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Vacation Planning
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I turned the key and the engine died. Stillness overtook us. Slowly, the sound of the cicadas started to pick up and penetrate the quiet. I looked at my wife in the passenger seat. Her face was flushed, providing a pink background for the sprinkling of freckles across the bridge of her nose. The Jack-and-Coke she had at the bar a few minutes earlier was starting to have its effect. She was looking down at her hands.

"Ready?" I asked.

She nodded tightly. "Uh-huh."

"Hey, remember this is just for fun. If you don't want to do this, we don't have to."

She shook her head. "No, I promised you..."

"Look at me," I said, and waited until she raised her eyes to mine. "This is for both of us. We are here to play and have some fun. If you aren't doing it for yourself as much as you are for me, I'll fire the car back up and we'll go home."

She squirmed in her seat. "It is hard to admit it out loud," she said. "I do want do this. I'm excited, but I'm also scared."

"Nothing is going to happen that you can't stop instantly." I reassured her. "But you have to trust me. You have to give control over everything to me just like we talked about. Are you ready for that?"

This time she turned her head and with a deep calming breath she looked me in the eye. "Yes." She nodded, keeping eye contact. "I'm ready. I trust you. Let's go."

With that I opened the console box between us and took out a six foot leather leash with a heavy brass snap on the end. I snapped the leash to the collar around her neck and gently pulled her face to mine. "You are my slut tonight. You will do what I say, my pet. You will cast off all of the artificial boundaries and restrictions society has placed on you. The only boundaries and restrictions are those I place on you. Understand?"

"Yes, Sir," she said quietly.

"You can stop this any time you want, right?"

"Yes, Sir."


"I say ‘Halt halt halt."

"Then what happens?" I asked.

"You take me home."

I gently tugged on the leash. "Then what?"

" spank me," she fidgeted when she said it.

I was a little afraid that she might want the spanking just enough to stop things right there. I decided to remind her of the rest of our deal. "Then what?"

"We go to the mountains for our vacation instead of the beach," she said.

"That's right, my pet. We spend my valuable time off hiking and whitewater rafting in the cool mountains rather than picking sand out of our cracks and frying in the sun and watching tons of fat jiggling by on some forsaken beach."

"But, If I don't say it in the next ninety minute..." she said with a smile.

"Then we enjoy the sand and surf. Plus I will smile and be happy. No grumbling, no wise ass comments about beached whales in bathing suits, I'll be cheerful, chipper, and happy."

She nodded.

"Now put it on, my precious little slut," I said. Then I got out and went to her door.

By the time I opened her door, she had the red silk scarf tied around her head. I took her arm and helped her out. I inspected her blindfold, ensuring that she couldn't see through any gaps. Then, holding the leash, I stepped back and inspected my pet.

She was wearing one of my work shirts - a plain white shirt with a button down collar. The buttons from her sternum down were buttoned while the rest were pulled open enough that the swell of her small breasts was visible. The shadows of her nipples showed through the shirt in the lights of the parking lot. Anyone looking would be positive that she wasn't wearing a bra. The shirt tail covered about half of her thighs in the front and back. On the side it reached just below her hips. When she walked the two sides of the front would split open, revealing her legs completely. The bright red of her lace panties was visible as a dark shadow where the shirt touched them. Her sandals were simple flat sandals - just a platform to show off her pretty feet. No heel, just a little protection from the residual heat of the blacktop.

Her black leather collar was thin and dainty. The line of the black leather leash cut across the shirt, providing a nice contrast. My wife looked hot.

"You look sexy," I said. I leaned forward and brushed her right breast. Her nipple was standing at full attention. She pushed into my hand with a sinuous purr. Her response told me that she was ready. "Let's go now, pet."

I guided her to the entrance door. The recent remodeling had given the hallway an air of classy elegance. There was a faux stone facade on the left, complete with a little waterfall. Combined with the signs stating that you had to be 18 to enter and the view through the payment window, the short hall had an air of cheap class and decadence.

I brought my pet to the payment window. The clerk barely saw me. He was looking at the sexy blindfolded woman at the end of my leash. I cleared my throat and he looked at me.

"Sunday is couples night, right?" I prompted.

He glanced back at my wife. "Uhh...yeah...yeah."

He reached for a button and the solenoid in the door buzzed. I pulled it open and guided Ally through it.

"Mind if we browse a bit before we go in the back?" I asked the clerk who was behind the glass counter to our right.

"Sure. Go ahead."

The room was full of racks of clothing. There were display cases full of sex toys. One wall was covered with DVD's showing a number of vices. I led Ally past a rack of t-shirts bearing blunt witticisms such as "I know what boys like" and "I fucked your husband". I read a few to her. Her nervous laugh told me she was still a bit tight with apprehension.

Farther down the room was a rack of ‘club wear'. These were outfits for the local strippers to purchase. There were super short spandex skirts in your basic black as well as some that looked like they had been worked over by a team of ten year-olds with the Bead Magic machine. I found a plain black short dress that buttoned up the front from neck to hem. Depending on the number of buttons open, the dress could go from vanilla to decadent very easily. I held it in front of Ally.

"This might do. This says it is a size five. You think it would fit?" I asked my blindfolded wife.

"I...I don't know," she stuttered.

I popped the leash just gently enough that she had to take a step to keep her balance. "Do you or don't you wear a size five?" I asked.

" depends. If the clothes are expensive, then I usually wear a three. With other clothes, I could wear anything from a three to a seven," she said.

That stopped me cold. "You mean there isn't a firm definition of size. A five doesn't mean so many inches in the waist or across the shoulders?"

"Nope. They are more of a general guide. It is a marketing game," said Ally. "They make the expensive stuff bigger so you feel good about buying a smaller size."

I thought about it for a second. "Then you don't have any idea whether this dress will fit you, right?"


"Well then, I have the answer to that." I said. Then I led her back over to the glass cases near the entrance. The clerk perked up when he saw us approach. "Mind if she tries this on?" I asked.

"Sure. The dressing room is right over there," he said, pointing.

I smiled. "That's ok. Right here will do." I gave the leash a little tug. "Pet, try on the dress."

Ally froze. She knew that at the very least, the clerk was watching her. This was her first test. I decided to put a little pressure on her.

"You go to the mountains much?" I asked the clerk.

He jerked his gaze from Ally. "Huh?" The non sequitur had really thrown him. "Uhh...sometimes," he said, finally.

Ally got the message. She reached for the top button on her shirt and began to turn her back to us. I gave the leash a little pull so that she couldn't face away. She flushed a deeper red. I smiled at it and the clerk and I enjoyed the strip tease as Ally unbuttoned and removed the shirt. I took it from her.

Ally is 5'3" of former gymnast. She stays in shape at the local gym. You can still see the lithe muscle that propelled her through graceful twists and turns. I noticed her nipples were hard little nubs even though the room wasn't cool at all.

I handed her the dress and she slipped it on. "Just a couple of those buttons will be fine, little pet," I said.

The dress was perfect. She looked great in it. With just two buttons at her belly fastened, she looked like a sexy little harlot. The black dress gaped enough to show the sides of her breasts and most of her legs. The red blindfold was the perfect accessory. All she needed with it would be heeled shoes to really show off her legs. I turned to the clerk. "I think the dress would look better with some heels, don't you?"

"Yeah. They are right over there in the corner if you want to try some," he said.

I led Ally over and quickly found a pair of black four inch heels in her size. She slipped them on and I led her back to the front. "Better now, isn't she?" I asked the clerk.

He nodded. "Very nice."

I turned to Ally. "Let's get you changed back, now."

She didn't need my encouragement to strip to her panties in front of the clerk this time. He watched her hungrily as she slipped my shirt back on and buttoned the bottom half of it. I balanced her as she bent to swap the heels for her little sandals.

Placing the dress and shoes on the counter, I said "If she is a good pet tonight, I'll get these on the way out. Do you mind holding them for her? She'll redeem them with a kiss later."

He smiled. "Sure thing. I'll have them right here. Just be sure to ask me for them."

Holding the leash we headed to the short hallway that led to the back. The walls were painted flat black. There were a couple of video poker games on one side of the hall, but no one was sitting at them. I stopped in the middle of the hall. I could see a guy sitting on the couch in the room where there was a television sitting above the coke machine that served as a little sitting area. I could hear some voices from the room off to the left where the smokers went to satisfy their addiction.

"Okay, little slut. You ready?" I asked.

She nodded.

I pulled her to me and slid a hand up her leg to her panties. They were damp. "You enjoyed showing off for him, didn't you, you naughty girl?" I asked.

She rolled her hips trying to get more contact with my hand. "Yesss," she said in throaty whisper.

I laughed and turned to lead her down the hall. As we entered the small room with the coke machine I saw that there was a man seated in each couch. The television was showing a woman on her knees sucking on a very large cock. Her occasional gags and his moans drifted through the room. The moment we entered the room, both of the men locked on to Ally. The sexual tension was palpable instantly. I nodded to both of them as we turned to go through the opening to the gallery.

I heard them scramble up behind us as we entered the dark room. To our left were two rows of booths each with a small stool and a video screen. There must have been five or six guys hanging around various places in the room. You could see a wave of interest as they noticed the blindfolded woman wearing just a man's shirt enter and start walking down the row. The interest became even more heightened as the noticed the collar and leash.

I led Ally down one aisle and around to come back up the other. I'd stop once in a while to look in the booth at the show on the screen. There were lots of close ups of genitals playing on the screens. Ally was walking somewhat hesitantly, but she was getting used to the blindfold. I could only imagine what she was experiencing. She could hear the bits of the various sound tracks from the porn as we passed each booth. She could also hear the shuffling of steps as the men moved to watch us.

After that lap of the booth area, I led Ally over to the doorway to the newly added theater. There was a long sloping ramp down to the entry to the room. As we started down the ramp, Ally stumbled. As she fell forward, her arms reached out. She caught herself on her knees with her arms around my waist. I turned to her and pushed her face into my crotch as the men following behind us watched. After a moment. I helped her stand.

"You ok, pet?" I asked, as I inspected her. She looked fine.

"I'm good," was her response.

"No, little one, you are so bad," I responded with a laugh as I led her into the theater room.

There were six or seven rows of seats separated by an aisle in the dark room. We stood for a moment in the entry to let my eyes adjust to the darkness. The show being projected against the surprisingly large screen showed an oriental woman with long black hair being fucked from behind as she blew another man. The moans and sounds of bodies slapping filled the room.

I led Ally in about three rows and we sat in the middle of the row with a few open seats between her and the open aisle. There had been a few guys in the room when we came in. On the very back row I saw someone with their head in a guys lap. When I looked closely, I could see that it was a guy giving head there.

Ally sat with her head turned slightly off of the screen that she couldn't see. She was listening to the show and the sounds of the guys that followed us in taking seats. One soul braver than the others took the end seat on our row.

I leaned over and whispered into my pet's ear, "There are probably ten or twelve guys in here right now. They all want to fuck you." I gently rubbed the skin on her thigh as I spoke. "Oh, my you are missing quite a show. The movie shows a beautiful oriental woman being used by two men. They are being quite forceful with her."

Ally was subtly squeezing her thighs in a slow rhythm as I stroked her leg. I pulled her head to me with the leash and gave her a deep wet kiss. When it broke, she whimpered quietly wanting more. I sat back and put her left hand in my lap. As I watched the movie, she stroked my iron hard cock through my slacks.

When the two men finally emptied themselves all over the tits of the oriental woman on the screen, I told Ally to unbutton her shirt the rest of the way. She did it slowly, but without hesitation. I could smell the tension in the air. The men in the room were watching every move Ally made. Once the last button was open, I reached over with both hands and squeezed her tits just hard enough to make them feel hard in my hands. She was panting when I let go and gently slid my palms over her hard little nipples.

I stood up and had to arrange myself so that I wasn't tented in my pants like a high school boy peeking in the girl's dressing room. Then I guided Ally back out to the aisle and towards the door. As she walked the shirt fell open. She was exposed in a strip from her neck to her red lace panties. All the men in the rows in front of us stared at her. I described it to her as we walked up the ramp and back into the room with all the video booths.

Standing at the end of the aisle, I watched as men came out of the theaters and stood at the doors to various booths. Hunger was evident on all of them. There was a mix of people, everything from the poster boy for the dirty old man stereotype to a couple of guys that looked like they just stepped out of the corporate office.

We walked down the aisle slowly. I made eye contact with a couple of the guys, but most didn't see anything but my little pet as we walked. I stopped in front of a booth that was empty and guided Ally in. I could hear scuffling feet as I closed and latched the door behind us. The screen was showing two women kissing and fingering each other while a man watched them and stroked himself lazily.

I reached up and untied Ally's blindfold, stuffing it into a pocket as she blinked her eyes and looked around to orient herself. I smiled at her and reeled her in for a deep kiss. I felt her press her body tightly to me as we kissed. The shirt was wide open and her nearly naked body was pressed against my clothed one.

I pushed her to her knees and she pulled my pants down and dug my hard cock out. I spent the next five minutes enjoying a delightful blowjob while I watched the trio on the video fuck and suck. Then, as the tension in my balls started to reach the point of no return, I grabbed the leash and pulled Ally up.

"You nasty little slut," I said loud enough to be heard outside the booth. "You were trying to make me cum. You wanted to finish me fast so we could leave, weren't you?"

" I was just..."

I pinched her right nipple hard enough to make her gasp. "Hush your mouth my pet. I know what you were doing. You've earned yourself a little warning punishment. Panties to your knees and bend over the!"

When she was bent over, I slowly lifted the tail of the shirt, exposing her naked behind. I pulled the shirt up and draped it over her head. Then I rubbed her ass cheeks gently with my right hand.

"Belt or hand, belt or hand?" I wondered aloud.

Then I quickly pulled my hand back and swatted her left ass cheek hard enough to burn my hand. I was sure everyone outside the door heard the smack of flesh on flesh. Ally flinched, but didn't make a sound. She's a tough little thing. My next strike was the other cheek. The red handprint glowed in the dim light of the little booth. I could see her dewy excitement between her legs. She was on the verge of dripping.

Two more swats finished up the punishment. These two were to the back of her legs where they would show below the tail of the shirt. Judging from the way she spasmed after the last smack, she had a nice little orgasm there. Her sweet nectar was dripping from her engorged pussy lips in a string that reached down to the soft inner thigh. I wiped it with my finger and fed it to my little slut.

I zipped myself up and told her to turn around. I put the red blindfold back on and checked to be sure it was light tight. I just looked at my wife. My shirt that she was wearing was unbuttoned and open from throat to crotch. The red of the lace panties that I pulled back up matched the red of her blindfold. Her collar and leash were dark lines across her flesh. Her skin was flushed from the spanking and orgasm. She was still breathing a little hard as I watched her tongue run across her upper lip. She was still excited and horny.

"Halt, halt, halt - three little words. That's all you need to say. You don't really want to go to the beach and be around all those people. We can stop now. All you have to do is say those three little words," I said. "We can go home and I'll make that little orgasm seem like nothing." I trailed a finger down her chest to the top of her panties.

She rolled her hips and stood on her toes, trying for contact with her pussy. "Nooo," she groaned.

"I can't tell if you are telling me no you don't want to go home or if you are disappointed that I'm not ramming my fingers into your sweet little pussy," I said. "Just say halt, halt, halt and we are out of here. I'll finger you until you faint."

"No," she panted. "I want the beach."

"Okay little slut. Your loss," I said.

I grasped the leash and opened the door. There were at least three or four guys standing there watching us as I lead Ally out. I took her back up the aisle to the little entry room with the couches and the drink machine. Since that was the way to the exit, I could tell the guys behind us were disappointed. They were thinking we were leaving.

When we were in the little room, I sat Ally in the middle of one of the couches, I sat on the end. There was space next to her for two more to sit. It only took a couple of moments for the couch on the other wall to fill and for a couple of guys to lean on the entry way. One of the younger guys asked if he could sit on our couch.

I said, "Sure, but hands off my little slut. Okay?"

He said, "No problem!" and sat with a half person of space away from Ally.

He leaned forward past Ally and asked, "Do you come here much?"

"Not really," I replied. "This is a little out of the ordinary for us."

"I guess so," he said with a long look at Ally.

I leaned over and whispered in Ally's ear, "Little pet, why don't you show the nice man just how pretty your titties are."

Slowly she turned towards the guy and said, "Would you like to see my br..."

I popped the leash a little. "Your what?"

" titties?" she finished.

"Sure!" was the eager response.

"They are not as big a most," she said as she drew the shirt open, exposing her self to him and most of the rest of the men in the room. "Do you like them?"

"They're lovely," he assured her. "And you belly button ring is very sexy, too."

Her hand trailed down to the little post with a dangling gemstone over her navel. I felt the temperature in the room notch up a couple of degrees.

"Tell your friend what happened when I spanked you in the booth," I instructed.

She seemed to shrink into herself a little. Then I saw her take a breath. "I came," she whispered.

"A little louder little slut," I said. "I don't think he heard you."

"I came. It was so naughty," she said slightly louder.

The guy next to Ally was really revved up. I decided it was time to up the stakes a bit. I leaned to him and said, "We are going to take another lap around the booths in a moment. There's no telling what might happen if you were to be standing at one of the ones near the back."

He looked up at me, then over at Ally. "I'm going for a walk now," he said. "You two take care."

He stood and went into the arcade. A moment later one of the dirty old man types sat next to Ally. I stood and helped her up. We took a step forward to the coke machine where I put her hands on the lighted plastic. She was bent forward almost ninety degrees at the waist. I grabbed the tail of the shirt and lifted it up. All eyes in the room beheld my pet's taught ass. The string of the panties came up her crack, exposing my hand prints on her cheeks and upper thighs for all to see. The crotch of her panties was dark with her wetness. Then I stood her up and we strolled down the aisle of video booths.

We paused at a number of booths. Each one was continuously showing one kind of porn or another. I paused at one that showed an interracial scene. A cute blonde nymph was doing things with a huge black guy. The size difference between the tiny girl and the guy was amazing. She wasn't more than 5'1", he was muscular and well over 6' and very well endowed. As we watched he was standing up with her on his waist. You could see his arms flexing as he lifted and dropped her on his cock. Then he lifted her all the way off of him and put her on her knees. He started fucking her mouth very hard. She wasn't a passive participant either. She was going after him like she was starving for it. It was semi-rough and very raunchy.

Ally couldn't see it, but I whispered descriptions in her ear.

"Wow," was her response. She was rubbing her knees against each other and squeezing her thighs as we stood there.

I moved us down the aisle and saw our friend standing at the door to a booth. I guided Ally past him and asked the guy standing at the next booth to let us in. He asked if we wanted company.

"Not right now," I told him. Then I shut and locked the door. The movie in this booth showed a woman on a kitchen table getting eaten by a man seated in a chair. Nice dinner.

This booth differed from the last one we were in. There was a 6" diameter hole between it and the next booth. I looked and saw our friend looking through the hole. I turned and said, "Strip, you horny little slut," to Ally.

She removed my shirt quickly. I set it on the stool so that it wouldn't get too dirty from the floor. When Ally started to remove her little panties, I stopped her.

"Wait. I want you to turn this way," I said as I faced her away from the hole she didn't know existed.

She bent at the waist and slid the panties down her legs. The guy looking through the hole was looking right at her butt and pussy, now. I pushed Ally to her knees and took the panties from her hand. They were wet with her juices. She was clearly very excited by this. As she started unzipping my pants and pulling my cock out, I passed her panties through the hole to our friend. I turned so that we were side on to the hole so he could see my blindfolded wife sucking my dick.

After a few minutes of this, I moved her around so that she was facing the hole with her hands on the wall. I stood behind her and eased myself into her sweet pussy. "Mmmm. You are such a slut," I said. "Showing off your body like that. Teasing those men. You like that, don't you little pet?"

"'s so good," she said in rhythm to my thrusts.

I looked down at the hole in the wall and saw a circle of face peering in at us. "Pet, I bet you would like to have your titties touched, wouldn't you?"

"Please...yes...yes," she responded.

"I bet you would like to have your nipples pulled and twisted, wouldn't you?"


I winked and nodded at the face in the circle. He squeezed his arm through the hole and grasped her left breast. Ally froze, then said, "Oh God...he's touching me...oh...oh."

I continued stroking in and out of her as I felt her pussy clamping on my cock. His hand switched between her breasts as she started having a continuous series of little orgasms. When they started slowing down, I grabbed her shoulder and stood her up, pulling myself out of her. Our friend through the wall pulled his arm back and peeked through again.

"Did you like having your titties touched like that?" I asked.

She smiled dreamily and purred a languorous "Yesss."

"You have to thank him then," I said as I pushed her to her knees in front of the hole. Her whole body tightened up. The post orgasm bliss was shattered. She didn't expect this at all. She pushed her hands against the wall, holding herself away from the hole. I saw the face in the hole disappear. It was replaced with a hard cock.

Ally was holding herself away from the waving cock she couldn't see, but knew had to be there. "No...please," she said.

"Hmmm. Those weren't the three little words that will send us to the mountains, little pet," I said. "You know what I want to hear."

Her head bowed for a second. Then I saw her take a deep breath. I expected her to use it to give in and say ‘Halt, halt, halt'. But she surprised me. She began sliding her hands over the wall searching for the hole. Her left hand found his hard cock first. Her wedding ring shone in the light from the TV screen as her fingers encircled the cock of the man she had never seen.

She stroked him with her left hand while her right hand held the base of his cock and stroked his balls that were partially thrust through the wall. I reveled in the sight.

After a moment, I leaned down and said, "You will make him sore if you keep dry stroking him, little slut." Then I pulled the leash forward, moving her head towards his cock. She resisted. "Do it," I hissed. "Do it, or say the words. Whichever you want." Then I dropped the leash. I know she felt it fall. I was letting her know that I wasn't forcing this. I was making her show me that she wanted it - that she was my slut, my pet.

She leaned forward, pursed her lips, and gave the head of his cock a slow kiss. As her lips slowly parted with the kiss, her head moved forward. She slowly sank down his shaft, taking him deep into her mouth. Then I watched as she pulled back and repeated the movement over and over. After a bit, she fisted his shaft and I could see her pulling her lips back and forth over the corona of his cock. He had his body shoved hard against the other side of the wall as she worked on the end of his member.

Then she leaned into him again, angling herself such that he was deep in her mouth and her nose was pressed against the wood of the wall. She was motionless for a moment, and then I saw that her throat and jaw were moving rhythmically. He was fucking her throat through the hole.

I grabbed my little slut's hips and pulled her to her feet. She stayed locked on the cock she was sucking as I did it. I slipped myself into her and started fucking for all I was worth. As I was sawing in and out of her I saw she her hands on the wall, bracing herself. When she froze and clenched her fists, I slowed. She was swallowing his cum. I pulled out and slowly stroked myself as she milked his softening cock.

When he pulled it back through the hole, I pulled on the leash and stuck my cock into her mouth. I said, "Little slut, you liked that way too much. You are such a naught little pet. You must want to go the beach awfully bad."

"Umph...umph," she grunted around my cock, trying to indicate her pleasure to me.

I could feel the orgasm building deep in my belly. I pulled her off of me and dragged her to her feet. "Get dressed, pet. We have thirty more minutes before we leave. I'm going to make the most of them." I glanced at the hole and saw the face of our friend watching everything. I winked at him.

She groped around a bit before she found the shirt and pulled it on. "Don't bother with the buttons. Everyone here already knows you are a slut," I said.

She groped blindly around some more for her panties. Finally, she turned to me and said, "I can't find my panties."

"Hmmm. You mean you lost the panties I bought for you?" I asked in an exaggerated tone. "Maybe your friend next door has them. Why don't you ask him?"

She bent, sliding her hands down the wall to position herself back at the hole. "Excuse me," she whispered softly, "did you have my panties?"

I heard him reply, "Yes, I do, sweetie."

"Maybe he will trade them for a kiss in the hall," I suggested to her. She froze again for a moment. "We'll have to go to REI and get some hiking boots for you, won't we?"

My allusion to a vacation in the mountains was enough to have her turn to the hole again and say, "I'll give you a kiss for them...out in the hall."

I could hear the latch on his door opening soon after that. When we came out, he was standing in the aisle with a smile on his face. He was holding her red lace panties stretched between two extended fingers.

There were about four other guys standing there. One was coming back out of the booth our friend had just vacated. He dove in there the second the other guy came out. I led Ally to the first guy on our right. He wasn't the one she had just sucked off.

"Slut, we'll see if he will give you your panties for a kiss. You better make it a good kiss, because I'm sure your panties are quite a prize."

Ally reached blindly out and touched the chest of this total stranger. She stepped into him and put her arms up around his neck. Then she tipped her head back and they locked into a deep kiss. As he kissed her, his hands wandered across her asscheeks, pulling the shirt tail up and showing her bare ass to everyone standing there.

When they finished kissing I said, "Ask the nice man for your panties, pet."

She did. When he replied, Baby, I don't have them," she gasped.

"Hmmm...little slut, I think you must have lost track of the man with your panties. Now you are going to have to kiss everyone here until you find them."

I smiled to myself, knowing that if panty guy even tried to step forward, the other guys would lock him into a booth.

Ally ended up kissing seven different guys before she got her panties back. When he handed them to her, she just stood there holding them.

I said, "Put them on, pet, or do you need help. Hmmm...yes I think help is in order. Why don't you see if one of these gentlemen will help you put these on? Ask for some help, little one."

"Would somebody please help me with these?" she said.

I put my palms up and shook my head - holding back the general rush that would otherwise have started. The men held back. "They must not want to cover up your pretty pussy. Maybe if you offered something nice to the man that helps you, you can get a helper," I suggested. "What would you do for the man that helps you?"

"I...I'd let boobs. He could..." she trailed off. The men around us were paying rapt attention to everything we did or said.

"You mean that you are such a slut that you would let the man who helps you put on your panties play with your titties?" I asked.

Ally just nodded. "Well then, why don't you pick someone to help you?"

Ally blindly moved forward as I gestured for everyone to be still. She finally bumped into one of the dirty old man types that were part of her audience. She had kissed this man deeply just a few moments ago. He grabbed her panties and held them to his nose, sniffing loudly. The men all chuckled. Then he knelt down and held them open for her.

Ally felt around and finally got a hand on his shoulder for balance as she stepped up and into the panties. Once they had them on her legs, the man slowly stood, sliding the wisp of lace up to her hips. When he finished, I motioned him back.

"Give the nice man his reward now, pet," I said.

She opened the shirt she had on, exposing her breasts to the men standing there. No one moved.

"Oh dear," I said. "It seems that you have lost track of your helper. Now you are just going to have to give all these nice men the reward."

Over the next few minutes, each of the men touched, tweaked, stroked, bit, and sucked on her tits. Ally was almost cumming from the attention by the time the last guy was done.

"Time to go, little slut. Say goodbye to your friends and thank them," I said.

"Thanks, guys!" Ally giggled. "Bye bye."

I pulled on the leash and led her back through the room with the couches and down the hall to the front desk. The clerk from earlier was still there behind the glass case.

"Hi, again," I said. "My little pet has been a naughty little thing here tonight, but I don't think she has been so bad that she shouldn't have that outfit you are holding for her."

"Yeah. I've been watching," he said.

I leaned in and looked. Most of the back was covered by CCTV. Two television screens were quartered with black and white views of the back. "Ahhh. Then you did get to see her little show."

He smiled and nodded as he put the dress and shoes on the counter. He rang them up. "That'll be eighty-seven fifty two."

I glanced at my watch and said to Ally, "Eight more minutes, pet. I have eight minutes left before we go to the beach." Then as I dropped two fifties on the counter I turned to the clerk and said, "I seem to have left my money at home. Do you think we could work something out?"

This guy may not have been a rocket scientist, but he figured things out quickly enough. "Well, maybe for the dress," he said. "But those shoes are pretty special."

I reached into a jar of condoms on the counter. "Maybe my little pet here can do something special." I put the condom on the counter.

He smiled and nodded. I led Ally around to the door to the closed off area behind the counter and handed the leash to him.

"Slut, I want you to put your hands on the counter here and earn that dress for me," I commanded. She knew it was coming. She'd known all night. It had simply been a question of when.

He dropped his trousers to his ankles and slid the condom on. Then he slipped a finger under the string up the back of her t-backed panties. He slid the finger down and over, exposing her pussy to his cock. She was dripping wet and he slid into her easily. I reached down and held her hands as he fucked her in front of me. He was pretty worked up and I could see the tension of an orgasm building when there was a beeping sound. He glanced at the monitors and said, "Shit."

He pulled his pants up and went to the window. A couple were there; he took their money and let them in. They stopped a second, seeing Ally still bent over behind the counter. The clerk stepped back behind her and resumed his fucking. Ally was tossing her head and moaning with him. They were both getting close when a beeping interrupted again. They both stopped.

This time, it was my watch. "Time's up. Time to go," I said. "We need to start planning a trip to the beach." I reached for the blindfold.

"Aww, man," said the clerk.

Ally's hand went over mine on her blindfold. "I'm so close. Please, just a little more."

"Nope, a deal's a deal."

The clerk's hips moved back and forth a couple of times. "Please...I really need it," said Ally.

"Nope, we are out of here. You won fair and square." I looked at the clerk. "Sorry, buddy."

"No! Wait!" said Ally. "The mountains, we'll go to the mountains. Just let me finish."

"Done," I said. "It's a deal!"

The clerk had no clue what we were talking about, but he went back at Ally like there was no tomorrow. He came before she did. She was still groaning for more as he pulled his shrinking cock out of her. I gotta give the guy credit. He dropped down and started licking and fingering her pussy like his life depended on it. He took Ally to a squealing orgasm in no time.

Once she caught her breath, he led her back to me, handing me the leash and the two fifties. "Thanks pal," he said.

I let Ally carry the bag with her new dress and shoes to the car.

Next month we will be in the mountains of North Carolina. We'll be hiking for a couple of days, and then we'll do a little whitewater rafting. I've got it all planned out.

Oh, one other thing happened that night might interest the readers of this story:

I helped Ally into the car and closed her door. Then I went around and climbed into the driver's seat. By the time I had the door shut, she had the blindfold and collar in her hand.

"Just remember, my love," she said. "Next time, you wear these. Now whose parents are we visiting for Thanksgiving?"

Three PervPoints to anyone that can identify the bookstore used as the basis for this little tale.

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The author of this story: Joatster

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