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S Is For Sara 1

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This is a true story. Personal and private information has been altered, changed or omitted for privacy reasons, and all names have been changed. Sara's name and description has been altered so that she can not be identified. This story exists after the last part of K IS FOR KENNEDY (which has not been posted yet) and that will be explained in the narrative for those who have not read the KENNEDY story.

Thank you for reading, STORY OF MY LIFE and BECCA'S GAME will continue soon. The delay is because the events of this story are true.

Any people, places, names, products or events mentioned or inferred are done so without permission or endorsement. This is a true story.

My name is Joe and I am 45 years old, 5' 11" tall with short black hair that is touched with a bit of gray, and am in decent shape. I won't win a marathon or any kind of fitness contest, but I do alright. If you've read K IS FOR KENNEDY, you know that it's easy to write what I know, and I actually DO live in an apartment right next door to my parents home, the house I grew up in. As my apartment is so close, I can be there for my parents when they need something and I get the benefits of free laundry, home cooked meals, and plenty of advice I don't ask for and usually don't want. I also actually do work full time as the customer service manager of a local grocery chain, and if you read my stories, you already know that most of my characters are based on me. In fact, the K IS FOR KENNEDY story never got continued or finished simply because things ended suddenly and there was no point in continuing. That's how I ended up renting the apartment next door to my parent's house. Kennedy really does exist, we're still friends, and when I have time, I'll finish the final chapter of "K" and post it.

If you haven't read K IS FOR KENNEDY or forgot what you read, don't worry, when Kennedy pops up, and she does, all will be explained. If not, you haven't really missed anything as life continues and here we go.

Very recently my father had major surgery, he really did, it's not a plot device. In fact, it's why I wrote four strong parts of STORY OF MY LIFE... and then silence until I managed to finish part 1 of BECCA'S GAME before more silence. As I mentioned STORY and BECCA will continue, maybe other stories as well, but between work, taking care of my father, helping my mom, and spending time with Sara... I don't have any free time at all to be honest. I don't even remember what my Xbox Looks like and haven't seen most of my favorite shows. Except MAJOR CRIMES, somehow I make sure to watch that, but anyways... So between using personal time, vacation hours, making my own schedule, and trading shifts, I have spent most of everyday at the hospital the last two weeks. Time heals all and after a week of very long days, my dad was moved from ICU to PCU. Finally we were all able to take a deep breath. My mom was (and is) exhausted, I pretty much hate life, and the only good thing about all the time spent at the hospital was meeting Sara, no H.

Hang on, that will make sense in a moment.

I knew Sara from somewhere, and found out later that she's a teller at my bank as well as an occasional customer in my store. Sara is 40 years old, 5' 8" with long light blonde hair, and reminds me WAY too much of my ex wife Jennifer. (The good parts, not the bad memories) Shy, quiet, polite and definitely an introvert, Sara is so like me it's uncanny, and yet we both have high profile, demanding customer service jobs despite our urge to be alone and quiet. I saw Sara when my mom, aunt and I were in the ER with my dad last week, two weeks ago, or whenever it was. She looked familiar, gave me a shy smile, and waited with a handsome man who looked to be about 19. Maybe he was her son, a nephew, close friend, or possibly a much younger boyfriend. To be honest, I liked that she smiled at me but I had my mind on other things including Kennedy blowing up my phone. Unlike most breakups that happen suddenly, Kennedy and I took weeks to break up, still had sex and slept together every other day despite ending things. Just last week she spent the night when her kids were at her mom's and as expected, an argument ended things the next morning.


I saw Sara now and then over the next several days. In the elevator, at the gift shop, during a closing shift at my store, in the parking lot of the hospital, and so on. We finally talked one day and I found out her mom was in for her kidneys and the young man I saw was in fact her son, her only child from a divorce. Sara and I started talking, texting, even calling each other, but despite my usual urge to define a relationship and lock someone down... (As if you didn't sense that from my writing style?) ...we just talked and spent time together helping each other cope with hospital life. My mom caught on quick and asked ‘Are you dating?" I said "I don't know" and she said "Just let it happen" and that was it. Usually there's a speech and a lecture, but not this time. In fairness, her husband, my dad was slowly recovering from major surgery, so yeah. Soon enough Sara and I were talking morning, noon and night, seeing each other in the evenings, and then came the hand holding, snuggling, and finally our first kiss. It was warm, soft and slow, and filled me with warm butterflies so I knew it was right.

Sara has some cute quirks, most importantly, whenever she tells someone her name, she says "Sara, no H". I picked up on it and it became a thing where I would smile and say "No H". Sara would blush or sigh then smile at me and say "Stop". Another thing she does is brush some hair behind her cute ear, it's so adorable and I have noticed she does it when she's feeling happy or romantic. Unlike my full speed writing style and my past nature of sex, sex, sex, everything with Sara came slow and steady, and was nothing but pure romance. It was about a week or more of talking, texting, spending time together, and recently hand holding and kissing when I finally asked her "Will you go out with me?" Sara smiled at me, brushed some hair behind her ear, then asked "Aren't we already basically doing that?" I said "You deserve better than basically". Sara inhaled slowly, her entire body took in the air, she exhaled slowly, then asked me "Do you believe in fate?" I said "Jen taught me all about fate and karma". Sara said "Maybe we could not talk about her so much?" I sighed and said "I know, it's a bad habit". Sara said "I get it, but as corny and cliched as it sounds, you're with me now. She left you, I'm here, so talk about me or us, not her... okay?"

I held Sara in the hallway by the elevators and said "Yes, I believe in fate". She said "Mike was an okay husband but all he did was look at other girls. He made me feel like I was better than nothing and that sucks". I sighed and said "I won't do that, and I think you're..." Sara put her fingers on my lips and said "Don't. We're not kids anymore. That stuff doesn't matter. I like you, you like me, you're a good looking man and treat me good so far. You think I'm pretty and that makes me happy. Don't flatter me Joe, compliment me. There's a difference". She was right, more than she realized. In every story I write the guys as hunks that girls throw themselves at. I write the women as 11's and 12's and everyone is perfect and has all kinds of open sex. This was real life. At best being honest I was maybe a 7, an 8 on a good day and that's just the truth. Feelings and desire might make me say Sara was a 10 or an 11, but she was a solid 8, closer to a 9, and I was lucky to be with her. We were kissing goodbye at the elevator with plans to talk on the phone after I got home. Sara held me and it was muffled when she asked it, but I heard it clear as day.

She asked "When are we gonna sleep together?"

It had been several days of actual dating regardless of the label, and the last two there had been a lot of kissing. Some of it was stolen kisses when she came to see me at work or we snuck down a hallway at the hospital, but the heat was there, we just had our plates full. I eased back to look at Sara but she was shy and blushing. I said "Tomorrow I can come over for dinner and we could go from there" Shy or not, Sara was incredibly smart, bright really, and she stared at me despite her clear anxious and nervous demeanor. Sara said very quietly "It's part of any real relationship, it's going to happen eventually, and only fake people pretend they don't want it to happen". Wow. I exhaled slowly, prayed that the right words would come out, then said "What I want and what I can have are not always the same thing Sara, but I..." She touched my mouth again, smiled, then said "Shhh... before you say something dumb". I smiled and kissed her fingers. She knew me already. Quite unexpectedly, Sara stepped into the elevator, winked, then said "You know where I am if you want me".

And the elevator door slid shut. Holy shit!

I floated back to the room and didn't hear most of what my mom or brother said to me. Finally my mom said "You're useless like this, Shane can bring me home, go call Sara or whatever". I sighed and said goodnight to my dad then heard my mom say "I want to be back up here by 8 honey". I acknowledged her then hurried to the car and drove home. Did Sara want me to come over? I called her and we talked for almost an hour, but each time I brought the subject of going to her house up, she changed it and without being rude. We said goodnight and I swear Sara wanted to say "I love you". I could just sense it. I was having the same feelings myself. The next morning, Sara was at my apartment at 7:40 in the morning to kiss me and say "Stop thinking about it and let it happen". I held her, kissed her, we stared into each other's eyes, then she opened her mouth but didn't say it. Instead we kissed and she said "I'll see you on my lunch break" and she drove off to work. I took mom to the hospital, sent Sara flowers at her job, saw my dad for a few minutes, then was at work by 9am. A little after noon, Sara came in and kissed me then said "Thank you for the flowers. Dinner is at 7:30. I know it's late, but it gives us time at the hospital".

I stared at Sara smiling and she blushed then asked "What?" I said "You want to say it, I can tell". She exhaled slowly then said "It gets thrown around too much. I need to be sure". I nodded and said "Same". Sara narrowed her eyes and asked "Same?" I said "I have strong feelings and want you to know that..." Sara touched her fingers to my lips then said "Tonight". She smiled at me, blew me a kiss, then left the store with me feeling happy and warm. A few minutes later Kennedy showed up and popped my balloon. 38 years old now, Kennedy has long brown hair, a nice body even after two kids, and still gets me despite how quick we end up fighting.

Sometimes all it takes is a word... or even a look.

Kennedy came right up to me like she always does, pulled me into a scorching kiss, then stepped back and asked "How's what's her name?" I said "Sara, and she's great". Kennedy glared at me and said "Great? You never said we were great". I sighed and said "Yes I did. You just always want to fight". Kennedy stepped closer, almost up against me, then said "You never complained when we had sex, and we had a lot of sex". I sighed and said "It was great, you were great, but we clash Kennedy and you know it". Kennedy stepped back, sighed, then smiled and said "She's got your number. I haven't seen you like this since you were chasing me". I got mad and said "Stop being a bitch and I'll chase you again". Kennedy stared at me and I just knew the fight was coming... but it didn't. Instead she said "I love you Joe and just want you to be happy. My heart and my bed is yours, even if we fight. Figure out what's going on with Sara and I'll be around". I hugged Kennedy and we kissed warmly, then she said "Bitch huh. Since when did you get balls?" I glared at Kennedy as she put her lips to my ear and whispered "Open invitation, you know where I live" and then she just walked off.

Admittedly, I stared at her perfect ass as she walked away.

I didn't hear from Sara all afternoon until I texted her "Everything okay?" She replied "Yeah, just busy. I miss you" and I said "I'll be there by 6". She sent a bunch of sweet romantic emojis and I smiled. When I got to the hospital, mom, Shane and Sara were sitting with dad while he rested and I asked "Where's your mom?" Sara said "She gets to go home tomorrow. She's resting so I came to say hi to your mom". Every relationship has a turning point or a moment where you finally just know. Considering my past and my concern that I would never really be good enough for anyone (Thanks Jennifer) I was surprised that it came so soon into my brand new relationship with Sara. She had just said with a smile that her mom would get to go home tomorrow and that she had come to sit with my mom. I smiled at her as my mom said "Everyone within 50 miles knows I didn't like Jennifer honey". I sighed because I've heard this tune, I know it word for word. Instead of the lecture I was expecting though, Mom surprised me by saying "I didn't mind Kennedy, but she was like an open fire and was just too much for you". I blinked as mom continued "... but Sara's a keeper. I like her and think she's just what you need".

Sara smiled sweetly at me, blushed slightly, tucked some hair behind her ear... and suddenly I knew. I just knew. She was the one I had been looking for... waiting for. I stared at Sara until she laughed softly and said "Talk to your dad, he's just pretending to be asleep". I couldn't take my eyes off Sara and she blushed shyly as she mouthed "I'm a keeper". Sara knew what I was thinking, usually before I did, she was patient with me, and she treated me with respect. Sara didn't yell at me, humiliate me, or even give me a dirty look when I said something dumb or made mistakes. Our friendship had become a relationship and we had spent a lot of time together the last few days... but we didn't actually know each other very well. So now I was at that turning point where I realized I loved her and it was more than loneliness or lust, more than companionship or desire. I wanted to be with Sara, get to know her, and of course, make love to her. The problem is, Jennifer broke my mind, spirit and will, then Kennedy was like a hurricane filled with tornadoes. I wasn't actually sure how to deal with someone slow, simple and loving like Sara. I did what I hoped was the best idea and asked mom to talk to me in the hallway. Shane shook his head at me, Sara was curious, and mom hugged me from the side as we walked and she asked "What's wrong honey?"

We went to the waiting room and I asked "What should I do about Sara?" Mom blinked and said "I don't understand honey? I thought everything was going good?" I shook my head and said "It is". Mom shook her head asking "Then what's the problem?" I said "The last 25 years have been Jennifer, no one, then Kennedy. That's nearly half my life! It's been a long time since I had a normal girlfriend and a normal relationship. Even Linda had issues". Mom cued up the "I told you not to marry Jennifer" speech. I could see it coming. Then a dark cloud passed over her face and she said "Honey, life is too short to waste all this time on nothing. Jennifer is history, so is Linda. Kennedy is gone... mostly... but Sara is exactly who you need when you need her". I stood there waiting for more, but that was it. Mom said "I need to go sit with your father before he drives the nurses insane. Go have dinner with Sara, take things slow, and listen to her Joseph. Let her talk and listen to her". Mom hugged me and we walked back to find Sara in her mom's room and Shane in Dad's room with his coat on. My brother hugged me and said "I like her. You done good bro" and then he left to get coffee.

High praise from my brother. He doesn't say much, but what he says is important.

Despite everything going on with my father recovering from surgery, Kennedy being Kennedy, my ex-wife sucking the fun out of pretty much everything, and the demands of my job... despite all of it... Sara and I had a nice romantic evening, a great dinner, and learned more about each other. I wanted to sleep with her, there is no point in pretending otherwise. I also wanted to tell her I loved her. Unlike my stories, in real life people don't race to bed, say I love you after two days, and women do NOT throw themselves at me. Kennedy doing me like she did in my bedroom while still dressed was an anomaly fueled by nearly a year of simmering desire between us. If you want honesty, Jennifer and I didn't have sex for weeks into our relationship. We started sharing the same bed after two weeks of dating, but sex came later when she was ready. Sara acted like she wanted to do it, but I have respect for women which is why I have never had a short relationship. We were kissing when I sighed and said "I should go". Sara sighed, held me, then said very quietly "You don't have to". I held her, let it simmer, then asked "You want me to stay?" Sara said "Yeah. I do... but..."

I eased back still holding Sara and said "No buts. When you're ready and not before". Sara literally relaxed in my arms, pushed forward to hold me, then said "Your mom was right about you". My harshest critic aside from Jennifer, mom is also my biggest supporter. No doubt she would have Sara and I married within a year. That's not shades of my tendency as a writer to rush characters to the altar, that's just me knowing how my mother is. I called mom and said "I'm gonna spend the night with Sara". Mom said "Just come take me to see your father by 8 and that's fine". I said "I will" as Sara held me and said "Tell her I said she was right". Mom said "I heard her. Don't push to get what you want Joseph. Be patient and you'll get everything you hope for". I sighed and said "Goodnight mom, I love you". Mom said "I love you too honey" and we hung up. I had a bag packed in the car in case I had to stay at the hospital. Sara knew that from previous conversations. She seemed to be different at the moment as she stared at me and said "I want you to promise me something and I need you to mean it". I exhaled because I knew what was coming without question.

Sara's eyes were moist and red as she said "Go at my pace and stop when I ask you to. That's all I want. Just be in this and treat me kind". Okay. Did not see that coming. I was expecting the ‘no means no' speech to be honest. I went out to the car, came back in and locked up, and saw Sara on her phone, talking to someone... probably her son. She said "I'm fine honey. Grandma comes home tomorrow and Joe's going to stay over with me". She stared at me expressionless as she listened then said "I'm supposed to be the one who gives you advice. I'm always careful, but thank you". Sara said "I love you, and I'll see you tomorrow" then she hung up. Sara set her phone down, sighed, smiled at me, then I asked her "Do you want to go get settled?" She blushed seriously red then blew me away by asking "If I do this..." she worked her neck, exhaled, then continued "... if we do this... then will you focus on me?" It was like being slapped and it hurt. I swallowed and said "Sara, I didn't..." She practically teleported to me, held me, and said "Joe. I'm not upset or anything, I swear. I want things to progress too. I can see all the hurt and confusion and anger and desire you suppress. It's all bottled up and maybe this is what you need. A day or a week doesn't matter if you tell me this is real and forever". I exhaled and said spitefully "Nothing is forever Sara". She didn't react like Jennifer or Kennedy would have. Sara just held me and said "I still believe in things like love, friendship and forever. Maybe you just need someone to love you and not boss you around". I was careful and gentle, but I eased back from Sara and pushed us apart to ask "How do I know you mean that? As cliched as it sounds, I've been lied to a lot".

Sara didn't answer me. She just took my hand and led me to what turned out to be her bedroom. She put her phone to charge and said "Get changed or undressed like you normally would while I turn everything off". She left the bedroom and I sat there thinking. My best and worst trait, I sat there thinking about everything and nothing. Sure I use ‘everything and nothing' in my stories, but if you read me regularly, you know there's a part of me in everything I write. The thing is, I wasn't at the keyboard now. I had no idea how things were gonna go. I was in the bedroom of my sweet, innocent and kind girlfriend who was nothing like Nicole, Renee, Linda, Jennifer or Kennedy. Sara was proof that nice girls still existed and defied my favorite saying "She wouldn't notice me if we were alone in an elevator". How I got Sara, I didn't know, but cliche or not, she was a keeper. Kennedy texted me "What are you doing?" I felt like being petty and replied "I'm in Sara's bedroom". It took almost a minute, but Kennedy replied "Good luck". Whatever. Sara came back in, blinked a couple of times, then asked "What's wrong? Why didn't you get undressed?" I shrugged and said "I was just thinking about things". Sara tilted her head and asked "Am I one of those things?" I nodded and said "You're the main thing".

Sara blinked a couple more times then asked "The main thing?" I said "I probably could have worded it better". Sara said "I don't plan to get hung up on your words Joe. Just be kind and I'll be with you always". I held Sara and asked "Can we just snuggle and fall asleep together?" Sara said "I would like that". She went into the bathroom, called out to me "Now get undressed. No more excuses". I took off my clothes and slid under the warm, soft covers in my underwear like I normally would. It was presumptuous and forward, but Sara did say to get undressed like I normally would. She came out of the bathroom with her hair back in a ponytail and undressed except for a t-shirt and maybe panties. Maybe. Sara smiled at me and surprised me when she slid into bed under the covers, pushed me to lay down, then moved herself to lay atop me. Okay then. We kissed slow and warm. It was sensual and romantic. I describe hungry, frantic kissing in my stories, and there's a time for that. Right now, I just wanted to experience everything Sara had to offer. We kissed for a few minutes, Sara could feel me getting hard between us, and she stared into my eyes and said softly "I'm just so tired".

My needs and desire conflicted with the loving side of me, but I held Sara and said "Let's go to sleep. Tomorrow's a new day". Sara stared at me quizzically, then said it... she said "I love you. You know that?" I kissed her softly, held her, then eased her so I could look into her eyes and said "I love you. I can feel it. I love you". Sara slid off me, snuggled up beside me, and in moments we were both asleep. It was maybe one of the best nights of sleep I have ever had. Top 3 for sure. Maybe top 2! In the morning we kissed a little bit, then took a shower and Sara wasn't even nervous or anxious about us seeing each other naked for the first time. She stared, so did I, and she especially watched when I started to get hard because her body really was nice. Sara held me as my cock was hard and trapped between us. She practically purred in my ear "I'm not a tease. I know you want me and I know you're excited, but we have to go to work". I said "It's okay Sara. It'll happen when it's supposed to". Sara stared up into my eyes and asked "Are you really this nice? All the time?" It was two questions, but my answer was simple "Yes". Sara slipped her hands on my hard cock and said "I don't make many promises because I hate to break them".

Sara slowly slid her hands along the length of my shaft then said "I'll stay with you tonight and we can do it". I took a chance, gambling that the timing and feelings were right. I was gentle, but I pushed Sara against the wall of the shower and she was instantly submissive. Very much so. She parted her legs, her eyes melted and she used her hands to guide me to what we both wanted... but I stopped... I stopped and asked "Do you want to do this?" Sara stared into my eyes and breathed "I do". I swept Sara up into my arms and carried her to her bed. We were both soaked from the shower, but the moment was on us and laundry was not the concern. This isn't (and wasn't) a story. There was no foreplay, I had the goal in mind and Sara was on the same page as me. I entered her slowly because she was tight and it took a lot of concentration to not shove myself deep inside her petite body. Something about the slow burn between us and Sara's sweet, loving nature excited me way more than Kennedy's whole "FUCK ME" demeanor.

It took some time and effort, but I got inside Sara and began to stroke as she held me by the arms and gripped me firmly. We both focused on the sex and there was no talking, no kissing, just straight out sex. It wasn't fast, it wasn't slow, it was literally just what we wanted and needed. I stroked deep into Sara as she held me and moved her hips in motion with my body. I went deep with every stroke as the pressure built and Sara gasped "I... I love you" and then screamed through a long orgasm. Her body didn't shake, she didn't quiver or tremble, Sara just had an intense, very real orgasm then held me while staring into my eyes waiting for my finish. It was new and unlike anything I had experienced and something about it spurred me on to one of my most explosive climaxes. My cock ached, throbbed, and then I exploded deep inside Sara with no idea if she was on the pill or any other kind or protection or contraceptive. To be honest, at the moment I didn't really care. I pumped and thrust into Sara until I was done, and then she held me despite the fact that both of us had to be to work soon... and my mom was waiting to go see my dad at the hospital.

We kissed slowly until Sara said quietly "Just remember you gave me your word". I said "I know" and Sara smiled then said "Pay attention to me, love me, and I'll never treat you like they did". She hadn't read my stories. I don't even think she knew I was a writer, so I said "Everything I do will be about you, I promise". Sara blinked, exhaled slowly, then said "Don't make that kind of promise unless you really truly mean it". I meant it and told her so. We kissed, took an actual shower with plenty of small talk, then as we were getting dressed Sara said "I'll take care of this laundry after work and meet you at the hospital. You get off at 6 right?" I nodded, said "5:30" as we got dressed and Sara said "I chose to skip coffee, breakfast and my morning routine because I wanted it and you needed it". I blinked and Sara said "All I want is for you to acknowledge that and we can be happy". Wow. She was so unlike Jennifer or Kennedy. I said "I wish we had more time for each other". Sara said "Close enough. We have all the time we need Joe. We can make time for each other around everything else. We can see each other between things, text and call, and spend every evening together from now on if you want". I smiled and said "I want". Sara blushed and said "I would appreciate if this stayed between us. I'm not that girl Joe. People don't need to know about this part of our lives".

Sara had toast and coffee and somehow didn't seem rushed. The thing I notice about her is she doesn't get frazzled. She just takes things as they happen and that was a good sign for her putting up with me. I was grinning when Sara asked "What?" I said "I can be a handful". She smiled, set her cup down, then held me and said "I know and I don't care. Your good shines through the nonsense. If you let me, I'll guide you where we need to go". Music to my ears. We kissed and I left to take mom to the hospital. Mom got into the car and asked "What's with you. I didn't think you knew how to smile". I said "I'm happy" and mom said "Stop the car and tell me where Joe is". I laughed and said "I am. I'm happy". Mom said "You should be, Sara is what you need when you need her. What do I always say?" I answered "It is what it is" but mom said "Right, but I was talking about God gives us what we need when we need it. Sara is what you need. Treat her right and she'll make you forget what's her name". I sighed and dropped mom off at the hospital and she said "See you after work, I love you". I said the same and went to work.

It had been a great morning and getting a text from Sara that said "I love you" made things better. Kennedy breezing in and planting a stunning kiss on me... not so much. When I caught my breath I gasped and led kennedy down an aisle to say "You can't keep doing this Kennedy. We broke up and I'm with Sara now". Kennedy said "Well I changed my mind and don't want to break up now". What? I asked "What? You broke up with me, called me some pretty horrible names, then kicked me out of your house". Kennedy said "I also apologized, had sex with you at least a dozen times, and still love you". How do I always find the insane ones? How? I exhaled and said "I can't deal with this Kennedy. My dad is still in the hospital, Sara and I are just getting to know each other, and I just don't have the energy to fight with you". Kennedy said "No fighting. Give me another chance and I won't be a bitch. I promise. I love you Joe and seeing you with Sara showed me I have to fight to keep you and that I have to treat you better. I realize that now". My phone went off and I saw that Sara had texted "Well?"

Kennedy was closer to me that my own clothes and waiting for answer I didn't have.

Meanwhile Sara had texted me "I love you" and then sent "Well?" because I hadn't responded yet.

Why me? Why do these things happen to me?

................. To be continued...

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The author of this story: jwdoney

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