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KAthy's Adventures
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Kathy's Adventures

Kathy Olsen was seventeen when she graduated from Holly High School, her family were some of the biggest farmers in their small town of Holly Nebraska. It didn't mean however that they were rich. Reality being what it is what it meant was they were always one harvest away from losing everything.

It took all the Olsen's working off the farm, to keep the farm running. Kathy celebrated her eighteenth birthday two weeks later by getting a job at the local Truck Stop ten miles from the family farm.

Five years later, she was still single, still working the same job, and still dreaming the big dreams that plagued her at graduation. Trouble was the dreams; especially the big ones of seeing the world were getting further away every day.

She wanted to travel the world, see the exotic cities of Paris, London, the Greek Islands, and someday even go home to the country her grandparents had left behind to come to America. She wanted to see Sweden. Mostly she saw the world but she saw it at the movies. They were called Travel Documentaries. These days she was more likely to dream of going to New York, it was closer and somehow seemed doable.

She didn't begrudge the work or the money that she faithfully gave to her family she just wanted more. Each day the urge to leave became an itch that was harder to scratch. She wanted to live not just to exist, no matter how happy she might seem to family and friends. She was afraid someday she would be unable to handle it and then she would give up, give in, and never do anything more then she was already doing except get married to some local yokel and raise babies to add to the other jobs she was already doing.

She was a beauty at twenty-two, tall, lean from hard work with long golden blonde hair, and piercing ice-blue eyes. She had the longest lashes, which swept her face when she blinked and the cutest ass, which swayed provocatively when she walked . The customers loved her; she gave them good service and called many of them friends. She flirted lots, it was part of the job, and had even dated a trucker or two but nobody so far had called to her heart and Kathy wanted to be in love before she undertook that passage into adulthood called sex so unlike many of the girls in her town she was still a virgin.

The thirst for driving a big rig started as a joke. Timothy Hunter, one of the newer truck drivers to set down at her table and tease her while eating his meal, started teasing her that if she wanted to travel she should learn how to drive a truck. The job paid well and by changing routes often, she could see the whole United States. Living in her truck while on the road, she could save money and before she knew it, she would be able to afford anything.

She told him, she thought only men were hired for truck driving. She did admit she had often driven the big tractors on her daddy's farm and knew she could handle it, just didn't think anyone would hire her.

He laughed and said, the new rigs almost drove themselves and drivers no longer had to unload their own cargo. As for the mechanics of keeping it running, if she could pump gas, and add fluids when required, and put air in the tires once in awhile, the certified mechanics did all the rest.

He proved it by showing her his newest truck, and letting her drive it around the parking lot.

Tim told her he was going into business for himself, and if she learned how to drive, he would hire her. She could start on short runs and work up when she was more comfortable.

She told him she would think about it and went home that night full of dreams for the first time in months.

Tim was as good as his word. Each weekend when he made it to the truck stop, after Kathy's shift was done he would take her out around the parking lot. Teaching her how to shift and move the big rig, then park it. When she was comfortable with that, he took her out on the road. It took six months of lessons before he sent her on a trip alone, following her although she didn't know it in his friend's car. She went from her small town of Holly to the big city of Horton; it had three times the population of Holly. Kathy made the trip, off loaded the cargo, picked up a return load and was home in under the time he had anticipated. She was ready to ride the roads.

They celebrated by Tim's taking his new driver out to a wonderful dinner at local cafe. They spent hours enjoying the fine food, wine, and excellent service. Afterwards, he invited her into his truck and they listened to his wonderful jazz collection, kissed, cuddled, and petted until both were panting with lust. Kathy stopped the romancing, when she became afraid she wouldn't be able to stop if he kissed her even one more time.

Tim was upset that there would be no sex that night until she whispered with tears in her eyes she was a virgin, and until she knew that she loved the man in her life she would stay one. That said with a smile, she slid down and unzipped him pulled his engorged cock loose from his pants, and set out to give him the best blowjob of his life.

When he showered her with his crème, and had recovered, he asked her if anyone had ever done the same to her. She shook her head no, and he told her to climb into the bunk and take off her panties then turn so he could nestle between her legs.

Tim treated her to the first female orgasm anyone else had ever given her. She saw stars and finally understood why her girlfriends were so hot on sex. She asked him if it always felt that good.

With a laugh he said, "If the guy knows what he is doing, and believe me honey, sex is even better."

She went home with lots besides trucking to think about. Kathy had never missed a man the way she did Tim when he wasn't around. She dreamed of him at night and often woke up sticky between her legs, her fingers buried deep in her tight wet pussy knowing she had just orgasmed over another dream of Tim.

Kathy kept her server job, to keep her parents happy, but went to working nights three days a week and driving trucks the other days. Soon she was making more money in one trucking job then a month's salary and wages at the Truck stop and she served her notice.

She put twenty per-cent of everything she earned away n what she called her dream fund. Kathy meant to travel out of the country as soon as she could, meanwhile with her expanded time Tim sent her on longer hauls soon she was traveling six days out of seven coming home late Saturday and leaving early Monday morning.

He had hired two more truckers by then and seldom got out of town any more but was kept busy counting his money and finding cargo for his trucks. He did find that with Kathy gone he was lonesome, so sometimes when her hours were close he would ride with her and drive. He told her and everyone He had to keep his hand in, truth was he loved her, missed her, and wanted her to love him.

They were dating only each other, and finding it harder and harder not to go all the way. Tim wanted too, but respected Kathy and meanwhile he knew she was growing addicted to his mouth, tongue, teeth and fingers and that her body was beginning to crave the passion he always called forth when laying close together naked in bed they teased and tempted each other.

Kathy was 24 and had been stuck in Dallas with a broken truck for over a week the night of her birthday. She had called earlier crying at how lonesome she was and how tired. The final straw was nobody to celebrate her birthday with her.

Tim dealt with the problem directly, as they say, he flew into town and booked a luxury suite, and went to Neiman Marcus and bought her evening clothes from top to bottom. He then made reservations to a posh restaurant. It was time.

He would tonight ask her to marry him, and celebrate her answer by bedding her. Happy Birthday to the future Mrs. Hunter and to him, he thought with a smile. She would have an experience she would never forget and hopefully so would he.

He knew she loved him as much as he did her and that it was time to settle down and make themselves a life. He brought with him his mother's engagement ring. The ring was small but beautiful. An old round stone set in an antique ornate ring. She had left it to him, when she died. He had the jeweler size it to fit the new bride He would buy her a new one if she wanted, but this one had history.

Tim pulled into the yard just as Kathy was returning to her rental car having been told the truck would be ready in the morning.

The car was facing into the sun so she had to squint to see who was lounging against her door. When she realized it was her man. She screamed and flew into his arms, kissing him passionately. "I'm so glad you're here, why are you here? Didn't you think I could handle it? Why aren't you home?"

He kissed her to shut her up, and then handed her a large bouquet of flowers.

He tipped her head up so she was looking deep into his eyes. "Kathy shut up and follow instructions. Lock your car and come with me, I am kidnapping you."

She didn't exactly do what he said, but she did hand him the keys. He picked up her purse and a small bag inside the car, locked it and hollering "See you guys in the morning," he helped her inside and said, "Now buckle up baby, because I'm in a hurry."

Ten minutes later, they pulled up at the Hotel Lumen, The newest, hottest, most elegant hotel that Dallas Texas had to offer and its answer to Eastern glitz and glamour. He left the car with the valet and picking her up in his arms carried her to the elevator.

"Penthouse suite my man," he growled to the attendant who grinned, closed the doors and laughed at the expression on the woman's face. She was blushing, and her eyes were tearing and she looked like she could eat the grand standing man alive. He figured the man was in for one long happy night.

An hour later, he answered their summons and the woman almost blew him away. Gone were the blue jeans and man's shirt and standing tall in her place was a sophisticated woman in an up do, high heels, a slinky emerald dress that showed off all her many charms. She sure did clean up good.

He said good evening and then told the woman how beautiful she looked this evening. Kathy thanked him softly and said, "It's all him you know, He makes me feel like the only woman in the world."

Ronald the operator wrote that in his mind's notebook, the wife and him hadn't been getting along; maybe if he tried harder she might feel that way about him again. He thought he would like that.

He wished them a pleasant evening and that night when they returned, once again, she was in his arms and obviously feeling bubbly from her evening out and now she wore a beautiful old-fashioned diamond on her left hand.

"Congratulations to both of you and a long happy life together."

The man slipped him a fifty-dollar bill and thanked him. "Please have the night shift hold all calls and do not disturb us until checkout time tomorrow."

Ronald smiled, "Done Sir, have a great night."

Tim opened the door to the suite and carefully walked over and placed Kathy on the sofa.

"You have made me the happiest man on the planet tonight my love, now I want to return the favor."

He slowly undressed her kissing each inch of her flesh as it became available to his lips. Lightly licking then, blowing dry those especially sensitive places on her body. He enjoyed her shivers and then her moans and soon the odor of her arousal as he deliberately avoided those sexual areas and paid court to her fingers, her toes, the hollow of her neck, behind her knees, within the elbow creases. All those places that he knew would have her begging him soon for more.

Soon enough when he looked deep into her eyes and he saw the lust glazing her eyes, felt the trickling of her juices down her soft inner thigh and smelled the sweetness of her desire.

He finally took one nipple into his mouth and gently bit and sucked it to a peak of rigid desire. That accomplished he turned to the other one and then worked his way slowly down her belly where he toyed with her button licking it then blowing warm air across it as his fingers gently opened her wide and explored her warm now wet female cavity.

She was arching up into his hands moaning quietly when he finally spoke something besides murmurs of love.

"I want to make love to you tonight my darling. I want to take you to bed and make you mine body and soul. Do you want me just as much Kathy?"

She opened her eyes and with his help stood up trembling and weak legged but on her own two feet. "I want you too Tim, I never knew I could want anything as much as I want the feel of you deep inside me."

They walked together to the bedroom where a turned down huge bed awaited them strewn with rose petals and on the bedside table stood an ice bucket with open chilled champagne, and near it chocolate and strawberries and even whipped cream. She giggled a little and pulled him close.

"Is it my turn to undress you?"

He nodded; unable to talk this was a game they had never played before. The sight of her naked body had him at rigid attention and her unzipping and removing his pants finally gave him some relief. He jumped when her hands curled around his cock, and sighed when she pulled down his boxers and he was free. She bent and lightly kissed him on the head of his cock.

"Good evening old friend, tonight you become mine. I can't tell you how happy I am to finally say that to you... He felt weak kneed and pulling her close sat down.

"Oh Kathy, let me love you?"

He pushed her back at her nod and sliding his cock up and down her wetness until he was saturated pushed the head inside the softness of her folds and into the opening awaiting his cock.

He shivered all over and had to talk to himself sternly so as not to blast off at once in her hot wetness. Once he was under control with his hands lightly teasing at her breasts and rigid nipples. He pushed in little by little, allowing her to accommodate his size until he bumped against her virgin barrier.

He had felt her hymen several times in their play, and knew it was thin. He knew it would hurt but only for a moment. He leaned over her body, pulled out to his head, bent to kiss her and shoved hard. He felt her cry of startled pain, as he pushed deep into her insides.

He looked into her eyes which had tears just as she said, "Now fuck me darling spill your seed deep inside me and make me your woman."

He laughed as he started the age-old movements of man and women together and whispered, "You have been my woman, since the first day I met you."

The way to nirvana was long and slow Tim did a beautiful job controlling himself until Kathy screamed out in completion and he felt her abundant juices cascade over his cock. He bent to kiss her thrusting his tongue deeply into her mouth and pushed in as deep as he could get. He felt his balls rubbing against her ass as he blasted his come deep inside her receptive body.

He pulled free of her kiss and said, "Kathy I love you and then turning them He pulled and moved her tight to his body then soothing her with his warm arms and busy fingers, he petted her until they both slept.

Several hours later, it was still dark when he felt something lukewarm fall on his chest. He opened his eyes to see Kathy spilling a small stream of champagne on his chest then he smiled as she leaned down and began to lick him dry.

"Two can play that game you know." She smiled, "They can?" He pushed her flat and grabbed the bottle. Some here, he poured it between her breasts and sipped her dry, some here, he poured it into her belly button and did the same and then he took a deep drink and pushed it into her wet pussy and then sucked her dry.

Kathy was moaning in desire when he lifted his head. "Fuck me please Tim, now please?"

He fell on his back and smiled. "Fuck yourself darling, I'm all yours."

He had never ever seen the grin that spread across her face. She straddled him and holding him steady sat down on his now pulsing cock. "Oh Tim, it feels so good," she cooed as she rubbed herself up and down on just his head, bumping her clit against it then back again. He had to agree it did feel good but soon he was attempting to push more of himself deeper inside as she laughed at him and spent time licking and biting his nipples, moving her hands to massage his balls and generally teasing him to distraction.

This was a side of his woman, he had never seen. Finally she sighed, shook so hard he had to hold her and as she cried out, she settled down to riding him hard and deep her insides moving over his cock like the well worn pistons driving a sports car. She felt incredible.

Soon he was not capable of withholding his climax and he pushed her flat and held her tight as he exploded deep inside her. He set her off again, and they ended up tangled up together on the bed side by side, and he was still buried deep inside her. He would love to know how he did it, but damned if he could remember.

They slept again and daylight woke them up as the sun peeked in the open windows on the tangled bed, warm champagne and uneaten strawberries and chocolate. He heard her giggling as she ate a berry. "There is no hope for the whipped cream but the berries are delicious and the chocolate is still soft."

He smiled at her and said one word, "Coffee" She nodded and picked up the phone. He was already in the bathroom and running the shower water when she got off and joined him.

"Breakfast is on the way, coffee, pancakes, eggs, sausage, and juice." He pulled her into the shower. "Now relax and enjoy this lady, I am out to corrupt you before we go home."

Kathy was soon buried deep n his hard cock her legs wrapped around him as they raced each other to the pleasure they both deserved. Taking only moments to cascade them into a mutual climax Tim was out and dry and wrapped in a towel as Kathy washed her hair and other important parts while Tim talked to her cozily sitting on the toilet seat. They both almost missed the Room service call. He hurried to let the man in and get their breakfast and she rinsed and wrapped in a towel was soon joining him for a well-earned repast.

Begrudging the fact they couldn't stay any longer Time was due back home and Kathy had a load to pick up and deliver to Houston before she could head home with the good news there would soon be a wedding in the family.

Two days later when Kathy returned, Tim and her parents had set a date, booked a church, made plans for the reception and Tim had set in motion plans for a wedding honeymoon that would take them on a trip to the Greek Islands . He figured that was a good place to start. Every year after that, he would take them to one more of Kathy's dream travel locations as long as he could afford it.

The beginning of the story © August 3, 2007

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The author of this story: maggie2002

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