written by:
I rewrote one of my stories with some sketches and got some good feedback. So I have tried it with another one. This is a re write with some changes and new picture sketches to match the story line. Let me know if you like it....................This story is based on the events that transpired with someone very close to me. The characters described are real live people. She told me her secret in confidence and without revealing her identity I can relate this story. What is described is what she told me with some details being filled in by the author. The story is based in Islamabad, Pakistan where the characters lived. The cultural norms, religious values and taboos of that society need to be taken in to account in order to understand the story. I hope you like it................................
Her name was Mariam. At 5'2" she was a petite little beauty. She had always been a very pretty woman. Even when she was in college she got a lot of looks and attention from guys. Because of her Afghani descent she had fair skin and dark brown hair that was straight and long. Her pretty round face with big doe like brown eyes and an engaging smile made her the center of attention. Coming from a conservative Pakistani family she was shy and had been brought up with very traditional values. She usually dressed conservatively, covering all and exposing little. At home she would wear Western clothes such as jeans and sleeveless tops, but this was about as daring as she would get ans sometimes in the all women gatherings she would wear a more risque "saree". Lots of attention but no real boyfriends, she passed most of her time at the university with her girlfriends, politely turning down invitations and advances from all the eager young men around her.
It wasn't surprising then that her parents arranged for her to be married at the tender age of 20 to an older man who was a well established government official. Conservative, religious and dogmatic he was 15 years her senior and in no way the prince of her dreams, but such was life. They got married and a new chapter of her life started. She went to her marital bed a virgin not knowing the joys and pleasure of sexual adventure.
She was soon pregnant with her first child and then in quick succession had two more. The mother of two daughters and a son before she had tuned 28, this vivacious, smart, eye turning brunette had become a housefrau in a matter of a few years.
Her marriage was far from perfect. Her husband was tight fisted with his money and affection but to make matters worse had a short temper and could be verbally abusive. He was a distant reserved man and was rigid, religious and conservative in his attitudes towards everything including sex. Her sex life had been nothing but sex under the bed covers in the missionary position in the dark of the night in her bedroom with this man. Foreplay consisted of a few minutes of kissing and fondling of her breasts by her husband but anything other than that was taboo.
By the time she was in her early thirties, the dreary nature of her life had started to get to her. Small lines around the eyes occasionally showed fatigue but she was still a very attractive woman. Her hair now had an auburn-brownish hue, wavy and came down to mid back. He face was still very pretty with brownish green eyes, a small nose and a pretty mouth. Her fair skin, in a country where fair European looking women were very popular was as always a head turner. Her figure had blossomed over the years and despite the three kids bordered on perfect. She had breast fed her children and this helped her previously B size breasts to grow into the voluptuous curvy C/D chest that made the mouth of many a man water. Her heavy bosom looked even bigger because of her petite figure and she always managed to fill out a shirt to near tearing point. A flat smooth stomach led to wide hips with round attractive buttocks that joined a set of nice well shaped legs.
Her life was not a bed of roses. Neglected, living the life of a dreary housewife she did not have a lot of money, affection or satisfaction. Her life revolved around taking care of her daughters aged 10 and 7 and her 5 year old son. Cooking, cleaning and doing the laundry consumed all of her time. Sex with her husband remained routine, uninspiring, boring and unfulfilling, and now had also become fairly infrequent. Raised to consider masturbation to be sinful she tried to avoid it but pent up sexual frustration would lead to weakness and her few and far between guilt ridden masturbatory sessions, were stolen during the day when she was alone, free from house work or late at night lying next to her sleeping husband and these were the only releases she ever experienced.
It was at about this time of her life when things started to change.
Khalid was a young man in his late twenties. He had started working for the same department her husband did and was now his office manager. He was about 5'9, tanned complexioned with dark hair and a moustache with a trim goatee. Of a medium built he was stocky, muscular and in overall good shape. Married with two kids his career was on the up as he worked diligently for her husband.
He would come over to the house often enough, during the day to pick or drop off files, prepare minutes for meetings work late with him and sometimes even get lunch for the boss or do some other chores. He would frequently sit down for a cup of tea which Mariam as the hostess would serve him. Unbeknownst to her he would steal glances at her attractive figure as she worked around the kitchen.
It was just another day. He rang the door bell. Mariam opened the door. She was dressed in a traditional black and white printed floral Pakistani kameez- shalwar [long shirt down to mid thigh (kameez) and a pair of loose draw string pants (shalwar)]. He followed her into the house and went into the study and picked up the files he had to get. She politely invited him into the kitchen where he sat down at the table and started sipping the tea she had made for him. They started talking about the usual mundane things. For some reason he was different today. He seemed more talkative and open and after a while he started complaining about his wife, her moods, her parents and their interference in his life, her demands and how they were having problems. She answered sympathetically and as they talked she started opening up and began relating to him. She seldom talked about her unhappiness and this became her time to vent. She was surprised to hear herself tell him of her husbands neglect and angry outbursts. If his wife was moody and high maintenance her husband was sullen and verbally abusive. They shared a common bond of having difficult spouses.
As he sat there he kept on eyeing her as she worked near the sink. He had always had the hots for her but never had the courage to act on it. Today as she was talking, he sat there listening and thinking as he undressed her in his mind and imagined her standing naked doing the dishes in front of him.
She cleared the table, got up and started doing the dishes with her back to him. She didn't notice but he had gotten up and walked over to the sink. He put his teacup on the counter and stood there just behind her and to her left. Then without a word or warning he moved closer, too close!!! His arms moved around her and he put his hands on her wrists, holding her hands in the soapy water. His body moved against her and she suddenly felt his erect manhood rub up against her soft fleshy buttocks. She didn't know what was happening and her first instinct was to get a way. She squirmed to get away but could not. He was too strong. Shouting would be useless; there was no one close by and in a place like Pakistan being alone in the house with another man could ruin her reputation in the community and destroy her, no matter what the circumstances.
She whispered "What are you doing???? Please no!!! Don't!! Stop it!!!"
"Relax it's nothing." He whispered back as he suddenly leaned in and kissed her neck and left earlobe
She squirmed some more but she was pinned between him and the sink. His body pushed her up against the sink not letting her move anywhere as he ground his pelvis into her juicy buttocks. He was rubbing himself faster against her butt, grinding his hard cock into her ass, as his mouth worked its way across her cheek towards her mouth. She could feel his manhood rub into the flesh of her derriere. His lips found hers and he pushed his mouth against hers and kissed her. Her mouth remained closed, but he managed to work his tongue in and kissed her deeply as his pelvic grinding got faster. He let go of her right hand and his hand moved up and began squeezing her right boob. She tried to push away but couldn't and, she could feel the wetness of his hand on her breast through the thin cotton fabric of her shirt and bra. As suddenly as it had begun it stopped. He shuddered against her butt and moaned as he peaked. He held for a second, let go of her, turned, picked up the files and ran out of the house.
She stood there paralyzed. Her hands in the soapy water, unconsciously rubbed the dishes. What had just happened?? Her mind was numb. Anger and indignation gripped her as the initial shock wore off. She would tell her husband and get that underling fired. How dare he touch her? She was the boss' wife. She seethed with anger.
After a while as her initial emotions calmed down she started thinking about what to say to her husband. What would he say? What would Khalid say? Would her husband think she encouraged it? It could end up being his word against hers. Was it wiser to be quiet? How could she when the guy came to her house all the time? He had done something against the laws of their beliefs and faith. He had abused her she had to tell her husband he would understand and know what to do, but she hesitated, because of the society she was in things were not simple.
She walked around the house in a daze for most of the day. His touch lingered on her body and she could still taste his tongue in her mouth. The thought of the touch of his erect, hard manhood against her buttocks excited her as did his taste in her mouth, but she brushed away these thoughts knowing how sinful they were.
She still did not know what to say when her kids came back home from school. Homework was quietly finished and her husband arrived home for dinner.
She greeted him with a kiss on the cheek which was not reciprocated.
Later when they were alone in their room she decided to bring it up and gingerly test the waters, maybe discredit him and at least gauge her husband's reaction. Hesitantly she started,
"Khalid had come for some files."
"Uh hum. He is a good boy. He helps me out a lot. I really like him."
This was not what she wanted to hear from him. This was difficult enough.
"I don't like him too much. He has bad manners" she started lamely.
"What do you mean?" He sounded surprised.
"He was complaining about his wife and I think he was looking at me funny sometimes, you know as if he's checking me out?"
He laughed "He has a young wife. You're older than him, why would he look at you?? Stop flattering yourself." He laughed again. "He is a good hardworking guy. You're imagining things. You shouldn't say irresponsible stuff like that about other people. You know better. Did he say something you didn't like??"
Her pride was sorely hurt. He had insulted her and made fun of her. She knew there and then he would not understand. She was never going to mention this again.
"No, just forget it!!" she said.
Mariam quietly turned over and soon the lights were out and her husband snoring filled the room. She went to bed quietly that night and was almost asleep when the days events came flooding back to her. Her husband's insensitivity burned her up and thoughts she had been blocking for the whole day got the better of her. Without even realizing it her hand slowly started creeping into her pajama bottoms. The drawstring came undone and her hand slid into the cropped hair of her pubes. Her fingers found her labia as she slowly started rubbing herself. The kissing, rubbing and fondling of the morning excited her and her hand found her clit. Her breathing became heavy and she stifled a moan as her rapid rubbing drove her to a quiet private climax. She knew that some part of her had liked what had happened!!!
The days went by and nothing was mentioned of the matter. All the while she continued to think about him and wondered what would happen if he ever came again.
She was in the kitchen working one day about a week later the doorbell rang. She went to the front door to find Khalid standing there.
An awkward silence followed and she realized that her heart had skipped a beat as he stood there looking at her. She was not expecting company so she was not dressed for it. She actually looked lovely, standing there in a hot white tank top covered by s shawl, with tight blue jeans and flip flops. Her bra straps were visible as she gathered the shawl around her, covering her exposed cleavage and shoulders. Her hair was open and falling over her shoulders. He was dressed casually with a nice shirt, jeans and a big smile to match.
"Hello Mrs. Khan, I need to get some files." He was looking straight at her, enjoying how sexily uncomfortable she looked. He was trying to read what was going on in her mind.
"Ok. They're in the study." She pointed to the study and stepped away.
He went into the study and she stood there watching him go in. Her mind was racing....guilt and anger mixed with an unusual sense of anticipation.... What will he do now?
Slowly purposefully he came out of the study and deliberately stood there.
"Can I get some tea???" He asked and then winked!!!!
She knew what he meant, she knew what he wanted and she stood there. Years of neglect, dissatisfaction and general unhappiness culminated in that moment as her passion overcame her sense of loyalty and right. She could feel the tension and somewhere deep in her lust took over.
"I don't think you want any tea." She dropped her shawl on the floor showing her sexy body in the tight white tank top and jeans. "Why don't you come upstairs??" She looked straight into his dark black eyes and smiled and then without another word turned around and started going upstairs.
He stood rooted to the spot not knowing what to make of the situation. Halfway up she paused, looked over her shoulders smiled and started back up again. That one smile said it all. Looking up he saw her ass undulating up the stairs and his feet came to life and he dropped the files on the table and bounded up the stairs behind her two at a time.
They walked straight into the bedroom. She closed the door behind him and turned towards him.
They hesitated for a second looked at each other and then were in each others arms. Their lips met and his tongue this time entered her welcoming mouth. She hungrily sucked on his tongue and her arms went around his neck. His hands roamed freely over her body and came to rest on her ample buttocks.
They kissed passionately and he started trying to pull up her shirt.
"No! No!!" she squealed pulling away
"I'll do it myself ....don't look I'm shy."
"Ah!! Ok!!" he shrugged.
"Get in the bed" she said pointing to the large bed, "I'll be right back" as she went into the bathroom
He kicked off his shoes and undressed faster than he ever had leaving his clothes in a heap on the floor and jumped onto the bed buck naked, with a large hard on waiting for her.
In the bathroom Mariam's heart raced. What was she doing?? Second thoughts clouded her mind as her conscience tried to pull her back but it was too late. Standing in front of the mirror she slowly took her tank top off and she looked at her body in the lacy black bra and panties.
The thought of the naked, sexy, attractive man in her bed, who found her hot, drove away any guilt that was in her mind and she undid the drawstring of her white shalwar (pants) and took them off. She removed the bra and panties and looked at her nude figure in the mirror again. Her heavy firm breasts pushed out in all their glory and her brown nipples were already tingling. She looked over her otherwise hairless body and her gaze stopped at her neatly clipped small thatch of dark pubic hair. She could feel the excitement as her pussy slowly got moist and she knew she was ready. She knew this was something she wanted to do.
She emerged from the bathroom tentatively a striped towel wrapped around her nude body. Her shy conservative upbringing showed in her adultery also.
She looked up and stopped. He lay there looking at her hungrily; naked, dark black thick hair covered his chest and body down to his pubes. Her heart jumped as she looked at the erect turgid organ that emerged from the hair. He lay there propped up on one arm staring at her as his other hand stroked his member in anticipation of the beauty that was walking out of the bathroom.
She scampered to the bed dropped the towel and quickly jumped under the covers.
"Come inside with me." She invited him.
His eyes had caught a glimpse of the voluptuous nude disappearing under the covers and he needed no invitation as he climbed under the covers reaching for her voluptuous naked body.
They lay there under the covers side by side exploring each others bodies. Their mouths met in passionate kisses and their tongues probed each others mouths. Their hands roamed over each others naked flesh. His hands squeezed and kneaded every part of her soft beautiful body. His tongue started licking her neck as he moved down to her large boobs. His mouth locked on her nipple as he suckled on her beautiful brown teat. She too was rubbing his back and chest as she embraced him tightly feeling and savoring the warmth and touch of his body.
Suddenly he rolled on top of her and with his legs gently started spreading her legs open as he positioned himself to enter her.
"No wait." She groaned and tried pulled her legs shut.
"I don't want to get pregnant. I'm not on the pill. Do you have a condom??"
"No!! He looked absolutely devastated thinking that he was about to lose the fuck of his life because of this!!!!
"I can get one of my husband's???" she proposed, coming to their rescue.
"Ya! That'll work" he breathed a sigh of relief.
Her shyness was gone and she got out of bed and ran back to the bathroom. He lay there staring at her sexy naked ass as she made her way across the room. Moments later the naked mother of three ran back to the bed with one of her husband's condoms.
He lay on his back as she sat in front of him and took his erect penis in her hand and started putting her husbands' condom onto her lover's cock, with all the enthusiasm of a child who had found some new toy to play with.
"His condom isn't covering you all the way" she giggled as the bottom third of his member lay exposed and uncovered.
"That's ok!! Now come on." He had been squeezing her butt cheek as she worked, sitting next him, the sweat on her body glistened as the sun hit her beautiful body. He pulled her to him and kissed her deeply again. His hips moved into position as she gently climbed over him and positioned herself over his erect cock. He sat her up and held his penis as he eased her onto his cock and then swiftly entered her.
"I have never been on top" she moaned as her labia were parted by his latex covered rod and she grabbed her boob as her nipples tingled with excitement.
You'll enjoy it" he promised as his hips bucked up at her.
She now needed no encouragement. Her pelvis moved up and down slowly as she got acclimated to her new on top position and controlled the depth of his entry. Soon they were moving in rhythm as she completely lowered herself onto him. His condom covered cock completely disappeared into her, and she got fucked like she had never been before. His hands were squeezing, gripping her heaving breasts as she bounced up and down. Their pace increased and his hands moved around to grab her ass as she dug her nails into his chest.
"Oh Mariam, you are so beautiful. Look at your boobs they are huge" he groaned as he lay there mesmerized by the site of her tits heaving up and down as she rode his cock.
She was moaning with pleasure.
"Oh Khalid!! Oh My God!!!Oh, Oh Oh," she groaned as he lifted his pelvis up to meet her down stroke. Riding a solid cock had been a pleasure she had been denied by her husband and she was making the most of this opportunity. The sounds of their sweaty lubricated bodies slapping against each other filled the room as they fucked each other without inhibition.
She spasmed, moaned and then cried out loudly as she reached an orgasm, like one she had never reached before. He joined her with a guttural roar and his seed filled the condom that lay deep inside her.
She collapsed on top of him her head on his chest, exhausted. The panted as they lay there in each others arms.
Lying with her head on his chest she ran her fingers through his chest.
"God, that was great! You were awesome" She purred at him complimenting her new lover.
"You are so sexy. You have such a perfect body." His hands already started to caress the small of her back as he slowly and deliberately kissed her.
"Can we do it again?" she asked never having ever done that before.
"Sure, but I'm not ready yet and you'll need to get a new condom." He pointed at his now flaccid cock.
"No problem" she smiled sitting up next to him as she started undressing his cock, removing the latex condom, that was wet, slippery and covered with her juices. It peeled off his cock and was filled with his white creamy cum. His cock was soft covered in sticky semen and lay there between his legs like a boa.
She stroked it gently bringing it slowly to life.
"Why don't you clean it and then maybe you could suck it" he asked deliberately, almost wishfully.
"Suck it???" Having grown up in a society where oral sex was off limits and the thought had not even occurred to her before, hence her surprise.
"Ya take it in your mouth."
"Ah, I've never done that..... Is that allowed?"
"Honey you've broken all the rules, you can do whatever you want. There are no rules for us. You can do whatever you want."
She realized that was true right now she could do whatever she wanted. It was so liberating.
"Ok!!" She started slowly lowering her head towards his member.
"Why don't you clean it first" He suggested.
"No, I don't mind." she smiled at him and her mouth closed over his cocks sticky head.
His cock was sticky and the salty taste of his cum was not displeasing. She tentatively licked the head and then slowly with greater boldness started sucking on it. Her hand held it straight as her head bobbed over the organ that started to get hard and straight. He moaned with pleasure and suddenly got up off the bed and stood up in front of her. She took his penis back in her mouth as he ran his hands through her long dark hair.
In a few minutes her first blow job had resulted in a successful erection and Khalid moaned with pleasure.
"I need another condom" he groaned
Mariam stopped. "They're in the bathroom cabinet on the left."
He quickly ran to the bathroom, got the condom on and ran out.
She lay there on the bed one leg bent looking at him as he walked out his cock bobbing up and down as he moved towards her.
"Turn over" he commanded
"What?? Her inexperience was evident.
Just turn over, I'll show you.
She tentatively got on all fours looking at him over her shoulder, unsure of what to expect.
He stood next to the bed and positioned himself behind her.His hands massaged her butt cheeks and he spread her ass apart with one hand as his other hand guided his cock into her wet pussy. Her hand reached back to pull her buttocks open for him.
Mariam gasped as he came in to her at a new angle. Khalid's cock went into her pussy and stretched it like she had never been stretched before. Parts of her vagina that she had never known existed were revealed to her for the very first time.
"Oh Khalid!! Oh that is so good!! Oh God Oh God!! Please! Yes!! Yes!! She moaned in absolute ecstasy, as she reached back and grabbed his hands as he pumped into her harder and harder.
Her supplications to the Lord were being answered by the cock inside her as Khalid fucked Miriam's pussy from behind.
"Faster!!! Oh, Oh, Oh, Yes!! Oh God!!! Faster!! Yes!!Yes!! Faster!! She commanded.
He didn't need much encouragement as his hands; that had been feeling, massaging, almost supporting her big knockers that hung down from her body swinging to and fro as she moved under him, moved back and grabbed her hips and started pulling her back onto his cock. He forcefully rammed his cock all the way into her tight throbbing wet pussy as his hand reached around and under to try to rub her clit. She grabbed his hand and guided him to the promise land and a few more minutes of double stimulation took her over the top and she experienced a second more fulfilling orgasm.
He fucked her for a little longer and blew his load into the condom again just pushing into her as he came.
He flopped down on top of her pinning her underneath. Their sweat drenched bodies were one as they experienced nirvana.
Khalid lay on her for a few minutes, smelling her hair. Slowly he rolled off of her and she got up and sat next to him her knockers hanging onto his chest. She leaned in kissed him.
"I have to get back to work. He has an important meeting later this afternoon and I need to brief him." He moaned not wanting to leave.
"Him and his meetings....I know." She shook her head.
"We need to clean up."
"I'll take care of it. Let me get that first" she said as she started peeling off the second condom from his soft cock.
Sticky cum spilled out onto the sheets as she collected both the condoms and took them to the bathroom and flushed them down the toilet, getting rid of the major evidence of her adulterous behavior. She was making the bed as he got dressed. He walked over to her and put his arms around her naked body. He couldn't resist feeling up her luscious boobs once again and they then kissed again.
"When can I see you again" he asked.
"Soon. I hope." She replied looking into his eyes as she kissed him again.
He smiled as he looked at his boss's beautiful naked wife longingly, kissed her softly on the lips and then quickly finished up getting dressed, grabbed his stuff and left.
Mariam watched him go. She stood there in the middle of her bedroom, naked, thinking about what she had just done. She knew it was wrong, her conscience, upbringing all told her she had sinned, but she didn't care. A man had made her whole today and she liked the way she felt. She walked into the bathroom to take a shower. The water ran over her beautiful body and as she slowly soaped herself, she knew she had really enjoyed getting fucked by Khalid. It was something that had made her really happy after a long time.
More was yet to come........
Note from the webmaster: authors always appreciate feedback about their stories, so by all means write the author a note if you liked the story! The author of this story: KingKong |