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Nice Getaway
written by:

Amusement Park

Devon and Joey were getting ready to go back to college for their senior years. Joey was an athletic specimen. He was thick and ripped from hours spent in the weight room. He had short dark hair and dark eyes. Joey was the sort who never talked much. Devon was much more slender with shaggy bleach blonde hair and a surfers tan, but it was his eyes that really made him stand out. People would ask him all the time if he wore contacts but he was just blessed from birth. He was a talker, in the same mold as say Vince Vaughn. Joey loved hanging out with Devon because he never felt like he had to talk, Devon would keep the conversation going on his own. This particular summer the boys were planning a trip to their favorite amusement park up on Lake Erie, Cedar Point. It had the best rides and there were always a lot of hot girls both enjoying the park and even working at the park. That is where they had met actually. They both had summer jobs there just out of high school. They met and were going to the same college in the fall. They have been best friends and roomies ever since. Each summer they would go back to Cedar Point before college would start. Each time they had new adventures romancing a number of different girls over the weekend they would spend there. This was to be their last trip before their senior year and Devon had been talking about it nonstop since summer began.

"This is going to be the best!" Joey chuckled, "You know you are setting this up way too much, what if we have just an ok time? Then we will be disappointed." Devon laughed, "Only you could turn this perfect day into a gloom fest." Joey had to laugh as he turned into the park entrance. They had planned on camping in the nearby campground for the weekend and had a tent and some gear in the back of the car. As they unpacked their gear they saw other campers seting up qand preparing for one of the last weekends in summer. Three or four sites down there was a family unloading there truck and hooking up their camper. It looked like a family with a couple kids. Dad was really gung ho about the whole thing and the oldest daughter and the mom had a good laugh at him while he was bustling about.

Devon nudged Joey and motioned toward the scene. The daughter was at least 18 and she was cute as a button. The total girl next door. Short cotton shorts a tight t-shirt and flip flops. She was only about 5 feet tall and curvy for her age. Her legs were golden tan from a summer of sun bathing no doubt. But what really caught there eye was mom. She was very pretty with sharp features softened only slightly by her smile, her laugh, and the sweat that beaded on her forehead. She had thick dark hair like her daughter and the same light eyes. She wore a sundress that clung to her as she worked. Devon grinned "there is no way this weekend will be anything but great" Joey mumbled back "you can have the daughter..." Devon glanced to Joey quickly and caught the hint of a smirk on his face. "I knew you would come around."

They set up quickly and raced for the park. There was still a good five hours left until the park closed down. The ran around the park like children. Getting in lines and then back in the same line when a ride would finish. They flirted with girls and clowned with each other for the girls amusement, sometimes getting a phone number, or a "hey lets meet tomorrow for lunch", which the boys always agreed to but never actually did. Soon the park was closing and the guys headed for the exit. They stopped by a drive thru and picked up some beer before heading back to camp. When they got there the "Milf-fords" as they had affectionately named them, were already seated around a nice fire that father no doubt had created. They were roasting mallows and the girls would laugh from time to time. Devon noticed that the father seemed very distant from the two girls. As if he didn't really belong with them. He thought it seemed strange but made no mention of it to Joey.

Joey started the fire and Devon was heading for the shower house/ bathroom. As he walked he noticed the young girl was also heading that way. He slowed a bit so she eventually caught up with him. "Weekend with the parents huh?" She seemed startled then let out a sigh and smiled, "yeah, thanks God this only happens once a year." Devon was now locked into conversation. "They seem nice enough, how bad can it be?" She giggled a little, "Are your parents divorced?" Devon felt awful. The downside of being a talker is that sometimes you step on touchy subjects without even realizing it. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have mentioned it.." She touched his arm, "No it's fine, really, they have been separated for 8 years. I live with my mom and I visit my Dad a couple times a year and once a year we do a "family thing" just the three of us." Devon nodded, "that seems pretty cool." She shrugged her shoulders, "maybe, but my mom and I really have no room for dad anymore, in our lives, in our heart, and especially in our weekends." Devon nodded his understanding, "My name is Devon by the way." She laughed, "I almost forgot, I'm Carrie." They got to the shower house and Devon said "I would invite you in, but that would be a little odd." Carrie laughed. "Wait for me when your done and I will introduce you to my mom." Devon smiled, "and your Dad?" Carrie wrinkled her nose and laughed, "If I have to."

As devon stared at the ceiling relieving himself into the trough style urinal his mind drifted to thoughts of Carrie. Her firm young body. The way her flesh would move beneath her tight tshirt and her cotton shorts. He had gotten several good looks at her ass and it was beginning to have an effect on him as he had finished pissing and began to feel himself grow in his hand. He looked down and laughed. "Not yet he thought." He cleaned up, waited a moment or two to make sure he wasn't tenting his shorts, then walked out. Carrie was already done and waiting. Devon had been in there longer than he thought. Carrie smiled, "What the hell took so long in there, or do I not want to know?" she giggled. Devon smiled, "I wouldn't want to injure your virgin ears." Carrie nudged him, "Yeah right, I only hope you were thinking about me!" And they both burst into laughter as they made their way back to camp.

They approached Carries parents who were no sitting by a nice fire. Devon straightened up and went into parent mode. Carrie introduced him to her mother first, "Devon this is my Mom Lydia. Devon smiled and shook her hand. "So Devon what are you studying?" Lydia asked. "I am a history major." Lydia seemed surprised, "Wow, good for you." Carries Dad was on the other side of the fire, "aren't you going to introduce me to your little friend?" her dad sneered. Devon immediately knew this guy was drunk. He walked over and shook hands with her Dad. "My name is Sgt. Arnold Davis, retired Marines, and don't you forget it son." Devon played it cool. "I won't sir, nice to meet you." Devon caught a look from both Lydia and Carrie that seemed like a nonverbal apology and gratitude at the same time for his cooperation. Devon asked Carrie over to his site where Joey had a fire going. "I want you to meet my best friend." Lydia nodded her approval quickly and as Devon and Carrie walked away they heard Lydia and Sgt. Davis light into one another. Lydia was on the offensive, "who the hell do you think you are? These dumb trips are your idea anyways then you get us out here and get wasted. We are happier without you." Devon and Carrie were now out of ear shot and couldn't make out his retort, also in prt because his speech was very slurred.

Carrie was looking at the ground as they walked. Devon felt awkward. Being the talker he couldn't stand it any longer. "You know there is nothing to be ashamed of, it isn't your fault. Your mom seems very nice." Carrie cheered up a bit, "she is the best, she really is. But my Dad...well, you met him. He usually doesn't drink around us on these trips since his drinking is what ruined their marriage. But I think he is really in bad shape now since he has retired from service." Devon listened, "I understand Carrie, it's fine, nobody has a perfect family, just try to have fun this weekend despite him. Wait until you meet Joey, he is so opposite of me it is hysterical!" Carrie laughed and her thoughts soon drifted away from her family drama and back to this very charming hottie with the great eyes and perfect ass.

Joey was leaning back in his chair with a drink in his hand. He looked up and managed to crack a small smile as they approached. "Hey Joey meet Carrie. She is the daughter of that hot milf you were checking out earlier." Devon burst into laughter and Carrie looked at Joey both amused and accusatory. "So you like my mommy?" Carrie teased. Joey was so embarrassed he couldn't even make eye contact. Carrie was laughing but felt bad because she could see what Devon meant when he said Joey was his opposite. Joey had no smooth crack to come back with. He just lowered his head and chuckled to himself a bit. "It's fine Joey, I don't care, we are just picking on you. Devon you were right he is a sensitive little fella." That comment in itself was funny because she quickly realized when Joey stood up he was a mountain of a young man. much larger than Devon and very muscular. He wasn't her type but she could still appreciate the physical specimen that cowered before her in embarrassment. She hugged him and reaffirmed to him that it really was no big deal. They had some laughs for a while then Carrie stood up, "I should be getting back. My mom may need help with my Dad, he is probably passed out by now." They all shared a forced laugh and stood up. "We will walk you back." Devon volunteered. Joey shot him a look like he didn't want to be bothered. But he lumbered to his feet and they began to make their way over to Carrie's site.

As they approached they saw the Sergeant, as Devon was now calling him, standing over Lydia as she sat in her chair with her face in her hands. It sounded like she was crying. When the two heard Carrie and her new friends approach they both glanced quickly toward them. Joey took in a sort breath. There was a trace of blood escaping from Lydia's mouth and the Sergeant, looked guilty. Carrie let out a sort of scream and ran to her mother. "How could you?" Sergeant Davis thought about lying but then quickly turned the focus and blame to Lydia. "She just gets me so mad Carrie, you know how she can be." There was total silence but for the small whimpers Lydia made as she tried to be strong. Devon was horrified. He had never even seen anything like this. His home life was pretty quiet, and so were his friends, at least they never let on when others were about. For the first time Devon was speechless.

Joey is a different story. He was very quiet and very slow to anger, but even Devon knew he had a very good heart and did not tolerate any violence toward women. His mother left her first husband for similar reasons and it was her second husband that became Joey's father. His father had instilled in him a respect for women that went to the very core of who he was. Devon could hear Joey's breath shorten. The more Sergeant Davis rambled and stammered, the more Joey grew agitated. His figure seemed to grow in the fire light and he appeared at times to bristle, almost like an angered animal. Joey moved forward, past Devon, toward the family. His arms had gone rigid to his sides as he moved and his fists were clinched into knots of bone and meat. He made no motion or even gesture to the two women, he glared right into the eyes, the heart, the very soul of this coward. "You need to leave now sir." Joey growled. At this, the 50 year old Sergeant flew off the handle about how this was his place and his family, and how no punk would tell him what to do. He was very irate and Carrie and Devon looked about for fear other campers may be listening. Joey moved closer, now only a foot or two away. "There is a pay phone at the park entrance sir, I suggest you walk up there and call yourself a cab, before you do or say something you may really regret." Devon was amazed by Joey's demeanor and temperament. He knew Joey was not much of a talker, but in this situation he was in total control. He spoke as if from a script. He was giving this man a chance to leave.

Sergeant Davis resumed his tirade and Joey spoke much softer this time, still glaring deep into his face, "this is your last chance, you either leave now or I will make you leave...sir." The sir was added with a great deal of sarcasm, because at that point Joey had already decided he was going to hurt this man. That did it. Sergeant Davis threw down his bottle and assumed some form of drunken fighting stance. "Come on you little bastard, I'm still a fucking MArine you little shit, come and get some." He swayed a great deal and could barely focus on Joey. Joey looked to Lydia, as if for her approval. Lydia found herself in shock, scared, and yet enamored with this young man. She nodded slowly, and it was all over before any of us could even think about it. Joey stepped forward three quick paces and threw a straight left jab to his nose before following it up with a thunderous right uppercut that caught Sergeant Davis square on the chin. The drunken fool fell to the ground in a crumpled up pile of stink, sweat, and blood. He laid there moaning a bit, blood pouring from his nose. Joey calmly looked to Devon, "go get the car." Devon wanted to ask why, but he knew better than to question Joey right now. This was not a Joey he had ever met before.

Devon brought the car back. Joey and Devon picked up the Sergeant and put him in the back seat. Joey told Devon to take him to the park station up front, and tell them that he is no longer welcome here. Carrie agreed to go with Devon and Joey walked over near Lydia. As Devon and Carrie sped off Joey sat near Lydia at the now low smoldering fire. Joey was coming down from his manic peak and was starting to breathe very slowly and deeply, his skin was glistening with sweat, his shirt clung to him. His eyes drooped a bit and he suddenly felt very exhausted. Lydia watched him as he deflated into the chair, "What's your name?" Joey looked almost startled, he had forgotten she was there. "Oh, I'm Joey, sorry about that." He had reverted into the timid gentle giant. "Lydia sensed this. She could tell his actions were somewhat out of character for him, almost forced. She immediately cared for Joey very deeply. "Don't apologize, a women would always be lucky to have a guy like you around." Joey shrugged, "I don't know about that." He squinted in the dark to get another look at Lydia. "I'm Lydia, and that asshole was my husband, I assume Carrie filled you in on his demented idea of family time once a year huh?" Joey nodded quietly. "Well this will be the last one. In fact after the way you hit him he may never go camping again!" Lydia was trying to ease the tension a bit by making jokes. Joey didn't mind, Devon does the same thing. Joey just listened and they talked for a while. He told her about his plans after college and other mundane topics. All the while Joey was becoming more and more relaxed and comfortable with Lydia. He was completely enchanted by her. She was very soothing and mature, while only being 41 years of age. Lydia also found herself in new territory, she knew thins kid was young enough to be her own yet there was a quiet confidence about him she loved, and hell, it was good old fashion fairytale stuff, he had just come to her rescue. She could make out the outline of his muscular build through his sweat soaked shirt, and really found herself flooded with emotions and desires.

Devon and Carrie came rolling up and joined them at the campfire. Devon said, "well the park ranger said he would call the local police and have him brought in for drunk and disorderly conduct, unless you want to press charges Lydia. If you do, just go to the police station in the morning." Lydia nodded her understanding. Joey stood up, "it's been a long day, and even longer night, I'm exhausted. Lets get some sleep and try to enjoy the rest of this weekend." Devon stood and gave a nod and smile to Carrie as he followed Joey toward the car. Lydia stood, "thanks again, you two are great. Maybe we can go to the park together tomorrow, the least I can do is buy your way around tomorrow. Devon shook his head, "we can't take your money Lydia, but we would love to spend some time with you." He looked directly at Carrie when he said this. She had her legs balled up to her chest trying to keep her bare legs warm with her arms. Her shorts were revealing the soft flesh of her lower buttocks which Devon gave a glance to as well. She smiled her approval and the boys drove back to there sight. They spoke very little as they got into their sleeping bags. The Joey almost whispered. "What is Lydia's last name?" Devon thought that was odd. "I don't know, why?" Joey rolled toward Devon on his side, I have never spoken to a women of her age like I did tonight, besides that I would never dream of using their first name. " Devon laughed, "I think it's alright this time, besides, after your performance tonight, I think you will be doing more than just talking with that hot milf." Joey pushed Devon, "shut up man, she is really sweet." Devon responded, "so you wouldn't fuck her?" There was silence, broken by Devon's laugh again, "say no more knight in shining armor, say no more. Regardless, I was very proud to be your friend tonight. I wouldn't have known what to do in that situation. You were one bad ass motherfucker tonight." Joey adjusted in his pillow, "Shut up fag." Devon quickly interjected, "I'm serious, really." Joey smiled to himself and closed his eyes. "Thanks man."

When they woke in the morning it was as if they had been living in a dream the night before. Did that really happen. Joeys hands were both a little swollen and his left one was cut a bit from where he had glanced his fist off the Sergeants nose and off his cheek as well. They got around and had some coffee. Devon grabbed his towel, a change of clothes and a bar of soap. He was heading for the shower house when he saw her trotting his way. Carrie had on a long t-shirt and couldn't see any bottoms, they must have been swim trunk bottoms. He could tell she had on no bra. Her tits were taught and parky and they bounced very little as she caught up to him. Her dark hair was pulled back and she smiled, "getting cleaned up before our big day?" Devon thought he would tease her, "big day? Just another day at the park." She frowned then kicked him in the back of the knee. He tried to grab her but she ran ahead. He chased and caught her just as she was going into the women's side of the shower house. "No No, boys go in the other side." Devon grabbed her by the waist from behind and pulled her to him, grinding his pelvis into her ass. "This boy goes wherever he wants." She squirmed until he let go, then whirled around to see his knowing smile. She hated that, he always seemed to know what she was thinking.

Carrie backed into the women's shower room. Devon took two steps forward. Carrie stopped and giggled. She took another step back and was now inside the shower room. Devon again matched her one step back with two steps forward. She shook her head at him. Devon nodded his head in response. "Tell me know, and I will leave." Carrie raised an eyebrow and turned to walk around the corner out of sight. Devon waited. He looked around. Nobody in sight. He heard a shower curtain pull and heard the sound of water running from a shower faucet. Steam slowly began to roll across the shower room floor and out into the opening he stood in. He slowly walked in and around the corner. There were five shower stalls all made from concrete block with cheap plastic curtains hanging from metal bars. Next to each was a small wooden bench. Only one shower was occupied. Next to it was a towel, a t-shirt, and what appeared to be a pair of boy short panties. He looked down and saw a pair of cute little feet standing in a small pool of water. His groin was aching. He stepped closer and could smell her shampoo. It reminded him of the girls he used to date in high school. The curtain did not completely cover the concrete opening and Devon could occasionally see an arm or a leg appear on either side of the curtain. Devon stepped right outside the shower and removed his shirt, then his shorts. His cock was at full attention. He cleared his voice, "You never told me to leave Carrie." The curtain moved slightly and her water soaked head appeared, her dark hair slicked back, and her eyelashes thick and dark with moisture. She looked down and back up into his eyes. Water dripped from her mouth as she spoke, "I don't want you to leave."

She returned back into the shower leaving the curtain open just slightly. Devon reached forward and slowly pushed the flimsy plastic aside. There, leaning with her back to the wall, was Carrie. Her legs were slightly apart, revealing a small soft mound with a light tuft of hair. The water sliding over her perfect breasts. Her nipples were like erasers. When she saw him she reached up and covered herself and crossed one knee in front of the other in an attempt to be playful or coy. Devon shut the curtain behind him and the warm water smacked him right in the face. He rolled his head on his neck and allowed the sensation of warmth to cover his entire body before reaching forward and touching Carrie just on her hip. Carrie admired Devon's long lean body. He was at least a foot taller than her and his body was very smooth. He didn't have dark hair or any hair that she could see and this pleased her. At his touch she reach forward and ran her fingertips down the front of his chest, allowing her nails to scrape gently over his nipples. Devon closed his eyes and allowed his hands to explore the length of her small frame. He ran his fingers along her hips and back up to her sides then around to her back and finally coming to rest down on her firm heart shaped ass. His fingers were long enough to cup each of her cheeks. His thumbs gently nestled deep into the crack of her ass.

She let out a moan and tilted her head back inviting Devon in for what would be their first kiss. His cock was pressed firmly into her tight abdomen and he lowered his head to hers. Their lips came together and pressed into each other for an eternity. Carrie slowly slid her tongue across his bottom lip as they broke the connection. Devon then pressed in more forcefully and his tongue met hers before their lips met. Their tongues danced and writhed with one another before Devon gently bit or lip and they pulled away. Carrie had begin to kneed Devons ass with her small hands and pulling his cheeks apart in much the same way he had been doing to her. The more they kissed the more aggressive she seemed to get. She kissed down his firm chest and took his small nipple in her mouth. She sucked and licked it gently and ran her hands around the front of his sides to his lower abdomen. She raked her nails up and down his chest and stomach then ran them lower to his pelvis. She rubbed him hard in the creases where his legs began, and made small bites down his stomach. She quickly stood back up and pressed into him for another kiss. Devon's head was spinning. His hands made their way around to her firm rack. He squeezed and pinched her tight nipples. Her mound was pressed into his thight and she would grind it deeper each time he teased her nipples. He licked her ear and down her neck. He lifted her by the waist and she wrapped her legs around him. He found her breasts now in his face and he took one into his mouth. It was soft and warm. The nipple poked the roof of his mouth as he sucked and licked.

Her hips were bucking and her body was sliding down his. His prick was jutting straight toward her unguarded opening. She grabbed his face and pulled it to hers. As he felt the head of his cock touch her moist hot lips, their eyes met. He searched her face for permission. She nodded her head just a very little bit and her body slid a little more into position. She gasped and her yes widened as his head passed into her opening. Devon could barely tell he was holding this small girl, his cock was aching to feel her depths. She closed her eyes and threw her head back and released the grip around his waist with her legs enough to allow her entire weight to force herself down his shaft. He hit bottom and her legs tightened again holding her now in the position. She moved very little but whimpered in delight, as she felt Devon fill her up. She began to grind up and down on him and Devon met her every move with a pump of his own. She could feel his long slender cock bottom out on each stroke. Devon felt Carrie clench like she was going to cum. He took her nipple in his mouth and sucked hard and she bucked wildly. Devon backed her into a wall for more leverage and picked up his pace. Her legs flew apart and she was now spread eagle and pinned against the concrete by his pistoning cock. As the first wave hit her, she wrenched her head to the side and felt the cool concrete wall against her hot cheek. He wrapped her legs around him tighter making it near impossible for Devon to move. Devon felt and heard Carrie orgasm. His cock was being choked by her tight pussy as it contracted with each wave of her pleasure. She lost her strength and Devon felt her go limp. He lifted her off his still rock hard member and let her rest against the wall. She could barely stand and he had to hold her up a bit. She had never been with a guy who was so experienced. She allowed him to take charge. "Do whatever you want to me Devon"

Devon smiled at her and turned her toward the wall. She felt his cock in her back. His leg slipped between her legs and kicked them apart. His hand was firmly placed in the small of her back and it forced her hot breasts into the cool stone. She felt his cock slide down her ass cheek and underneath to her swollen mound. He forced himself into her, this time with no hesitation. Her face was pressed hard now into the wall. Devon pressed all the way into her and it caused Carrie to shudder. He grabbed her by the hips and furiously fucked her. Carrie thought he would pass out he was going so fast. His hands were clenching tight to her hips. The he rubbed his thumb down her back into her ass crack. Water was still showering onto him and she could feel the warm water flow from his thumb down her ass and into her now exposed hole. His thumb ran a circle around her asshole as he continued the punishment on her cunt. Then to her surprise he forced his thumb into her ass. Only the nail went in, but to Carrie it felt like he was ripping her open. "Devon I don't..." Devon cut her off. "Carrie you said anything." Carrie looked over her shoulder at him and could see he would not be denied, and again she found herself enamored with his control. "Alright" She smiled at him.

He was now forcing his thumb in deeper with each stroke of his cock. Carrie felt her clit go hard again. SHe reached under with her hand and began to rub vigorously. She was shocked to find herself ready to cum again. Especially with Devon's thumb now planted deep in her ass. He was fuck her ass with his entire thumb and she was liking it. She felt her next wave coming over her and heard Devon begin to grunt. As they both climaxed she suddenly felt very empty. Devon removed his cock and his thumb from her. Carrie finished jerking her clit. Just as she finished she felt a shot of hot liquid hit her ass. It was hotter and thicker than the shower water.

Devon had pulled out grabbed his prick and squeezed it hard as his orgasm hit him. All of his semen was blocked at the head ready to explode. He released it and shot load after load of thick creamy jizz all over her ass. It ran into her crack and settled in her puckered red ass. His cock went limp in his hand. Carrie ran her hand back to her ass and felt his cum. She stood up and faced him rubbing it between her fingers. "What a waste." They continued showering and nibbling on one another not knowing what was going on back at camp.

Joey sat nursing his coffee as he ran through the events of last night in his head. What came over me? I should have never gotten involved. He heard some foot steps behind him. Lydia was walking up with a plate in her hands. "Hey Joe I made some biscuits this morning, want one?" He liked that she called him Joe. It made him feel like a man. She looked great. She was wearing some denim shorts and sandals and a halter top. Her hair was tied up in the back and for the first time he really felt a sexual desire for her. He nodded and smiled softly. She sat down next to him. He offered her some coffee which she gladly excepted. They chatted for a while. Joey told her about school and Lydia told him about work, they never mentioned last night. Joey devoured the biscuit, she had brought some honey and butter and they were just perfect. He sighed, "Lydia, those were amazing." Lydia laughed, "I love to watch a man eat." Joey blushed a little. Lydia noticed. "It's fine, Joe, I made them for you. It is the least I can do..." Joey cut her off "Lydia, you don't have to say or do anything. I did that because it had to be done." Joey looked away and stared into his coffee. Lydia reached over to him and placed her hand on his bare knee. "I know, and that is why it was so special to me."

Joey nodded his understanding and placed his hand on hers. For a moment he felt the wierd confusion between having an emotional connection and a physical connection. He really didn't know what to feel or say. Their hands remained there, and Joey turned to her with the same resolve he had had the night before. "Lydia, if it were up to me, no man would hurt you ever again." Lydia smiled and a tear welled up in her eye. "Joe you are so sweet." She squeezed his knee. Joey thought that meant she was going to move it so he moved his hand away from hers but she kept her hand there. "Joe?" Joey could feel her eyes penetrate him. He turned and looked at her. "Yes?" Lydia moved over closer. "Can I kiss you?" Joey nodded. Lydia stood up and leaned over him placing both of her hands on his legs now. As their lips met her hands ran up his thighs stopping just short of his hardening penis. She felt the muscles in his thighs ripple and kneaded them with her fingers as they continued to kiss. Lydia had a very aggressive tongue and Joey was stunned this was going so far.

She released the kiss and backed away a little embarrassed. "I'm sorry Joe, it has been a long time since I met a real gentlemen, I shouldn't have done that." Joey stood up, "It's fine, really. I really don't mind." He started to laugh a little as he said this. "Lydia's face was red, she looked to her feet and laughed. "Where is Devon?" Joey looked toward the shower house, "Getting washed up." Lydia nodded, "Yeah, so is Carrie." Joey almost laughed, but hid his reaction well. It was then that he knew what was going on in there. Lydia began to walk away toward a wooded area where there was a path. "I was going to go for a small hike. Do you want to join me before we go to the park?" Joey agreed and they made for the opening in the woods. The walked briskly and said very little.

They walked for nearly a mile and came to a small stream. Lydia suggested they rest there for a minute before heading back. It was getting humid and Joey had worked up a lather of sweat. Lydia noticed, "Hot as hell today huh?" Joey nodded and wiped his brow. Lydia led the way down to the stream. She bent over to get a drink and splash her face. When she did so Joey could see that the halter top barely held her huge tits. The water ran down her face and chin onto her chest. He followed suit and splashed his face and head. His shirt was already soaked with sweat and without thinking he pulled it off. Lydia stared at him unapologetically. His torso glistened in the sun. His shoulders were broad and his arms were thick. He had a nice six pack and his back seemed to have muscles on muscles. She really noticed his chest. His pecs were massive squares of muscles lightly covered with dark hair. He rinsed his shirt in the creek and then rang in out over his head letting water run down his chest. Lydia sighed as her body reacted to the visual stimulation she was experiencing. Joey turned and saw her staring. She didn't look away. "What?" Lydia still didn't look away. "Is something wrong?" Joey asked. "How old are you Joe?" Joey cocked his head. "I am 21, why?" Lydia shook her head. "I am almost old enough to be your mom, and yet..." Lydia trailed off a bit. "What, Lydia, just say it." Lydia adjusted her halter top a bit and spoke firmly. "I want you Joe, I want you more than I have wanted anything in a long time." Lydia stopped and waited for a response. Joey just looked at her. "I want you now Joe. Can I have you, please Joe. Let me touch you. I want to feel you." Lydia was walking forward and was a little ashamed at herself for begging.

Joey reach for her and took her into his arms. She was fragile. Not athletic like her daughter, but frail like a flower. He held her for a moment before they kissed. Her hands wrenched at his arms and biceps. They flexed as he held her. She pressed against him and he never waivered. She palmed his chest and felt his lungs take in enormous gulps of air between deep kisses. She pinched his nipple and continued to press the action. Joey never felt so much passion for a women. She was in control. She was more experienced than he was. She could tell Joey was uncertain of what to do next. She grabbed his hand and slid it under her halter to her preast. It was very soft, much more than the college girls he had been with. They were large and heavy and very soft. He rubbed them both with his hands and continued his assualt on her mouth.

She pulled away and walked to a nearby boulder. Joey followed her and when she got there she turned him around and had him sit on the rock. She began to kiss him and undid the tie in his athletic shorts. They were tented and moist at the tip. Joey accommodated her and allowed her to slip off the shorts and the boxers leaving him in only his sneakers with his bare ass against the rough rock surface. Her hand moved nimbly over the flesh of his cock. Her fingers explored his scrotum and his heavy balls as she continued to explore his mouth with her tongue. His cock was not very long but very thick. She couldn't touch her thumb and finger together around it. His balls were very large and very hairy. She rolled them in her hands and felt him groan into her mouth. She placed a hand on his chest and pushed him backward until his back was flush with the curve of the rock. His head came to rest on the rock and his dick was pointing straight into the air. She took his cock into her mouth and slowly began to work him up and down. Her hands massaged his balls and she worked her pinky around the entrance to his ass. She felt his hips buck and took him into the back of her throat. Joey let out a loud moan. She released off of him slowly and admired the shiny tool she was playing with. It twitched in the air.

She again assaulted his prick with her mouth, over and over, deeper and deeper, until he thought he would cum, then she would grab his balls and pull on them to stop his impending orgasm. His nuts were beginning to ache with pain and desire. She stood up and removed her shorts. Her halter had come undone and her tits were swinging freely. She climbed onto the rock and with her feet still flat on the rock in her sandals, she began to squat. Joey could see her glistening slit. It was bright pink and had a neat strip of brown hair. There were juices running down her thighs as she slowly lowered herself toward him. In this squatting positing she found her target and slowly lowered herself all the way onto him. He tensed and tried to buck his hips, but she kept her weight on him and would not allow his thrashings. She reached behind and grabbed his balls again. They had tightened up for release and she firmly tugged them back down into place as she began her slow gyrations.

She went up and down, back and forth, and even did the swirl with her hips. His meat stick touched every part of her vagina. It was so thick that when it popped out it took some effort for her to retrieve it back into herself. Joey had calmed to the point where he didn't think he even could cum anymore. She had picked a steady rhythm and his balls were now numb. She began to bounce very hard now. Lydia was out of control. Joey reached up and squeezed her tits hard. She let out a cry and threw her head back. She began to fuck him hard. Joey felt pain as she threw her weight down onto him and the rock. She was crazy. She started to talk to Joey, "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me. Give me your cock baby..." Joey wasn't ready for this, her dirty mouth got his sac ready again. His seed built up quickly again and his body began to quiver. Lydia writhed like a demon, or maybe tortured angel, as her orgasm swept from the depths of her womb to her clit and even sent tremors over her nipples.

Joey went rigid. His body was stiff on the curved rock. He grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her down to him. Her tits flopped onto his chest and they kissed deeply. She could tell he was close. She released form their kiss and looked him in eye. "Come, Joe. Come now. Come inside me, deep inside me, please baby, please." Joey had already started. He bucked wildly for several seconds as jet after warm jet shot deep into her womb. Even after his balls had emptied he pushed into her trying to squeeze out every last drop for her. She deserved it. He took care of her and now she took care of him.

She rested on his heaving chest for a while. Eventually his penis went soft and fell with a sticky flop out of her hot red cunt. His cum slipped out of her and he felt it run down his nuts into his ass crack. She rolled off of him and he stood up. They looked at each other and she smiled, "you are amazing babe." Joey grinned, "So are you." As he turned to get dressed he saw the shape of his body marked out in sweat on the large boulder. Near the bottom between the crevice for his ass was a smear of white cream. He nudged her as she tied her halter up. "If this rock could talk, the stories it would tell..."

As Joey and Lydia exited the woods toward their campsites they could see Devon and Carrie drinking some coffee. Devon spoke up. "Where have you two been? We are ready to get going." Joey glared at him. Devon grinned. Lydia asked Carrie how the shower was. She caught Devon's eye as she explained to her mother that the shower was fine.

See what happens when they get into the Amusement Park...

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The author of this story: Bobby_J

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