"Excuse me, Sir..."
written by:
Kristen S
Confessions of a Slut.Chapter 17
"Excuse me sir...."
By Kristen Shigh
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is my continuing sexual saga. It has been a while since my last story. This one does not fit into the time line of the others.
If you do not like it or want it dark, don't read it. Please, DO NOT walk down this path if you are not up for it and then give me a low vote just because you did not head my warning.
MOST IMPORTANTLY! Do not think that because this turns me on that it turns every woman on. Not even close. There are (I hope) very few that it turns on. DO NOT do this to someone that does not know what she (or he) are getting into and has given full permission.
Also, I have a pretty good idea of what I am - I do not need to be saved.
Chapter 17
"Excuse me sir...."
It is what I say to strangers.
I prefer strangers.
Ones who will never call me again. I guess I just have no respect for a man that would fuck me...
But then again, I don't need... or even want your respect... Your respect won't get me off... and I NEED to get off... So, I ... fuck strangers. Total strangers.
Are you a stranger?
The kind of men that will fuck someone like me - like to fuck hard. I need that. Can you do that?
I have rented motel rooms for the sole purpose of pleasuring strangers.
Sometimes several in a row. Every now and then two or three at once. But, at least from my experience, men don't generally like to be together when they fuck. At least when they fuck me.
I have given oral sex in bath-rooms and and the back booths of late night diners. I have been fucked by strangers in back-alleys, and truck stop parking-lots. I will do it again. I think I enjoyed it more than they did.
I guess what I am trying to say is that I am a slut. You knew that.
Sometimes I get all dressed up for it. Other times I don't bother. I seem to have better luck when I don't bother.
I am ugly.
Only when I am giving pleasure do I feel a sense of self worth. I am good at it. Especially at sucking cock. So I am told.
That is why I so enjoy asking some random stranger if he will let me suck his cock.
Are you a random stranger?
"Excuse me sir, would you like me to suck your cock?"
I like seeing the expression on your face as you consider... contemplate. I hold my breath... I try to smile a sexy smile. I am not very sexy. Most men usually turn me down... Wouldn't you? I told you I was ugly. You knew that.
But still...
I bite my lip waiting for your reply. Breathless. My heart races. Adrenaline. I am addicted.
"Excuse me sir, would you like me to suck your cock?" I say again.
"Excuse me?" You ask, making me repeat it a third time.
"I said, ‘Would you like me to suck your cock?'"
You heard me the first time... You just wanted to hear it again. I like saying it again. I show you my tits.
Asking you turns me on. Showing you my tits turns me on. Sometimes after asking someone, after he turns me down... calls me a slut...loudly... so others can hear... So others turn around and look at me... I get so hot I have to dart off to a bath-room to touch myself.
So, go ahead. Call me a slut.
Humiliation turns me on. Rejection turns me on. I can't help it. Reject me.
Humiliate me.
Reject me.
Reject me now!
Or even better, LET me suck your cock. I am good at it. I will please you.... if you will let me. Be one of the ones that says, "Yes." Please?
I am breathless... waiting for your reply.
I step back to give you space to contemplate.
You look around the room to see if anyone else heard me... If anyone else saw me flash you my lil pixies. They did not. You smile. It is a crooked grin. I know that smile. You want me, or at least you want your cock sucked and I am the one that is going to get to do it... My heart races... You look around again and motion for me to follow you out the door. I do so. Perhaps too eagerly. You motion for me to keep my distance. I understand. It turns me on. No one is to know you are leaving with me. I don't blame you. They do not. I am invisible to most people.
The parking lot is still. A yellow streetlight gives it a freakish tone. I keep my distance, but I follow. Obedient. You don't want anyone else to know. I do not blame you. I am ugly. I am a slut. Just another ugly dirty slut looking round for a spot to fuck... eyes darting... moving... thinking... quickly.... excited. Maybe that little alley... or even between those two vans... behind the dumpster over there...
We have not spoken beyond my initial query, but I am following. Obedient. Where will you take me? Where do you want me? I am excited. Excited because you want me.
I want you, too. You were nice enough to say, "Yes," so I really want to please you. Pleasure you. Make you cum. I don't care if I cum. I want to please you. Obedient. I want to make you cum. I NEED to make you cum. Don't you understand? Making you cum gives me pleasure.
You stop, then fumble for your keys. You drop them. "On purpose?" I wonder.
You do not move.
You look down.
I know my place. I walk over and pick them up, Diminutive. Obedient. Head down. You say nothing. I hand them back to you. You snatch them from my hands. It turns me on. They're are no words, but a brief tender moment, as the car-door opens. You caress my back guiding me into the passenger seat, We make eye contact and as we do do... the second we do... you shove me hard into the seat. I land with a thud.
I want to touch myself.
The dome light evaporates into the tinted windows. I turn slightly in the seat.
You lean back and begin unbuckling your belt. I stop you. I will do that for you. I want to please you. Obedient.
I am a slut.
I am a sub. Your pleasure is my only desire. I think you know that. I want you to know that.
I like releasing your belt as you lean the car seat back. I feel your cock though your pants. He is not hard yet, but he is plump. I feel his warmth through the fabric as I flip my thumb behind the fold releasing the top button. Your cock stretches and yawns as if waking up. His head pokes over the top and looks at me. He is hard. I did that. I made him hard. You want me.
I wet my thumb with my lips and rub it over the warm flesh that is peeking out to meet me. I love the fleshy ridge behind his head. I want to start there. One cheek slips off the seat as I sharpen the point of my tongue and explore the little V on the back side of your head. He is warm. Firm. The bulbous flesh slips into my wet mouth. I place my hand longways across the fabric and stroke upward as a I release your zipper downward. He is hard now. Hard enough. I peel back your shorts. He gets stiffer. "Mmmmm," Whole hard cock in front of me. Whole and hard. That is what I want!
"Fuck, that's a lot of cock you have there Mr, I didn't catch your name," I think to my self as I pull your shorts down over your balls. They are big.. Warm. Full. I cup them in my hand. I feel their weight. I am hungry.
"Should I say it?" Men Like to be told they have big dicks. Even if they do not. You do. Oh my, you do.
Let me just taste him again first. I slip the large head fully into my mouth. The crisp ridges rub against my thin lips. You exhale as I pull him out again. I lick longways against the shaft, lubricating him. Getting him wet. Super wet. So he can slide more easily into my throat.
"That's a lot of cock you have there," I whisper aloud, we make eye contact... and then open wide.
I listen to you exhale enjoyment for the first time as he slides into my mouth.
I am alive.
The tender tendon behind your head rubs against the roof of my mouth as he enters. I make sure to move my head from side to side a bit so the ridges of my upper mouth caress him. He likes that. He twitches. I stroke his wet shaft with my hand welcoming him as he enters. Back. Back... against my tonsils. Warm and slimy. My head rocks back and forth bouncing his head against them. Knocking on the door. Wanting him to enter. Needing him to enter.
I exhale loudly opening my tonsils as he penetrates past them. It is difficult, but worth it. I feel the wide rim of his head pass through the sticky membranes. Warm and slimy. Inhaling... closing my tonsils tight round his upper shaft... bobbing my head slightly... pulling him back through... Again back in... again back out... I know you like that. How could you not like that. I am good at it. It is m only skill. I enjoy showing it off. I can tell you enjoy it. It turns me on. You moan. I curl my tongue under, round his round body as his head slips through my sticky passage.... and then I suck! That's it. That's when I suck. Tonsils, and tongue work in tandem tag teaming. Sucking... In he goes...Sucking...out he goes... Sucking... Yes Daddy! I am sucking you! In he goes - all the way. I take him... Sucking... I have him.. Sucking. He is twitching. Oh, Daddy, I love your cock!
I want to make you cum! Cum for me Daddy! Cum for me!
I cup your balls in my hands and delicately massage them as my tonsils clinch round the top of his shaft and my tongue rides side saddle. Your balls are plump.. Full. That is going to be a lot of cum.
Your cock is a beast. But I have him. He likes me! He likes that I am sucking him. I love sucking him!
I love sucking your cock!
In my furry, the other cheek slips off the seat. I am on the floorboard now. I like the floorboard. The rubber floor mats are rough against my knees. But I can get a better angle from here. I love sucking him! The top down motions suits him. I can feel him twitch.
Fuck, I love sucking cock!
You put your hand on top of my head and push downward and thrust your thighs forward, forcing him down my throat. Fuck, I love sucking cock! Forcing him in deep. You are in deep. About as deep as I can do. Your pubes tickle my upper lip. I gag a bit. I cant help it. You like it. You are pumping into me... holding my head in place... forcing him... forcing me... forcing... I gag again... Fuck, I love sucking cock! He spasms... Fuck, I love sucking cock! A little stomach acid comes up and fills my mouth and sinuses. It is hot. You moan. The warm bubbly liquid warms your cock. You are throbbing. Fuck, I love sucking cock! You push harder on the back of my head. Fuck, I love sucking cock! Your body tenses. Fuck, I love sucking cock! I think you are going to cum! ... I know it... I feel your balls contort... Fuck, I love sucking cock! You ARE going to cum! Fuck, I love sucking cock! You grunt. FUCK, YOU'RE GOING TO CUM! The grip you have on my head tightens... You pull my hair... Fuck, I love sucking cock! and grunt again... then... Fuck, I love sucking cock! Then... Fuck, I love sucking cock! THEN...
Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!
Ladles full of hot salty cream blast into my throat.
You are cumming in my mouth!
Oh My God! You are sooo cumming in my mouth!!!
I devour each hot blast.
Fuck, I love sucking cock!
Your cock is so deep in my throat that I can not savor your cum on my tongue. It shoots straight down my throat igniting a fire in my belly. I gag a little. Just a little. Have to. I swallow cum and stomach acids. I am a good girl. I do not want to make a mess. I have not made a mess. I am proud of myself. The grip you have on my hair softens.
I try to pull out a little so I can get some on my tongue. Your cock is softening too, giving me a little more room.
I know there is more.
I grab his base and squeeze what is left from your member like a tube of tooth paste.
MMMMM!!! That's it. a little more!
Fuck, I love sucking cock!
I savor the last of it in my mouth.
"MMMMMM! Thank you Daddy. I made you cum! Aren't you proud of me!" I think to my self.
Your breathing slowly begins to return to normal. You are finished with me. I have served my usefulness.
I reach under the elastic band of my skirt and remove a small square packet. A moist towelette.
I have kept it there to get it warm. I open it and clean my spume off your cock. A extra little service I provide. So maybe you will remember me. I bet the next whore that sucks your cock doesn't do that. I make him nice and clean for the next whore. I bet she doesn't thank me. Still... I clean him thoroughly and restore him inside your shorts. I zip you up and fasten your trousers, I re-buckle your belt.
Now you are finished with me.
I am a whore.
Fuck, I love sucking cock!
I said that I do not care if I cum or not. I did not. But getting you off has made me unbearably randi! It is difficult getting out of the floorboard. I am trembling. Wet. Very wet. I can smell myself. I am sure you smell it too. I am weak. Wobbly. I want to touch myself. I want to fuck the emergency break. I struggle to twist back into the seat. Breathless. You are distracted. Uninterested. Finished. I know my place. Fucking me would be too much to ask.
I hook my finger around the door latch. "Thank you," I manage. The dome light comes on. I slip out the door and into the darkness. Trembling.
Hoping someone else will say, "Yes."
"Excuse me sir, would you like me to suck your cock?"
Note from the webmaster: authors always appreciate feedback about their stories, so by all means write the author a note if you liked the story! The author of this story: Kristen S |