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Stop & Frisk
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It was almost all over, one last Church Board gathering. All the Board members were going out to a farewell dinner for members whose terms had expired. That's all Reggie had left to endure in her elected term and she would be free. She had decided that she would have some fun. A warm bath and glass of wine had relaxed her and triggered her naughty mind. She started by rubbing a fragrant body lotion all over her body. Nothing over the top, but enough to catch the attention of any admirers standing close enough. Over the course of her two year term, she had received a fair share of both subtle and straight to the point suggestions on what her fellow Board members would like to do to her. She had all the curves that came with being an island girl. A white shelf bra and lacy thong followed. The thong flared out from her cheeks framing her round, firm ass perfectly, the bra offered her breasts, soft, sensitive, to any hungry mouth that might be lucky enough to get that close to them. She had chosen a white summer dress, and slipped into it checking the look out in a full length mirror. She started with one button in the middle, then one up and one down working to the ends. Properly modest for the occasion and audience. Of course if one too many of the buttons were to be undone, it could easily be a very bad dress!

Arriving fashionably late, her gentlemen admirers gazed in lust as her breasts gently swayed, unencumbered by a bra. All offered a seat, Fred being the lucky winner. As the speeches began, Reggie sat listening at Father Don droned on about how much she would be missed by fellow members of the Church Board. As the night had progressed she had caught fireman Fred, sitting to her left, stealing many a glance at her. Earlier she had been paranoid that maybe he could see her nipples through the dress and had retreated to the ladies' room to check herself in the mirror. By now after several glasses of wine, she didn't care. She began wondering what his "fire hose" looked like. Then there was the lawyer, Peter, self-righteous. She was sure that she would have no problems seducing him. And the cutie, Tom the electrician. Reggie wouldn't mind some electrical stimulation from him! After she subtly undid a button, she turned to talk to Denise on her right, knowing that with the way she was sitting, that Fred would be able to get a good hard look at her breast, maybe even her nipple. Turning back, the look on his face, said it all...he had gotten an eyeful! The remainder of the dinner was relatively uneventful. With the wine flowing freely, and the fact that she would no longer be part of the Church Board, she had been the recipient of several comments that had started out as innocent flirtations and progressed to blatant suggestions as the consumption of wine increased. The night had ended with Tom, Fred, and Reggie sitting at the bar, closing the restaurant down. Like school children they argued over who would buy Reggie a farewell drink as she excused herself and headed to the ladies room to freshen up. Having undone another button on the top and two on the bottom, Reggie sat between her "suitors", crossing her legs, her dress parting revealing two thirds of her legs. The next fifteen minutes were filled with mindless chatter as both men spoke with their eyes everywhere but her face. Sensing that they were getting nowhere, both got up and said goodbye. Reggie took another 5 minutes to finish her drink and headed out.

The night had done nothing to alleviate the sweltering heat. Lightning flashes could be seen in the distance, accompanied by thunder. Maybe a thunderstorm could bring some temporary relief. To top things off, the air conditioner in her car had broken down earlier in the week. Handing the valet her ticket, she undid another button trying vainly to cool off. In the minute it took for the valet to get her car, the last patron's car in the lot, the perspiration had started trickling down between her breasts. "A real scorcher" came from the mouth of another breast talker. The difference was this one was cute, with a tight body. Someone that she wouldn't mind rolling around on a bed an air conditioned room that is. The pleasant thought he had given her called for a special tip. Settling into the car, Reggie, undoing another button at each end, hiked her dress half way up her thighs, and turned on the interior light, pretending to be looking at her eye in the vanity mirror. She knew that he was peering down on her, and fanned her dress top, feinting an effort to cool off. Her effort had been rewarded, a nice lump forming in his pants, almost within reach of her mouth. Too damn hot she thought as she hit the gas and exited the lot onto the dark side street that would take Reggie back to the comfort of her air conditioned home.

As usual on a Friday night, the cops would be out in force. Considering how much she had drank, Reggie thought it would be prudent to take the back roads home, avoiding the police patrolled main roads. Up ahead was the deserted industrial park. She would cut through there, avoiding the cops that always lurked in the shadows. In the distance, flashing lights signaled another victim of the police as Reggie turned right to cut through the industrial park, abandoned at night. Just as she started to revel in the thought that once again she had beaten the law, the flashing lights lit up the night. Reggie pulled over, her mind racing trying to figure out how she was going to beat this one. The beam of the flashlight lit up her face. "Good evening ma'am. Can I see your license & registration please"? "Is there something wrong officer"? "This is private property ma'am. You are trespassing". The beam of light traced down her face to the top of her dress, still buttoned the way she had it when she gave the valet his "tip". She reached down to button up, but was ordered "Ma'am keep your hands on the steering wheel where I can see them". "Relax officer. You're acting like I'm some dangerous criminal". "You fit the profile of our suspect". The alcohol has significantly loosened Reggie's tongue, "What the hell are you talking about"! "A prostitute has been luring men and then robbing them at gunpoint". "Please get out of the car". Feeling the effect of the alcohol, Reggie stumbled out, only a handful of buttons keeping the dress from completely opening up. "Hands up on the roof. I will need to search you. Just cooperate and we can get this done quickly without any problems".

Resigned to her fate, Reggie assumed the ordered position, hands on roof of her car, closing her eyes just wanting to get home out of the heat. Starting at her ankles, Reggie felt the officer's hands lightly slide up the outside of her legs, slowly...deliberately. The sensation and imagery was sobering. Despite the squalid heat of the night, a chill ran through her body. It didn't help that Reggie had a submissive side and the thought of being bent over and frisked by a rugged man in uniform was overwhelming her mind with bad thoughts. Under her dress the hands travelled, up past her waist, up... He was standing close behind, his breath on her neck. He cupped her breast, pinched Reggie's nipples. Reggie's pussy was so wet!

Kicking Reggie's legs further apart, he began again from her ankles, slowly moving up her legs, this time on the inside. So s-l-o-w! Then his finger traced lightly down between her ass cheeks, lingering briefly against her wet pussy. "Turn around...hands behind your head" he said forcefully. A flash of lightning lit up the night. He was beautiful, young, and lean. She wondered what his "nightstick" looked like. Probably had great stamina. She wanted him to fuck her soooooo bad. In the dim light of the single street light, Reggie could see his name tag, Officer Richard.

Reggie figured she would push his buttons, frustrate him. "Don't you have anything better to do? Is this how my tax dollar is spent? Are you sure you're not a rent-a-cop, Officer Dick"? The "Dick" rolling off her tongue slowly, tauntingly. "Ma'am, you have crossed the line. I am going to have to treat you as a belligerent suspect". Before she could react, he had cuffed her, hands behind her back. Face to face, no words, measuring each other up. He stared her in the eyes with the bluest eyes. "Oh God, just fuck me already" she begged in her head. "Can we hurry this up" she impatiently asked? Stepping right up to her, he undid the remaining buttons, pulled the dress open, and slipped it off her shoulders. It bunched up at her waist, held up by her cuffed wrists behind her back.

Officer Richard stepped back, pausing for a minute, he took in Reggie's body. Her bare breasts glistened from the oppressive heat, a trickle of sweat running between them, nipples rock hard, offered up by the shelf bra. "Very nice, a woman with curves". Sliding his hands into the front of her dress, he massaged her breasts, pinching her nipples, never breaking eye contact. The thunder was getting closer, or was that her heart beating? With her hands cuffed behind her back, Reggie was at his mercy, and it was driving her crazy. He slid his hands down her body, then back up the inside of her legs. Pulling his thong to one side, he easily slipped a finger into her wet pussy. Then a second. Reggie was so horny. "God, I hope he can't read my mind, because right now I would do anything he ordered" thought Reggie. He was good, real good. They stood face to face, good old fashion stare down. He massaged her G-spot, Reggie moving her hips, fucking his hand, breathing becoming ragged. His other hand went from breast to breast, kneading, tweaking her nipples. "She's mine. I'm going to enjoy fucking her" he thought. Her most intense orgasms came from finger fucking, and this was going to be INTENSE!

It came up quickly, an orgasm so intense, Reggie's pussy squirting streams of her cum juice over his hands. He was good way beyond his years, slowly, gently massaging her G-spot, easing her orgasm down. Leading her to the front of her car, Officer Richard pulled her dress back up to her shoulders and uncuffed her. Pushed forward, Reggie watched his reflection in her windshield. Positioned behind her, he suddenly grabbed her hair and yanked her head back, and nose to nose, announced "I am going to have to search a little bit deeper". With one thrust he buried his cock balls deep into Reggie's dripping pussy, her body shuttering with pleasure. Ever so slowly he expertly slid his rock hard cock in and out, Reggie's pussy devouring every inch of his succulent meat. His cock was so hard and deep, touching all those spots in per pussy. Pulling back on her hair, he smacked her ass. A "move your ass" and another smack followed. Reggie started to work his cock sliding her ass back & forth. This orgasm was even better, if that was possible. Like the thunder rolling in from the distance, building in intensity, finally exploding causing Reggie to momentarily "blackout". Her young fuck toy continued teasing, stroking her pussy, setting off waves of mini explosions.

Totally exhausted, Reggie fell down and laid across her hood. Time stood still, Reggie finally stirred acutely aware of the emptiness in her pussy. Mustering up the little strength she had left, she pushed her body up and turned back to face him. "Please Sir, again", eyes fixated on his beautiful slab of meat pointing to the sky. Sir Officer Richard held her hips and buried his cock in her hungry pussy, a cry of pure pleasure escaping Reggie's lips. For a moment she watched his reflection in the windshield as he used her body. He was gorgeous....and very, very talented. Reggie closed her eyes, focusing on how he was "abusing" her pussy. This time it was so different, this time he was FUCKING HER, slamming his cock with a relentless furor, each thrust announced with his body slamming against her ass. Reaching forward, he cupped Reggie's breasts, pulling her up off the hood. Thrust after thrust, while he kneaded her breasts, pinched her nipples. She was in Fuck Heaven. He couldn't fuck her hard enough, nothing but gibberish coming from her lips as she tried to egg him on to punish her deeper...harder. Just as she screamed in ecstasy the thunder cracked and drowned out her pronouncement of another shattering orgasm. The skies opened up bathing them sweltering bodies as Reggie fell forward laying across her car's hood. Officer Richard still had a rock hard cock that needed release. With the warm summer rain washing over them, mounting her, he straddled her ass for one last fuck. Reggie loved this position, complete submission, vulnerable. Her pussy was a live wire and didn't need much. A few last thrusts, and he came, Reggie feeling every spasm of his cock, as he spewed his hot cum deep inside, triggering once last orgasm.

After she came back to the present, Officer Richard helped a limp Reggie to her car. "I hope you've learned your lesson" and disappeared into the darkness.

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The author of this story: *Regina

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