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Tommies Troubles
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I am scrubbing the kitchen floor on all fours when I sense I'm being watched. I turn round and realise I'm giving him a good view down the front of my loose T shirt.

'Tommy, what the hell are you doing, creeping up on me?'

'Sorry Mrs. Pilgrim I was somewhere else.'

It struck me that Tommy who I've know since he was small is now a fully grown nineteen year old and if I wasn't mistaken he'd just been ogling my arse and looking down my front. It's in the middle of a hot summers day and I'm hardly likely to be dressed to cover all my body. As it was I was wearing a pair of white shorts and yes, they must have been a tight fit to my butt as he viewed me.

'I just wondered if I could use your pool for a while?'

''Course you can, just help yourself, and I'll just put on a few more clothes,' I reply and he strolls off to the pool.

He's got the nineteen year old body of a guy who keeps himself fit. I watch as he dives into the pool. I shake my head. Youth in all its glory. I chuckle at his voyerism, they grow up so fast. Later, he comes in to the kitchen rubbing his longish hair dry with a towel. At least I have a bra on and don't feel I've embarrassed him any more.

'So how's the love life ?' I ask him as I make us a cup of coffee.

'It's okay,' he replies but there's something behind his words.

'Just okay? I thought you two would be going at it like rabbits!'

'If only. It's me, I just freeze when she comes on to me. A few more weeks and she'll have had enough. Don't blame her really.'

'Hey, you're a good looking guy, she must be mad to want to dump you.'

'You don't get it, it's the sex, I freeze when she wants sex. I think she's experienced and expects me to be ... but, well, I'm just not there at all. And I don't want to tell her how inexperienced I am. Don't suppose you can teach me some tricks or something?'

'Me, you serious? I'm twice your age. And anyway, what could I teach you that you couldn't learn on line with all the porn that's available?'

'It's not the same is it? I heard dad tell one of his mates that you wreak of sexuality and he's spot on, you do. It's more the finesse, you can't learn how to touch properly on line, you have to experience it. I just need some tips, some way of giving me confidence to go for her.'

I remain uncertain,' I say flattered he finds me hot, 'but Tommy, if I do this for you, you might as well know we will not have full penetrative sex. That should be with Tina.'

'Oh sure, look I wasn't coming on to you or anything, no, course not, ' he flusters.

'Okay, Tommy, okay, I didn't mean anything by it other than I don't want to be the other woman. If you like we can start tomorrow about the same time?'

'Thanks Mrs Pilgrim, you don't know what it means to me.'

'Call me Nikki, and I'll see you tomorrow. Just wear the same as today that way you won't bring any attention to yourself.'

When Tommy arrives the following day I've put on a short skirt and blouse. Thinking Tina would wear bra and pants, I do the same. I can see he's interested and he looks really good in his polo shirt and shorts.

'I thought we might start with a drink of wine just to calm the nerves.'

He's drinking his a little too fast but at least he's overcoming his natural reluctance. We're sitting opposite each other when I begin.

'We're you embarrassed to look at me when I wasn't wearing a bra yesterday?'

'A little, they seemed so large and sexy and reminded me of Tina's.'

'The reason I asked was that for the purposes of today,I wondered if you minded taking off my bra?

'No, not at all.'

'Then you must come and help me. Come over here. Now find the clasp and pull the two ends together. See how easy it is to unclip. If you practice, you'll be able to do it one handed. Now, I pull my arms out of the sleeves and low and behold I have my bra off and out of my T shirt.'

He's looking down my front again. I pull the neck a little lower.

'Is that better?'

His eyes are on stalks.

'Would you like to touch one?'

He nods. I take his hand and place it on my left breast.

'Just feel it, gently. How soft it is and rounded. Can you feel the hard nipple. They get harder when I'm aroused. Now squeeze it, ouch, not so hard! Gently. Yes that's very good.'

I can't tell him how aroused his fingers are making me. I look at his bulge and wonder what effect his touching is doing to his cock. Without being asked he touches my other breast and his fingers begin to work their magic.

'Okay, you can let go now,i say feeling the dampness bewteen my legs.' I want you to undress. A man should always take his shirt off first and then his pants. For a woman it's different as she can accentuate either her breasts or her pussy.'

He strips off his top revealing a well honed upper body the clear product of his rowing and swimming prowess. I part my legs wide and lift up my hem.

'Look between my legs. Do you like the soft bulge? I'm sure you have an idea of what's inside, but I guess you won't have seen one for real? You won't have tasted one or smelt the fragrance of one in an aroused state. Now, take down your shorts and show me your cock and then you can start to touch mine.'

I can see he wants to but he hesitates.I close my legs together not to embarress him any more than he is.

'It's okay, Tommy,' I remind him, 'we're probably going too fast, my fault, let's slow down and we'll meet again. Next time though you need to be confident in being naked and not be so worried.'

'I'm sorry, I want to but just can't.'

I know, don't worry about it, I'm sure if you really want to , you will.'

It's three days before I get a phone call.

'I keep thinking about you leaning back flashing your breasts and showing off with your legs open. I really want to see you properly so I'm ready to strip off for you.'

'Then come over. And remember, if you don't feel comfortable we can always stop.'

When he arrives, he has the air of a guy whose made a breakthrough. I wear a see through crop top so he can see exactly what's underneath. I take him to the bedroom and get him to start on my top half. This time I get him to suck my nipples and use his mouth like he'd used his fingers. I reach down and touch his groin. His cock feels hard under his pants before I strip him of his top. I pull away and lay back on the bed.

'Okay, Tommy, your turn to strip naked.'

He peels off and without hesitation he pulls down his shorts and stands naked before me. His cock is a nice eight inch on the bar. Now its my turn and I lift up the hem of my skirt. With my legs together her can't see anything. It's only when I splay my legs really wide that he sees I'm not wearing knickers and I show him the full extent of my cunt. It's clear he's never seen a pussy in real life.

,Oh fuck!' he exclaims, 'you're shaved, I can see everything.'

I split my lips apart and pull them back so as to open up my hole. What surprises me is his look and suddenly his cock is ejaculating and I unexpectedly get splashed on my face.

'Shit, I'm so sorry, I couldn't help myself, 'and he makes to hide himself.

'Don't be, best you get it out of the way so next time you can have better control. You're not the first and you won't be the last to get so excited. Now, come closer and kiss my pussy, you'll be hard again soon enough.'

I lay back and encourage him. I feel his tongue touch my pussy. I tell him it feels good and for him to use his tongue to explore my hole. The boy is a natural and he uses his tongue to excite me and I tell him when he arouses me and when it's just nice. He teases me, flicking and sucking my clit. I wipe the cum from my face and taste him. That's when I know I want him inside me. I should tell him to stop that he has proved how good he is but I can't. Not until I orgasm and then I hold my breath, grit my teeth and try very hard not to show him what he has just done.

'You can stop now,' I say trying to catch my breath.

'You were amazing' he says as he gets up from between my legs. 'Was that good?'

'You were marvellous, you're a natural, Tina will just love it when you lick her out like that.'

How I envy Tina the woman who will get the the whole of his cock inside her. The jammy bitch.


When Tina appears at my door I fear the worst. I can't think of an explanation that would account for Tommy ejaculating over my face or me orgasming to his cunnilingus.

'I haven't come to confront you. No, the thing is I encouraged him to get more experienced and he's done just that. The problem is I lied to him. He thinks I'm worldly wise but I'm not and I could do with your help.'

'I'm not sure what help you need since we're both women.'

'Tommy said you dressed very sexily and I didn't have the courage to ask him what you wore. He seemed as if it turned him on a lot. I wondered, if you didnt mind, to tell me what you were wearing?'

'Well just a cropped boob top and a short skirt. Here you can see for yourself,' and I find them and show her. 'You look about my size you can try them on if you like.'

'Could I? I want our first sex to be so right,' and she takes the outfit into the bathroom.

On returning, she looks fabulous.

'You look gorgeous,' I tell her and I kiss her on the lips more in delight than anything else. The reaction is surprising when she returns the kiss. We part and look at each other in the eyes and ask the question. Did we just mean what we just did?

'I've shaved my pussy for him, would you have a look and tell me if I've done it properly ?'

If she wants to flash her pussy at me who am I to say no?

'Of course, come into the bedroom and lay on the bed.'

She spreads her slim shapely legs and reveals her clean vulva with its delightful pink lips. She'd arrived without knickers. What did that mean? For a girl who claims to be inexperienced it's difficult to believe.

'I'm sure Tommy will love that,'I tell her not mentioning his exquisite technique.

'I do hope so, I'm really looking forward to him fucking me.'

I'm still looking up her skirt when she asks me

'Would you like to taste me or is that too forward?'

'I take it you're not the inexperienced woman you said you were.'

She smiles,'I hope you're not offended? It was just a way of getting closer to you.'

In response I undress, striptease style teasing her before I move towards her completely naked, and stare at her glorious lips. I tear them apart and breathe in her scent. I kiss her lips and her clit sticking up,like a small child's finger. Her hole is slippery and she takes two fingers without any problem. She moans as I slide in and out of her and arouse her bud gently biting it. I keep up the rhythm until she starts telling me she's coming and her body racks tight and her pussy floods over my face. She wants to know if I have a vibrator. I tell her I do and after getting it out of my drawer she mouths it before she tells me to kneel on all fours. My arse is stuck in the air and first she licks both my cunt and arse before slipping in the vibrator into my gash. She fucks me a few times with it before she sets it in motion and the thrill of an orgasms rushes over me. I'm drooling juice all over the place and I come with her ramming it fast in and out of me as I bite the duvet.

We relax, side by side brushing our hands over each others breasts. We start kissing, our mouths open and our tongues exploring. Hands roam over each other and end up touching pussy.

'Promise you won't come before I do,' she asks.

'Yes, let's come together.'

Slowly we play, fingers inside, fingers rubbing clits, fingers pulling and twisting hard sensitive nipples. There is no rush, time stops as our eyes meet and we look at each other. This is so erotic, I close my eyes to better feel the sensation. I find my pussy fullof juice and I am drawing closer to a second orgasm.

'You're gonna make me come,' I whisper urgently.

'Good because I'm close to the edge.'

'Are you ready?'

'Yes let's do it,' she whispers and she kisses me tenderly.

It's the kiss that takes me over the edge and through my orgasm I hear Tina blowing. Her cries make me come again and I find myself coming more and more until I have to tell her to stop. I lay back my whole body is in perfect peace. My nipple is kissed and it feels good in the glow of the aftermath.

Tina and Tommy

'Nikki, hi it's Tina. You won't believe it but last night we did it not just once but over and over. Tommy wants to thank you for all your help. Is it okay if we come round later tonight?'

'Sure, I'll get some wine in to celebrate. I'm really please for you guys. I can tell you're ecstatic.'

'You have no idea, have to dash, see you tonight,'and the phone goes dead.

When Tommy and Tina arrive you can tell they've been at it quite recently.

'I just can't keep my hands off him,' says Tina beaming.

We have a few glasses of wine and I need a toilet so I leave them in the lounge. Big mistake, for when I get back Tina is kneeling in front of Tommy, who is laid back on the couch, with her mouth wrapped around his extended cock. He has his eyes shut and is oblivious to me entering the room. She looks up at me and winks and keeps her lips moving up and down his shaft. Looking at her doing what she's doing makes me very aroused and I pull off my top and unclip my bra flashing my tits at her. My nipples feel rock hard and I stroke one with my hand making my pussy awash with juices. I no longer care what either Tina or Tommy think as I walk around the sofa to kneel beside Tommy. He looks surprised as well he might as I offer him my teat to suck. He has lost none of his technique that he has honed these past few weeks. He makes it even hotter when his hand slips between my legs and he places his hand on the crotch of my knickers. Please don't rub I think as his touch gently massages me. I start to whimper a sure sign I am nearly climaxing and he's hardly touching me.

No! I cry as my other breast is sucked by Tina now up from the floor. Her hand joins Tommy's and with my knickers down by my knees I'm easy meat for them. A finger from each of them inside me one at the base , the other at my clit. I start to pant and gasp at the intensity and I feel the climax building, the tension mounting, I tense up, my hands gripped into balls. I have no way of stopping what they are doing. Gradually from the base of my groin I feel the enormity of a wave building up. Higher and higher until I sense it crashing over and I cry out in ecstasy. No sooner has one orgasm faded when another starts. My whole vulva tingles with every touch and afer the lastwaves dies I am man-handled into lying on the couch.

'Go on then you know you want to,' says Tina and I'm looking at Tommy mounting me.

Fuck he has his large pole in his hand and with the help of Tina, he is adjusting my body for entry.

'Let me do it,' says Tina and I look across at her whilst she takes Tommy firmly in her hand and slowly she rubs his cock up and down my soddened clit.

This should not be happening but it is. I feel him enter me, his thickness stretching my vagina open. I can feel it drive into me all the way until he hits the buffers and his balls slap against me. I can hardly breath as I look at him powering into me with Tina, her eyes agog, staring at me being fucked by her boyfriend. I am beyond thought and unable to do or say anything. When Tina pushes me down flat and squirms her fanny over my face and rubs her juices over my nose and mouth I gasp for air.

'She's tonguing my cunt,' Tina is telling Tommy, and look at your cock driving into her. I dare you to cum inside her.

'Do you want me to?'

'Ooh yea, I'd love it. Let me bend right over so I can suck her clit at the same time.'

Her arse moves upwards allowing me to breathe as I feel her teeth gently biting my bud.

'Do it now Tommy, shoot your spunk up her.'

His cock explodes and it throbs deep inside me. He's blowing his wad into me and all I can do is to reach forward and bury my head in Tina's muff. When Tommy pulls out she's licking me out, sucking up her boyfriend's cum.

'Here,' says Tommy handing me a vibrator now buzzing at max,' use this on her.'

I waste no time getting my own back by thrusting the silver bullet toy deep into her snatch. I use it like a cock quickly moving it in and out and making sure her clit gets touched. At the point of her climax she discharges a stream of juice all over me as it spews from her oscillating tunnel.

'Nikki, you fabulous bitch,'she says gasping for air.

A grin emerges on her face, 'There Tommy, didn't I tell you she would fuck you, she just needed a little prompting.'

Something tells me this meeting won't be the end.

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The author of this story: jon_pilgrim

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