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As teenagers Sienna and Laurie liked to tease the boys, occasionally allowing the ones they liked the better to steal a kiss, grab their butt, but to slap away a hand sneaking a grab at their pussy. The slaps came after allowing fingers the briefest tease at panties so the girls could, when on their own, giggle and describe what it felt like.

Then, at a club the girls met Harry and Karl, they gelled immediately.

After fooling around among the four of them, kissing, grabbing and teasing, the pairings were decided. Strangely in some respects Karl was attracted to Laurie despite the fact that he and Sienna attended the same university. Laurie liked his assertiveness. On the other hand, Sienna, bossy and feisty was drawn to Harry and his easy going ways. Laurie and Harry were so much alike, easy going and less academic than the other pair.

In their early twenties and sexually active they married; but not as a foursome. The girls met regularly and one topic of conversation was sex.

Sienna would enthral her friend with tales of "riding him like a horse" describing how she made Harry lie on the bed and make his cock available for her to do as she pleased. Her husband had accepted that he was not to cum until after she had, or not at all if that was what she decided. It had taken her a time to train him but it was worth it.

Laurie didn't go into detail of her sex life; it was okay she supposed but in the partnership with Karl it was she who was dominated. In fact Karl seldom considered her needs. At first it was exciting to be dominated, to be grabbed whenever he was horny, and that was often, and fucked hard. But soon, particularly after hearing how much her friend Sienna enjoyed sex, she too wanted to have her needs addressed. Unfortunately her husband wasn't into lovemaking; he wanted sex his way and when he wanted it. Anal sex was anathema to her as Karl was so brutal and without thought for foreplay or her feelings.

Harry was used to serving his wife whenever she was horny. In the early years of marriage Harry found it exciting that a woman would demand sex. Before meeting his wife, he had almost to beg girls for sex.

The foursome drifted apart due to settling in jobs some miles distant from each other, only seeing each other three or four times a year. The one time they got together was for two weeks every year for their holidays. Destinations were always a source of heated discussions; Karl and Sienna choosing cultural destinations, whereas Harry and Laurie insisted on a beach where they could laze, sun themselves and swim, and catch up on reading all the novels they had bought.

The culturephiles would return to the hotel buzzing with the wonderful things they had seen, enthusing over relics in museums and monuments visited. It was their partners who had to stifle yawns as their ears were assailed by hours of descriptions. Never were they asked how it went at the beach.


Harry's finger swept lazily over the sand where he and Laurie had stood on their return from the cooling waters of the clear blue sea.

His eyes swept over the girl's reclining body and his fingers seemed to be influenced by what his eyes appreciated.

Laurie lay on her belly at the man's side watching curves appear in the damp grains at the end of his fingers. It was as she remembered as a child staring at white clouds and finding familiar shapes. Here, there seemed to be locks of hair flowing over a curvaceous back that in turn lead to pronounced buttocks and on to thighs and calves. He did the drawing so effortlessly, in fact he seemed only to be looking at her body, something she had noticed that he did every time they were on the beach.

"Hey, is that my body..." she prodded her companion, "if that is 壮posed to be my butt..."

"It's a stylized representation, as you would see in advertisements and logos these days," he countered.

"Oh, okay..."

Before she could reply he stopped drawing, "Do you think..." he paused then shook his head and seemed to think better of continuing his query.

"I am a girl, so yes, I think... be brave Harry ask me, and if it's asking for sex... oh, I didn't mean to say that." Her face glowed rosily at her perceived mistake.

Harry, if he was aware of words that lunchtime wine had persuaded her tongue to form, choose to ignore it and continued, "Mismatched."


"Mismatched, is it possible that the four of us, you and your husband Karl, my wife Sienna and me, have been mismatched?" Harry's eyes never left hers, looking for some indication that she understood.

Laurie's head began to swim, she needed time to think, "Race you, I need to clear my head that wine has gone straight to it." Harry's single word struck home on a sensitive subject, and without warning. Leaping to her feet she set off running toward the water.

Typically, just as she reached the water's edge he caught her, his arm sweeping around her, his impetus carrying them both tumbling into the sea.

Up to her neck in the crystal clear waters she realized that she was now missing the top of her bikini. Before she could look around Harry was there and pulled her to his naked chest, her breasts squashing onto his firm flesh. Their faces were close, close enough to...

...Laurie's eyes closed as she moved her mouth to his, as lips pressed together memories of kisses they had shared years ago flooded back. So too, the same arousal of parts of her body, as in those days. Harry's hand on her breast added to her problems.

Although she knew that their spouses would never be there, Laurie, without breaking their kiss, looked guiltily towards the beach. Harry's hand on her breast became adventurous at not being slapped away, fingers kneaded then rubbed at a nipple. Laurie pressed her mouth harder on his, her tongue licked tentatively at his lips, to be met by his as their saliva merged. His knee rubbed at her mound until her legs parted and the knee pressed firmly at her pussy.

Laurie was getting hot and the heat didn't come from the sun beating down on her head but came from inside, a sexual heat. She was thankful of the coolness of the sea and its wetness masking her own.

Fearing the situation would get out of hand she broke the kiss, pushed Harry away and located her bikini top. She swam to the beach, pulled on the top and ran back to their towels where she flopped down, her heart thumping hard in her chest. Her nipple still glowed from the attention it had received from Harry's fingers; her pussy remembered his knee pressing hard against it.

Harry watch Laurie's tight ass jiggle as she ran up the beach; he wasn't as yet able to follow her as the recent event had produced an instant erection that even the cool sea wasn't easily going to diminish.

He swam around, watching her raise her slim body onto one elbow and shade her eyes from the glare. She wanted him there by her side. As soon as his cock and settled to a proud softness he dared walk slowly up the beach to her.

He stood at her feet and was pleased that her eyes explored his crotch; had she felt his erection as they pressed their bodies tightly together when they had kissed?

"There is a small bay up the sands a way..." Laurie's voice was husky, "... that is cut off by the tide later and is always deserted. I've seen it when I walked that way."

Harry offered his hand and pulled her to her feet, he thought he knew what was on her mind; his mind had just one thought, hopefully the same thought as hers.

Although side by side, the pair walked in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Significantly though, Laurie walked closer as they rounded a curve in the beach which took them out of sight of the popular section of the sands which they had just left; she slid her hand into his and lightly squeezed it.

At the point where the sea allowed them to go no further Harry stopped and pulled Laurie to him, kissing her lightly on the mouth. She pulled away, reaching to the waistband of his shorts. Hooking a thumb either side she tugged the garment slowly down over his hips, staring expectantly as it approached his pubic area. Her movement stopped and she looked up at Harry, who smiled down at her, then with a final swift movement the girl exposed what she was seeking; Harry's rapidly growing cock. She dropped the shorts which he kicked away.

Reaching her mouth to his, Laurie pulled her man tightly to her, feeling his manhood, now bare and growing, hot against her belly; she kissed a deep sexual kiss then, pulling down out of his arms, dropped to her knees before him, her hand already grasping his hard flesh tightly in one hand, cupping his tight balls in the other. Harry drew in a deep breath then let it out in a long sigh.

Laurie took a moment to examine her prize, visually and texturally, already her mind was guessing just how it would feel when she would suck it between moist, open lips, and when it would delve inside her pussy. Even the thought of this action had the girl wriggling together her thighs, knowing that her juices would soon flow.

Looking up at her new partner again she smiled as her hand began long, slow strokes of his now very hard staff. Harry blew her a kiss.

For Laurie the action she was taking was unique, as since in her marriage to Karl, she was not allowed such pleasure. Karl only wanted his own pleasure, which was to fuck her roughly, cum in or over her body then either fall asleep or leave her to clean up, rarely having achieved her own orgasm. Too many nights she had had to slip away to the bathroom to thrust slim fingers into a barely lubricated vagina, to an unsatisfactory climax.

Laurie became aware of the incoming tide, which meant that too soon their activities would be curtailed. No time to suck her lover to orgasm. Besides, for this first time she wanted to feel Harry's explosive orgasm splatter deep inside her, to create the bond between them, a bond that she prayed would be cemented time and time again in the future.

While still enjoying the feel of her lover's flesh in her hand, on her lips and tongue Laurie once again looked up, then, with obvious reluctance to give up her prize she kissed the bulbous end, stroked it and stood up. Kissing Harry passionately on his lips she whispered, "I want your cock in me, we have time before we have to move, please babe, may I ride it, and may I be in control this first time?"

As the pair shared another passionate kiss Harry stripped his lover of the tiny bikini, now they were both naked, both sexually charged, ready to consummate their now fully accepted love.

On his back on the soft sands he allowed and assisted Laurie to straddle his hips; she was obviously new to this position. He held his staff indicating for her to do likewise and to guide it to where her vulva was truly prepared to accept it. He grinned as her eyes opened wide when she began to settle her pussy onto his cock.

"Oh my god! You are so much bigger than Ka..." she stopped, not daring to complete the name of her husband.

"Then fuck it babe, fuck it as hard as you want, it is all yours, ride it like a good cow girl, make it cum when you want." Harry emphasized the word "you."

It was so exciting, to be in full control; of how deep to take it; how fast to fuck it; how rough or soft the action of fucking, this was so new, so wonderful. She would repay her lover for this gift he allowed her, she promised herself.

So enthusiastic was Laurie's shafting of his dick that Harry, even with all his wife Sienna's training was struggling to hold back his orgasm.

"Harry!" Laurie screamed, "I'm sorry... but... ", she was unable to complete the sentence before emitting and ear-piercing scream followed by a deep, guttural moan.

Collapsing onto his chest Laurie felt strong spurts of Harry's seed as it pumped into her. In his ear she whispered, "I've... you've... we, we've... cum!"

Harry pulled the girl into the sea and with hand and fingers washed away from her glowing pussy the evidence of their unfaithfulness. His cock, still hard, received attention for Laurie's hands.


Luckily the day had been hot so when the couple arrived at the hotel to be greeted by their partners their faces, still glowing from the wonderful loving making, were not suspected.

Sienna and Karl enthused of their rewarding day of culture, although Harry noted that the pair did not go on about where they had been and had seen quite so much as usual. And most unusually Karl seemed to be uncomfortable when he sat down. But that was just a minor observation Harry still basked in the memory of Laurie's tight little pussy gripping his cock with her orgasmic contractions that had finally milked him of his seed in his own wonderful orgasm.

This night Laurie had no fear of the sexual demands of Karl her husband, her memory of fucking Harry's thickness and length, of being in control, of her orgasm coinciding with his, and his cum pumping into her, would be a barrier. But Unusually Karl was subdued and elected to turn away from her and go to sleep.

Sure that Karl was asleep, Laurie stole into the bathroom, shut the door and in the subdued glow of the mirror lights relived part of that afternoon by bringing herself to orgasm with her fingers.

Harry would have been pleased if his wife Sienna had turned away and slept, but instead she lay on her side and pulled her husband to her.

"Harry? Why don't you ever fuck me? I always fuck you; you give in so easily to my demands."

He tried not to panic, had his wife some suspicions about his fucking her friend?

"But that's what you want babe, you like to dictate how we..."

Sienna was well aware of what she did, and didn't need reminding by her husband, so she interrupted him, "Well fuck me now!"

As soon as the words were out of her mouth she knew that she was again dictating what he should do. Angry at herself she snapped, "oh never mind, I'm too tired anyway."


At breakfast next morning the couples were unusually subdued until it was time to settle on the day's itinerary, for Karl and Sienna at least. They seemed vague about their destination; whereas their spouses decided they would go to the nearest town, to a weekly market to checkout souvenirs.

Not used to aimlessly wandering in the sunshine Laurie and Harry settled at a shaded table outside a café, sipping cool drinks. They had said little to each other, but that was usual when together at the beach.

Harry placed his fingers on the slim ones on the table. "Okay? No regrets?"

Laurie glanced around nervously before taking his hand. "Never! You were right... mismatched. I want more of you..." her voice dropped to a hoarse whisper, "inside me; I didn't know sex could be so good Harry." She thought for a few seconds, "I also want you to make love to me and to take me by surprise sometimes... I know you can be so good for me, for us."

Harry squeezed her hand but looked serious, "Like yesterday, on holiday, I am yours and I hope you are mine, but we would ruin four lives if we wanted more."

Laurie's eyes teared up, but she had thought this through too. Two blissful, sexual weeks a year would be great...

... she looked at harry, "Two weeks a year? Sure but you have to be prepared for sex every available day, okay?"

"Starting now? There's a beach not far from here, with dunes where two fornicating people, out of sight of their spouses can fuck till they drop and some more if they are able." Harry was on his feet as he spoke.

The area of sand dunes was enormous and swallowed up most people there apart from those in the sea some distance toward the horizon.

Finding a secluded depression which hid them from prying eyes the pair dropped to the sand and began kissing.

"Oh wait, our town clothes will be a mess and take some explaining to Karl and Sienna when we get back. We should go buy swim wear in town." Explained Laurie.

"And miss a half hour of my cock fucking your wet little tightness? No way, I have the answer." Harry quickly divested himself of his clothes and stood naked in front of his lover.

"No, no!" He had to push away Laurie's hand from grasping his flaccid cock. "Naked, get naked girl, I want to see not only the prize I want but all of that gorgeous body too."

Barely able to control her shaking hands, the girl stripped; she badly wanted to tease him but not this time, she needed that cock again, and now.

"This time is yours honey, it was mine yesterday, and how wonderful it was of you to allow it, now my body is yours, but Harry? For god sake fuck me or I'll burst." Laurie almost threw herself on the now reclining Harry. How good their bodies felt, naked, unashamed.

She squirmed her nakedness over his, at her belly that wonderful hardness that soon would penetrate her. Her breasts mashing into his chest and her mouth devoured his, his tongue carrying electricity to hers.

Suddenly her body stiffened. Sounds had suddenly penetrated her sexual excitement. A sound that frightened her.

"Babe? What is it? What's wrong? Harry sat up and looked around.

Laurie was now slithering her naked body up the slope of the dune. He could see her pussy and the sand that clung to where her juices had spread. He joined her, he too crawling silently up to the top of the dune.

Now he could understand what had caused her to stop her assault on his body. The distinct sounds of another couple having what sounded like unrestrained sex. But this was no ordinary, anonymous couple, these sounds were recognisable; to Harry it was Sienna; to Laurie it was Karl.

"Get on your back buddy, this girl is going to ride your dick like she is in the saddle." Sienna's voice rang out.

"Fuck off bitch, it's your ass that is due to get split open and then, and only maybe, you get a ride, now on your knees, bitch." Karl's words shocked even Laurie.

"Like in your fucking dreams man, fuck my pussy and then and only maybe you get my ass."

Harry and Laurie looked in astonishment, somehow the raw language of their spouses was exciting, and they grasped each others' body. Laurie stroked him to greater hardness. He in turn swept his finger hard over her clitoris, rubbed her labia the plunged into a tight but very wet vagina.

"Hey, I'm no fucking dog, though you sure are a sombitch, okay, okay fuck me like a dog, come on big boy, show what you're made of." Sienna's voice was demanding.

The pair hidden in the other dune desperately wanted to see just what was happening but the sounds were having to great an effect on them that they need to fuck each other.

Harry motioned Laurie to turn onto her knees and she understood immediately. The sight of her beautiful pink pussy had harry on the point of cumming but restrained himself as the bulbous head of his cock began to part her labia. Laurie giggled as she was unable to stifle a moan of pleasure as he entered her from the rear.

Reaching between her legs Laurie tried to keep hold of the cock now shafting in and out of her pussy, producing the most exquisite sensations.

Thankfully, the sounds emanating from the other dune drown out the moans, sighs and cries of Harry and Laurie.

Harry was on the point of having to slow down his pistoning of his lover's pussy when from the other dune came...

... "Bastard that is my ass, oh fuck... okay, fuck it and be sure this time I want cum in there." Sienna screamed.

Laurie whispered, "Me too Harry, fuck my ass please, be gentle, but I want cum there too."

Harry almost came on the spot, never had Sienna ever intimated that she wanted a cock in her ass, and as yet he had never had anal sex.

Neither Karl nor Sienna would ever know that they had been party to a four person simultaneous orgasm.

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The author of this story: JenniGee

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