shoes, socks and pants until I was totally naked. Now she was the one overdressed. But I sensed that was going to have to wait. She put her mouth over my cock and started bobbing up and down. The sensation was even better than I could have imagined. The one thing her husband had told me in confidence years ago was how Andrea considered herself an expert in giving head. I couldn't argue, because it was spectacular.
She went up and down on my cock for a good five minutes. It took every bit of brain power in me not to explode in her mouth. I finally stopped her.
"I'm getting close, and I'm not ready yet. Let's get you out of these," I said, patting her ass, which were still covered in yoga pants.
She laid on her back as I peeled them down, her and I making eye contact for what seemed to be the first time. We had already crossed a line, but were we really going to go all the way?
Her smooth pussy radiated. I could see spots of wetness as it begged to be licked. With Andrea's head resting on the back of the center console I spread her legs and dove in to have a taste. Judging by her body convulsions I was certain the touch of my tongue on her pussy resulted in the first orgasm for either of us.
I licked. I sucked. Then I licked and sucked some more. If she had one orgasm she had five. Luckily, the windows to the vehicle were closed. For one, it was still early spring and cool enough, but two, had they been opened I think the whole county might have heard her squeals of delight.
"Please stick your cock in me, Andy. PLEASE!," she exclaimed.
I lifted my head and situated myself over her, once again the two of us looking into each other's eyes. The tip of my cock poking at her entrance. I smiled at her and she smiled at me, then I slowly moved forward as our tongues delicately wrestled....all eight of my inches disappearing into her. We both let out loud moans and started fucking.
"Oh fuck, Andy," she exclaimed as I pumped in and out of her. "Never stop fucking me," she implored.
"Your pussy feels so good," I told her. "I can't believe we're fucking like this."
She put her hands on my ass and pulled me deeper, reaching parts of her that had never been touched before, then slapped my ass and begged for more. I had had a vasectomy years ago, and I knew she couldn't have more kids.
"I think I'm going to cum," I exclaimed to her.
"Oh Andy, fill up my pussy with your cum."
And that's all it took. I blasted shot-after-shot into her hot, tight pussy. My body seemed to spasm over and hour as her tits jiggled beneath me. We shared a deep and long kiss, my cock still resting inside her.
"Holy shit, Andrea," I said. "That was fucking outstanding. Just outstanding."
"You can say that again," she replied.
I pulled out of her and rolled over onto my back. We laid there in the suburban looking at the ceiling, both at a loss for words. One, because we were both feeling sexually satisfied, but two, maybe because we both felt a tad guilty.
Andrea leaned in to kiss me, her naked body rubbing up against mine. Her touch sent chills through my entire body. Instinctively, she wrapped her free hand around my cock, which just minutes ago filled up her insides. To my surprise, I could feel it hardening again to her touch.
"Are you going to be ready again so soon?" she teased.
"Soon?" I replied. "I think I'm ready now."
Andrea climbed on top of me and sat down on my cock. I think I could have came again just from that one pump. She sat still on me, my cock fully inside her, then started bouncing up and down again.
"Fuck, Andy," she exclaimed. "Your cock feels so fuckin' good inside of me."
Her tits bounced in my face as I tried to lick her nipples. My hands firmly grasped her ass, almost guiding my cock in and out. It was as if her pussy had put me in some kind of trance. I couldn't get enough.
Our moans intensified. Louder. Louder. And louder. Soon, neither of us could take it anymore. Just minutes after we had started our second sexcapade, I was again filling her pussy with my cum.
She laid on top for me for a good five minutes, my limp dick still inside her. We kissed and my hands explored her naked body.
"So now what?" Andrea asked.
"What do you mean?" I asked confused.
"Well, I'm just wondering where it goes from here," she said, still on top of me and leaning in for a kiss. "I don't think I'm ready to stop fucking this dick."
"First things first, I need to get back to work," I said. "But let's talk later."
The two of us dressed in the back of my Suburban. Looking at her naked body I'm not so sure I didn't have it in me to fuck her again a third time. Her body looked incredible and her pussy was like something I'd never experienced before.
We texted a bit more that afternoon. I thought I would feel guilty, but for some reason, I didn't. All I could think about was the next time. Judging by her comments, I got the feeling she felt the same way.
That afternoon was just the start of our torrid affair. We became more brazen. Sex in public. Meeting up on weekend's and lying to our spouses. Road head. Sex in my office. We weren't close to being finished. And no matter how wrong we both knew it was, nothing could stop us. The sex was just too good.
Part two will follow.
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed part one this story. I encourage you to please vote. If you're so inclined, you can send a message here on ES, or email my personal account at brandonashley1015 at gmail dot com. As always, I appreciate any and all feedback.
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