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Richard found me propping up the bar in my local, which I must admit is unusual for me, but then life just recently had been unusual. I'd split from my wife a few months earlier and that had just been the first crappy thing in a series. My marriage, or rather the end of it, had affected my work so badly that my sales target hadn't been met and now the company had decided they could do without me. Not only that but my car had been sideswiped by an uninsured driver and was off the road, and now my pet chinchilla had died. That last may sound unimportant, but it was just the last fucking straw and I was drowning my sorrows, thoroughly pissed off with the world.

塑ou're not going to bring me grief as well are you?' I asked him morosely when he told me that he'd been looking for me.

船es. Now when would I ever do that?' He grinned and ordered me another drink.

Richard is one of those people who ducks and dives for a living, dealing in whatever he can lay his hands on, always up to something that will make him a little cash, mostly staying on the right side of the law but sometimes straying just a little bit over the border. I've learned to be careful around Richard; he's pulled a fast one on me before. Even so, I couldn't help but like the guy and his straightforwardly crooked approach to life.

選t's been known.' I told him. 糎hat brilliant, can't fail, money making scheme are you trying to get me involved in this time?'

鮮one.' His face looked innocently offended. 腺ut I need a favour, and it'll help you out at the same time.'

禅his should be interesting.' I turned to face him. 賎o on.'

塑ou're on your own, yes?'


全o you're not getting any, are you?'

賎etting any what?' I had a good idea what he meant as I'd been complaining about a non existent sex life the last time I'd seen him, but I wasn't going to make it easy for him.

塑ou know what I'm on about.' He frowned. 全ex. You know, the thing you said you ain't getting.'

羨ll right, what about it?'

糎ell I've got this problem.' His face brightened when he saw my interest perk up. 選've got a date lined up between these two women and me and a mate of mine. But Josh has broken his arm and so he's had to pull out, and so I thought you might like to take his place. They're in town while their husband's attend some conference or other and they're up for a bit off the locals.'

全o basically you want me to join you on a blind date? Is that it?'

塑eah, but it's a guaranteed shag. An absolutely cast iron guaranteed shag.'

全o what are they like?' I was interested in spite of myself, or at least my cock was.

糎ell.' He hesitated a bit. 禅hey're a bit older than us, but rich and sophisticated and elegant and gorgeous, and gagging for it.'

践ow older?'

Well..., knocking on close to forty, maybe.'

That was quite a bit older, especially if I allowed for his usual bending of the truth. I'd only just crept past my twenty-fifth birthday and Richard was maybe a year or two ahead of me.

腺ut they're stunning lookers.'

禅hey'd need to be.' I hesitated, and then made my decision. 鮮o mate, sorry. I'm skint. I can't afford it.'

腺ut otherwise you'd be interested?'

糎ell yes. You're right when you say I'm not getting any, so if I could afford it I'd be there.'

禅hen you're in, 祖os it won't cost you a bean. I'm hoping to get a bit of business from their husbands and so it'll be on me, sort of business expenses, you know?'

I should have smelled a rat about then, but it all sounded plausible enough and so I agreed. We arranged when and where we would meet with our dates and he bought me another drink, slapped me on the back a couple of times and went his merry way.

So a few days later I was sat in the lounge of a top local hotel with him, wearing my best suit and waiting for the two ladies to make an appearance. We didn't have long to wait, because even before the waiter had bought our first drinks they came threading their way towards us. I took one look and made a bet with myself as to which one would be my date.

They were both expensively dressed and the jewellery that glittered around their necks and fingers would have solved all my financial woes in one go and then some. They were also both brunettes, and Richard was nearly right when he said they were both close to forty, although it was actually close from the other side, but there the similarity ended.

One was built like an hourglass, with a breasts and legs to die for, a cloud of jet black wavy hair and a smile that lit up the room. She wore expensive designer clothes with an air of casual confidence as if she were born in them, showing both cleavage and thigh with not a hint of mutton.

The other looked too thin to be just slim and wore her mousy brown hair short and straight. It was impossible to know what sort of figure she had, except to say that it wouldn't be an hourglass, both because she was pretty much straight up and down and because she was the kind of woman who made even the most expensive couture look like Hamish cast-offs. It wouldn't have been so bad if she smiled, but she just looked out of place and nervous, although I was sure she must have dined in far swankier places than our local four star.

We both stood as the ladies approached and Richard introduced me. And I was right about the pairing. He sat Judith, the mousy one, next to me and ushered Rosalyn, her more glamorous companion, into the seat beside him. I was already beginning to regret the evening. But I kept telling myself it was a free meal and I wasn't forced to fuck anyone afterwards, and in my parlous state a meal was not to be passed up lightly.

Rosalyn dominated the conversation completely and I can't say I was sorry at first because I had visions of the four of us waiting for our table in an awkward silence, but she filled the void with tales of her husbands company, heating systems apparently, and how it had just amalgamated with Judith's husband's refrigeration engineering concern to make a 蘇ot and cold impact on the market'. Well, she thought it was witty. But my appreciation of her verbosity didn't last. The trouble was that nobody else could get a word in and we got through to being seated in the dining room without my being able to do more than say hello to my date for the evening. Getting to know her was going to be impossible until her friend ran out of steam.

I had hoped that eating might slow Rosalyn down, but not a bit of it, she simply waved her fork around while chewing and used her knife to emphasise various points in her saga, boring everyone with accounts of monies made by this or that deal and how her husband had gone after contracts that others only dreamed about, with the final result that everyone, apparently even including Judith, was pleased when we finally got to the coffee. I must admit though, I was a bit surprised when Rosalyn immediately held out her card to the waiter to settle the bill rather than letting Richard pay, but by then I'd come to the conclusion that she liked to feel self important. Maybe I'd got the better of the two in the nervously quiet and mousy Judith after all.

践ave you booked two, like I said?' Rosalyn asked Richard finally, nodding contentedly when he fished in his pockets and pulled out two electronic room keys, passing one of them over to me.

舛ome on then.' She stood up impatiently. 銑et's get on to the main course.'

Judith looked at me as if to say she'd prefer a little more decorum, and I shrugged back in agreement.

The journey up in the lift was even worse, with Rosalyn making it clear in no uncertain terms what she expected from Richard, and by the time we reached our floor we were all squirming with embarrassment, although she didn't seem to notice. It was a relief to swipe the key down the door and get into the comparative silence of the bedroom. I felt sorry for Richard and just hoped he'd find something suitable to stuff into her mouth. I was sure he would.

I turned to speak to Judith, but before I could get a word out she held up a silencing hand.

腺efore anything else.' She began. 選 need to explain. I've been married for over twenty years and never, ever, been with another man in all that time. But Derek, my other half, is older than me and he has prostate problems, so I've not had sex for nearly two years and I do miss it. This was Roz's idea, she talked me into it and I'm not sure if I can actually do it. I want to, but I'm not sure I can go through with it. I hope you understand if nothing happens?'

We were two of a kind then, although I didn't say so, both of us bulldozed by more assertive friends into a liaison we weren't sure about. I felt an immediate connection with her words.

前f course.' I told her, smiling reassuringly. 選 understand better than you think. We don't have to do anything. In any case I've just...'

I was about to explain about my situation when her hand came up again, silencing me in mid flow.

選 don't want to know anything about you.' She told me. 選 know your name and that's all I need. It'll be easier for me if you remain anonymous. You can understand, can't you?'

It was a bit strange, but if it eased her conscience and made her happier, then that was all right by me. Yes, if that's what you want, that's fine.'

舛an we get just into bed and perhaps just have a cuddle?' She asked. 羨nd if anything else happens, then it happens.'

I wasn't used to my partner making the running, especially when the running was at such a slow trot, but it was better than frightening her off, so I nodded and smiled and she turned her back.

繕nzip me then.'

I pulled her zip right the way down, catching a glimpse of the smooth pale skin of her back, and then unhooked her white bra through the gap in her zip.

禅hank you. Now, would you mind being a gentleman and turning your back while I get into bed?'

What else could I do but turn away? It was the strangest seduction I'd ever experienced, and I wasn't even sure who was seducing who. I heard the whisper of clothing falling to the floor followed by the flump of a duvet being thrown back, and then the shuffle of someone settling themselves.

選'm ready. You can join me if you like.'

She had the duvet pulled right up to her neck, but she was lying on her back with her head turned to face me in a way that implied that she had no intention of looking her away. Was that the female version of fair play, I couldn't see her but she could watch me? Not that I was too worried. I mean, my body isn't that bad and I was a lot younger than she was used to.

I undressed facing her, making no attempt to hide anything, even though my cock was only at half mast, and she watched me openly like someone inspecting the goods, with was a bit unnerving. But obviously I must have passed scrutiny, for she raised the edge of the duvet for me to climb in beside her, although without raising it so high as to afford me much of a view of her nakedness.

As I climbed into the bed I took a hold of the duvet and lifted it higher, giving myself just a brief glimpse of her body. I don't know what she was worried about. She was far better equipped than her clothes or demeanour had led me to believe. I know it was only a quick glance down under a lifted duvet as I climbed in, but even though she was thin, she wasn't scrawny, her breasts made small but distinctly rounded mounds topped with dark and attractive nipples, and her belly was nicely flat without being sunken. I couldn't see any lower than that then, but what I saw I liked and my cock twitched in appreciation.

Her skin felt cool almost to the point of cold as I slid in beside her, and she seemed to shrink away from the contact so that we ended lying side by side, just touching at the hip and shoulder like a pair of toy soldiers. I looked across and she turned her face towards me, scared and anxious.

然elax.' I told her gently. 塑ou're the boss; nothing happens that you don't want to.'

選 know.' A little smile flittered across her face. 禅hank you. But I'm not sure anything can happen.'

At that point I was sorely tempted to get out of bed and call it a day, for I could see little point in trying to make it work between us and I wasn't that sure that I wanted it to anyway. The only thing that stopped me was that I could tell she was fighting her instincts, wanting, maybe even needing, to make love with someone, but constrained by her inbuilt morals and probably feeling very out of place in someone else's bed. I waited a few moments and then lifted my arm, raising it over her head in a clear invitation for her to let me put it around her. She hesitated for a number of seconds and then moved closer so that I could pull her to me, her head snuggling into my shoulder and her cool skin in contact with mine. And there we remained for several minutes before she glanced up at me and smiled a nervous little smile. I leaned down and planted a tiny kiss on her forehead.

塑ou're very considerate.' She whispered. 腺ut I bet you wish I was Rosalyn.'

遷esus! Not bloody likely!' The exclamation was out of my mouth before I could stop myself. It wasn't the best thing to do to insult someone's friend and so I tried ineptly to cover. 選 mean, you're by far the nicer, far more ladylike and far more refined. I much prefer someone who isn't so flamboyant and extroverted. Anyway, I bet she's all tits and talk.'

She giggled, she actually giggled like a schoolgirl. 羨ll right, don't lay it on too thick or I might stop believing you.'

This time when she looked up at me she extended her neck and offered her mouth to be kissed. It wasn't a passionate kiss, but it wasn't chaste either. Her lips parted, although not enough for any tongue fencing, and our mouths moved very softly against each other for much longer than a simple friendly kiss warranted.

選'm sorry.' She said as she pulled away. 船o you like to kiss, in the circumstances?'

選 like to kiss, full stop.' I told her, wondering what the hell had brought that remark on.

全o do I.' She smiled. 選t's just that I'm not used to this, you know? I wasn't sure if you wanted to.'

I didn't try to make sense of it; I'd already given up on that. Instead I pulled her closer with the arm around her shoulders and kissed her again, for longer this time. She made a little noise in her throat when she finally pulled her lips away from mine and snuggled closer, her knee finding its way over my thigh and a hard little nipple coming to rest on my chest. I figured that now was not the time to push things, so I let it rest at that, even though her hair tickled my face. I could feel my cock rising to full erectness at the possibility that things just might find a use for it after all.

Judith must have thought the same, because after a few minutes her hand reached tentatively across my stomach, jerking back when her fingertips brushed across the tip of my erection, only to reach out again and very hesitantly touch my cock. It was my turn to make a pleasure noise as her fingertips tiptoed up and down my length and she looked up as I groaned, smiling a sexy little smile.

塑ou're very hard.' She said softly. 羨m I to blame?'

選 wouldn't call it blame.' I answered, drawing a sharp breath as her fingers circled the sensitive head of my cock. 腺ut you do have something to do with it.'

Again that girlish little giggle. 選'm glad. I didn't know if I was still attractive enough.'

Talk about low self esteem. But then with a domineering friend like Rosalyn how can anyone blossom. But at least she was rapidly climbing out of her shell.

船on't you know that you're gorgeous?' I asked her, exaggerating just a little.

鮮o.' Her fingers closed properly over my cock and began to move up and down with serious intent. 禅ell me.'

塑ou're gorgeous.' I told her. 羨nd so is that. But you're going to have to stop if you don't want to use it up too soon.'

全shhhh.' She whispered, her hand moving more urgently. 糎e've got all night and I intend to get good value.'

Another slightly off key remark, but it somehow confirmed the complete change in her behaviour. It was as if someone had suddenly thrown a switch in her head so that she had gone from prey to predator in just the few minutes after our first meaningful kiss. I wondered briefly what her home life was like that she made her so repressed, but then her thumb swiped across my tip and I lost interest in anything except what she was doing.

選 want to make you come.' She looked questioningly into my face. 船o you mind?'

As far as I was concerned while she was playing with me like that I wanted whatever she wanted.

前f course I don't mind, but it's usually the other way around.' I told her, meaning that a man's climax is taken for granted but a woman's has to be worked for.

塑es, I know it should be, and you can do it in a bit. But right now I want a turn.' She had that very strange way of putting things, but hey, why would I care?

She threw the duvet clear to leave both of us naked on the bed, pushed my legs apart to give herself room and then shuffled down to kneel between them, gazing intently at my cock all the while. She really had taken charge all of a sudden, all shyness apparently gone now that she'd decided to play.

船erek was always a lights out man.' She informed me, as if to explain her actions. 腺ut I want to see what I'm doing this time.'

I wasn't going to argue with that either, especially as it also gave me chance to look at her while I waited for her hand to fasten itself back around my cock. Suddenly she paused and looked at me with a serious expression on her face.

選f we do it.' She began, and then stopped. 選 can't get pregnant.' She began again. 羨nd I don't like the idea of rubbers. So if we do have sex, can you promise me that I can't catch anything from you?'

船efinitely not.' I was caught between being offended and appreciating her openness.

全ure? I mean, are you really sure?'

羨bsolutely sure.' I nodded vigorously, hoping I could see where this conversation was headed.

禅hen can we do it without protection? 舛os I know I won't give you anything.'

前f course we can.' What man turns that offer down?

禅hen that's settled, we'll be natural.'

Her decision made she turned her attention back to my cock, gazing at it as it were some wonderful and sacred object, her hands on her hips as she knelt before me. I've implied that she was in better shape than appeared at first glance, and her nudity confirmed it. Her breasts, now that she was not flat on her back, were pert and firm, small yes, but in keeping with her generally slight build, and her legs were long and slender and actually quite shapely. If only she had found a better hairstyle to frame that impish face and she would have been rather attractive. Maybe not gorgeous, as I'd rather insincerely told her before, but certainly not unappealing, especially now she'd started to smile. One thing I did notice was that her bush very small, just a little tuft at the union of her legs, and it was as straight as the hair on her head. Strange the sort of thing that catches your attention, isn't it?

She settled herself on her haunches and then leaned forward, taking her weight on the hand resting beside my waist whilst enthusiastically pumping my cock with the other, her face only a matter of inches from its tip. I wondered, and in fact hoped, if she'd realise when I got close and finish the job with her mouth, but the way she was staring so attentively at it told me that she'd sooner watch than suck. I knew somehow she wouldn't have long to wait, either.

選 think I'm going to come soon.' I warned her.

賎ood.' She replied breathily. 船o you come a lot?'

It took me a moment to realise that she meant volume rather than frequency, although in point of fact both were reasonably true. 塑es, usually.'

賎ood.' She repeated and her hand worked even faster. I just lay back silently and let her.

選'm coming.' I gasped a few minutes later.

賎ood, you can let it happen.'

Let it happen? There was no way I could have prevented it, and it was as powerful a climax as I'd had for a long time. Now I'm not about to lie and say that I squirted great fountains of hot spunk all over the place so that it covered her face and breasts and got in her hair, but it was a pretty good show with a short series of heavy spurts shooting several inches from the end of my upright cock before falling back and coating her hand and my shaft with my slippery cream. I know too that I groaned loudly and gripped at the edge of the bed to prevent myself from automatically thrusting with my pelvis and spoiling her rhythm, and that my efforts were rewarded with that girlish giggle of hers.

Afterwards, as I lay panting for breath she uncurled her fingers from around my shaft, flexed them a few times and then put them to her mouth so that her pink little tongue could lick them clean of my cum.

閃mm.' She murmured. 鮮ot bad.' And then she leaned down to take my cock into her mouth and lick the highly sensitised but subsiding shaft for any more that she could find. She saw me watching in utter amazement and burst into laughter, my now flaccid penis slipping from her lips.

選've always wanted to do that.' She told me with a broad smile before wriggling back up the bed and back into my arms. 鮮ow kiss me.'

I did kiss her, and this time she used her tongue, probably to try and make me taste my own cum, but if I did then I didn't notice, I just enjoyed a proper kiss from my date at long last.

We lay together quietly for a little while until my breathing and heart rate returned to normal, her head resting against my shoulder and my hand running along her arm and down the side of her body to feel her soft cool skin. And then my hand wandered between us to cup her breast. She stirred, gave a little noise of enjoyment, and rolled onto her side to give me better access.

It was nice to fondle her breast, almost like a teenager on a first date. It was small and firm, again like a teenager's, with a hard little rubbery button of a nipple right on the peak. Just the right size and texture to make you want to fondle, squeeze and..., well, just play with it.

践ow long will you need.' She asked, suddenly, cutting through my peaceful musings and reminding me of the fact that she hadn't come yet.

選 don't know, not too long.'

糎ill you lick me?' She asked. 遷ust until you're ready.'

That was a bit like asking me if I wanted an ice-cream. You bet I'd lick her, and it was obvious where she meant without even asking. 前f course I will.'

賎o on then, do it to me.' She rolled onto her back and parted her legs ready for me. I was still a bit gobsmacked by the way she had taken charge after being so nervous earlier, but I wasn't really worrying. I was enjoying it too much. Her sudden change had let me shoot one load and there seemed every chance that it would let me shoot at least one more before the night was through.

I freed my arm and moved around to kneel between her legs, half on and half off the bed and for the first time look directly at her pussy. She wasn't shaved or even trimmed, but the sparseness of her bush meant that it petered out about half way down her outer labia, and the hair was soft and straight anyway so I had no qualms about going down on her. Hairy dental floss was not going to be a problem.

It was a tidy pussy, that's probably the best way to describe it, small and compact like her breasts, with short inner labia and a distinct but neat clitoral hood over a quite diminutive clit. Her vagina was already gaping open, the entrance wet and glistening beautifully from the juices of her arousal. In short, it was an inviting pussy and I think I actually smiled at it before leaning down and flicking that petite button of hers.

She gasped out loud as soon as my tongue made contact, so I did it again, and again, evoking a sharp intake of breath each time. I was obviously doing something right, but I wanted to do more than just use the tip of my tongue on her clit, and so after about half a dozen or so flicks I lowered my mouth over her entrance and explored her with my whole tongue, pushing it into her as far as I could reach. This time she moaned deep in her throat, the sound muffled by soft warm thighs that closed around my ears.

Now, that was fine for the moment, but soon I wanted to move and to explore the rest of her pussy and I found myself imprisoned between those two lovely legs, So I used my hands to prise them away from each other and give myself some breathing space - literally. Judith responded by pulling them wide apart and right back, so that her knees were nearly beside her shoulders, holding them like that with a hand around the back of each knee.

I couldn't have asked for better, because now her everything she had was open to me. I flattened my tongue, placed it across her pussy and began to lick her from one end to the other in long steady sweeps, hearing her groan and gasp with each one. It felt and tasted lovely and soon I was licking her wetly from the flat of her perineum just below her pussy to the folds and valleys that surrounded her clitoris, my hands resting on the backs of her thighs to make sure she continued holding them out of the way.

I knew she wouldn't be able to take much of that and very soon she was shuddering and jerking under my tongue, her legs and pelvis trying to thrust as an orgasm threatened to overwhelm her. She didn't say anything to warn me, but then she didn't have to and she probably couldn't anyway, but it was obvious when she actually came, for her entire body went rigid, muscles standing out in chords, with her eyes squeezed shut and her jaws clenched so that only a tight whimpering sound could escape. Then, as quickly as it had come her climax was over, her body abruptly relaxed and she let out her breath with a whoosh, her legs dropping back beside my ears.

前h, thank you, thank you.' She managed to get the words out while panting for breath as she smiled broadly down at me. 禅hat's the first time someone else has made me come in two years.' Colour rose in her cheeks as she realised that she had effectively admitted masturbating. 糎ell, anyway, I needed it and it was fantastic.'

I started to move, but she placed her hand on my head and pushed me back.

鮮o, don't stop. I can keep going if you can?'

I presumed that really I had only taken the edge off her need, so to speak, just as she had with me by that hand job, and I didn't mind carrying on because I was enjoying doing it anyway. There's something very rewarding about making a woman come and seeing her gratitude. I lowered my face back towards her pussy and she immediately lifted her legs back out of the way. It would, I guessed, take a bit longer to get her there for a second time and I was looking forward to doing it.

My tongue was feeling a bit tired from being pushed out all the time, and so I decided that this time I'd vary things a little, and I began by placing my lips around her clitoris and nibbling at it very, very gently with my teeth. It's not the sort of thing I recommend when your partner is close to climaxing because if she jerks back it is very easy to bite hard and hurt her, but right just then it gave my tongue a chance to rest and she very clearly enjoyed it. I soon found that I was able to grip the head of her clit and pull at it, holding on until it slipped from between my teeth and dropped back. Each time I did it she hissed a sharp little 惣es' as if to confirm her approval, and so the next time I did it just that tiny bit harder, until I was biting quite firmly onto her little soldier, and beginning to get a little concerned about her comfort.

賎od, you really know what you're doing, don't you.' She remarked with a smile when I paused to look up at her, reassuring me that she hadn't felt any unwanted pain. 禅hat was something new.'

I didn't bother telling her that it was something new to me too; I just smiled wisely and lowered my face again, this time sucking her clit into my mouth and using my newly rested tongue to play with its tip.

Her second orgasm came very quickly on the heels of the first, signalled by the same rigid tension and the same tight little noises in her throat. I didn't stop afterwards this time, I simply released her clit and went back to licking her gently from one end of her slit to the other with just the very tip of my tongue, feeling her quiver under the influence of orgasmic aftershocks.

選'm so glad I'm doing this now.' Judith whispered, her voice little more than a croak as she coped with the aftermath of her climax. 然osalyn always says it's always best to consult an expert and oh boy, was she right!'

Like so many of her remarks I wasn't quite sure what to make of that comment. She was a strange lady and one of the oddest dates I'd ever had, but I thought it was intended as a kind of compliment and so I simply shrugged my mental shoulders and went on stroking her pussy with my tongue.

Her latest orgasm had surprisingly left her in a state of high arousal, and her highly sensitised pussy was making her gasp and moan as my tongue passed over it, sometimes making her pelvis unintentionally jolt and judder, and it was one of those movements that brought my tongue into contact with her anus, the tip stabbing at her as she jerked up towards me.

糎hoops, sorry.' I apologised as I quickly moved back to her pussy.

鮮o. Don't be.' She told me breathlessly. 選t was.... It was nice.'

Now I'm not a back door fan, but it was clear from her tone that she wanted and expected me to do it again, and probably more, and who am I to disappoint a lady? I didn't fancy concentrating on just licking her there, so I kind of compromised, still running my tongue along her slit, but now ending with a little circle around her back door and a tentative probe or two with the tip. It was enough and she was in heaven. I could feel her tensing up in anticipation as my tongue approached and then hear her gasp with delight each time I made contact.

前h my. This is so good.' She announced.

I couldn't help but think that her marital sex life must have pretty unadventurous even before it stooped altogether.

塑ou can do what you want.' She gave me carte blanche, but added. 全o long as we go all the way.'

I hadn't heard that rather quaint expression for a few years, but it would be no trouble to comply, because I could feel my cock standing up for itself again already, and I was becoming just as eager as she was. Who, I wondered to myself, had switched mousy, scared rabbit Judith with the increasingly sexy man-eater that lay naked on the bed before me?

I carried on licking and probing, getting more used to the idea and pushing my tongue harder against her anus, but I knew I wouldn't be able to keep it going for that long before my tongue began to ache again. To give it a rest I drew back a little way for a moment or two so that I could see her pussy, and her bum too for that matter, and yes, I do like looking. Then, mainly to keep her stimulated but also because I wanted to, I slid my index finger into her very slippery vagina, adding a second finger when I realised how wet and open she was and listening to her pleasure noises as I wriggled them both round inside her. I was sure I could see her juices running from her as I pumped my fingers in and out.


It was a simple urgent gasp, and I hesitated for a moment as I wondered what she meant.

銑ick me as well.'

I felt relief. I had thought for a moment that she'd wanted me to finger both holes at the same time, but when I did understand I was only too happy to oblige. I lapped at her clit, quick little laps with the tip so that I didn't have to push a tired tongue out. That, combined with the rapid hard thrusts of two fingers into her vagina, had her gasping aloud once more in next to no time, her hips twitching from the involuntary muscle spasms brought on by her arousal. It soon became difficult for me to keep my mouth on her clit, but her pleasure was giving me immense pride and I did my best, finding her again as quickly as possible if I lost contact. I could sense that once again her orgasm wasn't going to be long in coming and this time it going to be extremely powerful. I wasn't wrong, because only a couple of minutes later she began to tense up once more.

前h my god.'

The three words were all she said, but that was enough to let me know that she had also sensed the potential power of her impending climax. She became more and more rigid as it crept up on her, and then suddenly she came and all that tension was released as she began to jerk and shake. It lasted much longer this time too and it soon became almost impossible for me to keep my tongue in contact with her clit, until ultimately she jerked so hard that her grip slipped from behind her knee and she was grabbing frantically at a loose leg even as she gasped with pleasure. I gave up licking her at that point and concentrated on thrusting two fingers hard and fast deep into her pussy, smiling secretly to myself at her desperate actions and at the power her orgasm gave me over her. I didn't stop, I didn't even slow down. I just carried on fingering her, my fingers rammed in harder and faster just to add to her struggle. In the end she managed to grab the wayward leg and hold herself open again for me, but by then her orgasm was declining and she soon dropped her legs to the bed and lay still, just panting for breath. I let my fingers slide from her pussy and knelt there smiling down at her and looking at her glistening pussy.

詮uck me.' She gasped abruptly.

It was far from the sort of language I expected her to use, and I wasn't sure if it was intended as an expletive or an instruction, and so I just looked down at her in surprise.

舛ome on, fuck me.' It was an instruction.

It was time. My cock was rigid from watching and wanting and she would never be more aroused than she was at that moment, for all that she'd just enjoyed an almighty orgasm. Sometimes I envy women there ability to keep on fucking. I moved forward and arranged myself between her legs, reaching back to guide myself into her.

Guiding myself was hardly necessary, she was so wet and so wide open that my cock seemed to find her by itself and it slid home as I lay on top of her. Her arms went around me and her long slim legs closed over my back.

選 didn't think I'd get this far.' She whispered into my ear. 禅hank you.'

Why she was thanking me I had no idea, I was just grateful to sink into a hot and welcoming pussy. I shuffled a little closer and began to thrust into her, slowly at first, but soon with increasing speed and power, until the root of my cock was hammering into her slit and we were making audible squelching noises.

前h yes.' She gasped each time my cock rammed home. 前h yes, oh yes. That's good. As hard as you can.'

I did it as hard as I could, so hard that I was pushing her up the bed and I had to adjust my own position to chase after her. I hooked my arms under her shoulders to hold her still and carried on fucking her until her heels started to pound my back and the gasps in my ear began getting hoarser and more frequent.

選'm going to come again.' She gasped out suddenly.

I didn't answer because my own climax was just beginning to build and I didn't have the breath, and in any case I could already sense the customary tension in her body. I just slammed myself into her even harder and hoped that we might both come simultaneously.

This was the first time she'd come with me lying on top her and with her arms around me and so I was unprepared for what her orgasm would bring. As the pressure inside her built, so she began to hook her fingers into my shoulders so that her long and professionally manicured nails bit into my skin. Now I know it's strange, but the pain I felt as she dug long deep furrows in my flesh actually stimulated me more so that when she actually came and raked my back with her talons I immediately exploded into her, my body pushing and grinding into her pelvis and my cock twitching and jerking inside her as what seemed like torrents of my cream flooded her womb.

When I was spent I simply collapsed on top of her, gasping and wheezing, my skin shiny with sweat and my muscles trembling from exertion. Beneath me she held me tight against her, so tight that I could feel her heart pounding almost in time with my own. It was some minutes before either of us could do or say anything, but as when I did finally get the breath I told the truth for once.

遷udith, that was bloody amazing.'

She giggled that giggle again, then wriggled out from beneath me and lay on her side, regarding me with a tiny smile playing around her mouth.

禅he amazing thing is that we're here at all.' She said. 選 so nearly told Rosalyn it wasn't my thing and to leave me out of it.'

選'm glad you didn't.'

She looked at me strangely again and then nodded. 全o am I.'

I held up my arm and she cuddled under it again, resting her head on my shoulder and making me wince from my wounds. She noticed and raised her eyebrows in query.

遷ust a bit sore where you took pieces out with your nails.' I said it with a grin, not intending to make anything of it.

糎ell, at least you'll have proof that you did a good job.'

選 always do, luv. I always do.'

It was intended as a joke but she stiffened a bit and I felt sorry for my stupidity. Never good to remind women you've done it before when you're lying in bed with them. I hugged her to me and kissed her forehead.

腺ut you made it easy to do a good job.'

I hoped that might mollify her a bit, and it seemed to because she looked up and presented me with her lips to kiss. 禅hank you.'

We lay for a while in comfortable contentment, idly stroking and caressing each other and sharing a few gentle kisses. And then at some point we must have dropped off to sleep, for the next thing I knew it was morning.

You know what it's like when you wake up in a strange bed and it takes a moment or two for your brain to orientate itself. Perhaps that's why it took me a good half a minute to realise that I was on my own and that Judith wasn't there.

Still foggy brained I jumped out, throwing off the duvet that she must have gently laid over me at some point, and looked in the bathroom, expecting perhaps to find her in the shower. She wasn't, and then I realised that her clothes and bag were gone and I suddenly felt very let down. I'd thought we'd done better together than deserve for her to just vanish on me. I flicked the switch on the kettle and set about putting some clothes on, subconsciously avoiding a shower and losing my last evidence of her existence.

That was when I found the envelope in my pocket, placed there so I would find it as I got dressed. I pulled it out and slit the top, gazing in disbelief at the contents - a letter and a fifty pound note. I read the letter, it was only short, but it explained so much. Now I knew why she had made what seemed like odd remarks and why she her manner had seemed so bizarre. My temper rose and I rushed to the door, intent on finding Richard and strangling the little bastard.

But I didn't have to find him, for at that very moment he knocked on the other side of the door, only to find himself hauled into the room and slammed up against the wall by his throat.

塑ou fucking bastard.' I shouted at him, my angry face about two inches from his frightened one. 塑ou've had me over again, haven't you?'

鮮o I haven't. How have I?' He blustered, looking decidedly pale. 選 haven't done anything.'

前h yes you fucking have.' I bellowed. 遷udith left me a note. And do you know what it says?'

I let go of him to pick up her letter.

選t says, and I quote. "I thought your fee was excessive when Rosalyn told me how much you charge, but you were worth every single penny. I hope you won't be insulted if I leave you a tip. I figured ten percent if that's acceptable. Thank Richard for arranging everything, and Rosalyn and I will have already settled the account for the rooms. Thank you for being so professional."' I looked at him in disgust. 全o I figure that if ten percent is fifty quid, then you've pocketed five hundred for hiring me out, you little shit, and I didn't even realise what you'd done. A date, you said, a blind date. Yeah, it was that all right, and I was the fucking blind one. You made me into a paid escort, a fucking gigolo. Now cough up, five hundred is a fair price for you to keep your teeth.'

I held my hand out and he reached for his wallet. There was not a lot else he could do.

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The author of this story: Otazel

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