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Sarah's Seduction - Part 1

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Sarah's Seduction

Sarah sat in the waiting room looking at the clock on the wall and tapping her foot impatiently. Ten minutes late, she thought, shaking her head. She really did not want to be here, and couldn't wait to get this appointment over. Suddenly the door opened to the office and a young pregnant woman walked out, and said goodbye to a man who walked out behind her. As the woman left, he turned to Sarah.

"Sarah Watson, I presume?" and he extended his hand warmly with a smile. She stood up and looked up at the tall man towering over her, nodded and extended her hand to shake it. His grasp was firm and she thought his suit looked very expensive. He was nearly a foot taller than her, and looked like maybe he was in his late 40's, or so, and had dark black hair which was greying slightly.

He shook her smooth young hand, and smiled back. "Dr. Morgan," he said and ushered her towards the door. "Sorry for the wait, please come in." And as she walked past he admired her loveliness. She was 5'6", 118 lbs, had long brown wavy hair, big brown eyes, and he nodded quickly to himself, admiring her exquisite beauty and perfect skin. She wore a skin tight pair of jeans, running shoes and ankle socks, a T-shirt and sweater. Her young body was curvy and perfect. He was excited about this patient, as he followed her in and shut the door to his office. And she had just recently turned 18.

He ushered her to the couch in the center of the room where she sat down, dropping her backpack beside her on the couch. He rifled through some files on his desk and she noticed his several degrees on the walls and shelves full of books on the mind, and wondered if he had read them all. He found what he needed and pulled his chair out from behind his desk and sat down opposite her, about 5 feet away.

"Sarah, I'm glad you came. I spoke at length with your mother, and she is very concerned about you. Your behavior at school lately has become more and more erratic and she is concerned about you once you go off to college." He flipped some papers in his file, she looked very uninterested. "Now, I understand I'm the third psychiatrist you've seen this year, is that right?"

"Yes," she said meekly, almost embarrassed by it. "They all were a waste of time, I'm fine, I don't need help. I'm just expressing myself," she said, expecting this to be the same as the others, a lot of talking from the shrink, her giving her standard rehearsed answers, and it going nowhere fast.

"I see, yes, well that's good, you're in the right place then. Yes I see they have labeled you as unresponsive and uninterested. Giving them surface answers and nobody was really able to connect with you and get you to open up," He said reading the notes of previous dr's she had seen. He closed the folder and leaned forward, demanding her full attention. "Sarah, I assure you that you are in the right place. I am not like those other Dr's you have seen, and I WILL help you with your issues, and I assure you my methods are very different from any you've seen before.

She rolled her eyes, not believing him at all and glancing at the clock on the wall. "Ok, sure, whatever," she said impatiently.

He continued. "Now, looking here at your file, I see you have engaged in vandalism at school, pulling the fire alarm on numerous occasions, fighting with other girls, skipping class, etc, etc.." he paused, looking up, and she was looking at the floor. Those are pretty bad things to do. I'm sure you've talked about those previously with the other Dr's, right?"

"Yes of course," she said sarcastically. "A cry for attention, they say. Whatever, so what if it is?"

"Well, if that's true, then we need to get you the attention you seek, and teach you to set it in healthier ways. But this is quite serious Sarah. I see you've been suspended many times and threatened with expulsion if this continues. Looking at your marks, you're actually a very good student when you attend class. If you applied yourself and worked hard for the rest of the year you could easily get a scholarship to college. Do you realize that?" he asked.

Sighing, she replied, "Yes, I know, my mother has had the same talk with me, and the principal. But I'm 18 now and want my independence and don't want adults telling me what to do. I'm an adult now myself."

"Yes, you are," he noticed in her file her birthdate and realized she had just turned 18 recently. "And that brings me to my next point Sarah, which you just eluded to. Authority figures, especially male authority figures. You have no respect for them at all it says here. You want to make your own decisions and be treated like an adult, well that starts with respect Sarah. Respect those in authority over you and they will respect you back. That is adult behavior, not doing so is childish. Do you get that?"

She looked at the floor, paused, and slowly nodded. "Yah, I guess so," she agreed quietly. "I guess it's something I need to do better at."

"And admitting that is a sign of maturity, and being an adult. Well done, I'm proud of you Sarah for admitting that," he said, smiling.

She felt validated, approved of. "Thanks," she said quietly, not having experienced much of that before. Maybe this old dude's ok after all, she thought to herself.

"Sarah, look at me," he instructed. Slowly she brought her gaze to his and struggled to keep it. "Sarah, I suspect your defiance of male authority is directly related to your father leaving you when you were very young, and your acting out your anger towards all men in authority over you because of that. What do you think of that?"

Again, she paused, hesitating. She did not like thinking of her Dad leaving. "Um, yah I guess, sounds right," she said quietly, feeling his strong gaze locked on hers.

"Well done, I know that's not hard to admit, so good job in doing that. I think part of the defiance is so you will get in trouble, and get attention from it, approval in a negative way. Does that make sense?"

"Yes," she said, nodding. He had her pegged perfectly, and she felt kind of uneasy how well he was determining her issues. She could not maintain eye contact any longer and looked away.

He paused, writing some notes. Then continued finally. "Sarah, I think you crave attention and approval very badly. That's what behind all the acts of defiance and rebellion, especially male attention, as you seek what your father never gave you. And this next part is important, I think part of you seeks sexual attention. Especially from older men who could be father types."

She gasped out loud, horrified that he could say that. Seeing her reaction, he continued.

"Sarah, you wore skin tight jeans to my office today, knowing you were here for a psychological appointment. You could've worn anything, but knew it would be you and me alone, and you wore skin tight jeans. This means only one thing, part of you wants me to notice you, your body, your sex appeal. That is the only reason females wear skin tight clothes. But, before you freak out, relax. This is only part of your dynamic with wanting attention. It's all very complex and very inter-related. And we are going to approach this very carefully and very strategically. OK?"

She was still in shock at him commenting on her sexy body. "Um, yah sure. I don't know what you mean though," she replied, confused.

"Sarah, look at me again, this next part is very important." He waited, and she struggled, but eventually brought her beautiful eyes back to his gaze. "Sarah, I mentioned a few minutes ago that my methods are very different than anyone else's. I'm going to ask you to do and talk about things you are not going to want to do and talk about. You may feel it's too personal or too intimate, or anything else, but I assure you I have your best interests at heart. You will come through this better than you are now. You just turned 18 recently and you need help before you go off on your own to college. What I need from you is commitment, to do what I say and be honest with me and yourself at all times, no matter how uncomfortable. Do I have your commitment?"

She nodded, but he insisted she speak it. She took a deep breath, and said, "Yes, you have my commitment."

"Good, then let's begin the therapy," he said. "Sarah, have you heard of something called Emotional Transferrance?" she shook her head. "I didn't think so. Basically, it means replicating your emotional issues in another form, in order to teach your brain that they are not a big deal after all. Let me give you an example. You are afraid to be vulnerable emotionally. You don't want to get hurt, or feel unsafe, right?"

She nodded, "Yes, that's right," she said softly.

"Good. Then we need to work on making you feel vulnerable, but in a safe way, so your brain can reprogram itself to feel safe emotionally. The way we are going to do this is physically. If you feel vulnerable, exposed and afraid physically, and yet come to realize those feelings are not legitimate, and you are safe, then your brain will transfer that to an emotional side as well, and it will help you break down your walls. Does this make sense Sarah?"

"Um, I guess so, I think so," she said, thinking like it did but not exactly sure what he was getting at.

"Good," he replied. "Now it doesn't happen all at once, it's a process and will take several sessions but we'll take it one step at a time. Are you ready to begin?"

She wasn't sure what ready to begin actually meant, what she was beginning, but she nodded in compliance.

"Good, Sarah, stand up," he commanded. She stood. "Good, now take off your shoes and socks." She thought that was an odd instruction, and didn't really see the relevance, but nodded and took them off, placing them on floor beside the couch. He smiled slightly at her sexy young feet and toes. "Good, you are doing well. How do you feel?" he asked.

"Um, fine I guess. A little curious I guess but fine," she replied.

"Good, next Sarah, remove your sweater," he instructed her so matter-of-factly, like it was no big deal. She didn't want to take it off, as it was a little chilly in here and she liked it on, giving her a feeling of emotional protection. She hesitated. "Remember Sarah, these are new things you haven't done before. These are to help you, trust me, and do what I ask of you. Now take it off." He sounded almost angry but not quite.

She wasn't sure where this was going, but figured ok, it's just a sweater. She reached down and pulled it up over her head and off, laying it beside where she was sitting on the couch. Still standing, she stood there fidgeting, as he made some notes.

"Well done Sarah, you're doing well. Next, take off your T-shirt." She hesitated. Somewhere in her head she thought maybe he was going here, but didn't want to believe it. She did not want go to this level, exposing herself and having only her thin bra between her and him seeing her naked breasts. And how far was he going to go? Surely not past her undergarments, she thought to herself. He saw the look of worry and disbelief and reluctance on her face. He waited patiently, staring at her.

"Um, Dr. I, I don't think I want to do that. It's just that, um, well, I'll be, too, um, exposed," she said, shifting nervously in front of him.

He nodded and replied, "Yes Sarah, you will be exposed. That is the whole point, to get you exposed, completely exposed, to make you feel vulnerable. You're going to see this will not be nearly as bad as you think it will be. Now you promised your commitment to this process, and I expect you to keep your word. Trust me Sarah, this is helpful for you. Now, take off your shirt," he instructed again.

She did not want to do this, but everything he said made sense and she couldn't refute it in her head. With shaking hands she reached down and lifted the bottom of her shirt up over her head, exposing her sexy black bra and feeling her nipples instantly harden as she pulled it off of her head and her arms and laid it down neatly on her every growing pile of clothes on the couch beside her. She remained standing, shifting nervously as he stared at her beautiful B cup breasts, so very firm in her tight bra.

"Excellent Sarah, well done. How do you feel?" he asked.

"Exposed, nervous, and worried," she replied, looking terrified.

"Good," he replied, "Then we are making progress. Sarah, look at me," he instructed. Reluctantly she brought her gaze back to his once again.

"Undo the button and slide down the zipper on your jeans," Dr. Morgan commanded. Sarah gasped loudly. This cannot be happening, she thought. How far is he going to go with this, she thought to herself and felt terrified. This would expose her thong, which she did not want him to know she was wearing. "Um, Dr., um, uh, I can't, um, do that," she hesitated to think of a good reason why without actually telling him. "I, um, it just feels wrong," was all she could think of. Immediately he replied, "Sarah, you have gotten to where you are in your life by doing things your way, right?" she nodded.

"Well, look where that has gotten you. Not a good place young lady. Trust me, trust this process, you will be fine and you will come out on the other side better than you are now."

She felt somewhat reassured, but still, it was a thong, and it was so intimate. She hesitated. "But Dr., you don't understand." She blushed, knowing she had to confess. "I, I, I, um, , well, uh, I , um, am only , um, wearing a thong. I can't."

He made some notes.."Another sign Sarah that you want and crave sexual attention. First your skin tight jeans that show your curves and now you confess to me you are wearing a thong. That's good Sarah. I assure you that you will get all the attention you seek, sexual and otherwise, and this will help with your vulnerability. Now, open your button and slide down your zipper and pull the front of your jeans open."

She had run out of excuses, and still blushing, didn't see a way out of this. What he said made sense she thought, but she didn't like it at all. With shaking fingers she undid her button, slid the zipper down and open the front of her jeans, exposing the front of her sexy black thong. She shuddered as he stared.

"Well done Sarah, good. By obeying me, you are also learning to respect authority. Now, Sarah, this is very important. I need you to look at me, into my eyes, while you remove your jeans. Do not take your eyes off of me as you take them off. Do it now!"

Everything in her told her not to do this. What was she getting into, she thought. Her mind raced and she couldn't think of any excuse to get out of this. What he said about vulnerability and all that made sense, she thought on some level. Deep down inside, not even aware yet, she was getting turned on by this, and that may have led to her compliance. She sighed, and looked at him, struggling to keep eye contact, as her shaking fingers slid her tight jeans down slowly, and she bent forward pulling one leg out slowly, and then the other, shuddering as she was forced to keep his eye contact. She finally stood, put her jeans on the pile beside her on the couch, and stood silently, shifting uncomfortable as he saw her tiny black thong on display, barely hiding her tight teen vagina.

He made some notes."Very good Sarah, in fact you've done incredibly well to get this far this fast. I'm very proud of you," he said.

"Thank you Dr.," she replied, feeling very embarrassed on display in front of him.

He made some notes, making her stand there for a minute or so. Then, looking up once again, he instructed, "Sarah, you have done very well listening to and obeying my instructions. You are learning to respect authority, and that's good. I think you know what's next. Being in your bra and thong is one thing, but you are about to expose your naked body to me, and I know that's going to be tough for you. But trust me that I know what I'm doing and this is good for you. Now, Sarah, next, take off your bra."

Somehow she knew this was coming, but hearing him instruct her to do it felt overwhelming. ‘He is a Dr,' she thought to herself, ‘it's ok.' But she felt incredibly nervous, embarrassed, overwhelmed, and many other feelings she wasn't even aware of at this point. She wanted to say she couldn't, she wouldn't demean herself like this, but somehow she knew that would be pointless. She wanted to grab her clothes, and run out of here and not come back, but she knew that too was pointless. She sighed. She had to try, she told herself. His methods sound crazy, but he didn't get this far by being crazy. She did not make eye contact, and with shaking hands she reached back and unhooked her bra strap behind her, and slowly slid her thin bra down her smooth arms and off, placing it neatly on the growing pile of clothes beside her. Immediately as she looked up and saw him staring her reaction was to cover her young, firm breasts, but she knew she couldn't, so she stopped herself and lowered her arms to her sides.

Her breasts were exquisite he thought, as he stared at them for several long seconds. They were very firm, and her young nipples were ripe and hard as stones, poking out towards him prominently.

She blushed, and looked at the floor, thoroughly embarrassed and unable to make eye contact.

"Sarah," his deep voice said, "Look at me."

Slowly, reluctantly, hesitantly, she looked up, making eye contact and shuddering.

"Sarah you have exquisite young breasts. They are the perfect size, very firm, perfectly round, and your nipples are very hard right now. Any boy, or man for that matter, would be very sexually aroused looking at them. This is nothing to be embarrassed about."

Somehow despite him telling her all this was therapy, she didn't think he should be talking about her breasts in a sexual manner like that. It made her feel more like a piece of meat then she already did.

"Um, thank you," she said softly, not really sure how to respond.

"Sarah, tell me how you feel right now?" he asked his favorite question.

"Um, nervous, and exposed, and uncomfortable, um, I don't know what else," she replied.

"Yes, I expect all those feelings and probably others you're not aware of yet. Sarah you may feel it was inappropriate for me to talk about how perfect your young breasts are. After all, it's a sexual reference and we are not in a sexual relationship. However, do you remember earlier when I mentioned part of you is craving sexual attention and approval?"

She nodded but didn't answer.

"Well, this is true. You wore skin tight jeans, and you have on a tiny thong, and I'm guessing your vagina is probably shaved bare." She blushed and squirmed when he said this. "These are all signs Sarah that you crave sexual attention on some level. Sexual validation if you will. Part of you wants males to look at your body, to notice it. That's ok, it's perfectly normal for a teen girl to feel that way. Part of you is getting very aroused and turned on by undressing in front of me, and showing me your body. This is why your nipples are so hard. I am giving you that sexual approval that you need, but I'm sincere about it. On some level in your psyche, this is what you want and you will feel better for it. We will work on this more and discuss this more in future sessions. Part of your rebelliousness is really just craving attention. I will give you the attention you need, sexual and otherwise in future sessions. Do you understand?"

"I think so," she said, it seemed to make sense but she still felt like a piece of meat.

"Good, you've done well Sarah, I'm proud of you. Now are you ready for the next step? We're almost done," he continued.

She knew her thong was next, she knew it, and she did not want to take it off. She nodded slowly, and cringed as she heard his words.

"Sarah, take off your thong," he instructed calmly. Again, she hesitated. She was almost completely naked, standing in front of this man more than twice her age, that she had just met less than an hour ago. And he knew her vagina was shaved, but still, that little thin piece of material hiding her young pussy lips from his view gave her some feeling of dignity still, and she did not want to lose that. She knew she had to comply, but felt she just had to try to get out of this one last time, she couldn't be completely naked, she just couldn't.

"Um, Dr., uh, can we, um, skip that part," was all she could think of to say. "I, um, don't want to expose myself like that. To you," again her eyes darted for the floor as she spoke.

Very calmly, as always, he responded. "Sarah, look at me," and he waited for her to comply. She struggled of course, but eventually met his gaze. "Good girl. You made a commitment to do your best, and resistance is not your best. You owe it to me, and more importantly to yourself, to go through with this. You will be stronger on the other side. And besides, you need to practice obeying me, respecting my authority over you. Now, what are you going to do?" And don't look away, maintain eye contact with me.

"Take off my thong," she said softly, looking at him. She had run out of excuses and didn't know what else to say. Slowly with shaking fingers she slid it down, leaning forward, trying to cover her young pussy with her body as she slid her thong down to her knees. Off one leg, and off the other, and as she added it to her pile of clothes, she was very reluctant to stand up straight again, trying desperately not to reveal her naked pussy to this man. At last however, she knew she had to and managed to stand up straight again, giving him a full view, although she shifted uncomfortably in front of him.

"Excellent!" he praised her. "Like your breasts Sarah, your young vagina is perfect. Shaved bare as I thought, makes it very sexually appealing to me, or to any man. You should be proud to show it off, not embarrassed by it. Now, you are standing completely naked in front of me. How do you feel?" By now, she hated that question.

"Just totally uncomfortable," she said, looking at the floor. "Exposed, and just totally uncomfortable," was all she could think of to say.

"Very understandable and totally normal feelings young lady," he replied. "Sarah, you've done very well so far. Now I need you to turn around and show me your bum." She didn't like it, but figured there was no point in arguing, and she would rather show him that then her vagina, so she turned around. Nodding his approval he said, "Very nice Sarah. You have a perfect bum. Round, firm, very smooth. Perfect for spanking. You may turn around now." And she did and immediately questioned him, not liking at all that comment.

"What do you mean perfect for spanking Dr.? I don't like that comment at all," she said, quite upset.

"Sarah, according to your file, you have done many bad things at school. Vandalism, theft of property, graffiti, fighting, etc, etc.. Other than detentions here and there you have not been punished for these things have you?"

"Well, yes, my detentions were my punishment," she replied, quite certain she had been punished for them.

"Punishment, young lady, is supposed to be a deterrent from repeating bad behavior. These detentions did not deter you from anything. They were not adequate punishment. Part of growing up, part of maturing, and learning respect is to accept responsibility and consequences to your actions. I have determined that spankings are often a very effective deterrent from performing bad behavior again. You NEED to be spanked Sarah. You need to be spanked several times, repeatedly. I WILL be spanking you Sarah. So that you know that doing these things again means you will be disciplined. You need to learn this. And you will. But that is a lesson for another day. You may sit down now," he instructed and she sat on the couch, and closed her legs tight so she wouldn't expose her naked vagina. She couldn't believe he was talking about spanking her, and on her naked butt as well. There was no way she would subject herself to being spanked. She didn't know when he planned this, but she would not let it happen, she was determined to make sure of it.

Then he got up, walked over to her, took her pile of clothes, and as she watched in horror, walked to a cabinet against the wall, placed her clothes inside, shut the doors, locked them, and put the key in his pocket. She gasped out loud. Being naked was one thing, but at least having her clothes beside her gave her some feeling of comfort because she could put them back on if she had to. Now they were gone and she felt totally helpless. "Dr., my clothes, why? What are you doing?" she asked, clearly quite disturbed.

"It's one of the last steps Sarah in helping you to feel truly vulnerable," he said as he sat back down. "With your clothes gone and inaccessible to you, you will feel truly exposed on a physical level, and we can work with that. You will be naked in my office for the rest of the session. When you get your clothes back is up to me. I therefore have all the power. You're power to cover your naked body from me is gone with your clothes. It's very important that your naked body is on display for me. This is the second last step with vulnerability. Now, there is one last step in achieving full exposure and vulnerability here Sarah," he said sternly.

She looked at him puzzled, she was completely naked, and didn't know what else he could possibly want.

"Sarah," his powerful voice continued, "Open your legs. I need a full view of your bare vagina for us to complete this part of the therapy. She hesitated, and didn't understand why this was necessary, but she felt arguing any more was pointless. Slowly, compliantly, she opened her smooth, long legs, exposing her most intimate self to this man in front of her.

"Wider," he said, "All the way open." She continued, until she could not open her legs any wider. She sat with her hands on her thighs, but was very fidgety and they moved all around and she wanted to cover up so bad. She felt her nipples get even harder and didn't understand why.

"Very good Sarah, in fact that's excellent. Your bare vagina lips are exposed to me, as they should be. You are presenting yourself, the same way you would if we were going to have sex. Spreading your legs wide open to invite a man or boy into your vagina. In here, in this case, by sitting here with your legs open, you are inviting me into your vagina, in a manner of speaking. I imagine now you feel the height of vulnerability and exposure. Sitting completely naked, just a few feet away from me, with no access to your clothes. I'm sure you have never been this vulnerable before, especially in a sexual way with a man. I'm sure there is part of you that is very turned on by this, exposing yourself to me like this. Your most intimate self. Now there are no barriers between us, your young, naked body is on display. We are in an excellent place now Sarah, and from here we can make some real progress. You have an exceptional young body Sarah. You are far sexier than I thought you would be. I have to admit, even being the consummate professional that I am, I am aroused myself at your perfect young naked body. Fortunately, I know how to control myself, and this is a safe environment for you to be naked in. You are a very sexy and beautiful young woman. You have perfect young firm breasts, a perfect round butt, and a perfect shaved vagina. Your young nipples are so hard right now they are desperate for sexual attention. Desperate to be touched or sucked on. You are incredibly sexually appealing, in every way. I want you to know that and embrace it, as, like I said earlier, there is a part of your psyche seeking that approval. This level of exposure, naked, clothes locked up, with your young legs spread open wide in front of me, and your bare breasts, hard nipples and shaved vagina on display for me, is going to be our new starting point from now on. This is where we can really visit and get real with your deep issues, and face them head on and conquer them. So, Sarah, in our following sessions, this is your starting point. You will come in, say hello, proceed to take off all of your clothes, lock them in that cabinet, bring me the key, then sit down here and open your legs wide, make sure your nipples are very hard, and presenting your young naked body completely to me, offering it to me. That is the height of vulnerability for you. Then we will get started. Understand?"

"Every session? I have to be naked? I was hoping this was a one time thing. That is going to be very uncomfortable for me," she replied, quite disturbed with taking her clothes off every session in here.

"Yes, it will be, and it's necessary. Sarah you didn't develop your issues overnight did you?" She shook her head.

"No, you didn't," he continued. "It took years, and it will take us some time to address them. Trust me , I know what I'm doing and this will work. Do I have your commitment?"

She nodded slowly, hating the idea of stripping each session, but knowing there was nothing she could say that would change his mind. "Yes, ok, fine" she said.

"Tell me what you are committing to?" he asked as he wanted to hear her say it. She paused and took a deep breath before answering.

"Um, Uh, I'm committing to at the beginning of every session from now on, taking my clothes off, locking them in that cabinet, giving you the key, and sitting on this chair. And, um, opening my legs and exposing my, um naked body to you, before we start our sessions," she said very awkwardly. "And your nipples? What about them?" he asked.

She hesitated. "Um, I have to make sure they are very hard," she said, squirming, as she saw him glance at them. "How do I do that?"

"I think you'll find they will get very hard very fast as soon as you take off your clothes, like they did today and are now," he replied. "Very good," he nodded, and glanced at the clock. "Hmm, we still have a few minutes left." He paused and thought, as if contemplating what would be next. "Sarah, how often do you masturbate?" She blushed.

"Um, I don't know, I don't really keep track," she said trying to avoid the question.

"Come now, give me an estimate, once a week, three times a week, every day, try," he encouraged her.

"Um, I guess like maybe every other day on average," she said, totally embarrassed.

"Good, that's a good start. And how often do you orgasm from your masturbation?" Again she hesitated, and did not like these questions, especially being naked.

"Um, I don't know, not very often," she said quietly.

He nodded, "As I thought," he said. "On a scale of 1-10 Sarah, with one being absolutely terrible, and ten being a mind blowing, toe curling orgasm, how would rank your best one yet from your masturbation?"

Surprisingly, she was getting a little more comfortable now.

"Um, I don't know, 4 I guess, they're not very good. I don't really know why," she answered and shared more than she wanted to.

"Yes, I figured the number would be low. That's not surprising Sarah and there's nothing wrong with you. You just haven't had good stimulation I think." He looked at the clock again. "Sarah, we have about ten minutes left in our session. I have some notes to make on our session today and on your progress. You've done extremely well for a first session and I'm very proud of you. For the rest of this session, while I'm updating my notes, I want you to masturbate yourself, right here, in front of me. I think you will be very surprised with the results."

To say she looked shocked was an understatement. She shook her head, and was incredibly uncomfortable with that. "Oh no Dr., I can't do that. I can't., not in front of you. That's way too embarrassing," she said, and squirmed in her chair. She wanted to close her legs so bad, with them talking about her masturbating she did not want to be showing him her naked pussy.

"Sarah, a half hour ago, you said the same thing about undressing in front of me. And now look at you, naked, and spread open for me. I bet you didn't think you could do that, did you?"

She shook her head.

"Exactly. Do you remember how I talked about you wanting sexual attention on some level?"

"Yes," she said quietly, and was wondering just how true that was.

"Well, this is part of that. Your nipples are still very hard, which means there's part of you that is turned on. Part of your problem is you are also depressed, sad, a lot right?" She nodded but did not reply. "I'm not sure if you know this young lady, but orgasms release endorphins, which is a chemical in our bodies that makes us happy. Having regular and frequent orgasms is the key to anyone's happiness. The happier you are the better you will do. And you don't really have good orgasms, as you've already told me from masturbating yourself. I believe, doing it in front of me, is going to give you an incredible orgasm. Bigger then you've had previously. Much bigger. And you'll leave here on a high note. Now, you've given me your commitment and I'm getting a little annoyed at your constant questions. I need you to do as I say. Understand?"

She nodded, hated her situation, but again, knew he was right. She had heard this before about endorphins in health class. She sat siliently. "Sarah, what are you going to do for the rest of this session while I update my notes?" he asked sternly.

She paused, sighed, and answered, "Masturbate myself," and slowly put her finger to her clit. She wanted him to look away, but he stared intently. Slowly she parted her young lips and start rubbing her bud. Almost immediately she shuddered with his intense eyes staring at her exposed clit. She continued rubbing, biting her lip as it was feeling really good.

"Excellent," he smiled, and lowered his head to make some notes. "Keep going until you orgasm."

She was glad he looked away, as she was getting very turned on. She curled her toes against the floor and her free hand grabbed the edge of the couch cushion, and continued rubbing her clit. The sensations in her vagina were growing strong. She wanted to close her legs so bad, but felt compelled to follow his instructions. She glanced at the clock, and was hoping time would run out and she could leave before she came. She did not want him to see her orgasm. 6 minutes left, she saw it read. She slowed her pace on her sensitive clit, trying to ride the clock out.

Almost as if he sensed it, he spoke up, "Sarah, I see you glancing at the clock. Don't worry, I don't have anyone after you today so if you need a few more minutes after the hour to finish your orgasm, it's ok, I have time. "

Shit, she thought, there goes her plan. Suddenly she moaned softly, trying to hold her pleasure in, as even with this slow pace, her vagina was on fire. She could feel an orgasm building, but it felt different then her previous ones. This felt like it was in her whole body.

Suddenly he finished his work and put his pad down, and stared again at her pleasuring herself. He saw the look of concentration on her face, trying to stop herself from getting very wet, and he asked,"How does it feel?" staring intently at her.

"Good," she said quickly, not wanting to break her concentration.

"Excellent, now rub your clit a little faster Sarah. Also, look at me while you do it," he instructed. She did not want to look at him. Her orgasm was coming, she knew it and she was fighting to hold it back. Looking at him was not going to help. But she knew she had to obey. Slowly, she brought her gaze to his deep eyes, and shuddered. "That's it," he reassured her. "Look at me while you rub your clit Sarah. You are going to have a huge orgasm, and I want you to look at me the whole time. Understand?"

She nodded, keeping eye contact with him and her young body shook again. "ooohhh" she said, a moan escaping her lips. "oooooohhh, ahhhhh" she said again, and it was getting intense. She had never masturbated with someone watching her, and never thought she would. She found it incredibly erotic, as humiliating as it was. Her vagina was getting moist and he could see it. She continued rubbing her young clit for a few minutes, her body shaking periodically as her orgasm was building.

"Sarah, I see moisture in your vagina, it's getting very wet. You are doing a great job, keep it up," he said.

She shuddered as he talked about her vagina. Her finger was rubbing fast now, and she didn't even mean for it too. She squeezed the couch cushion hard and moaned, "Ahhhhhhhh. Uhhhhhh. Uhhhhh.a mmmmmmmm," and her body was shaking. She felt her orgasm coming, and she was afraid to let it. She knew this was going to take her, take her whole body to a place she had never been. She knew it and was afraid to be this vulnerable for him. She wanted to stop, but at the same time didn't want to stop. Several more seconds and it was too late. He started intently at her, and she back at him. She opened her mouth in a silent gasp, and then it took her. Her young body started spasming on his couch, white goo started flowing out of her young vagina onto his couch, and she breathed heavily and let out a deep moan.. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh,. God... I'm cummmming!!"

Why she felt the need to tell him that was puzzling to her, but her young body orgasmsed hard, and she stopped touching her clit and grabbed the cushion with both hands. She was shaking and shuddering, and her body was convulsing on his couch, soaking the cushion with her cum. She felt incredibly embarrassed, helpless, and so dirty, doing this in front of him. This was indeed the biggest orgasm of her life. She found she couldn't look away as she came. She didn't realize it but looking into his eyes was making her cum even more. "Ahhhh, Uhhhhhhh, Ooooooooohh," she moaned and wondered if her body would ever stop cumming.

Finally her orgasms began to subside, and her breathing started to return to normal. She didn't realize how much she had cum and she looked down as she felt the wetness under her thighs and saw a big stain on the couch. Immediately she blushed.

"Oh sorry, sorry about your couch," she said ashamed and wishing she had something to wipe it up with.

"It's fine Sarah, don't worry about the couch. You're not the first girl to cum on it and you won't be the last. I'm so proud of you. How was your orgasm?"

"Huge," she said. "The biggest ever."

"Yes, I could tell," he smiled. It was fun watching you and watching your orgasm take you. On a scale of 1 -10, what was it?"

"10 for sure!" she replied, kind of proud of herself.

"I told you it might surprise you," he reminded her, "Did it?"

"Yes," she said, "I didn't think it would be that big."

"It was so much bigger because I was watching you, and you were doing it in front of me. Again, it's part of the sexual attention you want. You came very hard from me watching you masturbate and orgasm. Do you realize that?" he said.

"Yes, I guess so," she answered.

"You enjoyed me watching you masturbate yourself. I'm an older man, and you remember when I said earlier that you opening your legs in front of me is like offering yourself to me? Inviting me into your vagina?" he asked.

"Yes," she said sheepishly.

"Well, now you came in front of me. You fingered your clit and came. Cumming is the ultimate goal of sex, and you showed me your cum, you came for me, in essence. It's a very sexual act Sarah. The purpose of a woman's cum is to mix with the man's cum inside her so it's easier for his sperm to impregnate her. You showed me your cum, you came for me, in front of me. The only thing missing here was my cum mixing with your cum. But you came for me, in front of me and you made yourself cum. It's very erotic, it represents sex in a way. Even though you and I didn't have sex, you were essentially having sex with yourself in front of me, for me, to tease me, coax me. Do you understand?

She nodded,"Um, I guess. It sounds really sexual and weird."

He nodded, "Yes, that's a normal reaction. This is all new to you and I think there's aspects of your sexuality that you're not even aware of yet. We'll discuss more of that next session. But touching yourself in front of me contributed greatly to your need for sexual attention, which is why you came so hard for me. This sexual attention you want is quite a strong need in you. And I imagine it's deeper then you realize. We'll explore this further with other sexual attention methods in future sessions. But, enough of that for now. Sarah, I'm incredibly proud of you today. You certainly didn't think you would end up naked in front of me and orgasming here on my couch. You did very, very well," he complimented her.

"Thank you," she said, and actually felt some pride in herself.

He looked at the clock, "Ok time is up, are you ready to go home?"

She nodded quickly. "yes, I am, for sure, can I have my clothes back now?" she was so looking forward to being covered again.

"Yes, you've earned them back," he said and got up and went and got her clothes. He handed them to her minus her panties.

"Sarah, your vagina is still very wet. This is very good. When it's wet, it means you are aroused sexually. This means you are in a good happy and vulnerable place. This is what we need in the future. Do you get that?"

"Yes, I guess so, so what do you mean?" she asked.

"Sarah, I'm keeping your panties today. I want you to go home with your vagina very wet, and feel the wetness on your way home on the bus. And when you come back for our next session in two days, I need you to do three things. First, do not wear any panties into my office. This will stimulate wetness. And the second, and more important, I need you to make sure your vagina is very wet before we can start our next session. This means once you strip and sit down, I want you to finger your clit until you are very wet, and you feel an orgasm coming. Do you understand?" he said.

"Um, I guess, but why?" she did not like that at all. This was already too intense for her.

"Because of what I said above. Your vagina being wet puts you in a very vulnerable place. A sexual mindset. Being naked and vulnerable and being in a sexual mindset is a very vulnerable place to be indeed, and that's what we're going for. And we need you vulnerable so we can work on deeper issues. So the wetter your vagina is, the better we can tackle your issus. Understand?"

"yes," she said quietly and did not like what he was saying, but she trusted he was right.

"I need to hear you say it Sarah. That makes it real for you. What are you going to make sure of when you take your clothes off in the next session?"

"I'm going to make sure my vagina wet," she said and felt even more embarrassed.

"How wet?" he asked her.

"Very wet," she said. He looked unimpressed. "Um, extremely wet, soaking wet?" she offered.

"Good, so tell me one more time, everything you are committing to for our next session," he instructed.

It was bad enough that she had to do these things but she did not like saying them out loud.

"Um, to take off all my clothes once I say hello, lock them in the cabinet, give you the key, sit down and open my , um, legs all the way." She paused, shifting, embarrassed. "And, um, giving you a full view of my vagina. And, um, making sure my , um, fingering my clit until my vagina is soaking wet and my nipples are very hard." She felt like a whore saying it.

"Good," he said, "that's great. Naked, legs open, soaking wet vagina, very hard nipples and feeling very vulnerable. This is your new normal here Sarah. Excellent. See you next session," and with that he got up and went back to his desk. She got dressed, minus her panties, and felt her wetness on her thighs inside her jeans. She said goodbye and left, kind of wondering, curious, worried and anxious about what the next session would be like.

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The author of this story: Vueslak

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