It was late Friday afternoon after everyone else had gone home except for my boss, Cam Penney, and me, Walt Martin. Cam had asked me to stop by and talk to him before I left for the weekend.
"Do you have anything pressing going on next week?" Cam asked.
"No, just finishing up a couple of reports and closing out the Blanchard project," I said. "Why?"
"I got a call that there is a seat available for the Gladstone Process software training, starting Monday," Cam said. "Would it be a problem for you to fly out to San Jose in time to start class on Monday morning?"
I had been trying to get into the GP class for six months, and I hadn't been able to get scheduled for a seat in the class until October.
"Shouldn't be a problem," I said.
"Good, because I already told him we would take the seat." Cam handed me a printout with information about the class and where I should stay while I was there.
"You'll have to make your own travel arrangements."
"I'll do that tonight when I get home," I said. "If the class starts Monday, why are you are just telling me about it now?"
"Sorry about the short notice. I got the call around three o'clock this afternoon, and this is the first chance I had to talk to you about it."
"Is Kathy going to be pissed at me for sending you away on such short notice?"
"No, she'll be okay. She knows I have been waiting to get into this class for quite a while."
"Tell her I am sorry anyway."
"I will, and if she gets angry I'll give her your home phone number."
"That's fine, I can take the heat," Cam said. "Have a good trip, and I'll see you in a week."
At home, I told my wife, Kathy, about the sudden availability of a seat in the GP class.
"It's awfully short notice, but it's good that you were able to get into an earlier class," Kathy said. "I'm not crazy about you being away for a week."
"This won't interfere with any plans you had for next week, will it?" I asked.
"No. It will be lonely here without you, but I'll survive," Kathy said. "Maybe while you're gone I'll spend a couple of evenings volunteering at the nursing home."
"Just watch out for Old George. He always thinks you're flirting with him."
"I am flirting with him, but I never thought you noticed."
"Don't let his age fool you. He would jump your bones in a heartbeat if you gave him half a chance."
"A girl can always hope, can't she? Anyway, at ninety-five years old, I don't think Old George would be up to the challenge," Kathy said with a mock look of disappointment on her face.
I had planned to spend part of Saturday on the Raritan River in my kayak, but had to change my plans because I had too many small jobs to do around the house before I flew off to San Jose on Sunday. I had just finished mowing the lawn and edging along the sidewalk and driveway, and I was putting the edger away in the garage when I heard the phone ring. I stepped into the kitchen just in time to see Kathy pick up the phone, so I went back outside to hose off the lawn mower.
I was just finishing up when Kathy came outside.
"Guess who that was?" Kathy said. I just shook my head and looked at her. "It was Marge Robinson."
"I never would have guessed that," I said. "What did Marge want?"
"She asked if we could come over to their house Monday evening for a cookout."
"You're kidding. When did you two become friends again?"
Marge and Kathy had been friends until six months earlier when Kathy got a promotion to a supervisory position and immediately made some territory changes for the accounts that reported to her. Marge apparently had wanted that promotion. Since then, the two had spoken very little, and Marge had made some nasty comments to coworkers about Kathy.
"As far as I knew we hadn't, but maybe she is trying to offer and olive branch," Kathy said.
"Well, I can't go, I'll be in California. Are you going?"
"I think I will. If Marge wants to bury the hatchet, I am all for that. I know she was upset about not getting the promotion, and I guess taking it out on me was her way of dealing with her disappointment."
"You're such a soft touch. You just can't stand to see anyone suffering, even if that person is treating you badly," I said. "Well, maybe Marge finally realized that it's not your fault that she didn't get that promotion."
"Maybe. Are you finished out here?"
"All done. You got a cold beer for your sweaty husband?"
"I‘ve got a cold beer and a hot body for my husband, as soon as he gets out of the shower."
"We have a lot to cover this afternoon, so try to be back from the break in ten minutes," announced John Odem, the Gladstone class manager. I was at the Gladstone Training Center in San Jose, California, for a class on the new business application Boswell Products, my employer, had installed on our computer system earlier that year.
Monday's session had been boring. We spent most of the morning on introductions, orientation and filling out forms. We didn't get started on the real subject matter until Tuesday morning, but the instructors were good and kept things flowing and interesting.
As I walked into the student lounge, I thought that it was going to be an interesting week. If only I had known how interesting it would turn out, I would not have been quite so excited about that prospect.
GTC provided both coffee and WI-FI in the student break area, so when John announced the afternoon coffee break at two o'clock, I, like most of the other students in the class, headed for the break area to log onto my computer to check email.
When my laptop came up, I logged onto my company email account. There were ten notes in my inbox. Most of the emails were notes to members of my project team, but I was always on the copy list. One note was a request from Cam for some data he needed Wednesday morning. I planned to send Cam what he requested when I got back to my hotel that evening. I then opened my personal email account to see if my wife had sent me a note. The only note in my inbox was from an email ID named WTF, and the subject line read, "What is Your Wife Doing?"
I didn't recognize the sender's email address, so I assumed that it must be junk mail and was about to delete the note, but something stopped me. I guess my curiosity got the best of me because I opened the note. The body of the note contained two lines. The first line said, "Tune in at 7:00 PM tonight." The second line was a hyperlink to a web page titled ‘whatisyouwifedoing.' There was nothing else on the page.
I think it must have been the fact that my email address was the only one on the note that made me believe that it wasn't spam and kept me from deleting it.
After class, I went back to my hotel, which was right next door to the GTC. I didn't stop in the bar with the other students staying there because I wanted to go up to my room and call Kathy, and then answer Cam's email before going out to eat.
I called our home phone, and after five rings our recorder picked up. "You have reached Kathy and Walt Martin, sorry we can't come to the phone right now, but if you leave your name, number and a short message we'll return your call as soon as possible."
"Kathy, it's me. Call me when you get home. Love you," I said and closed my phone. I looked at my watch and noted that it was 6:50 PM. That meant that it was 9:50 back home in Princeton, New Jersey. I wondered where Kathy would be at that hour. When I talked to her Monday evening, she told me that she didn't have any plans Tuesday. She called me in the morning before she left for work but she didn't say anything about going out that night. For her to not be home by nearly ten o'clock on a Tuesday night worried me.
I turned my laptop on, and while it was booting up, I called Kathy's cell phone. Her cell immediately rolled over to voicemail, so I left her another message to call me. It was not like Kathy to not answer her cell phone and for her to not be home at that hour on a work night was unusual.
Kathy supervises an audit team at Princeton Accounting Associates (PAS). Her team audits banks all over southern New Jersey and parts of eastern Pennsylvania. Most of her accounts were close enough to home that she seldom had to travel overnight for work. I wondered if some problem might have come up at her job that required Kathy to go out of town suddenly, but if that was the case, why didn't she call me or send me an email to let me know?
When my computer came up, I opened my personal email account hoping to find a note from Kathy, but the only new note in the inbox was another note from WTF. The subject line on this note read, "Do not ignore this note, Mr. Martin."
I was at the point where I didn't know whether I should be worried or angry that I couldn't get in touch with Kathy, and to top that off I had this strange email. I didn't want to start calling people back home and get them upset, so I decided that I would wait until morning, and if I didn't hear from Kathy by then, I would start making some phone calls.
I was about to open my Boswell Products email account to answer Cam's question, but I froze when I looked at the subject line of the first junk mail note I hadn't deleted earlier. "What is Your Wife Doing?"
My stomach suddenly felt like I was sailing in a small boat in rough weather. I opened the note and clicked on the hyperlink. The web page that came up had a video media box and one line of text. The text read, "The show begins at 7:00 PM." In the middle of the video media box was a timer counting down from three minutes seventeen seconds.
I could feel the tension in my body increase with each second as I watched the time dwindling away on the counter. I didn't know what I expected, but somehow I knew it wouldn't be good. Was it just a coincidence that I didn't know where my wife was the same day I got a note directing me to a website called "What is your wife doing?" I hoped it was a coincidence, but I didn't believe it.
Two minutes four seconds. Was Kathy in danger? If she was, how could I help her? What could I do? I could call someone but whom? The Police? What could I tell them?
One minute twenty-two seconds. Was this something that Kathy planned as a surprise for me? Maybe she was going to be on the video telling me how much she loved me.
Fourteen seconds. "Oh God, I think I am going to be sick."
The counter flipped over to all zeros and then disappeared. The video screen came alive, but I could not identify what it was that I saw on the screen. It looked as though the camera was moving around and not focusing on anything. I could hear what sounded like people talking, music playing and other background noises but the video picture was jumping around too much for me to see anything clearly.
It took me about a minute to figure out that I was looking at the inside of a bar. It appeared that the camera was somehow attached or pinned to someone. The reason that the picture was jumping around was that the person wearing the camera was adjusting it. Finally, the camera settled down, and the picture became less jumpy, and I could see people standing around talking and drinking. The interior of the bar in the video was not familiar to me.
At first, I couldn't tell if the person wearing the camera was a man or a woman, nor could I tell if he or she was sitting or standing. That is until he pointed the camera at his very masculine watch. The time was 12:02.
"There you are." The man spoke. His accent was Spanish, more likely from Spain than Latin America.
Just then, Kathy, my wife of twelve years appeared on the screen. She was dressed in a knee-length flower print dress; she looked good, not too sexy but very attractive.
"What the fuck?" I said out loud, as my stomach was beginning to go into full revolt and my heart was beating so hard it hurt.
The man took Kathy's right hand and brought it up to his lips and kissed it. "I am so glad that you decided to come, Kathy. You have no idea how much this means to me."
"It was not an easy decision for me, Raphael, but I am here," Kathy said. She smiled, but she appeared to be nervous.
"Would you like to have a drink at the bar first or would you prefer we go straight into the dining room?"
"Why don't we go eat?" Kathy said. "I'll have a glass of wine with my lunch.
For the next hour, I watched Kathy as the two of them talked and ate. As near as I could tell from their conversation, this wasn't their first meeting. They seemed to be friends, but it didn't appear that they had ever been intimate. I could not remember ever hearing Kathy speak of anyone named Raphael, and I certainly didn't know anyone that talked with an accent like his. I could not see his face, so I couldn't be certain that I didn't know him but he apparently knew me. Otherwise, why would he have sent me the link to the website showing this video, and how would he know my email address?
It didn't appear that Kathy was aware of the video camera that Raphael was wearing, but I couldn't be sure of that. I wondered if she had any idea that I was viewing her secret lunch date over the Internet. If she didn't know, I wondered how she was going to feel about it when she found out.
The quality of the audio and the video was very good. The picture did jump a little whenever Raphael moved, but the image was sharp. I could clearly see Kathy's face and her changing expressions. In spite of all of the background noise in the restaurant, I could hear most of the conversation between my wife and the asshole with her. I listened carefully to everything that Kathy said to him, but I could not pick up any hint as to why she was with him or where they were. Did she intend to have an affair with him? I couldn't tell, but I was sure that Raphael intended to seduce my wife.
The more I listened to Raphael, the more I believed that he was a smarmy bastard that was out to cause me pain and destroy my marriage. Whatever his game was, he was very good at it. He knew just the right compliments to pay Kathy. Not too many and never obvious. He managed to make her blush several times. There was no sexual innuendo, nothing to make Kathy uncomfortable and yet I could see that he was getting to her. He asked Kathy a lot question about herself, which she seemed comfortable answering. She talked about her job, what books she was reading, what her favorite movies were, etc. The creep never asked Kathy about me, and she didn't mention me. Whenever Kathy asked him personal questions, he would say something like, "I'd rather not talk about that," and Kathy would say she was sorry, or that she understood and then change the subject.
During their conversation, the dickhead would drop in little comments designed to make Kathy feel good and to draw her into his web. When they first sat down at their table, he said, "When I saw you walking into the bar my heart felt lighter." Later the slime ball reached across the table, held Kathy's hands and said, "Your eyes... they are so kind; it's what I remembered most about you from our first meeting." Then, when they had finished eating and were just finishing their wine, he said, "You have a glow about you, like an angel. It's as if you were sent to lift me from my despair. No man has had a more beautiful angel."
I have to admit that he was right about Kathy having a glow about her but my reaction to it was much different than his. It made me want to throw my laptop through the fucking window.
Kathy never seemed to be able to respond verbally to these compliments. She would just smile, and her cheeks would flush. When he commented about her being "like an angel," Kathy's eyes filled with tears.
To me, his accent made him sound like a character in a cheap movie. He could have played the part of a smooth-talking gigolo, trying to seduce an old rich widow. I knew that he was a fake. He was just too smooth. Why couldn't Kathy see that, too?
When they finished the meal and paid the bill, they got up from the table; I didn't know what would happen next. My heart was pounding as I waited, expecting to hear Raphael suggest that they get a room or go to his house or his apartment.
"Isabel loved museums, I hope you don't mind," he said.
‘That's fine Raphael; I also love museums."
I thought, "Museums? Were they going to a museum? How should I feel about that?"
Kathy turned and started to walk away from the table and then the video screen went black. A moment later, the picture was back. This time the video showed the interior of a room. The furniture looked plush, and the artwork on the walls looked expensive. The room seemed to be empty.
The scene didn't change for a few minutes, and then I heard a door open followed by voices. I heard the tapeworms voice first because he seemed to be doing all of the talking.
"It was wonderful having you accompany me through the museum. It made the experience so much more enjoyable for me," the maggot said as they came into the room.
Kathy was the first to appear on the screen. When the fecal eating weasel came into view, he managed to keep his back to the camera.
"As I told you before, Isabel loved museums. Going to the museum together was something that was very special to us. I think Isabel would have liked you very much."
Isabel? Who the fuck was Isabel, and how did she figure into Raphael's plot?
"I think I would have liked her, too," Kathy said.
"Kathryn, please sit down, and I'll get us a drink. What would you like?"
"I'd love a glass of red wine if you have it."
"Oh, yes. I have a very nice Cabernet I think you'll enjoy."
"That sounds good," Kathy said.
I wondered if Raphael might try to slip something into Kathy's wine. The idea that he could do that and I wouldn't be able to stop him was making me crazy.
Raphael crossed the room and walked directly toward the camera. He made no attempt to hide his face. He stopped and looked directly into the camera, and it seemed as though he was looking right at me. Then he smiled, and there was no Spanish accent when he whispered so that Kathy couldn't hear him, "Sorry we were late."
Raphael looked to be just under six feet tall. He had a thin body with dark hair, dark eyes, and a thick mustache. The smile on his face looked sinister rather than friendly. I had hoped that if I saw him, I would recognize him but after looking closely at his face, I still had no idea who he was. My anger was such that I could feel the heat in my eyes as I stared at the asshole's face on my computer screen.
The slimy bastard took the two glasses of wine he had just poured and returned to the sofa and sat next to Kathy. He handed a glass to Kathy and then made a toast to her.
"To my beautiful angel, I only wish we had more time we could spend together."
Kathy didn't say anything right away. She just sipped her wine and smiled at him.
After another moment she said, "I am glad that I can spend this time with you, but this is all I can do. I hope you understand."
"I do understand. I could not dare to ask for more than you have already given or promised to me. I will be forever in your debt," he said.
The sofa that Kathy and the sewer dweller were sitting on was across the room from the camera location. The video I was watching not only showed the two of them, but it also showed a good portion of the room. I was studying the room trying to find something that would help me figure out where Kathy was, or to help me identify Raphael. I was staring at the screen so intently that my eyes were beginning to burn, but I could find nothing that helped me. Then something happened that made my skin crawl. The camera began a slow zoom in on Kathy. It took about five seconds for Kathy's face to completely fill the screen. Her face was in profile, as she was looking at the creep sitting next to her. The camera then began to pan slowly down over Kathy's chest and down to her legs. The picture on the screen was a close-up of the gap between Kathy's knees. The view was not very revealing. Kathy's knees were too close together to show anything, but I didn't think that looking up her skirt was the purpose of the shot. It was a message, and I got it. The hair on my neck bristled as I realized that Raphael, the sleazy son of a bitch, wasn't working alone. There was at least one other person involved, and that person was working the camera.
The close up lasted a short time, and then the camera zoomed back out to its original position. It was at that moment I realized that I hadn't heard anything that Kathy or her asshole buddy had said for the last several minutes. Had the sound been turned off or had I been concentrating so intently on the video that I had tuned out the conversation? I didn't know the answer to that question.
My attention was drawn back to the video again as the bastard moved closer to Kathy and took her hands into his.
"I am very much looking forward to tomorrow evening," he said, and then pulled Kathy closer and kissed her on the cheek.
"I hope it helps you get through your grief," Kathy said.
I felt as though my heart was going to explode when he pulled Kathy close again, this time kissing her on the mouth. It was just one kiss, and it didn't appear that Kathy had kissed him back, but to me, it felt like the end of my marriage.
My view of the computer screen suddenly clouded as my eyes filled with tears. My emotions were going wild, swinging from extreme anger to sadness and depression. My throat was sore from fighting back the urge to cry. I don't know how long I sat fighting my emotions, but I noticed that it was nearly eight o'clock and I couldn't remember hearing anything that either of them had said since the kiss.
"I think I should go back to the hotel now," Kathy said as she stood up. "I am still not sure how I feel about all this. It makes me a little uneasy."
"Please don't feel that way," he said. "Isabel always liked it when I planned a romantic evening for us."
"It's just that I don't think of this in romantic terms. I just thought I would be there for you tomorrow."
"I understand. I know you are only doing this to help me get through a bad time, but I would hate to think that you were getting no pleasure from it. Other than the two of us, no one will ever know about it. I would hope that you could relax and enjoy the experience. I think it will be better for both of us if you do.
"I've never done anything like this before, and I am not feeling comfortable about it, but you are right, I am going to do it so I should try to enjoy the experience."
"Good," Raphael said. "I'll have my driver take you back to the hotel."
I cringed as Raphael put his arms around Kathy and hugged her. Just as Raphael released Kathy from the hug, I heard a voice from off camera say, "The car is ready."
I never saw any indication that the asshole had called for the car but the driver showed up immediately after Kathy had said she wanted to leave. I figured that the driver must be part of whatever scam these people were running.
Raphael walked Kathy out of the room and off camera.
The last thing I heard was the scum sucking bastard saying, "Good night, my angel."
"Good night," Kathy said.
I heard what sounded like it might have been a kiss and then a door closing.
Raphael returned to the room and stood in front of the camera and said, "Come back tomorrow evening for part two. Tune in at seven o'clock. I think you will enjoy the show, well at least I will." Then he laughed.
When the video ended, I slammed the lid down on my laptop in anger. What kind of game did Kathy think she was playing? It was obvious to me that she had no idea what kind of man this Raphael was. I replayed the conversation I had listened to over and over in my head. It was apparent that Kathy had agreed to have a sexual liaison with that phony Spaniard, but based on what I saw and heard I wasn't sure that Kathy had made up her mind yet. I had no doubt what that pile of human excrement, Raphael had on his mind. He was in full seduction mode.
The part that was the hardest for me to understand was why that asshole had invited me to observe his quest to bed my wife. Was this some sick game to him, or was there something even more sinister happening here?
I called the house again. No answer. I called Kathy's cell phone again. No answer.
The next call I made was to US Airways. I was able to book a flight from San Jose to Philadelphia departing at 6:20 in the morning, making one stop in Phoenix and arriving in Philadelphia at 4:51 PM. I arranged for a rental car in Philly to make the hour long drive to Princeton. Next, I called John Odem and left him the following message.
"John, this is, Walt Martin. I have a family emergency I have to deal with, so I will have to drop out of the class. Hopefully, I will be able to get a seat in another class in the near future. Thanks.
I slept very little and gave up trying at three o'clock. I tried calling Kathy again, but there was still no answer at home or on her cell phone. I waited a half hour and then called her mother. Kathy's mother, Connie, lives in East Brunswick, New Jersey and I knew she would be up at 6:30 in the morning. I didn't want to alarm her, but I had to try to locate Kathy before things got too far out of hand. I asked Connie if she had talked to Kathy on Tuesday, and she told me that she hadn't heard from Kathy since Sunday evening. Kathy hadn't told her of any plans she had for the week.
"Is something wrong?" she asked me.
"I don't know," I said. "I wasn't able to get a hold of Kathy yesterday or this morning. I am sure she must be visiting a friend, and I'll hear from her later today."
"I'm sure you're right," Connie said, but I could hear the concern in her voice.
I thought about whom else I might call, but it hit me that if Kathy was doing something that she didn't want me to know about she probably didn't tell anyone else about her intentions. She would not have told anyone where she was going or why. My only hope was that she would be at work when I called.
I packed my things, checked out of the hotel and caught a cab to the San Jose airport. It was 5:15 AM when I got to my gate. Kathy usually got to her office by 8:00 AM so I waited fifteen minutes until 5:30 Pacific, 8:30 Eastern time to call her there. The department secretary answered Kathy's phone. When I asked to speak with Kathy the secretary told me that Kathy was out for the rest of the week. When I identified myself and asked for more information, She told me that Kathy called in Tuesday morning and said that she would be away for the rest of the week. She didn't say why.
I had talked to Kathy Monday morning, and she never mentioned taking time off from work. Did she already know when she talked to me that she would be spending the day with Raphael, the limp wrested Spaniard, on Tuesday or did those plans come up after we talked?
The trip home gave me plenty of time to think. I had to push myself past the pain and anger over what Kathy was doing so that I could think clearly. I had two problems I had to solve. First I had to find out what Kathy was doing and why. Was she going to end up in bed with the slick son of a bitch? Had she already had sex with him and if so, how long had this been going on? I remembered Kathy said something in the video about just being there to help the skunk through a bad time. I knew that Kathy was a soft touch, but I had no idea that she was so naive. Apparently, Raphael fed Kathy one hell of a story to suck her into whatever he had planned for her.
That brought me to my second problem. Why was Raphael after my wife and why did he want me to watch what he was doing with her? I knew that the video I watched Tuesday night was not a live stream because it started at 12:02 PM. The shit bird showed his watch so that I would know that it was 12:02 PM. It was 7:00 PM in San Jose when I watched the video. Was the video recorded earlier Tuesday, or could it have been recorded Monday? It might even have been recorded a week ago or a month ago, although I didn't think that was the case. I believed that the video had been recorded on Tuesday, but I couldn't be certain. I wondered if there would be another video Wednesday night, and if so, would it be a live stream or something recorded earlier? Could it be that whatever I might see that night had already taken place?
The biggest question in my mind was "Why would Kathy do this to me?" I thought we had a strong marriage. Never in the twelve years of our marriage had I ever doubted that Kathy loved me. There had been no change in Kathy's behavior toward me over the last few weeks that would indicate a problem in our marriage. We made love three times over the weekend before I left for San Jose. There was nothing unusual about that. We often made love multiple times on weekends. None of this was making sense, and it was killing me.
WEDNESDAY 5:00 PM Eastern Time
There were two messages on my cell phone when I turned it on after we landed in Philadelphia. I waited until I was on the bus to the rental car lot before I listened to the calls. I was hoping that at least one of them would be from Kathy, but they were both from Cam Penney.
In the first message, Cam sounded rather upset with me. "Walt, I expected you to send me that data I ask for yesterday. I needed it for a meeting today."
In the second message, I couldn't tell if he was concerned or just plain angry. "Walt, what the hell is going on? I called John Odem to see if I could get a hold of you but he told me that you dropped out of the class. Call me when you get this message and tell me what you are up to."
I called Cam from my rental car and told him that I had a personal crisis I had to take care of, and I would need a few days off to handle it. Cam wasn't very happy that I wouldn't tell him anything more than that, but he said he would give me the time I needed.
Cam ended the call by saying, "If anyone else pulled this shit I would have fired him. Next time you have a problem, call me before you pull a disappearing act, or it will be your last time."
I walked into our house in Princeton at six o'clock that evening and went directly to the kitchen hoping to find that Kathy had left a note. Since I was supposed to be in San Jose all week, I didn't expect there would be one, but I looked anyway. Next, I went into our bedroom, not knowing what I hoped to find. The bed was made, which didn't tell me anything. On top of the bed were two of Kathy's blouses and there was a pair of blue jeans hanging off the end of the bed. Nothing else in the room seemed out of place. I peeked into Kathy's closet and saw that her clothes were still there. The last stop was the bathroom, where I found that most of Kathy's cosmetics were still in her drawer and her prescription meds, including her birth control pills, were still in the medicine cabinet. I opened her birth control pill case and saw that she had taken some of the pills with her when she left. The next pill in the case was for the coming Friday. I guessed that meant she was planning on being home by Friday. Kathy usually takes her birth control pill in the morning, so I guessed that her plan was to come home sometime on Thursday.
I was full of nervous energy, so I went back into the bedroom and picked Kathy's clothes up off the bed laid them in a chair. When I pick Kathy's jeans up, I found Kathy's cell phone. I wondered if she forgot to take her phone, or if she intentionally left it home so that I could not call her and interrupt her rendezvous with Don Juan the Weasel.
"If she wanted to fucking talk to me she could have found a phone," I shouted and threw her cell phone across the room. The phone hit Kathy's dresser mirror shattering both the mirror and the phone. I could feel my anger building, and there was nothing I could do about it. Without knowing where she was or how to contact her, I felt stymied. Why was she doing this to me?
I went into the study and turned on my desktop computer, and while it booted up, I went to the kitchen to make myself a sandwich. I ended up staring into the refrigerator for five minutes until I realized that although I hadn't eaten since lunch on Tuesday, I didn't feel like eating.
It wasn't seven o'clock yet, so when I went back into the study and checked my email. There in my inbox was another note from WTF. I didn't want to read the note, but I knew that I had to.
"I know you watched last night, Walt. Did you enjoy the show? I hope it wasn't too boring for you. I am sure you'll enjoy tonight's performance even more." The note ended with the link to ‘whatisyourwifedoing'.
When I finished reading the note, I slammed my right fist onto my desk. I didn't feel the pain until I tried to straighten out my fingers. The pain shot up my arm, and I knew that I had broken something in my hand.
My hand began to swell almost immediately. I knew that I should go to the emergency room and get my hand taken care of, but I was not going anywhere before I watched to see what happened on the website. I had to know how far Kathy would go.
I went to the kitchen and got a bag of ice and a towel, and then went back to the study. I wrapped my right hand in the towel and covered it with the ice bag. I had to manipulate the mouse with my left hand, which I found to be very awkward, but not impossible. I clicked on the link in the note.
The site looked the same. However, I got a surprise when I looked at the timer in the media window. It was counting down from three hours and ten minutes. I didn't immediately understand what that meant. Raphael had said that I should tune in at seven o'clock. It took a moment, but then it came to me. Raphael thought I was still on the west coast when he told me to tune in at seven o'clock. I was going to have to wait until ten o'clock eastern time to see what Kathy was going to do.
I had more than three hours to wait, and the pain in my hand was making my eyes water. I took two Advil and tried to get my mind off the pain by concentrating on my other problems. Would Kathy cheat on me with that phony fuck? I just couldn't understand how she could have gotten herself involved with a parasite like Raphael. Kathy was a loving, generous and outgoing person, always careful not to do or say anything that would hurt someone else. I always felt lucky to have her in my life, but I was beginning to think that I was going to lose her. It made no sense that she would be having an affair with this rectum dweller. She didn't the time. I seldom traveled, and Kathy was always a homebody. She was never interested in going for a night out with the girls. Whenever Kathy went out it was always with me. I was sure that she is happy with me, or at least she seemed to be until I left the house Sunday. What had changed?
What was the mustachioed tapeworm's game? I could understand why he would want to bed Kathy; after all, she is an attractive woman, but why in the hell did he want me to see what he was doing? The only thing I could think of was that he possibly had a vendetta against me, and this was his way of getting even. I needed to get a picture of this guy. I was expecting that I would see another streaming video, but I had no way to send streaming video to a file or to record it. Just then, an idea came to me. I opened my desk drawer and got my digital video camera. I set the camera in front of my computer screen and set it to record full motion video with sound and then waited while the counter on the screen counted down to the end of my marriage.
When there were just thirty seconds left on the counter, I turned my camera on and pushed the record button. I felt my heart pounding in my chest as I watched the counter roll over to all zeros. After a second or two of a black screen, the interior of a hotel room appeared. The picture wasn't what I was expecting (actually I didn't know what I was expecting), so it wasn't until I saw something move that I noticed that Kathy was lying on her back on the bed with her hands folded on her chest. It didn't appear that there was anyone else in the room with her. I could only see the side of her head, so I couldn't tell for sure if she was awake or sleeping.
The room did not appear to be a standard hotel room. It was a bit upscale from rooms where I had stayed. I examined the video to see if there was anything in the room that would tell me where Kathy was and if what I was watching was a live video stream or something recorded earlier. The perspective of the picture told me that the camera was mounted in the corner of the room up near the ceiling. In addition to a king size bed, the room contained a desk and a dresser with a vanity built into the center. There was also a full-length mirror on the wall next to the dresser, but there was nothing in the room that would help me discover where Kathy was, or how I could get to her.
Nothing happened for the next few minutes until I heard what sounded like a knock on her door. Kathy sat up and looked toward the sound, but didn't immediately get off the bed. It wasn't until there was a second knock that Kathy got up and started toward the door. The camera position didn't allow me to see down the short hallway that led to the door, but I heard Kathy say, "Who's there?"
"It's the bellman. I have a package for you."
I could hear the Kathy opening the door and then, "Who is this from?"
"I'm sorry, I don't know. It was left at the front desk with instructions to deliver it at six o'clock."
If the bellman was delivering a package at six o'clock, the video I was watching was already over four hours old.
I heard Kathy say, "Just a minute."
Kathy came back into the room carrying a box wrapped in plain brown paper. Kathy dropped the box onto the bed, picked up her purse and went back to the door. The bellman thanked Kathy; I assumed that she must have given him a tip, and then I heard the door close.
When she came back into the room, Kathy picked up the package and removed the wrapping paper. She opened the box and then threw it onto the bed and jumped back as if whatever was inside the box upset her.
I didn't know what to make of Kathy's response to the box. She seemed to be frozen in place until the ringing of the phone next to the bed startled her.
Kathy let the phone ring two more times before she answered.
"Hello? Okay, I guess... Yes, it just came. You shouldn't have done this. They are very nice. Yes, if you want me to I'll wear them tonight. I'll be in the lobby at 7:30. Okay, I'll see you then."
I guessed that the polyp from a pig's ass, Raphael, timed his call to catch Kathy just after she received the package. Judging from Kathy's side of the conversation I guessed the package contained something that he wanted her to wear.
After Kathy had put the phone down, she picked up the box from the bed and disappeared into the bathroom. When I heard the shower running, I checked the time saw that it was 10:20 PM. Even thou I knew that what I was watching on the screen had taken place four hours earlier I still sat and waited for Kathy to reappear. I didn't know what else I could do.
It was more than fifteen minutes before the sound of the shower stopped and a few minutes later, I heard the sound of a hair dryer. It was another ten minutes before Kathy came out of the bathroom. When she did, she was wearing one of those bathrobes that the better hotels provide for their guests. Unfortunately, there was nothing on the front of the robe that would identify the hotel where Kathy was staying.
Kathy stopped in front of the full-length mirror and looked at her reflection for a moment, and then she slowly slipped the bathrobe off her shoulders and let it drop to the floor. At that moment, my blood pressure must have gone up at least twenty points.
Kathy was wearing a very sexy black bra and matching panties. The bra was sheer and only just barely covered her nipples, leaving the tops of her breasts exposed. The panties were French cut and sheer enough that I could see the shadow of the small triangle of her pubic hair through the thin material. Adding to the overall effect was a pair of black thigh high stockings. The impact of her bra, panties, and stockings was devastating to me. Seeing Kathy's tall, lithe body adorned in such sexy lingerie, sexier that anything I had seen her wear in a long time, made it difficult for me to breathe.
I watched as Kathy stood in front of the mirror checking her stockings, turning to see them from every angle. Once she had the stockings positioned to her satisfaction, Kathy opened one of the drawers in the dresser and got her makeup case. Then Kathy sat down at the vanity and started putting her makeup on. It was pure torture to watch Kathy sitting there in that sexy underwear while she made herself even more beautiful, when I knew she wasn't doing it for me.
I had to get up and walk around the room as I tried to calm myself down. I was so angry that I had trouble thinking. Nothing made sense to me. I considered the idea that Kathy might be doing this to me as punishment for some perceived wrong, but I knew I hadn't done anything wrong. I also knew that if we had a problem, Kathy would have talked to me before she would do anything this crazy. Finally, I just gave up. I knew that I was going to have to wait until I could talk to Kathy before I could even begin to understand what was happening.
When Kathy finished with her makeup, she looked at her reflection for a long time. She must have liked what she saw because she was smiling as she got up and walked to the closet. Kathy took a black spaghetti strap cocktail dress off a hanger and slipped it on over her head. The little black dress looked great on Kathy and knowing what she was wearing under that dress made her look even sexier. The fact that she was dressed that way for another man was killing me.
For the next few minutes, Kathy paced nervously around the room and then finally seeming to make a decision she picked up the phone and started to make a call. She punched in a few numbers and then stopped. "I can't call him now," she said to herself and then put the phone down.
I wondered who Kathy had been about to call. Could it have been me? What stopped her? If she had called me, I could have put an end to my nightmare. I checked the time again. It was 11:25 PM. Whatever Kathy was going to do had already happened. It had started three hours and fifty-five minutes earlier when Kathy left her room to meet her sleazy Latin lover in the hotel lobby.
My hand was throbbing, my stomach was burning, and I felt completely lost as I watched Kathy move down the short hallway that led to the door. A few seconds later, I heard the sound of her door opening and then closing behind her. The video faded to black, and a note appeared on the screen telling me that the show would begin again in fifteen minutes. Then the timer appeared on the screen.
For the next fifteen minutes, I wondered how my loving wife, the woman I had loved and trusted for the last twelve years, could be doing this to me, to us. Kathy isn't that stupid, at least I never thought she was. She is kind and generous, thoughtful and helpful, not mean-spirited or malicious. She is a little gullible at times because she was too trusting, but Kathy's main weakness had always been her inability to say no to anyone that needed help. I had to believe that somehow, Raphael had played on Kathy's sympathy, but I still couldn't believe that she could be seduced so easily by such an obvious slime ball.
I did manage to eat a sandwich to settle my stomach down at least a little, but every time I thought about what I might be watching when the video started again, my stomach would begin to roll.
At exactly 11:40 the video started again. The scene was the interior of the same room that I had seen on Tuesday night. No one was in the room, but I knew that there soon would be. Studying the room again while waiting for Kathy and the walking dead man to return, I noticed a digital clock on a table next to the sofa that I hadn't seen the previous night. The time on the clock was 11:14 PM. That meant that instead of being four hours old, like the video of Kathy in her hotel room, this new video feed I was watching was only about twenty-five minutes old.
I had just realized the time difference in the video segments when I heard the sound of a door opening. I felt a lump in my throat; my heart began beating hard and fast, and my hands felt cold and clammy. I was afraid that I might start hyperventilating and pass out, but I managed to force myself to keep my breathing under control. Raphael was holding Kathy's hand as he led here into the room. The asshole stopped in front of the camera and kissed Kathy's hand and then left her standing alone as he moved out of the picture for a minute. I couldn't help but admire Kathy's simple beauty as she just stood quietly and waited for that worm to return.
Suddenly, music began to play. Raphael stepped up behind Kathy, wrapped his arms around her, pulled her back against his chest and began swaying back and forth to the music. They stayed like that for one whole song then Raphael turned Kathy around to face him and kissed her. Kathy's response seemed to me to be less than enthusiastic. When he kissed her a second time, I saw very little change in her demeanor. Raphael looked at her and asked if something was wrong and Kathy said, "No. It's just that, well, I am still a little uncomfortable."
Raphael stepped back and looked into Kathy's eyes. "You're not having second thoughts are you?"
"No. It's just that this will be the first time I have been with another man since I met Walt. I promised to stay with you tonight and I will, but I just need a moment to calm myself.
Raphael said, "That's okay." He took Kathy's hand and led her over to the sofa. "Why don't we sit for a while?"
The two of them sat down, Raphael took both of Kathy's hands into his and then kissed each hand. "I am so thankful to you for being here with me tonight. I know this is difficult for you, but you know that you are my salvation. You are so kind and generous; you deserve to be treated special, and that is what I plan to do."
"Why can't you see what this asshole is doing?" I screamed at my computer screen. I was so angry that I had to get up and walk around the room. Listening to that weasel as he played his game with my wife was making me crazy. If he only knew how badly I wanted to kill him, he would quit his seduction and run away in fear. "I will find you, and you will pay, asshole."
When I had calmed down enough that I was able to sit down and look at the computer screen again, I saw Raphael put his arm around Kathy's shoulders and pull her close. He gave her a gentle kiss, just barely brushing his lips against hers and said, "You are so beautiful that you make my heavy heart feel lighter."
The slimy bastard kissed Kathy several more times. At first, it looked as though Kathy was just letting the asshole kiss her but she was soon returning his kisses with passion. The kissing continued for some time, and Raphael had begun massaging Kathy's breasts. Raphael reached behind Kathy, unzipped her dress and slipped the straps off her shoulders.
"Why don't you take the dress off and let me see how beautiful you look," the shit bag said.
Kathy didn't say a word as she stood up and let her dress drop to the floor; she picked it up and laid it on the arm of a chair.
"Stand there and just let me look at you," Raphael said.
Kathy stood in front of the dip shit and did a slow turn. "What do you think?"
"You look so wonderfully sexy. The bra and panties you are wearing are exactly like the ones my Isabel used to wear for our special nights. Seeing you in them brings back such wonderful memories," Raphael said.
While he was talking, I noticed that scum sucking bastard had opened his pants and released his already erect cock from his shorts. When Kathy turned back toward Raphael, she saw his exposed cock and just looked at it for a moment.
Raphael said, "Kathy, come sit with me."
Kathy sat down next to Raphael, and he took her hand, placed it on his cock and guided her hand up and down on his shaft. Raphael kissed Kathy, and then whispered something in her ear. I couldn't hear what he said to her, but Kathy looked at him for a moment, and then she bent down and kissed his cock. She ran her tongue around the head in a circular motion before taking his disgusting flesh tube into her mouth. From the expression on the pervert's face, I could tell he was enjoying the oral attention Kathy was giving him. I sat there watching as my wife was giving that worthless bottom feeder a blowjob, and I felt as if my spine was going to snap from the tension that was building in my body.
It only took Kathy five minutes to make Raphael climax. She took his whole load into her mouth, and then she spit it out into her hand. Raphael handed her a box of tissues from the table next to the sofa, and Kathy used them to clean the mess from her hands.
"Why don't we retire to the bedroom?" Raphael said as he took Kathy by the hand and helped her off the sofa.
When they left the room, the screen went black for only a few seconds and then a new picture appeared, this time it showed the interior of a bedroom.
I sat trying to control my breathing and heart rate. I wondered how much more of this I was going to have to watch. Have to watch? I didn't have to watch any of it, and I didn't want to, but for some reason, I could not turn away.
The two of them came into the room and stopped next to the bed. Raphael moved behind Kathy and began kissing her neck. Kathy tipped her head to the side to expose her neck to him while he reached around her and cupped her breasts in his hands. The little black bra Kathy was wearing opened in the front. Raphael unsnapped it, and Kathy let it slide off her shoulders and drop to the floor. Then Raphael began to massage the bare flesh of Kathy's breasts with his disgusting hands. If this had been a porn video, this might have been a very erotic scene, but since it was my wife the slimy fucker had his hands on, the scene was making me sick.
Raphael moved his hands down Kathy's body and hooked his thumbs into the elastic of her panties. As he pulled her panties down, Raphael got down on his knees and began to kiss the exposed flesh of Kathy's bottom. With her panties around her ankles, Kathy leaned forward and supported herself against the bed as Raphael pressed his tongue into the cleft of her ass.
Once again, I had to get up and walk around the room to calm myself. The pressure in my chest was building to the point that it made me feel like like I might explode. I went into the bathroom, splashed cold water on my face and then just stared at myself in the mirror for a minute. "What are you going to do about this?" I said aloud. "I will find him, and I will kill him."
When I went back into my office and sat down at the computer again, Kathy was on the bed, lying on her back with her knees up and Raphael was climbing up on the bed between her legs. As he leaned forward, Kathy spread her legs wide to give him access to her sweet mound. Raphael turned out to be an enthusiastic pussy eater, and I could see that his efforts were having an effect on Kathy: it wasn't very long before she began to climax. Normally, Kathy is vocal and animated during her orgasm, but this time she wasn't. It seemed as if she was trying to minimize the effect of her orgasm without much success. She reminded me of someone trying not to scream during that first long drop on a roller coaster.
When Kathy's orgasm passed, Raphael moved on top of Kathy, and I watched as he pushed himself inside her and began pumping his cock into that most special place that I thought would always belong only to me. Raphael had pretty good staying power, and brought Kathy to a second orgasm. Unlike the first one this time Kathy let herself go. I can tell you that watching another man give the woman you love an orgasm is not much fun.
Raphael lasted a few minutes after Kathy's orgasm then he yelled, "I'm coming, baby."
He quickened his pace, and I could tell that he was spewing his seed where only mine should be. When Raphael finished ejaculating inside Kathy, he rolled off her and lay by her side. Then, to my horror, the camera zoomed in to show a close-up of Kathy's pussy. I could clearly see her cum matted pubic hair and a drip of semen forming on the lips of her freshly fucked pussy. The camera held the shot for about a minute and then pulled back.
Raphael put his arm around Kathy, pulled her close and kissed her, and then they both just lay there. I watched for a while, and it appeared that Kathy had fallen asleep. Raphael pulled a blanket up to cover them and turned off the lights. It looked like whatever they planned to do; they had done, and now they were going to sleep. With nothing more happening on the screen I once again became aware of how much my hand hurt. I felt torn. Should I stay and monitor the video feed for anything more or should I go to the emergency room? The pain in my hand made the decision for me. I turned off my camera and went to the hospital.
To be continued.
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