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Diary of a Cougar: 8> A welcome run-in
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With quite a lot to cover, along with the odd surprise, let's get to this next story.

Having once again taken to freewheeling around on my roller blades, I was conscious of a need to pay the same attention, as that of driving my midnight blue Capri. However, on this occasion, and wearing my two-piece red bikini and plenty of sun protection all over my body, I allowed my attention to become drawn to a bare chested muscular guy. One who was performing tricks on his skates while someone filmed him. Managing to consciously slow down - as I would do my car - I failed to notice the slight incline and nonetheless sped along and into someone; their now crumpled body breaking my fall and emitting a pained cry of, ‘Ow.'

"I'm dreadfully sorry. Are you okay," I enquired concernedly. This being the US, Ray could well find himself slapped with a compensation suit for my negligence, I realised.

"I hope nothing's broken," I said regrettably, looking over his body for any cuts or bruises.

"Why don't you watch where you're going, lady," rejoined the young scrawny guy, a geek type to be honest, having he picked up his glasses and put them on. ‘At least they're okay,' I noticed, which was some consolation, although he did look rather fanciful without them.

"My ball," he then cried out.

‘Oh shit,' I exclaimed, fearing he meant his testicle. Only for him to point to the soccer ball he was kicking around and by himself. As with most American's, I prefer NFL to soccer, and although I now live in ‘Chargers' territory, I'm a dedicated ‘Cowboy's' fan, however, they have yet to find a nucleus like that of the three title winning seasons of the mid 1990's.

"I can't see any cuts or bruises," I exclaimed, continuing to show my concern for what I'd done.

"You knocked me over, lady, isn't that enough," he rebuked abruptly, his words making me fear what I'd thought.

"Let me make it up to you," I smiled coyly. "I'll do anything you want; drive you home if you like, my cars not far," I informed him, and went off to fetch his ball.

"My leg may need looking at, and possibly bathing," he said, emitting a pained expression.

"I can do that, I'm not a nurse or anything, but I've done a first-aid course," I lied convincingly.

"Okay, then, although I'll need some help," he appealed, his right foot raised along with his arm, which beckoned my shoulder to lean on.

"There you go, that okay. I'm Rachel by the way," I informed him, as we, me still on my blades, of course, slowly hobbled back to my Capri, which, thankfully, wasn't too far away.

"I'm Gordon," he rejoined, occasionally emitting the slight ‘ow'.

"This yours," he enquired, as I went to remove his arm from my shoulder. ‘Oh great, flashy car. He must be smelling the money,' I thought, as I undid the zip of my waist pouch and then took out the keys.

"I meant what I said about making it up to you, Gordon," I smiled, and this time seductively as I opened the passenger side and then moved the seat forwards.

"Could I sit in the front," he queried.

"You can lay out more in the back," I elucidated thoughtfully.

"I can do that at home, you know, when you're taking care of me," Gordon, his supporting hand on the roof, said. ‘I could hardly argue with him,' I realised, and soon had my unexpected patient, along with his ball, sat comfortably in the passenger seat, his safety belt done up - tight.

Going to my side, I first unlocked it, and then sat down to remove my blades - my naked back, except for the red tie, turned towards Gordon, who paid it no noticeable attention as I slipped my espadrilles on.

"Okay, then," I said, as I went through the usual process of pulling away, "which direction, Gordon?" I enquired.

"Up ahead and turn left, then straight on for about a mile, Rachel," he explicated, his hands supporting the ball rather than edging towards my right thigh. ‘Is he playing hard to get, or...!' I wondered, as again, not having a gear stick, I could hardly make a subtle move myself.

Waiting to turn left, I enquired if he didn't mind my having the radio on, and turned it on all the same; my hand straying to his naked thigh below his black shorts as I withdrew it.

"Hey, careful with the hand," Gordon exclaimed. Although it was his right leg that was hurt, I suddenly had the feeling that my erotic bedside manner wouldn't be to his liking,

"Sorry," I quickly apologised, and then turned the Capri left.

"Here," he said, presently indicating a terraced house on his side.

Once more helping him, I shortly had my patient lying on his couch; Gordon's back resting on a cushion in the corner.

"Okay, then, let me get some cold water, and I'll tend to your ails," I proffered; Gordon subsequently pointing out where the kitchen was located.

Having returned, I couldn't help but notice the presence of a ‘third leg'. Ignoring it as best I could, I undid his Nike trainers, and soon had those and his white socks removed.

"I can't see any noticeable swelling," I said, at least not there, as I inspected his feet thoroughly, before moving my attention to the young man's shins.

"Did you mean what you said, Rachel, you know, about doing anything I want and taking care of me," he intoned, displaying a minxy smile.

"Why, yes, Gordon. I'm truly concerned about knocking you over," I lilted, returning his smile with an inviting one of my own.

Taking off his glasses, which made him all the more appealing, he then exclaimed: "Okay, then, you can start by untying your top, and then fix us a couple of drinks." Gordon pointing out the drinks cabinet against the left side wall.

"I thought you weren't interested, you know...!" I said, indicating my earlier move as I reached behind me and soon had the red tie undone.

"You'd already caused one accident," he intimated of my driving. Keeping that in mind, I poured myself a small shot of vodka topped up with mineral water and a fuller shot with less water for my patient.

Gordon looked to be in his early 20's, and even though it was a Saturday, I couldn't see him owning this 3/4 bed home, not unless it was from an inheritance, which was highly unlikely.

"Here you go," I said, as I handed him the drink I'd made - my shapely breasts on display and begging his attention.

"Let me feel these first, slut," exclaimed Gordon, his tone hardly taking me by surprise, since my finger displayed my engagement and wedding rings.

Groping them to begin with, he then released the left one and moved his hand towards the outstretched glass. Gordon then dipped his fingertips in the drink I'd made him, and then trickled the cool liquid on my warm breasts before licking it off.

"Emn, that's lovely, Gordon, but I thought I was taking care of you," I murmured, just as he sucked my left teat into his mouth and then used his equally warm soft tongue tip to tantalize it.

"You like what I'm doing, don't you, Rachel," he uttered, before turning the same attentiveness to my right tit.

"Emn, yes, very, emn, much," I moaned, still holding our glasses, which he subsequently directed me to put down, less I spilt them.

"I take it this is your folk's home," I said, as I lifted his yellow vest up and soon had it removed.

"Yeah, they're visiting my aunt for the weekend," he elucidated, before taking a sip of his drink, which he then handed back to me. Going to enquire if he had a girlfriend, I thought better of it; besides which, he had me.

Taking a swig of mine, I then put the glass down. "There's a noticeable swelling in your shorts, Gordon," I couldn't help but cornaly remark, before moving my hands towards his waist band.

"If you want to suck my dick, just take it out and do it," he said. My mind quickly realising that, what with Gordon's injured right leg, I'd no doubt be doing all the work when it came to actually fucking.

Lowering them enough, I soon had his manly cock out and my hand around the shaft, stroking it. Just then, and as with my tits, he dripped some of his drink on the head, the fiery clear liquid slowly running down his erection to my hand; whereupon, I licked it off, along with that on the head, which he dripped some more onto.

Going to dip his fingers again, I suggested he use mine, as I had made it weaker. Instead, Gordon gave me his to put on the nearby occasional table, and then reclined, almost majestic like, as I surrounded the moist puffy glans of his cock with my lips.

"What's with your husband, Rachel," he exclaimed, seeing as I was quite free with my sexuality.

"Let's just say that I saw him in a similar situation and leave it at that," I rejoined, my mind and body concentrating on pleasuring my patient as I slowly slid my lips down and up his virile shaft, one with a long thick vein that ran diagonally along its now fat length.

"Emn, are you likely to cum if I keep this up, or are you a stud, one that can deliver two loads or more," I said, lightly grasping the hilt just above his throbbing ball sac as I subjected the shaft to long upward strokes.

"Suck it, Rachel, make me cum," Gordon sighed, his elbows flexed against the armrest that was propping him up.

"What are you," he enquired, as I once more encompassed the crown, my hand, working with alacrity, soon yielding its reward, as streams of hot sticky cum hosed the walls of my mouth and palate.

With both of us murmuring our delight, I swallowed and sucked and swallowed - Gordon's cock, partially hard in both my hand and mouth I noticed.

"Horny—slut," I rejoined, in answer to his question and remark.

"I put the first bit down to the San Diego heat, while, yes, I've always been a bit of a slut," I informed him; whereupon, I pulled his shorts down and carefully took them off.

"Let me see, is this going to be alright for you to..."

"Fuck you, you mean," Gordon second guessed me.

"That is what you want, right," I said, as I once more looked over his right foot.

"Once I've feasted on your pussy. Is it shaved?" he enquired with glee.

"You'll soon find out," I smiled teasingly, as I stood up.

Stepping onto the couch, I placed my feet either side of his midriff and then slowly undid the bow on the right side of my bikini bottom. Allowing the red material to fall away, I immediately revealed that I was indeed smooth down there. Taking it from me, Gordon then held it to his nose, breathing in the scent of my horny cunt, something I find to be a big turn on.

"Come here, Rachel, I want to bury my nose in you," he averred, dropping the crumpled up garment onto the floor and then extending his hands towards me.

With my knees bent, I hovered above Gordon's demanding face; his tongue eagerly poking out in readiness to taste me. "Smell it first," I enjoined, almost forgetting myself as I reached for his head to draw him closer; my hand resting on his short cropped brown hair.

"Oh yes, come here," he demanded, poking his nose in my cunt while licking each lobe of my fuck flesh. "Emn, emn," he murmured, and presently sucked.

"Oh, fuck, fuck, yes. You're gonna make me cum, as well," I warned him, but he just kept on devouring my horny pussy, his hands on my thighs, both to offer support and to hold me to him.

"Fuck, fuck yes," I cried out, his tongue all the way up inside me when I came. Not stopping for an instant, Gordon immediately used his virile mouth muscle to lick and suck up my escaping juices.

"I take it you can cum again, also, Rachel," he ventured.

"You better believe it," I exclaimed joyously, as I moved to sit over his cock.

"Is it okay if I taste your ass, as well," he ventured.

"Yes, and you know what," I averred appealingly, "you can put this lovely cock of yours in there if you like," I informed him, as I moved further up and rested my hands on the backrest.

"That's it, lick it, wiggle your tongue around a bit. It's alright, I keep myself clean down there," I assuaged Gordon, noticing his slight hesitancy.

Going to presently squat above his once more hard bobbing cock, Gordon directed me to help him up. ‘Okay,' I thought, and not remarking about his injury, I nonetheless did his bidding

Moments later, I found myself knelt up on the couch, my hands braced on the backrest and Gordon knelt behind me with his right ankle overhanging the edge of the sofa.

Reaching around with his left hand, he cupped my breast, the nipple of which he rolled betwixt his thumb and finger. Then, and with his right hand around my waist, he stroked my pussy and clit.

"Emn, I'm supposed to be taking care of you, aren't I," I iterated, as a glowing climax welled up inside me; moments after which, I reached beneath me and guided Gordon's hard prick into my hungry, horny pussy.

"You are," he murmured, as he began a leisurely fuck; Gordon's hand on my breast directing me to arch my back, which jutted my tits out even further. Subsequently shaking my hair back as I did, Gordon got the message, and moved his left hand to grasp it as he thrust his cock into me, and just at the moment I came.

"Yo, Gord'. Mom won't approve of this," a voice called out from the doorway; whereupon, Gordon stopped, and we both turned towards the intruder.

"Oh, hi, Nigel," he said, addressing his older brother. Not quite the nerd type associated with the stereotypical name. First, Steve and his son, then Andrew and his flat-mate. ‘Life is just full of surprises,' I realised to myself

At that precise moment I felt like retorting, something akin to what Kelly Le Brok said at the end of ‘Weird science', only I didn't have her powers. Mind you, Nigel, who had just come back from playing some exerting game, what with the sweat on his face and arms, was even more fanciful than his younger sibling was.

Playing it cool, as I grasped Gordon's cock between my vulva, I proffered, "I'm sure I can appeal to your better nature, Nigel, that way you don't need to tell your folks about this."

"How appealing," he rejoined, emitting a lurid expression as he put his tote bag down and then ambled forwards.

"Rachel, here, has got a nice tight pussy," Gordon exclaimed.

"I'm more interested in her tight ass, bro'," intoned Nigel gleefully, as he undid the tie on his shorts.

Having stepped out of them, and still with his Nike trainers on, he made a similar ‘slut' remark, when he noticed my rings. ‘Why is a nice married slut like you fooling around with the likes of Gordon and me.' What Nigel didn't know was, this ‘slut' has had as many as four cocks up her.

Exercising some control, Nigel had me up in the corner of the sofa where Gordon was earlier laid, and with my lower left leg resting on top of the back rest and my right knee on the armrest. With my stance, as such, open like this, Nigel flashed his tongue around my exposed holes, while I, again, got to suck Gordon's cock; his right knee beside mine on the armrest.

"Hurm," I murmured my delight, as Nigel lapped at my streaming cunt and stroked my clit with dexterity, all while I bobbed my head back and forth on Gordon's pleasure stick.

Moments later, Nigel slid two of his cum sticky fingers into my nicely exposed asshole; whereupon, Gordon commented on how sexy it looked, beside the fact that he had only licked my ‘rosebud' with his tongue. Now, however, there seemed no stopping him, as he once more put an arm around me and had two of his digits in my anus as well.

"Hurgmn," I moaned, as I slowly slid my lips up and down his cock, unable to give it the concentration I otherwise would have, if it weren't for the reaming my backside was receiving while Nigel continued to lick my cunt and frig my clit.

"Hurg," I bewailed, my head almost locked in position as I felt my climax gather pace; moments after which, and with my legs unable to otherwise close, it exploded inside me. ‘God, was I open to them,' I realised.

Soon stood up, Nigel directed me to put my fingers all the way in my pussy, which I did. Then, directing Gordon to splay my ass cheeks, I felt the head of Nigel's dick slap my exposed asshole, followed by a dribble of saliva landing plumb on it.

The anticipation of getting my ass nailed in this position, caused me to pump my hand back and forth, and with the same rhythm as that of my head, which thrashed up and down Gordon's cock.

"Hurgm," I vociferated, as Nigel pierced my anal ring and motioned his cock up my asshole; finishing off with a telling thrust at the end. Although he remained quite still, now that he was all the way in there, my hand was going fast; enough that, I soon made myself cum.

"Now, slut, feel my cock," he told me, as he slid it back with consummate ease. Upon drawing my hand upwards, I pressed my fingertips against the thin membrane between my cunt and ass. Nigel's cock felt lovely, rocking back and forth in my tight ‘backdoor' as my fingers touched it.

"Now your whole hand," he told me, my cunt definitely big enough to take it. And pretty soon I had my entire fist inside my wanton fuck hole while a pair of competent, skilful cocks fucked my ass and mouth respectively.

"So, where did you find Rachel, then, bro," Nigel eventually asked. Neither one of them black skinned by the way. All the same, it had been some while since my last injection of ‘dark meat', I realised; not that I would or, indeed, was, for one moment complaining.

I was gratefully receiving what every slut like me wants or needs, and that's a big hard cock up her. Mouth, cunt or ass, it's all the same to me, and especially if they make me cum, ‘into the bargain', although that probably doesn't fit. That's sayings, for you, I suppose.

Having quickly explained how I had run in to him, between cries of delight, Nigel felt pleased that he had; especially while his cock fucked my ass with determination.

Shortly thereafter, he had his young sibling lay down on the sofa, followed by me taking Gordon back into my wet pussy. Then, getting over us, Nigel slid his cock into my cunt, and then directed Gordon to draw himself out while he slid his cock in.

"Oh fuck, yes, that's it. I thought you only wanted my ass," I exclaimed, as my body reached for yet another orgasmic plateau.

"Fuck me, guys, give me your cocks, like that," I cried out encouragingly. Gordon slurping on my tits, while Nigel slid his four fingers up my backside - not quite as full, as when they each had two up me.

"Oh wow, oh yes, I'm gonna cum. Fuck me, fuck me, do it, yes," I regaled.

Moments later, I felt my cunt juices stream down my quavering thighs; Nigel's hands, supportively, holding onto me as I did.

"OH-oh-oh, f-fu—ck," I exclaimed, my body undulating from the pleasure of it all.

"Fancy a go in the slut's tight ass, Gordon," Nigel said, offering me to him and then dusting my ass cheek playfully. Something inside me alerted me to the fact that, Nigel was more the wiser about the sort of compensation I would be willing to provide, as he helped me up, and then helped me to repose myself, much as I was when he made his unexpected entrance.

"Fuck, yes," I exclaimed, as Gordon, my hands holding myself open for him, slid his fat dick up my back passage.

Not long afterwards, Nigel perched himself on the backrest in front of me; his slick dick bobbing about as it awaited the attention of my mouth.

"Urm," I murmured, as I slid my lips up and down his warm shaft; whereupon, my tongue tasted the familiar cocktail of my pussy and ass juice, while his younger brother, his hands on my waist, fucked himself in and out of my backside.

"Hurgm," I presently vociferated, as they continued to give it to me with pleasured alacrity.

Not long afterwards, I sensed the brother fucking my mouth begin to speed up, his glans swell, and his cock tremble. Almost immediately, I felt the first spurt of Nigel's cum shoot into my mouth; after which, he used the palm of his hand to push me back. He then covered my slutty face with the remainder, some of which dripped onto the cloth covered cushion beneath us in addition to my tits and nipple.

"Emn, the slut looks rather lovely, now that she's covered in my spunk," Nigel rejoiced. "Let's turn her over, then you can give her yours," he suggested to Gordon.

Having helped me up, they soon had me led on my back, which immediately felt the wet spots of Nigel's cum.

"There you go," Nigel intoned, as he rested the backs of my legs against the backrest. In response, I opened my mouth in readiness to receive Gordon's second load.

Having once more knelt his injured right leg on the sofa, the younger of the two began tossing off his dick. Then, and to my utter surprise and appreciation, Nigel, sporting a renewed hard-on, began beating his meat as well. ‘Wow, two more loads, and all for little me,' I regaled inside.

"Oh yes, fuck, take it, slut," Gordon exclaimed, and then showered my face with his hot sticky cum; after which, and with Nigel still stroking himself encouragingly, he gave me his dick to suck.

"You like the taste of cum, then," exclaimed Nigel.

"Here you go, then," he averred.

With that warning, Gordon quickly took his cock from my mouth; seconds after which, Nigel gave me a second load of his creamy hot spunk.

‘What amazing studs,' I commended inside, as I both licked their essence from me and scooped up the remainder with my fingers.

"I see you don't want a towel, then," Nigel said, as I licked them clean.

Once more putting on my bikini, along with my pouch, Gordon left us to take a shower while Nigel saw me to the front door.

"All in all, you got off lightly, Rachel," intimated Nigel, only to once more slap my ass as he saw me out.

‘First, the two dreamy intern Doctors, and now two brothers. My roller blades were most certainly a sound investment,' I realised, as I made my way back to my car.

On the drive back home, and with the taste of the siblings cum lingering on my tongue, my mind wondered what my next adventure, while wearing my blades, would be. Until then, join me next time. I can assure you that you wont want to miss it.

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The author of this story: Chris-t6290

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