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A Life Changing Event
written by:
DG Hear

A Life Changing Event By DG Hear

I'm Henry Grayson, just a regular old guy. I'm fifty-six and I want to tell you my story. I'm not famous or did anything fantastic; not a martial arts specialist or anything like that. In fact I was never in the military. My life totally changed five years ago when I got a ticket fore a DWI (driving while intoxicated).

I wrapped my late model pickup around a tree. It was a day that changed my life forever. Before I tell you about the accident I would like to tell you a little about my life and what lead up to me driving drunk.

I've been a truck driver for over thirty years. I went to high school and upon graduation I knew I wasn't college material. My dad was a truck driver and I wanted to be just like him. Since I wasn't old enough to drive a big rig my dad got me hired as a yard man at the trucking company depot.

I loaded and unloaded trucks and even learned a lot about repairing trucks. I've been around them all my life. I attended a truck driving school after I turned twenty-one. It was a year later that I finally got hired on as a driver. My dad told me he was proud of me and that makes a guy feel pretty good.

Mom was a homebody and volunteered a lot. I have a sister, Jen who is two years older than me and she worked at the local supermarket and got married when she turned twenty.

Life for me was good and I dated a lot of the local girls. I went to a party with some of my friends who attended college about forty miles away. It was where I met my future wife Mary. I called her Mare and she never seemed to mind.

Mare came from a more uptown community but for some reason thought she would hang with us less intellectual people. Maybe it made her feel smarter or something, I don't really know. She had a year to go to get a teaching degree when we began dating; I would go up to the college every chance I could just to be with her. We were having sex pretty regular and she got pregnant.

When she told her parents they were really pissed. The hadn't even met me and when they found out I drove truck for a living they were even more pissed. Mare told them she loved me and we were going to get married no matter what they said. I hadn't asked her yet but I loved her and had no problem asking her to become my wife and the mother of my children.

We got married before she began showing and her parents paid for the wedding. My parents gave us a thousand dollars to help us get started. They liked Mare a lot but not so much her parents who often interfered with our marriage. They just didn't think I was good enough for their only daughter.

When Mare graduated with her teaching degree she decided she wanted to be a stay at home mom. Her parents told her that they helped pay for her education and would hate to see it go to waste. Mary decided to appease her mother by becoming a substitute teacher and worked up to three days a week. My mom watched our son Robbie whenever Mare worked.

I was an over the road long hauler and would be gone four or five days at a time. I would then get at least three days off before I hit the road again. Being a long hauler paid a lot more than local driving but I would have much rather been home with my family. Whenever I was home Mare and I spent a lot of time making love. Whenever her parents would take Robbie for the day, Mare and I had sex all day. We were young and fucked like bunnies. Her parents got pissed when Mare got pregnant again. Nine months later Boyd arrived.

Her mother told her that if I wasn't man enough to use condoms than she should take birth control pills. It kind of pissed me off that her mom didn't consider me a man because I didn't wear condoms. We were married for Christ sakes. Mary made an appointment to go to the doctor the following month after Boyd was born.

The doctor said she had an allergy to birth control pills and shouldn't take them. She talked to her about possibly getting fitted for a diaphragm. She said she wanted to talk to me first. We decided I could use condoms for awhile and see how it worked out. When I got home the following week we had sex a couple of time a day. I did wear the condoms but one time the stupid thing came off.

I had stayed in Mare after we both came and when I went to pull out my cock was soft and the condom came off. I was half finger fucking Mare trying to get the condom out of her. We were both laughing and Mare was getting hot at the same time. I finally got hold of it and pulled it out; my cum had pretty much leaked out of it.

I threw it in the trash and put on a new one and we went at it again. Mare and I decided after our little mishap that she would get fitted for a diaphragm and made an appointment to get fitted. When she went back to the doctor they told her it was too late, she was already pregnant again.

She came home and cried and said her parents would kill her. We waited till she began to show and she told her mother. Her mom blew her stack and of course blamed me. She said Mare should cut my dick off.

To make a long story short Mare had our child. It was a girl and we named her Amber. She was such a cute baby that Mary's mother actually smiled when she saw her. As for me, her mom rarely talked to me unless it was to degrade me.

Mare and I had a long talk and I told her I would have a vasectomy. We had three beautiful kids and that was more than enough. When she told her mother her mother said I should have had one before our first baby was born. Damn, that woman hated me. I remember her saying that Mare was too refined and too good for me.

My mom was over most every day when Mare needed help with the kids. I knew I had to do something and put in for a daily route where I would be home every evening. Eventually I was able to get a daily route but had to take a pretty good pay cut. At least I would be home in the evening and help take care of my kids. I loved my kids and they loved me. I would play with them and let them crawl all over me.

Since I backed down to the daily deliveries money was a little tight. Once the two boys were in school Mare decided to become a full time teacher. As she explained, she would be off the same days as our kids and my mom loved taking care of Amber.

After Mare went back to teaching full times things began to change. I realize after you've been married a number of years and have three kids that sex isn't the number one thought in a person's mind but we weren't even doing it once a week.

When I mentioned it to Mare she said we went through our sex everyday stage and it wasn't as important to her as it was to me. She had a family and a job and I should understand it. I knew she had been talking to her mother.

I did understand but some of the loving wasn't there during our love making. I don't believe she was cheating on me or anything like that, it's just that I rated our sex life at a possible seven and Mare said it was about four for her. Eventually I lost some of the interest also because it was so one sided and I wasn't going to plead with her whenever I got a little horny.

I spent more time doing things with my kids. Sometimes Mare took part, other times she didn't. When I went to the kids' ball games and school doings, Mare would go with her mother to plays, movies and what not. She told me she missed doing the more intellectual things.

I took the kids to the big amusement parks every year. Mare went about every other year. She said she didn't like roller coasters or things that went round and round; they upset her stomach. She wouldn't even go on the water rides because she didn't want to get wet, but the kids and I loved it. We would let the sun dry us off.

Our life over the years became somewhat mundane. The kids and I did things together and Mare had her life of plays and operas and went to intellectual parties with her parents. Thinking back she never invited me to go with her, probably because she usually went with her mother or maybe she was just embarrassed to let people know she was married to a truck driver.

Don't get me wrong here, Mare loves our kids and was always there to help them with their school work and made sure they had breakfast and a good dinner every evening. It was more like we were going through the routines of life that didn't include a lot of love between Mare and I.

She would often go see her parents and take the kids with her. They liked going there because my in-laws had a pool and the kids loved it. The only time I visited them was during holidays or if there was a party. I honestly believe that my wife felt she sowed her oats with me and had the kids. Now it was out of her system and she wanted some of her old life back.

There were times when she would go out with her friends. It was other teachers or her old neighborhood friends. She might have to much to drink and when she would come home she would be horny and want sex.

I would never deny her because I was happy to oblige. During these times she would often be her old self and the sex was good. She would even let me go down on her which we didn't do very often. I remember telling her she should go out with her friends more often.

She never really cared for my friends. I don't know if she had something against truckers or just thought she was above them. When my friends and their wives threw a party we were often invited. Mare never wanted to go. If it was a family party I would take the kids.

We just seemed to drift apart as far as doing things together. One thing for sure is that we were opposites and that was probably our initial attraction. Then she became pregnant and we were struck with real life. I enjoyed the whole family thing and doing things with the kids. I just wish Mare would have done more with me.

We made our bed and I guess we were sleeping in it. I wasn't much into porno but I did like reading erotic stories. There were a lot of guys out there that had it worse than I did. Mare and I still had sex once a month and great sex when she went out with her friends.

Mare was a good looking woman. She dressed conservatively but also fashionable. She would walk most everyday, even in the winter and she took aerobic classes for years. When Amber got older she used to go walking and to aerobics with her mom. She said she liked doing the exercise.

Amber was still my little girl no matter how old she got. She played softball and volleyball all through high school and even in the summer leagues. I didn't miss a game. Once in awhile Mare went to a game but said she didn't care much for sports.

I caught my sons' games also. They played football and baseball so my time was usually spent going to my kids games. Robbie and Boyd both went to vocational school. Mare was aggravated with them because they didn't want to go to college. I told her that it was up to them what they wanted to do with their life.

Robbie took up wielding and actually received a scholarship at a wielding school that included an apprenticeship at our largest factory. I was so proud of him. Boyd took up auto mechanics and could tear a vehicle apart and put it back together. He got a job right out of high school at a large dealership. They even sent him to school and other classes to improve and update his skills. My boys must have gotten their brains from their mother.

They eventually left the house when they turned twenty to make a life of their own. They both had girlfriends and I made sure I had the talk with them about the birds and the bees. They kind of laughed at me but I told them safe sex was important. I remember Rob telling me that if I practiced safe sex, he wouldn't be here today. It gave us all a laugh because it was true.

A little bit about our neighborhood. We owned a three bedroom ranch style home. It was in a semi rural area in a small town. Our neighbors all seemed nice and I went with the kids to the block parties. Mare even attended a few of them.

I know Mare seemed a bit snobbish to a few of our neighbors but they still treated us with respect. Our kids played with their kids on a daily basis and they all went to the same local school which was in walking distance of our houses. Some thought Mare was this way since she was a teacher and didn't want to show favoritism to any of the kids. The truth is, she was a snob.

She loved her kids, her friends and her parents. Anyone else was treated a bit differently. I loved her, but once the happy Mare somewhat disappeared I just lived with it. I guess her mom won out in the end. She became her mother in her personality. The only thing is I don't think she hated me but I think she lost her love for me somewhere along the road.

Five and a half years ago:

This takes us up to a little less than six years ago when the changes began happening. Amber decided she was going to go to college and become a nurse. This made Mare and I both very happy. I remember Mare telling me at least one of our kids had some sense. That pissed me off. I told her all our kids were good kids and both of our boys made good choices and a future that they were interested in. It was too bad she couldn't understand that. We rarely argued in front of the kids. There were times we raised our voices but I would walk away rather than listen to her rant.

One day I showed up for work and everything changed. We had heard rumors for awhile that another company was looking to buy our trucking company out. Well, it happened. All the employees were called into the warehouse for a meeting. After we were asked to be seated. We were told that the new company had taken over that day and that their human resource department would be talking to everyone who worked there.

The lady speaking said her name was Helen Sparks. Someone yelled out, "What about our union representation?" We were told that a few of our union representatives were there and four men stood up and sat back down.

"We have talked with your union and will abide by the contract with them. What you need to know is there will be some changes. The economy is down which we all know and there will be some layoffs. Some employees may choose to retire. We will be talking to everyone and explain the changes and options that affect each one of you," said Mrs. Sparks.

She continued, "This week's schedule was already planned and we will abide by it so we don't upset our previous commitments. We have over fifty truck drivers driving for us. Fifteen of them own their own trucks. We will be cutting back to at most thirty drivers. Our warehouse staff will be cut back by seven people. There will be layoffs and retirements. If business improves there is a chance of being called back. We are trying to be honest with you up front. Business as most of you know has declined considerably over the last few years.

"We have a schedule posted when we will be talking to each one of you this week starting with senior employees. Your names and times are posted on the three bulletin boards. Please let us know if you won't be able to make the appointment and we'll make other arrangements. Thank you all for your service to this company and we'll do our best to make this transition as quick and painless as possible."

Mrs. Helen Sparks was a good looking woman in possibly her mid to late forties. The first thing I noticed about her was the confidence she seemed to have, since I lived with a woman like this for over twenty-five years. She also was a good looking woman and dressed nice and didn't try to dress younger than she was and pile on the make-up. I guess if I was to sum her up in one word I'd say she was a classy lady.

I looked to see when my interview was and it was that day after I made my first run. I was down to two runs a day and would often eat lunch between deliveries. When I got back from my first delivery Mrs. Sparks said she would be the one talking to me.

She asked me if I had lunch yet and when I told her I hadn't, she asked me if I would mind having lunch with her at the diner next door. We could do our interview while having lunch and I could get back in time for my second run. I told her that would be fine.

She asked for a booth when we entered. We ordered lunch; she had a salad and I ordered a sandwich and fries. Some of the other workers were having lunch and smiled at me; I just shook my head at them. I guess they wondered why I was having lunch with Mrs. Sparks.

"Mr. Grayson, I read that you have been here for twenty-five years. I see you started as an over-the-road driver and was trying to get on doing daily runs which you have been doing most of your time here."

"Yes, that's true, by the way you can call me, Henry, everyone does. Once my kids were born I wanted to be able to be home with them and do things with them. They were my life and I spent all my free time being with them and going to all their school and summer activities."

"What are they doing now?" Helen asked.

"Robbie, my oldest is a welder as well as working on becoming a Journeyman. He's doing great and I'm really proud of him. Boyd is an auto mechanic and works at the local dealership. He is also improving himself by taking advanced auto repair classes. Both of my boys have done well and I'm proud of them."

"I noticed you have a daughter, Amber who just graduated."

"Yes, she's my pride and joy. She's daddy's little girl and always will be. She is attending the local college to become a nurse. She started taking college classing her senior year of high school. Look Mrs. Sparks I glad that you're interested in my family but what does this have to do with my job?"

"I'm sorry, I wasn't prying but I needed to know a little about your family. You see, our local businesses are cutting back on the number of deliveries that they will be receiving each month which presents a problem for us. The only way we can have you driving full time is that you will have to go over the road whenever there aren't any local deliveries."

"My God, I will be back to where I started," I said rather loudly and a few people looked at me.

"Not exactly, it looks like you would go over the road possibly one week out of a month or be put on part time. I'm sorry but you aren't old enough to offer a retirement benefit package to. Also you have the best driving records of all the drivers here.

"You've never been cited or had any type of accident or claim. I've been in the trucking business for nearly twenty-two years and that's nearly unheard of. We would hate to lose drivers like you," said Mrs. Sparks. "By the way, if you want me to call you Henry, then please call me Helen."

We finished our lunch and she told me she would need my answer by the end of the week. She also said it was really nice meeting me. I got in my truck and made my second local delivery thinking that I didn't have a lot of choice on what to do. After twenty-five years I wasn't going to become a part-time driver. I wasn't sure how Mare would take it but I found out when I got home.


Mare and I didn't talk much anymore. We got along and I did my thing and she did hers. I did all the outside work like having a small garden, cutting the lawn and of course doing the shoveling and snow blowing in the winter. Any small house repairs I usually did; if it was a major job like a roof replacement or new windows I figured they had contractors for that.

We all, that's Mare, Amber and me helped clean the inside. We always kept the house in pretty neat and clean shape, in my opinion. Mare of course didn't like our house over the last few years. It made me wonder if she ever liked it. Always complaining about how nice her friends' houses were and how they could afford nice vacations, new vehicles, new furniture and whatever else she could think up.

The truth be known, over the years Mare didn't want to go anywhere with me. Whenever I suggested vacations or cruises she always had excuses why she didn't or couldn't go. She did go on vacations with her parents when they asked her and usually took Amber with her. At those times I took my boys and we went to the big league ball games.

I figured she stayed with me for the benefit of the kids. I was at a point in life where I didn't care anymore. I went to my friends' houses, played golf and still went places with my kids.

Maybe once every few months Mare would come home from going out with her friends and would be drunk and horny, it's about the only time we had sex. She never talked about it the next day. I guess we lived somewhat of a life of convenience and stayed together for the kids.

Mare and I did our best not to argue in front of our kids but at times it happened. We both loved them and did put them first. At this point in our life Mare and I didn't hate each other but didn't really love each other anymore. I had often wondered what would happen after they all left from being under our roof.

Ever since we started going together we were told how opposites attract which was very true. What we didn't know was what happens later in life when the differences became issues and we often disagreed. I was happy with what we had and just wanted to enjoy life. I wanted to buy a camping trailer and travel and see the country.

Mare told me straight out that she wasn't going to be living in a camper. It was bad enough that we lived in a small town where everyone knows your business. She always thought that someday she could live the good life and attend posh parties and rub shoulders with the elite like her parents did.

I came home and told her we had to talk. There were major changes at work and I would have to go back on the road at least one week out of the month. She looked at me like, ‘Who gives a shit.' I don't think she cared one way or the other.

She told me that she and Amber would make do, they always did. I told Amber about it when she got back from college that day. "You have to do what you have to do. I'm in college all day and Mom always does her own thing anyway. We'll be fine Dad, but I will miss not seeing you when I get home from school." She kissed me and gave me a hug. She was the best daughter a father could ask for.

I talked to Helen the next day and she was happy with my decision. She did remind me that the road trips would pay more money, which I almost forgot about.

It was a couple of weeks later I headed out on a four day trip. When you are driving a truck you think about a lot of things. I found myself comparing Mare and Helen. They were both good looking women who dressed age appropriately, but Mare would always want the more expensive clothes. She would always tell me that she earned her own money and deserved to buy whatever she wanted.

I really couldn't argue with that and didn't even care to. I didn't know anything about Helen but wondered about where she came from and what led her into the trucking business.

When I arrived home I thought Mare would be happy to see me but by the way she acted you would have thought I just got back from the local store. When Amber got home she yelled out "Daddy" and gave me a big hug. I would be off for the next couple of days and decided to go visit my sons. They were happy to see me.

Rob told me he was getting married and was really happy. I knew his girlfriend and she was a very pretty girl and was a secretary at the plant he worked at. When I looked at Rob he said, "No, Dad we don't have to get married. We just love each other and want to be together."

They had a nice wedding and reception. Mary seemed happy for them and her parents even showed up. They gave Rob and Sue a check for a thousand dollars. My mom and dad gave them five hundred dollars.

Mary acted nice to me at the wedding. Her parents were even cordial to me. We sat at the same table during dinner. Mary and I even danced together at the reception. Her parents said they had to leave early because of a previous engagement and said goodbye to Rob, Sue and Mary. Amber went up to them and gave them a hug. Everyone loved Amber.

Mary drank more after her parents left. After getting a little high she seemed to let herself go a little more. For awhile she seemed like the Mare that I married. She seemed friendlier to everyone, even my parents. When we got home I helped her undress, then I went down on her. It's been so long since we had oral sex that I really did my best.

She came from my oral manipulations before I even got on top of her and fucked her hard. Damn, it felt good. It's sad when you have to wish your wife was a drunk just so you can have sex with her.

The following week I worked on local runs and Helen asked me out to lunch; she said she wasn't big on eating alone and I was nice to talk to. I have to admit she wasn't hard on the eyes. As we ate lunch I asked her about her background.

"Well, my dad was a trucker as far back as I can remember. I grew up around truckers and the terminals. My father eventually bought a trucking outfit and after I went to college I worked at the terminal as a dispatcher. I've worked in the transportation industry ever since," said Helen.

"What about family?" I asked. "I see you're wearing a wedding ring. Where does your husband work if I may ask?"

"My husband passed away two years ago of colon cancer. I still wear my rings, not really sure why. I do have a grown son. He works at the corporate office for a freight company. That's enough about me; we better get back, you have a run to make," she said but I could tell she didn't like talking about personal issues.

Things between Mare and me didn't change much. I asked Amber what her mom did while I was gone and she told me about the same things she did when I was home. She would go out with friends or over to her parents' house. Amber said she often complained that she shouldn't have gotten married so early in life and often blamed me for getting her pregnant. She said she missed out on the better things in life.

When Amber asked her like what, she told her that there was a part of her that liked the better things in life and eating out at the more elegant restaurants and going to high society parties like her parents did.

Amber said her mom often talked about the expensive houses her friends had and how their parties were more elegant. I asked Amber how she liked her life and she told me she loved her life. She liked all the places we've gone and how friendly our neighbors were. There is no part of her life that she would want to change except her mom and I never seemed happy together.


I was eating lunch more often with Helen. It was just friends having lunch. Sometimes she would invite another person along. She told me it was so people wouldn't talk about me. She didn't want rumors out there that might mess up my marriage.

I told her that we didn't do anything wrong and had nothing to hide. I have to say I really enjoyed my little bit of time with Helen. She did tell me her son was married and his wife was expecting. She would soon be a grandmother.

It was after my next long distance trip that the shit hit the fan when I got home. I walked in the door and Mare had suitcases and boxes of personal things setting there in the living room.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"I'm moving out. I'm sorry but I don't love you anymore and all our kids are grown up. I talked to my mother and am moving back to their house for now. I'm not happy and I'm pretty sure you aren't either. I just want out. You can have the house and all the furnishing. I just want my personal things and half of our savings and checking account," said Mare.

I didn't know what to say. I should have known that this was coming but I guess it's different when it really happens. "What am I to tell our kids?"

"I have already talked to all of them. I told them that I wasn't happy and we would be getting divorced. Amber tried to talk me into staying but I told her we both loved her and that I would still see her often. She can stay here with you."

I begin to get mad and we were both yelling. She told me how she hasn't been happy for years and just stayed because of the kids. I asked her if there was someone else and she looked down at the floor.

"There is someone else but I have never cheated on you. I've been to the theatre and dinner a few times with a friend of the family but I did not sleep with him. I did not break my vows, I wouldn't do that to you."

I yelled and called her names and told her to go to hell as I walked out the door and got into my truck. I drove around for awhile and went to the bar. I sat there and drank until the bartender said he wouldn't serve me anymore.

I left the bar and got a dumpy motel room and drove to the store and picked up a bottle of whisky. I sat in my room and drank, drowning my sorrows. I passed out and woke up not even knowing what I was doing. I grabbed my truck keys and started driving home. It was then that I drove off the right side of the road hitting a tree.

The next thing I remembered was waking up in a hospital bed with tubes coming out of every orifice. A nurse came in and said, ‘You're awake! Just lay still, you were in a car accident. Please lie still, I'll get the doctor."

The doctor came in and told me my daughter was in the waiting room and would be in after he talked to me and examined me. He told me I was in an accident. My alcohol level was very high and that I drove off the road and hit a tree. Luckily I was the only vehicle in the accident. I sustained a broken left leg, fractured two ribs, had a concussion and lots of cuts and scrapes.

I was put in an induced coma and had been out for three days. He told me I was doing well and in stable condition and would be taken out of the intensive care unit and placed in a regular room. I would probably stay in the hospital for at least a week and on crutches for a couple of months. It would be a few months before my ribs would heal completely. He told me I was a very lucky man. I know I didn't feel very lucky.

"Daddy, I'm so sorry." She was crying and kissed my forehead. I couldn't talk since I had tubes down my throat.

"Don't try and talk Daddy, I'll try and explain to you what I know. Right now the nurse is going to take you to your room. She said they will be taking the tubes out of your throat and get you some water. I'll see you in a little bit. I'm going to call Robbie and Boyd and let them know you're awake. I love you Daddy." My little girl was crying.

I know I was still very groggy and sort of went back to sleep while the nurses put me in a regular room and removed a lot of the tubes. When I woke up I still had an IV and a catheter hooked up to me. A few minutes later Amber came back in. I asked her to help me with the water and straw. My throat felt really dry.

She handed me the cup and I took a couple of sips. I was coming around pretty good and getting my bearings. I asked Amber about college and she told me it was Saturday. She said that she stopped by everyday after school and sat with me for a couple of hours. I asked about Robbie and Boyd and Amber told me they stopped in everyday also.

"Dad, I'm so sorry. I knew about mom leaving. She told me after you left for your last trip. I was going to call you but I knew it would just upset you and you were driving your truck at the time. There was no way Mom was going to change her mind and I argued with her for a couple of days.

"She told Robbie and Boyd that she loved us all very much but that she was no longer in love with you." My little girl had tears in her eyes. "We knew that the two of you haven't gotten along in years and that this would eventually happen."

"Did your mother even stop in the hospital?"

"Yes, you were brought to the hospital in the middle of the night. The police called the house and Mom answered the phone. She and I got dressed and rushed here. You were in the emergency room and being taking to the operating room. The police were here and said you were drunk and wrapped your truck around a tree."

"Did she move out?" I asked.

"Yes Dad, she felt sorry for you but said it was your fault that you drove drunk. She said it didn't change anything and she was still moving out. Grandma and Grandpa came by the first day and Grandpa said you might lose your licenses over this and if that happens you could lose your job. Is that possible Dad?"

"Yes, Honey, I guess it is. I'll have to wait and talk to the bosses at work and see what happens. At least I wasn't driving a truck at the time. It was just plain stupid of me. I have no one to blame but myself."

"A woman stopped by here everyday to see you. She said her name is Helen Sparks and that she worked with you. She didn't look like a truck driver, Dad. Who exactly is she?"

I smiled a little but my face hurt. "She's my new boss. The company she works for put her in charge of the buyout and changes. I told you our company was bought out by a competitor. Helen is nice but she is also the one who will be telling me if I still have a job."

"She likes you Dad, I could tell by the way she looked at you. She even had tears in her eyes and knew all about me and where I went to college. I did notice that she's married or at least is wearing a ring. You're not involved with her are you Dad?"

"No, Honey, I have never cheated on your mother in all the years we were married. Just so you know, Helen, Mrs. Sparks is a widow. Her husband died a few years ago. We have had lunch at the diner next to the terminal but that's all. I have to wonder if your mother ever cheated on me. She told me there is a man she likes but that she never cheated ."

"I honestly don't know. She's never brought anyone to the house and I've never seen her leave with another man. By the way, she has moved out completely. It's just you and me now, Dad. She left most everything but took all her personal things. I talked to her yesterday and she asked how you were doing. She feels sorry for you but says you did it to yourself."

We talked for awhile and later Robbie and Boyd came to see me. By then I was feeling much better. That was until the police came by to see me and gave me a ticket for driving under the influence, like I didn't have enough problems. I had to go to court after I got out of the hospital.

It was a very busy day. I called the insurance company and they said my truck was a total loss and that they would get a check to me the following week. They also told me that since I got a ticket for a DUI that I would be put on a risk policy for three years if I stayed with them.

Helen came back to see me and made some small talk telling me how nice and pretty Amber was. I told her Amber was wondering if we were involved and Helen laughed. It was nice to see even a smile. Most of her job was dealing with problems the customers had and with dissatisfied truckers.

"Well Helen, am I going to lose my job over this dumb thing I did?"

"I don't know. I'm having a talk with the CEO of the trucking freight lines tomorrow and we'll see what happens. He knows about your situation and that up till now you have had a perfect driving record. One thing in your favor is that you were on your own time. It also makes a difference if you lose your license and aren't allowed to drive."

"What? CEO? Why would the CEO worry about an old trucker's problem? I don't understand?"

"Henry, I never told you this but my father is the owner and CEO of the company. He owns three freight lines and that's why I got the position of managing this one. I have two brothers and they manage the other two. I already told you that my son works in the main office where my father is."

"Oh shit! I'm sorry I put you in this predicament. I am such an idiot. I take it you know that all this happened because my wife left me, didn't you?"

"Yes, Amber told me. Henry, I'm not going to pull any punches with you. I like you and enjoy talking with you. You are also one of my best drivers and I don't want to lose you. I will do what I can to help you keep your job. I'm having dinner with my father and my brothers tomorrow. I'll get back with you sometime next week. You just take your time and heal, we'll talk later."

On Sunday Amber and her boyfriend, Lance, came to see me. Lance was in pre-med in college and it would be a few more years before he became an intern. Needless to say Mare liked him and I thought he was pretty nice too. Amber did tell me that they were serious but that their education came first.

Robbie and his wife came to see me and told me to call if I needed anything. They were a cute couple and doing fine so far. Boyd came in and we talked for awhile. He was dating but said there was no one serious right now. He said he was sorry to hear about his mom and I divorcing but said he thought it was best. Apparently our kids knew for years that Mare and I weren't in a loving relationship.

My parents wanted to blame Mare but it didn't take a brain surgeon to know that I drove the truck into a tree when I was drunk. I explained to them that Mare and I haven't gotten along in years. We stayed together mostly for the kids but they were all grown now. They told me they were there for me if I needed anything.

I had a lot of visitors over the next week. Amber and my sons stopped by for awhile everyday. On Tuesday Helen came to see me. She asked how I was doing. I told her I was doing fine under the circumstances. I was finally able to stand up on crutches to make it to the bathroom so I wouldn't have to use a catheter. She kind of smiled at that. I told her I had to move slow because my ribs still hurt and according to the doctor it would be awhile before they healed. I asked how the talk went with her father and brothers.

"They all came to the conclusion that since you drive your own truck and pay your own insurance that as long as you have a driver's license that it will be alright to keep you on. I contacted the health insurance company and there is no problems with your claims and everything should be covered. So I guess that's pretty good news." She was smiling at me.

"Thank you for going through all that trouble for me. I owe you big time," I smiled when I said it.

Helen did stop in everyday to see me. I didn't see Mare at all. I heard she stopped in the first night but never came back. When it was time to leave the hospital Boyd came by in a van to take me home. The house looked different since Mare took some of her possessions.

When Amber came home she said she had me signed up for home health care. Someone would stop by for two hours each day to help me with anything I needed and to help with my rehabilitation for my leg. She even set me up for a lunch to be delivered everyday.

I couldn't believe that they had me walking lightly on a broken leg. I never heard of such a thing. Boyd stopped by a few days later and drove me to court. The judge wasn't very sympathetic with my situation.

I was surprised to see Helen show up and asked to speak. She told the judge about me being a truck driver and as long as I had a valid driver's license that I could keep my job. She also mentioned my driving record to the judge to this point in my career.

He asked how long I would be on crutches before I would be able to use a clutch. I told him the doctor told me about two months. He looked at me and then at Helen and then back at me.

"I should suspend your license for six months, but because this lady vouched for you I'll make it sixty days from the day of the accident. If I ever see you back in my courtroom again for a DUI I'll suspend your license for a year."

Helen looked over at me and smiled. Boyd thanked her for all she did for me. He asked her if she would like to go to lunch with us and she said, "Maybe another time, I have to get back to the office."

On the way to the restaurant Boyd told me he thought Helen was a good looking women and wished he had a boss like that. It made me smile because I grown quite fond of Helen.


It was a week after my court case and life was going quite normal when I got the dissolution papers from Mare. In it she asked for her vehicle, and all the money in our checking and savings account as of the day she left. We had over fifty thousand dollars in our accounts but the house and furnishing were worth a lot more. We would both keep our retirement savings intact.

It really was a fair deal and I agreed to it and signed the papers. I got the check from the insurance company and had to pay my court costs and fines out of it. Boyd told me when I was able to drive he would take me to the dealership and pick out another vehicle. I figured it would be another month.

I was sitting in my recliner when there was a knock on the door. It was Helen saying she was ready to take me up on the lunch date. I had to laugh since it was six o'clock in the evening. It was so nice seeing her and I invited her in. I asked her how things were at work and she told me things were going along pretty good but she missed having lunch with me.

She mentioned that a lot of the drivers were happy to hear that I would still be driving. For the two months I was off I rented my truck to one of my friends. It gave me a little income to pay the truck payment. I was getting a disability check but it took everything I received to make ends meet and I had no savings since everything went to Mare.

I hobbled around and got dressed and Helen drove us to the Red Lobster. I told her ahead of time that this dinner was on me. I figured I could use a credit card. Mare and I closed our joint accounts but I did have two in my name only.

"Helen, I want to thank you for everything you've done for me. If it wasn't for you I don't know what I would have done. I owe you big time."

"Henry, I told you before that I like you; I like you a lot. I'm hoping that after your divorce that maybe we can become closer friends."

"Helen, you're a beautiful, intelligent and I guess a wealthy woman. You can have most any man you want. You don't need to settle for a guy like me."

"I loved my husband and stayed true to him till the day he died. I didn't think I'd find another man that I cared to be with till I met you. You're not about money or one night stands. You love your kids and are a great father. A woman could do a lot worse. I know about your wife and found out she thinks about rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous. It's all about money and wealth to her."

"How do you know my ex-wife? Did you ever meet her?"

"No, but my father knows her mother and father and they were the same way. My father is rich but he earned everything he has. He began as a trucker and built his businesses. Your wife's parents were handed down their fortune from their ancestors. They were handed down a string of stores. I'm somewhere in the middle. My father gave me a job and told me that I needed to earn my good fortune just like my brothers had to."

We ate dinner and talked about her past and I talked about mine. She was so easy to talk to and I told her that someday I'd like to get an RV and see the country. I was surprised when she said she thought it would be fun. When she took me home and walked me inside the house I took off my coat. I turned around and she kissed me. It was very soft and very gentle.

I went to kiss her again and she told me no, not until my divorce was final. A few minutes later Amber came home and said she wondered whose car was in the driveway. Helen told her that we went out for dinner and had a nice time. Amber said she was happy to see her dad get up and about and thanked Helen for helping me out.

Helen left and Amber asked me if I liked Helen. I told her, "I do but nothing has happened between us. For now we are good friends and Helen has helped me keep my job and is a nice companion."

"Dad, for what it's worth. I like Helen too." That was all she said as she headed into her bedroom.

As the days went by I was feeling better. I had a therapist come by and helped me each day with my exercise. I had a lunch delivered each afternoon so I hardly ever had to cook anything. Helen would stop by at least three times a week to see if I needed anything. She usually visited and told me how things were going at work. I would call somewhere and order us a carryout dinner. We always ordered an extra one for Amber for when she got home.

We had a connection and we both knew it but didn't press it. A couple of my friends from work stopped by and told me that the CEO of the company stopped in and that I wouldn't believe what they were about to tell me. They told me that Helen Sparks was the daughter of the CEO. I acted surprised and asked how she was doing.

They told me that the business was running as smooth as it ever did. Ed, one of my buddies told me that he heard that Helen was a widow and just wore a ring so she wouldn't get hit on. I had to laugh when they told me that she didn't act like some rich bitch but treated everyone with respect right down to the janitor.

"Henry, everyone knows about your divorce. Maybe you can get Helen to go out with you after you return to work. We heard that Helen vouched for you and that's why you didn't lose your job. Maybe she likes you," laughed Ed.

"She sure isn't hard on the eyes, and probably rich too," said Jim.

Jim was the driver I let rent my truck till I got back. He said he would miss it. He never drove a truck that ran so good and didn't have to put money into. I told him it was like a fine woman. Take good care of her and you won't have as many problems with her.

"Yeah," said Jim. "That coming from a guy who's getting divorced." We all had to laugh at that one.

The time finally came when I could walk pretty good. I used a cane whenever I felt I needed too. I received my driver's license back and Boyd stopped by and we went to the dealership and I bought myself a good used truck with the money I had left from my insurance settlement. I really didn't need a new one seeing I usually just drove around town and back and forth to work.

I returned to work and Helen put me on local deliveries for three days a week for the first month to break me back in slowly. I did notice that my leg did hurt at the end of each day. Helen knew what she was doing. It wasn't a surprise that we also ate lunch at the diner everyday I worked.

Ed asked me if I was going to ask her out and I told him not until my divorce was final. I didn't want to make any waves. It was two weeks later that I got a call from my lawyer that I was a free man. I wasn't happy and I wasn't sad. I knew that I was about to start a new life.

I hadn't talked to Mare since she left. If she needed anything she usually went through Amber. Amber would go to her grandparents on the weekend to see her mom. She never told me anything they talked about and said she never told her mom what I was doing other than I was getting better and when I went back to work. She wanted to stay neutral and that's what I wanted too.

I was at work when I got called into Helen's office. I had no idea what she wanted when I walked in the room. "Henry, is your divorce final yet?" she asked.

"Yes, it was final two weeks ago. I was going to wait till this Friday to tell you at lunch and ask you out for dinner this weekend. What made you ask me?"

"I saw my Dad over the weekend and one of my brothers is throwing him a seventieth birthday party this weekend. It was going to be a surprise but you can't surprise my dad. I was wondering if you would like to go with me as my date; it beats going alone. You will have a chance to meet my dad, brothers and their family and also my son and his wife."

"Yes, I'd be honored to be your date. Can I just wear a suit or do I have to rent a tux?" I asked.

Helen smiled, "A suit would be fine. It will be a pretty big party. My dad knows a lot of people so most everyone will ask who you are. Just tell them the truth."

"What is the truth, Helen?" I asked.

"Tell them you're a truck driver, divorced with three grown kids. We met when I became manager of the terminal and we're out on our first date," she said with a smile.

We agreed on a time and she said she would pick me up. I told her I would drive to her apartment an we could take her car from there. I didn't figure she wanted to go all dressed up and go in my truck.

This would be something new for me. I hadn't went on a date with anyone but Mare for twenty-five years. When I told Amber about it she was really happy for me. I asked her if I should buy flowers, candy or some kind of gift. She told me she didn't think it was necessary in this case since dating has changed over the years.

"Just treat her like a lady and compliment her. She'll probably wonder what to wear, get her hair done, hope you think she looks nice. Just be yourself Dad, that's all you need to do."


I have to admit that I was a bit nervous. Going on an actual date after all these years. At least I had healed up and would be able to dance a little. I wasn't much of a dancer since Mare and I didn't go dancing. Then there was meeting Mr. Stonebridge, Helen's father who was a heavyweight when it came to the freight business.

I had to wonder if this was a mistake going to this birthday party. As Mare had often told me, ‘I would be out of my element,' and probably would be right. I never hobnobbed with the bosses and here I was going on a date with my boss. Should a fifty year old man have butterflies?

I drove my truck to Helen's apartment. I realized that I had never been there before. It was definitely in the uptown section of the city. I parked my truck in the parking garage and a doorman opened the door to let me in after ringing Helen's apartment to verify I was expected.

I took the elevator up to her floor and she had her door open for me to come in. She yelled for me to come in from the other room and said she would be right with me. The apartment from what I could see was elegantly decorated. Again I had to wonder if I was making a mistake but then Helen came into the room dressed as sexy and elegant as any woman I've ever seen.

She wore a blue form fitting gown and her hair was done up. She smiled at me in my grey suit and told me I looked nice. I didn't tell her it was the only suit I had and usually only wore it to funerals and the kids' graduations.

"Helen, you look so damn beautiful. I'm sorry, I mean you look gorgeous. You always dress nice at work in your business suits but now you look, I don't know, maybe stunning is the word I'm looking for." I had to wonder if Amber was right and Helen did this for me. If she did, I was one lucky guy.

"I was going to bring you a corsage or candy or something but Amber said they don't do that anymore," I rattled on.

Helen walked over to me and gave me sort of a peck on the lips. "Thank you for going with me. I hate going to these parties alone and this one is for my fathers' birthday. He would be quite mad if I didn't attend his birthday party."

She made a call and we went down the elevator and her car was waiting for her in front of the building. The doorman greeted her and the valet opened the passenger door. She got in and looked at me. "You don't mind driving do you?" she asked with a smile. I went around and got in the driver's seat. Damn, this was a nice car.

As we drove away from her apartment she said, "Henry, there's something I need to tell you."

"What is it?" I asked.

"You asked me if I knew your ex-wife and I told you I didn't. I talked to my father the other day and I come to find out I did know her or at least knew of her."

"What do you mean?"

"We went to the same high school for girls. She was two years older than me and I remember her being a bit rebellious and often times going against her parents' wishes. I didn't know her personally but I did see her around school. She tried to act like she was better than the rest of us because her family was rich. Some of the rest of our families were wealthy but our parents worked at it.

"You mentioned her name as Mare so I never made the connection. I knew her as Mary Cullison. My father's trucking company did all the hauling of their goods to their different stores. The reason I'm telling you this now is that they may be at my father's party."

"Helen, I don't have any problems with them being there. I going there for you and only you. I do have a problem that I have been pondering over. It's about you and me."

"What about us? I like you Henry and I believe you like me. We're both single and no one can stop us from being together."

I explained to Helen that when Mare and I first got together we believe that seeing we were so opposite that we were attracted to each other. I'm afraid that the same thing might happen between us.

She smiled at me and said, "Henry, we're far from opposites. We both come from trucking backgrounds, both like traveling and camping. Look at all the things we have in common, they way outnumber the things that are different between us. Give us a chance Henry, we deserve to be together."

I couldn't believe this beautiful intelligent woman wanted to be with me. I pulled up to the hall and the valet opened our doors and left to park the car. I looked over at Helen and it just came out, "Damn! You're so beautiful," and I leaned over and kissed her. She smiled at me and we walked into the building.

There must already have been sixty or more people there and the party hadn't even started yet. Helen spotted her dad and we walked up to him. There was a big smile on his face when he saw Helen. He stopped talking to the people around him and said, "There's my girl! Helen you look just as beautiful as your mother did." He had tears in his eyes. You could tell he loved his daughter.

Helen had told me her mother died when she was still a teenager. She had a heart attack. Her father remarried six years later to a nice woman by the name of Agnes. Agnes didn't try and replace her mother but was there for her to give her any womanly advice. Helen told me she was wonderful to her father and helped him anyway she could.

"Happy Birthday Dad," said Helen and then introduced me to her father. "Dad, this is my friend Henry, Henry, my father."

"Hello Son, he said to me. So you're the young man that caught my daughter's eye. You take good care of her. She's my baby girl," he laughed.

"Dad, I'm hardly a baby but I am your girl," said Helen as she gave her dad a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I was introduced to Agnes and then to Helen's brothers and her son and his wife.

It was funny being called son at fifty one years old. A number of people came up to Helen and she introduced me as her date and her friend. I stayed close to her because these weren't the kind of parties I usually attended. All the men complimented Helen on how nice she looked. Even the women told her that they were glad to see her and how happy she looked.

I got us a drink and we sat at a table with her son and his wife, as well as an uncle and some other people. I met so many people that I couldn't remember their names if I tried. Our table was next to Helen's father's table and we watched all the people come up to him wishing him a happy birthday.

It was then I looked up and Mare's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cullison were at the table and behind them was Mare and some guy. They hadn't noticed me till Helen's dad called us over to introduce us to the Cullison's. He knew what he was doing. Helen told me he was an ornery old man.

"I want you to meet my beautiful daughter and her date, Henry," said Mack. That's what everyone called Helen's father. He preferred that over being called Mr. Stonebridge.

"It's nice to meet you," said Helen. "If I'm not mistaken I think you know my date, Henry."

They responded saying, "Hi Henry, surprised to see you. Hope you're doing well since your accident."

I knew it was sort of a dig but Mack responded by saying, "I can't hardly fire my daughter's boyfriend over an accident," then he laughed.

The Cullisons and Mare and her date found a table and we knew we were being talked about. Mare looked good but Helen looked much classier. We sat back down at our table and enjoyed the party. We danced the slow songs and I even danced with Agnes when Helen wanted to dance with her dad.

Dinner was fantastic and it wasn't a buffet. It was family style with each table having there own platters of food. Drinks were free but I told Helen I was limiting myself to three since I was driving. I drank Dr. Pepper the rest of the evening. I have to admit it was one of the nicest parties I've ever been to.

I have a feeling I kind of ruined it for Mare and her date. They stayed awhile but left shortly when the band began to play. Helen came up to me smiling.

"What is it? I asked.

"I know who Mary's date is. Do you want to know?" she asked.

"I would be interested in knowing who he is, but I'm much happier being here with you."

"Chet McMaster, he is the superintendent of schools for this county. He has been here for three years and has been dating Mary for two of them. He got divorced last year and lives down the block from the Cullisons."

It was time for us to leave and we said our goodbyes to everyone especially Helen's family. Everyone wished us the best and said they were glad to see Helen so happy.

When we got back to her apartment the valet parked her car and we went up to her apartment. "Will you make love to me?" Helen asked.

"There is nothing I would like more," I replied.

I helped her remove her dress and pantyhose. All she had on was her bra and panties. "My God! You're as beautiful near naked as you are with clothes on."

She just started laughing and it made me start laughing. I started undressing and took off my suit. We were both still laughing as I said, "No, I don't look as good naked as I do with clothes on."

She stopped laughing, walked up to me and put her arms around my neck and kissed me passionately. I pulled her tighter to me and we kept kissing. "Henry, be gentle with me. I haven't been with a man since my husband died."

I undid her bra and let it fall to the floor. I slipped her panties down to her knees and had her sit on the edge of the bed. I pulled her panties off her legs and asked her to lay back, which she did. She was so beautiful. She was in her forties and had the body of a woman in her thirties.

I got on my knees and spread her legs which were hanging over the side of the bed. I got between her legs and pressed my face against her pussy. Her mound was neatly trimmed and she began to make sounds and breath hard when I began licking her clit and labia. I pushed my tongue into her till my face was total against her pussy.

I lifted her legs and put them on my shoulders as I kept tongue fucking her. She kept saying, "Oh my God, feels so good I never want you to stop".

Her pent up sexual desires let loose and she came hard and I felt her juices on my tongue and face. She reached down and held my head tight against her and squeezed my head with her thighs. Thank God she only held my head there for around twenty seconds because I had a hard time breathing.

I got up and removed my briefs as she moved to the middle of the king sized bed. We didn't say a word as she spread her legs as I got between them and pushed my very hard cock into her. We didn't talk but were looking at each other eye to eye with desire. She was meeting me stride for stride as I pumped my hard cock into her. I wanted to last but it had been awhile since I was with Mare and I began to come hard. Shot after shot of cum went deep into her as I pressed and held my cock against her.

She started to have another orgasm and told me she could feel me coming deep inside her. Her pussy was pulsating as I lay across her and kissed her lips with her juices on my tongue and face. I lay on top of her holding my weight on my elbows till her pussy stopped pulsating and my cock softened.

I got off of her and lay next to her. "I can't remember the last time I came so hard. I'm sorry I came so quick; I wanted it to last longer," I said to her.

"It was so good, I don't know how many times I came. Please spend the night and maybe we can go again," replied Helen.

I did spend the night and I couldn't believe we made love two more times that night. When I woke up the next morning I smelled hot coffee. Helen was in the kitchen in a light robe. She smiled at me and thanked me for a wonderful evening. We had a cup of coffee and when she stood up I went behind her and asked her if she wanted to go one more time.

She turned and we kissed a very passionate kiss. I opened her robe and she was naked under it. I put my arms around her and pulled her to me. I grabbed her ass and pulled her tight against by crotch. All I had on were my briefs. We kissed and I could feel my cock getting hard.

She asked me how I could get hard again and I told her before we made love the night before I took two little blue pills. I've never taken them before but wanted to make sure I was hard for her. She laughed and took me back into the bedroom.

I lay in the middle of the bed as she got on top of me and guided me into her. She still had the thin red robe on but it was wide open and I had my hands free to massage her tits. As she rode me she said, "From now on, please only take one pill. I don't know how much of this I can take." We both were laughing as she rode me.

I looked at her and told her I was about to come. She pressed down hard, pelvis to pelvis as I let loose. She closed her eyes and said I feel you and kept rubbing against me. "Oh shit! It feels so good," she said. Again I felt her pussy tighten up and squeeze my cock till I was drained.

We got up and she said she was going to shower first and I asked her if she wanted company and she told me she knew we'd never just shower and went in the bathroom. When she came out she told me the shower was all mine.


This was the start of a loving and wonderful relationship between Helen and me. It's been four years and we see each other most everyday. All the guys at work know she's my woman and are always telling me how lucky I am.

We decided not to get married, at least not for now. We spend a lot of time together and at the same time we spend time with our own families. Amber graduated and is now a nurse at our local hospital. She is engaged to Lance and has wedding plans for later this year.

Robbie and his wife had their first child last year. I'm now a grandpa and have a beautiful little granddaughter to spoil. Boyd is now the head mechanic at the local dealership and seems to have a lot of dates. He said he plans on being a bachelor for a few more years.

Mare got married to Chester McMaster last year. She has stopped teaching and has become somewhat of a socialite. Helen and I don't go to many socialite parties but the few we have been to Mare has been there. I guess she has the life she wanted. Amber sees her a couple times a month and says she doesn't seem all that happy. She often asks how I'm doing and Amber tells her she has never seen me so happy.

I still own my own truck and it's now paid off. I usually only do daily routes unless Helen asks me for a favor. I would never deny her. She's the best thing that has ever happened to me. She's a grandmother with two grandchildren. Sometimes she and I take the grandkids with us to the park.

Two years ago Helen bought me a RV camper for Christmas. We try and get out at least four times a year, usually on the weekends. My sons have asked to borrow it a few times; they enjoy camping also.

For the last three years Helen and I have taken a cruise during our vacation time. The first year was the Bahamas, the second year we traveled to Alaska and this year plan on going to the British Isles. We are so good together. We rarely argue as Helen told me years ago that we have a lot more in common than we do differences.

We like to camp, travel, visit with family and most of all be together even if it's just to cuddle, watch TV, or make passionate love. We are taking it one day at a time and loving our time together.

I do go with Helen at least once a month to see her father, Mack and his wife Agnes. He still calls me son and always tells me to take care of his baby girl.

Amber told me the other day that it is good to see a good guy win for a change.

Thank you for reading my story. Comments are welcome and appreciated. DG Hear

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The author of this story: DG Hear

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