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Spreading Good Relations - - Piece Corps
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After the summer and training, I was off to the IVORY COAST. I was to help the natives re-build their village after the terrorist left.

When I got off the plane, the first thing that hit me was the high humidity. HOT. I was picked up by a porter, bags thrown into the jeep and off we went. Down the highway (if you want to call it that), down some secondary roads, onto dirt roads, over plains.....dusty, very dusty, through some jungle before coming to a stop at a village. Village ?, about seven huts....that was it. I was greeted by a white guy named Terry, from Australia. He took my bags to a Tent that was pitched on the edge of the village. HUGE tent, I could hear the generator in the back, giving electricity to the fans blowing air. It was used for other services as well. He showed me all around the village....bathrooms (the 'ole 50 yd. dash), kitchen hut, medical hut, and finally the bath. The BATH was about 200 ft. through the south end of the village in a beautiful lake. It had Jungle overgrowth giving it shade, and a waterfall about 20' high. Cool water, and best of all "no crocs" Terry laughed.

I unpacked, and headed straight to the bath to cool off. While there, natives came to bath, do laundry and talk. Mind you, some were clothed, the others half naked. Exposed tits, children naked, and the men with just a tiny loin cloth. This was all new for me. I forgot to bring my bathing suit, so when I got out of the water (my nipples pointed from the cool water) I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my "see thru" undies that were wet. I made it to my tent and changed.

My job is to teach these people how to help themselves. Instead of importing good "brooms", I'd show them how to MAKE the broom. Bricks, we'd make mortar blocks, make mud with straw to form the bricks, then show them how to build small houses instead of living in straw huts. This went on for a couple of months. any person, you have "needs". If you don't think about it, it's ok.....but once that "thought" enters your begin to focus on getting good dick. I was only here for 9 months ! I had a little under 6 to go. Oh boy. I found a piece of smooth wood, and with sandpaper I managed to make it into a homemade dildo. Not bad really. Slightly bigger than my hand, so I guess it was 7"? This worked fine for another couple of months. But.....the wood got old. I needed SKIN.

I was in luck cause Terry was nearing his 9 month tour. We'd go swimming in the cool lake (a native made me a bathing suit by now) and have really good chats. It teetered on sex without going over the line.

When it got to about two days before he left, we were all alone at the lake (so I thought) the talk again teetered on the edge of sex. This time, I pulled him close, and kissed him so deep and strong, I could FEEL his dick get hard under the water. I said "come on", and swam out to where it was shoulder deep. He followed. Once there, we passionately kissed. Feeling his dick, through his trunks, get ridged, I put my hand on it and massaged it. I whispered "pull it out", where as he did. I smiled at him and said "watch this". I went underwater and gave him a blowjob till my breath gave out. I popped back up, and his eyes were wide open. "OMG" he stammered. While I was gasping for air, I removed my bottoms. I put my arms around his neck, my legs around his waist and softly said "put it in....I need it. Think of it as your going away gift". He did, and we fucked and fucked. Causing ripples in the water.

When we were done, we got ourselves straightened out, swam to shore and went back to the tents. Two days later, he was gone. I bet that's one fuck and suck he'll ALWAYS remember, I thought to myself.

Another "girl" arrived within a week after Terry was gone. We were told that there'd always be a man and woman on station. Someone screwed up, but where we were, it was too late. I showed her the village, etc. Another two months went by, and I was within 45 days of leaving. Things were going good, and Beth (the new girl) was really in the swing of things. She was good. Smart too.

My "urge" was tingling with me again. "?" What do I do. I used my "wood" again and it was ok. Once in awhile I "swear" I could hear movement outside my tent when I did do myself. I'd stop, get up, look outside with the lantern....nothing.

Two weeks before I was to leave, I was in the lake. It was getting towards evening as the sun was going down on another hot day. I looked over at the shore, about 20 yds. away. There stood Jamar, about 27, tall, well built, and black. Not tan, black. And in his "G" loin cloth. You could tell he had a slight erection. He came towards me to where I was shoulder deep in the water. We talked (his English broken) and as I relaxed, him shinning those big white teeth, something came over me. I remember back in college that Black guy in the hotel. I began to get aroused. I got closer.

Ms. Allie leaving? He asked.

Yes. I replied.

He took his hand, said or murmered something, and grabbed mine and placed it on his now swollen cock.

"Jamar" I blurted out.

"Ms. Allie get away gift"

"What?" I asked him.

Again he said "Ms. Allie get away gift, just like man"

"How ....what...." I stammered.

"I look from bank behind bush. You get away gift now" he answered again.

The thought of a Black Cock again DID fire me up. It was getting darker and I thought "who'll see". I placed my hand back on his loin cloth. He was big.... I stroked and stroked it as it grew. I pulled the loin cloth aside and it sprang out. "Holy Cow" I thought to myself. I couldn't see it, it was underwater. I did to Jamar like I did Terry. I went underwater, but the light was dimmer, and all I saw was this dark object. I grabbed it with BOTH hands and sucked him. I came back up for more air.

"Your amazing" I whispered to him.

Not saying a word, I began to remove my bottoms, as he helped me. I mounted him like Terry and I thought he was going to split me wide open.

I rode him like no tomorrow. The pleasure, the pain, the climax I was reaching was like no other I ever had at this point. When we were done, I was truly spent. We got out of the water and went back to the village. It was dark. I looked at him as I walked towards my tent, and I saw the glimmer of his teeth in the dark. He was smiling.....and knew I'd want more ..... and I did.

One day before I was to leave, I was packing, late at night. I hear a "bush" rattle. I opened the curtain to my tent, and it was Jamar. Not saying a word, he entered, closed the curtain, and lowered the "flame" on the lantern. He towered over me. He reached to my pussy, and I didn't stop him. He rubbed it and rubbed it. My nipples got hard, just thinking of what was about to happen. He pushed me slightly on my shoulders, but he didn't have to, I wanted him anyway. I got on my knees....moved his loin cloth aside, and out sprung this snake. I mean had to be 12". I stroked it with both hands, and still had room at the end. I opened my mouth and sucked it. OMG was it good. The pre-cum, the taste, it's size....I couldn't fit it all in my mouth.....what was I going to do. I was excited and scared all at once.

He placed me on my bed doggie style. He pulled my pants half way down, and slowly entered his Helmut in my pussy. OMG was it big. He wasn't gentle either. In three pushes, he was trying to put it all the way in. I clenched my teeth on the pillow, so I wouldn't holler. He began a slow, rhythmic pump and I was out of my mind. He then just started fucking the hell out of me. It was pain, pleasure, lust......I'd say animal lust.....and he knew it. When he was done shooting his load in me, I turned around. He pointed to his huge snake. He didn't have to say anything.....I knew what he wanted, and I did clean him up. He put it back in his loin cloth and left. Again with that big smile.

The next day I was putting my stuff in the Jeep to depart. I saw Beth, to say goodbye. "Hey, when it's time to leave, see Jamar. He'll give you a present you'll NEVER forget".

She looked at me funny, while smiling. I waved goodbye, and off I went. My pussy was slightly sore all the way thru the airport, and halfway home to the States. Visions and visions would stay with me for a LONG TIME.


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The author of this story: Allie

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