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An unexpected New year’s orgy
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Recap of Christmas 2014: On the Friday before Christmas week we had booked an hotel room, which we then made Christmassy for a night with our married dates, Nigel and James. After the two hotel bell hops from room service brought up the chilled champagne we had ordered, Amber and myself each received a phone message from our dates, informing us that they couldn't get away. What with all the trouble we had gone to, we invited the bell hops to be our dates.

Not wanting to run the risk of getting Marco and Ramon into trouble we suggested a different hotel for New Year's eve; something that they were happy to go along with and even volunteered to take care of both the booking and payment.

For our Christmas present to one another, Amber gave me some lingerie, along with two edible g-strings, something I felt sure Ramon would enjoy as he dined on my pussy. Recalling her exploit with the neck of the champagne bottle, I gave Amber a glass sex toy that had brown lines around its length.

‘You noticed,' she joyously exclaimed, before giving my cheek a thank-you peck.

"Amber," I began to say, "I'm thinking of ending it with Steve,"

"Do I detect you're getting serious with a guy you barely know," she rejoined, before openly fiddling under her skirt and trying my present out.

"You're such a slut, Amber," I intoned, momentarily forgetting it was I who gave it to her.

"This! I just want to make sure it fits as well," she excused her flagrant openness, and presently withdrew it.

"Okay, that'll keep until Wednesday. And yes, I suppose you're right, about the guys. Marco's cock," Amber yearned, as she held her hands apart to represent its length.

Having both come to the same realisation and decision, we then opened up our other presents before my flat mate helped me prepare our Christmas lunch: Chicken instead of a traditional turkey, which, for the size, would have been a waste; potatoes, which Amber peeled along with a couple of carrots, while the rest of the veg' came from the freezer.

"How many times," she exclaimed.

"How many times, what?" I rejoined, having closed the oven door on the roast.

"Come on, it's you and me, Jas'. How many times have you wanked yourself off at another round with Ramon and Marco; I know I have," she intoned. As you'll recall, Amber, up until she was 15 years of age, lived in London, England. That, I concluded, is where the bottleneck sex thing originated from.

"Okay, I used my toy a couple of times," I confessed, I not being as brazen about my sexual needs and exploits as my fellow secretary was.

"Good for you," Amber jollied, and with the sex talk at an end, for now anyway, we adjourned to the lounge. There, we watched some Christmas TV in between my needing to baste the chicken and put the potatoes on to roast, followed later by the vegetables.

With the main course over, and having each pulled a traditional cracker, I heated up half of a Christmas pudding in the microwave and served it with rum sauce.

Come Saturday, and the pair of us as horny as ever at the weekend, we picked up a couple of guys and took them back to our flat. Suffice it to say, they were, compared to Marco and Ramon, a disappointment.

"Roll on Wednesday," she exclaimed, having closed the door behind them. "He wouldn't even go near my ass," she complained. ‘I'm sure he didn't hear you,' my mind mordantly remarked. Thankfully, we had to work Monday to Wednesday and so that occupied our minds as usual.

Having excused us early (the partners of the law firm we worked for no doubt wanting to do some celebrating of their own) we managed to hail a taxi to our apartment. There, and after a quick shower, we put on the clothes we had already laid out. For myself, I chose a black halter neck dress, which had an open back all the way down to just above the small of my back. And apart from a pair of black slingbacks and lace top hold ups, I wore one of the edible g-strings Amber had given me; I not being as otherwise daring as my flatmate.

"Wow!" she exclaimed. upon seeing me. "I could eat you myself," she crooned. Something I took as a complement rather than a suggestion.

Amber had gone with a silver grey dress - It didn't so much have a slit up both sides but had a curved hem front and back - matching silver finger and toe nails and silver shoes. Her shoulder bag was quite long, something it had to be in order to fit the glass toy and her sex oil in.

"Yes, well, best not keep them waiting," I rejoined, doing my best to hide my blush at her words of approval, as we headed towards the front door and out into the night; presently catching a taxi to the address Ramon had given us.

Having alighted from the cab, we caught sight of Marco and Ramon, then the hotel. Not quite as palatial looking as the one they worked at, which was about eight stories high. This one, on the other hand, was just four. By now it was cold, and so rather than haggle over a different hotel, we made our way inside. With no lift, we walked up the two flights to our room. Then, and as we opened the door from the stairs, it suddenly hit us.

‘Yay. Happy New Year,' trilled a man wearing a gorilla costume. What with the narrow hall we walked along to get to our room, I suddenly felt like one of the extras on the train from ‘Trading places'. The doors to the rooms as we passed them were mostly open, and guests, albeit for one night, were bedecked in fancy dress costume.

"Who have you come as," exclaimed a guy dressed as Batman.

Ever reliable, Amber rejoined, "A couple of tarts and these are our pimps." Intimating they would be taking us to task, which was about right.

"Yeah, and they've got such big dicks," I exclaimed brazenly, before doing an impression of sucking cock and pushing my right cheek out.

Soon in our room, which as expected was small, Amber commended my outburst, which was quite unlike me to say the least.

"Okay, then, let's see what we've got to get us in the party mood," she exclaimed, before looking for and finding the drinks fridge. ‘Vodka and tonic, and rum and cola,' she called out, before bringing them back on a plastic tray along with a glass each.

"Happy New year all, and bottoms up," she added minxily; whereupon, the three of us echoed Amber's cheer and chinked our glasses together.

What with there only being two double beds, as far as usable furniture went, Amber suggested moving them together and somewhat continuing from last time, something Ramon and Marco quickly jumped at and soon had arranged. No dimmer switch I noticed, however, the bedside cabinets had a lamp on each and so the men thoughtfully switched one and then both on.

"Okay, then, who's for a refill," I said, having knocked mine back to ease my nerves - Previously it had just happened, this time, however, there was no spontaneity.

"I've got a suggestion, guys," Amber intoned. "Why don't you go with Jasmine," she told Marco, "and I'll look after Ramon." We had ultimately shared them, so...! This way we would be getting to know the other one anew, and, contrary to my thoughts of Amber, she'd made a perfectly logical suggestion for once.

"Come with me, Marco," I said, and lightly grasping his tie, I led him to the right side bed.

"I think we can dispense with the drinks this time. If you feel hungry, well...!" I said, with a chuckle, one that Amber smiled at, knowingly, as she had Ramon sit on the connected bed.

No sooner had I removed Marco's jacket, tie and shirt, than I heard a voice outside our hotel door exclaim, "Hey, they're not playing," before moving on.

‘Right, then, let's see this long cock Amber swooned about,' I jollied to myself, as I undid Marco's trousers and presently held it before me. ‘She wasn't kidding,' I realised, having caught sight of it by the lamp. And to think, I, we both had it up our tight ass's.

Okay reader, I suppose you'd like me to get to the gist of the story; the orgy, or its commencement.

There we were, supposedly two whores whom our pimps were taking it out on, our lips and tongue sucking and licking the cock before us. This time there was a nock at the door, one that was immediately followed by a voice. Amber, who was the nearest to it, simply said ignore them, feeling that, whoever it was would go to one of the open rooms.

They didn't, as someone then rattled the door handle.

"You locked it," I quickly exclaimed, only for the door to fly open.

There in the doorway, his hand lightly holding the doorknob, stood Robin Hood. ‘Well, well, well,' he intoned.

"In or out," Amber told him, before anyone else happened along and joined us.

Decidedly stepping inside, he subsequently closed the door behind him and stood beside my flatmate.

Just then, I recalled how Amber had glared at me when I took my time with Ramon and Marco, and so I saw Robin Hood's arrival as a blessing, and returned to what I was doing; sucking Marco's splendid long dick.

"I take it you'd like me to blow your horn, Robin," Amber jollied, making light of his cock, which she soon plucked from his green hose.

"Very horn like," she exclaimed, having noticed its curvature in the light. Upon hearing her, I fleetingly looked up to see and then returned my oral attention to Marco's masterpiece.

"Emn, emn," I murmured, as I felt the hand resting on my head encourage me lower. It was only when it was reposed that I suddenly realised from the angle that it wasn't Marco's; indeed, his were still resting on the bed beside him.

‘Well,' I thought, whoever it belonged to was welcome, as I tongued Marco's ball sac and felt his cockhead near the entrance to my throat.

Shortly after, and having managed to take the crown into my throat, there was another knock at the door, which was followed by the handle being rattled. ‘Tell me you locked it afterwards, Robin,' my thoughts alarmed, only for the door to again swing open.

"Holly bat fuck!" exclaimed the caped crusader.

What with us girls having our mouths full of dick, my throat in my case, Amber gestured him in. However, before he had begun to close the door, a couple, who we later learned were dressed as Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire, trotted into our room.

‘Right!' I snapped. And taking myself from Marco, saliva drooling from my lip and chin, I ushered the interlopers inside and then locked and chained the door.

As mentioned earlier, the room was not that big and now there were eight of us in it; two men each for Amber and myself on the beds, while Ginger and Fred would have to make do with the floor, if they were that way inclined. Either way, the door was staying closed until afterwards.

Returning to my two, I sampled what Robin had to offer while Amber got inside Batman's trunks. ‘Batman and Robin,' I suddenly noticed, and allowed myself a festive chuckle as I licked his cockhead and stroked Marco's specimen.

The angle of Robin's shaft was indeed noticeably different. And quick as a flash (no DC comics pun intended) I had him lay on his back and got over him in the 69 position. Like this, it followed the curve of my throat perfectly and I soon had his erection sliding in and out of my oesophagus with consummate ease.

Not wanting Marco to feel neglected, I stroked his cock and ministered to his egg shaped balls; if he were to cum, either of them, I wanted it in my mouth so that I could taste their spunk. ‘Emn, looks like I've become accustomed to my flatmates English colloquialisms,' I suddenly realised, only for someone's fingers to unbutton my halter and let the straps drop. After that, small hands caressed my back and motioned me up and down.

It now dawned on me that, not only were there five men and three women, but there was the makings of an orgy; my first to be honest. It wasn't long before hands were everywhere on me as I moved from sucking one cock to another, and all while my tits were caressed and my pussy was felt up. Within moments rather than minutes, I was approaching my first orgasm, one that was pleasantly triggered by fingers in my upturned anus.

When I came, I took myself from Marco's cock and murmured my pleasure, as I did, and with my mouth open, I felt warm drops of cum - spunk! - splash my tongue, lips, and then my cheek as I moved to catch the rest of it.

"Emn, emn," I murmured, as I accepted the following eruptions from whichever cock it was; not Robin's, I hasten to add, which was resting against the slope of my naked breasts. Having finished, I sloshed and swirled the cum around my mouth, before presently swallowing it and sucking the dregs from the receding phallus.

‘Who's next,' I wondered, and without waiting, I returned to Robin; my ass, and with it my horny wet pussy, exposed to anyone's attention.

Within no time, Robin let me have his hot sticky load, which was noticeably sweet. And as I swirled his cum juice around my mouth, I felt the hem of my skirt lift up and then pool on the small of my back.

By now, I was too far into my first orgy to be concerned as to whether my pussy was about to be licked or fucked. To my pleasured surprise, it was the former and a most delicate tongue indeed.

Having sucked Robin off (we never did get their real names), I rested my upper body on my forearms. ‘That's cold', I sensed, only to realise that my ass was being probed by the glass toy I gave Amber.

‘Fuck, more, give me more,' my head swooned, just before a crashing orgasm gripped my body and subsequently washed through it. ‘There goes my edible g-string,' I realised, as Robin made a meal of it, and I took Marco's cock back into my mouth. To further add to my pleasurement, the small hands I'd earlier felt first cupped my breasts as best they could and then rolled and pulled my nipples.

‘Fuck me!' my mind exclaimed, as the attention my body was receiving; Marco's cock in my mouth, Amber's toy up my ass, Robin sucking my clit, and small hands from one of the others doing wonders to my tits; soon facilitated another orgasm.

I realised, having been sucking Marco's cock on and off for quite some while, that he had a tremendous staying power. Since he'd been with Amber at the start, last time, I naturally assumed she'd made him cum. ‘Time to get reacquainted with it, then,' I surmised, and directed him behind me.

Seeing as Marco was about to fuck me, Robin, who'd been doing a wonderful job of sucking my pussy and clit, slid from beneath me; his cock almost hard I noticed as he stood beside the bed.

"Fuck me, Marco," I called back. "Stick your cock in my pussy and fuck me," I voiced my encouragement, and soon felt it inside me. "Fuck, yes," I swooned, and gestured Robin closer.

‘Fuck, yes, lovely. Two hard fucking cocks inside me, fucking themselves back and forth and...oh fuck, yes,' my head lolled and swooned, as I felt a warm tongue graze my clit and presently suck it. Now I really was far gone, enough that, I now had another woman's tongue sucking and licking my clit; I'd already accepted the fact that feminine hands had caressed my tits, but whose were they - Ginger's or Amber's. Was my flatmate bi-sexual.

Dispelling such thoughts, I put it down to the scene I was somewhat the focal point off; my ass still being probed by the glass toy which meant four of them were concentrating their attention on me.

What I'd give for a cock up my ass instead, my body yearned. And having taken myself from Robin, I cried out for someone to fuck my ass. Positioned as I was, that meant someone getting underneath me, as I didn't want my pussy to be neglected. In fact, I wanted three cocks up me; cunt, ass and mouth all at the same time. Since I'd released Robin, he quickly got back underneath me and filled the void created by Marco moving his cock to my lovely tight ass.

‘Who's cock would it be,' I wondered, a question soon answered by that of the caped crusader's erection swinging into view before me. Tasting it, as it slid between my lips, I noticed Amber's flavoured sex oil, the one she lubes up her ass with.

"Emn, emn," I murmured hungrily, as, once more up on my hands, I swayed back and forth on the trio of cocks inside me. Like the orgy, this would be my first time, not counting my toy that is, that I've had all my fuck holes - mouth, cunt and ass - fucked at the same time. Under the circumstance or because of it, I was enjoying every fucking moment of having my ass and cunt reamed, while I sucked Batman's cock until I once more came.

‘Time to see who's who, or more to the point, who's doing who,' I mused, as I took myself from them and turned around; my dress sliding down my body as I knelt on my haunches.

On the bed beside me, Amber was sandwiched between ‘Fred' and Ramon while ‘Ginger' urged her partner to fuck my flatmate's ass by slapping his. Okay, so it wasn't Amber I felt, not that I was at all concerned as I had suggested Marco look after the otherwise neglected ‘Ginger'.

"Okay, Batman and Robin, make out I'm Catwoman and give me a good hard fucking," I intoned, before getting over Robin - led on the bed - and feeding his cock into my backside.

"Yes, that's it, purrrfect," I exaggerated, as he arrowed his cock up and down my ass while I held a position above him.

"Fuck me, Batman, harder, yes," I cried out, as he, having knelt between my outstretched thighs, fired his cock inside me.

"Oh, fuck, don't stop, don't fucking stop, emn," I urged; my body on the edge of a final orgasm.

"Fuck, yes, more, fuck me, fuck me, fuck—me!" I presently exclaimed, my body going into raptured spasm as I came and came hard.

Taking himself from my well fucked and wracked body, Batman, whoever he was, stood up and slowly began stroking his cock above me. ‘Emn, yes,' my body longed, as I awaited the warm shower of his spunk on my face. ‘Lovely, and quite refreshing,' I swooned, as his creamy cum bathed my lips, nose and that of my nearside cheek, before I opened my mouth to receive both the remainder and to suck his Bat-cock. ‘Emn, yummy,' I extolled, as I tasted it, and again, and as with before, swirled it around my mouth before swallowing.

‘Now for my face,' I thought, only for small hands to tilt my head back - Robin's curved erection still up my ass to the hilt of his cock and balls - and subsequently lick the almost cold cum from me.

‘There you go,' ‘Ginger' exclaimed afterwards; her lips forming a pleasant warm smile before she returned to ‘Fred'. Marco and Ramon, meanwhile, went at Amber's pussy and ass, and all while she sucked the toy I'd given her.

Some while later, and with Batman and Robin spent and my body ready for some more action, I put my dress back on. Then, and having unlocked the door, I ushered the pair out and into the hall.

"Hey, it's Batman and Robin," exclaimed the one wearing a gorilla suit, and then made his way to where I was stood.

"How's your banana hanging," I rejoined, and immediately swung my hand to feel his cock. Impressed, I backed us up through the doorway, but couldn't stop another reveller joining us, a bald black guy, who was, without a doubt, Will Smith from men in black. Locking the door behind us and again putting on the chain, I had them follow me to the bed.

"Way to go, Jasmine, way—to—fucking—go," Amber commended, having seen me with my hair well and truly down.

With my dress still buttoned at the nape of my neck, I was soon gorging on two new cocks; one white and the other black. I even surprised myself when I managed to take them part way into my mouth and suck them. After that, I alternated between stroking one and sucking the other; there being no need for foreplay on their part as I got them hard enough to give me another shagging.

‘I've' been fucked by Batman & Robin Hood,' I told them, ‘so...!' And with that, I quickly removed my dress and waited for one of them, the gorilla suited one, to lay on the bed for me. As before, I got over him in the cowgirl position and was soon sliding my slick wet cunt up and down his cock.

"Okay, J," I said, and directed the other one behind me. Either he wasn't one for ass sex, or what he chose to do instead was a prelude to it. Given that I'd already sucked them both, he somehow managed to slip his cock inside my wet pussy and alongside that of the white one.

‘Oh fuck. Well, that's certainly different, so long as they don't try it with my ass, is all,' my mind raced, as I got to realise the pleasure of having my cunt both double stuffed and fucked.

"Fucking cheek," exclaimed Amber from behind me. Well, I had, on at least two occasions, remarked as to what a slut she was, and now here I was with two cocks up my horny pussy; one moving out as the other slid in, their contrasting rhythm causing a pleasured rippling sensation as my cunt muscles contracted around them on the verge of yet another orgasm tearing up inside me.

"Oh fuck, yes," I cried out, when I came. "Keep fucking me like this, keep fucking me like this, keep fucking me..." my voice trailed off, as another climax gained momentum and soon shoot through my body.

"Ohh, fuck, yes," I murmured afterwards.

Turning to the one behind me, I said, "I was rather hoping you'd stick your black dick up my tight white ass, that being my New Year wish, and all," I said encouragingly.

"Yes, mam," J replied, and quick as a flash he withdrew himself from me.

With the gorilla suited one in my pussy holding my ass open, ‘J' presently guided his black sceptre up my backdoor. ‘Oh fucking yes,' I swooned, as I relaxed from the energetic shag I had with B & R, and let these two nail me.

Casting a glance to the others, Amber was being serviced by all three of the men while ‘Ginger', her head resting on my flatmates back, sucked ‘Fred's' cock each time he withdrew it from her backside (Amber's that is).

"That's it, guys, fuck me, fuck my horny body," I encouraged, as another climax percolated away. Just then, and almost causing me to lose concentration, there came a nock at the door, followed by a voice announcing five minutes to go. ‘What the fuck,' I thought, only for ‘J', in my ass, to exclaim they meant there was five minutes until ‘New year's day'. ‘Enough time for Amber, Ginger and me to blow the five guys,' I realised .

"I take it you want Fred," I addressed our unexpected guest; whereupon, Ginger nodded and smiled joyously.

"Or, since the combined beds are big enough, we could all three lay down with our heads touching," Amber intoned, intimating having the men shower us with their warm cum; spunk in her case.

"Oh wow! Yes," trilled Ginger excitedly, and was soon taking up a position.

"There's four minutes to go - ‘til midnight," I pointed out.

"That's okay, they can fuck us and then cum," Amber, ever the hungry for cock, crooned, except that I'd had five: Marco, B & R, ‘J' & the gorilla.

"Alright, then," I agreed, and grabbed Ramon, he being number six, and the one I'd expected to fuck anyway. Not wanting to be outdone, Amber opened herself to ‘J' and stroked Marco's long cock; moments after which, Ramon and ‘J' showered us with their hot creamy cum while Marco and the gorilla guy readied themselves to have their turn, but not until Ginger's partner had contributed his offering to our ‘unexpected new year's orgy'.

As those who had gathered in the hallway began to count down from 12, the other two splooged us with their cum. ‘Happy New Year!" we all cheered as one, before the three of us sat up and set about licking the men's goo from the others face. And as Amber lapped it from me, I felt a familiar pull on my rosy nipples - from her. ‘Happy New Year,' she mouthed, with a minxy smile.

Although it was a cheap hotel, it nevertheless had windows. Opening them up, the eight of us still naked, we popped our heads out of the window and called out ‘Happy New year.'

"Well, this most certainly was different," Amber announced. "We must do this again next year," she exclaimed, before ushering our four guests to get dressed and seeing them out.

"It appears to have died down a bit," she called from the door.

Having tarried for a short while, Amber closed the door and then locked and chained it.

"No regrets, guys," she said, and then cuddled up to Marco on the nearside bed.

"No," they each replied, and taking hold of Ramon, I had him join me under the bed cover for the first fuck of the New Year...

...Happy New Year to you all, and hopefully yours went with a similar bang.

XXX Jasmine & Amber.

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The author of this story: Chris-t6290

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