Naked Therapy
written by:
"It's a new approach to therapy," Dr. Alexandra Brown told her first patient of the day. She was a tall, statuesque brunette in eyeglasses, and she wore a loose blue sweat, gray, slacks, and sandals. "It's about opening up your deepest feelings and exploring them to their logical conclusion to learn what really motivates your behavior. Now take off your clothes."
Tom gulped. A friend had recommended Dr. Brown, saying she was a fantastic psychologist who'd solved all his problems. But he hadn't mentioned this part of it.
"Uhh . . . really?"
"Don't worry." Dr. Brown smiled. "I'll be naked too."
Tom's eyebrows rose. "Well . . . okay." He started unbuttoning his shirt.
Dr. Brown pulled her sweater over her head and dropped it behind her, revealing a stunning pair of breasts in a pink silk bra. She reached behind her back to unsnap it, and let it fall on top of her sweater. Her tits sprang out, with wide nipples that made Tom's mouth go dry. He unfastened his belt.
Dr. Brown pulled her slacks to the floor, along with her matching pink panties. She kept her sandals on. She lad long, shapely legs and a dark bush, neatly trimmed.
Tom almost fell over getting his pants off. Finally naked, he stood in front of the psychologist, hoping he wouldn't get an erection right away.
Dr. Brown smiled. "Sit down."
They sat in facing chairs in the middle of her office. He tried not to stare directly at her boobs.
"Now, what brings you here, Tom?" Dr. Brown asked.
"Well, uh, I guess you could say anxiety." He swallowed. "I'm nervous all the time. I can hardly go out of my house. It's hard to work. I'm scared to t-talk to anybody. I'm just預nxious. All the time."
"Even now."
He nodded. "Y-yeah. I mean . . . especially right now." He turned in his chair and looked at the degrees on her wall to keep from zeroing in on her pussy.
She smiled. "You can look at my body if you want."
Tom couldn't resist. He turned his head and stared at Dr. Brown: her big boobs rising and falling as she breath, her legs耀he crossed one leg over her knee, and he could look straight at her pussy and see her slit. He bit his lip.
"Relax, Tom," she said. "That's the point of this kind of therapy. To help you relax with your thoughts and emotions."
He took a deep breath. "Okay."
"Would you like to masturbate?"
He blinked. His cock hung between his legs. Did she really mean . . .? But she just looked at him patiently, waiting for a response.
"Yes," Tom said.
"Good. I'm glad you're already relaxed enough to be honest with me." She reached around to her desk for a box of tissues. "Go ahead."
Tom grabbed a handful of tissues. This was crazy. But Dr. Brown's naked body was making his cock hard. And if she really didn't mind . . . He slowly began stroking his shaft.
Dr. Brown liked the size and shape of his cock傭igger than some she'd had, but not huge enough to intimidate a lover. She nodded encouragement. "That's good. Just relax."
He couldn't believe he was doing this. But the sight of Dr. Brown smiling at him揺er bare boobs jiggling slightly as she watched him洋ade it easier. He squirmed in his chair, his dick surging in his hands.
Tom stared at her nipples, and imagined licking them. Then he gazed at her slit, and wondered how it would feel to plunge his cock into her. Dr. Brown followed his eyes and seemed to realize what he was thinking. She spread her legs, hands on her thighs, and watched his cock as his hands stroked it faster and faster.
"That's it," she said. "Let it go. Whatever you need."
"Oh fuck, oh shit," he grunted, losing control. He stared at Dr. Brown's face, her glasses, then her shoulders, then her legs again, her feet揺er hands on her legs, close to her pussy. He leaned back and closed his eyes.
Tom came, flooding the tissue with sperm. "Oh熔h--oh!" He kept stroking, spurting over and over again. Dr. Brown was watching him, and that made him cum even harder. "Ah, yes! Oh shit! Oh, oh, oh . . ."
He looked up, embarrassed. "Sorry."
"No, Tom." Dr. Brown shook her head. "Don't apologize. You did what you needed to do. How do you feel now? Relaxed?"
"Yeah." His body was still trembling. "But I can't just jack off every time I feel nervous."
She leaned forward, her tits dangling. "Sometimes the cause of anxiety is rooted in an inability to express our feelings and desires. That doesn't mean you should go around ordering people to do things, obviously. But it does mean you might feel better if you got used to just asking for what you need. For example, what do you want right now?"
He stared at her body, his cock still throbbing. "I want to touch your tits."
"Very good." Dr. Brown leaned back. "Go ahead."
"W-what?" Tom dropped his cum-soaked tissues on the floor. "You遥ou m-mean . . ."
"Tom, you need to get over your hesitation." Dr. Brown rubbed her nipples. "I said yes. This is a safe place for you to express your feelings. Outside, you won't get a second chance. So what are you going to do?"
He got up and staggered forward, his cock dripping. "Okay," he muttered. "This is what I want . . ."
He grabbed Dr. Brown's breasts and squeezed them softly. She smiled, then closed her eyes and sighed as he ran his hands over her tits. His cock was already growing hard again.
Tom leaned down to kiss her nipples. He sucked one into his mouth as he squeezed the other one, then switch. He felt Dr. Brown's body squirm with pleasure. Was she faking? But she put a hand on his shoulder and trailed it down his arm, making his cock tremble.
He knew she'd probably say no預nd maybe kick him out. But he felt calmer now, even as his excitement grew along with his cock. So he said, "I'd, uh, I'd like to have sex with you. Is that okay?"
"Good," Dr. Brown said, patting his hand. "And yes. I'd like that too, Tom."
She stood up and leaned over her desk. She took off her glasses and spread her legs wide. This was the part of therapy she enjoyed. She waited as Tom hesitated, but he stepped forward in a moment and took her hips in his hands. "Okay," he said. "Take it."
"Do it, Tom," Dr. Brown said.
He eased his cock into her pussy. He's just cum, but jacking off was never as good as sex. His balls shook as he went deeper, feeling her warm pussy tighten around his shaft. Tom leaned forward to grasp one of Dr. Brown's big tits. Then he started to thrust.
"Mmm . . ." She felt every inch of his cock inside her body. "That's good, Tom. Excellent progress. Are you relaxed?"
"Yesss . . ." Better than he'd felt in weeks, even though every muscle felt tense and he was sweating all over. He pushed his cock in and out, holding onto her body for balance, gazing down at her smooth back and taut shoulders. He felt her legs shake with every forward drive.
Dr. Brown moaned softly. As much as she was enjoying her patient's long cock, she needed to remain at least somewhat professional. "Very good, Tom, very good. Keep doing that. Take as long as you need. Ohh . . ."
"I'm . . . not going to last long." This was too good to last even though he'd just masturbated five minutes ago. He bit his lip. Just a few more minutes.
"That's fine too." Dr. Brown looked over her shoulder. "Whatever you need, Tom." She only hoped he'd hold out long enough for her to cum. Fortunately his hard cock and his enthusiasm were charging up her own excitement. Her body felt hot, and her pussy was pulsing with lust. This was why she got into therapy. To help people. It turned her on預nd allowed her to help herself.
Tom reared up, grasping Dr. Brown's round ass. She had looked so professional in her business suit, and now she was so sexy溶aked, hot, shaking as he fucked her. His balls swung back and forth as his dick drove deeper. His hands slipped on her sweaty skin. He took a deep breath, watching her ass tremble as he pounded her back and forth, over and over again.
Dr. Brown closed her eyes and smiled. Tom was doing great. And she was going to cum. She clenched her fists, feeling the wave building up inside her.
Then Tom came with another loud grunt, digging his fingers into her ass. "Yeah . . . oh yeah . . . oh yeah, yeah, yeah . . ."
"Unngh . . ." Dr. Brown moaned as she came, her pussy churning as Tom spurted his cum into her hot pussy. He held onto her butt until his prick stopped pumping, then staggered back, his legs wobbly.
"Oh, very nice," Dr. Brown moaned. She stood up, put her glasses back on, and leaned against her desk, looking at Tom's dripping cock. "Do you feel less nervous now, Tom?"
"Yeah . . . definitely." He looked her flushed body over. "Did you really cum?"
She fingered her pussy as Tom's cum oozed out, and nodded with a smile. "Yes. Thank you."
"Thank you. Uh . . ." Their hour was almost up.
"This week I'd like you to work on expressing your needs directly, even if it makes you feel uncomfortable. Most people will accommodate you if you just tell them what you want. Maybe not like today . . ." She grinned. "But try it. I'll see you next week."
"Okay," he agreed eagerly. "Next week."
Dr Brown cleaned up, dressed, and got ready for her next patient.
June was a young woman in her twenties, with blond hair and a tennis player's athletic legs in a short skirt. She just nodded when Dr. Brown explained the therapy and told her to take her clothes off. When she was naked, she sat down, completely relaxed. She had perky boobs, and her pussy was shaved bare.
"So what brings you here?" Dr. Brown asked, eying June's thighs.
"Well, here's the thing." June placed her hands on her knees. "I always scream really loud when I cum. I can't help it. It drives my girlfriend crazy. It's driven all my girlfriends crazy. And the guys. And my neighbors. I had to move three times in one year. It was hell in college." She giggled. "It was worse when I was a teenager and I started masturbating. My parents thought I was having two or three seizures a night."
"Hmm." Dr. Brown thought for a moment. "I suppose this is obvious, but have you tried a gag?"
"Yeah." She shook her head. "But I can't breathe. I start choking. Then I rip it off, and then I usually scream even louder."
"I see." Dr. Brown nodded. "Well, let's try something. Why don't you move to the couch?"
June grinned. "Is this where I free-associate about my dreams and talk about my daddy issues or something?"
"Not quite."
June lay down on the leather couch. Dr. Brown joined her, sitting between her legs. She ran her hands up and down her muscular, tanned thighs.
"Mmm, nice," June breathed. "Is this part of the therapy?"
"Yes." Dr. Brown licked her lips as she looked over June's young, nude body. "I'm going to explore your body all over. If you start to scream, I'll stop. If you stay quiet . . . well, you might enjoy what happens."
"You're a lot different than my last shrink." June shrugged. "Fine. Whatever."
Dr. Brown stroked June's legs, feeling her own pussy tingle with excitement. June closed her eyes and sighed softly.
Dr. Brown leaned down to kiss June's thigh. "Oh!" June yelped. "Ye--"
She stopped. "Remember what I said. Now I'm going to start over again."
"Oh. Okay."
Again Dr. Brown rubbed her legs sensuously, and licked the inside of June's thigh. She bypassed the young woman's pussy for now, and moved her hands and lips up June's body揺er hips, her flat stomach, her belly button, and finally her tits.
June gritted her teeth, moaning in frustration. But when Dr. Brown's lips brushed her nipple, she couldn't control herself. "YES!" she shrieked. "Oh fuck yes!"
Dr. Brown looked up. "You got further that time. Good."
June groaned. "Do you have to start again?"
"Now you know what to expect, it'll be easier for you to control yourself." Her own pussy was trembling. But she started again. June's thighs still tasted sweaty, and her skin was still warm beneath her lips. When she reached June's tits, she sucked gently, feeling her patient squirm with quiet pleasure.
"Very good," Dr. Brown murmured. She flicked her tongue across June's neck. "Now just stay quiet . . ."
"Shit," June whispered. "You don't know how hard that is."
Dr. Brown rose up, gazing at June's tits. "Shh . . ." She leaned down and clamped her lips over June's mouth. They breathed the same air for a moment until June was quiet again. Then she slid down, licking June's skin until she reached her pussy. Warm and wet, and aching for release.
"You're doing great." Dr. Brown gazed at June's bare slit. "Just stay quiet. You can do this."
"I don't know." June's legs shook. "It feels so good . . . ahh!" She pressed an arm against her mouth. "Oh, fuck! Does that count! I don't want to start over again . . ."
"I think we can go on." She wanted to. She wanted to sink her tongue into June's slit, but she waited, letting her patient catch her breath. "Just remember to stay quiet."
"I don't think I can . . ." Her body trembled. "Oh, just do it, Doctor! Please?"
"Let's see." Dr. Brown flicked her tongue against June's clit, then waited. June gasped, but didn't shriek. She held June's thighs tight, and then licked her again.
"Oh!" It was a soft cry. "Yes. YES! I mean . . ." June bit her lip. "I won't do it again. Keep doing that. Right there. Okay, like that. It's just like the time this girl in college pulled down my bikini and she just wouldn't stop, and it was so good, so good . . . but this is better, I can't, I have to . . ."
"Shhhh . . ." She breathed against June's slit. She could feel June's pussy trembling, aching for an orgasm. Her own body was throbbing with an intense need, but she had to concentrate on her patient. And so far her therapy was working. June was gasping, moaning, but not shrieking. Sweat dripped down her thighs, but she stayed quiet, staring at the ceiling as Dr. Brown's tongue stabbed at her slit, over and over again.
"Yes," June groaned. "Oh, Dr. Brown, yes. Yes. Yes! YESS! I mean, um . . ."
She looked up. "All right, June. Do you like this? Are you going to cum?"
June leaned back, pushing her hips up into Dr. Brown's face. "Yes. I love it. I悠 love it . . . ohh . . ."
She came, panting, her legs shaking as Dr. Brown licked her pussy up and down. "Oh, yeah," June moaned. "Just like that. It's like the first time . . . no, like the next time, because the first time I didn't know, and then the second time . . . oh yeah, Dr. Brown, oh yeah, oh--"
Dr. Brown rose up and planted a hand over June's mouth. "Quiet," she ordered. "Stay quiet."
"Mmm." June moaned against her fingers. "Mmm . . ."
Dr. Brown pressed her hand against June's pussy. "Enjoy this," she said. "Quietly."
"Ohh . . ." June sighed. "That was fantastic. There was this teacher in college . . . oh, oh, oh . . . we did it on her desk, and . . . well, she got fired. But . . ."
June sat up. "I didn't scream, did I?"
"You did very well." Dr. Brown slid back. "A few more sessions, and I think you'll learn to control it just fine."
"What about you?" June gazed at Dr. Brown's heaving tits. "Do you scream when you cum?"
Honesty was important in therapy. Dr. Brown nodded. "Sometimes."
"You know, in college all of us masturbated together. My roommate, my girlfriend, her girlfriend, even this guy who just liked watching us do it. It was kind of sexy sometimes." June smiled. "You're pretty sexy too."
"All right." Dr. Brown leaned back on the couch. Her pussy was throbbing. "We have a few minutes left, and this won't take long. Just understand that this is part of your therapy, to show you . . . ah, ah, ah!"
She slid a finger up inside her pussy as June watched. June's tits were flushed, and her own pussy was leaking her juices over the couch. Dr. Brown gazed at her naked body, enjoying the feeling of sharing her pleasure with a patient. "Mmm," she moaned. "June, you're a beautiful young woman. And I liked making you cum. Next week . . . next week . . . I'll show you more. So much more. More, more, more!"
She shrieked as she came, stabbing her clit with her fingers. June laughed. "I knew it! You bitch! You scream just the way I do! Everyone does it!"
"Yes." Dr. Brown sighed as her body relaxed. "We all scream. Sometimes. Come back next week and we'll work some more."
"Great!" June jumped up from the couch, her boobs bouncing up and down. "I'll be here."
Dr. Brown cleaned up, dressed again, and ate a salad for lunch. She made detailed notes about her first two appointments--Tom's problems relaxing, and June's uncontrollable urge to scream when she came. She documented everything: Suggesting Tom jack off, and then permitting him to fuck her. She included the fact that's she'd cum, and enjoyed it. She also put down her treatment of June, including the fact that she'd finished by masturbating herself as her patient watched預fter the quiet orgasm she'd been looking for.
So far, the day had been successful. She hoped her next patients would be just as satisfied.
Sam and Dora were a married couple in their thirties, both of them fit and attractive. Sam was a black man with a large cock, even when it wasn't fully erect. He had strong legs and a muscular chest that looked as if he worked out obsessively and strong legs. Dr. Brown felt excited immediately looking at his bare body, even though he seemed nervous about being naked in front of her.
Dora was a white woman. Her boobs were big and bouncy, and she wasn't at all shy about stripping naked for therapy. Dr. Brown liked that too. She hoped the session would allow her to get to know Dora more intimately.
"The point of naked therapy is to get comfortable expressing your desires in a free environment," Dr. Brown said. "How can I help you?"
"I want more sex," Dora said bluntly.
Sam groaned. "She wants us to be swingers," he said. "But I don't know if I can deal with that."
"Oh, come on!" She shoved his arm. "You can have all the sex you want! So can I! What's the problem?"
"I didn't get married to fuck other women!" But he reached out to stroke her arm. "I mean, I guess if you like being with other guys, I can live with that, but . . ."
Dora sighed. "I just want a little variety." She scratched her thigh, up near her pussy. "Is that so bad?"
"Of course not." Dr. Brown smiled, looking from Sam's growing cock to Dora's big boobs. "Many couples enjoy an open relationship. But it depends on trust and honesty and communication. Let's try something." She leaned forward. "Sam謡ould you like to fuck me?"
Sam stared at her. "Uhh . . ."
"You can be honest. Tell me." She placed a hand on his leg.
He coughed. "Sure. Yeah. I mean . . . yeah." He grinned.
"Dora?" Dr. Brown sat back. "How does that make you feel?"
Dora gazed at Dr. Brown's thighs, as if imaging her husband's cock driving between them. "Excited." She patted Sam's arm. "It's all right, baby."
"Then let's do it." Dr. Brown stood up and leaned over the arm of the leather couch, her legs wide. "Come on, Sam. Fuck me. Your wife wants it. And you want it."
He looked over at Dora. "Really?"
She kissed him. "Go. Do it."
"Okay." Sam stood up. His cock bobbed in front of him as he walked over to the couch. His nervousness seemed gone. His dick rose up as he grabbed Dr. Brown's butt. "Here it comes. You want this?"
"Yes." She was still horny from her last session. "Do it, Sam. Dora wants it. I want it. Fuck me."
"Then here it comes, bitch!" Sam slapped her ass hard and slammed his cock into her pussy. "Take it, slut! Take my motherfucking cock all the way!" He thrust hard and deep. "You like this, whore? You want it this way? This is how you're going to get it! Hope you like it, baby, because this is . . ."
Dr. Brown cried out in sudden ecstasy. Sam's force and fury excited her, but it also surprised her after his initial shyness. She leaned forward, gasping as his cock plunged deep inside her body. Something was wrong. She could cum soon, explosively, but that wasn't what she was here for. She didn't want to stop him揺er clit was already throbbing from the power of his strong thrusts傭ut she needed to retake control of her session.
"Sam, that's good," she moaned. "But you need to遥ou need to--"
"Sam!" Dora stood up. "Stop! Pineapple! Stop!"
"Oh, fuck." Sam stepped back, his cock slipping free of Dr. Brown's pussy. "Shit. I did it again, huh? Sorry."
Dr. Brown stood up, rubbing her pussy. "Don't sorry, Sam. That was擁ntense. Ohh . . ." She shuddered, a short orgasm running up and down her body. "Ohh . . ."
"Sam, damn it!" Dora reached for his cock. "Let me take care of this for you." She stroked his shaft. "Dr. Brown doesn't know about--"
"Wait . . . wait." She leaned against the couch. "Let's talk about this."
Sam sank into his chair. Dora sat next to him, rubbing his leg. Dr. Brown caught her breath and tried to focus again.
"I guess I didn't expect that." She looked at Sam's black cock, still hard and erect. "You seemed rather nervous when we were discussing things. Can you tell me what happened?"
He shook his head. "I can't悠 just can't . . ."
"Pineapple is safe word." Dora patted his shoulder. "I should have explained," she apologized. "The problem isn't that Sam doesn't want to have sex with other people. It's just that he gets熔ut of control."
She perched on the edge of her chair. "We've tried to have threeways, but he always does this. He attacks the other girl. Yeah, he's good, and I try to warn them, and they always cum庸ast. But it's too much. We got thrown out of a swinger's club because he was too crazy. And some of my friends won't come home if he's there. Hell, even if it's a threesome with another guy, he fucks me like he's got a devil inside, and it freaks them out. When it's just the two of us, he treats me so nice."
Dora leaned over to kiss his cheek. "But when there's anyone else, he goes berserk. And I want to be with other people!" She sighed. "I mean, I want to be married, and I love him, but this is something I need."
"I'm sorry." Sam looked at Dr. Brown. "I shouldn't have said those things. It's just--"
"Sam, it's all right." Dr. Brown nodded. "You just caught me off guard. Of course, many people engaged in that kind of behavior and language when their inhibitions are down. There's nothing wrong with it, except when it interferes with you desires, and those of your partner."
She gazed at his cock. "I think I can help you. Would you like to try again?"
"You mean--" He looked over at Dora. "Should I?"
Dora nodded. "Yes. If you want to."
Sam swallowed, nervous again. "I'll try."
"Then let's try this." Dr. Brown stood up. "Dora, I want you to lie on the couch while I make love to you. And I want Sam to watch, and then, when's ready, he can fuck me slowly and gently. Do you both think you can do that?"
Dora's eyes grew wide. "Yes! I mean . . ." She looked up and down Dr. Brown's tall nude body. "I'd like that."
Sam smiled. "Oh-okay. I can try that."
"I'm sure you'll do well." She only hoped he could match his previous intensity without the violence. "Let's try it."
She held out a hand and helped Dora to her feet. Before leading her to the couch, she leaned forward and kissed her, running her hands up and down Dora's slim body. Dora sighed and reached for Dr. Brown's ass. Sam watched them making out, his cock rising high.
"All right." Dr. Brown nudged Dora toward the couch. "Let's do this."
Dora stretched out, her arms over her head. Dr. Brown kneeled next to her on the floor. Her previous patient had needed slow treatment, but she knew that Dora was ready for anything. So she leaned down and immediately sucked one of Dora's nipples into her mouth, while gliding a hand up and down her thigh.
"Ahhh . . ." Dora moaned, one hand on the doctor's shoulder. "I like that. Mmm . . ."
Dr. Brown could smell her pussy already. She squeezed Dora's boobs, licking her way down her body until she reached her slit. Dora lifted one leg, groaning. "That's nice, doctor. I like this kind of therapy."
"Good. Just relax and let everything come naturally." She breathed on Dora's pussy. "I want you to learn from this."
"What about謡hat about熔h yeah!" Dora sighed as Dr. Brown began kissing her clit. "That's good. Lick that. Lick it, you bitch!"
She lifted her head. "I'm starting to see what's going on here."
She felt a hand on her ass. Sam. She looked over her shoulder and nodded. She rose up on her knees and spread her legs, anticipating the sensation of his cock filling her up again.
"Let's try this," Dr. Brown whispered. "No talking. Just fucking. No foul language. Do what you want to do, but no name calling, no 礎itch' or 壮lut' or 層hore.' Just enjoy. Do you think you can both do that?"
Sam's cock brushed against her ass. "I'll try."
"Yes," Dora agreed. "Just楊eep doing it. Please?"
"Very good." She leaned down to lick Dora's slit. She felt Sam's hands on her ass again, and waited.
Sam slammed into her, filling her pussy with his cock. Dr. Brown gasped, then flicked her tongue against Dora's clit as her own body writhed with lust.
Fuck me, you animal, she thought. Drive that big black cock all the way like a beast! Give it to me, give it, give it . . .
"Grr . . ." Sam growled but didn't say anything. Dora moaned, rocking her head back and forth. Dr. Brown clutched her legs, gasping for breath as Sam plunged in and out, his cock swinging like a sledgehammer inside her pussy. He was hard and fast, and he didn't seem close to cumming yet, unlike a lot of patients and lovers with more enthusiasm than stamina.
She lifted her head, jabbing her fingers into Dora's hot pussy. Oh yeah, she thought. I love this part of it. Making a hot woman cum. While her husband fucks me. Do it, Sam do it, do it!
Sam slapped her ass again, but he managed not to say anything. Dora winked at him, and then leaned back, clutching her tits as Dr. Brown's fingers slid in and out of her body.
"Oh fuck!" she gasped. "Oh, that's so good, it's better than anything, you fucking悠 mean . . . you . . ." She bit her lip. "I love it!"
Dr. Brown laughed even as her body heaved with pleasure. "Very good, Dora. And you, Sam." Then she moaned loudly, her thighs shaking. "Oh, keep doing that, Sam. Don't stop. I want容very inch. Just like you give to Dora. Every time. More and more and more and . . . more!"
"Yeah." Sam was panting, his balls swinging wildly as he drove his cock forward. "You like this, Dora? You like watching me fuck some耀ome . . . uh, some hot babe? Oh fuck, Dr. Brown, your fucking pussy is so tight! I mean遥ou're so hot! Your body, your tits, your legs蓉h, uh, uh悠 mean, you're so smart! And gorgeous! I just want to fuck you all day! I just want . . ." He stopped talking, concentrating on the warm pussy clenching his probing prick.
"Yes, Sam." Dr. Brown was finding concentration hard, fighting against the lustful feelings running through her body. "You're doing fine. And your cock is so hard! Dora, you must love having a big black cock like this every day and every night! Am I right? Tell him!"
"I love his cock!" Dora shouted. "And his balls. And when he cums, it makes me feel . . . so good. Oh, Dr. Brown, it's so good! Lick me, lick me, I'm going to . . ."
Dr. Brown bent down and ran her tongue up and down Dora's slit. Dora leaned back on the couch, pushing her hips up, and came with a shriek that would have made June, her other patient, deaf. "Oh, fuck, Sam!" she cried out. "Don't let her stop! Make her keep doing it! Don't妖on't妖on't . . ."
But then Sam came too, with a grunt instead of a shout. Dr. Brown felt his cock tense and then release, spurting his cum deep into her pussy. She arched her neck, groaning, and then she came, her clit throbbing.
"Very nice," she murmured, her legs trembling as Sam's cum dripped down her thighs. Her skin was hot. Her shoulders ached. She kissed Dora's leg and then sank down into the floor, her body close to exhaustion.
Sam's cock slipped out, but he kept cumming, pumping his cum onto her back. Finally he backed away, groaning. "Oh, wow," he muttered. "Fucking great."
"Yes." Dr. Brown caught her breath, licking Dora's pussy juices from her fingers. "I think we've made some real progress here."
"I just did what you said." Sam dropped onto his chair. "Thanks."
"You did fine. Both of you." Dr. Brown stood up, feeling dizzy. She ran her hands up and down her naked body, looking at both of them. This new therapy was working. For her, at least.
She smiled, leaning back against her desk, her pussy still tingling from her orgasm. "Keep working on this, and I'll see you both next week."
"Yes." Dora sat up, her tits jiggling. "Next week."
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Note from the webmaster: authors always appreciate feedback about their stories, so by all means write the author a note if you liked the story! The author of this story: JL |