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Business Trip to San Diego - Wendy
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It was a cool January afternoon in San Diego when Matt stepped off the plane and found his way to the cab stand. The next few days would be filled with meetings here and there and then a lot of waiting and standing around. It was not the favorite sort of trip for him, but Matt knew this could end up being an important acquisition for his company and his senior managers were keen to buy this San Diego for a cheap price. It was up to him to present the case for the 'merger' and then negotiate the final Letter of Intent. His boss was clear that he wanted Matt to stay in San Diego until it was signed.

It was a Monday afternoon and his first meeting was not until Tuesday at 10:00. He made his way to the luxury downtown hotel where he had a suite reserved. It is always best to show that you have the means to make the acquisition happen easily and also to show the selling company's managers a taste of the luxury that could await if they close the deal. In all actuality they would only be around for a few months or maybe a year before getting shown the door. It is their poor management that makes this such an attractive purchase for Matt's company. Nonetheless, the appearance of power is very important in these situations.

The beautiful Eastern European desk clerk showed Matt great courtesy in accompanying him to the suite and showing him the conference area, the private office and the living areas of the suite. The suite was around 3000 square feet on the top floor overlooking the harbor and downtown. The conference room had its own entrance from the hall as well as its own guest bathroom. There was a large table that would seat 15 comfortably with a full compliment of electronic equipment for presentations, video conferences, conference calls and setting up laptops for all attendees. Matt didn't plan on that many people being in the room at one time but it displayed power and confidence to have the top business suite in the hotel. There was a small office with a private door next to the bathroom. On the other wall there was a door to the living quarters. Beyond, there was an opulently appointed living room, a bedroom with a four-poster king bed and a huge en-suite bathroom with jetted jacuzzi tub and marble throughout. He thanked the beautiful clerk, tipped her on her way out and began unpacking. This trip could last anywhere from five days to two weeks and he was prepared for either length.

As afternoon changed to evening and the light began to fade Matt made his way to the dining room to enjoy a nice dinner in a quiet setting. He could have ordered it to the room but he enjoyed being around people. He read through his notes and presentation a couple more times before having one last drink at the bar, a fine Laphroaig 16 year single malt. He turned in for an early night to be ready for the following day. The first presentation would be crucial to get the senior managers to take the offer seriously and involve the Board of Directors.

He awoke at 6:30, made his way to the park nearby and went for a nice refreshing run, returning and ordering breakfast to his suite while he showered and dressed for the meeting. This first meeting would take place at the bank's main branch and he made sure to leave in plenty of time to arrive precisely five minutes early. The CEO's assistant showed him into the Board Room where the CFO was already waiting. They made their acquaintances and settled in to wait for the CEO. He showed up at the exact time and greeted Matt with a friendly handshake.

"What brings a Managing Director from one of Europe's biggest banks to my office this fine winter day?" he asked as he sat and offered me coffee.

The presentation was not what they expected, exactly as Matt had planned it. He had asked for the meeting as a member of the Capital Desk and they were hoping he was in their offices that day to offer a plan to help them re-capitalize the bank after the recession had taken its toll. Matt explained there was no one in the market that would offer them capital without a substantial ownership interest and they said the Board would never agree. That's when Matt pounced and told them he understood the Board's position which is why they must sell the bank.

Needless to say it was not easily received at first but once they calmed a bit, he explained the offer on the table and it was enough to get them interested. As Matt had suspected the senior management was running ragged trying to comply with the huge demands of regulators and would be eager to watch most of that go away with the capitalization a merger would provide. The meeting never got heated and it was clear the Board would be notified which was all Matt could hope for at this point. They wanted to know how long he would be in town and he told them his return ticket was on Friday evening, a small lie but one intended to get them moving quickly. He had read their By-laws and knew a special meeting of the Board could be called within twenty-four hours if an offer of a controlling interest in the stock was made.

They worked through lunch going over the details of the offer and then Matt left them with a copy of the presentation for the Board and said he would be available as needed.

Now the boring part started. He knew the management team would formulate questions but would not call him that day or the next. He anticipated a Thursday morning call to discuss questions raised by the Board (or an outright rejection of the offer, though that was unlikely). He had to stay close and yet he really didn't have anything to do. His bosses expected this to be his sole focus for the time and he had already researched the bank to its minutest detail. Time to relax and be in a good place for the expected call was all he had.

A quick check of email and information in the private office in his suite and then he would call his wife who would just be waking up in Sweden. Having accomplished all work and chores for the day, Matt went for a long walk along the waterfront followed by a nice dinner in of the many niche restaurants in the Gas Lamp District. After a great meal he made his way to a couple of the nicer bars in the area where he could watch the people on the streets. He saw the business crowd headed to a couple of different spots and the younger crowd - just starting to show their faces - headed to other spots. He decided to join the younger crowd at a rowdy country and western place. The vibe was upscale but still redneck enough to be fun.

There was a different room with a mechanical bull and the video screens throughout the bar and dance floor displayed the failing riders - mostly young, scantily clad ladies making fools of themselves and showing lots of skin and panties. Matt stayed in the main bar area and, as was his custom, he made sure the head bartender knew he was serious about his service by tipping 50% to 100% for his drinks. This assured a high level of service and an even higher level of information should he decide he needed it.

After an hour of people watching and beer consumption, a trip to the men's room was on tap. On his way back to his spot at the bar, which was being watched by his new friend, the bartender, he squeezed past a younger looking lady with a lovely face and beautiful eyes. They made soft eye contact and brushed past each other headed in opposite directions. She had long, straight brown hair below her shoulders and big brown eyes with a soft featured face. She was not delicate but soft and lovely. He knew she would head one of two ways upon exiting the ladies room and they would both bring her eyes past him at the bar. Leaving the ladies room, she turned and headed up the corner of the bar where he was sitting and then behind him to join a group of friends at the other end of the room. As she walked casually by they again made eye contact and she met his smile with a bright smile of her own, letting the eye contact linger longer than just a polite hello.

Without being overt Matt kept his eye on the beautiful lady and watched her interactions with the group of guys and girls she with her. At the next beer refill he asked the bartender if they were regulars and he answered that he did not recognize them. He thought they were in town for a wedding (one of the couples she was accompanying displayed that mentality). Although there was a dance floor in the main bar area people were dancing everywhere and it was clear that even on a Tuesday night the place was going to be full. When a slow song came up and with a subtle touch Matt walked over to the group and introduced himself to the beautiful lady who had caught his eye.

"Hello, I'm Matt and I would really enjoy a dance with you," he said loudly into her ear, proffering a hand.

She smiled a broad smile and slipped his hand into hers. They began a simple two-step in the immediate area and Matt kept solid eye contact with her while they moved together in between her friends. "What brings you here tonight?" he asked, again leaning closely to her ear.

"A friend from college is getting married this weekend he invited me to come out early and help," she replied.

"So you're friends with the groom? Which one is he?" asked Matt.

"He's the one that just went on stage with the three girls, his name is Colin," she replied easily.

They danced in silence for a bit, enjoying the closeness. Matt had left the hotel dressed for an evening out, with his designer jeans and a crisp, tailored, untucked, button-up shirt. The beautiful brown-eyed girl he was leading around the dance floor wore a simple black cocktail dress with a v-neck that showed only the slightest amount of what appeared to be b-cup cleavage. The hem was a few inches above her knees, showing her smooth, sexy legs and her black three-inch heels brought her head to within a few inches of Matt's 6' 1" height. Her skin was a soft, creamy white color and her lips were a natural red with just a hint of pout.

"I know your friend's name but not your's," Matt breathed in her ear as the song came to an end.

"Oh sorry, I'm Wendy," she smiled to him.

"May I buy you a drink, Wendy?" asked Matt.

"Sure," she said in reply.

Matt led her toward his barstool and pulled it out indicating she should sit while he made eye contact with his man, James, the bartender.

"Another one Matt?" asked James.

"Yes, and whatever Wendy is drinking," he said.

"I'll have a vodka-cranberry," she said to James.

"So when's the wedding?," asked Matt while James got the drinks going.

"It's Saturday afternoon in Balboa Park," she said.

"Am I right in saying you are not from San Diego?" asked Matt.

"Yes, I've visited a time or two but I'm from Seattle. Colin and I met in college at UPS and I stayed there after graduating."

"UPS, that's the University of Puget Sound," Matt asked with confidence that he was correct.

"Yes, have you been there?"

"No, no. I just make sure I know everything about the people working for me and I hired a UPS grad a few years ago."

James delivered their drinks and they sipped a moment, enjoying the alcohol before Wendy asked, "You're not from here either, are you?"

"No, I'm originally from Colorado but I live in Sweden now. I'm in town for business."

"I see, and you have a family back in Sweden?"

"Yes, I do. How about you, anyone waiting for your return to Seattle?"

"I have a boyfriend who doesn't like Colin very much so I told him to stay home."

"Ah, a little jealousy perhaps," speculated Matt.

She smiled, gave a small nod and raised her glass in answer. They drank in silence for a few more minutes until Wendy said, "Colin and I never dated though we did live together in an apartment for two years. I guess Tom never got used to the idea that our relationship has always been platonic."

"He's getting married to someone else, doesn't that solve the riddle for Tom?" asked Matt.

"It should but....I don't know, things are interesting right now at home and I'm glad to have the time away by myself."

"I understand completely."

"So, Matt, what business brings you to California from Sweden?"

"I buy companies for my employer and am here to do just that."

"Sounds fun and exciting!"

"Yes, it sounds that way, but in reality it is a lot of waiting and being bored for twenty minutes of excitement followed by more waiting. It can be tedious but it's the way things are done."

"Oh, so you have quite a bit of down time?"

"Yes, I gave them the package today and assume I won't hear from them until Thursday at the earliest. Then the real negotiating and fun will take place."

"Are you here alone or do have others to work with you?"

"I am trusted and expected to accomplish this purchase alone. For transactions larger and more complex, I would bring a small team."

"How big is this deal?"

"It sounds like you're pumping me for information, you weren't sent here by the other side, were you?" Matt said with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Oh, I'm sorry, you don't have to answer that."

"No, I was only joking. In fact this company has assets of around $3 Billion and that is within my authority to negotiate on my own. If it were bigger or had more than one main service area I would need help."

"$3 Billion?!? That's a lot of money to have the authority on your own!"

"I'm not spending that much, that's just the size of the company. I am successful in transactions such as this exactly because I don't have to deal with many sides and people within my organization. Once they agree to the general plan and upper limits on price it is up to me to get the best deal for the company."

"Well, Mr. Important," Wendy said with a twinkling smile, "I'm ready to dance again." She offered her hand he helped her slide off the stool and capably led her back the dance floor.

They danced closely for several more songs in silence. When the DJ broke in with some announcements they made their way back to the bar. After finishing their drinks, Wendy excused herself for a minute and went to visit with her friends. James walked up to Matt and asked if wanted another, to which Matt replied, "No thank you, James. You have been a terrific bartender, thank you. I do have one favor for you."

"Sure Matt, what is it?"

"Would you find a limo that can accommodate eight people comfortably and ask them to get here in the next twenty minutes?"

"Yes, I've got a friend who drives. Is it for them?" he asked pointing over my shoulder to Wendy and her friends.

"Yes, I do not know where they are staying but I'll pick up the tab. Have him wait outside for us, I'm not sure of the schedule."

"Okay, I'm calling him right now."

Matt walked to the men's room and upon exiting he spotted Wendy looking around the room for him. She smiled when she saw him making his way through the crowd to her group of friends bringing a delightful feeling to him. "I though you'd left," she said as he walked up.

"You'll have to try harder to get rid of me," he replied with a wry smile.

Wendy introduced him to her friends and when she got to the bride and groom he offered warm and sincere congratulations. One of the groomsmen, Dave, walked to the bar to get everyone a round and Matt signaled to James that he would take care of it. Dave came back with drinks for everyone and told Colin and his bride what Matt had done and everyone thanked him profusely.

"It's the least I can do for a couple about to embark on such a journey together."

Everyone raised a glass and toasted the bride and groom. After taking the obligatory drink Wendy said, "You really didn't have to do that."

"Of course not, if I'd had to do it, I wouldn't have. Instead I wanted to, for them."

"Well, it was very kind of you."

"Is my attention to you going to get you in trouble?"

"Haha!" she laughed a beautiful, feminine laugh and replied, "No. No one here likes Tom."

"Just my luck."

The group chatted and danced some more before there was talk of heading back to the hotel. Wendy asked Matt if he was staying or going and he told her it would be a long week and he should head back as well.

"Let me offer a ride in my limo," he said to the gang as they walked outside and saw it waiting at the curb. James had delivered as Matt knew he would. "There's plenty of room and it seems a shame to waste the space."

Colin and his bride looked at each other and then at Wendy who nodded back at them. "We would be grateful, it would save us at least two cab fares."

"Hop in and let the driver know where you're going."

There was more excited talk about the week's festivities and how this had been a great kick-off. The limo arrived at the wedding party's hotel and everyone spilled out including Matt, who was getting out to allow for easy exits.

He took Wendy's hand and asked if he could call her the next day and she said, "Of course. It would be lovely to talk to you and see you again."

Matt leaned in and kissed her lightly on her moist, soft lips and squeezed her hand one more time before climbing into the limo and directing the driver to his hotel a couple of blocks away.

Post-run and after a terrific in-room breakfast, Matt had showered, shaved and dressed casually for the day. He asked for a cab to take him to a nice spot on the ocean where he could stroll on the beach. The cabbie drove him up the coast a ways and dropped him at some bluffs where he could hike down to the beach and watch the surfers, gliders and other beach goers. "Please return in three hours and pick me up here," Matt said handing the cabbie the fare and a $100 bill as tip.

"Sure thing, sir. I'll be right here at 1:00 on the dot."

Matt hiked down to the beach, walked shoes in hand along the surf line and enjoyed the sights and sounds of the Southern California coast. After a leisurely three hours he met the cab and went back to his hotel. Once in his room he called Wendy to see what her evening plans included.

"Hello, is this the beautiful lady from Seattle?" he asked when she answered her phone.

"Only if this is the important man from Sweden," she replied with a smile in her voice.

"Not to interfere with your friends' wedding plans, but I'm hoping you would join me for dinner this evening. There is a terrific Spanish tapas restaurant I've heard about and it would be my privilege to have you on my arm."

"Actually, Colin and the guys are heading out on their own this evening and I'm not really close with any of the girls. I would be happy to accompany you to dinner."

"I'll be at your hotel at 7:30, maybe we could enjoy a drink on the way?"

"That sounds lovely, see you at 7:30."

Just to remain fresh with the information, Matt read back through his notes and summary reports of the bank in San Diego in anticipation of more meetings and the start of real negotiations. Taking a break he headed into the huge bathroom and drew a bath in the spacious jacuzzi tub, to relax and read for a time.

He got out of the bath, stood in front of the mirror and decided his abs were getting a little less defined (not the washboard of his youth but still a nice six-pack.) At forty years old he was in great shape, very trim and lean with a runner's body tone. Over the past couple of years, mostly because of a substantial international travel schedule, his routine had fallen off a bit but he was still very attractive and his fitness level remained very high.

He dressed in smart slacks and a tailored, button-up, patterned shirt with a loose collar, called his wife back home to check in and headed downstairs to make the short walk to Wendy's hotel.

He arrived in the lobby at precisely 7:25 to find Wendy striding from the elevators. She was stunningly beautiful in a black fitted skirt about four inches off the knees, a mostly transparent white silk blouse with a collar and only the bottom button done (of five), with sexy, three inch, stiletto heels. Her long legs being shown off to perfection and her brown hair flowing softly around her ears and below her shoulders, she drew many eyes from those in the lobby. Her smile beamed and as she reached Matt, they embraced in a soft but sensual hug and Matt again kissed her lightly on her pouty, red lips.

Taking her soft hand in his and wrapping his strong hand into her long, slender fingers, Matt led her out the door and onto the street. "I thought we would walk on such a nice evening."

"Yes, that's nice," she replied.

They talked about their day and walked hand-in-hand like two long-time lovers, casual in their exterior appearance and comfortable in their easy conversation. They laughed and smiled while watching other street walkers in a hurry pass them as if life was moving rapidly and must be captured. For these two time had slowed down and they almost pitied those walkers in too much of a hurry to enjoy themselves.

Matt guided her to a casual but nice looking wine bar and asked if she would care to have a glass wine on their way. "I made reservations for 8:30, so we have plenty of time," he explained.

"Perfect, this place looks great!" she beamed her smile and answered.

Once seated inside and enjoying a fantastic glass of South African Pinotage, Matt asked Wendy, "If you had to choose one place, just one, in the world to live the rest of your life AND money is no option, where would you choose?"

"Ohhh, the 'If' game, huh?" a sly smile crept across her cheeks. "Well, I'm a city girl now but I prefer to live in less-crowded spaces. Somewhere on the Mediterranean Coast...maybe Greece or Turkey or even Croatia. In a big enough town to have restaurants and other amenities, but not a big city crawling with people. And you...where would you end up?"

"Easy, I would live in the Austrian Alps. On a lake. Close to skiing."

The conversation was as smooth and comfortable as the wine and soon they found the time had come to move on to the restaurant. Matt paid the tab, offered his arm to Wendy and led her down the street under the gas lamps to the small, charming Spanish restaurant a few blocks away. As they settled in and ordered a bottle of Maunel Quintano 2004 Rioja Reserva, they surveyed the tapas menu. Finding several dishes to share was simple as their tastes fit together seamlessly.

The sommelier opened the bottle, presented a taste and upon his decisive conclusion that it was superb, Matt raised a toast to Wendy, "To a beautiful and fascinating lady whose affections are much appreciated."

They took a sip eyes locked on one another. Wendy smiled as she set her glass down and said, "Thank you Matt. It is certainly nice to be appreciated again."

The dinner conversation was as easy and flowing as it had been earlier. At one point Matt set his hand on Wendy's, gently stroking her soft skin while gazing into her warm chestnut eyes. Small romantic gestures remained a part of the evening while enjoying the variety of delicious tapas and superb wine. Once dinner was finished and the wine bottle had been drained, Matt offered a walk along the harbor on their way back to the hotels.

Hand-in-hand they strolled and laughed. Wendy often leaned her body against Matt's in a fit of laughter over one of his stories about international travel. A half moon had risen as they approached a quiet stretch of walkway. Matt stopped to admire the moon with Wendy facing the same direction and gazing up at the moon through the hazy, light-filled San Diego skies. He wrapped his arms around her just below her perky breasts and held her close. She leaned back into his strong, warm embrace and felt his breath close to her ear. The place, the moon, the evening, the gentle but firm embrace had led her to one desire. She wanted to be with Matt. She wanted to feel his warm, naked body pressed against hers. She wanted to kiss and tease him into a frenzied desire. She wanted his weight pressing down on her while thrusting deeply inside her. It was in this moment that she decided to let this week go where it would go. Life would sort itself out later, now she needed this man's passion and desire for her.

Sensing her arousal, Matt nibbled lightly on her ear and kissed her neck with the very tip of his lips. She relaxed her body even more, pressing her firm, round ass into his crotch where his cock was growing harder and harder. His hands caressed and explored her firm tummy and breasts with the sensation of his firm hands rubbing through the silk of her blouse causing her nipples to stiffen. Through her bra, Matt flicked and teased her nipples keeping a steady stream of kisses and licks on her neck and ear lobe. She reached a hand down and grasped his thigh with her lithe fingers, massaging his strong muscles and drawing higher and higher.

Before she reached the top of his thigh, he grasped her shoulders and turned her 180 degrees bringing their lips within an inch of each other. With the pent-up hunger and passion of the evening their lips met in a strong, wet, sensuous kiss. His lips parted allowing his tongue to dart out and lick along her pouty red lips. She reciprocated and soon their tongues were engaged in an erotic dance inside their passionate kiss. His hands roamed her back and ass more freely than before, dragging fingers along the erogenous areas of her neck down to the meeting place of her back and ass. Simultaneously, her hands had found purchase on the sides of his face and she greedily held his face to keep him close to her own.

Sensing the need for more privacy and comfort, Matt gently tickled Wendy's ribs causing her to loosen her grip just enough for Matt to break the kiss. He whispered softly, "Let's continue this in my suite."

"Hmmmmm," was all that Wendy could force out of her throat. She kissed him one more time before following his lead and locking arms together for the short walk to his hotel. They walked as one, connected at the hips, arms and shoulders, full of desire. Through the lobby and onto the elevator, they walked with tension and passion building. Once on the elevator their closeness overcame them and their lips returned to the dance they had shared on the waterfront. "DING." Off to the suite they walked still fully engaged in their loving embrace.

Once inside the private area of the suite, Matt flipped on the light, used the rheostat to dim them to a soft glow and once again pulled Wendy close. Tongues dancing, hands roaming, passion building they embraced and kissed for several minutes at the threshold. Matt reached between them and slowly unbuttoned Wendy's blouse from top to bottom. Breaking their kiss momentarily, he pushed her back and deftly moved the blouse aside and off her shoulders, letting it fall lightly to the carpeted floor. Before rejoining their kiss, Wendy slowly unbuttoned Matt's shirt and followed the same procedure to reveal his sexy chest and abs. She placed her hands on his chest and with a sigh leaned back into his embrace.

With his cock at full attention, Matt pulled Wendy to him even tighter ensuring she felt his hardness. His hands stroked her back and hips while his lips locked with hers, tongues battling for supremacy. At present hers was winning the battle with long flicking strokes along his lips. Matt brought a strong hand up to her face and stroked her cheek while reaching his other hand down to her ass and firmly grasping a cheek, massaging her roughly. She moaned into his mouth and fought his tongue with even higher ferocity. For what seemed like a short time, in actuality lasting several minutes, they remained in this position struggling together, bringing the passion to a higher level.

Matt again broke the embrace and began kissing down Wendy's cheek, neck and upper chest, drawing closer to the top of her bra. His hands had found the clasp in the back and with a flick of his wrist he separated the ends allowing access to her lovely breasts. He dragged his fingertips along her skin as he peeled the bra off, dropping it on the floor. Wendy's perfectly hanging b-cup breasts were completely exposed to Matt's lips and tongue. He kissed all over the firm mounds drawing tighter and tighter circles until slowly reaching her small, quarter-sized nipples. The pencil eraser like protrusions were hard and begging for his attention. He slowly licked around first one then the other before topping the pinnacle and finally sucking one in between his moist lips. A hand found her other breast and massaged it firmly while his tongue flicked across her nipple and his mouth sucked more of the soft globe into his mouth.

Wendy was gripped by waves of passion and arousal. His slow torture of her lips, ears, neck and now breasts was making her panties fill with wetness and her insides burn with desire. His hazel eyes, lean but muscular frame, strong but gentle hands were enough to bring her to the edge of passionate bliss. The fact that he was able to manipulate the exact spots on her body that produced the highest amounts of pleasure only increased her desire. His touch was the perfect balance of pressure and softness, his smell was overwhelmingly masculine and his eyes smoldered with lust and passion for her. She knew the night would end as it began, in his arms, and settled into his touch to enjoy all he offered.

Matt took his free hand and found the zipper on the side of Wendy's skirt. He pulled it slowly down to its terminus and as it loosened around her hips he helped it fall to the floor. He stroked his hand along the back of her thigh and up to her firm, heart-shaped ass where he detected a lacy thong was the only thing left covering her sexy body. He massaged her ass with one hand, firmly massaged her breast in the other and assaulted her remaining breast with his tongue and mouth. He felt her hands roaming his chest, trailing down his abs to the top of his pants. His belt was unbuckled and his pants were unbuttoned and unzipped while he moved his mouth to the neglected breast.

She reached inside his pants and grasped his hard shaft in her hand, dragging her fingernails along its length through the fabric of his boxer briefs. There was a wet spot at the tip where his pre-cum had leaked into his shorts and she teased that area with her finger before reaching down and beginning the long stroke again. His cock stiffened in reaction to her touch and an involuntary moan passed his lips onto her breast. At the top of her next stroke she pushed his pants over his hips allowing the weight of his belt to drop them to the floor around his ankles. Her entire hand cupped his balls and slowly, excruciatingly, she rolled them in her hand.

He broke his suction on her breast and trailed kisses up to her neck, across her chin finding her trembling lips waiting for his. He took both breasts in his hands, kneading and massaging them, using his thumb and forefinger to flick and pinch her nubs in pleasure inducing ways. He stepped out of his slacks and proceeded to walk her over to the sofa, setting her down slowly. She dragged her hands over his chest as she sat in front of him and tugged the top of his shorts over his hardness and down to the floor, releasing his seven inches and watching it flop in her face. She quickly grasped it in her hand and began to stroke and touch along the shaft, feeling the veins and ridges bulging. She flicked her tongue out and licked the bottom of his cock head removing the pooled pre-cum.

He tasted as good as he looked. She wanted to tease him as he had been teasing her. Her tongue flicked again and she touched the tip bringing a jolt to his shaft. She felt the strong muscles of his cock contract as she licked him even longer and eventually took his head in her soft, wet mouth. She sucked and licked, confining her mouth to only the top inch of his cock.

The heat and moisture of her mouth was bringing him intense pleasure. He looked down to see her shining hair spill over her ears and down her back with her tits hanging in front and his cock partially in her mouth. She looked up and smiled despite the thickness of his cock between her lips. She was a lovely creature and he was enjoying her beauty, her youth and her sensuousness. He reached a hand down to the side of her head and gently ran his fingers through her silky hair as she took more of his cock into her mouth. Hand grasping his cock firmly and mouth sucking hard, her tongue worked in harmony to bring Matt to erotic bliss. He continued to stroke her face and hair and watch as she manipulated his cock with sexy desire and passion. She was not giving him a blow job, she was enjoying herself almost as much as he was. No, it was more than a mere bj, this was a woman sucking his cock because she truly enjoyed his pleasure. It was magnificent.

Wendy strengthened her pace and tightened her grip. She wanted to taste his explosion in her mouth. She knew there was time for more later, right now she only wanted him to enjoy. With a mix of passion and desire she attacked his cock with her tongue, rubbing the right spot just below the tip and pumped his shaft faster and faster. Her free hand had cupped his balls, rolling them in her palm. She felt the tightening of his scrotum and heard the moans growing in intensity. She gripped tighter, licked and sucked harder until, with a loud grunt, a huge gush of thick cum sprayed into her mouth. His body jerked while he grunted and spewed blast after blast of hot, creamy cum into her mouth. She greedily swallowed as fast as she could but was unable to keep up with the volume he produced. Eventually, some of the cum leaked out from her lips and coated his shaft as she milked every drop from his core.

Watching the last of his orgasm subside, Matt looked at Wendy to see some of his cum dripping from her lips around his shaft. His cock twitched with last vestiges of its eruption and Wendy smiled up at him pulling her mouth slowly over the tip. With her hands she worked the final squirt from his balls into his shaft and out through the tip dribbling it onto her lips.

Matt reached down and pulled Wendy from her sitting position on the sofa into his embrace. They locked lips and he tasted his cum on her lips and in her mouth. He relished the taste of his own cum mixed with the scent and saliva of this beautiful lady. Knowing that was a great start to what promised to be an eventful night, Matt led Wendy from the living room to the spacious bedroom beyond.

She excused herself and slowly walked into the bathroom allowing Matt to admire her firm, 27 year-old, thong wearing backside. A few moments later she entered the room completely nude having left her panties and heels in the bathroom. He saw her mostly shaved pussy glistening between her milky white thighs with a small postage-stamp area of neatly trimmed hair. Her legs were long and lithe with a muscular firmness that belied her exercise regimen. Every part of her body was in exact proportion to the rest heightening her beauty and sensuousness.

She walked slowly toward him and stood in front of his seated position on the end of the bed. He breathed in her scent, a musky, sweet smell telling of her arousal. Leaning forward he kissed her tight tummy and licked around her belly button. One hand moved to grasp her breast and the other wrapped around her thigh, teasing it gently just below its meeting place with her ass. He tasted her and teased her, working his way slowly down to the small patch of hair. Reaching it, he kissed and licked around the outside careful to not touch her pussy just yet. His thumb and forefinger pinched her nipple and his other hand was now kneading her ass cheek, pushing her closer to him.

Wendy looked down to see this ruggedly handsome man's lips millimeters away from her pussy. As he pushed her ass forward bringing more pressure to bear on her pubic bone, she reached a hand up and cupped her other breast, massaging it and pulling on the nipple. She needed his mouth to find her burning insides. He was teasing her and it was terrific but she was on fire and needed a quenching. As his tongue and lips softly surrounded her pussy with kisses she clenched her ass cheeks together and pushed into him, providing a hint of what she needed.

Matt felt her push into harder and knew what she wanted him to do. He wasn't quite done teasing her though and decided to stretch it out as far as she would allow. He kissed her thigh, her stomach, the area just above and below her dripping pussy but he did not touch it. She began panting and moaning, her hips picking up their grinding pace. Sensing she was close to overload, he flicked his tongue along her wet slit, drawing a long moan from her mouth. He licked again and this time he kept his tongue on her lips, licking up and down and all around. Keeping that up for a time he also sucked her lips, then licked some more. Her grinding continued and an idea overcame him.

With one hard push on her ass, he picked her feet off the ground, lay back on the bed and brought her down onto his face. Seeing what he was doing, Wendy settled her knees next to his head and straddled his face, pushing her wet pussy down into his mouth. He attacked her pussy furiously, not holding back now. He licked in long hard strokes from the bottom of her lips to her clit, circled her clit twice, then looped back down to start anew. Wendy began pumping her hips harder into his face and as she did so, he shortened his strokes and focused on the area immediately below her clit. With hard, forceful strokes he licked just below her hood while sucking her clit at the top of each stroke.

Wendy held both tits in her hands, nipples pinched between her fingers and lifted her head, draping her luscious brown hair down her back. In the throes of passionate bliss she moaned and grunted in time with Matt's sucks. Her entire abdomen felt white hot and ready to explode. She felt Matt's hands on her ass cheeks, pushing her pubic bone onto his nose and face and that, combined with his tongue attacks on her clit, had her nearing an explosive orgasm. She barely held back her voice as she felt the spasms well up inside her. Her entire body spasmed and contracted as her orgasm overcame her in waves of pleasure and squeals.

Matt felt the contractions wracking her body and knew she was cumming. The small squeals escaping her lips provided the unnecessary final clue as to what was happening. Her juicy pussy was even wetter and her abdomen was contracting in time with the other muscles in her body. It was an amazing thing to be in this vulnerable position while a lady exploded with her entire body in such dramatic fashion.

Wendy collapsed forward onto her stomach and Matt extricated himself from between her legs to lay beside her. A thin veneer off sweat was covering her skin and her breathing was still elevated. He stroked her back and shoulders with his fingertips and admired her sexy, curvy body. Tracing the sensuous curves of her back and hips, his cock grew stiff and pressed against her side. He leaned over and planted a kiss on her cheek just below her ear. Wendy pushed her hair out of the way and tilted her head to look at the man who had just pleased her so fully.

Through a blissful smile she said, "It seems you are once again ready for a bit of action."

"How could I not be after bearing witness to that release of sexual energy," Matt said while lightly stroking her face.

Wendy rolled onto her side and Matt snuggled in close to kiss her lips, allowing her to taste the juices her luscious pussy had just produced. Matt's cock was pushing into her abdomen and she reached between their sweaty, heated bodies to stroke him back to full hardness.

Matt rolled her onto her back, slid a leg in between her legs and pushed her thighs apart while maintaining the lip and eye contact above. Pointing his hard, thick cock at her drenched pussy, he slowly moved it forward to her opening. As he pressed slowly inside her she moaned into his mouth. He pushed in further finally buried to the hilt in her hot, tight, wet pussy. Matt drew back out and then pushed in again, continuing the bond with her lips as well.

Wendy felt his cock thrusting at a slow pace in and out of her still throbbing pussy. His length was pretty average which suited her perfectly and his thickness was enough to stretch her out pleasurably. It was a terrific feeling being penetrated by such a perfectly fitting cock. She felt the veins slide through her and at the top of each thrust the tip just reached her cervix. He had established a steady, comfortable rhythm and together their bodies were tuning to each other. His weight pushing down on her hips, ass and abdomen and his strong arms holding her while he pushed his cock in and out of her pussy keeping eye contact the whole time, seemed like it was a love scene from a movie. But no, it was happening now and she was a part of it.

With increasing speed and pressure Matt thrust his cock in Wendy's beautiful pussy. Her eyes were locked on his and their desire was building to a higher climax. He felt her smooth legs draw up along his side and her ankles lock behind his back. She dug in her heels urging him faster, harder and deeper. He lifted up onto his elbows and gazed deeply into her sparkling, lustfull eyes while pushing into her as hard and fast as he could. His balls slapped her ass and his pubic bone met hers in a sexy, violent collision of desire. With each thrust he watched Wendy to see if she was ready for another release and sensed she was near.

As his thrusts pushed harder and deeper into her core, Wendy felt another release rapidly rise to the surface. Yips and squeals again escaped her lips and her pussy contracted around Matt's hard cock. She bucked her hips and pulled him into her even tighter. Sensing his explosion was also close, she said, "Yes, yes Matt! Fill me with your cum!"

Needing no further inspiration, Matt's cock spasmed and his second load of cum shot deep into Wendy's pussy. Her contracting muscles acted together with his orgasm to squeeze every drop of pearly fluid from his balls. Spurt after spurt of molten cum hit the sides and back of Wendy's pussy until it was overflowing and cum began dribbling out between his cock and her lips.

Matt leaned down and kissed her tenderly and said, "Please stay with me tonight."

"I wouldn't dare leave you now," was all Wendy said before meeting his lips again in a passionate kiss.

To be continued.....

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The author of this story: SecretLiaison

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