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Patty's Revenge
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I'd been the Principal of Eastlake High School for ten years now. In that time, I built a faculty that was dedicated, diligent, and who the students respected and admired. I respected each teacher for the talent and dedication they brought to a tough job but I do have to say that there were a few members of the staff who didn't always appreciate my leadership style. Well, so be it because if there is one thing I learned in the Army it's that leadership should never be equated with popularity. Tough decisions have to be made when running a school, and I had neither the time nor the desire to seek approval for every decision I made concerning Eastlake High School. Overall, though, I was admired and respected for the job I'd done keeping our students performing at a high level. I knew, though, as any good Principal does, that the school is more than the man or woman in charge: it's the students and the teachers and how they work together toward achieving success. For this reason, despite how long I'd known each teacher who worked for me, I gave them my private cell phone number and instructed them to call me whenever they needed something after school hours. So far, only two teachers had used the number, both instances the result of an unexpected death in the family.

There were several faculty members I'd grown close too in my time as Principal. While most of my closest friends at Eastlake High were males such as the football and basketball coaches, there were a number of female teachers I enjoyed the company of as well. One of these female teachers was Patty Wren, our lead literature teacher. Each year, Patty's students were the highest in the state and that made my job easier. And since I'd learned long ago to show how much I appreciated my teachers, I often had them to my house for a cookout, or just for drinks. The atmosphere at Eastlake High between teachers and staff was close and friendly.

Once I arrived at my house, I dressed in casual clothing and because I didn't seem to have much of an appetite, decided I'd have another scotch instead. I settled down in a comfortable chair in my den, prepared to watch an old movie with a fourth drink in my hand. I reasoned that since I wasn't going anywhere for the remainder of the evening, having four drinks wouldn't hurt me because if I became intoxicated, I could either sleep it off in the chair or ramble upstairs to my bed. I was happy to be relaxing, happy to be away from the school, happy for the quiet solitude I'd been granted because my wife was in Dallas.

The quiet, however, was broken an hour later. The combination of the alcohol and the fatigue I felt combined to put me to sleep, and the blaring ringer of my cell phone sounded like a siren as I reached to retrieve off the chairside table. I didn't recognize the number on the caller identification display, but I did see that the area code was local. I asked myself who it was that could be calling at this late hour. After I answered the call, the only sounds I heard were those of someone crying and breathing heavily as if they couldn't catch their breath. "Hello?" I said again, having no idea what was going on but thinking that perhaps a bunch of kids were having fun playing jokes on the phone. "Hello?" I said again, quickly growing tired of this little game and fully prepared to simply end the call. "If you don't tell me who you are, I'm hanging up," I said.

"Thomas, this is Patty," I heard her say into the receiver. "The most terrible thing has happened, and I have no idea what to do or who to turn to," she said between deep sobs and sharp gasps for air. "Oh, Thomas, what am I to do?" Now fully alert despite the effect of the drinks I'd had, I sat straight up in my chair and asked Patty to tell me what was going on. The sound of muffled sobbing filled the earpiece of the phone. "Well, Thomas, I'll get right to the point." Patty explained how she'd arrived home earlier than planned and when she opened her door, she heard the unmistakable sound of moaning coming from her bedroom. When she entered the large room, "I found Ken and our neighbor Sally fucking on my bed, Thomas!" she cried, full, deep, and sorrowful sobs escaping her mouth and travelling through the phone to my ears. "In my own fucking bed, Thomas!" For the next few moments, I listened as Patty explained how she'd never trusted Sally since she moved in two years ago, and that now, the neighborhood gossip about her being a wanton woman seemed to be suddenly and tragically true. "Thomas, I entered the bedroom and there he was with her ankles in his hands, lifted above his head, just slamming away at her, the bitch!" Again, Patty cried into the phone, and I began to worry about where she might be at that time. "And worst of all, Thomas, when Ken saw me standing in the doorway, he called me a cunt for coming home early. He was blaming me for the entire incident, Thomas: he was blaming me!" When I asked what she'd done after discovering her husband with another woman, she informed me she'd left immediately, got in her car and had been driving around town for the last several hours. "I knew I couldn't drive around all night, Thomas, so I decided to call you." She went silent, most likely waiting for me to make the next move.

Whenever I hired a new teacher, I made sure to ensure them that my policy was always family first. Regardless of what demands the school placed on them or me, if they needed time away from school or some school commitment, I would always understand and accept their absence if family was involved. I learned long ago that a happy staff, one which sees that their leader cares for them, is an effective staff. So, with that in mind, I did the only thing I knew to do: I informed Patty that I had an extra bedroom and she was welcome to stay in for the night. "But, Thomas, I can't stay at your home," she said. "What will your neighbors think with Marge being out of town?"

"Patty, most of my closest neighbors are in their eighties and nineties and go to bed somewhere around six o'clock," I informed her, hoping there was no slur to my voice. "No one will either care or notice you pulling into my garage. I'll leave the door up for you. Besides, it's after midnight and where else do you have to go?" Again, Patty began to debate the idea but when I reminded her that it was she who'd said she had nowhere else to go, she came to reason and said she'd be at my house in fifteen minutes. After ending the call, I quickly brushed my teeth to erase the alcohol smell on my breath, washed my face, and made a quick tray of crackers and cheese, in the event Patty hadn't eaten before finding her husband fucking another woman in her own bed. I lifted the garage door and returned to the kitchen to wait for Patty.

I wasn't sure what I could do, and although Patty and I had had our professional differences before, I still couldn't turn her away, especially now that she'd called me. I tried to recall just how much I knew of her husband. I'd seen him at a few summer faculty functions such as cookouts we held to begin the new school year. He was always loud and brash, and he always seemed to have a need to be the center of attention. I heard several teachers suggest that he might actually be a bully to Patty. It was as if he just didn't give a damn whether other people thought he was a bastard or not. Although I didn't join in the conversation, several teachers commented how they disapproved of Ken's behavior, and wondered aloud why Patty didn't leave or divorce him. As for me, I'd like nothing more than to knock the bastard out with a good punch, but then, it wasn't my place as Principal of Eastlake High School to interfere in a faculty member's private life. But I knew there was no doubt I could take Ken because I'd seen his loud-mouthed, obnoxious type before: all talk and very little action. And I really didn't like Ken much anyway, to be honest. But, before I could give much more thought to Patty's situation, I heard a soft knock at the garage door, indicating that she had arrived.

It was the sight of Patty's face that struck me first. Her face was streaked with smudged mascara where her tears had run down her cheek. She entered the small laundry room which led to the garage, and because the space there was so tight, as she turned her body to go by me, her ass brushed against my cock. I guess this is a good time to tell you that if there's one thing that sets my cock to going, it's a wide, broad ass. And that is exactly what Patty Wren had: a big, wide ass. Now, I know that the contact between her big ass and my cock was unintentional, but I'm just as certain Patty had no idea of the effect the physical contact had on me. Between her brushing my cock and the four drinks I'd had, there was no way I could prevent my cock from beginning to grow hard in my loose fitting jeans. I couldn't believe it: here I was helping a friend in need, and sexual thoughts were cruising through my head. I shook my head from side to side to clear the unwanted thoughts from my brain and pointed in the direction of the den. Patty led the way while I walked behind her and adjusted my cock for the second time that day. Patty's high heels clicked loudly on the tiled floor as she entered the den. "Have a seat, Patty," I said, as she placed herself on the wide sofa before the fireplace and as I made my way to the bar. "Can I pour you a glass of wine or something?" I wasn't sure what else to do, deciding it would be Patty who guided the conversation for at least the first few moments.

"Wine? Are you kidding me, Thomas?" she asked, her eyes wide with surprise. "No, I'll have what you're having," she said, pointing to my empty whisky glass. "Right now, I need something stronger than wine." Nodding my head, I filled two glasses with the scotch and handed one glass to Patty. Before I could take my place in my chair, she drained the glass and extended her arm toward me, the glass empty and needing refilling. "If you don't mind, Thomas," she said, more a demand than a request. One again, I filled the glass, but this time I filled it to the brim. Patty accepted the glass but sipped the amber colored fluid rather than drink it all in one gulp. I sat in silence and watched Patty for a long moment, deciding she'd speak when she was ready.

Finally, Patty sat her glass on a small table and sat back, sinking into the soft couch. "Thank you for letting me come by, Thomas, I really do appreciate it," she said, her eyes locked onto mine. "I could have spent the night in a hotel, but Ken controls all the finances and he never lets me carry a credit card. If I need anything, he just gives me cash and I buy what I need." Pointing to her purse lying by her side, she said, "Right now, I have twenty dollars to my name, certainly not enough for a hotel room." I heard a long, mournful sigh escape her lips just before she buried her head in her chest and began to weep again, doing the best to wipe away what I knew were tears of hurt and pain. Her sobs increased in volume and size, and I moved quickly from my chair, and offered her a box of facial tissues. "Thank you, Thomas," she said as she wiped the tears and smeared mascara from her face. I returned to my seat and sipped from my glass while Patty regained her composure.

We continued to chat for several more moments before Patty finally asked to be shown to the guest bedroom. Now, although it was my turn to lead the way, I could hear the clicking sound of Patty's high heels on the wooden hallway floor. When we stopped at the bedroom door, Patty looked up at me and said, "I can't thank you enough for taking me in, Thomas." When I stated that she didn't need to thank me, Patty suddenly lunged at me, wrapped her arms around my shoulders and wept again into my chest. I felt her tears soaking the fabric of my thin shirt, and when she stepped back, she saw that she's smudged my shirt with what remained of her makeup. A large, dark spot discolored my shirt and although it didn't matter to me, Patty seemed concerned that she'd ruined the garment. "Oh, my, now look what I've done," she said as she snuffed away the last few tears. She placed her hand on my chest to attempt to cleanse the stain away, but all she did was run her hand over my right nipple, located just under the shirt material. Patty continued to massage the stained spot on my shirt, but we both knew her efforts were in vain. Her eyes focused on the obvious small bulge of the nipple as it rose to her attention and signaled to her that in some small way, she's stimulated me. I placed my hand gently over Patty's hand and removed it from my chest, holding her hand in silence as we stood in the guest bedroom door. "Well, I guess I better go to bed," she said, her voice barely above a whisper, but her eyes locked intently onto mine. When I didn't respond, she again lunged forward, wrapped her arms around me again. She kissed my cheek and said, "You're a true gentleman, Thomas, and I won't forget what you've done for me tonight." She broke the embrace, stepped through the door, and slowly closed the door, her eyes remaining on mine. When I was certain the door was completely closed, I returned to the den to finish my drink and to watch what remained of the movie.

Somewhere between finishing the drink and the end of the movie, I drifted off to sleep, most likely the result of the many drinks I'd had that evening. Just before dozing off, however, I thought about the reasons Patty had come to my house. I knew it wasn't because I lived near Patty and the drive from her house to mine was short. I reasoned that it was because of my policy about everyone being family who was on our staff. It was evident that Patty trusted me, and that was something I felt good about, even if she and I didn't always agree on matters. As my eyelids became heavy and I drifted into a dream world, I recall thinking one final time about Patty's wide ass, and how it had turned me on to such a high degree. Sleep overcame me and I slumped deeper into the soft chair. Somewhere around two o'clock, I woke, my back hurting, and made my way to my bedroom, located beside the guest bedroom where Patty lay sleeping. I removed my shoes and walked as quietly as possible down the hallway, intent on not waking Patty. But I couldn't pass by the guestroom door without looking in on Patty. I knocked lightly, not wanting to wake her, and when she didn't respond, I turned the door handle slowly and pushed until the door opened several inches. The interior of the room was dark, but when I opened the door completely and stepped into the room. By now, my heart was beating wildly, pounding in my chest. I knew I wasn't supposed to be in the room with Patty sleeping, but I couldn't help myself: maybe it was the alcohol that was influencing my actions, or maybe it was just pure lust. I don't really know. But Patty was my guest now, not a coworker, and it was my responsibility to make sure she was comfortable. It was not my responsibility, though, to spy on my guests.

Because our grandchildren visited often, I'd installed several low-level lights in the room so that our grandchildren didn't become frightened by the dark. I flipped a switch located by the door and immediately, three low intensity lamps partially filled the room with enough light for me to see Patty's sleeping body lying on the guest bed. I closed the door behind me as quietly as possible, glad when I heard the soft clicking sound of the bolt falling into place. Patty faced away from me on the small bed, her hair covering her head, and her body rising and falling as she inhaled and exhaled slowly. The blanket covering her body stretched only halfway up her lower torso, covering her ass but leaving her exposed from the waist to her head. I stood there in absolute silence and watched Patty, letting my eyes make their final adjustments to the dim light, while I stared at Patty's sleeping form.

It was then that I realized Patty was sleeping in the nude. Well, how else would she sleep, Tom, I asked myself: she'd shown up here at my house with nothing but her purse and a broken heart. I stood stone still, not wanting to wake Patty. So, I just stood at the door and stared at her, amazed but glad the light hadn't wakened her. But I could only stand there so long before I either had to leave the room or do something. I chose to move, but my legs didn't carry me out of the room. No, in three steps, I was standing by the edge of the bed looking down at Patty as she slept. I knew that making the move toward the bed meant I'd already decided what my next course of action would be, and I could only hope that I wouldn't be caught.

With my heart racing, I extended my arm toward Patty and grasped the edge of the sheet between the fingers of my right hand. Slowly, slowly, ever so slowly, I tugged on the sheet until I'd moved it several inches down Patty's naked body to expose her ass. After all the years I'd known this woman who could be a thorn in my side, here I was, finally, at the point where I could view her naked ass. One final, short tug, and the sheet now covered Patty only up to the midpoint of her upper thighs. She stirred slightly in her sleep, freezing me in place. I just knew Patty would wake any second now and catch me, call the police, and I'd lose my wife and job all because I couldn't control my impulses. But I pressed on, releasing the sheet from my grasp, and looked down at Patty's wide ass.

Even in the dim light, I could see that while her ass was wide, the skin seemed firm but soft. There was no going back now. Slowly, my right hand lowered until the palm lay on Patty's left ass cheek. Her skin was warm to the touch and when I compared my hand to the size of her ass, my hand looked like that of a child's. I didn't want to press my lick, but I couldn't resist squeezing the ass flesh slightly, my fingertips creating small craters in her skin. Patty suddenly stirred, murmured something in her sleep, and rolled onto her chest, her entire backside, that which wasn't still covered by the sheet, exposed to my very wide opened eyes. I immediately withdrew my hand to my side, waiting to see if my touch had caused Patty to awaken. But she didn't, and remained lying on her front side with two wonderful ass cheeks staring up at me.

Here I was, standing in the guest bedroom of my house, with a coworker who trusted me, and I was staring down at her naked upper body with a growing cock and a rapidly beating heart. You might as well go for it, I told myself, and so, bent forward at the waist, and placed both hands fully on Patty's ass. The right cheek was as firm and soft as the left and I began to knead Patty's ass in my anxious hands. I spread her ass cheeks slightly and saw her asshole looking up at me, and while I've always wanted to fuck a woman in her ass, I had to fight some of the strongest sexual desires I've ever had to stop myself from fucking Patty's big ass right there on the guestbed. But while I could stop myself from unzipping my cock and stuffing it Patty's asshole, I couldn't stop myself from continuing to paw the ass cheeks. Patty moaned again, but I was unable to tell whether or not she was simply making noises in her sleep, or if she was subconsciously responding to my touch. But I knew I had to stop, so, I pulled the sheet back up her body until it covered her waist, and left the room. I did return, however, just long enough to lay one of my over-sized shirts near the end of the bed where Patty's stacked her clothing. I thought she might want to wear something more casual in the morning while I made breakfast.

Now, I could say the night ended there when I finally made my way to my bedroom. But it didn't. Following Patty's lead, I decided to sleep in the nude, and slid my naked body between the sheets of my bed. I lay in the dark for at least an hour before finally giving into the rock hard cock that wouldn't seem to die down to a limp state. When I wrapped my hand around the shaft, my thoughts immediately returned to what I'd done to Patty's ass. I quickened the pace of my hand sliding up and down my cock until I came in a torrent of hot come, the pearly white crème oozing over my wrist and fingers. I got up, washed my hands, and returned to bed, but I didn't sleep. No, I lay there for what remained of the night, thinking about what I'd done, how I'd spied on Patty, how I'd touched her without her permission, and so many other things that troubled my mind. When eight o'clock rolled around, I decided to amble down to the kitchen and fix breakfast for Patty and myself. Wearing only a pair of loose-fitting flannel pajama bottoms and a t-shirt, I made my way downstairs.

I was surprised, then, when I entered the kitchen to the smell of bacon, eggs, and coffee, and Patty standing at the sink with her back to me. She'd found the shirt I placed at the foot of the guest bed he night before, the long shirttail hanging down behind her to cover her ass and legs all the way to the midpoint of her upper thighs. Her hair sat atop her head in a loose bun, and she was barefoot. Patty turned when she heard me enter the kitchen, and after placing whatever she'd had in her hand into the sink, she turned to face me, her hands on her hips, her expression stern and serious. I poured a cup of coffee while Patty stared so intently at me and I became uncomfortable with her optical lock on me. "Well, is there something you wish to tell me, Thomas?" she said, her voice seemingly laced with anger. I knew, I just knew, that she was referring to me pawing her ass the night before, but I could not find the words that would adequately explain why I'd violated her privacy and the right to sleep in my house without being molested. When I didn't answer, Patty took a step toward me, her eyes still locked on mine. "Thomas, I asked you a question," she said. "I mean, I know I'm a guest in your home, but is it your usual custom to be late for breakfast?" My racing heart immediately relaxed and I realized Patty was pulling my leg, having a joke at my expense. It was then, as she smiled at me, that I noticed she'd failed to button the top three or four buttons of the shirt she was wearing. A hint of cleavage peeked out at me, but I didn't want to stare. Mumbling my apologies I sat at the table while Patty loaded our plates with the food she'd prepared. We enjoyed a wonderful relaxed meal, despite the unspoken reason for her to be at my house. But after breakfast while we sat at the small table, it was inevitable that we turn to the topic of Patty discovering her husband fucking another woman in her bed.

To my surprise, Patty seemed less upset this morning than she had the evening before. I was sure now that she hadn't sensed me in the room with my hands all over her ass, so I relaxed a bit more with each passing moment. But I was confused why she was displaying an almost complete turnaround from the crying, sobbing, and general emotional pain from the night before. For more than half an hour, Patty and I drank coffee and playfully discussed my role as her Principal and her position as the teacher's union representative. It was a pleasant time, actually, and I discovered that I really did like Patty more than I ever thought I would.

But there was still the issue of her going home and how she planned to deal with her husband's cheating. When I cautiously brought up the subject, she threw her head back, laughed loudly, and said she'd already devised a plan that would, as she said, "put that bastard in his place." Before I could ask what she meant by her statement, Patty rose from her seat, grasped our mugs, and made her way to the coffee pot, returning with two steaming cups of coffee. While she was at the counter, I couldn't help but stare at her ass again, remembering how her naked flesh felt under my hand. Even though the shirt she wore was oversized, her ass cheeks spread the loose fabric to the stretching point. But I didn't care: I'd seen both of Patty's ass cheeks and all I could think about the desire, still burning inside me, that I wanted to do more than simply paw Patty's ass. I knew I also wanted to fuck her.

Patty remained standing, but bent forward at the waist to place my cup of coffee on the table. As she folded her body forward, the loose shirt opened and I was graced with a view of her cleavage, and the underside of her right tit. Although the shirt covered most of her tits, I could tell they were larger than average size, another fact that caused my cock to begin to grow under the table. I knew that unless I placed my hand over my now growing cock, Patty would have little or no difficulty in seeing that she had aroused me. I slid my hand over the huge bulge but when I looked up, Patty was staring down at my hand, and I knew she realized the reason for my movement. But rather than sit down with me at the table, Patty instead took several backward steps until her ass was pressed against the counter, her arms crossed, staring at me.

I recalled that she hadn't answered my question about her plans for Ken, her dickhead husband. "Okay, Patty," I said, still concealing my cock but interested in what her plan was. "Tell me how you plan to put Ken in his place, as you say." She sipped from her coffee, but remained silent. I pressed on. "Do you plan to divorce him now that you caught him with another woman? I'm sure you can take him to the bank if you hire a really good attorney."

"Actually, Thomas, I have no intention of divorcing Ken or hiring an attorney," she said to my surprise. "He's controlled all the family finances for so long that I have no idea how much we're worth, and he's a smart businessman who has created enough separate accounts that there's no way I'll be able to get a dime out of him." Patty returned her attention to her coffee before continuing. "In fact, I have no desire to obtain a single dime from him because that's not what would hurt him the most." When she saw the confusion cross my face after her last statement, Patty explained that she'd been married to Ken enough to know that two things would bother him more than a divorce or forced financial settlement. "Thomas, he's a man who's had too much control over me for too long. No, where I plan to hit him is in his cock and in his mind."

To say I was shocked at Patty's blunt statement and coarse language would be an understatement. I'd never heard her speak with those terms before, and the expression on my face told her I needed to hear more. "You see, Thomas," she continued, "Ken believes he's a master lover, that all women desire him. He believes that I would never cheat on him and up until now, I haven't. But if he knew or saw that I was fucking another man," she said, again using straightforward language, "Then he'd be beside himself with self-pity. And I plan to find a way to force him to watch me while I fuck another man, right in the same bed I found him in last night with his cock buried deep in our neighbor's pussy." Patty's comments had a note of determined finality in them, and I was certain she'd somehow find a way to put her plan into action.

But there was still the fact that underneath the table, my cock remained as hard as steel. For a brief second, I allowed my eyes to travel the length of Patty's body, seeing the large lumps where her tits remained out of sight, the sight of her legs as they emerged from the hem of the shirttail, all the way to her feet, bare upon the tiled kitchen floor. When I returned my gaze to Patty's face, she was staring at me, sipping quietly from her coffee mug. "Tell me something, Patty," I said, hoping to change the subject so that my cock might die down and I could walk across the room. "Just how do you plan to convince a man to participate in your plan? I mean, you know you have to be safe and all that."

"Oh, I can imagine one or two men who'd be glad to fuck me, Thomas,"" she said, her eyes boring into mine. "Perhaps you do too." With that last comment, Patty turned her back to me and began to run hot water into the sink, to rinse the breakfast dishes. Each movement of her body caused the back hem of the shirt to swish from side to side, and it was then, there in my kitchen, that I knew just the man to help Patty carry out her plan of revenge. In an instant I was up from the table and making my way to the sink, the large cock bulge in my pajamas protruding several inches from my body. I heard Patty sigh as I pressed my body to hers, as my cock slid into the space between her ass cheeks. I wrapped my hands around her shoulders, spun her body around forcefully, and pressed my lips to Patty's half-opened mouth. Her tongue met mine and because I knew there was no love involved here, just pure, sexual need and the desire to extinguish the intense sexual fires burning in both of us, I began to claw at Patty's body, tearing the shirt open in the front, the buttons falling to the tiled floor. Patty responded by lifting my nightshirt up and over my head, exposing my chest before laying her wet, hot mouth on the right nipple, the same nipple she'd stimulated the night before when her mascara stained my shirt. Around and around she swirled her tongue, using the tip to stimulate the button while my hands inched inside the shirt still covering part of her body, and found her own tits. Patty's nipples resembled two hard candies between my thumb and forefinger and as I rolled each nipple in between my fingers, she began to moan loudly despite having an oral lock on my right nipple. I slid the shirt off Patty's shoulders until her upper back was exposed, and placed my lips on her bare shoulders. A series of kisses down her neck across her shoulders and back to her ear lobes caused Patty to break the lock she had on my nipple and return it to my mouth.

Matters were moving very quickly now as we stood at my kitchen sink, and there was no doubt now that Patty and I knew where all this would end. She extended her hand inside my pajama bottoms, found my achingly hard cock, and began to stroke the shaft from head to base. Now, it was my turn to remove a garment so with Patty's hand still stroking my cock, I squirmed out of the pajama bottoms and stood naked before her. Patty looked down at my cock and I thought that for one second, she hesitated, perhaps thinking she and I had gone too far. But just as quickly, she was back at rolling her hand the length of my prick, exciting every nerve ending in the shaft and causing a small bit of precum to ooze from the tip. I began to moan loudly as Patty increased the speed of her hand motions, knowing that if I allowed her to continue to massage my cock, I'd come very soon in her hand.

But that was not what I wanted to do, and I knew Patty didn't want a handful of come either. I removed her hand from my cock, and took her by the hand to the kitchen table. Looking over her shoulder at me, Patty knew what I wanted her to do without me stating it explicitly. I placed my hands on the back of her still naked shoulders, and pushed gently until Patty was bent over the kitchen table, her tits pressed against the wood surface. She spread her arms wide to maintain her balance, and without looking at me, said, "Now, Thomas, now."

Not needing any further encouragement, I lifted the hem of the shirt to reveal the same beautiful but wide ass I'd seen and silently mauled the night before. With both hands guiding my seven-inch cock, I placed the head against Patty's pussy lips and pushed. I guess because she was an older woman, my cock slipped inside her easily and soon, Patty and I had created a back and forth rhythm that caused the two coffee cups still on the table to fall over and spill their contents across the wooden surface. Patty seemed not to care that the two brown pools of coffee were now soaking her chest, and her moans filled the kitchen. "Oh, fuck, Thomas, fuck," she moaned, quietly at first, then growing louder as we both inched toward orgasm. "I need this so goddamn bad, Thomas, so fucking bad." In and on I drove, slamming away at Patty's cunt, my balls slapping her ass with each powerful forward thrust. Each time I withdrew my cock, I looked down to see the flesh heavily coated with Patty's cunt juices. Then, I'd slam the shaft forward again, by now with so much force that each thrust pushed the table several inches across the kitchen floor. Patty placed her hands on each wide ass cheek and spread the large mounds of flesh to offer me deeper access to her cunt. But it was then, seeing Patty offering her cunt in this fashion that I decided to satisfy the one fantasy I'd carried secretly inside of me for entirely too long. "Goddamn, Thomas, goddamn," Patty moaned again, louder, her rearward thrusts coming faster and harder than mine. I could tell Patty was enjoying this kitchen fucking, enjoying the sensation of my cock stimulating the nerve endings in her pussy. But the more I looked down at her ass and remembered what I'd done last night, the more I slammed away at her ultra-wet pussy, I knew there was only one way for me to end this fucking session.

Before I removed my cock from Patty's pussy, I bent forward and grasped her right wrist in my hand. I brought the hand backward and underneath Patty's body until I felt her fingers make contact with her sloppy wet pussy. I easily found her clit then guided her own finger to the same location. "Umm, baby, yes," Patty moaned, now stimulating her clit, fingering the love-button while my cock slid in and out of her cunt. Patty protested briefly when I removed my cock from her cunt, but she soon quieted down when she felt me press the head of my soaking wet dick against the tight opening of her asshole. I expected Patty to protest, but instead, she began to moan again as I pushed and pushed until the head of my cock lay buried just inside her ass.

"Patty," I said, "I'm going to fuck you in the ass." Patty responded by thrusting backward, a move that allowed three full inches of hard, meaty cock to slide between her ass cheeks and into the tightest sexual opening on her body. "One more push, honey, and we're there," I said as I grasped her wide, huge ass on the sides, grabbed whole hands full of flesh, and pushed forward as hard as I could until every millimeter of my super-hard cock lay inside Patty's tight, tight asshole. "Oh, shit, Patty, I never knew it could be this good," I said as I suddenly realized I was so close to coming that there was no going back. "Baby, I can't wait anymore," I told her as I increased my pumping speed and slammed away at Patty's fleshy ass. "OH, HELL, YES!" I screamed as the first load of hot come escaped my cock and coated the insides of Patty's asshole. I never knew fucking someone in the ass could be this pleasurable, this stimulating. But it was and it seemed as if I was having the most powerful orgasm I'd had in my entire life. "PATTY, PATTY, PATTY!" I screamed as another wave of orgasm swept over me, as another surge of orgasmic joy entered my brain and caused me to continue to fuck Patty in her wide, beautiful ass. When the orgasm finally ended, I was so exhausted that all I could do was to bend over Patty's bent over form and press my sweat-soaked chest against her now naked back. I kissed her ears, her neck, her ear lobes while my body returned to normal. After several moments, when I felt safe to stand on my own two feet, I stood erect although my cock was still buried somewhat in Patty's asshole. Reluctantly, I pulled my cock from Patty's ass, brought her to a standing position, and turned her to face me. For the first time, I saw Patty now completely nude, and I relished in the view of her body. For all the years I'd known Patty, I'd made a mistake simply by looking only at her ass because in all reality, Patty possessed a body she had every right to be proud of. Her tits were as firm as a woman half her age, her skin was soft and tanned, and her legs were well-toned and muscled. Only her ass was out of proportion to the rest of her body, but as you know by now, that was a plus to me.

Patty and I kissed for several moments, our naked bodies pressed together, before I broke the kiss and sat naked on one of the kitchen chairs. Patty sat beside me, also naked, her hands on her knees and her eyes staring intently into mine. "Tell me something, Thomas," she said after staring intently at me. "Did you enjoy that? Did you find it pleasurable fucking me?" When I informed Patty that I did, she continued. "Then, let me ask another question: Would you like to fuck me again?" Again, I affirmed that yes, I wanted to fuck her again, Patty smiled and leaned forward, her warm hands now resting on my naked knees. "Then this is where I need your assistance, Thomas." Intrigued, I listened as Patty described her plan for revenge on her husband, her tits shaking as she spoke with conviction and outlined the plan she told me she'd come up with last night while she slept in the guest bedroom. "So, are you with me on this, Thomas?" she asked. I must have hesitated longer than Patty felt was appropriate because she stood up, stepped toward me and straddled my lap, her titties now pressing against my chest. Patty's lips melted into mine and when I felt her hand find my cock once more, I knew I would help her put Ken in his place. For the remainder of the day, Patty and alternated between fucking on the sofa, the bedroom, even in the shower when I turned her away from me and once more shoved my rock hard cock into her ass. It was during the third anal sex session that I realized Patty enjoyed having her asshole invaded by a hard cock, and her moans and cries drove me to orgasm much faster than I ever did with my wife. Patty went home early Sunday morning, our plans well worked out, which we planned to put into action that very afternoon before my wife returned from Dallas.

At precisely four o'clock that afternoon, I drove to a location two blocks from Patty's house and walked through back alleys to her house. I entered through the back door to find Patty waiting for me at her own kitchen table. The memory of fucking Patty in the ass reentered my mind and while my cock fluttered and wanted to once more enter Patty's asshole or her cunt, I knew I had to put the desire on hold. Patty updated me on the plan, and guided me to her bedroom. "Here, Thomas," she said as she guided me to a wide, deep walk-in closet. "Stay here and be very, very quiet," she instructed me. Just before closing the door and leaving me, Patty kissed me tenderly and erotically on the mouth while I allowed my hands one final garb of her ass cheeks before she shut the door and sealed me from the bedroom. I waited, making sure not to stir or move, because for our plan to be successful, it was important that my presence not be detected. I knew, however, that I wouldn't have to wait long before the plan Patty had concocted with a few adjustments from me would be put into action.

I'd been in the closet less than five minutes when I heard the bedroom door open and the sound of voices through the door. Patty and Ken were now in the room on the other side of the partially closed closet door, their words reaching my ears through the small opening. "Yes, Ken, I accept your apology for fucking Sally, and I want to show you I'm not really mad at all about it," I heard Patty say to her husband, knowing full well that she was following a script she'd run by me several times before leaving my house. "In fact, I believe the reason you fucked Sally was because our own sex life has become boring. Do you agree with me, baby?" I knew she was playing on Ken's ego, that she was drawing him deeper into the web she was spinning at that very moment. "So, honey, why don't you take off your clothes and lie on the bed. I'll change into something you'll like and be right back." I heard the sound of Ken removing his clothes followed by the creaking of the bedsprings as he placed his naked body on the mattress.

Patty entered the closet where I waited and immediately began to strip out of her clothing. As much as I wanted to take her there, to slam my cock into her cunt, her asshole, or both, I knew I had to wait. In less than thirty seconds, Patty removed her clothing and stepped into a black negligee, the lace bra cups barely concealing her erect nipples. "How do I look?" she whispered, spinning on the black four inch heels she stepped into to add to the overall sexual effect of what was to come. When I asked her why she wasn't wearing the black, seamed stockings I'd purchased explicitly for this occasion, she shushed me, whispering that I'd see them soon enough.

Now that her back was to me, I grabbed Patty around the waist and pulled her to me, pressing my lips against the back of her neck and cupping her tits in each of my hands. It was becoming increasingly hard to resist Patty, but she reminded me we had a plan by stepping away from me. "Here," she said, pulling the left bra cup downward until the nipple came into view. "One quick kiss, baby, and then, there will be more later." I sucked the nipple for one second before Patty lifted my head up and away and retucked the tit back into the lacy cup. She extended her right index finger and placed it against my lips to silence me. Patty stepped back in her high heeled shoe, turned off the closet light, and slipped through the door, ensuring to keep the door slightly open. As soon as Patty entered the bedroom dressed in the sexy lingerie and high heels, I heard Ken make a comment about how sexy Patty looked in the lingerie and heels. The sound of the creaking mattress told me Patty had climbed aboard the bed beside her sorry ass husband.

The plan Patty and I had created required that I remain in the closet until I heard a certain word from Patty's mouth. That word was "lasso," a term directly related to what Patty had decided to include in the lesson she hoped to teach her cheating husband. For the next several moments, I heard various low-level moans coming from the bedroom, as well as sounds of body movements across the wide bed. Because the door was open far enough, I was able to see through the small opening where the hinges attached the door to the frame and see directly into Patty and Ken's bedroom. What I saw amazed me and made my cock grow hard, well ahead of time before I was supposed to make my entrance into the room and possibly change their lives forever.

From my viewpoint, I saw Patty and Ken on the bed. Patty's head was bobbing up and down as she greedily too Ken's cock into her mouth. For such a loud, supposed-to-be-macho man, Ken's cock seemed exceptionally short and thin. Maybe that's why Patty's sex life with her husband had suffered: She needed more cock than Ken was physically capable of providing. Regardless of the lack of length of Ken's cock, Patty was doing her best to please her husband. By now, she was on her knees, her mouth fully engulfing Ken's cock with each suck, her black high heels pointing at the wall across the room. Looking at Ken's face, it was easy to tell he was close to coming in Patty's mouth, but as I knew, that was not going to happen, at least, not this evening, anyway. Patty began to suck Ken's cock with abandon, and when he announced that he was close to coming in her mouth, she quickly wrapped her fingers around the base of Ken's cock to slow down his orgasm. "Oh no, baby, not yet," she said after removing Ken's short cock from her mouth. "I have something special planned for you, Ken, baby," Patty cooed as she turned her wide, wonderful ass toward the closet and slid off the bed. "But first, you have to come with me." Patty took Ken by the hand and led him to a small loveseat located in the corner of the room. "Take a seat, honey," Patty said to Ken who plopped his naked ass down into the cushions, his face a series of questions. Patty knelt between Ken's naked kegs and suddenly reached under the loveseat and retrieved a small black bag.

That was the signal for me to remove my clothes and I did so quickly, my jeans and shirt now in a pile at my feet. From my concealed position in the closet, I saw Patty remove two long, white ropes and dangle them before Ken's face. "I thought we'd try something different tonight, honey," Patty said as she wrapped each of Ken's wrists in the ropes and tied them securely to the two small posts located at each corner of the loveseat. She repeated the binding process with Ken's ankles, this time tying the ends of the ropes to the loveseat's feet. Each movement Patty made brought her tits within kissing distance of Ken's face, and although he tried several times to place his lips on her nipples, she was able to tease her husband just enough that that he never made physical contact with Patty's titties.

For her part, Patty moved quickly and I felt my heart beating in eager anticipation of what would happen next. Through the slight opening in the door, I saw Patty position herself on the foot of the bed, spread her legs, and begin to diddle her clit with her left index finger. "Do you like what you see, baby?" Patty cooed as her finger slid over the glistening wet love button. "I bet you like this too, honey," she said as she slid the middle finger of her right hand between her cunt lips and began to finger fuck herself. Although I was ready to burst from the closet and take the plan to its next stage, I recalled that I'd agreed to run it as Patty wished. It was, after all, her show. Looking up at Ken, I heard Patty ask, do you like the ropes, dear? If you do, perhaps I should have bought a lasso?"

There it was: my signal to leave the closet. In an instant, I opened the door and stood in the frame, my hand wrapped around my very hard cock, staring directly into Ken's eyes. "What the fuck is going on here?" he demanded, "Thomas, why are you naked in my bedroom? Patty, why is he here?" Before I could answer Ken's questions, which I had no intention of doing anyway, Patty moved from the end of the bed and placed herself again between Ken's outstretched and tied down legs. She lifted her right high heeled foot until the sharp, pencil thin tip rested on Ken's still hard cock. His meat was almost invisible under Patty's shoe, and I knew this was one part of the plan she had been very eager to include.

"He's here because it's time to teach you a lesson, motherfucker!" Patty roared at Ken. Ken howled in pain when Patty applied pressure to her right foot, the tip digging into Ken's cock flesh, sending waves of pain through his dick and to his brain. "Oh, does that hurt, you sonofabitch?" Patty asked as she increased the pressure on Ken's cock. "Well just imagine how much pain you caused me when I found you fucking the neighbor in our very own bed, you cocksucker!" Another howl from Ken echoed across the room as Patty twisted her foot and drove the stiletto tip deeper into Ken's prick. What happened next came unexpectedly because Patty had not informed me of the next move. Reaching under the love seat again, Patty presented a lone, black silk stocking which she stretched between her two hands. "I think we need to do something about the noise level in this room, Ken, don't you?" Bending at the waist, her tits very close to Ken's face, Patty suddenly and forcefully jammed the stocking into Ken's mouth, wrapped the expensive silk stocking around her husband's head, and joined the ends in a tight knot. "Now, that should keep your cheating ass quiet for a while," she said, smiling at her efforts. "And now that you're finally quiet, it's time to begin the real show, Ken, something I've been waiting to do for some time now."

In two steps, Patty was on me, kissing me, caressing me, running her hands over every part of my naked body. In all my life, I'd never been naked with another man in the room when I fucked a woman, And where I had earlier asked myself if I'd be nervous about just that, I found my cock responded by remaining stiff, by staying hard, by being ready to fuck Patty again. After she broke the kiss, Patty turned to the now tied up and muffled Ken and said, "I hope this hurts you as much as I am going to enjoy it, you asshole." Ken attempted to break the rope hold around his wrists and legs, but Patty had done an excellent job of tying him down. Unless Patty or myself untied the bastard, he wasn't going anywhere for a while. But that was not in the cards and so, despite his desire to break free of his bonds and bring bodily harm to us, Ken was forced to remain on the love seat and watch what we had planned for him for the next several hours.

We began by Patty positioning on the bed with her cunt facing Ken. She placed two pillows on top of each other, lifted her wide ass upon the soft cushions, and began to finger fuck herself. "Can you see this, Ken?" she asked. "Can you see me fucking myself with my fingers?" Ken's muffled cries indicated he could, indeed, see what Patty wanted him to see. "I hope you can see my cunt, Ken, because it won't be very long before Thomas has his cock inside me fucking my pussy." But the finger fucking was only part of the plan because it had been decided that once I joined the action, we would move as quickly as possible to the actual insertion of my cock into Patty's cunt or asshole. It would be her choice and I was happy to let this special woman take the lead in this revenge fuck. Patty moaned loudly, louder than when we'd fucked in my kitchen, and I knew it was because she was happy to be paying Ken back for what he'd done to her, but also because the stimulation level was heightened due to the fact that she was about to be fucked and someone else would be watching.

I crawled onto the bed beside Patty and began to stroke and kiss her tits, a move that caused Ken to increase the loudness of his muffled protests. I didn't care that what we were doing was causing Ken discomfort: he'd caused enough in Patty's life, it was time for him to experience as much pain as he'd caused over the course of their marriage. Patty's moans increased in volume as her fingers dug away at her cunt and as my tongue washed each of her extended nipples in a bath of saliva. When Patty removed her fingers from her pussy, she turned her head and smiled at me, saying, "I think it's time to take this thing to its final phase. Don't you think so as well?" I shook my head in agreement and rolled away from Patty to give her room to maneuver her body for the next phase of our very special fuck session. Loud, muted noises reached our ears and when Patty and I both turned our heads to look at Ken, still bound and gagged on the love seat, we couldn't help but laugh together at this poor specimen of a man. Ken's face reddened and he began to jerk his arms and legs in a concerted effort to break the rope bonds that bound him to the love seat. But Patty had done an excellent job of securing the ropes and the best Ken could do was to move the loveseat a few inches in any direction.

Patty moved the two pillows she'd had her ass propped on to the headboard, and directed me to position my body so that my head rested on the two soft, white cushions. As my head sank into the top pillow, the aroma of Patty's cunt drifted to my nostrils, reminding me of the level of desire I felt for this coworker of mine, and now, because of unplanned events, my fuck buddy. Patty positioned herself on her hands and knees and faced Ken who had suddenly grown silent. "Guess what Thomas and I are going to do now, Ken, baby?" Patty asked the tied and bound man who watched through wide, and most likely, sad eyes at us. Ken knew what was going to happen without Patty's taunts, and he returned to attempting to break the ropes, but his efforts were in vain. Because his movements were almost clownish, Patty again laughed loudly at Ken as he did his very best to break the ropes, and, I'm sure, make his way to the bed and break the necks of Patty and myself. But that wasn't going to happen, so I relaxed. Patty turned her head to the left, looked over her shoulder at me, and winked. It was time, oh yes, time to begin another sweet session of my cock finding Patty's cunt. This time, however, the sensuality of the event would be enhanced by the fact that Patty's dickhead husband would be watching from a distance of less than ten feet. In eager anticipation, I watched as Patty rotated her body so that she now faced me, straddled my bare legs, and leaned forward. "Ready for me now, Thomas?" she asked although she already knew the answer. When I shook my head for her to begin, without turning her head and while looking directly into my eyes, Patty yelled out, "Here we go, Ken. I hope you enjoy the show as much as I will presenting it."

If there was one thing I remembered from yesterday, it was just how wet Patty's cunt was as I slid my cock deep into her pussy. But now, here on her bed, the instant the tip of my cock made contact with her pussy lips, I was amazed to discover that drops of juice actually dripped from her cunt. Patty extended her right hand between her legs, grasped my cock and said, "Thomas, did you ever think we'd get to this point?" Before I could respond, Patty lowered her ass and half the length of my cock slid easily into her pussy. Looking up at her, I saw her biting her lower lip, not out of pain but from pleasure, from having the nerves of her pussy stretched, stimulated, and stroked. "Let's get wild, baby!" Patty hissed, her voice loud enough that I have no doubt it traveled over her shoulder and fell upon Ken's ears. Patty immediately launched into a series of rapid, forceful up and down lunges, her cunt swallowing my cock, her hands placed on my naked chest, our eyes locked together. It wasn't very long before the sounds echoing from the walls consisted of Ken's protests, Patty's and mine moans, and the increasingly loud creaking of the bed as Patty repeatedly slammed her cunt downward time after time engulfing my prick to the base of the shaft. "Oh, hell yes!" patty screamed, "Oh hell fucking yes!" I had an idea that Patty's moans and screams created as much for Ken's benefit as much as they were from the sexual joy she was feeling. But what did I care: it was my cock she was fucking and together, we were working on having orgasms that her husband would witness.

I guess it was the fact that we were being watched that heightened the level of stimulation I felt as Patty rode my cock. Never in my life with Marge had we ever ventured to swapping partners, or having someone in the room while we made love. So this experience was not only a first for me, it was also unique. And, to be perfectly honest, I just knew that when I came, it would be explosive and powerful because I just didn't like Ken. I never had, and I never would, so fucking his wife while he was absolutely powerless to do anything about it caused the nerves in my dick to be even more sensitive and receptive to Patty's actions. She moaned when I extended my arms upward, pulled the lacy bra cups downward and began to squeeze her now exposed tits. Patty began to moan louder, then stopped and turned her head to the left. "He's playing with my titties, Ken, something you never do, you bastard!" Patty said. She looked down at me and smiled as I continued to maul her tits, even arching her back so that I'd have better access to the two fleshy melons now resting in the palms of my hands. The moans grew louder, the creaking sounds increased in decibel levels, and Ken's stocking-stuffed mouth continued to make sounds neither Patty and I could decipher, nor cared to.

It was then that Patty looked down at me, smiled again, and suddenly ceased riding my cock. "I have an idea, baby," she said as she lifted her ass and my cock slid free of the confines of her pussy. I must have had an expression of disappointment on my face, but when she rotated her body again so that her wide ass now straddled my naked legs, I knew what her next move would be. Her blonde hair cascaded down her back, covering the black lingerie, and the thin stiletto heels once more pointed at me. "Take my ankles in your hands, Thomas," Patty directed me. Just as I grasped each tanned ankle in my hand, I heard Patty say to Ken, "This should give you a better view, Ken. I hope you really enjoy the show now!" Patty leaned forward on her hands and my cock reentered her cunt, one again slamming inward to its maximum length. Up and down, Patty's ass slammed as it gobbled up my hard prick, as it consumed the shaft, as she did everything possible to bring me and herself to orgasm.

"Pull on my ankles, Thomas," Patty requested. As her high heeled feet slid closer to my upper waist, Patty changed her body position by lying completely down upon my lower legs. I felt her hard nipples being mashed against my hairy skin, and while the sensation of pumping away at Patty's cunt was so very pleasurable, it was the sight of those two huge ass cheeks bouncing up and down that inched me closer to coming inside the hot, wet caverns of Patty's pussy. I released her ankles and grasped one ass cheek in each hand, kneading the flesh as if it was a huge wad of dough. This movement caused Patty to squirm more and although I couldn't see her face, I had no doubt her eyes were locked on those of her tied and bound husband. It was then that I moved my right hand inward and pressed the tip of my thumb against her tight asshole. Because the thumb was smaller than the head of my cock, the finger slid in easily. I began to swirl the thumb in small circles inside Patty's asshole and she responded by moving her ass from side to side, the movement also causing a new, more sensual level of stimulation to spread up and down my cock.

Before Patty and I began this sex act in front of her cuckolded husband, we'd discussed each action we planned to perform. But it seemed that Patty was changing the script somewhat. She rose from her prone position upon my legs and lifted her ass again, my cock exiting her cunt completely. She sat with her body supported by her knees for a quiet moment, her hands on her upper thigh, staring at Ken. Then, she spoke. "You know, Thomas," she said without turning her head in my direction, "I believe there's one more thing Ken would like to see another man do to his wife." Not knowing what Patty was referring to, I waited with my stiff cock in my hand. I could see Ken now from where I lay in the bed, and saw that his eyes seemed to be pleading for us to stop what we were doing, then to clear rage, as if he couldn't wait to free himself from the ropes and strangle both Patty and myself. Before I could ask Patty what she had in mind, she moved her body over mine again, still facing away from me, and placed her high heeled feet on either side of my legs. It was then that I knew what she had planned next, and I could not wait. But before she made her final move, Patty took the opportunity to taunt Ken one final time.

"Ken, baby, do you recall all those times you asked to fuck me in the ass? Do you remember those times, you motherfucker?" To my surprise, Ken nodded his head to indicate that he did indeed recall those times. Patty continued, "And do you recall how I asked you to stop once your puny cock was inside my asshole because it was causing too much pain?" Again, a nod of acknowledgement from Ken. And finally, from Patty: "And can you bring to mind how you responded to my complaint? You ignored me, Ken, and in the process of you trying to come in my ass, you hurt me, and the worst part is, you just didn't care, you bastard."

The room was silent now, no sound being made, even our breathing subdued and hushed. But when Patty lowered her ass and squirmed her body until her asshole rested against the tip of my cock, Ken began to let out cries again, but neither Patty nor I focused on him. No, we knew from yesterday's experience at my kitchen table that ass fucking could be as enjoyable as it is painful. And that was the point Patty wanted Ken, her asshole of a husband, to learn from this unique sexual experience. "Well, Ken, hold on over there because Thomas is going to fuck my ass again, yes, I said again. And you know what, Ken? I'm going to enjoy having his cock in my ass even more than I did yesterday when Thomas ass fucked me while I bent over his kitchen table." Turning her head slightly, she said to me, "Fuck me, Thomas. Fuck me in the ass again."

Again, as she had yesterday, Patty used her hands to spread her ass cheeks to make my entry into the dark, tight opening easier. Her red-painted nails shone bright against her skin as she spread her ass cheeks and revealed her anus, waiting there again for the introduction of my seven inch cock into her body through its most difficult to reach entrance. Down, down, down, her ass came, the cock head just barely inside her now, then two inches of cock, then four, then the base of the shaft pressed against the now stretched opening. "Here we fucking go, Ken," she screamed as she began to lift and drop her ass in a series of rhythmic movements. In less than thirty seconds, Patty was riding my cock, and I was arching my back to slam as much cock as possible into her asshole. We continued on in this position for several moments, the bed and mattress noises now resembling something close to a scream.

But there were other screams in the room as well and they belonged to Patty. "YES, BABY, YES!" she moaned loudly, ‘FUCK MY ASS, THOMAS, OH HELL YES, FUCK MY ASS!" I responded by grasping Patty's ass as I had so many times before and holding on like a drowning man would a life preserver. "Can you see your wife being fucked in the ass, Ken? Well, can you, you cocksucker?" Patty was clearly taunting Ken now, the pent up anger and sadness combining to turn her into a wild woman who wanted to humiliate her husband while also enjoying the sweet, warm feeling of an orgasm.

Without breaking the cock to asshole contact, Patty leaned backward slightly and shifted her high-heeled feet to a position directly beside her ass. She swung both arms behind her, braced her hands on my upper thighs, and began to ride my cock in the reverse cowboy position. I lifted my upper torso and wrapped my arms around Patty's upper body, finding her exposed tits and nipples, and repeating the mauling process I'd applied to them since the first time they came to my attention. Patty was moaning even louder now, and I knew that like me, she too was nearing an orgasm. When I kissed the back of her now sweating neck, she cried even louder while increasing the driving speed which she was using to cram my cock deep, deep, deep, into her ass. "Oh, Ken, it feel so fucking good having a real cock up my ass, not that poor excuse of a dick you have!" Clearly pushing Ken now, Patty was doing all she could to continue to tease, taunt, and anger Ken while working toward achieving an orgasm with my cock jammed up her ass. By now, as I too neared coming, the room was filled with my moans, Patty's taunts, and the somewhat muted cries coming from Ken's sticking filled mouth.

Just when I began to think that Patty was finally focusing on coming, she couldn't resist shooting one final taunt, one final verbal jab at her tied and a muffled husband. "HEY, COCKSUCKER!" she yelled at Ken, her voice so loud it echoed from every wall in the room. "I'm letting Thomas come in my ass, you bastard." Faster now, Patty's wide, spacious ass bounced wildly in my lap, her asshole still tight despite the abuse I'd given it in the last two day. She leaned forward again, her face closer to Ken's and finally said, "And guess what else, Ken? When he comes, I'm going to lick the come from his cock."

The next sounds to rebound from the walls were not Patty's taunts but those of two people coming simultaneously, their sexual seizures overtaking them and consuming every nerve in their bodies. I don't know if Patty and Ken had ever come together, and quite frankly, I really didn't give a shit if they had. My wife and I had come together a few times during the course of our marriage, but usually it was a matter of one of coming first then continuing to stimulate the other until a second orgasm occurred. But with Patty, matters were different because we were fucking now for several common reasons. First, we were fucking because we'd been lucky enough to have been placed in a situation that allowed us to finally experience what I now realized were long hidden sexual desires for each other. Secondly, we were fucking because we also had discovered a way to have anal sex, a sexual Patty now realized she enjoyed a great deal. But most importantly, Patty Wren and I were fucking because we both disliked her asshole of a husband more than anything and we had come up with a way to pay this bastard back in a way we knew would hurt him the worst.

Patty's orgasm began a split second before mine, the seizures causing her to throw her head back toward me, her back arched, but my cock still held tight by her sphincter muscle. She wailed loudly, grasping her tits, her hands over mine, the nipples crushed now under two sets of hands. She continued to scream how pleasurable it felt to have a hard cock crammed up her ass and it was then that my own series of sexual quakes began and I rode the endless waves of what may have been the most intense orgasm in my life. I too screamed and moaned, the sounds coming from deep inside me, as if they had originated in my balls and couldn't wait to escape. On and on and on, both Patty and I moaned, thrust against each other, did everything we could to make the explosions wracking our bodies last as long as possible. From my position behind her, even though my brain was erupting in a sexual haze, I couldn't help but focus my eyes temporarily on Patty's ass. It was, after all, the reason I'd fucker her yesterday on my kitchen table and the reason I was here with mycock crammed between her ass cheeks today.

But what gained my focus was the way Patty's ass cheeks resembled ocean waves crashing upon the beach. Each time I pushed upward and slammed my cock into her asshole, and each time she drove her ass downward with enough force to suck my prick deeper into the tightest sexual opening on her body, each ass cheek wiggled like gelatin, flowing back and forth, jiggling like a loose mix of some foreign substance. Each time one or both of Patty's ass cheeks wiggled, I felt another wave of orgasm pass over my now exhausted body. But I didn't care about the fatigue, didn't care that my strength was quickly flowing away from me. All I cared about was coming, about sustaining this most special of orgasms, of never taking my ass from the sweet, special confines of Patty Wren's asshole.

But all orgasms have to end and so, just as they'd started together, our orgasms ended together as well. Patty lay back against my naked, sweat-soaked chest, her chest heaving in time with mine, as we both inhaled deeply to regain our breath and to slow our heart rates. I was surprised when Patty extended her arms above her head then to my face and although she couldn't see me, she tenderly stroked my face with her soft hands. "Baby, baby, baby, you were so good to me," she cooed, her voice soft and sincere. I wrapped my arms around her body and laid them gently across her tits, knowing the two fleshy melons had been badly mauled during the fierce fucking session. This time, however, rather than treat each nipple roughly, I caressed them, tenderly, softly. Patty began to make a sound that resembled humming, but I soon realized that it wasn't humming, but, rather, her way of responding to the cock still embedded in her ass and the treatment I was applying to her tits.

After a few moments, Patty rose from her position upon my back and stood beside the bed. She immediately grasped my cock, and began to stroke it as she had yesterday in my kitchen. Patty evidently hadn't had enough of taunting Ken, however, because as she stroked my meat, she turned to him and said, "As soon as he gets hard again, I'm going to ride Thomas's cock again, Ken. I bet you'll like it a second time as much as you did the first time." A loud, uproarious laugh escaped her lips before she said, "But as you notice, Ken, he isn't hard right now, is he?" Turning her head to me, Patty winked and smiled at me before turning her head again in Ken's direction. "Well, do you have any suggestions how to make Thomas's cock hard again, Ken?" The noises coming from Ken at that moment were impossible to determine, which is exactly what Patty wanted. "What's that you say, Ken? You think I should suck Thomas's cock to make him hard again? Why, I think that's a fine idea." Patty bent forward at the waist, opened her mouth wide, and placed my cock into her mouth, encrusted now with my come and the residue from the inside of her asshole. She began to bob her head, taking the length of my cock fully between her lips, drawing on the flesh, and causing my cock to come to life again. Ken continued to make loud, undecipherable sounds and to pull against the ropes still binding his wrists and ankles to the sofa.

Patty suddenly raised her head and said, "Okay, Ken, we can finish Thomas's blowjob later. And you're right," she said, now turning her head to me. "I am hungry, and I'm sure Thomas is too." She released my cock, stepped back from the bed and after offering me Ken's robe, walked with me to the kitchen where for the next thirty moments, we chatted and had a light meal. "I guess we should get back upstairs," I said, concerned that Ken might need release from the binds around his wrists and ankles. Patty agree, reminded me of what the next step of the plan was, and led me back upstairs to the bedroom. As we climbed the steps, I couldn't help but grasp Patty's ass in my hands again. She laughed over her shoulder and was still chuckling as we entered the bedroom. My wide-assed lover sat on the end of the bed, her high-heels dangling a few inches from Ken's bare legs. "Okay, Ken, here's what we're going to do," she said. As planned, Patty leaned forward and untied Ken's ankles from the ropes that kept him secured to sofa. I was concerned that Ken might lash out and attempt to kick Patty or myself, but he simply stared at us through red, anger-induced eyes. "Okay, Ken, now I'm going to remove the stocking from your mouth." Patty reached behind Ken's head and untied the know keeping the stocking around Ken's head, then seductively slid the silk garment over Ken's limp cock. After throwing the stocking to the floor, Patty retook her seat on the end of the bed and once again faced her visibly defeated husband.

"Ken, I've reached an end as to accepting your horrendous behavior toward me," she said, as she laid her left hand upon my left thigh. Her fingers began to trace circles around my flesh, causing my cock to come back to life. "So, here's what we're going to do from now on." For the next twenty minutes, Patty explained the new guidelines to their marriage, that he would treat her as an equal, that he would pay her respect, and that he would never again abuse her sexually. "Because if you do, Ken, Thomas here has agreed to do two things," she said. Turning her head in my direction, Patty kissed me on the cheek and said, "Tell him, Thomas, what will happen if he does not agree to these new conditions."

Ken's eyes were glued to mine as I spoke. "Ken, the next time I hear of you hurting Patty or mistreating her, I'm coming over here and I'm personally going to drag your sorry ass out into the yard. You can guess what will happen after that, am I right?" Ken shook his head to indicate that he knew something long and painful would take place if I discovered he was treating Patty badly again. "And the second thing is this: Patty and I plan to continue this sexual relationship we've just discovered exists between us. So, from now on, whenever she feels the need for my cock, or I want to fuck her in the ass, we plan to make that happen, and you won't do anything to stop us." I stared at Ken for a long second, then asked him, "Do you hear me, Ken? You will do absolutely nothing because if you do," I said as I pointed toward the bedroom window, "then the yard comes back into the equation. Do you have any questions, Ken?" Ken shook his head slowly, then finally, lowered his head to his chest, his shoulders heaving slightly. Patty and I exchanged looks" It was clear Ken was crying. Patty smiled at me because it was then that we both realized she'd reached a point in her marriage, finally, where she no longer had to fear the man she'd married.

We finally freed Ken from his wrist restraints, and instructed him to dress and to go to the kitchen and prepared dinner. While he prepared the food, Patty and I took the opportunity to shower together. Once inside the tiled shower stall, I turned Patty's body away from me and fucked her from behind. We dressed to the delicious aroma of cooked food and soon made our way to the kitchen where we found a sumptuous dinner prepared by the now defeated Ken. Although he served us while we ate, it was as if Ken really wasn't there because we simply ignored his presence. After we'd finished our meals, Patty and I returned to the bedroom where I again fucked her in the ass, and, just before I left to return to my own wife, she sucked my cock until I came in her mouth. Each time we fucked, Patty ordered Ken to sit on the love seat in the bedroom and watch us. Not once during any of our love sessions did Ken attempt to interfere or stop his wife from having an orgasm while my cock was buried in one of her sexual openings.

That was all three months ago, and Patty and I still meet regularly to have sex. We've even gone so far as to make every evening after a faculty meeting an occasion to fuck, usually with her bent over my desk while I ream her ass again from behind. In the time since Patty and I've maintained a sexual relationship, she's forced Ken to watch several times, usually taunting him, or daring him to make a move to try and stop us. I think, sometimes, she'd like to see me stomp the shit out of Ken. So far, though, he hasn't presented me with the need or the opportunity to do so.

Patty is much happier now that she's found a way to have a cuckolded husband. I suppose she fucks Ken from time to time, but to be honest, as long as I'm getting a piece of her wide, jiggly ass at least twice a week, I'm happy. Who knows how much longer this will continue? Not me, but then, all I want is Patty's ass as it swallows my cock: That makes me a very happy man.

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The author of this story: Joshua

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